Coming Home Series

By JimmyC

Published on Jan 2, 2004


=====================/begin Boring Disclaimer & Stuff=====================

The following story is a writing of fiction. Anything following that resembles similar experiences is a complete coincidence. Most places described are real. Take it for what it is, Fun!

The following stories also might depict intimate encounters between men. If this offends you, please don't read any further.

======================/end Boring Disclaimer & Stuff======================

Coming Home - Part 2 By: Jimmy C

I'd talked to Jake once since we'd both arrived in Boise. I was returning home, he was visiting family while on leave. He'd called me on my cell and we chatted for a little bit about how he was doing, his family, the military but he avoided the subject that was weighing on both our minds. He said he would call again, but it had been a week and I figured he had already gone home.

Over the two weeks after getting back from our trip many fantasies were developed about him. Most all started when we were on the plane during that first fleeting kiss. I'd wrap my arms around him in my fantasies and pull him closer, parting his lips with my tongue, feeling his pulse jump as he met my tongue with his. He'd start pressing harder against me as his cock rubbed against my body through his jeans. His hands racing all over my body as he feverishly tried to explore every part of my body like there was no tomorrow. My hands sliding under his shirt touching his hot skin. His muscles flexing and quivering to another man's touch. His hands reaching up and grabbing my head, pulling my face away from his, then back for more.

HONK ... HONK...

I snapped back to reality. My friend sitting in the passenger seat just looked at me and pointed to the street light. It was green. Somehow I'd lost myself in another fantasy of the boy. It was becoming almost an obsession. I stepped on the gas, and continued on our way.

The streets were light up with the street lights and other lights from the buildings. The streets were also packed with cars. Everyone usually does what they call "The Cruise" every Saturday night. They drive around a few city blocks over and over and over again. Some have cars worth showing off; some just need to be totaled. I pulled into the left hand lane and slowly moved along with the traffic.

"Busy tonight `eh!" Mike said with out looking away from the windows. He's a people watcher, just like me. He works out regularly and has a great build, he loves wearing shirts one size too small, they almost looked painted on. He's about 5'10" tall, 180 pounds, brown hair, light brown eyes and a smile that could stop any woman on the street. He'd used it many times to his advantage, sometimes going home with more than one girl. That's why he liked The Balcony, a lot of straight women went there to dance but most the guys are gay. He acts as their savior, dances with them, buys them drinks and takes them home.

He was rite though, it was a busy night. Everyone was out in their cars driving The Cruise. We didn't have far to go though, the parking garage was just down the street. After fighting the stop-and-go traffic for another few minutes we were there. I pulled in and drove up to the ticket machine grabbed our parking ticket and parked.

Inside The Balcony wasn't too busy; then again it was only 10:30 in the evening. This place doesn't pick up until around midnight. I made my way back to the restroom, walked up to one of the urinals and took a leak. It felt like I'd been holding it in for a while. I shivered as I finished up, shook my dick and put it back into my pants. I washed my hands, checked myself in the mirror then went back out to join Mike.

11:30 rolled around, it was starting to pick up. More people were showing up and starting their night. The DJ was playing some good music, good enough to keep people on the dance floor. The only drawback to The Balcony is that the resident DJ sucks ass. But, being the only dance club in Boise to play techno & trance, everyone just deals with it. Tonight was an exception though, he was actually playing some good music, it had me tapping my foot to the beat and moving my body. I could tell it wouldn't take long to get me out on the dance floor.

I don't really know how it happened, but Mike grabbed my arm and drug me out to the dance floor. Usually that means he found some girl that he wants to dance with but needs a reason to bump into her to start up his smooth talk and 'let's fuck' smile. It didn't take him long to bump into her, and just like always he was dancing way too close to her. I knew at that moment I was taking a taxi home. I didn't bother waiting for him to sheepishly walk up to me and ask for the keys. I danced up behind him with the keys in hand, wrapped my free hand around him, pulled him close, moved my hips in motion with his and slid my hand with the keys into his pocket. He didn't resist and actually reached up and grabbed my hand.

The 3 of us danced there together for a few more songs, taking turns switching who was in the middle. Eventually I made my way to the middle with him behind me and this beautiful girl in front of me. Dancing so close to people tends to get me aroused, but she didn't care, she even seemed to like the idea that a gay guy was grinding his hard dick into her. I was too preoccupied at the moment to care because Mike was doing the same thing to me. One of his hands grasping my chest tight, clawing almost, and his other hand moving from the girls leg back to mine, slowly moving higher up our thighs until he moved his hand in between me and the girl. He rubbed her front side from her tits to her belly button then did the same to me but not stopping at the belly button. His hand made its way down to my crotch and rubbed against my cock. He pulled me tighter to him as he ground his hips into my backside, at the same time grabbing the bulge in my pants that was my dick. He knew what he was doing, he wasn't drunk. The girl moved from in front of me around to in back of Mike, I took my chances and turned to face him. He grinned as he grabbed my hips and pulled our dicks together. I reached up and grabbed his head, pulled it along side mine and asked "What do you think you're doing?"

"Nothing..." he said back and sucked on my earlobe, dragging his teeth along it as he let go.

I pushed back away from him and shook my head. "You're a straight boy, I'm not for you" I laughed, turned away and continued dancing. As much as I wanted to drag him out to the car and finish what he had started I knew he was just playing around. He had his girl for the night, he had the car keys, and he was getting laid.

I danced a while longer by myself. I didn't really try to keep track of the time. All I knew was that Mike was gone and so was my car. Nothing else really mattered though. The music was surprisingly good and I was dancing. Two more songs rolled by and the third one caught my ear and made me smile, it was The Boys of Summer.

I turned around to move to the center of the dance floor and bumped into someone almost head on. "Sorry dude..." I said as I kept walking without looking up.

"Jim..." he shouted over the music.

My heart stopped, I knew that voice. I turned back taking a good look at everyone around me, looking for that face that I'd memorized. A bright strobe flashed in front of me and there he was. I didn't know what to say, but instinct took over as I took a step toward him and gave him a big hug. He accepted the hug and squeezed back tight. "How ya doin bigguy?" I asked over the music.

"Doin good, I told ya I'd check this place out some time." He'd backed away a little with a big smile.

"Dude, you gotta dance with me to this song, and then we can chat." I grabbed his arm and took him to the middle of the dance floor with me. He tried to resist a little bit, but I looked back and grinned at him, he gave in and followed me.

We danced near each other, I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable, I had an idea he still wasn't sure about himself yet. In my mind I was singing and dancing to him, for him, even though he didn't know it. He was doing his best straight boy dance in front of me, I couldn't help but chuckle and just smile. The song ended and rolled into another one. I moved closer to him and leaned in, "You need something to drink?" I asked.

"Sure!" he said, flashing me a smile.

I lead the way off the dance floor towards the bar. The bartender asked what we wanted, Jake gave his order, and I gave mine. I paid for the drinks and motioned for Jake to follow. We moved outside and sat at an open table.

"I thought you'd gone home already." I said.

"No, still here for a few more days, if I can handle the family that much longer." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Like I told ya a while back, there's always an empty bed or a couch you can come crash on if you need it. No one sleeps on them." I offered again, knowing he'd turn it down.

He just sat there and looked at me, not smiling, just looking intently. I sat back in my chair like he was in his, moved my feet around a little bit and left my leg so it was up against his under the table. His face changed a bit, but relaxed after the shock went away. "I'm not ... gay..." He said.

"I kinda figured that out." I said, and smiled. "You don't need to be worried about it, I'm not gonna freak out or anything."

He shook his head, "I'm not gay... but I think about you a lot." He hung his head.

I sat there, stunned. I didn't know what to say.

He must have noticed. He put his hands on his knees and pushed himself up from the chair. "I'll see you around I guess. I'm sorry." He said, and started to walk away.

With out thinking I reached up and grabbed his hand to stop him from walking away. He stopped and turned back. I stood up and walked closer to him, put my head beside his and whispered in his ear "You don't have anything to be sorry for Jake." I squeezed his hand tighter "I've thought a lot about you too." I released my grip, but he didn't.

He backed up about a half step and looked into my eyes. "Don't lie to me Jim" his eyes searched mine, "You can't lie to me, please." His eyes were begging.

"I won't." I said with out speaking. I felt his grip tighten on my hand, so I squeezed back.

He turned his head towards mine and stared me down. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. This time I wasn't going to let him escape with just that. I pressed my lips back into his, opened my mouth a little bit and sucked on his lip. I could feel his tongue gently reaching out, exploring. I met his tongue with mine and gently caressed it. He stopped being gentle and kissed deep. His hand had made its way to my head, and was holding me tight.

I thought to myself `he kisses like a straight boy.' And smiled to myself. I broke off the kiss by pushing against his chest. The look on his face told me he wanted more. He'd opened the box a little bit and peeked in, he wanted to open it all the way. "Slow down bigguy." I said with a smile. I grabbed his hand and walked him back inside to the dance floor. We still had time to dance a few more songs before close.

We made our way to the dance floor and I started dancing to him. He seemed a little confused as to why he was out there, the look that most straight boys get when their girlfriends drag them out onto the dance floor in a gay club. I moved closer to him, put my hands on his sides and continued swaying to the music. He followed, still nervous and lost.

"What's wrong?" I said over the music.

"I've never danced with a guy before. I don't know how to dance with a guy." He said and hung his head.

I was almost beginning to like that look, but I spoke up and said "Dance with me like you would dance with a girl. There's nothing different, it's just more fun to dance with me!" I winked and grinned.

He laughed and relaxed a little bit. He slowly pulled me closer to him and I followed his rhythm. He wrapped his arm around my back, letting it fall to the belt-line of my pants. His other hand stayed at my waist. I let one hand rest on his waist, but the other one gently rubbed his chest. He pulled closer and put his head beside mine and said "Thanks Jim." With that he let his head rest on my shoulder.

I turned my head and kissed him on the cheek. His body tensed a little bit but relaxed. "You're welcome bigguy" I said.

We danced close for a while longer letting two songs play their way out. We moved away from each other a few times but found our ways back into each others arms. I was enjoying having him dancing with me. He seemed to be enjoying having me in his arms as well. We passed a few little kisses back and forth as we danced close to eachother, keeping our faces as close as we could with out touching then stealing a little kiss every now and then. I could tell he wanted more, but I wasn't ready to give more yet. I didn't now if I could give more

Last Call came before we wanted it to, and not too soon after that the closing came. The music stopped, the lights came on and people started making their way to the doors.

"How'd you get here?" I asked

"I rode with friends, but they're down the street at a different bar." He said.

"Are you meeting back up with them?"

"I was planning on a taxi home." He said

"Same here." I said, and nodded my head towards the door. He followed. On the way downstairs I asked him what part of town he was staying in. Come to find out our places aren't too far apart. We decided to share a taxi for the night. We found one, and let the driver know that we were hitting two different spots, the driver didn't mind. Me and Jake took the back seat.

I looked over at Jake and watched him for a bit, staring out the window at the world outside. I stretched and let my hand fall into the center seat between us and sat back in the seat. I looked out the window and watched the world too. I heard Jake yawn and looked over at him, he just smiled back and scratched his head. I looked back out the window. A few seconds later I felt his hand settle down in the middle seat next to mine. I kept my head to the window and moved my hand closer to his and rubbed his fingers. Instead of pulling away, he spread his fingers a little and locked our hands together, rubbing the top of my hand with his fingers.

I looked over at him. He was still looking out the window. I pulled my hand away from his and he looked over at me. I smiled at him and slid my hand under his so our palms were together. He smiled, closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. I could feel his strong fingers rubbing mine, his hand slowly moving over mine, slowly exploring.

A couple of minutes later we rounded a corner onto the street that he was staying at. Our hands hadn't left each other's. He squeezed my hand and I looked over. "Jim..." he said quietly.

I looked over to him, "Yeah?" I said just as quiet

"Can I..." he stopped himself.

"Jake..." I whispered to him

"Huh?" he said and cocked his head a little bit.

"Yes." I told him and squeezed his hand back.

"Really?" he said with a shake in his voice.

"Yeah." I shot him a smile.

The taxi stopped in front of the address Jake had given at the beginning of the trip. "Stop one." The driver said back to us.

"Let's go to stop two please." I said to the driver

"Yes sir." He said back to us. He put the taxi in drive and started driving again.


If you enjoyed this story, want to make any comments or suggestions, or just want to say hi; feel free to drop me a line at Please put "NOT SPAM - Coming Home" in the subject line. I hope to hear from you.


Copyright 2003

Next: Chapter 3: Coming Home 3

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