Coming Home Series

By JimmyC

Published on Jan 16, 2004


=====================/begin Boring Disclaimer & Stuff=====================

The following story is a writing of fiction. Anything following that resembles similar experiences is a complete coincidence. Most places described are real. Take it for what it is, Fun!

The following stories also might depict intimate encounters between men. If this offends you, please don't read any further. If stuff like this is illegal in your country/state/city/home I feel bad for you, but please stop reading here. If you don't ,you can't say I didn't warn you.

======================/end Boring Disclaimer & Stuff======================

Coming Home - Part 3 By: Jimmy C

Jake looked scared as the cab pulled back onto the main road, his hand was still on top of mine but it had stopped moving. I couldn't help but feel some of the nervousness that he was feeling; even I had butterflies in my stomach. I pulled my hand out from under his, placed it on top of his and gave it a gentle squeeze. He looked over at me.

"You doin okay biggguy?" I asked. I really was concerned for him.

"I think so." He smiled after he said it and squeezed my hand. "I think I'm gonna be fine."

The lights from the passing cars light up his profile, small glints flashing off of his eyes. He stared out the window, every once in a while closing his eyes and squeezing my hand. He breathed slow and deep, smiling as he opened up his eyes. Was he trying to make sure I wasn't a dream?

After a few more stoplights and turns we turned down my street. I pulled my hand away from Jake's and reached for my wallet. The cab stopped in front of the house I'd pointed out and gave me the total for the ride. I handed him the cash and a little extra. Jake and me climbed out of the cab and it drove away.

"That's weird." I said as I looked at the car sitting in my driveway. "Mike is supposed to have that." I explained to Jake how I had given Mike the keys to drive to his place with a girl he had picked up tonight. He just smiled and followed me to the door. I unlocked it and let him in.

"It isn't much, but this is where I live." I smiled and led him into the living room. "Need something to drink or anything?"

"No, I'm fine." He smiled as he looked around.

"Well, let me show you where you'll be sleeping." I smiled and lead the way towards the back room. I walked down the hall ahead of him and opened up the door to the guest room. As I swung the door open, I gasped.

In the guest room, on the bed sitting before me and Jake, was Mike and the girl from the club. They were both naked. She was on all fours, and he was behind her in mid stroke. His body was tense, and everything I had imagined. His chest was smooth and defined; sweat was just starting to run down towards his abs. A small line of hair could be seen coming up from what I knew had to be a very beautiful cock that had to be at least 7 inches and thick. His hands were on the girl's hips pulling her back onto his rock hard cock, I followed the veins up his arms to his shoulders and chest, staring at the scene before me... Staring at my friend Mike... ignoring the girl.

"OH SHIT DUDE!" Mike said. The girl, still impaled on his cock was grabbing the blankets to cover herself up as best she could.

"Umm, I didn't know you were here tonight...." I said, still staring at his body. My cock had sprung to life within seconds after walking into the room. Jake's hand was gripping my arm and he was standing rite behind me, hopefully staring at the same thing I was. "I'll let you two finish up..." I said slowly, turning around towards Jake and gently pushing him out of the room. I closed the door behind us.

"Oh my God, Jim..." Jake said, his eyes wide open and a look of amazement on his face. "Did we just walk in on two people having sex?" he started to giggle.

I put my hand over his mouth, "Shhhh, they can hear you." I couldn't help but giggle too. "Cammon." I grabbed his hand and lead him back out into the living room. Behind us I heard the door open.

We both turned around to see Mike come out and close the door behind him, he was still naked and covering himself with one hand. Everything about him was beautiful, his dark tan, his built chest and stomach, the small trail of hair running from under his hand up to the bottom of his chest. "Guys, I'm sorry about that.... I didn't think you'd need the room..."

"It's okay Mike, I think you two need it more than he does." I pointed towards Jake. "Jake, this is Mike, my best friend."

Jake put out his hand and shook Mike's. Their eyes locked on to each other's. Mike turned towards me and said "Thanks Jim, I'll pay ya back..." He turned to go back into the room, but stopped. Jake and I were staring at his back and his ass. The perfection was carried around to his backside too, a perfect ass, with just a hint of fuzz on it, and a beautifully built back. Mike turned around and caught our stares; we looked up to his face to see him wearing a big grin. "You guys like this, don't you?!" He said.

Before we could respond he let his other hand fall to his side. Our eyes dropped to Mike's cock. It wasn't completely hard any more, but beautiful in it's half hard state. It was at least 7 1/2 inches long, and very thick. His balls weren't too big, but they rested nicely in a well-trimmed basket of hair. He was cut, and had one big vein running along the top of his cock. He walked closer to us, I looked up at him, he wasn't smiling any more. "I almost did this at the club tonight...." He stopped himself by pushing his lips onto mine and grabbing my head with his hands. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow. His other hand reached over and grabbed Jake by the arm and pulled Jake close. Mike broke off his kiss with me and kissed Jake just as hard and passionate as he had kissed me. I looked down and saw his cock wasn't half hard any more; he was hard as a rock. The mushroom head was shiny, as only a cock that is about to blow can be; it was pulsing with the beat of his heart. I looked back up to see Mike and Jake still kissing, then back down. Jake's hand was cupping Mike's balls, and then he moved his hand to the shaft. He squeezed Mike's cock. Mike broke free of the kiss and gasped. He looked over at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me it felt this good?"

"Dude, I never thought you were into anything like this..." I said. I was also rubbing Mike's body, from his chest, tweaking his nipples, then down to his stomach, feeling the muscles quiver beneath my hand, then down to his cock. Jake moved his hand away as mine reached for Mike's cock. I stroked it up and down a few times. Mike moved his hands over to us now, feeling mine and Jake's chest and stomachs. He just stared at us as he ran his hands over us. He grinned a little as he let his hands rub over the bulges that were very pronounced in me and Jake's pants.

Jake took a big breath and closed his eyes, "Wow.." he whispered.

I knew I had to stop this; I was jerking my best friend's beautiful cock as he was rubbing me and my new friend's cocks through our pants. If I didn't act soon Mike's girl for the night would come out and catch us. I took a deep breath and fought myself as I pushed Mike's hand away from my cock. "Dude, you need to finish off your girl, not us."

"But..." He started. I put my lips back up to his and kissed him again. I pulled away and looked at Jake. Jake moved forward slowly but Mike pulled him in and kissed him deeply. After a few seconds he pulled away, let out a deep breath and said, "Okay... but you're gonna hear about this tomorrow." He chuckled, reached down and stroked his cock. "You two are missing out." He winked, turned around and went back into the room with his girl for the night.

Jake turned towards me, his eyes were open wide, "What.... what just happened?"

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself bigguy. Sorry if that weirded you out, this kinda thing have never happened before..." I replied back, still un-sure of what to do next.

"No, not weirded out.... just...." he stopped himself with a shy look on his face.

"Just what?" I pried.

He was silent for a few more seconds, and then said, "I didn't get to do what I wanted to..."

"I had to stop that, I'm s..." Before I could finish he had moved closer to me and put his lips to mine. One of his hands ran through the hair on the back of my head, his other hand grabbed my waist and pulled me against his body. I gave in and let my hands explore his arms, tracing the veins up to his shirtsleeves, then up to his shoulders, continuing up my hands found his face. I pulled away and smiled. "Is that what you wanted to do?" I asked, still flushed.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since meeting you on the plane." he said with a sheepish smile.

I smiled back at him. "Dude, you don't have to worry about any of that, I'm glad you did, I'm glad you came back here, and I'm glad you kissed me again" I stepped forward a few steps, pulled him towards me and hugged him tight.

"Thanks" he whispered back and squeezed me tight against him. He loosened his grip and we broke away.

"Okay, now you need to make a decision." I looked at him "Do you want to sleep out here on the couch, or in the room with me? I promise I'll be a gentleman." Every part of me wished he would want to sleep in the bed with me, while every part of me also wanted him to sleep on the couch.

"I'll sleep out here," he said, pointing to the couch. "I don't think I can promise the same thing tonight." He blushed and looked away.

I nodded to him. "Ok, I'll go get you some blankets and a pillow. The restroom is rite there if you need it." I pointed to the restroom "I'll bring you some shorts to sleep in if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be great." he smiled again.

I backed further away from him and headed towards my room to get him some shorts. I was kicking myself for suggesting that he sleep on the couch, but in my mind I knew it was for the best. I played my conversation with my boyfriend over and over in my head; he had told me that I could be with one boy while he was deployed as long as I was honest and told him about it. Looking through my closet I found a pair of shorts for Jake. I grabbed them and walked back out to the living room.

Jake was sitting back on the couch flipping through one of the many Abercrombie catalogs that were under the coffee table when I came back out. He looked over and grinned. "I've always loved these catalogs." He said with a big smile.

"I do too, if you couldn't tell by my collection." I chuckled and pointed to the stacks of old catalogs. "Here's your shorts bigguy." I tossed them beside him.

"Cool. Can I bother you for a t-shirt too?" he asked with a look that was expecting a 'no' for an answer.

"Sure, lemme go grab one real quick." I flashed him a smile and headed back to my room. I looked through my stacks of t-shirts for one that would make him look even better than he already did. I grabbed a small, dark blue Air Force shirt and walked back out to the living room. Jake wasn't there, but I could see the light in the restroom was on, so I put the t-shirt on the end of the couch and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

A few moments later I heard the door open up so I walked back out to the living room. Jake was standing shirtless near the couch with a nicely folded stack of clothes in his hands. His body was even more beautiful than I had imagined. He had a light brown tan over his upper and lower body; his chest was well defined with brown nipples that stood away from his body. His abs were rippled showing a wonderful 6 pack, and a hint of hair ran from his belly button down to the top of the shorts he was wearing. His legs looked strong, with only a little bit of hair covering them. He was the perfect model of a well-built marine, and I had him standing in my living room in a pair of my shorts.

"The shirt is rite there." I said, trying not to sound too jumpy as I pointed towards the shirt at the end of the couch.

"Thanks, hope you don't mind, but I'll just keep it there incase I get cold." He said. He walked over to the couch and set down his clothes, I could see an elastic band that could be nothing but a pair of underwear sticking out between the folds of his pants. He sat back down on the couch and picked the catalog back up.

"I'll see if I can scrounge up some blankets and a pillow for you." I said. "Do you need anything else?"

"I should be good, probably going to crash as soon as I get the blankets, so don't worry about it." He smiled up at me.

I turned around and went to the closet and dug around for some blankets. I couldn't get the picture of him out of my mind. I wanted to stay up late and just watch his perfect body sleep. I snapped back into reality and grabbed two blankets, a pillow, and a clean pillowcase and returned to the living room.

"Here ya go bigguy." I said as I returned.

"Thanks." He flashed me a smile, stood up and took the pillow and pillowcase from me. While he was busy with the pillow, I laid down one of the blankets on the couch, and laid the other on top of it.

"This should keep you warm enough. If you get too hot, the switch for the fan is over there," I pointed to the light switch on the wall, "If you get too cold, come get me and I'll get you another blanket."

He tossed the pillow down on the couch and climbed into his makeshift bed. "I should be all good Jim. I don't require much to sleep." He pulled the top blanket over his legs and waist, but left his upper body exposed. He looked up at me and said, "is... is that your boyfriend?" he motioned his head towards the back room.

I chuckled a little bit, "No, that's not my boyfriend. He's still over-seas rite now. That guy back there is just one of my best friends."

"Oh, ok." he said, keeping his eyes on me.

I knelt down next to the couch, "I told my boyfriend about you, I don't want you to worry about that." I said, and patted his muscular arm.

"Does he know I kissed you?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah, he knows. He's okay with that. Me and him made a few rules before he left, so don't feel bad, you haven't gotten me in trouble, and you won't get me in trouble." I smiled back at him. By now I had let my hand start rubbing over his bicep, I loved the feel of his smooth skin and the pronounced vein that stuck up above his muscles.

"I'm glad I'm not getting you into trouble." He said quietly. He was relaxing to my touch, a small smile was on his face and he was breathing deep.

"I'll let you go to sleep now bigguy." I said, and squeezed his bicep.

I started to get up when I felt his hand grab mine, "Don't go yet please..." His eyes caught mine. "Sit here and talk to me a little more." He scooted further back on the couch and patted the spot he had cleared out. I wasn't in the mood to resist, so I sat down. He put his hand on my leg and gently squeezed. "Thanks." He said with a warm smile.

I let my hand fall down to his. I couldn't help but let my eyes look over his chest and abs. When I looked up to his face I blushed, he had caught me checking him out and had a little smile on his face. "Sorry, I couldn't resist..." I said, and blushed even more.

"It's okay. I've never had anyone look at me the way you do." His words were coming out quietly and slow, "I like it when you look at me." He took a deep breath and moved his hand from under mine, to on top of mine and squeezed. My heart jumped when I felt him lift my hand with his and lay it down on his chest. He took another deep breath and let it out. He let go of my hand and put it back on my leg and smiled.

My heart was racing. His skin was almost hot to the touch, it was tight and smooth. Even though he was breathing slowly, his heart was beating as fast as mine; I could feel it trying to beat out of his chest. I gently let my hand move over a little bit and rub over his chest some more. I slid it over to the defined line going down the center of his chest and traced it out with my middle finger as I drug my hand down. "You're beautiful Jake." I whispered. I felt his body gently tremble under my hand. I looked into his eyes and he smiled. I turned my body a little bit so I was facing him more, and let my other hand move to his shoulder. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. I felt his hand gently squeeze my leg, but then relax. His other hand reached up and ran through the hair on the back of my head. We kissed passionately, but didn't explore each other's bodies. I could tell we were both scared of going any further. I broke away from the kiss and sat back up. I let my hand drag further down and let it rest on his stomach.

"I should go to bed..." I said, still staring at his body. "Before I do something you're not ready for."

He just looked up at me but didn't say anything. After a few moments he said, "I think that's a good idea too... even though I don't want you to leave." He put his other hand on top of my hand on his stomach, "It feels so good to have you touching me."

"It feels good to touch you too Jake, but I can't keep from going further for much longer..." I trailed off

Jake squeezed my leg and said, "I know..." he took a deep breath and let it out. "What time are you going to wake up in the morning?"

"Probably fairly early, I gotta drive Mike home. He'll probably drive the girl back to her car, and come back here to crash." I said, looking back to where we knew the girl and hot guy were fucking.

"Okay, I'll let you get some sleep then." he said, then moved his hand off of my leg.

I moved my body off of the couch but didn't get up. Instead I turned towards Jake and kissed him again. My hand found it's way to the washboard that was his stomach and gently rubbed around. He kissed me deeply, with an urgency that told me he didn't want to stop. I slowly moved my hand further down and found his belly button, I let my hand slide further down until my thumb engaged his belly button and stopped going further down. I could feel the waistband of the shorts he was wearing.

Jake broke the kiss this time and just looked at me with a smile. "I think you were rite, I'm not ready for this yet... but..." he looked away.

"I know bud.. I know." I pulled my hand back up to his chest, and then leaned back down for one more small kiss. "G'nite bigguy." I whispered.

Before I got up, I reached down my pants and adjusted myself. Jake watched me and giggled, "You too 'eh?!" he patted the blanket covering his dick. He winked, "Sleep tight Jim."

"You too Jake" I said back.

I stood up, turned off the lights, and as I walked by I leaned over and kissed him one last time for the night. When I pulled away I ruffled his short brown hair, chuckled, and went to my room. I stripped down naked and hopped into bed, resisting the urge to jack off as I re-lived the events that happened that night. Thoughts of Jake and Mike filled my head as I drifted off to sleep arround 3:30am.

================= If you enjoyed this story, want to make any comments or suggestions, or just want to say hi; feel free to drop me a line at Please put "NOT SPAM - Coming Home" in the subject line. I hope to hear from you. ================= Copyright 2003

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