Could It Be You

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Apr 8, 2001


Well guys, I've been promising a new story for a while. Guess what? Here it is. First off I would like to send a couple of shout outs to some good friends of mine.

Zak: I luv ya bro. DDP: Write me dammit! Adam: You're great man. Sammy: Thanks. Tiny: It's great to see you back girl. Everyone else in #boybands: You guys and girls are tight. Stay crunk.

Now for that thing that's called a disclaimer. I have no idea if Lance Bass is gay or not. This story in no way implies his sexuality in life. This is just a fantasy. Now if you're under age or it's against the law to read such material where you're at, then hit the back button right now. And just for some incentive, if someone who's underage can prove to me that they hit the back button, then I'll dedicate an entire chapter just to them. :p However, I don't think that I'll have to worry about that one 'cause I've yet to meet someone who will back out. Anyways if you've made it this far, sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Could it be You?

As I woke up, I looked out my window to once again find the sky dark and dreary. It seemed that here lately the weather had been complimenting my attitude. For weeks now, we'd been under severe thunderstorm warnings, but nothing had happened and for weeks now I'd been in one of the worst moods possible. Even my friends were avoiding me because you never knew when I was going to snap. With a sigh, I got out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and headed down the hall to the showers. As I walked in, I saw my roommate there shaving and several other guys going about their daily routines. This was one part of the morning that I hated. You see I had the good fortune or sometimes misfortune of being on the same floor as the jocks on campus. It made for some great eye candy, but that was the most frustrating part of it all. At anytime of the day you could walk out of the room and see a bare ass walking down the hall. Not that I was complaining, it's just that it's kind of frustrating seeing all that flesh and knowing that you couldn't do anything with it.

Trying to let the water wash away my woes, I let the hot water cascade over my body for several minutes. As my body started to relax, tears came unbidden to my eyes. "What's wrong with me," I thought, "The least little thing upsets me, my friends probably hate me right now, and my parents are never going to talk to me again." As silent sobs shook my body, I heard a voice behind.

"Angel, are you okay?" Jon, my roommate, asked.

After a quick brush at my face, I turned off the water and turned to face him. "Yeah, I'll be okay."

"What's the matter bud?" Jon asked.

As I looked at him, I realized that I needed to tell someone. "We'll talk about it back at the room." I said as I wrapped a towel around my body and started back towards our room. I could see the worried expression on Jon's face as he followed me into our room. As I sat down on my bed, I looked over at him and was once again surprised at how quickly we'd become friends. The first night that I was on campus, they'd had our freshman orientation, and I'd met Jon. We just hit it off right then and there. The best part was going back to my room and finding out that he was my roommate. From that night we were inseperable. Jon was one of the few people that I knew that I could trust. He already knew that I was bisexual. I'd been on campus for about two weeks and I finally decided to tell him. Thing about it is that he knew before I told him. Shaking my head to clear the memories from my head, I drew in a deep breath.

"Remember when we came back from Spring Break, and I told you that my parents could go to hell?"


"Well I came out to them while I was there. Jon, they hate me now. They started saying things like I'm not their son, and that I was a freak of nature. I can handle that. What I can't handle is that they told my grandparents. Now the only one from home that'll talk to me is Lareina. She says that mom has taken all my pictures down. If someone asks her how I am, she refuses to answer. My dad won't even talk about me anymore, and it's just getting to me bro."

"They did what?" Jon hissed. "I'll kill them myself."

"No, don't do that. If they can't accept me for who I am then they can all just go to hell. I didn't have any choice in this. If they used that brain of theirs then they'd know that. Hell Jon you lived in a small town. You know how we're brought up."

"Yeah, I know. So is that why you've been so down lately?"

"Yeah. I know that I've taken alot of shit out on you guys. I hope that all of you can forgive me for it."

"Bro, we're your friends. There's nothing that you can do or can't do that'd stop that. When you came out to us, you got rid of those that were just hanging around you because of who you are."

"Who am I, Jon? That's what I've been trying to figure out all my life. The truth of the matter is I don't know anymore.

I don't know what I want. I don't know who I am. That's what's bothering me. Tell me, who am I?"

"You're a great friend. A guy who cares about people. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

Remember that time at the start of the semester when Jake started in on you about being out? Remember what you did to him?"

As I thought back on the experience, I couldn't help but to laugh a little. You see Jake was this homophobe who thought that everyone chose to be gay or bi. He tried to convince me that if I had the right girl then I'd go straight and never go back. Well we made a little bet, and Jake lost the bet. That wasn't the only thing that Jake lost that night, but that's a story for a different time.

"Jake hasn't spoken to you since that night, and no one else has made the mistake of trying to dump on you either.

You've made a name for yourself. People respect you for your honesty, for your dedication to what you believe in. Hell they even respect you for being out in the open and that's hard on a college that was started by Methodists. So stop moping around feeling sorry for yourself. You have a life to live and can't no one tell you how you're going to live it. You're the only one that can do that."

"Yeah. I guess you're right."

"Well I have to get to classes. You don't have one until 1:30, right?"


"Well see you at lunch?"

"Yeah. It's about time that I sat down and talked to the rest of the guys."

"Cool, then I'll see you there."

"Later bro." I said as he walked out the door.

With a slight smile, I turned toward my computer and booted it up. As I logged onto ICQ and Mirc, I immediately noticed that JLama* was online. Knowing that he'd be upset if I didn't speak to him, I immediately sent him a message. It's kind of interesting how we met. I was online in a favorite chat room of mine, when in comes this new guy. If you've been around as long as I have, then you can tell when it's the first time for someone to visit, and believe me he was new. So me being my normal self, immediately tried to make him feel welcome. I guess you could call me the goodwill ambassador of the chat room. If someone comes in and they can stand to be around me, then they're alright. If they come in and rub me wrong or vice versa, then they might as well just go on their merry little way. Anyways, within minutes he and I were fast on the way to becoming friends. And now nearly a full year later, we seemed to know everything about each other. He knew that I was bisexual, and didn't have a problem with it. What I didn't know was that I was soon in for the surprise of my life.

Angel: Hey bro. Wazzup?

JLama: Nadda lot. Just got out of rehearsements.

Angel: Sounds like fun. Nearly got those songs learned for that school concert?

JLama: Yeah. Loads of fun, and think that I've finally gotten them.

Angel: Kewl, so when you coming to visit me? ;p

JLama: About the same time that you come and visit me.

JLama: Got a surprise for you though. It should be arriving in your mailbox within the next couple of days.

Angel: Oh really? What you sending me? A buttplug? Already got one! ;p

JLama: TMI!!!

Angel: chuckler

Angel: No seriously what'd you send me?

JLama: You'll see, and I guarantee that you'll like it.

JLama: Oops... Gotta run... Josh just came in and we're heading off to lunch. You going to be around later?

Angel: Well I'm not sure... Have a 1:30... Should be back at my dorm around 6:30 tonight. Might be on a bit later this evening.

JLama: Okay, well if you're not at least leave me a message and let me know if it's arrived.

Angel: Okay. Luv ya babe.

JLama: Back at ya!

With a sigh, I signed off and spent the rest of the morning just surfing the net or watching Springer on the tele. Yes I'll admit, I watch Springer. I just love seeing all those fights! Looking at the clock, I noticed that it was getting close to lunch time, so I decided to head across campus and go check my mail before I went to lunch. As I walked across the bridge, I looked down and wondered for about the millionth time what the point of it was. I mean all they should have done is put up like a stop light or something, but no they have to spend several thousands of dollars that could have gone to the school for other things on this useless bridge. Shaking my head I broke out into a jog and within minutes was at the post office. As I spun the combination on my lock, my mind kept wandering back to my conversation with James. What could he be sending me? As it finally opened, the only thing in my box was a slip of paper telling me that I had a box waiting. Walking over to the window, my curiosity was peaked even more. After providing all the information that was required, I waf finally given a UPS package. Tearing it open to see what was in it, I was surprised to find a poster with a note attached to it.


Told you that I'd get you one.


"No way," I thought as I tore of the wrapping, "He couldn't have. He didn't!"

"Oh my god!" I yelled as I looked at an autograph poster of NSYNC. "He did it. I can't believe he did it." I said as I stared down at the poster. This was the real thing. You could tell that they guys had signed this themselves. It wasn't one of those stamp things that they do to you. In a daze I started walking out of the post office only to be stopped by a voice behind me.


As I turned around to see who was talking to me, the attendent walked up to me. "You left before I could give you the rest of your package," she said as she handed an envelope to me.

"Thank you." I said before turning around and walking toward the cafeteria. As I entered the cafeteria I was still in a daze. After paying for my meal, I walked into the eating area to find the table that we'd be sitting at that day. Looking around I finally spotted my friends sitting at one of our regular tables. As I walked over toward them, I saw them making room for me to sit down at.

"What you got there?" Jon asked as he pointed toward the poster.

"You're not going to believe this, but you remember James? The guy that you talked to the other night? Well he's been promising me an autographed poster of NSYNC, and guess what? I got it today!"

"Wow! That's cool dude. I know how much you like them." Erin said. Erin was Jon's girlfriend. A pretty red-head with legs that just seemed to go on and on.

"So what else do you have there?" Lucas said as he pointed toward the envelope?

"Huh? Oh I'm not sure. I haven't opened it yet."

"Well do it man, let's see what you have." Julian said.

With a shrug of my shoulders I tore open the envelope and looked inside to see what was there. With a gasp of disbelief, I pulled what was in out with trembling fingors.

"What is it dude?" Julian asked seeing the expression on my face.

"Backstage pass. It's a backstage pass! To the NSYNC concert that's happening next week in Little Rock! Oh my god! I can't believe this! Just wait until I see him again! I'm going to give it to him. He shouldn't have done this. How could he have done this?" I babbled as I looked in disbelief at the pass that was still in my hand.

"Dude, calm down. Take a breath." Jon said with a laugh, "You're starting to act like a teenage girl."

With a visible effort, I made myself calm down. Then another thought hit me. I was going to see NSYNC, and I had nothing to wear!

"Oh man. What am I going to wear? Erin, we're going to the mall Saturday and you're going to help me find something to wear. I want to look my best."

"Sure, no problem. Now let's eat."

I didn't see James online for the rest of the week. Either we missed each other, or he just didn't have time to get online.

Saturday came and Erin and I did indeed go to the mall and I bought myself a whole new outfit. One good thing about my life is while my parents no longer acknowledged me, I didn't have to worry about them supporting me either. My great- grandmother had provided me with a small inheritance. I was able to take control over it when I reached the age of 18 and now just three years later through careful planning and investments, I had tripled what I'd started out with.

Classes Monday just seemed to drag by. Finally they were over and after eating supper with my friends, I went back to the room and got ready. Looking into the mirror, I had to admit that we'd done a good job of choosing something for me. The silver pants made my hair seem more gold than the yellowish color that it normally looked and the shirt was just black enough to draw attention away from how dark my eyes were. For as long as I can remember, I've had what everyone calls bedroom eyes. They're so brown most of the time that they seem like they're black. The shirt dulled that effect to where they themselves seemed almost a golden color.

As I walked outside, I couldn't help but shake my head. I still couldn't believe that I would be going to an NYSNC concert and be backstage. As I was getting into my car, my cell phone rang.


"Angel?" a voice asked that I instantly recognized.

"Hey James! Boy you better be glad that I'm not down in Florida, I'd hunt you up and have to hurt you."

"Do what? Why?" he asked slightly confused.

"For the poster and the pass, you fool. How could you do that to me?"

"What do you mean? I thought that you wanted to meet them?"

"Well duh! Of course I want to meet them, but the thing is I haven't done anything to deserve this!"

"Yeah you have."

"I have?"

"Yeah, you've been a friend and that's what I needed more than anything this past year. I just wanted to show my thanks. Anyways, I'll see you there." he said right before the phone went dead.

"Wait a minute. Did he just say see you there?" I asked myself. Shaking my head, I started up the car and headed toward Little Rock. 45 minutes later, I was pulling up in front of the Alltel Arena, and boy was it packed. It took me nearly 30 minutes to find my seat. As I looked around I was surprised to notice that the seats I was in were nosebleed seats. I mean I was in reaching distance of the stage. As I sat pondering these things, the lights went black and everyone started screaming.

For the next hour and a half, I was amazed at the talent that was in front of me. I mean I knew that they were good, but this was the first NSYNC concert that I'd gone to. I was amazed. It was great. As I watched the guys perform, my gaze kept being drawn to Lance. I'd always been attracted to Lance. He just seemed so perfect. As they performed, it seemed that Lance kept looking for someone. He'd be singing, but his eyes would be sweeping over the front row like he was looking for someone to be there.

As the concert ended, I made my way backstage. It took longer to get backstage than it did to get to my seat. As I started to enter, I was immediately stopped by a security personnel, only to have them let me go on my way after I showed my pass. I had just made it past the guard when my phone rang again.

"Angel's Taxidermy. Guaranteed to stuff to your perfection."


"James!" I said all but shouting, "What are you doing?"

"Talking to you I think."

"Was I just imaging it earlier or did you say that you'd see me here?"

"You weren't imagining it. I did say it."

"Really? Then where are you?"

"Just head toward the last door on the right back here, and you'll find me. I'll keep you company as you head this way."

"Just wait until I see you. I'm going to hug you so hard that you'll be begging for me to let you go."

"I think that I can handle that one bro."

"Almost there, so what are you doing here anyways?"

"Oh just hanging with some friends of mine, and I though that since I was going to be in this area that it'd be a great time to meet you."

"Okay, I'm there."

"Come on in then. Don't worry about knocking, it's open."

"Okay." I said as I clicked off my phone and opened the door. The sight that unfolded as I opened the door took my breath away. There in front of me were the guys from NSYNC.

"What? How?" I whispered as Justin stood up and walked over toward me.

"So what was that about the hug?"

Chuckle Got ya didn't I? Most of you thought that it'd be Lance didn't you? Well I can't make it that easy for you, now can I? Also JLama is a name that I just made up. I don't know if it's an actual user name or not. If it is it's just pure coincendence. Also feedback is welcome. I can be reached several ways....

email: ICQ: 64742298 MSN: angel_lenoir

Next: Chapter 2: Could It Be You 2 3

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