Could It Be You

By Angel Lenoir

Published on Apr 26, 2001


Wazzup? I know that I promised some of you that this would be out already, but unfortunately due to many distractions, I am just now getting it out. So you can call of the lynch mobs, get back your money on the mob hit that you've ordered, and send that nuke somewhere else (all things that I've been treatened with already). Also for anyone who hasn't threatened me, but was thinking about, I hope that this will keep it from happening.

Once again I in no way know Lance's, JC's, or Justin's sexuality in real life. This is a fantasy. That doesn't mean that I can't hope, right?

Now time for some shout outs:

Lulu: You're kewl. Thanks for the input. I look forward to getting some more.

Ad: Bro, you still rock.

DDP: I'm still waiting for that email! ;p

Brad: Not sure if you're reading this or not, but if you are then thanks.

Missy: You go girl! ;p

Clive: C-ya around more often, I hope.

Sprout: Babe, keep it crunk! ;p

Also I would like to thank everyone for all the feedback that I've received. I am trying to reply to everyone, so if you haven't received a reply look for one. I'll admit that I'm slow at it though, so it might take away!

Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! ;p

Last Time:

As I led the way to the bedroom, I was barely able to stay on my feet. I guess I was drunker than I thought I was. We finally made it to the bedroom and the last thing I remember was collapsing on my bed until the sunlight and the pounding headache woke me up the next day. Laying in my bed I was suddenly aware of arm wrapped around my stomach, my naked stomach. With a jolt, I shot up in the bed. Looking over, I relaxed a little until I realized that I was naked and so was JC.


As I sat there in shock, my eyes took in the form laying next to me. I couldn't believe that JC was laying in bed with me. It was something that any normal teenage girl would have died to have happen, instead it had happened to me and I wasn't sure if I wanted it or not. As I tried to scoot out of bed, JC wrapped his arm tighter around me.

"Don't leave," he mummered before falling back to sleep.

As I sat there watching him, I noticed for the first time how beautiful JC actually was. His hair fell in a little part over his eyes, and seemed to twitch with every breath that he took. I already knew what his eyes could do a person. Feeling his body against mine, I couldn't help but shiver. Not from the cold, but from fear that what had happened the night before could happen again. Never before had I lost control of myself. I didn't matter if I was drunk or not, but there was something about JC that had made things different.

The night before had been wonderful. When we got to the room, we laid down on the bed and talked some more. He told me about what it was like to tour with the guys. How hard it was to find time to yourself. How difficult it was to leave your family. How difficult it was to find someone who loved you for who you was inside, not what people saw on the outside. As he told me these things, my heart went out to him. Seeing the tears running down his cheeks, I reached over and brushed them off. Maybe it was the alcohol, but suddenly I noticed how beautiful his eyes was. As I stared into them, I could feel JC leaning closer to me. As I felt his lips brush against mine, a shock ran up and down my spine. Pulling back I looked at him in confusion before pulling him into a deep embrace of my own. As our bodies molded against each other, everything else ceased to matter. The only thing that mattered was the person that I had in my arms.

Looking down at the form sleeping beside me, I couldn't help but smile at the memory. I could still feel his lips on my body, the feeling of him inside me, the magic of the climax that we'd shared, but it had also been a huge mistake. As I reached down and pushed the lock of hair off of his eyes, I was transfixed by the beauty of this man beside me. How could I have not noticed him before? He was like an angel sleeping next to me. With a sigh, I leaned down, kissed him on the forehead, and got out of the bed. After pulling on a pair of slacks, I went down to the restroom and did my morning duty.

Stepping into the shower, I turned the water as hot as I could get it. As I stepped under the spray, my thoughts just kept straying back to the night before. What had I done? Why had I done it? Was JC someone that I could be interested in or was this just a one night stand? As all these thoughts, ran through my mind, I heard a pounding on the door. Shutting off the water, I hollared for who ever it was to come on in.

"Angel?" I heard Justin ask as he carefully opened the door a crack.

"Come on in Just. Do what you need to do. That's kind of the routine around here."

"Uh, okay." Justin said as he came in and went about his business.

"Aren't you supposed to be the one that likes to sleep in?" I asked as I turned the water back on.

"Well usually, but I wanted to spend some time with you alone."

"Oh really? Why's that?"

"Come on Ang, you're the reason that I convinced the guys and management to get us an overnight stay in this area. I mean normally we would have been on the road after the concert, but I had to meet you in person. You were the first person that talked to me like a real person. You saw the real me, even when I tried not to let anyone see it. And you did it all without knowing who I was. That makes you special and someone that I would like to get to know better."

"Justin, I'm not the person that you think that I am. You see when I'm on the net I am Angel, but when I'm away from it, I'm just plain old ordinary Anthony. Angel isn't scared of anything. He'll take on anybody, anytime, anywhere, and anyplace. I'm just a plain joe. I mean I like to have a good time, to make people laugh, and just generally make a fool of myself, but that's all that I am. A fool."

"Anthony, you're so much more than that. You're obviously a great guy. You care for others, you listen to what people have to say. You don't just hear them, you listen to them. But the best thing about you is your personality. People can't help but to like you. You're just so easy going."

"Tell that to some of my enemies." I said with a slight laugh.

"You have enemies? No way. I don't believe you." Justin said smiling.

"Oh yeah? You remember me telling you about that guy that didn't like me?"

"You mean that homophobe?"

"Yeah, Jake. Well lets just say that what I did to him has definitely made him an enemy of mine."

"What exactly did you do to him?" Justin asked, "You never would tell me."

"Do you really want to know?"

"Would I ask if I didn't?"

"Okay, you asked for it. Just remember though, he asked for this."

And so I told him the whole story. How Jake had bet me that if I went with a girl that I'd go straight and never go back. I told him how the bet was two ways. If he won, then I would publicly denounce that what I'd done was wrong and that I'd repented and would never fall into the temptation again. However, if I won, Jake had to give up something that was very precious to him, his virginity. You see Jake wasn't that bad looking. In fact he was pretty hot. When I made the bet with him, I could see the wheels turning in his head. I knew that he was going to do everything in his power to keep his virginity and he did. On the night that we were supposed to meet for our bet, he brought along the most gorgeous girl on campus, Linda McCormick. There wasn't a single straight line to this girl. Well that night, something happened that had never happened to me before. No matter what she did, I wouldn't get hard. As the night progressed, I could see that Jake was getting worried. Finally as the night wore down, he realized that he had lost the bet. I could tell from the expression in his eyes, that he was ready to kill me, but I hadn't come unprepared. You see I had made some prepartions of my own. Before he could do anything, Linda reached up and kissed him. You see Linda and I had talked, and she like the idea of seeing big macho man Jake getting fucked. As Linda started on his clothes, I acted like I was leaving. Walking up to the door, I opened it and slammed it shut. Then I quietly made my way back to the bed. By this time, Linda had him undressed. Jake didn't know what to think when I reached out and carressed that ass that I'd dreamed of for so long. With a start, he tried to pull away, but Linda kept up what she was doing and gradually he relaxed. I could tell when he started to enjoy what was going on, 'cause he started to thrust back against me. Seeing this Linda quit what she was doing, and sat back to watch the show. Within minutes I was cumming and so was Jake. With a look of wonder, he looked over at me. I can still remember the first thing that he asked me, "Is it always like that?"

"Is it always like that?" I asked trying to make a lovesick look on my face.

Trying to keep a straight face, Justin replied, "Only when it's with me," before he burst out laughing. It took several minutes for him to calm down and when he did he looked at me with a puzzled look in his eyes. "So why does that make him your enemy?"

"Because within three days there were pictures of the whole thing on the Internet. You see Linda wasn't just watching over there." I said with a slight smirk on my face. "As well as on the logon page for every computer on campus. See I can be quite the bastard when I need to be."

"Remind me to never make any bets with you."

"Of course not. You'd lose. Besides, you're with Lance. He might not approve of what I'd win!"

"Speaking of being with, what's going on between you and JC?" Justin suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I shut off the water and reached for a towel.

"I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided that I'd come in and see if you guys were still awake. Angel, I saw what was going on. What I want to know is was it just a one night stand or could it be more?"

"You saw us?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. It was actually kind of beautiful. I watched for a couple of minutes and then went back to my room and woke up Lance."

"Don't tell me that he saw us too," I said alarmed.

"Oh, don't worry about that. He had more important things to worry about if you catch my drift." Justin said as he raised an eyebrow.

With a laugh, I headed out the bathroom with Justin behind me.

"So, you never did answer my question."

"That's cause I don't know the answer Justin. What happened last night was wonderful. That's the only way that I can describe it. Right now I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm confuse mostly. I mean of course I've been with people before, but I don't usually go for one night stands. They have to be someone really special, but JC just isn't anyone special. He's more than that, but I don't know how much more. I don't know if I was just looking for company and things got carried away. I just don't know."

"I think I know what you're going through," a familiar voice said from the door beside me.

"JC, let me explain."

"No, there's nothing to explain Anthony. Last night was wonderful. It was almost magical, but you know that nothing could happen between us. I'm always on the move. You're in college. Even if there was something between us, it would never work out. I'm not going to say that last night was a mistake, because it wasn't, but what I am going to say is thank you for a wonderful night."

With those words, JC walked into the bathroom and within seconds I could hear the water running in the shower. As I stood there in the doorway to my room, my whole body was in shock. Shaking off Justin's hand, I entered the room and shut and locked the door behind me. As I looked around the room, my glance kept coming back to the bed. The bed that had seen the greatest act of commitment between two people. As I lay down on the bed, I could still smell the scent of JC on it. As the tears came unbidden to my eyes, the last thought that I remember was wondering could it be you?

Alright guys. As always, I'd enjoy any feed back that you have. I know it was kind of short, but alot has gone on for me here lately, and I wanted to at least get this out while I could. The next couple of chapters will be alot longer. I'm going to try to make an actual story out of this. As you might or might not know, I can be reached at several different places.

Email: ICQ: 64742298 MSM: angel_lenoir ( AIM: angellenoir

Next: Chapter 4

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