Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Jul 26, 1999


Disclaimer: This story involves the homosexual relationship of a celebrity. It is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the story. After all it is complete fiction. If m/m relationships offend you, or it is against some law in your area to read this or if you are underage DON'T READ IT!!!!

Authors note: This is my first time writing a story. It is going to be a touching story but it is also going to have a lot of unexpected twists. I know that there are many stories about the Bsb but I am going to try to make this different from them all. This story is also not going to be following the Boys all too much. It might include something about their CE but proabaly not. All comments will be greatly appreciated. E-mail me at or ICQ 33110864

Now on to the story.

Note: I am sorry if the story is all broken up. I know that this is highly annoying and my first couple of stories will be like this. I just recently got Microsoft Office 2000 and it is confusing. Also I would like to tell you that if you are thinking of getting Office 2000, save your money!!!!

Crash with Fame Chapter 1 Written by Neo

I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Both my parents were at work and my brother was staying the week at a friends house. I was flipping through channels trying to find MTV. We had just got a satellite and I did not know the channels yet.

"...and of course once again BackStreet Boys are number one." Carson Daly said on the TV.

"Found it," I said to myself.

The song was just starting when I heard a squeal of tires and a loud crash.

"What the hell was that?" I thought to myself as I was running to the door. When I got to I threw it open and ran out onto the lawn.

"Holy shit!" I screamed when I saw what lay across, over, and on the sides of the street.

A car, of unrecognizable make, was laying strewn across the street. The main chassis was literally wrapped around a tree. I don't know why but I started to run towards the wreckage. When I got there I saw some blonde guy laying unconscious across the front seat. I knew that at any minute the car could blow up so I yanked on the door handle trying to open the door. Of course the door did not open. I was starting to get frantic when another idea came to my head, I jumped up onto what was left of the hood and reached into the opening where the windshield once was. I grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out but he would not budge.

"Damn, the seatbelt. At least he was smart enough to wear it." I thought to myself.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my pocketknife. With one slash I cut the seatbelt and was able to pull the guy out of the car. I set him down on the ground and started to examine his injuries. My father being a doctor I knew what to look for. As far as I could see this blonde hair guy just had a minor concussion, was unconscious, and might have a broken arm. He also had the most beautiful face I had ever seen. I knew that I had seen it somewhere before. I just prayed that nothing happened to it. I once again picked him up, cradling him in my arms this time. I ran across the street to my car opened the passenger side door and set him in. I ran around to the drivers side door and flung it open. I jumped in and took off towards the hospital. I did not bother to call the hospital because I knew that the only ambulance would take about half an hour to get to my house. I finally got to the hospital about 15 minutes later. I pulled up to the unloading platform and ran around and grabbed the blonde guy out of the car. I once again cradled him in my arms. Then I ran into the hospital.

"Chris, what is it?" Julie the nurse practitioner asked me. Like I said my dad was a doctor so everyone in the hospital knew me.

"This guy slammed into a tree by my house," I told her.

Without a word Julie turned and ran to the nurses station to ring for a gurney. I did not even have to wait. Two men came running out of the emergency ward dragging a gurney. They took the guy from my arms and laid him on the stretcher. I started to follow them absentmindedly when Julie stopped me and told me that I would have to wait in the waiting room.. I started to say something when my father came rushing into the room.

"Chris, what happened, I just heard that you brought some guy in. Why didn't you call me." He asked.

"It just happened so fast I did not know what was going on..." I told him. "I'm sorry."

"It's no problem. By the way you did not get the name of the guy that you brought in." he asked.

"No, like I said it just happened so fast that I did not even pay attention to if I knew the guy." I admitted.

"Well, the guy that you brought in is Nick Carter..." my dad said smiling.

"WHAT!?!?!?" I screamed.

"Chris, this is a hospital shut-up" Dad said jokingly.

"I'm sorry, it is just that..." I could not finish for a nurse came running out of the ER.

"The patient that was just brought in is going into cardiac arrest," the nurse screamed to my father.

Authors note: This is the second installment of Crash with fame. Read the first part and it will help you understand this part much better. I know that these are short chapters but they will get longer as the story progresses right now I am just trying to get the plot and stuff explained. All comments will be greatly appreciated good or bad. E-mail me at (I use instant messenger at that one too) or ICQ me at 33110864 or yahoo page me at matrix3311.

Crash with fame

Part two

Written by


"No," I screamed. I did not know what was going on. First of all Nick Carter wrecks his car outside of my house and now he is going into cardiac arrest. This was not happening. I looked towards my dad for some condolences but he was already running into the ER behind Julie. I followed them into the emergency room. When I got in there I was near tears. I know that this sounds ridiculous but I was scared that this guy that I did not even know personally was going to die. I guess that you could just call me a softy. The last thing that I remember hearing is a nurse scream "we're losing him."

"Where the hell am I?" I thought to myself as I was waking up in a strange room. Then I remembered it all. The accident, Nick Carter, the nurse screaming...I guess that it was just too much for me. I let my eyes focus and started to look around the room. I was lying in a bed in the hospital. I guess that I passed out and they just put let it wear off. "That's dad for me." I thought to myself. I kept looking around the room when I realized that there was someone else on the other side of the curtain.

"Hello?" I said to the unknown person. There was no reply. I grabbed the wand on the end of the curtain and pulled it back. When I gasped. Nick Carter was lying in the bed next to me. I lay there for a minute thinking about what had been going on within that last day. I finally decided that it was time for me to get up and talk to my dad. I turned so that my feet hung over the side of the bed and hopped down off of it. My legs felt like they were jelly.

"Damn, that hurts" I said out loud to no one in particular. I hobbled around the room for a minute until the circulation came back into my legs. I walked out the hallway and started towards my father's office. The door was pen so I just walked in.

"Hi dad," I said.

"Oh, hi, glad to see that you finally woke up." He said jokingly.

"Funny, so um...." I started.

"He has a fractured arm and two broken ribs. Otherwise he is fine he is sleeping it off right now. He should stay in bed for the night." Dad interrupted.

"I hate when you do that," I told him.

"I know, so that is what you were going to ask," he said.

"Yeah, what about the..."

Once again dad interrupted:" His family being in Florida the rest of the group was called in New York. The will be here in a little while and no the press does not know who was driving the car."

I was just about to say something when a guy came rushing into the office.

"Where is he?" the guy asked frantically. For some reason I knew who it was. It was Brian Litrell. I was going crazy, two BackStreet Boys in one day.

"He is in room 103, if you will follow me I will take you to him." Said dad. Obviously he knew who he was too.

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"Well he was coming down my street in and wrapped his car around a tree." I chimed in. Brian looked startled. I do not think that he saw me there.

"My son saved his life," my dad said

"Ohh, wow, we really owe you one," Brian said to me.

"It was nothing, my dad did it all," I said blushing.

"No, if you had not brought him here instead of calling an ambulance he definitely would have died." Dad said seriously.

"Shit, my car, I parked it in the unloading dock," I said out loud,

"Julie has already taken care of that, your car is at the auto shop, they are trying to get the blood out of your seats." Dad said.

"Blood! It was that bad!" Brian said frantically.

"Yes it was, he is going to have to have bed rest for awhile." Dad said in his medical tone. "Now let us go see him. He is probably asleep."

"That is okay, I just want to see him," Brian said on the verge of tears. I was wondering why he was the only one that came. He seemed like he needed someone more than Nick.

We walked solemnly to the room that I just came from. Nick lay there on the bed with an IV drip in his arm. He still looked beautiful. I looked at my dad who was reading Nick's chart. Brian had gone completely white then passed out.

"Dad," I yelled.

"You grab his arms and I will take his legs and put him up on that bed." He said without even looking up from the chart he was reading. I always wondered how dad could be so calm and collected. We got Brian up on the bed with little difficulty.

"So what should we do now?" I asked.

"I do not get off until 2:00 am. So you have 6 more hours to kill." Dad said.

"If it is okay I will wait in here in case one of them wakes up and needs help." I told dad.

"Yeah, sure, thanks for your help," dad said grinning.

I waited and stared at Nick then at Brian, I wondered where the rest of the guys were. I just kept staring; I guess that I was star-struck. I looked down at Nick again and saw that his hair had fallen into his eyes; I was brushing it away when Nick stirred. "Brian, I am so sorry, I love you." Nick said without opening his eyes. "What the fuck, did he just say that he loved Brian? It must be the morphine messing with his mind," I thought to myself.

It was then that Brian started to stir. I thought that he was going to wake up but he did not, instead he just turned his back to nick.

"Nick, are you awake?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said groggily he still had not opened his eyes.

"Nick, you are in the hospital, you were in a car accident," I said softly.

"What!" he said finally opening his eyes? He tried to sit up but was still to weak so I pushed the button to raise his bed. :"Where am I."

"You are in the hospital. You were in a car accident." I said again.

"What happened?" he asked.

"You were driving down my street and hit a tree. Your car is totaled and so is the inside of mine." I told him.

"Shit, do the guys know where I am?" he asked. "What happened to your car?"

"Actually Brian is in that bed over there, he took one look at you and passed out," I started," and you bled all over the leather in my car."

"I am so sorry, is Brian the only one here?" Nick asked. He seemed to be annoyed that Brian was here.

"Yeah, I do not know what happened to the others. He was the only one that came in." I said. "I am going to get the doctor." And I got up and left.

I once again walked into my dad's office. "He is awake," I said.

"I'll be right there," he told me. He was busy typing something on his computer so I left to go back to the room. I stopped at the nurse's station to tell Julie that he was awake. I got back to the room and heard voices coming from the open door. "Fuck you Nick," I heard Brian say.

"Hey, I am not the one that ruined our relationship," Nick said.

I walked into the room hoping that they would hear me.

"I told you that I did not do anything with him," Brian said.

"Kevin saw you kissing hi..." Nick started but looked at me and stopped.

"I am sorry, I did not realize that you two were arguing," I said and started to leave.

"No, you already know," Brian said.

"I am sorry, I swear I will not tell anyone," I told them.

"Thank you," Nick said.

"So is that why you were driving so fast?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I did not know where I was going but I Just had to get away from him," Nick said motioning toward Brian.

"Like I told you we did not do anything," Brian said he was almost crying.

"Kevin, your own cousin, said that he saw you two kissing right before the show in New York," Nick said.

"So, you are going to believe someone else instead of me?" Brian asked. He was crying. I really felt sorry for him. It was obvious that Nick and him were a couple and that Brian had cheated on Nick.

"Brian, I am sorry, but this is not the first time that I have heard about you two-timing me," Nick said.

Brian got up and ran out of the room. He was sobbing and I was worried about him so I started to follow after him.

"No, wait, he will be fine," Nick, said to me.

I stopped, I felt really weird in the room now that I knew their secret and I did not know what to say to Nick. I guess he sensed this.

"Kevin and the rest of the guys have told me before that they have seen Brian making out other guys. Howie even told me that he once saw Brian taking a guy into his room." Nick said. He sounded really depressed and I wondered if I should get a nurse.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I just feel so used. I thought that he loved me but instead he was just using me." Nick said.

"It will be okay," I said awkwardly.

"So anyways Brian said that you saved my life." Nick said.

"All I did was bring you in here," I told him. I really was a shy person.

"I will pay you back for the leather in your car." He said to me.

"That is okay, I have the money to cover it." I told him.

"Hey since you saved my life the least that I could do is invite you to our hotel to meet the rest of the guys." Nick said cheerfully. "Do you have a pen?"

"There is one in the night table next to you," I told him.

"Thanks," he said. As he was reaching towards the table he suddenly grimaced then fell back onto the bed. He was pure white.

"What's wrong?" I asked jumping from the chair.

"I don't know, I just got a really bad pain in my chest." He said.

"Shit, I forgot you have a couple broken ribs," I told him.

"So that is what that was," he said, "Do you think that you can get me that pen?"

"Sure," I said and walked over to the table. When I turned around it was my turn to go white. "Nick, you are bleeding."

"Where?" He asked. Then he looked and saw that the whole side of his gown was soaked in blood.

"Don't move. I am going to get a nurse." I said as I was running out of the room. I had just stepped out of the room when I ran smack into Julie.

"Slow down," she said to me then saw how white I was." What is it? What is wrong?" she said.

"Nick, the whole side of his gown is soaked in blood." I told her.

"Shit, he must have ripped his stitches," she said, "Go get your father, tell him that it is an emergency. I did as I was told and ran off to find that my father was not in his office. I went into the adjoining office and asked his secretary where he was.

"Jerry, where is my dad?" I asked the young blonde guy behind the desk.

"He had an emergency on the second floor." He answered.

"Shit," I said as I turned and ran to the stairs. I ran all the way up stairs and saw dad talking to the nurse up there. "Dad, Julie says that it is an emergency, Nick has ripped his stitches." I told him.

"Shit, that was a bad cut, I better get down there. Dad took off down the stairs with me at his heels. We got into Nick's room and saw Julie their holding Nicks side. I was afraid that Nick had passed out again. It turned out that he was just looking away. He turned and looked at us when we walked in. He was in pain.

"Steve, we have to get him into the ER." Julie said to my dad.

"Chris, get a stretcher from the hall and flag down another nurse.." Dad said to me.

I ran out into the hall and grabbed the first stretcher that I saw I did not see any other nurses. I took it back into the room and told my dad that I could not see anyone else.

"Chris, take one side of that sheet, Julie get the other, we have to get him onto the stretcher." Dad said.

I did as I was told. We got him onto the stretcher then wheeled him into the ER just as Brian was walking in with a bouquet of flowers.

"What happened?" Brian screamed. Julie fell back to talk to him.

We were just entering the ER when Brian caught back up with us. I glanced up at him. He had a look of pure fear on his face, I was afraid that he was going to pass out again.

"Is he going to be okay?" Brian asked, once again on the verge of tears.

"I think so, he ripped half his stitches out. He already lost a lot of blood and now he is losing even more. He should be alright if we can get his stitches back in immediately." Dad said.

"I'll never forgive myself if something happens to him," Brian says out loud. Dad gave me a puzzled look, I gave him an I'll tell you later look. We got nick into a room and Julie started to hook him up to a couple of machines. I did not think that I was going to be able to stand it any longer so I left the room. I went back to my father's office and sat down in his big desk chair. I glanced at my watch.

"Damn, it is nearly two now. Looks like dad is going to be working late, I'll give mom a call." I thought to myself. I called my mother and told her what was going on. I was just hanging up the phone when Brian walked into the room.

"Hi," I said to him.

"Look, Nick is mine and if you even try to get with him I will kill you," Brian said to me.

"Look, Brian, I know that Nick is yours and I did not try anything and will not try anything with him. But from what I heard you and Nick broke up." I told him.

"Nick is just a little confused right now. He does not know what he is talking about. I will have to explain everything to him. We did not break up we just had a little fight." Brian told me. I was just going to say something back when my dad poked his head in the door.

"Nick is asking for you," he said.

"Okay, I will be right there," Brian, said.

"Not you, he was asking for Chris," Dad said. Brian just shot me a dirty look as I walked away. I followed dad and when Brian was out of earshot I told him everything that was going on.

"...So now he is saying that he wants me to stay away from Nick," I continued.

"I see. I heard most of your guy's argument. Do you like Nick?" Dad asked.

This came as a shock to me. He knew that I was gay but had never asked me anything about my personal life. "To tell you the truth no I do not. Just do not tell Nick, I think that he likes me." I told dad.

"I think he does too. Go right in, I will be waiting in the hall," dad told me.

"Maybe you should go talk to Brian," I told dad.

"Good idea," he said. I turned and walked into Nicks room,

"Hi," he said. I could tell that he was really weak from what ad happened.

"Hi, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, do you know when I am going to get out of here?" he asked me.

"No, my dad said that you were going to have to stay in bed for a while." I told him.

"Then do you think that you could do me a favor?" he asked.

"Yeah. Sure what is it?" I asked him.

"Well I need you to call Kevin," he said.

"Umm, okay, yeah, sure." I told him. I was amazed that now I was going to talk to Kevin Richardson.

"I just need you to tell him where I am at and to tell him that I need him to come up here." He said to me and gave me Kevin's cell phone number.

I walked out of the room and headed for the nurses station. I stepped behind the counter and dialed Kevin's number. It rang about a half of a ring before it was answered.

"Hello," a voice on the line said.

"Umm, hi. Is this Kevin Richardson?" I asked.

"No, who is this?" the voice said.

"My name is Chris Sams..." I started.

"How the hell did you get this number?" the voice asked annoyed.

"Nick gave it to me. He wanted me to call Kevin for him." I said.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry I thought that you were a fan or something. Is Nick okay?" the voice asked.

"Yeah he had a bad accident and then ripped some stitches out. He is going to have to stay in the hospital for a while. I think that he wants you guys to come here," I said to him.

"Yeah, where are you at?" he asked. I gave him the address and then he hung up the phone. I walked back to Nick's room.

"Did you call him?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I talked to someone else," I told him.


"I don't know. He never gave his name. He thought that I was a fan." I said laughing.

"I don't know who it was." He said to me.

We continued to talk for another hour when Brian walked in the room. He did not give me a dirty look this time but I could feel that he did not want me around.

"Nicky, are you okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yes.' Nick replied coldly.

"Nick I am so sorry. I admit I was seeing another guy but then when I thought of losing you I knew that I had to be with you." Brian started.

I took that as my cue to leave the room. I started to leave when I heard Nick scream. I turned around and saw that Brian had mistakenly laid his hand on Nick's chest.

"Brian, his stitches," I said.

"Shit, I forgot, I am so sorry Nick." Brian said.

"Brian I do not want to see you anymore. Just leave me alone." Nick said quietly.

"But Nick..." Brian started.

"You heard me Brian. Kevin and the guys are on their way here. I will be fine. I want you to go back to the hotel." Nick continued.

With a huff Brian turned and stormed out of the room. I walked back over to Nick's side.

"Is he going to..."I started. I stopped when I heard a knocking on the door. I turned and saw Kevin Richardson standing there with a bouquet of flowers.

"Kevin," Nick said.

This prompted Kevin to walk into the room followed by Aj and Howie.

"Hi Nick, are you okay?" Kevin asked

"Yeah," Nick replied. I once again started to leave the room when Nick called out to me.

"Where are you going, Chris?" he asked.

"I thought that I would let you guys talk." I said.

"No, I want to introduce you to the guys." He said. Names were exchanged around the room. "Chris here saved my life. If it was not for his fast thinking I would have died waiting for the ambulance to come." Nick said. I just blushed I really hated to be in the limelight.

"Where is Brian?" Howie asked.

"I got fed up with him. I sent him back to the hotel. We broke up," Nick said. All the guys turned and looked at me.

"Relax, I know already." I said to them.

"Chris, we need to get going now," my dad said poking his head n the door.

"Yeah, I do." I said to the guys. I said goodbye to them all and started to walk out the door. When Nick stopped me.

"Chris, you have Kevin's number. Call it and we will set up a little get together." He told me. I nodded my head and walked out the door. The drive home was a blur. I was in complete shock bout what had gone on I met the BackstreetBoys. I knew the world's best-kept secret and I had Kevin Richardson's cell number. I went back to the hospital a couple of more times to visit Nick. The last day that he was there he made sure to tell me to call him. I said that I would although I probably would not.

"We will be in New York for another week." He said to me.

"Cool, I'll give you a call." I told him. That was a Sunday. I said my goodbyes to him and took off home. I had gotten my car back but they were not able to get all the blood out of the seats. Hell I do not think that they got any of it out. The rest of the week went slowly. I wanted to call Nick but I was afraid of pissing off Brian. Saturday finally came around and I was sitting around watching TV when the phone rang.

"Hello," I asked.

"Chris, you never called. We are leaving Monday night and I still want to say thank-you for what you did for me." He said,

"I was going to but I did not want to piss Brian off." I told him. "What happened with you two anyways?"

"We got back together and why do you think that oyu would have pissed him off?." Nick said. I forgot that I had not told nick about my conversation with Brian. We talked a little while longer then made plans to meet tomorrow morning. We had decided that I would meet them at their hotel for breakfast then Nick had a surprise for me after that then we were going to let the day go as it wanted. I went to bed that night waiting for the morning to come. I had just fallen asleep when I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the clock it was 1:30 in the morning.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Chris, this is Brian. Nick is in the hospital again!" he screamed into the phone.


Note: Well that was the second part I hope you liked it. I really need you guys to e-mail me some comments. I will continue the story for a couple more chapters but if I get no feedback I will have to end it. So e-mail me at you can also IM me if you want. Yahoo page me at matrix311 or ICQ me at 33110864. There are enough ways for you to get in touch with me so PLEASE DO IT!

Next: Chapter 2

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