Crash with Fame

By moc.loa@1133XIRTAM

Published on Sep 12, 1999


Legal stuff: Don't read this if you are under age or if you are offended by gay relationships/sex. Also this story is not true meaning that I have no idea of the true sexual preferences of the Backstreet Boys or anyone else that may be mentioned in this story

As always...any comments or suggestions or whatever can be sent to or or ICQ at 33110864.

Crash with fame-8

Written by


I did not know what to do. Howie's father was coming towards me with his arms out in front of him. I started to step back when his arms wrapped around my body in a tight hug. I breathed a sigh of relief and gently hugged him back. It was an awkward moment for some reason and I did not know what to do.

"It is about time you told us about Chris, we have known for a long time now," Howie's mother said. Howie's jaw dropped to his knees.

"How did you know?" Howie asked her.

"Alexander. He has a rather big mouth," Howie's mom laughed. Howie just rolled his eyes. I walked over next to him and put my arm around his waist. He looked up at me and smiled. This was the first time that I noticed how much taller I was than Howie. He put his arm around my waist and led us to the couch. We sat down and made small talk with his parents. Howie was just getting up to get some coffee for everyone when the front gate buzzer buzzed. Howie walked over to the door and looked out the window. He pressed the intercom button.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Yes, my name is Ryan Jenkins and I am with the Star," the voice on the other end of the intercom said.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Dorough is not available for any interviews right now," Howie said.

"But..." the guy started as Howie turned off the intercom. The guy to notice of this and we could see him walking away from the living room window. Howie continued into the kitchen and after a couple of minutes came out with four cups of coffee. He passed them around and set the tray down on the coffee table. We continued our conversation about whatever came up until we heard the front gate opening. I looked out the window and saw Nick's Durango pulling into the drive. I looked back to Howie and his parents as Nick, Brian, Kevin, and AJ were getting out of the car. Howie stood and walked to the door. He opened it just as Kevin was putting his key in the lock.

"Hi," Kevin said trying to catch his balance.

"Hi, what are you guys doing here?" Howie asked.

"Well we wanted to take you and your parents out for dinner," Kevin said to all of us.

"Come on in," Howie said to them. It did not matter because they were already in anyway. Everyone tried to find seats in the living room but it did not work. Howie and I were taking up the couch, Nick and Brian took the love seat, and Howie's parents had the chairs so Kevin and AJ ended up sitting on the floor.

"So where do you guys want to go to eat?" Kevin asked everyone. Howie and I called for Italian, Nick called for Chinese, and AJ called for French. Howie's parents did not say anything.

"What do you want mom and dad?" Howie asked.

"We really just want to stay in tonight..." they said. Everyone looked around at everyone else. Something about Howie's parents tone was weird. Howie shrugged his shoulders.

"Pizza," Nick suddenly yelled, startling everyone. No one objected so Nick ran to the phone.

"Guess we are having pizza then," Kevin said. Everyone eased up a little bit. I still did not know why there was so much tension in the room.

"Cheer up Alex," Howie's father said. It was then that I noticed that AJ was sitting off in the corner by himself. He shrugged his shoulders, stood up and calmly walked out of the room. Howie's parents looked around the room. Everyone was looking at the ground. Kevin stood up and walked over to them. He kneeled down in front of them and explained to them. I heard Howie's mom gasp. Everyone was still looking at the ground. I decided to go check on AJ. I headed out of the room and up the stairs. I didn't know where he was so I started to look in to each bedroom. I had just opened the door to the last bedroom when I heard sounds from above me. I quickly closed the door and opened the door that led to the attic. I groped around for a light switch and quickly found one. I slowly started up the steps. It was eerie almost like a haunted house. I was half expecting the stairs to start creaking. I soon came to another doorway. I slowly pushed open a door not knowing what to expect. The room was pitch black. I reached around for a light switch but was not able to find one.

"AJ," I called out. There was no response. I stood there completely quiet. I heard muffled sobs from one corner. I stumbled through the room haphazardly. I stumbled a few times and tripped once. It was almost like I was falling over toys. I kept going until I could make out the form of something or someone crouched down in a corner. I sank down to my knees next to AJ. "AJ?" I asked quietly. He was still sobbing. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him close to me. He buried his head in my chest and kept crying.

"I miss him so much," he cried quietly.

"I know, it has to hurt, but you have to move on," I said quietly. He did not reply, instead he kept crying on my chest. I started to slowly stroke his back. His tears were slowing and so was his breathing. It was not long before AJ was sound asleep on my lap. I realized that he has been tearing himself up over everything that has been going on. I stood up and picked AJ up off of the floor. I was afraid of tripping on my way to the door but made it only stumbling a few times. I quickly went down the stairs and had to let my eyes adjust from the dark attic to the bright hallway. I walked into the first bedroom and set AJ down on the bed. He was skinny but he was not light. I took his shoes and shirt off of him. He never seemed to notice. It was almost like he was passed out. I set AJ's clothes by the door and was just turning around to head out when I saw Howie right in front of me.

"Shit, don't do that to me," I said getting my bearing.

"Is he okay?" Howie asked me.

"I think so, he was curled up in a ball up in the attic, he kept crying but quickly fell asleep," I whispered to Howie.

"Quickly? You guys have been gone for nearly two-hours," Howie said as we were walking out of the room. Mom and dad have already gone to bed, and the guys just left." Howie said to me as we got into the hallway.

"Then let's go to bed too, I am beat," I said to him leading him to our bedroom. I went in as Howie set the alarm. I quickly stripped down to my boxers and got into bed. Howie was right behind me. He snuggled up next to me and laid his head on my chest. I sensed that there was something wrong. "Howie?" I asked.

"Yeah, baby?" he asked me.

"What's wrong, you seem tense, almost as if you are hiding something," I said to him. With that he let out a deep sigh and slid up on the bed so that he was eye to eye with me.

"Chris, next month, we start our tour of the states," Howie said almost in a depressed tone. I did not quite understand what he was getting at.

"Okay," I said.

"Well, I am going to be gone for awhile and I don't think that management is going to allow you to go along," Howie said kissing me gently on the forehead.

"Oh," I managed to get out.

"And when I saw how AJ was reacting to not being able to be with Jake anymore I was afraid of what it was going to do to us," he finished.

"Howie, don't worry about it, everything is going to work out, as long as we have each other we will be fine," I said wrapping myself in him. He smiled as I planted a deep kiss on his lips. We just laid there until we both fell asleep. I awoke early the next morning. Howie's parents were already awake and down in the dining room drinking a cup of coffee when I got down there.

"G'morning," Howie's dad said to me.

"Oh, good morning," I said to them as I headed into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

"Howie still asleep?" his mother asked.

"Yeah, he is," I said as I was pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Oh," Howie's father said.

"Oh, by the way, Kevin is going to pick Howie up, and Nick and Brian are going to come over to help me set up for his party tonight. Do you want to go with Kevin and Howie or stay here and help set up?" I asked them. They sat there deep in thought for a minute before they both said that they were going to go with Kevin and Howie. I sat down at the table across from them and tried to strike up a conversation but every attempt was shot down by quick one-word answers from either one of them. For some reason I got the feeling that they did not except me as much as they led Howie to believe. I finished my cup of coffee and went into the kitchen to put the cup in the sink. I did not want to go back out to the dining room so I took the service stairs up. I had just opened the door to the second floor as I saw AJ come out of his room. He quickly went into the bathroom so I went back into Howie's and my bedroom. I quietly shut the door and walked over to the bed. I got back in and started to kiss Howie on the neck. He tried to resist at first but soon realized what was happening. His eyes opened and he looked straight at me.

"Morning," I said to him.

"Morning," he said back to me kissing me deeply on the lips.

"Come on, get up, Kevin is going to be here soon," I said pulling the covers off of him.

"What for this time?" Howie asked sleepily.

"I don't know, something about finishing up what you guys started last time." I said to him. He let out a groan of disgust as he pulled himself from the bed and headed into our bathroom. I heard the shower start so I headed back into the hallway. I saw that I forgot to shut the door to the service stairs so I headed over there. I walked in and shut the doors. I was heading down the stairs when I realized I could hear Howie's parents talking in the kitchen.

"What Howard sees in him is unknown to me," Howie's mom said.

"You would think that we raised our son better, but he goes out and finds himself some gold digger, I mean the boy didn't have a job when he met Howie." Howie's father added. I was shocked by what I heard. I knew that I could not go down those stairs or they would think that I was eavesdropping so I headed back up them. I had just thrown the door open as AJ walked out of his room. I felt like shit, but I did not think it was noticeable.

"What is the matter with you?" AJ asked me.

"Nothing," I said heading down the spiral staircase. I made sure to make a lot of noise going down. I looked back at AJ once and saw that he had a dumb look on his face. I had to admit it had to look pretty weird going up the stairs on one side of the house and then down again on the other. I walked into the dining room and saw Howie's parents sitting there, they looked almost as if they had never moved from their positions. I walked right past them and into the kitchen. I grabbed my coffee mug out of the sink and another one out of the cabinet for Howie. I poured us each a cup and put the cream and sugar in Howie's. I was just coming out of the kitchen as Howie was coming down the stairs. I handed him his cup of coffee and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I thought I heard a noise come from Howie's parents but it could have been a chair squeaking.

"Chris, what's wrong?" Howie asked me.

"Nothing,," I said in a normal calm voice.

"Oh, you seem like you are pissed," he said kissing me on the nose.

"Aren't you in a loving mood this morning," I said to him.

"Yeah, well I guess that this morning is different from all the rest," he said with a grin. I knew that he was hinting to his birthday but I was not going to let him know that I knew about it. I wanted him to be totally surprised tonight. He quickly drained his cup of coffee and walked into the kitchen. His mood was a little heavier but I knew that that would not last long. He was just coming out of the kitchen when I heard the front gates open.

"There's Kevin," I said to him hoping that it was Kevin and that Nick and Brian were not early. AJ was just coming down the stairs as Kevin was opening the front door.

"Hey AJ," Kevin said to him.

"Hey, Kev," AJ said to him. Kevin and AJ walked into the dining room where everyone was.

"Hey, Howie, we should get going," Kevin said to Howie glancing at me.

"Kevin, we sort of wanted to take Howie out today," his parents said to Kevin. Kevin did not know what to say so I shook my head every time Kevin looked at me. He finally caught on and told them okay. He walked over to them and told them something quietly. I was not quite sure what it was.

"Then, I guess that we should get going," Howie's parents said ushering him out the door.

"Chris, aren't you coming?" Howie asked me.

"No, I think that I am going..." I started but the door was shut in my face. Everyone just looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and started to take everyone's coffee mugs and put them in the dishwasher. I was just coming out of the kitchen and about to sit down in the dining room when the front door opened and Nick and Brian walked in, each carrying a box. Brian set his box down on the table and reached into his pocket. He produced a small ring box. "Good, I was afraid that you forgot," I said to him.

"No, if you put Nick in charge he would have forgotten," Brian said elbowing Nick.

"Um, sorry Brian, but am I not the one that had to remind you about getting it?" Nick asked Brian. Brian turned a light red before finally admitting that Nick remembered and he forgot.

"What did you get him?" AJ finally asked.

"This," I said showing them the ring that was inside of the box. It was a plain platinum ring that had small hieroglyphics carved into it.

"What does it say?" Kevin asked looking closely at the ancient writing.

"Howie and Chris," I said simply showing them the translation on the inside.

"That. Is one nice ring," AJ said emphasizing the that. Everyone agreed with him.

"Thank you," I said semi-blushing.

"So does that mean?" Kevin asked me. I looked at the ground and sort of blushed again. I heard chuckles from all of the guys.

"I think it does," AJ said. I was glad that AJ was in a better mood today.

"It does," I said to them quietly. Everyone congratulated me but I swore them to secrecy because I was not going to ask Howie until later tonight when we were alone.

"Come on, they are going to be back by six and we still have a lot of work to do," Kevin said trying to motivate everyone. The thing of it is everyone was already motivated so Kevin sort of got ignored.

Brian and Nick went to work with the decorations and AJ started to cook the food under strict guidelines that he was to make it so that anyone could eat it. I was still afraid of what might come out of that kitchen by the end of the day considering he would not tell me what the menu was going to be.

"Well Kevin, you can go with me to the bakery to pick up his cake," I said to Kevin since he was not supposed to be there.

"Good, I'll drive," he said as we headed for the door.

"You were going to anyway, I don't know where anything is," I said to him as we approached his car. We got in and Kevin quickly pulled out of the driveway. We were halfway down the street before the gates even started to close. "Someone likes speed," I said to Kevin. He just smiled and stepped on the gas. The way the Kevin drove caused us to get to the bakery in no time flat. I went in and asked for the cake. They were just finishing putting it in the box, so I paid and they soon handed me the cake. I walked out and got back into the car. The ride back was the same as the ride there. Short and fast. I carried the cake into the house and put it on the table.

"So, who'all is coming to this party tonight," Kevin asked in a strong southern accent.

"Well I did not know who to invite so it is just going to be us and his parents," I said realizing how pitiful the guest list was. Kevin did not seem to notice or if he did he just did not care. We spent a long time getting everything finished and finally did so at six o'clock. Howie and his parent's should be home any time now. We waited around in the living room. I kept watching the clock on the fireplace. Six thirty, six forty-five, seven, seven thirty... I was starting to get worried and I knew everyone else was too. The food AJ had cooked was cold on the table and the drinks were starting to get warm.

"I am going to go driving around to see if I can see his car anywhere," Brian and Nick announced.

"That is a good idea," Kevin said. We were all sitting in the living room and I, of course, feared the worst. Nick and Brian left so Kevin, AJ, and I were sitting in the living room.

"Well, the food is cold, but everyone go ahead and eat," I said to them. I knew that they did not feel like eating because I did not. I got up and started to walk around the room. I just could not sit down. It was nine thirty before I heard the gates opening. I expected to see Nick's Durango pulling in, but it was Howie's car. I was relieved but mad knowing that Howie's parents knew that I was throwing a party for him. I soon saw the front door opening and Howie's parents walk in. They walked right past me smiling and giggling as Howie walked in the room. He had a very noticeable stagger to his walk and I knew that he was drunk. This pissed me off. I wanted to say something to his parents but I did not want to upset Howie.

"Hello Chris," Howie said walking towards me.

"Hey baby," I said to him.

"Don't baby me, how could you go off and forget my birthday like you did?" he asked. His whole being reeked of alcohol.

"Howie, look..." I started.

"I'm not going to look at nothing, you forget my birthday, you spend the night with my best friend, you ignore my parents, you get pissed at me..." he started.

"Baby..." I tried again.

"Shut-up, I'm not through yet, you move into my house, you scare the shit out of me, you have your mother hit me. You know what I say to that?" he said to me.

"Howie!" I yelled.

"I say fuck you. I don't need you. My mom and dad made that clear to me tonight. I was right last time. I don't need you so good bye." He said as he headed into the living room. I did not know what to say. I turned and walked up the stairs. I nearly went into our bedroom but decided against it and headed into the attic. It was rather soothing being in the dark. I collapsed against the wall and sank to the floor. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring that I was going to give Howie. I took it out of its box and rolled it around in my fingers. I remember the store in the mall when we first met. I remember how I felt when I realized it was gone on the island. I remember how eager I was when Nick told me he saw the same store in the mall here. I kept rolling it around in my fingers. Then I started to remember everything Howie said to me last time. I remembered what he said to me minutes ago. I remembered how he promised that he did not mean it. I started to cry. The ring dropped from my fingers and rolled across the floor. I kept crying until I heard the door to the attic open. I kept as quiet as I could, hoping that I would never have to come out of my hiding place. I saw a figure coming right for me and watched it sit down right next to me. I realized that it was AJ.

"Chris?" he said.

"He promised me that he did not mean it," I cried.

"Chris, he was drunk, Howie always gets like that when he gets drunk," AJ said soothingly.

"I loved him so much, I tried to make his birthday special, I was going to propose to him," I continued.

"Chris, calm down, don't think about it tonight, just calm down. Let's go downstairs and get you to bed. Howie is passed out on the couch. Everyone is going to stay tonight and back you up tomorrow. Howie's parents are at fault here, not you or Howie. I know them, they put him up to this," AJ said pulling me to my feet. I walked with AJ to the doorway and headed down stairs. AJ led me into Howie's and my bedroom. He left and I shut the door and locked it. I got undressed for bed and climbed under the covers. I did not even think about Howie and soon fell asleep.

I awoke to a gentle knocking on the door. "Chris, it's me," Kevin said from the other side of the door. I got up and unlocked the door. I walked back to the bed and sat down on it. Kevin followed suit.

"Chris, you know Howie did not mean what he said last night," Kevin said to me.

"I am not too sure about that Kevin. This is the second time in less than a week that this has happened. I don't think that he loves me anymore," I said to him.

"Chris, he does, his parents got him drunk and when Howie gets drunk the slightest suggestion can put ideas in his head that he thinks are true. I heard his parents talking this morning and it is obvious that they do not like you. Howie is downstairs crying because he thinks that he has lost you," Kevin said to me.

"I don't think that he has lost me. I think that he never had me. I was there but he never really wanted me," I said to him.

"Chris, I have known Howie for nearly seven years and in that time I have seen him have every relationship possible. He has never felt the same way about the other people as he does with you. I know for a fact that Howie loves you. I know that you are pissed right now and you have every right to be, but I also know that Howie does love you and you need to give him another chance. Sit down and talk to him. Work any problems that you may have out. I know that he loves you and I know that you love him," Kevin said. No sooner did he finish talking then did he get up and leave the room. I sat back on the bed thinking about the situation when AJ came into the room.

"Chris?" he asked.

"What?" I asked back.

"Chris, Howie really wants to see you. He is killing himself because of what he said last night. You have to understand that when he gets drunk he becomes the biggest jack-ass in the world," AJ said.

"I know, Kevin just said that to me, I was just going to go down and talk to him," I said.

"You, don't have to he is out in the hall," AJ said while walking to the door. He opened the door and walked out. Howie came into the room and sat down on the foot of the bed.

"Chris," he said softly.

"What?" I asked. I looked at him and you could tell that he had been crying. His face was puffy and his eyes were red.

"Chris, baby, I am so sorry, I know that I said this last time and I meant it then too, but I thought that you had forgotten my birthday and my parents were telling me all this shit about you and I got drunk..." he started. He started to cry before he could finish.

"Howie, it's okay." I said to him.

"No, it's not. I know I royally fucked up this time. I know that I have lost you. I don't blame you if you pack up and leave right now," he said sobbing.

"I couldn't do that," I said to him.

"Why?" he asked his tears were slowing and he was becoming more aware.

"Because I could never leave the man that I love," I said to him. He smiled broadly and continued to cry. I hugged him tightly until his tears stopped. "Just do me one thing, baby," I said to him.

"Anything," he said.

"Stop the drinking," I said to him.

"I already have. When I was told what you were trying to do for me last night and when I realized what an ass of myself I made I knew that I had to," he said. I gave him a deep kiss on the lips and all I got was the stench and stale taste of liquor.

"One more thing," I said to him.

"What?" he asked.

"Go take a shower," I yelled at him, "You smell like a dirty bar,"

"Oh, I see how you are, you got to have clean men," he laughed.

"Yes I do," I said pushing him off of the bed. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the shower start to run and waited a few minutes. I slowly opened the bathroom door and crept in. I removed my boxer-briefs and slowly pulled back the shower curtain. Howie's face was under water as I got in. His back was to me so I walked up behind him and put my arms around his waist. He jumped and hit his head on the showerhead. He spun around and stared me right in the throat. I leaned down and kissed him deeply on the lips. I pushed his lips apart with my tongue and was quickly met by his. Our tongues explored each other's mouths as out hands explored each other's bodies. Howie grabbed the shampoo from the shelf and squirted some in my hair. It felt great to feel his fingers roaming around in my hair. I grabbed a bar of soap and fell to my knees. I started at his feet and soaped up both of his legs. I got to his dick witch was hard and placed a small, soft kiss on the tip of it then proceeded to soap it up. I continued up his firm stomach and chest and turned him around. He stole one quick kiss from me. I soaped up his back and ass making sure to "accidentally" run a finger over his hole which caused him to shudder. Once he was soaped up he took the bar of soap from me. I grabbed the shampoo off of the shelf and squirted some in his hair, as he had done to me. He stayed on his feet and quickly soaped up my back and chest at the same time. He then dropped to his knees and started on my feet. I kept working the shampoo down the length of his hair as he came up to my crotch. I too was hard from the eroticism of the shower. He wrapped his hands around me and started to soap up my ass as he played with the head of my cock with his tongue. He had just finished with my ass when he suddenly took the entire length of my cock in his mouth. I let out a moan of sheer pleasure.

"Uhhhh.... Howie...that feels great," I said as Howie sucked my dick. I fell against the shower wall at an angle. My shoulders and head were the only thing supporting me. Howie's hands went back to my ass and slowly started to massage my ass cheeks. I was in pure ecstasy and was trying to hold out as long as I could when suddenly Howie shoved his finger in my asshole. I let out a loud moan as my hips bucked forward shoving my dick down Howie's throat. I heard him cough but he still did not miss a beat. He started to finger-fuck my ass and sick on my dick to the same rhythm. This sent me over the edge and I shot load after load of cum into Howie's mouth. He took it all in and swallowed most of it. He then came up to my lips and kissed me passionately sharing my cum with me. Our tongues fought over the last remaining drops. He rinsed the soap off of ourselves when I realized that Howie still had an erection. I had just dropped to my knees when there was a banging on the bathroom door. Howie reluctantly shut off the water and got out of the shower. He handed me a towel and wrapped one around his waist. I did the same while Howie opened the door.

"Chris, Howie, you have to come downstairs right now," Kevin urged.

"What is it?" Howie asked.

"You have to see what your mom and dad bought at the gas station," Kevin said shutting the door. Howie and I looked at each other. We quickly dried off and threw on the first clothes we grabbed. I took a quick look at Howie and he did not look too bad. We rushed to find Kevin, AJ, Nick, and Brian all pouring over something in the middle of the coffee table. Howie and I got to them and they separated so that we could see what they were looking at. It was the STAR magazine and the headline made Howie go white. 'Backstreet Boys mystery live-in guest'. Kevin quickly turned to the article. It was short but to the point. It basically accused Howie of having a live-in boyfriend although they never used those exact words. It went on about a mystery man being seen entering and exiting the premises on a regular basis. It also said that 'upon repeated requests for an interview Mr. Dorough declined'. I could tell that Howie was having a hard time accepting this. He sat down on the couch next to AJ. I sat down next to him and put my arm around him. He was very tense and I knew that he was not taking it well at all. I pulled him closer to me and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Well son, I don't know what to say except that it was your own fau...choice," Howie's father said. I saw Howie's face tense up and his eyes went red.


Next: Chapter 8

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