Crossed Paths

Published on Apr 3, 2001


The Obligatory Stuff...

If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having an intimate relationship. This is intended FOR ADULTS ONLY. If you are not of legal age but you really, really like this stuff, just don't tell others that you do. :-)

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or in simpler terms, it's not true!!! Even if this story involved the Backstreet Boys and N SYNC, all that happens here is fictional... again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this out of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. I don't own them, okay? Wait, I know them but they don't know that! AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But I hope it's true... hehehehe...

A few words from the author....

Hey guys and gals!

This is chapter 10 entitled "Soliloquy". Well, after reading it, you'll probably get it. This is probably the last chapter of the whole series. Well, I think that my enthusiasm with the story isn't there anymore. There's no more fulfillment upon finishing a chapter. I dunno, it's just me so this is the last chapter.

Thank you very much to those who have given their time in reading this series and emailing me as well. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I suggest these stories 'coz they really made a big impact in my writing:

Brian and Justin (A BSB/NSYNC crossover)

The One (A BSB/NSYNC crossover)

Jamie's Romance (Justin story)

Nick and Brian (A BSB Story)

Model Romance (Justin Story)

Josh and Just (NSYNC Story)

Nick and the Altos (Nick Story)

Studio in the Country (Brian story)

Forever (Kevin Story)

Get Another Boyfriend (Kevin Story)

Because I Love You (Brian story)

Living (found in (A BSB/NSYNC/98 Degreese crossover)

.... There are more but these are my favorites!

Feedbacks, comments, suggestions are always welcome and encouraged!



Last scene in Chapter 9:

Nick walked towards the seats reserved for the BSB camp. His other four group members were already seated who looked relief. Probably because they have escaped the crowds outside. Nick sat down and sighed.

"Where were you?" Brian asked.

"Just checked up the NSYNC camp." As Nick said those words four pairs of eyes were locked on him. "I apologized with how I acted towards them." Nick finally said. "By the way Bri, check on Justin later. He looked upset." Nick said with care on his voice.

"Okay." Brian said lowly. Brian knew why Justin was upset. He saw the frown that formed in Justin's face when he was dragged away by his 'wife'. There was no space for Brian's mind to think of Nick's true intentions on why he went to check on Justin. Brian looked at Leighanne. 'This is my problem' Brian thought.

"What is it sweetie?" Leighanne chimed.

"Tell me Leighanne. Why are you really here? Management didn't send you 'coz I checked it with them. So tell me." Brian inquired. Leighanne looked at the fierce eyes of Brian. He wants it, he'll get it.

"You really wanna know. Okay, I went here to tell you personally that I am pregnant. And it's your baby." Leighanne said. Brian's eyes widened and remained speechless with the revelation of his wife.

            • Chapter 10 Soliloquy

"How do you know that it's mine? Remember, you had an affair earlier on." Brian looked at Leighanne intensely, searching for any shift on her emotion that would determine if she is telling the truth or a lie.

"Brian, I went to the doctor to really know if the baby is yours or not. The results showed that you've the same blood type as the baby's. It's really yours and I have the papers to prove it." Leighanne said nonchalantly. Brian's cool was deteriorating. This was too much for Brian to bear at that moment.

Brian stood up and walked away from Leighanne, away from Backstreet. He just needs to be alone. Eyes caught Brian's sudden departure from his seat. Questioning looks followed to what caused this, but they didn't know. Only one person knows this... Leighanne.

"What did you tell him?" Nick asked Leighanne with a little bit of annoyance. Leighanne smiled at him mischievously.

"I just made sure that he's mine." Leighanne shot back at Nick. Nick looked confused by his words and Leighanne knew it. "Told him that I'm pregnant with his baby." Leighanne switched his attention to the stage once again enjoying the Grammy's and the fact that he just caught back Brian.

Nick shared the information to his other friends and discussed it silently. "What do you think Brian will do?" Nick asked.

"If it's Brian, I think that he will return to Leighanne. Bri's a very responsible guy." Kevin answered the question.

"Aren't you suspicious about this?" AJ looked at Leighanne quickly indicating that she's a bitch and she would do anything to get Brian.

"I am, but we couldn't do anything about it. It's up to Brian to decide." Kevin sighed and returned his attention to the show with his mind still wandering about this situation.

Brian has left the prestigious award show. He didn't care if they won or not. All his thoughts were just in haze. He just walked and walked searching for the answer his mind and heart have been asking him. The facts were given and everything depends on Brian. He just has to make one choice. It's just either he chooses Justin or Leighanne... and the baby.

'Leighanne is pregnant, but can I trust her words and her papers about it? But, it's a baby, a life that needs me. Can I sacrifice my love and happiness just to fulfill a responsibility? Is it worthed?' Brian's thoughts were running amok. Scenarios were running in his mind. Scenarios with Leighanne and with Justin as well.

'I truly love Justin but a child. God, why do these things have to happen to me? Is this a sign?' Brian looked at the dark sky filled with the void of darkness. Void. That's what Brian was feeling. Everything seemed to be in chaos. Brian spotted a bench and sat on it still gazing at the clear night.

Brian closed his eyes and let his heart just say what must be said. Brian inhaled deeply thinking if the choice his mind was telling was right. Brian stood up and called a cab to go back to the hotel to give his decision.

Justin and the others walked out of the limo with a fake smile on their faces. Let's be real, it really feels shit when you lost in this awards. Their feelings were a little down because they thought that their co-musicians could appreciate their music, but their guess was wrong.

Justin walked slowly inside the hotel. There were no fans throwing themselves and no girls screaming 'marry me!' . With that, it made it an easy entrance for Justin and the others. Justin went straight to his hotel room to express his dismay privately. He inserted his keycard and entered the room. Justin slumped on the bed holding his emotions inside.

A knock disturbed Justin. "Go away!" Justin shouted out but the knock didn't disappear.

"Just, it's Brian." Brian said. Justin immediately stood up and rushed to open the door. Justin opened the door and Brian stood their gazing on the floor. Justin knew something's wrong.

"Come in." Justin said. Brian complied and went straight to a chair silently. There were no 'sorry you didn't win' or 'good show there' but only silence. "What's wrong baby?" Justin cooed Brian as he stroked his cheeks.

"This is hard for me and I don't want to do this but I have to break up with you." Brian said with tears flowing from his blue eyes. The same blue eyes that showed Brian's love with Justin but then it showed pain.

"Bri, why?" Justin asked as tears tried to seeped out of his eyes as well. "What did I do wrong?" Justin thought of any single thing that he has done that could led to this break up but there was none.

"Leighanne's pregnant and she has papers that it's my baby." Brian stuttered the words. It was truly painful for him to give up his true love. "I have to be with the child. It's my responsibility." Brian said.

"Are you sure it's yours? Are the papers authentic?" Justin asked.

"I dunno but Leighanne wouldn't do such a thing." Brian defended Leighanne. Justin knew that Brian has made up his mind, and he just sighed out of defeat.

"If you think this is for the best." Justin paused trying to gather all his strength to say his next words. "Then, we'll break up." Justin kissed Brian for the last time and walked out of the room leaving Brian still crying.

"Do you believe Leighanne and all of this?" Nick asked his other friends. "C'mon, will we believe a woman whose probable goal in life is to get Brian." Nick asked with exasperation in his voice.

"Nick, we can't just barged in their life and give our accusations. We could lose Brian in it too." Howie explained. Nick sat down on the chair behind him defeated.

"How about we work undercover?" AJ suggested. Three eyes stared on him with traces of confusion in them. "I mean we could work on our own and find out if it's true or not. If it's true, no one would know and if it's not true then we could play with 'lil Miss Leighanne." AJ finished with mischief in his tone. The others thought about it and agreed as well.

"Where is Brian?" Kevin asked.

"If I know Brian..." Nick thought about the situation Brian's in. And... "Oh my God! He couldn't!" Nick stood up and walked out of the room following his intuition about the situation.

Nick looked along the hallway and saw a shorthaired figure waiting for the elevator to open. Nick knew who he was and approached him quickly trying to catch him before it's too late for them.

The door of the elevator opened and Justin entered it. As the door closed Nick squeezed inside and looked at the miserable Justin. "Did he?" Nick asked. Justin just cried more and embraced Nick trying to seek comfort in a hug.

"Nick. I can't believe that we would break up like this." Justin cried out. "I thought this is forever, but its just months and we're through." Justin added.

"Justin, don't lose faith, okay? I know that Leighanne's up to something and we're gonna find it out and you and Brian will be together again." Nick tried to comfort Justin. "Don't let that blonde bitch and those stupid Grammy's ruin your night. You look like shit when crying." Nick tried to lighten up the mood and he succeeded when Justin smiled.

"Do you really think Leighanne's not telling the truth?" Justin asked trying to wipe away the tears the stained his face.

"I don't think so." Nick answered and Justin looked at him confused. "I KNOW she's telling a lie." Nick said with a smile. The elevator door opened and they walked out.

Night fell deeper and a masked man dressed in black entered one of the rooms of a hotel where two famous bands were staying in. The masked man walked slowly to not wake up the sleeping figure. The masked man seemed to be searching for something in the room but was done carefully.

The masked man looked by the sleeping figure's bag and tried to sort out the things in it. A manila envelope was placed in that bag that made the masked man smile. The masked man opens the envelope and saw that it contained papers. Satisfied, the masked man left the room unnoticed with the manila envelope in his hand.

The masked man removed his mask and walked towards the room he's staying. Once inside his room, he placed the manila envelope on the table and took the phone to call someone.

"I got it." He said with a grin painted on his face.

"Good. Tell the others that we'll meet in your room." The voice in the other line answered. They hanged up the phone and he did what was instructed, he called two other people and told them to go to his room.

While waiting for his other friends, he rummaged in his bag and took a change of clothes. He stripped down to his boxers and replaced the black clothes with a white shirt and a pair of sweats. A knock disturbed him and he opened the door slowly and let his other friends enter his room.

"AJ, you could have been caught but nice job!" The first man complimented AJ's work.

"What can I say? I have lots of talents." AJ said with a grin. AJ walked towards the counter and took the manila envelope. He handed it to the tall dark haired man. "Here it is Kevin." AJ said.

Kevin took it and examined the papers. Kevin read it word for word looking for any discrepancies that could lead to a proof to their claim. But it seemed that it's authentic enough. "I think Leighanne's telling the truth." Kevin said with a sigh.

Nick took the papers from Kevin's hand and decided that he could give it a try. Every detail, he looked at it. It just read the blood type of the kid that she was carrying and the date of conception... "I found it!" Nick said. "Look at the date." Nick said to Kevin.

The date read that the date of conception was November 16, 2000. "So?" Kevin asked.

"Kevin, don't you remember?" Nick asked Kevin. Kevin thought for it but didn't come up for an answer.

"That's the MTV Europe Awards right?" Howie asked.

"It is! It's the same date that Brian discovered the Leighanne was cheating on him." Nick said. "It means, it's another guy's baby with the same blood type." Nick explained.

"That's amazing!" Kevin embraced Nick out of joy.

"Justin's gonna be thrilled knowing that he'll get Brian back!" Nick said as he walked out of the room towards Justin's to give him the good news. Nick knocked at Justin's door excitedly but there was no answer. Only silence. Nick knocked again and he did it harder. Still, no answer. Nick tried to open the door and with his surprise, the door opened.

The room was pitch dark that made it impossible to see anything. Nick reached the switch for the lights and when he flicked it, the lights turned on. Nick looked at the bed, no Justin. It wasn't even slept on but Justin's things were still there, even his shoes. Nick began to be nervous and he walked towards the bathroom. He knocked at the door. No answer.

Nick twisted the knob and the door opened giving view of Justin... lying lifeless on a pool of blood. "Justin!" Nick shouted. Nick tried to see if there was still a pulse. There was but very faint. Nick rushed to the phone and dialed 911.

Kevin, Howie and AJ rushed to the room hearing Nick shouted Justin's name. They saw Nick in distraught and panicking. Kevin immediately went to the bathroom and saw Justin's body. Kevin's eyes widened upon seeing Justin's body.

Brian woke up upon hearing Nick's voice. It's not Nick's voice that woke him up but the name that Nick called. Brian's heart beat faster feeling that something was wrong. Brian walked out of his room and saw his three friends rushing to Justin's room. Justin's room.

"Justin?" Brian ran towards the room and saw Nick on the phone with tears staining his face. Howie and AJ stood there beside Nick hearing what he was explaining to the phone. Kevin was just standing shocked with what he was seeing.

Brian walked quickly towards where Kevin was standing. And upon seeing Justin lying in his blood, he fainted with the sudden gush of different feelings.

***************** End of Chapter 10

That's Chapter 10 for you and probably the whole series. Again, thanx to all who have supported this short series.

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Next: Chapter 11

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