Crossed Paths

Published on Mar 26, 2001


The Obligatory Stuff...

If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having an intimate relationship. This is intended FOR ADULTS ONLY. If you are not of legal age but you really, really like this stuff, just don't tell others that you do. :-)

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or in simpler terms, it's not true!!! Even if this story involved the Backstreet Boys and N SYNC, all that happens here is fictional... again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this out of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. I don't own them, okay? Wait, I know them but they don't know that! AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But I hope it's true... hehehehe...

A few words from the author....

Hey guys and gals!

Here's a new one from me. Well, I think this has been long due but for someone circumstances, I failed to finish writing this chapter. That's why it's in .txt form not in my usual HTML form but I wanna hear from y'all if you like it in text or HTML form.

I extend my apologies to those who really care about typographical or grammatical errors found in the chapter. Even if there's Grammar and Spelling Check of MS Word, I still have my doubts about all of it. Still, my realization stays... prepositions are words to hate! So hard to use them.

Chapter 9 is entitled... "And the winner is..." because mainly, almost the whole plot of the chapter revolved around the times of the Grammy's. I know it's a month ago, like I wrote, this was long due, so sorry about that. Grammy's is very important for people of the music biz so I included it here with a new surprise... don't you love them?

NOTE: This is a BRIAN/JUSTIN story not a JUSTIN/JC one or others having a 'relationship' with BRIAN or JUSTIN but there will be instances. The point is the story circles on BRIAN/JUSTIN relationship, but there is room for other pairings.

I suggest these stories 'coz they really made a big impact in my writing:

Brian and Justin

The One

Jamie's Romance

Nick and Brian

Model Romance

Josh and Just

Nick and the Altos

Studio in the Country

Living (found in

.... There are more but these are my favorites!

A massive thank you to all those who have send their feedbacks in regards to this. Whether it was positive or negative, it was appreciated because I'll know that there are really people reading my stuff. Keep the feedbacks coming and do give your suggestions for this 'coz my mind is not that broad, so I wanna hear what you think.



Last scene in Chapter 8:

"Your what?" Brian questioned Nick. Nick said nothing and just kept staring into nothing. Brian sat beside Nick and rubbed his shoulder to give him comfort.

"I'm gay, Bri. I just feel so alone when I see you happy with Justin. It just makes me lonelier when I hear that 'I'm so happy with him' or 'I'm in love, I'm the luckiest person alive'. Why can't I get my love?" Nick poured his heart out. Tears trickled down his cheeks again.

"When it's your time, it will just come and hit you." Brian said. Wait, Nick said 'why can't I get my love'. Questions rushed inside Brian's head. Everything that happened for the past 4 months replayed in Brian's mind patching up all the pieces of the puzzle... Nick is... "Nick! I never knew. I'm so sorry but I really love Justin with all my heart." Brian said as he embraced Nick.

"I know that's why I hate your relationship. I could be in that relationship but no, I have to be miserable and alone seeing the two of you being lovey-dovey." Nick said.

"I'm still your friend Nick. Let's just place all of these things in the past and let's move on. If I didn't meet Justin, surely, I'll fall in love with you." Brian said.

"What?" Nick asked confusedly.

"You're in love with me right?" Brian questioned back.

"No! That would be so disgusting. It's like I'm doing it with my brother Aaron. Yuck!" Nick said with disgust. "I'm not in love with you... but with JUSTIN."

Chapter 9 And the Winner Is...

The name of Justin kept on echoing in Brian's mind. His best friend is in love with his boyfriend. It was as simple as that but it created a storm in Brian's mind. Everything was in confusion.

"I thought you hate NSYNC, especially Justin?" Brian asked curiously. It was evident that Brian was afraid of Nick's revelation. He knew that Nick was someone to be feared upon. He was gorgeous, fun and young... a definite threat to his relationship with Justin.

"I don't hate them. Maybe, I dislike them because they are a carbon copy of us but I don't hate them." Nick said as he walked towards the bedroom leaving Brian in the bathroom in thoughts. Brian followed him trying to find the answers that was bothering him. "As for my hostility towards Justin." Nick said as he slumped down the bed. "I just thought that if you know that I don't like him, you'll break up with him and..." Nick trailed off.

"You will take my place as his boyfriend." Brian said with more fire in his tone. Nick just nodded still looking directly at the ceiling like Brian wasn't even there. Brian's eyes began to flame with anger. His best friend was trying to break him and Justin to get Justin for himself.

"Bri, talk to me." Nick shook Brian to get him out of his trance. Brian did snapped out of his reverie and stared directly to Nick. Nick's eyes looked blue as usual but something was different. All Brian saw was a person who wants his boyfriend; it was not his best friend.

"Don't touch me." Brian said coldly. Nick immediately took his hand back. Fear traced Nick's face because this was just the second time he saw Brian this way; the first was with Leighanne. Nick knew that Brian hates him at that moment, but he couldn't change what he was feeling for Justin and Brian knew it.

"Don't worry Bri. I'm not gonna steal your curly boyfriend." Nick assured Brian. "You are still my best friend as far as I'm concern and I don't know how you feel about me at this moment but I have a hunch that you hate me. You asked me what's the problem and I told you the truth, so don't blame me with this." Nick said as he stood up and walked towards the door of the room, away from Brian.

"You know that everything will be different from now on, right?" Brian said out of nowhere. Nick looked at him and nodded. "All that we have shared will be buried down because of this. You tried to snake in a relationship I truly cherish, something that came from my true self. And you call yourself my best friend?" Brian questioned Nick. Nick didn't answer his question and just opened the door to get away from his room.

"Take care of Justin and grasp unto him because once you let go of him even slightly, I'll grab him from you." Nick said as he closed the door of the door leaving Brian dumbfounded.

A woman stood up from her chair and walked towards the phone with a grin pasted in her face. She dialed a familiar number and waited patiently for the person to answer.

"Hello" The person said.

"It's me. I just had a perfect idea to break up Brian and Justin." She declared. She slumped down on her bed smiling. She knew that this is the best solution for her problem.

"What is it?" The person asked excitedly.

"I thought that..." She explained her plan to the person detail by detail.

"You think that will do the trick?" The man asked.

"I think so. Brian is a responsible person." The woman assured the man. "I'll do it as soon as possible." The woman ended her call and walked out of her house to make the necessary arrangements for her plan.

The phone rang incessantly in Justin's abode. He was in the shower when the phone rang. Someone should have answered the phone but his mother went out to finish some loose ends for her group and JC was out somewhere. It was just Justin all alone in the house.

Justin ran to the phone as water dripped off from his naked form. He was alone in his house, so it was okay for him to streak naked in the house. Once he reached the phone, he was out of breath. "Hello?" Justin asked.

"Hi Just. It's Bri!" Brian answered from the other line. Brian sensed the weird breathing that Justin was having. "What happened?" Brian questioned.

"Oh hi Bri. I ran from the shower 'coz no one's home except me." Justin said still out of breath. After catching his breath and wiped the excess water off his body. "Why did you call?" Justin asked while drying his curly hair.

"Well, just wanna remind my baby that we'll see each other in the Grammy's." Brian chimed. Justin just smiled with the thought that him and Brian would be together. Seldom as it was, every time they met was something special.

"I'm excited about it too!" Justin said. "We're gonna perform also there and we're up for three Grammy's... three Grammy's!" Justin exclaimed. He was truly excited with everything that was occurring because it seemed that everything was just falling along in what he envisioned it to be.

"Yeah, we heard in MTV. Congratulations." Brian said happy for Justin's success with their sophomore album. Even though it was a group effort, he knew that his Justin played a big part in this feat. "Just want to see how you are. Continue with your shower and we'll see each other in the Grammy's, okay? Love you." Brian chimed.

"Okay. You take care and sleep tight. See you soon. Luv ya!" Justin said as he placed the handset back. Justin walked back to the bathroom with a grin pasted on his face. Brian's call registered in his mind and he began giggling like a teenage girl who just talked to her crush.

"At last!" AJ shouted as they entered the hotel they were staying in. It was time for the Grammy's, the time when all of the music stars gather in one occasion to honor the achievements of some of the artists.

"I'm gonna go to my room. I'm so beat from the plane and I wanna talk to ..." Brian trailed off as a woman smiled at her. "What on earth are you doing here?" Brian scowled.

"Me? I'm your date for the Grammy's. I'm still your wife, remember?" Leighanne said trying to flirt with his 'husband'. She walked towards Brian to give him a hug but Brian stopped him and walked pass her.

"Get your own room." Brian said coldly as he walked to the elevator to his room. It was like Brian's day became bad; all the happy thoughts that he was thinking about suddenly disappeared. They were just replaced by pictures of the night of Stockholm and his conversation with Nick.

Brian walked towards his room and opened it. Brian was surprised when he noticed that there was light coming from the inside when the door opened slightly. Brian pushed the door open and a sight of perfect beauty appeared upon his eyes. Justin smiled at him warmly as he walked to him and gave him a big wet kiss that immediately made Brian's day.

"What are you doing here?" Brian asked as he closed the door of the room.

"You don't want me here?" Justin pouted. Brian saw the change in Justin's expression and he immediately gave Justin an embrace. "So you want me here!" Justin exclaimed as he gave Brian another kiss. "You just lay there on the bed and I'll take care of everything." Justin said.

Justin broke the embrace and brought Brian's bags by the bed. It was a simple act from Justin that truly softened Brian's heart and made him fall in love with Justin all over again. Those were the special things that Brian remembered about Justin, those simple but sweet and caring acts.

"How was your day sweetie?" Justin asked as he slumped on the bed next to Brian. Brian just sighed when he remembered that Leighanne will be his date in the Grammy's.

"Just turned bad when I saw Leighanne downstairs. She is supposedly be my date for the Grammy's." Brian said sadly while trying to sense the reaction of Justin.

"It's gonna be okay. I'll be there and we know we are the one together not you and Leighanne." Justin said with a trace of optimism, but deep inside Justin, he was feeling so down and insecure.

"You really know how to brighten up my day! You wanna sleep now." Brian offered with a smile. Justin just nodded and snuggled closer to Brian.

Justin closed his eyes but his mind was still processing his thoughts... and his insecurities. Justin was praying that Brian won't leave him for Leighanne. Justin was praying that their love could overcome all of the obstacles ahead.

Brian on the other hand just stared at his 'sleeping' boyfriend. Brian stroked Justin's cu... wait, where was Justin's curls? Brian just smiled as he noticed that Justin removed all of his curls. Something that he has to ask to Justin next day. Brian was beat from all of the day's excitement, it was time for his mind and body to rest.

The phone in Brian's room kept on ringing that woke up Brian. Brian took the receiver of the phone and answered it groggily.

"This is your wake up call! WAKE UP!!!!" Kevin shouted on the phone.

"Very funny Kevin. Leave me alone will ya. It's..." Brian looked at the clock on the counter that read, "10 am! Why didn't you wake me earlier?" Brian said frantically about the time. He knew that they have an interview around 10:30 and he was panicking.

"Don't panic! And quiet down, you might wake up your boyfriend." Kevin said. Brian complied when he saw Justin still snuggled by his side. "The interview is cancelled so don't worry about it. We have another interview around 1pm." Kevin relayed the new information he got.

"Then, why did you wake me up?" Brian said.

"Just wanna toy with my little cuzzy!" Kevin laughed loud. Brian just rolled his eyes and Kevin hanged up the phone. Brian returned the handset on the phone and just looked at the angel sleeping, cuddled so close to him.

It was Justin, his Justin. No one could destroy their relationship. Not Leighanne. Not Nick. No one. Brian knew that what they shared was true love. Their love that could encompass anyone, stronger than anyone. Brian played with the remains of Justin's hair. It was short, different from the curls that he was accustomed to. But the softness was still there, and the owner of the hair is still there sleeping beside him.

"Stop watching me." Justin mumbled softly. Justin lifted his head and looked at Brian sleepily. Brian just smiled at Justin and cupped Justin's chin and gave him a good morning kiss. "Now, that's how to wake up." Justin said.

"Care to explain what happened to your curls?" Brian said as he grabbed Justin's head and gave him a noogie. Justin struggled from Brian's hold and laughed it off.

"I got tired of it. Too many people caring for those curls." Justin said as he tickled Brian by the sides. Brian's hold loosen and Justin got the advantage. Justin sat on Brian's chest and looked at Brian in a seducing manner. Brian got lost in Justin's eyes and his lips inched closer to Justin's wanting lips.

After a few minutes, Justin suddenly broke their lip lock. "I gotta go, Bri. We got practice for the performance in Grammy's." Justin said as he put in his shirt and pants. Brian was still stunned in the sudden actions of Justin. "See you later." Justin said as he gave Brian a kiss on the forehead.

"This is not the way you leave a man." Brian said as Justin was walking towards the door. Justin looked at him and laughed his heart out. But, Justin still walked out to got to his rehearsals.

"Where's your other half?" AJ asked as Brian walked in Kevin's room.

"Rehearsals." Brian said. Brian looked around the room to where he could sit down, the only available one was the space beside Nick. Brian frowned a little bit but still managed to control his feelings and sat beside Nick. "We ready to go?" Brian asked impatiently.

"In a few minutes. The limo will be here shortly. Is there a problem?" Kevin asked Brian.

"There is no problem. My soon to be ex-wife is here and I think I have no best friend." Brian said sarcastically. Brian realized that he shouldn't be pouring out his inner pains to his band mates and decided that he should retract everything. "Sorry guys for losing my temper on you. It's just a shitty week for me." Brian said softly.

"I'm still your best friend Rok. Whatever happens, okay?" Nick said as he gave him a hug. "I know that what I revealed was something out of nowhere and if I could just take everything back and not feel what I feel, I would do it because you're my best friend. We're Frick and Frack remember?" Nick said as he started to tear up.

"Where was I?" AJ interrupted the moment but Nick and Brian didn't mind it.

"It's really painful. You don't know how painful it is knowing your best friend did all that shit just to break up a wonderful relationship and steal Justin from me." Brian said with gritted teeth trying to control his emotions.

"You're gay?" AJ questioned Nick, which Nick totally ignored.

"And I'm sorry for that. Like I said, you're still my best friend and I'm not intending to steal your little Justin from you while you're in the relationship." Nick said with a smile. "But like I said earlier, once you loose your grasp unto him I'll take care of him." Nick added.

"So you won't do any ploy just to break us up?" Brian asked meekly. Nick just nodded happily. Brian gave Nick an embrace but deep inside, this was just something they have to show, not something they have to mean.

"Where was I?" AJ said again.

It was the day of the Grammy's and everyone in the music business swarmed the occasion. Different people gathered together and posed for the cameras that was lighting up the area. The limo of the Backstreet Boys soon arrived. As soon as they have gotten out of the limo, reporters and paparazzi swarmed down asking loads of question.

"What do you feel that NSYNC has been given 3 Grammy nods?"

"Is true that Mr. McLean is drug addicted?"

"Who's gonna marry next among the three of you?"

Questions bombarded them everywhere and they really didn't want to answer any of them. They were there to have a good time and not pressured by the press who were constantly digging for news. As soon as another limo arrived, the press was divided for another amazing group just arrived, NSYNC.

Similar to the BSB, as soon as they have gotten out of the limo, the flash of the camera blinded them and the questions of the reporters filled the air.

"Where is Britney, Justin?"

"What happened to your hair?"

"How's Dani, Chris?"

"Is it true that Mr. Fatone impregnated a woman?"

Amidst with all of the chaos, Brian and Justin had a moment to looked at each others eyes and acknowledged each others presence in the area. It's like they were having the best conversation of their lives but none was talking and only their eyes and their smiles expressed what they were feeling.

The peace was disrupted as a bitchy lady clung on Brian's side and dragged him to the swarm of cameras for a shot. On the other hand, Justin frowned seeing the two smiling in front of the cameras like the couple they were. A happy married couple that he could never be. Justin walked pass the swarm of reporters and entered the premises.

Justin walked to their dressing room and entered. Once inside, he stared at himself on the mirror. Justin Timberlake. NSYNC heartthrob who is linked to his long time friend, Britney Spears. That's all the world knew about him, just that. They didn't know how he loved cuddling with a Backstreet Boy. They didn't know where he got the ring he has in his finger. They didn't know that Justin was gay. They didn't know the real Justin Timberlake.

"See something you like?" A voice behind him asked. Justin spun around to meet the source of the voice that interrupted his reverie. When their eyes locked, Justin became more surprised.

"Nick... what are you doing here?" Justin said nervously as he walked away from the mirror and slumped unto the couch. Nick just smiled at him and sat beside him.

"I saw that you were not having your time of your life out there awhile ago and I came to check on you." Nick uttered still possessing his famous grin. "I know how you're feeling with this. You're just a year younger than me anyway." Nick added.

"You don't know how I'm feeling." Justin whispered. A pout was forming on his mouth remembering Brian and Leighanne together.

"I know that it's difficult to be the youngest in the group and gay. I just know the feeling." Nick soothed Justin. Justin's ears perked up as the word gay came out of Nick's mouth. Justin looked at Nick with shock at his revelation. "Forgot to tell you I'm gay." Nick laughed with the peculiar look in Justin's face.

"Just never knew that you're... gay." Justin said meekly but still afforded to flash his smile.

"Never knew you were gay too." Nick mumbled to himself. Justin looked at him quizzically but he didn't get what Nick really meant. Nick just laughed it off and Justin followed as well. The door of the dressing room opened and the other NSYNCers entered the room.

"What are you doing here?" Chris asked with a taint of disgust in his voice. Chris knew Nick's feelings about them.

"Just visiting and wanna say sorry for all my hostilities." Nick stood up and walked out towards the door. "By the way, good luck." Nick closed the door of the dressing room with four faces of awe with what just happened.

"What just happened?" Joey said. All eyes went to Justin who looked confused as well. Justin just shrugged and stood up.

"C'mon! We have a party to attend to!" Chris said.

Nick walked towards the seats reserved for the BSB camp. His other four group members were already seated who looked relief. Probably because they have escaped the crowds outside. Nick sat down and sighed.

"Where were you?" Brian asked.

"Just checked up the NSYNC camp." As Nick said those words four pairs of eyes were locked on him. "I apologized with how I acted towards them." Nick finally said. "By the way Bri, check on Justin later. He looked upset." Nick said with care on his voice.

"Okay." Brian said lowly. Brian knew why Justin was upset. He saw the frown that formed in Justin's face when he was dragged away by his 'wife'. There was no space for Brian's mind to think of Nick's true intentions on why he went to check on Justin. Brian looked at Leighanne. 'This is my problem' Brian thought.

"What is it sweetie?" Leighanne chimed.

"Tell me Leighanne. Why are you really here? Management didn't send you 'coz I checked it with them. So tell me." Brian inquired. Leighanne looked at the fierce eyes of Brian. He wants it, he'll get it.

"You really wanna know. Okay, I went here to tell you personally that I am pregnant. And it's your baby." Leighanne said. Brian's eyes widened and remained speechless with the revelation of his wife.

***************** End of Chapter 9

Chapter 9 y'all! Thank God I got that out of my desk. Well, it was fun writing it, and that's right Leighanne is pregnant with Brian. Will Brian leave Justin for Leighanne is his baby? Is it really Brian's baby? Will know all the answers to these questions next chapter.

Question! Everyone knows that this is a Brian and Justin story, right? If not, this is a Brian and Justin story. Just wanna ask my readers who they want to be paired here. As far as I'm concerned it's just Brian and Justin; Kristin and Kevin; AJ and Joey (still debatable). Anyone else?

The unknown calls are still there buy who are they??? C'mon, you must have guessed it already. Drop me a line, okay?

Address remains:

|---> this is a zero

Next: Chapter 10

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