
By Psiberzerker Anarchrist

Published on Sep 7, 2003


"Ready?" Donna stradled me, pressing her groin into mine. "Yes," I didn't know what she had planned, but then, I never did. She liked surprising me.

"What's the safe word?" she ground against me as she reached for a red ribbon.

"Orange," didn't sound like anything, and wasn't likely to come up in a scene.

She immediately pulled back, breacking contact with my crotch. "You realize that using it will end the scene?" My erection throbbed against the tight denim.

"Yes." She wrapped the satin strip around my wrist, and pressed it back to the cradle of her weight bench. Most girls don't have one across from their beds, but you could tell by the way her muscles rippled under her taut bare skin that she also used it for it's intended purpose.

"I'm binding you," she finished with my right, and brushed a breast across my chest to get the other ribbon, "When I'm done, you will be at my mercy, understand?"

"Yes," she cinched the deceptively strong material in place. I knew from experience that I couldn't, doubted even she could, though she was in better shape than me. The formalities over, she dismounted, and tuned to the door.

"You can come in now," I certainly hadn't expected company. We'd discussed this, but now fear clutched at my hard on as I realized how sure I was that I was ready for this. He was pretty big, standing up to her. At 5'9", she towered over me in those heels, but only came up to his nose. "This is a Massusse freind of mine," she gently gripped his wrists, "He's good with his hands." I supressed my jealousy as they closed on her chest. Her decent sized C cups dissapeared into his fingers. "Nice and big too."

Her hand came up to pet the noticable bulge in his pants. I knew she wasn't a size queen, and I had nothing to be ashamed of, but couldn't help a little envy. The zipper came down, and she fished out at least half a foot of uncut phallus. Her skilled fingers rolled back the hood to expose the head, and a sparkle of stainless steel under it. "Isn't it?"

I was only permitted two words in a scene, one would end it now, while the other would be an admission of admiration. She knew her own rules, of course, and always worded questions to get the answer she wanted. "Well? don't be rude" she wasn't satisfied with my silence, "Tell this nice man what you think of his big hard cock!"

"Yes," I wasn't ready to bail out now, "It's nice." Though somewhat beyond my limited vocabulary, she permitted the compliment.

"I like it," she stroked it lovingly as he man handled her tits. I ached to feel her hands on me like that, the soft insistant strokes that could keep me on the edge of climax for hours. She was good with her hands too.

She snagged a wrapped condom from his pocket on her way down to it's level. I noticed it was an [X-TRA LARGE], but she easilly popped it into her mouth. My ears burned with shame, and arousal as she rolled it on with her lips. I'd never had mine sucked Dominantly before I met her, but she was a Master. The interloper enjoyed her mouth silently. Still holding him orally, she swung him around to the bed, and let go to push him onto it.

Her tight ass, and pussy came up right in front of me, and I caught her scent. The former flexed, and the latter spread slightly from her putting a leg up on the bed. He just leered down at her as she dragged herself up him. Her breasts bushed between his thighs, and around his proud erection before making their way up his torso to his face. I caught a glimpse of him snagging a dangling nipple in his mouth before she lowered her hips onto him.

She called it "Frottribado", grinding the shaft between her labia and along the clitorus. The direct stimulation always got her off quick, but there wasn't enough friction for the man. I had to see it from all angles, for her bed is surrounded by mirrors. The one on the ceiling mostly showed her back, tapering down from the shoulders like a man's. The ones in the corners gave me views of him devouring her chest from both sides, and I caught the back of his head from the headboard.

Fortunately, she'd left my jeans on. I rubbed my erection against them by shifting my hips untill she raised her eyes to stare at me in the mirror. I held my breath, and hips still, frozen by her stern glare. she'd deny me for a week if I wet my pants.

With no such prohibition, she frotted him roughly. Her breath deepened, and I could see the flush spread up from the small of her back. His shaved scrotum rolled with the motion above it, and a clear drop pf fluid rolled down them. This quickly became a stream as she started whimpering, and shaking. "ah!" she squeeked, then "Ahahahahahah!" as the contractions shook her. Muscle flexed in her back as she arched, and soaked his groin. In the headboard, I could see her abdomen ripple, and longed to feel it around me.

Her eyes clenched, there was nothing to pervent me from resuming my desperate humping. By the time she'd subsided, I was dangerously close to the edge myself. Again, I frose from he stern gaze, which she held fixed on me as she dismounted. Her scent filled the room to saturation now, so thick and feminine I imagined estrogen dripping down the walls. In fact, a thick drop of her nectar roled down her thigh, and I ached to lap the lenth of it to the top.

I had to wait, though, as she once again straddled my legs. I could see her visitor rize up behind her, and his hands close once again on her chest.

I strained vainly at my bonds, desperate to reach her, tear his hands away to show him how it's done. Despite what she said, I know how she likes it. He just kneaded them without any particular attention to her nipples. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach, and was banned to speak.

SHe managed to get my pants open, and the relatively cool bedroom air chilled it deliciously. She imediatelt took her seat, and I could feel her hard-in pressing the sensitive spot below the tip. I looked her defiantly in the eyes, saw her love in there, then felt something a bit different below. SHe mustive seen something in my eyes, because her lovely face split in that sadistic grin of hers.

It was Him, sliding against me as he entered her from behind. A shudder of revulsion crept up my spine as he sank to the end of travel, and his shaven scrotum brushed against mine. She ground into me as he fucked her, jaw locked, determination popping out on her brow. I focused on her, but his influence cept creaping in.

Her face contorted with blatent pleasure, and she chewed her lip pensivly.

I let my eyes wander down he body, past her covered breasts to the marbled texture of her midriff. It flexed as she drug herself over mine, towing his hardness behind her. I could see her erection, ruddy, and bloated with blood. It creased with the pressure, making her shudder over me. Her lips parted around my hopeless erection, coating me in her fragrance.

It assaulted my nose, a warm animal musk. Her sweat was always clean, and fresh, without the acrid taint of dessicated onion. A hint of that crept in, from Him, and I let my head fall back to escape it. The cold hard dak of Subspace coiled in aropund me as I realized this was her game. She wanted this, to dominate me with him. It was working too, I I couldn't flee it.

He grunted, and sank in to press his saturated sack against me. I could feel it twitch as his balls pumped their filth into her. I ached to feel that for myself, ease the desperate pressure. So long in waiting, I felt they'd rupture first. "Good things cum to those who wait," though. It'd be devastating when I finally reached it.

I'd have to wait, though, because Donna immediately boke contact, and let him fall out onto me. I could feel her knuckles dig into my poor praipus as she stripped away the interveining barrier, and srtoked him off onto my belly, and crotch. It spattered, warm wet, and sticky. I'd felt my own do that, in her vice like grip. A bit clung to my pubic hair, and the thin mowhawk up to my navel. I couldn't talk now if I wanted too, the ability was locked deep within me by her Dominance.

No sooner had he finished than she planted her feet on the frame to leave her own wet trail up my chest. Her lips, and clitorus dripped as they ran over my flesh, and che grabbed the chin-up bar over the bench. That was the last thing I saw before she threw her legs over for the deepest kiss there is. I drank deeply from her chalice, worshiping her holiest of waters as it poured obscenely from hwer endless font. I was so lost in her that I'd forgotten totaly about Him.

Slowly, distantly, I became aware of him cleaning up his mess. His tongue was warm, and wet on my belly, and I supressed the urge to gag. It lapped alongside my cock, then skipped back down to claim a dolp that had run down my balls. Fear thrilled through me that he'd keep going down, but instead I felt it grip the base of me, and slide slowly up to the tip. He pulled back, breath hot on the sensitive glans untill he pinched it down to a cool stream. Despite myself, I felt an electric twinge of pleasure arc up me from it, and it twitched in my lap.

Donna rode my face relentlessly, grinding into the bridge of my nose while I fucke my tongue in. It was humiliating, beautifully horribly sexilly shamefull. I was banished to heaven, lifted up to the lofty heights of hell, and left for an eternity on earth. No light reached me here, all alone with my tormentors.

He lifted my dick gently in his hands, and I felt it slide frictionlessly into his mouth. It locked in the back of his throat, nose perssed into my pubis, and beard brushing the sparse curls of my nuts. I gasped into Donna, overcome with sensation unlike any I'd had. It was overpowering, overwelming, yet never threatened to take me over the edge. Jesus! He could teach a semenar on cocksucking. Without further ado, he dove in with a deep hard steady stroke that threatened to have me comming in no time.

Sure enough, I couldn't hold back as it burst forth. It felt like fire, pumping out in hot arterial spurts. The wave of rapture rolled up, and towed me under like a tsunami. I rode it out the best I could, toes curling reflexively to get some purchase. At last, I felt myself wilt against my tummy, and shrink inside the condom. Now where the hell had that come from?

I couldn't remember him putting it on, but then, I was distracted.

Finally releived, I resumed my work with relish. With the skill of long practice, I soon had Donna wound up for the second cumming. The floodgate opened, and she wet herself all over my face. I drank greedilly, savoring her flavor as it ran down my chin, and chest. Her cunt clutched my tongue rythmically as it sluced out, and I could feel her clit twitch against my nose. I even felt her moan, conducted by boned down the long thick trunk of her torso. FInally, she was done, and dismounted.

Her breasts kissed my wet cheeks as she brought her lips down to mine. They parted, for the blitz of her tonge as it tackled mine, and beat it into submission. "You liked that, didn't you?" she pulled back to ask.

"Yes," I replied honestly, I'd never gone so deep in my life. Even now, I was struggling to climb out of the endorphin induced trance. Her hand rapped around the remains of my dick, and milked it out of it's prison. I glanced around, but the interloper wa gone.

"Here," she brought the sullied latex up to my lips, and I pursed them tightly. The thick warm contents ran down them, my chin, and throat. "Say it," she demanded, and scoooped some up to wipe it over my eyes.

There wasn't anything left to say, we'd gotten out rocks off, and she'd torment me untill I finally cried "Orange."

Next: Chapter 3

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