
By Psiberzerker Anarchrist

Published on Sep 28, 2003


Chapter IV Donna

What had I gotten myself into? I don't think of myself as homophobic, but that doesn't neccisarilly make me secure enough to feel ready to try something with another woman in the room. Still, mark didn't complain about bringing Ruby over. It was only fair that he invited that girl home from work. She obviously had the hots for me. If tonight went as planned, she'd finaly get her wish.

I just couldn't think of her sexually. She was cute, if you like that sort of thing, but always dressed for a funeral. "Lacy," that was her name.

Easy too remember for what she wore. How far could I go with her? I'd have to let her go down on me, to make it up to mark. Could I eat her out? I'd tasted myself, on his mouth, his dick. It wasn't too bad, but then, it came from me. What would she taste like? I could, at least frig her. I already knew how to do that.

Yeah, I was curious, but it was more like a motorist's interest in car wrecks. It coiled in my heart like a cold dead weight instead of lifting it in arousal. I couldn't be gay, wouldn't be right. Besides, other girls just wheren't attractive. I'm better than average, I guess. At 5'9", I'm in good enough shape too run with the guys. My little B cups could be bigger, but there wasn't anything to be done about that without adding silicone. I wasn't up for that.

It just made more sense to me that there be two guys in a Troi. Women are mutli-orgasmic, guys aren't. I'd found that two men could fully satisfy me.

How could a man please two women, though? He'd tap out eventually, leaving us in each other's hands. What then?

They showed up early, by a couple years, I estimated. I hadn't changed, or anything, so I was still in my sweats form work. She'd have to deal, I guess. She was dressed too the nines, though. "Bitch" teeshirt, tight jeans, brown boots, and an open vest. Despite the baggy tops, there was no disguizing the fact that she had tits. They looked too big on her, would better fit a taller woman like me. Even in her heels she came up to my eyes.

"Hey sweety," I greeted mark with my mouth. She watched raptly, eyes glued to mine.

"Hey," she at least waited untill our tongues where free, "Donna." she looked like she didn't know whether to shake my hand, or not.

"Lacy," I returned. Decent sized arms on her, if a little soft. Mark scurried off to cook dinner, so I led her back too the den. "Wanna drink?" I made my way over to the bar, "We've a nice single malt."

"Scoth is fine," she had a childish lisp from the stud in the tip of her tongue, "Neat." She wasn't old enough to be drinking very long, at least not legaly.

I poured her a couple fingers of "The" Glenlivet, but didn't take any for myself. I wanted all my senses tonight, numbing them would just be a cop out.

"Thanks," she sipped, winced, then smiled. "Not drinking?"

"Maybe later," I'd gotten her one mostly to be polite, "I don't drink much because it lowers my metablism."

"What'd you want to talk about?" she brought me around too business.

"You're gay right?" She nodded, "Well mark might want to fuck you."

"I'm open too that," she shrugged, "I've done it before."

"Now I don't know what he told you, but Ruby sucked him off," if I was going too do this, it'd be my way.

"Ruby?" she raised her eyebrow.

"Know him?" I wasn't surprised.

"I doubt there's two guys around with that name," she mused.

"Well," I got us back on track, "To be fair to mark, I'll have too let you go down on me."

A flush washed over her face, but it looked a lot more like arousal than shame. "How far are you willing to go with this?" At least she had balls to stand up to me. It's a lot more fun when I have too fight for it.

"I don't, know," I had too admit, "We'll just have too see."

"Ladies," mark called from the kitchen, "Dinner's ready!"

He'd stir-fried, probably to get it over with. Sure, I could've had dinner ready, but why should I if I don't have too? Lacy was good with chopsticks, picked the chicken out. "I'm sorry," mark said submissively, "D'you want me to fix you something vegitarian?"

"I'm not vegan," she acted tough, "A little poultry juice won't kill me." I snagged her meat, needing the protien, and iron to maintain mass. That explained her soft muscle, plant protien doesn't metabolize like meat.

"I got you something," mark fished in his pants and found a self sealing sterilization pouch. It had two bars in it, one bent, and one straight. "I didn't know which one to get, though."

He must've gotten the idea from Ruby, but I took it as a sweet way to commemorate this new step in our marraige. "We'll need a peircer," now where would I put the other one?

"I can do it!" Lacy piped up, "I do my own."

I bet she did, "I guess I could, I passed phlebotomy." Couldn't make it to nurse-paramedic for the chemistry, but PT wasn't bad.

"It'd still be best if I was there to supervise," as good an excuse as any. Dinner was done anyway.

"Where?" I looked around.

"There shouldn't be much blood," she shrugged, "Wherever's comfortable."

"The bedroom," I decided as mark left the plates in the sink. I'd punish him for it later, just because he likes it so much. She took a roll out of her vest pocket, and spread it next too the bench. I busied my hands with mark's pants as she switched her Madonna gloves for latex.

"What gauge is that," she twisted her head, "Fourteen?"

"Yup," I read, and she clamped a needle into hemostats.

"Where's it going?" she handed me a pair of gloves.

"Here," I tapped the little nugget of flesh in the cleft of his glans, then steri-wiped it. At least he was neatly trimmed, I don't think I could do it with a foreskin in the way. She handed me a pair of smooth jawed sponge clamps, and mark sucked in a breath as I clicked them on. He always did that, especially when I pinched him there.

"Ready?" I popped it through before he had a chance too answer. He blew out the breath hard, but didn't complain. A little drop of blood dripped from the tip, but that was it.

"You better let me put it in," she twisted the end off easilly despite the gloves. I never would have thought of pushing the needle through with the stud. With equal dexterity, she screwed the end back on, then stripped a condom. "This aught to keep infection out," she explained as she rolled it on. Never would have thought of that either.

"What do I owe you?" I asked as mark scurried off to the bathroom to check our work.

"I'm certified," she shrugged, "But never really done it professionally." The way she looked at me made it pretty clear what she wanted, "I still have to do you."

Her double meaning hung in the air more than long enough to sink in. She surely ment it both ways.

"Like it?" I turned too see marks' newly adorned erection.

"It's nice, dear," I loked back at Lacy, unsure where to go from there.

"How long 'till I can use it?" he asked her.

"Any time you think you can take the pain," Lacy guessed.

"Wanna try it?" it pointed back at me.

"Sure," I went down too survey the result.

"I don't guess you got a red-bag around, huh," Lacy muttered behind me.

"Flush them," I guessed. The steel accessory dimpled the transluscent barrier. Behind him, I heard the toilet, then water running.

He gasped as it slid across my tongue, but didn't say orange. He had a decent one, not immense, but who needed that? About 5"-6" he was more than adequate, yet not have enough for arrogance. I did like the addition, though. Priapae can be pretty boring after you've seen enough of them. "Should I leave?" Lacy cleared her throat behind me, obviously hurt.

I shook my head, my mouth full, "No," mark supplied for me, "Stay!" I finally let him go, and took my seat.

The weight bench dominated the room, like a throne. Though not as big as the bed, it towered over it, and all the mirrors turned toward it. I was turned on now, feeling like the Queen I was. They where here for Me, to be controlled, directed to My pleasure.

My sweat pants slipped right off, the lycra compression shorts underneath a bit more tenacious. Lacy knelt between My legs to help me with them. I towed mark over by his leash, and went back to playing with My new toy. I guess most women don't see philatio as a dominant act, fuck them. Now, it had the little bit of pain added, a spice I liked. The talcum washed away, all I could taste was latex. Pitty, I like his natural flavor, but we wouldn't want it to become infected.

Down below, I felt lips on mine. All that insecurity was childish, who cared about gay or straight? She was good, dragging her studded tongue up between too tease me, catching it on the flap of my hood. I could feel my erection, the little pop as it came out. My as yet unmolested nipples mimiced it as she sent shivers of sensation up my spine.

I raveshed mark, gently puling my teeth over him through the neccisary barrier. His knees went week, started shaking uncontrollably like maxed out muscle. The tip bulged against my tongue hotly, and I could feel his perenium twitch against my fingers. He pulled back sheepishly, ashamed that he'd gotten off so quick. He had no idea I did it for a reason, he'd have too recover.

Fuck it, "Get on the bed," I pulld lacy up by the hair to look her in the eyes. She wasted no time, in fact, she'd been busy between my legs. Her vest was already off, and the shirt was open to show her red lacy bra. "Sit," I pointed for mark to take My place, "Join us whenever you're ready."

I had a head start on getting undressed, just had too pull My turtle neck off to be fully nude. I have to admitt a bit of pride at the lust in her eyes. She watched my while stripping off the rest of her outfit. She was attractive, the big boobs I always wanted topped by cute pink tips that looked tiny on them. If I had a body like that, I'd tighten it u pa bit, throw in some muscle for support.

She lay back as I climbed on, and dragged myself over her. My smoothe rippling skin slipped over her softer paler flesh. I could feel the heat between her legs, see the flush turning her pink with arousal. Her mouth plumped, cheeks reddened with the natural blush. As I came to a level with her, I shifted around to feel my nipples engage with the rings through hers.

Mark moaned behind me, I could see his tortured reflection in the headboard.

This was torture for him, he wanted her so bad, but was forced to watch me with her. He wasn't really interested in lesbianism, just a lesbian in particular. He hadn't even gotten too touch her yet, not like this. I turned to get a better view, saw that he was starting to stir. The rubber was gone, leaving his pierced prick bare. As I settled down over lacy, she once again brought her tongue in to play.

I think this angle was better, it let her stroke her stud down the lenth of my hard-in. Un willing too return the flavor, I let my hands run down the soft bulge of her pubis mons to touch her. Her hips rose a little, and she spread to let her bloom. She was so hot, and moist, I tickled her little flaps gently to bring out her clitty.

It surprised me how different she was down there. I've been with lots of guys, and the only variation I'd noticed besides proportion was circumsizion. She had thinner labia than me, but they where longer, stood out more. There was a ring in the triangle of flesh below her clitty, which wasn't as round as mine. I stroked it with two fingers, and she gasped against mine. They kept going down too dip in and I was hit by her overpowering scent. It was more organic than mine, herby without a hint of meatyness.

With my free hand, I felt her chest. Her nipples where only slightly softer than the metal distending them. Recumbant, the mammary flesh flattened by gravity. I squeezed, and petted it as I ground my wrist into her hard place. So intrigued, I failed too notice the signs in Myself. My climax snuck up behind me, and hit like a blackjack.

My eyes slammed shut, and stars burst through them. They clustered into obscene motile constellations, swirled into galactic orgies. I fell through, tumbling into the universe of lust, and release. My wormhole contracted, dragging me down with it's gravitational waves. I couldn't breathe in the cold dark vacuum as the nova took me.

Eventualy, I came back too earth, found that mark had recovered,and replaced the condom from the "Candy dish" on the bedside. I moved my hands for him to replace them, and dismounted to kneel beside lacy.

She was on fire, the pink of her flesh darkening too a deep red contrasted by a rash of goose flesh like thousands of tiny nipples. I felt her chest some more, surprised she didn't scorch my fingers. Her glistening face screwed tight with pleasure to the point that it looked like pain. Bending over her, I risked burned lips to suck in a nipple. The ring kind of got in the way, but I worked around it.

Her body arched under Us, "Oh fuck!" she swore appropriately enough as she boiled over. Her breathing changed yet again, this time to alternating gasps, and sighs with her contractions. Sweat beaded up on her already drenched face, and pored off. It took her forever to get completely off, long enough to bring about mark's seccond cumming. He sank in, and filled the rubber with a grunt. By the time he was done, she had settled down to panting breathlessly.

"I like your ring," I tickled it with a shiver from her, "You wanna do mine?"

She just nodded, speachless.

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