D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 19, 2015


D and J Ch.1

This I a fictional story of high school teen boys who live on a very unique island off Australia. It is pure fiction and maybe fantasy too. It would be a great place to visit! It is based on something I read on Nifty some time ago but differs a lot in the storyline as the item it is based on is like and interview. It was called the Riviera Report and I don't know who wrote it as no details are given. I thank whoever for giving me an idea to go farther.

If you are legal age, please stop reading NOW and also if it illegal to read it, please stop now. It is the property of the author and characters are not real nor based on real people.

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I don't know if it was the warm room or J's licking my pit or his soft breathing that tickled me and awakened me. I didn't care. I was generally and early riser anyway so it didn't matter. I looked over to see J's beautiful face still tucked in my pit. It felt damp so I know he must have been licking me probably while he slept, not even knowing he was doing it. He was beautiful and so good to me. We were kind of brothers (I'll explain later) but mostly lovers, best friends and together most of the time. I truly loved this boy and I knew he loved me.

We'd been together for about five years now- since he and his dad moved in with us in our little island house. Since then, the place is grown and it is now a guest house and we all work it. We go to school too. I know we have some chores to do and need time to get cleaned up and eat something before we go jogging off to class.

I quietly untangle our feet and legs and slip out to pee. I really don't want to get up yet so I return and slide back into bed, this time not next to J but on top of him so I can reached his feet, his cock and his sweet butt. I lick his toes and savor the slightly funky taste of sweat. He sometimes sweats a lot over night under the covers and kicks them off of us. I don't mind as his body keeps me warm enough. I probably could just sleep without covers too. After licking his cute toes and feet, I move us slightly. My cock is near his face and it makes me laugh as even sleeping he seem to want to lick it. I kiss and lick his cock and wonder if I should do like him and shave my pubes. I don't know. It took so long for them to come in that I hate to part with them and J doesn't mind them at all. I gently push his legs apart and dive in to kiss his balls and then go right for his hole. His is slightly more open than mine and I savor the smell of him. Not bad but just boy sweat. My favorite scent! I lick his pinkish brown hole and then let my tongue move in. I hear a heavy sigh. He knows what I am doing. I do it almost daily. He sometimes does me to but mostly at night, especially if he fucks me. I do him more as mine as some hair around the ring and I don't know if he likes that or not.

It isn't long before I hear more sighs and moans and I know he is awake . I look back as he takes my dick in his mouth and sucks on it. He smiles at me with his eyes hardly open yet and I dive in for more funk. I feel his dick is hard now so I move there and we both are doing a 69 . Being just 16, it doesn't take long and we both get our morning protein form one another. I smile back with cummy lips and see our cummy too. I turn around and kiss him proper and we savor one another's stuff

So the day is started and I pull him up to me and feel his body all over and appreciate what I have been given. We get out of bed and go to do our business and shower. I finish first and warm the old shower while he does his. It doesn't bother us to shit in front of one another. It's natural and we see one another naked all the time anyway. We shower and I use the special hose to clean him out while I stroke his butt. He does the same for me and then finish showering. We step out and dry one another off and we clean our cummy mouths and teeth and before heading down the hall to have breakfast we each lube the others holes We walk through the dining room and see a guest or two who are up early, wave at them and say good morning and proceed to the kitchen. Dad and J's dad Mark are both in the office. Just Greg is in the kitchen mixing batter for pancakes. We both kiss him and I stroke his cock and smile. Greg warns me that that could get me in trouble. I laugh and say I hope so. We play back and forth with comments but I admire his body. He is 18 and came to live with us a year or so ago. He actually works for us as a cook, bartender and general handyman. I guess he is gay too, or at least we kind of assume we are. Our das are gay and J is Mark's "son" and I came here to live with my dad when I was ten.

I grab the coffee pot and tell Greg I will fill up the cups of our guests and go out to do so. J is checking the pool deck which we ware suppose to hose off before going to school. I greet our guests and they smile at me and as I pour, one of the older ones strokes my cock. I tell him smiling, he shouldn't get me started. We both chuckle as I know befoe the day is out, he will have fingers up my pussy as he calls it. Another guest comes in and I pour him coffee too. He has a younger boy, we someone older than me but only about 18 or 19 I guess. I admire his body and linger near their table to take it in. He sports a cock ring but more noticeably, a cock cage too. I figure he is some kept boy or hired for the week his master is staying.

I touch him and the back and let me fingers move to his front as I pour coffee for the master and look to him to see if it is alright for the boy to have some too. He nods, I smile and I pour. The boy says quietly, thank you master. I'm not sure if he was addressing the real master or me but he looks straight at me before dropping his eyes. I tell him the waiter will be by soon to take their order.

I eye the boy again and note he has on leather straps around his wrists and ankles Other than that, like everyone else, he is bare. I smile at him and at his master who rubs my butt and touches my balls. I smile and accept this gesture. The masters smiles at me and says he hope to see me later I simply say that I hope so too but I have to go to school but later I'll be either on the beach or around the pool.

I go back to the kitchen where J has now returned saying we have only a little to do before we leave for school. Greg offers us pancakes and makes sure he touches each of us as he smile and kisses our nipples and makes me swoon. We eat in the kitchen, J and I and chat about nothing important.

Finishing breakfast, we thank Greg, I rub his balls and we go out to hose down the deck and make sure the chairs are lined up properly. It only takes about fifteen minutes and I remind J we have to get going. We go back inside our quarters and put our backpacks on and begin the easy jog to school.

You may have wondered about the things I described so I guess I should back up and tell you the important details.

We live on a relatively small island just east of Australia. It was founded some 120 years ago when some lesbian women moved here to enjoy their life style. Australia had little interest in the place. They apparently bought it for pennies on the dollar and as it had little on it, it served no purpose and the Aussie's could care less. Now even lesbians don't always think clearly and discovered the need for manual labor to build some structures. The women ventured forth and said they would like to rent some prisoners or any men who would agree to come over and set up a town. The didn't get too many takers at first but eventually men were brought over to help them build. Once they had a town, some of the men stayed, mostly prisoners. The Aussies did want them back anyway! The women formed their own little government and again the Aussies took little interest and basically said do as you will. They did. Only one problem, the men sometimes stole from the women and then escaped. Being sharp and as it was mostly warm anyway, the women quickly passed a law that said men could stay but they had to be naked. No pockets or anyway to hide anything! Many left refusing to strip but some kind of liked it and they set up a colony of their own. The women didn't mind if they agreed to work for them which they did. Long story short, over time maybe seventy years, more people came. A lot of gay men heard of the place and came too. They all had to sign an agreement to be naked. As they got older, the sight of the men was always as good so the women changed the law slightly to say that men under twenty nine had to be naked. Men over that age could choose as they pleased.

Other than June and July when it got chilly, nobody seemed to care. Eventually younger people had children and some left not wanting their sons nude all the time but most stayed especially when tested, they were found to have done much better in their schooling. They also discovered that all crime was down. The new goal was changed to say that the nudity made the boys more controllable and less likely to get into trouble. Most importantly, the style of dress, or lack there of, made them more social, less aggressive and much less more agreeable to coexist with. They also didn't seem to care that the lesbian women were in charge and that openly gay men chose to live there. The only issue was the economy which had little to show for itself. They did do some farming but eventually, tourism took over. The advertised a great deal and found they had a big core of gays worldwide who came. Travel there was limited so they invested in ferry boats to bring the guests. It stayed kind of rural as few could afford to import vehicles. Even now, only a few have cars and there are trucks for business. Mostly ATVs are found there. As the island isn't too big, there is little need.

Toady, around 9,000 people live there full time but with guests, in the tourist season, the population swells to around 13,000.

Yes, some families live there. The old rules still apply though that all males from ptty training on until 29, are to be naked. Girls dress normally and they go to one school however boys have all their classes together and the girls only see them at lunch or break times. I will tell you more about school later. It is true, boys generally don't hae much to do with girls until they are around twenty and think about marriage. They can date but boys often find themselves frustrated as the girls, the ruling class, are pretty free with their hands and boys are not allowed to do much other than a quick kiss. As a result, any boy straight or gay finds it necessary to have some boy on boy contact for relief.

Now that there is a mixed population, and not a real great economy for many, boys are put to work early. Usually by 13, they are stock boys in stores, servers in fast food establishments or doing landscape work. It is especially tough on them as it gets chilly in winter and they spend a lot of time outside. Law says that it makes them sturdier and less prone to doing vandalism or wasting time with games and such. Of course, in public, they are subjected to being touched at any age. There is a teacher in our school, fresh out of college who is only 22. He still has a year to go and is often felt up by women in town.

There are few mens stores. At least as you usually see. Most are strictly stores where one can buy enhancements. Thins like cock rings, piercings or tats are pretty much all they sell. Visitors to the island are always amazed to see boys walking around like normal naked. It is fun to see a family who may be recent move ins who have boys. The boys seem to almost hide in the shadows as they make their way down a street. Eventually though, they get used to it and the locals get used to it too. Only in school are girls prone to finger boys while at lunch or on break time or when they walk down the corridors. Boys just smile and deal with it, but often go home to need to wank or to apply a soothing lotion to abused balls, dicks and holes.

Some boys do date and the school holds regular dances and such. Boys attend. They even escort girls. The boys just have to tough it out as they get no relief and have to attend naked. It is quite a scene to see them dancing wit th girls and their hardons. All is accepted as just they way it is.

Many boys, to give themselves relief, do have friends who they mutually jerk off with and in many cases, do much more. It isn't considered gay to see two boys fuck in a bathroom at school. It is just a necessary thing. They are punished however if they drip or wank in a classroom and don't clean up after. Although most boys don't care, the school masters do.

Crime is low on the island. There hasn't been a rape of a girl or woman in years. Although boys get raped sometimes, it is considered just a petty crime. The last guy who raped a woman was caught and he was castrated at a public gathering. That really discourages any crimes against women!

J and I got to the school. We try to arrive after the informal gathering where all students hang around to chat. As I am somewhat hung for 16, (8 inches) and J is about 7, we often get chatted up a lot by the girls . They take their liberties with us and it is real hard to go to class with a raging, dripping hardon or an abused hole! We probably turned or were gay since a young age, well before we knew anything about gay or straight du to our histories (more on that shortly) Therefore, we usually avoid the girls somewhat. Several girls think we are hot. At least that's what they say. We both do well in school, play football (soccer in the U.S) and are usually smiling We do like girls but sometimes they just don't want to let up and boys simply have to put up with it. That's another reason why we're glad our dads are gay and we work in a gay resort. Yeah, we get touched and played with a lot but gay guys are much nicer about it than women. I feel sorry when the bagger boy at the supermarket is being fondled and fingered as he tries to put the stuff in sacks. And then is led by his cock (if it's a big one) home to carry the groceries. After one such event, he has to go back for more! They usually get tipped by the wealthy women but the teen girls just like to abuse them.

Anyway, J and I enjoy the football but our teams only play teams that will dress like us when they come over or we go to private schools on the mainland they liked the research that was done and now mandate nude boys themselves. Teams that wear shoes or uniforms usually don't want to play us. But we have a good time playing and all the guys actually do try to avoid injuring anyone or damaging anyone's balls or dicks. It does happen though and for some lucky reason neither of us have been hurt

I haven't told you much about J and I though. I guess I should. More about that in the next section.

Next: Chapter 2

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