D and J

By rob roberts

Published on Sep 21, 2019


D and J -- More Tales

This is a gay erotic fictional story> No such place or people exist to my knowledge. Read only if legal where you are.

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This story was originally published a few years ago. The original tale, which I suggest you read first, explains some of the background and many of the details that aren't repeated here . You can find it under my old email address in the Nifty search section. Type in RR2254 to find it easily. Several people apparently discovered it and asked for more so this is new material

Beginnings for a new resident

Chase Hamilton was a fifteen year old boy who lived with his family in Melbourne. He had been a reasonably popular kid all through school. He was trim and athletic, playing sports like track and swimming. He was a bit small for football (soccer in the US) but enjoyed the company of the other guys and was accepted. Like all 15 year olds, his main thoughts when not doing sports usually drifted to sex. He was kind of proud of his body and had the start of a nice six pack, nice trim legs and a good chest with some definition. He also thought about his always raging cock and rubbed out several times as day always trying to avoid being caught by his folks and his younger brother James and old sister Karen. James was about a year and a half younger than Chase and his sister was almost 18. She would go off to college in the next term after graduating.. He and his sister got along ok and he tolerated his younger brother who was into sports as he was.

Chase was a bit shy however until recently when girls began to notice his body and liked to hang with him. It gave him a feling of pride and he only worked harder in his gym class with weights and other exercise to make himself even better looking. He did have a nice smile and was basically a good looking young man. He found that if he removed his shirt when cutting grass, he got many admiring glances from girls and strangley, he thought, even from some guys. He got to be proud of how he looked and took on a job of cutting lawns for neighbors which he now did almost all the time, shirtless. His brother razzed him about it but he defended his actins by saying he di it to avoid sweating up his clothes so much. He also wore shorter shorts than ususal and even a few times, cut the grass barefoot revealing as much of himself as he could.

He wasn't allowed to date until 16 so he just enjoyed kind of showing off for anyone who watched him do his work. He also made decent money, most of which he saved for maybe buying a car when he could legally drive.

Things changed for him though, one day when at the family dinner, his dad announced they would be moving. His dad was a bank administrator and moving up quickly in the company. Chase was devastated to learn of the move as he had lots of frined and had never lieved anywhere else.

What really troubled him was that they would be moving to an island off the coast of Australia. It wasn't a huge island but did have quite a few people who lived there. They were almost autonomous from the laws on the mainland. After hearing about the move, he did look it up and found that it had some unusual policies that the main government overlooked and didn't seem to worry about. It had been founded many years ago by a group of what now were called Lesbian women who made a law requiring all young men between four years old and 26 years old, live naked . It seems that the island, when first developed, had a stealing problem form the men who came to build the structures there and they passed a rule that the men had to be nude at all times, only allowing shoes for dangerous work, so that they couldn't steal things. It was an early time and the mainland laws simply didn't care what they did. Australia had been founded by bring mostly criminals from England there so crime was high. The laws simply didn't change. Now it was populated with men and women but the laws stayed the same. It had also become quite popular as a tourist destination for gay and lesbian people who loved seing young men parade around and live their lives until at least 26, naked. Nudity was still allowed for anyone however although most women chose to wear clothes.

Chase was devastated and protested to his family a great deal. His mother said although she didn't really care for the idea, the opportunities for her husband were great and they likely would only stay until her husband got a promotion back to the mainland. She did admit thye went there sosme years ago and found it quite exotic and she had a good time at a resort there. Chase's father only said the deal was done and as he was in his 30's he could wear clothes.

Chase's sister laughted and said it would be fun to see the place although she would return soon to attend college. That left only Chase and his brother who would have to learn to live naked. Chase even contemplated running away but he had no where to go and had little money. He didn't even have family who he could live with as they had either died or were distant- too distant to be family who would take him in.

James wasn't crazy about the idea either who had a far less developed body and was quite shy about his body never evne letting his brother see him naked. He actually told Chase that if were older, he might like it but was too embarrassd to be seen naked. The bothers grew a bit closer as they dealth with their angst and fears of the place.

It was too late though as Chase discovered their home had been sold and they would leave within weeks. Chase moped about but continued to work out even getting James to join him to make themselves as good looking as possible. What bothered Chase was the bonders he got so often which would now be on display at all times. How could he go to school like that? He also was troubled by the act that in the gym showers he even found himself boning up when he saw other naked boys in his classes. It made him worry and wonder what the hell was gong on. He wasn't gay he cried to himself.

The day finally came when the furniture left for the trip to the island. Fountain Island it was called. They would fly to the coast where they would get a boat to take them over as it was too far off the mainland to drive and Chase learned thee were few cars there anyway. Their car was sold and Chase was forced to pack his stuff.

It wasn't long and the morning arrived for the trip. The boys were told to dress casually so Chase and his brother wore board shorts, tees and docksider shoes without socks. Chase's stomach was churning the whole trip. When they arrived, a hired car took them to the pier to meet the boat that would take them there. Neither boy could eat and they felt sick about the trip to their new home.

We unloaded our luggage. Most of the stuff had been shipped so we brought little, especially my brother and I. We knew already what was in store. We walked down the pier and saw a sign that said "Ferry to Fountain Island and the Temptation Resort>' We looked down the ramp and there was the boat. It wasn't huge but could handle probably 25 passengers. Chase looked over and saw a young man, maybe even a teen, in the small wheelhouse. E wore only shorts and a captain's hat. He sure was a handsome dude he thought. Chase heard a voice and was startled as he saw another young guy dressed the same in bare feet, with no shirt smiling to them and the few other passengers other than his family. Most were guys, who the way they stood, almost seemed liked couples. Another middle aged guy stood with his hands on a young teen, maybe not older than Chase, who wore a tank top and very short shorts. It made him wonder if they were all gay couples. He knew that they were headed for the resort. He wondered how they would get to their new house as he was sure they wouldn't stay with those gay people.

Chase was greeted warmly as he slowly headed down the gang plank and the hot dude fist bumped him and took his hand and helped him on the step down to the deck. Chase couldn't help but admire the hot guy who once the people were aboard ran up and grabbed the remaining luggage and took it down to the boat. He seemed so confident and able to handle the stuff passengers brought like he had been doing it a long time. Once aboard the guy told the passengers that was water and a few little refreshment inside as he pointed to the covered part of the boat. He told them to help themselves and then to get seated for the 25 minute trip. He welcomed them again and smiled. He seemed to focus on chase and his brother more than the others, but he did seem to admire the young teen boy with the middle aged man.

Once settled, the trip began with the hot dude removing the ropes and allowing the other hot guy who drove the boat to edge out and turn into the channel. He admired both guys who seemed to know their jobs so well and exuded such confidence.

Once underway, the guy busied himself with a few chores on the boat and then stood by with his feet crossed and just smiled at the guests and answered a few questions.

Chase liked what he saw. He didn't know why but these hot guys were so confident and knowledgeable that he could hardly take his eyes off them. Chase just sat on the deck and looked around .Suddenly he was aware that the one guy who wasn't driving the boat was leaning on the side and close to him. He called over to Chase who looked upa bit sullenly and hear him. The guy smiled at him and asked if he was the part of the new family moving in on the island. Chase nodded afraid to speak or he might break into tears. The guy came over and put out his hand and said hi to him and welcomed him. "I heard we had a new family moving in and wanted to welcome you. I'm Drew and te guy driving the boat is Jeramiah. We go by D and J though, so if you go to the school with us, we'll probably meet". Chase gave a weak smile and said he was Chase. Drew looked at him and aid it looks like you're a bit afraid of going to live there. Chase choked out and said he didn't want to come because of the nudity laws. D smiled back and aid he and J had lived there since they were nine and he was really quite comfortable about it now. "We were just kids and had bot lived kind of "different lives" so nudity wasn't something we cared about. The guys over there are pretty cool and we are all in the same boat, so to speak, we take care of one another.

Chase nodded and said he wasn't gay.. "No problem. Not all the guys are but with the laws we have about being with girls are so strict, we find it necessary to help one another out a bit, if you know what I mean."

Chase look confused. "Girls can touch and actually, you might say, abuse boys but boys can't do anything with girls until they agree to be be engaged. So be careful. No touching of girls. You could face some very severe punishments. But, ya know, guys get horny so we got nothing else but each other or our hand to say , take care of needs." He smiled. "you'll get used to it soon enough and you seem like a decent guy so if you need any help shall we adjusting, feel free to ask me or J or a few other guys. Even a few of our teachers who are younger than the dressing age, work naked so it kind of makes us all equal."

Chase was confused and a bit shocked at D's forwardness. "YOU mean you ash, have sex with one another!" "Ya, D said. It ain't so bad and kind of fun and certainly relieves the pressure!" D went off for a few minutes to do some things and came back and introduced himself to Chase's brother and the rest of the family. Chase's sister was almost to enamoured to say a word, just staring at the handsome, friendly boy. James who like Chase, wasn't gay liked the guy and when told he would be around if they had any issues, got quite comfortable. Chase was a bit amazed that even his dad, seemed to like D and was openly staring at him. It was almost like his dad wanted this move to see his sons and all these other guys naked. Was he a pervert?

Chase wondered over and talked with them. He noticed the other guys were openly staring at D and J both but didn't interfere. D said that in a few minutes they would arrive. "When you get there, all guys under 26 must strip. If you feel uncomfortable , you can go in the men's room and do . Put your clothes in the bag I will give you before going ashore to check in with island security. Women can go straight ahead and simply show your I D to security. I will announce the details shortly before landing at our port dock. I'll get naked when I tell you guys to also so you can see how comfortable we all get here.

Chase asked D about jobs on the island. "I'm saving for a car!" D laughed and said there were some jobs but there were few cars on the island. "Too small he said. We drive around when needed on an ATV and we have ski boats, wave runners and such. There are a fw mopeds too but..."

As afar as jobs, some guys work in stores or the docks or on fishing boats. J and I work in our dads' hotel-resort. We became gay I guess you could say awhile ago. Working in a gay resort has its up and downs like guys wanting to play with your body, but the pay and tips are amazing." Chase said he was too young for that. D told him the age for consent was 12 and that anybody of that age or more could work any place. "Boy's under twelve must wear and yellow bracelet to make others aware they are off limits. How old are you?" Chase said he was 15 and his brother was 13 almost 14. "Then you're of age and can do pretty much anything. If you want, I'll even show you around. J and I like to make new guys welcome. I know many don't want to live here but in six months, you'll never want to leave!" Chase wasn't sure of that as he wanted to now take the next boat back!

Soon the time arrived as the island came not view. It looked small and quaint from what Chase could see. There were people working on the dock and nearby areas and he could see that all males or at least most, were naked. D stood up and with a megaphone announced their arrival and then went in to his spiel about all males between 5 and 26 must be nude at all times. Shoes were only allowed for those working. At all other times all males were to be naked. He told them a bag was available to put their clothes in if they wanted. He went about passing ot bags. Chase noticed some guys were already stripping and a few let out some wild cries of joy. The kid with the man was already naked. Chase was shocked to see the boy had a ring through the head of his dick and few tats as well. When the kid bent over, the man slipped a butt plug in him too. Yes Chase did spend some time viewing porn so he knew what it was. He was shocked. He looked over to his brother who was white in fear. He himself felt a little better after talking with D but was still scared. His sister was looking at them both with a smirk. He so didn't want this but his dad said they should both start to strip. He almost had a smile on his face. Maybe his dad was a pervert! Chase replied that it was easy for his dad to say as the law didn't apply to him!

Nevertheless, when D gave hm a bag and said go ahead man, it will be ok. I'll do it now too so you're not so scared. Chase wanted to tell him to go fuck himself but couldn't. He slowly slipped off his shirt. James started to and then their shoes , they wore no socks, and then with a bit of discomfort, his shorts and his underwear. He stood naked and put his hands in front of his junk as did his brother. They looked at one another and Chase was surprised to see the size of Jame's dick. It was almost as big as his own. Fuck! Chase was happy to see D naked now having just his shorts to remove. He tossed them up to the wheel house for J to catch. "Damn, this feels so much better" D exclaimed smiling at Chase. Chase forced a weak smile. "Don't cover up, man. Be confident. You look good and the girls and guys will sure like you!" he said to Chase smiling in a super cute way.

They got off the boat with Chase coming behind with their luggage. Damn he was hot looking and strong too. He yelled for the clients to go into the small security building to present their I D's and be registered as either guests or residents. Drew took the stuff to one of the waiting ATV.'s He yelled to J who was turning off the engines and checking to make sure all was ok that he would take the family to their house and he should take the rest to the resort. J nodded and D went to load the ATV.

J came off the boat and asked who D's new friend was. "Oh, I forgot man, this is Chase Hamilton and his family. They are moving here I told him about us as brothers and invited him to hang with us if he wanted to get used to his new lifestyle. J shook Chase's hand. He also sported a gorgeous cock as D did. Then Chase noted that J had pubes but D didn't. He finally asked D about that. "Oh yeah, I'm used to it now but J made me do it when he was bare as his father made him. But then, once I got shaved, J was allowed to grow his back. He kind of controls me sometimes and I am expected to do what he says. I guess you could say, in some ways, I'm his bitch." He smiled at that and chase had his mouth open. These hot guys were gay too. He had wondered about the sex but apparently they were a couple! Damn, he hoped to make D a buddy even though it was apparent that D was older than himself. Now he figured D wouldn't want to hang with him at all.

D could see the problem and reached out and hugged him. It's ok man, WE're guys. J lets me hang with guys I like no matter their age or what. We're both pretty easy going and go with the flow no matter. Chase felt a little better as the family went through security. The guy doing the paper work wore just shorts. He was maybe twenty or so and was also hot. His sister was drooling over him. He wore a chain around his neck that was his ID and security badge but of course he had no where to pin it. Drew told him that the guy would be naked too after hs shift and was only allowed to wear the shorts when working as a security person. "He's cool and we hang around a bit when he went to high school. He graduated but the island is small w=so we all hang around at times.

Security was finished fast and they board the ATV with Drew dring them to their home. Chase had never seen it so it was kind of an adventure. His sister rode in the middle between the brothers in the back seat and took it upon herself to rub their exposed legs . She usually wanted nothing to do with them. Chase wondered if she would make him hard and he had to think of old fat ladies to keep from boning. James didn't do that and his hard cock stick out like a pole almost making Chase laugh as the poor kid rode through town chubbed and red in the face.

As they drove, Chase couldn't help but admire the handsome dude, D whoa was driving. Once when they had to stop for a crossing citizen, Drew reached up to scratch his head of blong curly hair ( he really looked like a surfer dude as Chase had seen in pictures and had seen on tripts to the coast. Chase noticed he had a nice tuft of hair in his pits. Normally, he figured he didn't care about such things but now, under his new circumstances, he did notice and thought it looked hot. As his sister stroked his leg, he felt himself chub a bit. Damn!

He also noticed how his mom, seated up front next to D was certainly looking him over. He couldn't see more but did notice that D suddenly looked at her and smiled. Hmm, the thought. What the hell is going on.

They arrived at the new house his dad had bought sight unseen. It was a cute bungalow, smaller than he was used to but he just wanted to get to his room and rub one out.

D unloaded the luggage and helped carry it in. He talked pleasantly with Chase's folks and then turned to him and said he really liked meeting Chase and wondered if he maybe wanted to hang out and get a lunch or see the town. He'd be happy to show it to him. Chase thought this was really nice and was becoming quite enamored with this new but older guy. Chase didn't think too of it as he knew D was in high school like he would be and desperately wanted to know someone he could trust and maybe even be friends with. Chase said sure he'd love to hang around . they set it up so D would jog over and they could chat and see the island. "I mostly run as my Dad doesn't allow me much use of the ATV unless I'M working so sorry but we'll have to go on foot. Chase didn't mind and said he would see him tomorrow.

Chase's dad gave D some cash as a tip for his work and certainly seemed interested in the boy. He also seemed to look him over a lot, more than he ever did with Chase's other friends back home. It made him wonder. His mom and sister also seemed to like what they saw.

Drew left and Chase found the rom. Sadly he would share with his brother, something Chase didn't really want but accepted. Maybe when his sister left, they would get their own rooms.

Their furniture was already inside so all they had to do was arrange things. He found the bedroom he and his brother would share with the beds set up. He just had to unpack boxes and set things up like his game console and such. He checked the t.v and they got decent satellite coverage. The rest of the day, the family busied themselves with making the house seem like a home.

Chase didn't want to really hang with his bro, but did as they were the only two naked people in the house. His sister seemed to spend a lot of time checking him out as she did the brother. She hadn't seen them naked since they were babies so it was quite a sight for her. She dressed in a bikini and said they should all get some sun and rest up. Dad thought that a good idea and found their liquor supply and made drinks for the their mom and himself and they sat around on the patio. Chase wanted to hide himself from the viewing parents and sister but he figured he had to overcome his fears. He knew James felt as he did. After a lite supper, Chase and James excused themselves and went to their room. They both showered and lay in their beds. James said he was really humiliated at how they had to appear. Chase agreed but said what choice did they have. James said he asked his folks if he could dress while at home and was told a firm NO. After James went to sleep, Chase rubbed one out as quietly as he could He didn't realize James was watching until after shooting load all over himself, James whispered that it was cool watching. James then said he wanted to do it too. Chase was surprised and a bit mad that his brother watched him but said why not. He figured he might as well get comfortable with seeing himself and his bro naked and thought James had a nice cock too. James did and Chase just watched dreaming a bit that it was D who he was with. He was angry at himself for thinking that but he just tried to forget it. He wasn't gay. But damn, that dude was hot and so was his brother. He couldn't wait for morning!

Next: Chapter 13: D and J II 2

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