Dating and the Single Life

By Kirk Landers

Published on Jul 19, 2006


Copyright and Disclaimer: 1. This is a fictional story with fictional characters. 2. No one is to steal this story under any circumstances. 3. This story deals with relationships and not sex, so if you're looking for a story with a lot of sex in it, this isn't the story for you.

Welcome back everyone! Hope you all are doing great. Well, this is my 30th installment and no better way to kick it off then with the start of season 3. Hope you all enjoy!

"Reception, Deception"

After the ceremony the guys all gathered in the honeymoon sweet that Tyler and Jake got and had food, champagne, and a cake all set up there.

"You guys did a great job with setting this place up," Randal said looking around at the decorations and food.

"Thank our best men," Tyler said. "They did this all this morning."

"Well, I did," Kyle said. "David was MIA this morning."

"Where were you?" Jake asked.

"I was at the beach," David replied.

"He was up all night from writer's block trying to write his best man speech," Kyle added.

"You get it done?" Stanley asked.

"Yeah," David said quickly. "I need a drink."

David then went over and opened up a bottle of champagne.

"You guys okay?" Kyle asked Randal and Stanley.

"Us?" Randal asked nervously.

"Yeah," Kyle replied. "You two talk everything out last night?"

"Um, yeah," Stanley said hesitantly.

"Great," Kyle replied. "Glad you guys are okay. Had us worried."

Randal and Stanley just smiled politely, both keeping to their word and not saying they broke up until after the wedding.

Marcus went over to David and saw that he was already on his second glass of champagne.

"You all right?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah why?" David asked in between sips of his drink.

"Because we've been up here a total of one minute and you're already on your second glass of champagne," Marcus noted.

"Just a lot on my mind," David said.

"Want to talk about it?" Marcus asked.

David looked around, saw Kyle talking to Randal and Stanley, and Tyler and Jake were busy kissing. He then looked and saw the unused balcony.

"All right, come with me," David said taking Marcus to the balcony and closed the door.

"What's up?" Marcus asked.

"I wasn't at the beach last night," David confessed.

"You weren't?" Marcus asked.

"No," David replied. "Truth is, last night is really blurry, I think I was drugged."

"What?" Marcus asked confused. "How did you get drugged?"

"I went to this gay bar for a drink because I had writer's block and I only had one drink," David replied. "Next thing I realize I'm waking up this morning....."

"Where did you wake up this morning?" Marcus asked hesitantly.

"I woke up in some guy's bed at his apartment," David replied.

"Oh my God," Marcus sighed in disbelief. "Did you two have sex?"

"I think so," David nodded in shame.

"And you don't remember any of it?" Marcus asked.

"No, that's why I think I was drugged," David replied.

"I guess that makes sense," Marcus said.

"Now I don't know what to do," David said. "I can't tell Kyle."

"You have to tell Kyle," Marcus said.

"He'll break up with me," David said.

"You didn't sleep with this guy on purpose, if you were drugged then you had no idea what was going on," Marcus reasoned.

"I don't want to hurt him," David said. "Everything is just starting to go right for him again, he moved back in with me, you guys just gave him a job. I don't want to ruin it all."

"He'll understand," Marcus said.

David turned and looked out at the ocean, overwhelmed with everything.

"Also," Marcus continued. "You should get tested."

"What?" David asked turning around.

"You don't know what that guy might have," Marcus replied. "You should get tested to be safe."

"Oh my God," David sighed, "I didn't even think about that."

Before they could talk anymore Tyler opened the door to them.

"Hey guys, we're eating," Tyler said.

"All right," Marcus replied. "Come on, let's go back inside."

Marcus put his arm around David trying his best to comfort him as they went in.

"Everything all right?" Kyle asked handing them both a plate of food.

"Yeah," David said.

"Thanks for the food," Marcus said taking the plate and heading over to Tyler and Jake.

As they were talking there was a pounding on the door.

Tyler opened the door and Trevor rushed in.

"Hi," Marcus said surprised.

"Something awful just happened," Trevor said distressed.

"What's going on?" Marcus asked.

Trevor started tearing up, clearly on the verge of falling apart.

"Sit down," Marcus said taking Trevor to the couch. "Talk to me, what happened?"

"I just got a call from Luis," Trevor began.

"Yeah?" Marcus asked.

"Apparently he got a call from the police," Trevor replied. "I guess he was Miles' 'in case of emergency' contact."

"Okay," Marcus said not following.

Jake started to panic and looked over at Kyle in distress. Kyle quickly went over and put his arm around Jake to settle him down.

"They found Miles here," Trevor said.

"Here in Hawaii?" Tyler asked.

"Here in this hotel," Trevor replied. "The cleaning lady found him in his hotel room...dead."

"Oh my God," Marcus said in disbelief.

"Apparently he over dosed on some sleeping pills," Trevor said starting to bawl. "He was one of my best friends."

"I'm so sorry," Marcus said putting his arms around Trevor, putting aside their complicated situation.

"The police actually want to talk to you Jake," Trevor said through the tears.

"What?" Jake asked quickly. "Why?"

"I guess you were the last person on his outgoing call list," Trevor replied. "They want to know if he said anything to you."

"Did you know he was here in Hawaii?" Kyle asked turning the attention away from Jake quickly.

"No," Trevor replied.

"Lets take you back to our room and you can lie down," Marcus said.

"So sorry to ruin your day," Trevor said. "I just couldn't believe it."

"It's okay," Tyler said giving Trevor a hug. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

Trevor and Marcus headed out of the room as the rest of the guys all absorbed the information they just received.

"Wow," Randal said still in shock.

"Come on guys," Jake encouraged. "Let's eat."

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah," Jake replied. The two then headed out to the balcony closing the door.

"What are you going to say to the police?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know," Jake replied helpless.

"You going to tell them you know what happened?" Kyle asked.

"Do you think I should?" Jake asked.

"Yes," Kyle replied. "You have to be honest with them.

It's not like it was your fault."

"Yeah, but I still let him kill himself," Jake said. "I knew what he was going to do and I chose to ignore it. I might as well have shoved the pills down his throat."

"No," Kyle replied. "He chose to do that. Miles was clearly unstable and you can't let what he did destroy you."

"Why not?" Jake asked. "He's already destroyed what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life. He might as well destroy the rest of me as well."

"Don't say that," Kyle replied. "You just have to be honest to the police and this will all blow over."

"No it won't," Jake said. "I know you understand, but others will still see me as a murderer. I let him kill himself."

"You were worried, he kept trying to take you away from Tyler," Kyle justified.

"You okay babe?" Tyler asked opening the door.

"Fine," Jake replied quickly.

"I'm going to go back inside and let you two talk," Kyle said heading in and closing the door.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked. "This about Miles?"

"In a way," Jake replied.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked.

Jake sighed, not knowing how to even begin telling Tyler.

"Babe, whatever it is you can tell me," Tyler said kissing Jake.

"I don't know what you'll think of me after I tell you," Jake began. "And that's what scares me."

"Just tell me," Tyler said.

Jake took a deep breath, "Okay, well, it started yesterday. Remember when I got that letter at the bar?"

"Yeah," Tyler replied.

"Well, it was from Miles telling me he was in the lobby," Jake said. "So I went to go tell him to leave us alone. But then he grabbed me and took me to his hotel room and made one last plea to get me back. I told him he was pathetic and left."

"All right," Tyler said not sure what this has to do with Miles' death.

"Then at the club last night I got a call from him, he told me he took some pills and that if I loved him then I would rush over and save his life," Jake said.

"Oh my God," Tyler said starting to understand.

"But I didn't," Jake confessed. "I just hung up the phone and went back inside the club."

Tyler looked at Jake in shock, letting all that information soak in.

"I just didn't want him to ruin our lives anymore," Jake said starting to shake. "I just wanted us to be happy, I wasn't thinking."

"Come here," Tyler said pulling Jake into a tight embrace. "It will be okay."

Jake just held tightly to Tyler, not wanting to let go and not wanting to believe any of this was really happening.

Back inside Randal, Stanley, David and Kyle were sitting down.

"Guess you didn't have to spend all night on that best man speech after all," Kyle said to David.

"I guess not," David replied still not ready to tell Kyle.

"So is the reception over?" Randal asked.

"I think so," Kyle replied.

"Well, I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore," Randal said looking at Stanley.

"We said we'd wait until after this weekend," Stanley replied.

"Why?" Randal replied. "the wedding is over, it's not like we can ruin it."

"What are you two talking about?" David asked.

"We broke up," Randal revealed.

"What?" Kyle asked sadly.

"Yeah," Stanley confirmed.

"But you two just said earlier that things were fine," Kyle said.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Randal said. "We just didn't want to ruin Tyler and Jake's big day."

"You two can't break up," Kyle said. "You two love each other."

"Sometimes," Stanley began, "Love just isn't enough."

Stanley then got up and headed to the door.

"I'm going to go back to the room," Stanley said. "I'll see you guys later."

Stanley then headed out leaving David and Kyle looking at Randal in disbelief.

"Nothing seems to be going right," Kyle said. "Miles is dead and ruined Tyler and Jake's day, Trevor and Marcus are in a troubled stage, Randal and Stan broke up. What's going on?"

"I don't know," Randal replied.

"Why did you two break up?" David asked.

"I don't want to talk about it," Randal said getting up. "I'm going to go for a walk."

Randal then walked out the door and headed for the beach.

David and Kyle went and started cleaning up the food that was out and put the wedding cake back in the box.

"This day did not go the way it was supposed to," Kyle commented. "I feel so bad for Tyler and Jake. They were so excited for today."

"I know," David replied.

"So how are you doing?" Kyle asked. "You seem a little off today."

"Me?" David asked.

"Yeah," Kyle replied. "Everything all right?"

"Actually, no," David said.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"Let's sit down for a minute," David said pouring himself another drink.

He took Kyle's hand and they went and sat down on the couch.

"What's up?" Kyle asked.

"Last night," David began. "I wasn't at the beach."

"Where were you?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I went to this bar," David said. "I only had one drink-"

Before he could continue Tyler and Jake came in from the balcony.

"Hey, did everyone else leave?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah," Kyle said. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's probably best," Tyler said. "I don't think we're in a very celebratory mood anymore."

"You two talk?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, he told me," Tyler replied still holding onto Jake.

"Maybe you should go lie down," Kyle said to Jake.

"Come on babe," Tyler said taking Jake into the bedroom.

"What's wrong with Jake?" David asked.

"Tyler or Jake will tell you," Kyle said. "It's not really my place. So what were you going to tell me."

"Oh, nothing," David said losing the courage to tell Kyle.

"Nothing?" Kyle asked. "But you were just-"

"It's not important right now," David interrupted downing his drink. "Come on, lets finish cleaning up."

"You sure?" Kyle asked.

"Positive," David answered.

Kyle and David then went back to cleaning up.

"Thanks you guys," Tyler said walking out of the bedroom.

"Anytime," David said. "How's Jake?"

"He's asleep," Tyler replied.

"So what is he going to do?" Kyle asked.

"He's going to call the police and tell them what happened," Tyler said.

"Good," Kyle replied.

"Yeah," Tyler said.

"What's going on?" David asked confused.

"Jake knew that Miles was going to commit suicide, but didn't say anything," Tyler replied.

"Oh wow," David said surprised.

"Yeah," Tyler sighed.

"You okay?" Kyle asked.

"I'm fine," Tyler replied. "It's just a lot right now you know?"

"I know," Kyle said. "Not exactly how you would want to spend your wedding day."

"Exactly," Tyler said.

"Mind if I have another drink?" David asked.

"No, go ahead," Tyler replied. "We have five champagne bottles. Might as well use them up."

"Thanks," David said pouring himself another drink.

"Take it easy," Kyle said. "That's your fourth glass."

"That's already your fourth glass?" Tyler asked.

David didn't reply.

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Kyle asked unsure.

"Fine," David lied.

Over in Marcus and Trevor's room, Trevor fell asleep from crying so much. Marcus went and put a blanket on him and then walked out onto the beach where he saw Randal sitting down.

"Hey," Marcus said.

"Hi," Randal replied.

"So I'm guessing the party is over?" Marcus asked.

"In more ways then one," Randal replied.

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked.

"Stanley and I broke up last night," Randal replied.

"What?" Marcus asked hoping he heard Randal wrong.

"We broke up," Randal said again.

"Why?" Marcus asked.

"We had our reasons," Randal replied.

"Was Stan feeling neglected?" Marcus asked.

"Excuse me?" Randal asked.

"Randal, your my best friend," Marcus began, "But I have to tell you, you've were neglecting Stan these past few months."

"You're taking his side?" Randal asked going on the defense.

"I'm not taking anyone's side," Marcus pointed out. "But you have to hear this. You've been cold towards Stan. We all saw it. And you were a little cold towards us."

"What?" Randal asked not seeing it.

"You weren't so bad to us, it was more so at Stan," Marcus said.

"I was?" Randal asked in shame.

"Yeah," Marcus replied.

Marcus looked at Randal hoping he made a break through to him.

"No," Randal said after a minute. "No, it's his fault this relationship is over. He wants out, then he can leave."

Randal then got up.

"I'm going to go for a walk," Randal continued. "I'll see you later."

"Randal," Marcus sighed.

Randal ignored Marcus and walked off.

That night Jake woke up and found Tyler laying in bed with him, holding him closely.

"Hey," Tyler said sweetly.

"I'm sorry," Jake said. "I know this isn't how you wanted to spend our wedding night."

"It's okay," Tyler replied. "You know I don't care about that."

"I do," Jake said. "This isn't the way things are supposed to go."

"Jake, it's okay," Tyler said. "We have the rest of our lives together."

"But it's our wedding night," Jake sighed.

"But we have a lifetime of nights together," Tyler replied.

"What if the police arrest me?" Jake asked.

"They won't," Tyler replied.

"But I stood by and did nothing while he killed himself," Jake said. "I have poor judgement."

"Don't worry," Tyler assured. "Everything will work out."

"I guess I should go in and talk to the police huh?" Jake asked.

"You want to do it now?" Tyler asked.

"Why not?" Jake asked. "Might as well get it over with."

"All right," Tyler replied. "Lets get dressed and we'll go down."

When Marcus went back into the room, Trevor was awake and laying on the bed.

"Hi," Marcus said coming in.

"Hey," Trevor replied.

"You feeling a little better?" Marcus asked.

"I guess," Trevor said. "It's just weird. I never would have guessed that he would go to such a drastic solution as suicide."

"I know," Marcus said. "It's terrible."

"I know you and the guys didn't like him much, but he really was a great guy," Trevor said.

"I'm sure he was," Marcus said. "He must have been for you to be so close to him."

"I just wish I could have talked to him or done something to try and convince him not to," Trevor said.

"I know," Marcus replied. The two stayed quiet for a while, just thinking and trying to find the light at the end of this dark tunnel they've been traveling.

"I'm sorry," Trevor said breaking the silence.

"For what?" Marcus asked.

"For all that I've been putting you through," Trevor replied. "I know how hard this is for you."

"You're confused right now," Marcus began saying, but was then interrupted by Trevor's cell phone. Trevor looked at the caller ID.

"It's Justin," Trevor said.

"I'll let you get that," Marcus said getting up. "I'll be back later."

Marcus then headed out of the room. Trevor sighed and then answered.

Over in Randal and Stanley's room the two were silent, they both went about their business as if the other wasn't there. Stanley grabbed a couple pillows and made a little bed on the couch. Randal in turn closed the door to the bedroom and quietly got into bed. He began to read a book, but then couldn't take it anymore, he started thinking of him and Randal...


It's the first night Randal and Stanley met, the night Marcus and Randal had set each other up on blind dates.

"So who am I going out with?" Marcus asked.

"His name's Roman," Randal replied. "I've known him for about a year. He's a friend of mine, but we don't see each other often."

"Okay," Marcus answered.

"What about the guy I'm going out with tonight?" Randal asked.

"His name is Stanley," Marcus replied, "I met him at work. He's an intern there. Very sweet guy, he's the type of guy I think you could have a future with."

"Well, we'll see," Randal said.

Just then they heard the doorbell and went to answer it. To their surprise, both of the guys got there at the same time. They all headed out.

Stanley smiled and leaned in and kissed Randal.

"So, this is our second date. That's a pretty big step for you," Stanley said.

"Yes it is," Randal replied. "We should celebrate."

"I think so," Stanley said smiling.

Randal leaned back in and started kissing Stanley some more. The two laid back on the couch together.

"Wait," Randal said stopping himself.

"What's wrong?" Stanley asked.

"I can't do this," Randal replied. "Not just yet anyway. We're just acting on our hormones right now. I want to wait and do this when there's more intimacy and heart involved in it."

Stanley smiled and kissed Randal.

"That sounds like a good idea," Stanley answered.

"You don't mind?" Randal asked.

"Not at all," Stanley replied. "I can wait."

Randal and Stanley are in the hospital having just been in a car accident. Randal got off the phone with Tyler as Stanley woke up.

"Stanley," Randal said smiling.

"Hey you," Stanley sighed smiling back.

"Thank God you're okay," Randal said getting out of his bed and going over to Stanley to give him a hug.

"Yea, I'm fine, just a little weak is all," Stanley replied. "Are you okay?"

"I'm a lot better now that I know you're okay," Randal said giving Stanley a kiss.


Stanley also was thinking about the two in the past...


Stanley had just finished signing away the rights to his son. Stanley and Nicole were heading to the door as Nicole and Stanley's son, Doug, were getting ready to leave.

"All right bud, we have to get going," Nicole said.

Doug got up and they headed towards the door.

"Thank you again," Nicole said giving Stanley a hug. "Take care."

"You too," Stanley replied.

"Bye," Randal said shaking Nicole's hand. "Drive safe. Bye Doug."

"Bye Randal," Doug said. Doug then turned to Stanley and grabbed Stanley's hand and pulled down so Stanley would kneel by him. Doug then wrapped his arms around Stanley's neck. At first Stanley was taken by surprise but then melted into the hug and held on tightly. Randal went to the cabinet by the door and pulled out the camera and took a picture of the two.

"Bye buddy," Stanley whispered to Doug.

"Bye," Doug said and then went to his mom and they left.

Stanley then turned to Randal. "You told Doug to do that huh?"

"What do you mean?" Randal asked acting innocent.

"Thank you," Stanley said giving Randal a kiss and held onto him tightly.


Both stayed in their areas in the hotel room, still having trouble accepting the fact that they are in fact over. Randal got up out of bed and went into the living room area where Stanley was laying on the couch.

"Hey," Randal said softly.

"Hi," Stanley replied.

"Can you believe this?" Randal asked.

"No," Stanley replied.

"What are we doing?" Randal asked. "I don't want us to end."

"Me neither," Stanley replied.

"Then, lets not break up," Randal said simply.

"Randal," Stanley sighed. "It's so much more complicated then that."

"Why?" Randal asked.

"If we get back together then what will change?" Stanley asked. "We didn't resolve anything."

"What do we need to resolve?" Randal asked.

"That's exactly my point," Stanley answered. "You don't feel there's anything we need to resolve."

"There isn't," Randal said.

"Yes there is," Stanley pointed out. "But you just can't see it, and that's why we broke up."

"Because you think I've changed?" Randal asked.

"Because you have," Stanley corrected. "You just can't see it, or you refuse to."

"This is bull," Randal said. "I have not changed. You're just giving up because you're not getting everything you want out of me."

"What?" Stanley asked insulted. "That's bull shit."

"No, what's bull shit is this reason for you breaking up with me," Randal said. "I don't get you."

"I can't get how you don't see why we broke up," Stanley shot back.

"Whatever," Randal said heading back to bed. "Lets just agree to not talk to each other until we get back home and from there we'll decide how to handle the moving out process."

"Fine," Stanley said as Randal closed the door to the bedroom.

Over in Kyle and David's room the two were watching TV, David was still drinking some of the left over champagne, Tyler gave him a couple bottles.

"You need to stop drinking," Kyle said taking the bottle away from him.

"You don't understand," David said.

"You're drunk," Kyle said.

"I'm not actually," David replied. "I'm trying to get drunk, but I'm not."

"Why?" Kyle asked. "Does this have anything to do with what you were going to tell me earlier? You said you were at a bar."

Before they could continue there was a knock on the door. David quickly went to answer it to avoid talking to Kyle. He opened it up to find Marcus standing there.

"Hi," Marcus said.

"Hey, you okay?" David asked.

"Fine," Marcus replied simply.

"You don't seem real fine," Kyle said. "What's wrong?"

"Trevor's on the phone with Justin," Marcus replied.

"Oh," both Kyle and David replied at the same time.

"I just don't know what I'm going to do," Marcus said. "I can't handle this."

"Did he chose Justin?" Kyle asked.

"No, he's still confused," Marcus replied.

"I say," David began, "If you don't want to deal with this anymore then just break it off. You don't deserve this."

"He's not doing this to hurt me," Marcus pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's still doing it," David said.

Marcus didn't say anything, he knew that David had a point.

"Why don't you sleep here tonight," Kyle suggested.

"Really?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah," Kyle said.

"Thanks you guys," Marcus said.

"Let's order some room service," David suggested.

"Yeah," Kyle said. "We'll have another guys' night in."

"Sounds good to me," Marcus said.

Kyle went into the other room to get the menu for room service.

"So how are you doing?" Marcus asked.

"Awful," David replied.

"You haven't told Kyle?" Marcus asked.

"No," David replied. "I can't."

"You have to," Marcus said.

Before he could press David anymore Kyle came out of the bedroom.

"All right, so what should we order?" Kyle asked handing them the menu.

"I'll be right back," David said heading for the door. "You two order."

"Where are you going?" Marcus asked.

"I just have to do something real quick," David replied.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Kyle said. "You're drunk."

"No I'm not," David said walking out the door. He went and headed for Johnny's apartment, luckily he remembered where he lived. He went and knocked on the door. Johnny opened the door and was surprised to see David there.

"Hey bra," Johnny said in his Hawaiian accent.

"You drugged me," David accused.

"Excuse me?" Johnny asked playing dumb.

"Why?" David asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about bra," Johnny said. "Besides, you can't prove anything."

"It really doesn't matter," David said. "I just need to know, are you clean?"

"Don't worry, we used condoms," Johnny said.

"But are you clean?" David asked.

"What does it matter?" Johnny asked. "It was just one night and we were safe."

"Are you clean?" David pressed getting pissed off.

"No," Johnny simply replied. "I've been positive for about two years."

David couldn't find the words to say anything, he just slowly turned and walked away, everything began to spin in his head unable to grasp at how much trouble he could be in.

Kyle and Marcus were watching TV when David came back in the room.

"Hey," Kyle said. "You okay?"

"Fine," David replied quietly. He went into the bedroom and closed the door. Kyle and Marcus both looked at one another confused.

"I'll be right back," Kyle said getting up and going into the room. When he walked in he saw David sitting on the edge of the bed and starring at a blank wall. "David."

"Yeah?" David asked quietly, not taking his eyes off the wall.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked. "You've been acting weird all day."

"Kyle," David said. "I don't even know how to begin to tell you."

"Try," Kyle said sitting next to David and holding his hand.

"I'm sorry," David said.

"For what?" Kyle asked.

"For what I'm about to say," David replied.

"What's going on?" Kyle asked confused.

"Last night, when I went to that bar," David began. "I had one drink and some guy came over to talk to me."

"Okay," Kyle followed.

"I don't know," David said. "I must have taken my eyes off my drink because he put something in it. Next thing I remember, I was-"

David couldn't finish.

"You were?" Kyle asked.

"I woke up in his apartment this morning," David replied. "In his bed, naked. We had sex."

"Oh my God," Kyle said in shock.

"And I just found out that he's positive," David said, tears rolling down his cheek.

"Oh my God," Kyle said again, unable to find words to say anything else.

"Please don't hate me," David begged turning to Kyle. Kyle didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around David and held him tightly. Both sat there, unable to figure out what the future will hold...

To Be Continued....

Hope you all enjoyed the first of some new chapters I have coming up. With any questions, comments, or feedback please e-mail me at Thanks so much!

Next: Chapter 31

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