Davey Series

By Trevor Johnson

Published on Oct 11, 2012




Written by Trevor Johnson

Editor Richie

This story is copywrited by the author and cannot be reproduced or copied without the express permission of the author.

This story also contains boy to boy sexual activity and is this is not to your liking read no further.

Special Notice:- You will notice that the title to my story has been changed to avoid confusion with another author who is including Rebirth characters in his stories.

When this story first began I did not write the first chapter. I did act as editor but nothing more. After that the original author(s) decided that I could take over writing this story which I have done from then on.

Some of the characters were taken from another author stories in an effort to get this one off the ground. I have now been informed due to copyright reasons I can no longer refer by name to some of the major players in this story. I will work around this as you will see when you read on but must apologize if at first it sounds and reads strange.

Now read on,

Panicking the two boys contacted Sally and she immediately raced them off to the hospital and instead of going through the usual emergency room channels she took Davey up to the top floor to see Doctor Evans. He took Davey into an examination room and checked out his anus with a special instrument which had a light and camera on the end of it.

When he had finished he allowed Johnny to come in to the room and told them both the news, "There is really nothing much to worry about boys it's not all that serious. What happened is that a couple of the lesions which are in there ruptured because of the force of intercourse and this caused the bleeding which looked worse than it was."

He paused allowing that news to sink in before continuing, "What I will do is give you some cream to rub in to those wounds over the next four of five days and also give you a lubricant which you must use every time Johnny so that this does not happen again."

Both boys had a look of Relief on their faces on hearing this news until Davey thought of something a bit more serious, "Do our parents have to know about this? You see, we are in the Joey Alverez shelter during the week and they don't know this happened."

"As far as I'm concerned whatever happened in this room is between me and my patient but don't forget Sally is waiting outside so you must make the same request to her." He gave Davey the cream and lubrication before telling them they could go. Outside he explained to Sally what had happened and also asked her if possible to keep the whole event quite.

She agreed telling the boys that no mention of this would be made to anyone but they must be more careful. Both boys asked if they could go see Edwin and Garrett while they were here but Sally said no as they had to get back to the shelter to have breakfast and go to school.

Just a few feet further into the ward in another private room Edwin and Garrett were just waking. For once Edwin had a good night sleeping peacefully with his friend by his side. Edwin looked around and found Garrett looking into his eyes. They kissed gently with young Garrett tasting and smelling the usual vile smell and taste which his young sick patient always had first thing in the morning.

He didn't comment being used to it by now although sometimes it turned his own stomach over, "Good morning lover you slept well last night how do you feel?" he asked.

"Good, I feel good, I wouldn't mind a bit of breakfast I feel so good Edwin replied." He was still receiving liquid food through a tube into his stomach because he wasn't able to keep solid food down but the request for breakfast was encouraging and Garrett went to seek out Dr Evans to see if this was possible.

The doctor said that they would try a small amount of oatmeal and if that stayed down they might consider taking the feeding tube out. When Garrett returned to his friends bedside with the news Edwin looked him straight in the eye holding out his hand for his mentor to hold and with a very serious look on his face said," Garrett I love you and want be with you for the rest of my life no matter how long or short it's going to be." Garrett put his hand over Edwin's mouth saying, "Don't talk like that, you're going to be around for a long time."

"Well what I want to say and I know we've talked about it a lot lately but we are in love aren't we?" Holding him close Garrett nodded as Edwin continued, "Well does this really mean we're gay or not?"

"I don't know Edwin and frankly I don't care all I want is for you to get better and for us to be together. I think perhaps we are gay because neither of us are interested in girls but only each other. While you have never had the opportunity of meeting any girls we are both attracted to each other aren't we?"

Edwin hesitantly said, "Yes, but will we be able or even want to have, well you know, maybe do sex things with each other?"

"Only time will tell and maybe we should wait and ask Dr Keith about all that." They kissed again as the small bowl of oatmeal arrived and Garrett proceeded to slowly feed his patient.

Luke and Pru meanwhile had not spoken to Pru's mother since Luke was rude to her on the phone and Pru decided she would call today and try and patch things up, "Good morning mom how are you and dad?" was her opening conversation piece when he mother answered the phone.

"Fine thanks and how are you?" Pru noted there was no mention of Luke, "Oh Luke and I are fine." She paused, "Mom, Luke regrets what he said the other evening and apologizes for being rude to you but you have to understand we both want to live our own lives together and make our own decisions which is what he was trying to say but it came out all wrong."

"Darling you are our only child and we only want what's best for you."

"I understand that mom but Luke and I want to be able to do our own thing and decide when we want to get married, when we want to start a family and more importantly what type of wedding we have. Neither of us are one's for a big spectacle and a lot of fuss. I hope you understand mom that we don't want all the glitz and glamour of a big wedding, plus we don't go to church so a civil ceremony will suit us."

After a long pause Pru's mom replied, "Well if that is your wish so be it. I can't say I'm happy about everything you're planning but I will try and keep my nose out of your plans."

"Thanks mom both of us appreciate that and we won't forget to tell you what's happening, we love you and dad very much." They chatted for a little bit longer before Pru said goodbye breaking the connections.

Luke meanwhile was sitting in his office working out his strategy for his school lectures which his chief wanted him to start as soon as possible. The main topic was to stop the violence and bullying in schools and the use of guns and knives. He had decided to make it as graphic as he dared and had large photos blown up showing wounded and dead young people. He also was required to choose a young recruit who he could train in his own image so to speak to be his right hand man.

He had scoured the lists of rookies joining the force and it was proving a lot more difficult than he imagined. One name did attract him though. His name was Jason Lowe and he had just left the academy and joined the force as a rookie cop.

He did quite well at the academy but was not exceptional. It was his background though that attracted him most. Coming from a poor family in a part of town noted for gangs and violence Jason had by the look of it risen above the gang warfare, bullying and drugs to try and make an effort to do good. Luke decided to ask his uniformed counterpart Paul for permission to interview Jason as soon as possible.

Doctor Keith Jameson decided that as Edwin's health improved he should begin to prepare him for the possibility that he may be returning into the real world. With this in mind he went into the room to talk to both him and Garrett, "Edwin hopefully, in fact I'm sure one day you will leave the hospital and plans have been made for you and Garrett to be together in the Joey Alverez Shelter. It won't be easy and I doubt at the beginning you will be able to attend school, so Jonathon Mars will be your tutor."

He paused to let that sink in before continuing," Sorry but you will always be on medication for the rest of your life and you must always make sure you take it and not miss, understood?"

Edwin nodded and Garrett said, "Don't worry doc. I'll make sure he does as he's told."

"I'm sure you will young Garrett. Something else you need to remember is if the two of you decide to have sex a condom must be worn at all times because you can infect others. Edwin is that understood?"

Again both nodded, a serious look on their faces and it was Edwin who spoke this time, "Doc. Do you think we are both gay?"

"I think you might be but that is for the both of you to work out together. If you want your relationship to go down that track then you both have to be sure that is what you want. I have no doubt in my mind that the both of you are going to be together for a long time. Will you take your relationship further, that is up to you, but please be very careful."

They assured Keith that they would and both of them affirmed their love for each other, "All I ask is that you be careful and because of your low immune system Edwin every little ailment floating around you will catch. The chances are you will have to return to hospital, so you will be seeing Doctor Evens and myself for some time to come."

The important thing and I can't emphasize this enough is that you must both be very careful not only on a personal level but also who you talk to about your HIV status Edwin. There are a lot of people out there who have some misconstrued idea regarding AIDS and look upon it as a kind of leprosy and that you shouldn't be allowed to lead a normal life. That will change I am sure in the future as more become known about this disease, but until then you must be very careful who you talk to."

Keith thought he might have gone too far telling young Edwin this, judging by the terrified look on his face, but thought it was better that he knew what he was getting himself into out there in the real world. "Anyway, first of all you have to get well enough to leave here so keep doing what my partner tells you and we all hope and pray that we can celebrate big time when the time comes for you to leave us."

He hugged both of the boys before leaving and heading back to the shelter for his next round of appointments. Everyone at the shelter was very impressed and happy with the progress he was making with some of the more traumatized boys.

The grand opening of the Joey Alverez shelter on the previous weekend was a big success with the mayor of El Paso doing the honours. Luke, Pru his police chief and Paul his counterpart and the other assistant chief were also on hand in the official party.

It started in the car where the Mayor cut a ribbon across the main doors before everyone went into the grand ballroom for refreshments and drinks. They were served by the boys themselves who looked very resplendent in black slacks and white shorts with bow ties to match, all supplied by a local outfitter.

The owners of the shelter were also happy because several sponsors came forward at the event to offer help and support. Sally and Bethany along with the rest of the staff were also very busy organizing the boys and it was an exhausted pair who finally made it back to their room once everyone had gone and all the cleaning up had been done.

Laying there in each other's arms Sally remarked, we have some good kids here with nothing wrong with them except they have been traumatized by their parents or some relative."

"Yes it is a pity there are so many people out there who just don't understand or don't want to understand what homosexuality is all about and the fact that we are made this way."

They began kissing and making out and soon a hot love making session between the two lesbian partners followed. They rested afterwards for a while before Bethany spoke, "Sally what do you think the chances are of us ever getting married here in El Paso in the state of Texas?"

Sally thought for a while before answering, "As the law stands right now nil, but there is nothing to stop us having a commitment ceremony were we vow to be true to each or something like that."

Reaching over and lightly kissing her partner on the lips Bethany asked, "Would you be happy with that darling?"

"Oh yes, I love you Bethany and would dearly love to make a lifetime commitment to you."

"All right then let's do it, I'll start checking out celebrants who do that kind of ceremony and what say I talk to the boss about holding it here at the shelter?" Bethany agreed that would be a great idea and after a bit more kissing and cuddling the pair drifted off to sleep.

Jonathon Mars, Davey's gymnastic coach and a former world champion until injury forced him out of competition was very pleased with Davey's progress and marvelled at the dedication his student was showing. Johnny Walker was always on hand to help and support his partner but was no match for the potential champion.

Davey was particularly adept on the parallel bars and the rings. The extra weight training he was putting in was strengthening his upper torso all the time. His prowess had also attracted the attention of his school principal who approached Jonathon asking if he thought Davey was ready for an interschool's competition coming up in a couple of months time, "We have never been able to compete in any gymnastic events in the past because we have never had any one capable of competing." The principle said.

"I don't see why not, it would be good experience for Davey and while he isn't up to the fitness level that I would like him to be I'm sure he wouldn't let the school down." Jonathon said.

"I will check with Davey and see if he is willing to compete. I don't want to rush him into anything until he is fully fit and recovered from his wounds completely."

At training that evening Jonathon asked Davey what his thoughts were and did he think he was ready for competition, "I think so coach, it would be great to see what the competition is around the town anyway and to meet with other gymnasts."

Jonathon straight away stepped up his training schedule. He had heard that Davey and Johnny rushed off to the hospital the other morning but neither of the boys had mentioned it so he didn't push the issue. He just hoped that Davey was all right health wise.

In fact Davey was getting better every day and the cream Doctor Evens had given him was working wonders. Both he and Johnny had decided to lay off anal sex for a while longer not wanting a bloody repeat of the other morning and restricted their love making to oral sex for the time being.

In actual fact both of them were quite happy to kiss, cuddle and be together rather than make love all the time. It was only when the mood took them that they indulged in their favourite pastime sixty nine-ing. On the weekends they were supposed to go home now that their parents had moved out and into a new home built by Davey's older brother. However; his increased training schedule was making it more and more difficult, so the boys persuaded their parents to let them stay at the shelter full time.

It was a very nervous rookie cop, Jason Lowe who sat outside Luke's office waiting to be shown in for an interview which he had no idea about. He received the order to report to the assistant chief of detectives office with no explanation or idea what it was all about and he was racking his brains trying to think what he had done wrong either since leaving the academy or even in the academy.

The door opened and one of the secretaries invited him in, with trembling knees he walked through the doorway and into Luke's office. Looking around he found it pleasantly furnished but not overdone. Standing in front of his desk was a surprisingly young looking man who introduced himself as Luke and holding out his hand for Jason to shake. "Welcome to the holy of holies." Luke said with a laugh as he invited him to sit down in an armchair while Luke sat next to him facing him slightly.

"Please relax Jason and can I offer you a drink of tea, coffee or soda?"

Jason said that a soda would nice and Luke went to the same refrigerator getting two sodas out, "I can see your scared to death Jason but be assured this is all good and you're in no kind of trouble. In fact I want to talk to you about a brand new project which the chief is instigating and you and I are to play a major part if you are interested."

Luke paused taking a sip of his drink before continuing, "The chief is worried by the increase of crime among young people and the fact that some of this crime is working its way into our schools. He has asked myself and my uniformed counterpart to set up and man personally two units to go out into the schools and talk to students about this serious matter."

He paused to let this sink in and could see that Jason was still not sure where he was in the scheme of things, "The chief also asked that the both of us seek out someone else among the rank and file. An officer to work alongside us both, so that we can mentor them into helping with this important work." Jason could now begin to see that he was being given a great opportunity to play an important part in policing a part which was dear to his heart considering his rough background.

"You would be my right hand man and help me get the message across as we travel to schools within the city. Not only high schools but elementary schools as well so that we can convince I hope, some of our younger citizens that a life of crime and violence is not the right thing to do."

Again Luke paused so they could both take a sip of drink and he studied closely the young candidate sat next to him. He appeared to be a lot less nervous and had a keen look on his face. Luke studied Jason's face noting his well-trimmed dark blonde hair and his eyes which looked to be almost green in color but not quite. His build was trim not overly muscular and Luke couldn't help think that some of the guys he knew form the shelter would be drooling over this guy which again made him wonder if he was gay or not.

He continued on showing Jason his graphic pictures and some of the signage he had already prepared before asking him the all-important question, "Jason this is purely a voluntary position and I want to be absolutely certain that you want to do this, to be part of this team?"

Jason took what Luke thought was a long time to answer and he was beginning to think that he was going to turn it down when at last he spoke," Sir, for me this is a great opportunity and I thank you for choosing me and after saying that I accept the challenge and the big chance you are offering, but I have just one question. Why me? Out of all the recruits and officers available why did you pick me?"

It was Luke's turn this time to take care in formulating his answer, "I picked you mainly because of your background, the area you were brought up in among the gangs and violence which we are hoping to address. The fact that you rose above all this to become a police officer was impressive which meant that you were not there to be a super cop but someone who just wanted to do a worthwhile job. I also noted that your marks at the academy were average which to me indicated that while you were ambitious you weren't an attention seeker."

They chatted for a while longer and Luke explained what type of format he would like to use in the schools and he was impressed that Jason came up with some good ideas of his own. Before they realized they had worked through lunch so Luke sent his secretary out for some food before explaining to Jason that he would have his own office just down the hall, "I'm afraid it is a very small room just big enough for you, a desk, telephone and computer but from there you will be able to work on this project."

Thanking him Jason said, "I'm really looking forward to working with you sir."

"Please call me Luke at all times except in front of the chief." Luke said with a laugh.

"One thing I did just think of sir err Luke is that we need to have a different style of talking to Elementary schools than high schools."

"That's right, I hadn't got round to that yet so if you could work out a couple of different approaches and when you're ready we'll meet and work out the fine details. Then you can begin booking us into schools."

The food arrived and they spent some time eating and chatting in general and the more he talked to this young man Luke realized he had made the right choice.

With the feeding tube removed and on a light diet Edwin began to look so much better with a bit of colour coming into his cheeks. All his vital signs were improving so doctor Evens suggested that he might like to get out of bed and into a chair for a while and tomorrow maybe even try to walk a little bit, "But no overdoing it." He told his young patient.

Garrett helped the nurse get Edwin out of bed and no sooner had his feet touched the floor they gave way and if both of them didn't have a hold on him he would have fallen. They almost carried him into a nice armchair and Edwin fell back with a sigh. The effort required just to do that was a big one for this frail young man who had been bed ridden for several months, but on the bright side he realized that he never ever thought he would get out of that bed again.

Garrett fussed over him getting a blanket for him so he didn't get cold and generally making sure he was comfortable before he was able to sit down next to him and hold his hand, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm tired Garrett, do you mind if I take a little nap?"

"Of course not my dear friend, I love you and want what is best for you." Edwin thanked him and closed his eyes drifting off to sleep with a contented smile on his face which Garrett had never seen before.

To be continued:-

Writers Corner:-

First of I think I should explain again why I have changed the name of this story from Rebirth to Davey. Rebirth was originally a joint effort and it is now totally all my own work so to avoid confusion I thought it would be best to change the name and I hope no one is confused by this.

Well it was good to know that Davey's problems after he and Johnny had anal sex weren't as bad as they looked and Dr Evans was able to fix things up with a minimum of fuss and not too many people knowing.

Davey also looks set to enter his first gymnastic competition since arriving in El Paso. You may recall in the first chapter Sally arrived with all his trophy's from earlier competitions so as a very young boy he had been competing, only his injuries and bashing's stopped him for some time.

Are Edwin and Garrett gay or just very close loving friends? I keep asking this question and the answers are mixed and I suppose only time will tell. It appears that Edwin is on the mend but let's just wait and see if he does too much he might just have a relapse.

Luke appears to have found just the young officer he is after for his schools project, but again is everything all it appears to be with Jason? Well time alone will tell.

Finally Sally and Bethany have decided to commit themselves to a permanent relationship and looking to hold a public ceremony so all can witness their true love.

All this and more. All I ask is that you write and tell me what you think about this and all my stories.




Editors Corner:-

Well I am one who is certainly happy that Edwin appears to be getting better and may survive after all (although you can never trust Trevor on this one). I also personally believe that a person can fall so much in love with a person that is of the same sex. I also believe that they definitely can make romantic love to that person even if they are not gay. I believe it can be the same with a gay man and a woman. My beliefs anyway.

I am glad Davey's bleeding problem is nothing major and that no one will discuss what happened between him and Johnny. I think Johnny's father would definitely force them to sleep in separate room if he knew.

Luke's story is going to be very interesting. At least that is my sense. Trevor never tells me but I believe in my heart that he will realize he may be bi at a minimum.

Anyway, great story Trevor. Keep up the great work.


Next: Chapter 19: Davey 19

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