Delta Iota Kappa

By Macout Mann

Published on Jul 30, 2012


This is a story about college and fraternity life. It contains explicit sexual activity between males. If such is offensive to you or if you are not of an age where reading such material is legal, please move on. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the story.

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by Macout Mann

Chapter 2

Orientation Begins

It was the following Monday. At one o'clock Freshman Orientation was to begin at the Sanderson Theatre. But promptly at nine, the pledge class was gathered in the Chapter Room on the fourth level of the Delta Iota Kappa House, under the eaves.

There were several rooms, living quarters for brothers, on this level. Some guys thought they were the best. From the dormer windows you had a wonderful view of the Atlantic from one side, a good far away view of Chesapeake Bay from the other. But the rooms were "under the eaves." They were less spacious with less headroom than the accommodations below. Yet there were fewer of them, so things were more private. And along with the rooms were the library, the archives, and the Chapter Room.

This was the first time any of the pledges even knew of the Chapter Room's existence. There were a hundred chairs arranged facing a desk, behind which there was a blackboard. Weekly, the members met here to deal with the business of the chapter. Of course pledges were excluded from these meetings, but they would meet here with Pledge Master Marvin Bannister, for indoctrination, until either they were accepted as brothers, or were de-pledged.

"Guys," Bannister began, "I hope you realize that you are the twenty-five most envied men in your class. There is no honor higher at Sanderson, even being valedictorian, than being a Delta Iota Kappa."

Most of the pledges already felt that way.

"In exchange for receiving such an honor, you will be expected to adhere to the standards of the fraternity. The highest of these is to maintain the secrets of the society. There are two or three of you whose fathers were members. Mr. Blaylock, what has your father told you about membership in DIKa?"

"Well...not anything really. He's always been proud of being a DIKa, but that's all he's ever said."

"And each of you." the Pledge Master responded, "will be expected to behave in the very same way.

"But although we value secrecy most," he continued, "Delta Iota Kappa is the second most generous charity in the Commonwealth. Your forebears together give over a million dollars a year to the D.I.K. Foundation. You will be expected to follow suit. And while an undergraduate, you will contribute through your sweat, if nothing else, to do the good work we're famous for.

"And each of you," he pointedly said, "has been selected, because you have a talent that DIKa values. You will be expected to use it well, to your enhancement and to the betterment of the fraternity. Be it your academic prowess, your athletic ability, your talents in music or theatre—it doesn't matter. You will do your best for Delta Iota Kappa first, and that will reflect to the glory of Sanderson.

"That's the way it's been from the day the fraternity was founded.

"Now if any of you aren't completely comfortable with what I've said so far, for your own sake as well as ours, please stand and leave us now."

There was a tittering among the pledge class, but no one chose to de-pledge.

"Very well," Bannister said. "We will now begin your training.

"First, you will stand and raise your right hand and take the pledge of secrecy.

"Repeat after me. I, and state your name,...on my honor do solemnly swear...that I will divulge to no one...any of the things that Delta Iota Kappa...or any of the things its meetings...or in confidence between long as I shall live."

More tittering as the pledges resume their seats.

"Now," Bannister says," you were instructed to come to this meeting with a minimum of clothing. I hope you did. It makes things a lot easier.

"I want you now to strip." There was louder tittering.

"If you've never seen another guy's dick before," the Pledge Master intoned, "it's high time you did." He surprised some of the pledges by stripping himself.

"Don't be embarrassed if you get a hard-on," he giggled. Then he added, "Maybe you ought to be embarrassed if you don't." There was general laughter.

"Part of being a DIKa," he continued, "is being completely at ease with your brothers and to be closer to them than you might be with your own siblings. Since there are twenty-five of you, one of you will need to come up and be with me. Blaylock, you're elected."

George uncomfortably strode to the front of the room.

"Now face the man next to you," Bannister ordered, "and take his dick in your right hand. This is the way a DIKa meets a brother. Confidently, without embarrassment, without shame." He enthusiastically demonstrated with George Blaylock. "This is a new experience for most of you. You may be disconcerted a little, I hope not mortified. But you will soon be comfortable being nude and being this close to your brothers. And you are never again to enter this room without being naked.

"Goddamn," one of the pledges was heard to say. That set off another round of tittering.

"O.K. guys, settle down.

"The university has a number of events scheduled for orientation week. We also have a number of events scheduled for you. There are no conflicts. Tomorrow at one, the chapter archivist will instruct you about the history of the fraternity. Wednesday at ten, one of the brothers will lead a discussion on sexuality. Thursday at nine we'll be discussing finances, how you'll avoid becoming a pauper while in college; and at three we'll be explaining how a DIKa is expected to behave with other members of the university community. This is very important. We are the top rung guys, but we are not snobs. We want every person on campus to think every DIKa is one of the nicest guys he's ever met. That means being humble. Then on Friday, you'll be guided in selecting extra-curricular activities you will want to be involved in.

"And at all times, remember that you are serfs and that the brothers are lords. You will obey without question when ordered to perform. Being a pledge isn't easy. But every indignity is worth the cost. Believe me."

The meeting ended, twenty-five naked boys trooped down to their assigned rooms, carrying the clothes they had worn to the Chapter Room. James Winthrop and George Blaylock walked side by side.

"Shit," George mused. "I guess I know why Dad wouldn't have said anything, even if he wasn't under oath."

James didn't betray that he might have had some inkling of what was to happen. "It was sort of shocking, wasn't it?" he said, laughing.

"I never would've thought I'd ever let some son-of-a-bitch. touch my dick," George said. Then added, "unless he was a doctor."

When he entered their room, James found Jerry Squires, his roommate, sitting at his desk. He smiled, stood up, and said, "So how was your first pledge meeting?"

"Gotta say it was interesting."

Jerry reached for James' dick and gave it a friendly squeeze. "Well, at least you weren't as freaked as some of the guys, I'm sure."

"Beau told you I was gay?" James asked.

"Sure he did," Jerry replied. "That's what cinched you getting in."

"You mean all of you are...?"

"No," Jerry interrupted, "but none of us have anything against it. And all of us have had experiences with other guys. It's one of the things that totally bonds us together as DIKas.

"We don't pledge anybody we aren't pretty sure can be made to be comfortable having sex with other guys. We really wanted you to pledge, but we couldn't tell about you. You put up a pretty good front. That's why you got invited to sleep over."

"And I've spent the last six years making sure nobody would know I was gay. That is almost nobody," James giggled.

"Yeah, nobody but Bill, I'd bet. You must've talked to him before he answered the questionnaire. There were some questions straight off the FIRO exams that he really blindsided us on.

Sanderson Theatre was a three thousand seat music hall, built to house the spectacular Sanderson Review, which the students staged each year. Its stage house was as well equipped as any on Broadway. It was also home to various academic convocations, and in it was the larger of the two pipe organs on campus. This hundred and ten rank instrument had been designed so organ students could practice on a real concert organ. A smaller baroque organ could be found in Hancock Chapel.

As the freshman class filed into the theatre an organist was softly playing Bach's "Sheep May Safely Graze." It provided some comfort to many of the already nervous, apprehensive, or homesick students. On the stroke of one, the freshmen heard a loud "bloomp," as the organ's sforzando stop was activated. To the roar of "O God, Our Help in Ages Past," the Sanderson Hymn, played at full volume, the president, provost, and deans of the colleges in full academic regalia, led by the University Marshal with his six-foot mace, paraded down an aisle to the stage. Very impressive.

The president, a gold chain around his neck, attached to a cast pendant in the image of the seal of the university, welcomed the newcomers and wished them well in their quest for knowledge. He spoke for barely fifteen minutes. While the previous week had been devoted entirely to things Greek, the president mentioned neither fraternities nor football. Like Marvin Bannister had done earlier, however, he enumerated a number of events that the freshmen were expected to attend. A lecture on how to study. A criterion test required of all entering students. Meetings with the deans of the students' particular colleges. Mixers where new students could get to know each other. Then after final good wishes, the organ once again blared and the procession retired.

James found himself walking back to the DIKa House with George Blaylock and Winston Crockett, another pledge. Their thoughts were obviously more concentrated on the morning's events than the ceremony they'd just witnessed.

Crockett, a handsome, auburn haired six footer, started the conversation. "I expected some weird shit," he exclaimed, "but man, feeling up another dude!"

"I expect it'll get weirder," James opined.

"Well I'm not queer, but it doesn't bother me all that much," said George. "I figure whatever my dad went through, I can manage too."

"Who was that guy that cried out `goddamn'?" Crockett asked.

"Could have been any of us, I guess," George replied.

"So where are you from, Winston?" James asked.

"Just up Highway 13 to Dover," Crocked replied. "I wanted to go someplace in the Midwest, but hell, I guess in some ways this place is even further away."

George laughed. "Yeah, my dad never could understand why it wasn't part of Maryland. Before they built the bridge-tunnel legislators had to go to Maryland to get to Richmond.

"Why did you wind up at Sanderson, James?" George asked.

"Oh, I thought it would be good to get away from it all after growing up in the Dallas Metroplex. And Dad said if I aced the first semester, he'd let me bring a car back after Christmas. So I figure come winter I can get away for a weekend sometime." Then to himself he thought, "The way things are going I may not need to."

Back at the house, Jerry talked to James about his swimming, tennis, and basketball prowess.

"I'm not really tall enough to play round ball here," James admitted, "but I'm a damned good tennis player. Singles. Placed first or second for my age group in several tournaments. Really like swimming best. Specialize in backstroke."

In the common room, Jerry had a Dickel neat. James had his over ice with a dash of water. Jerry told him ice would eat your insides out.

"Maybe I can drink it straight in time," James said. "Let me get used to the taste."

"That's what I like about you," his mentor admitted. "You're totally guileless...about everything but sex.

"We'll remedy that."

The Eastern Shore is one of those places where the quality of the evening air itself can make you sleepy. It wasn't too long after dinner that James hit the sack, and slept soundly until Jerry shook him awake. He was due for another orientation session at nine. Then after lunch there was the Chapter Room session on the history of the fraternity.

Promptly at one o'clock twenty-five naked pledges gathered, many just as uncomfortable as they had been the day before. Bob Riley, the Archivist, and Marvin Bannister, the Pledge Master, both also naked, were at the front of the room. James couldn't help marvel at Riley. He had the biggest dick James had ever seen, thick as a fire hose and over seven inches limp.

"Guys," Riley began, "this is a subject that you'll be tested on. That is, you'll have to take tests on the history of Delta Iota Kappa until you pass. No pass and you don't become an active. So listen up. It's a hell of a lot easier if you pass the first time.

"As you know, Sanderson University was founded in 1851, the year after "The Great Compromise" that put the Civil War off for ten more years. The university was to be a bastion of Southern Culture. And it was put out here on the Eastern Shore so it would be immune from false ideologies.

"Three years after it was founded, six men joined together to form Delta Iota Kappa. And although it's always been called DIKa with a long `i', the founders knew what they were doing when they chose the name." He grabbed his crotch to emphasize his point, and the pledges all laughed appreciatively.

"Now the names of the six founders," he continued, "were Elias Henry, Earnest Oliver, Joseph Williams, Seth Carter, David Masters, and Thomas Davis. They each became an officer in the fraternity, and that's why we still have six elected officers today. Also they all felt that they must have a particular and especially close relationship to each other. And so they established the peculiar rituals that we still practice, the first of which you learned about yesterday morning. That is, the practice of appearing naked with each other and greeting each other by embracing our dicks.

"The fraternity grew along with the college and in 1861, when Fort Sumter was fired on, the college had 385 undergraduates, 30 of whom were affiliated with the fraternity. All of the Sanderson students left school to fight in the war, 353 on the Southern side. Eighteen of our members survived, and after the war, the fraternity was reorganized and continued to prosper.

"By 1874, three other fraternities had been organized. Over the years, all three chose to become chapters of national organizations. Today they are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Chi Psi, and Kappa Alpha. All the other frats on campus were founded by nationals. Only DIKa has remained a local, and our rigorous process for tapping members has kept us the most important Greek Letter Organization on campus."

Riley continued to recite the history for over an hour. By the time he reached 1960, everyone's eyes were beginning to glaze over, but the pledges were all anxious to pass the test the first time, so they forced themselves to continue to pay attention.

"There was a period in the sixties, when frat membership fell out of favor at a lot of schools, along with ROTC programs. But the close bonds that hold our members together remained, and we never failed to fill our quota of twenty-five pledges. And that's the way it has been ever since.

"So you have a lot to live up to," he concluded. "Does anyone have a question?"

When James returned to their room, he found Jerry naked at his desk. They exchanged greetings, and Jerry said, "Jim, I'm not supposed to get into this until after your session tomorrow, but what the fuck? You know what's going on, and I'm horny as hell."

"I'm supposed to do whatever you command," James laughed.

He didn't hesitate to get on his knees and take his mentors dick in one hand and cup his balls in the other. "Is this what you had in mind, my lord?" he asked.

"Oh, yes," Jerry answered.

James gave him the full treatment, touching every inch of his body with hands or lips, before swallowing Jerry's tool and giving him a blow job the likes of which he'd never had before. Jerry's orgasm was massive, and James didn't spill a drop.

"You're not a brother yet," Jerry huskily proclaimed, "but you're damned well going to be; and a brother never leaves another brother in need." So he reciprocated as best he could.

Copyright 2012 by Macout Mann. All rights reserved.

Next: Chapter 3

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