Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Jan 17, 2008


Miguel woke up feeling as if every part of him was alive and at peace. Feeling the warm body beneath him he rose and nuzzled Armando's nape with his nose. Armando groaned and shifted a bit. A small mumble escaped his lips that made Miguel chuckle. Miguel was drained enough that he knew he would need to get some energy back before he could attempt to make love to Armando again. That was part of his plan though. "Good afternoon my boy in blue, how are you feeling?" Miguel was concerned that he might have been a bit too hard on Armando for his first time. Armando came awake and blinked a few times, moving around caused him to groan with stiffness. His whole body ached and he felt very disoriented. Yet even with all of that, he couldnt help but feel as if his whole body was relaxed in a way he had never experienced. Then of all things, Armando's stomach growled. Miguel chuckled in that deep and sexy tone. "I figured you'd be hungry, so lets wash up and we can go out to lunch together, I'm fuckin starved." Armando straightened up as best he could and sat up to rise from the bed. That was when he felt it. Deep inside of him was that urge to go to the bathroom, bad. Armando's whole body was stiff, but the urge said he had to go now. Making his way over to the bathroom still naked he closed the door behind him, sat on the toilet, and felt his insides cramp up a bit as he released. He was sore down there, that was for sure, and it was hard to relax when his insides were still full and not being released. After finally relieving himself, Armando sighed miserably. The feelings of last night had been overwhelming, and although rationally Armando knew that it was wrong, his body and soul were craving more. 'What's happened to me, I let a marine take my virginity, and now i cant stop wanting more?' Armando tried not to cry as he turned on the shower water. His parents were staunch believers in the order of man and woman. Gays were tolerated, but at a distance. Since he was young he had always been surrounded by the uncles and cousins. They all worked in the family owned auto shop and had built their reputation to a tremendous level. They had won multiple awards and been personally invited to many of the biggest and top auto shows. 'What's my family going to say if I tell them i had sex with a guy?' Armando thought bitterly as he already knew the answer. 'I cant ever let this be known, I have to make sure that no one ever finds out, and then pretend it never happened. Miguel will get the hint, and he'll find some other guy's life to ruin. He came, he conquered, he'll move on." Armando was letting the very warm water run down his back as he rested his hand in front of him and had his head slumped.

His feelings were in turmoil, and at that moment, he felt as if everything was coming down around him. But he couldnt deny that he had felt a powerful attraction to Miguel from the moment they kissed. Carefully, Armando felt down into his ass muscles. He winced at feeling how sore his muscles were. Yet despite the pain, his own cock responded with the stimulatin. 'What the heck is wrong with me?' Thought Armando. Images came back to him, Miguel leaning in close, kissing him, remembering how hard and powerful his body had been, Armando had felt Miguel's lips on his neck, his shoulders, his ears had been teased and chewed on gently to maximize stimulation. Armando remembered his whole body feeling an explosion of need, and release when he came. Armando was lost in those thoughts when he jumped at hearing the voice that was now in the shower with him. "Now why would you be taking a shower without me?" Armando spun around to combat whoever was behind him. His balance though was still off and with the wet bathtub floor, he slipped. Catching himself at the last minute, he grabbed onto the only thing in front of him. Miguel's leg. This enabled him to crouch and regain his footing, but it also caused Miguel to fall unceremoniously. Armando felt his arm grabbed as soon as he tried to get up and was pulled forward to land on top of Miguel. "Fuck man, is this how you greet a guy who was just gonna shower with you?" Armando felt his whole face burning with embarresment. The fact that he had been so distracted that he hadnt heard Miguel enter the shower behind him was bad enough. Now they were in an awkward position with Armando laying down on top of Miguel. Miguel, despite the indignity of falling, wrapped his arms around Armando and kissed him on the forehead. "How about we finish up this shower huh? Unless you were aiming to have some fun instead?" Armando pulled away and stood up. Miguel followed suit. "I'm done showering, i'm gonna dry off." Armando said as he turned to get out of the shower. "Oh no you dont. You need to finish up, I can tell you havent even scrubbed yourself." Being pulled back into Miguel's arms, Armando felt an ache of longing. Miguel holding him from behind felt so good and so safe, as if nothing in the world could go wrong. Miguel stroked Armando on his chest and abs and kissed the back of his neck as he picked up the shampoo. Keeping Armando still inbetween his arms, he dabbled a bit of Shampoo onto Armando's head and began to scrub gently. Despite the fact that he had the body of the wrestler Bautista, his hands were very well-practised in the arts of massage. Armando had of course closed his eyes and was receiving the attention with mixed feelings. On the one hand, Armando wanted to say how good it was to feel someone massage him, mainly because he'd never had anyone do so. On the other, Armando was trying to resist these urges and clear his head. Armando made to put his head under the water, but Miguel stopped him. "I have to do the whole body so as you are squeaky clean. Dont worry, i'll be extra careful down there. Just put your trust in me." Armando mentally did a tug of war as to what decision to make. Miguel solved it by moving Armando from the water and soaping his body. Using the loufa, Miguel gently, but firmly scrubbed Armando's body. This touching and caressing was very hot to watch for Miguel. Seeing the look on Armando's face as he moaned and seeing his body arch and relax at Miguel's touch was exhilarating. Miguel crouched to make sure he paid extra attention to Armando's very sensitive spots. Soaping carefully around Armando's hole, he used his thumb to gently massage it in circles. Armando still gasped from the touch, but at least he wasnt flinching. Miguel had to resist the urge to drive his tongue into that hole. Red now from the night's assault, it now had the scent and mark of a man. Muscular and tanned, it was the best latin ass Miguel had ever seen. 'This is what i've always wanted. A man who knows how to appreciate my latin passion with his own.' Thought Miguel as he finished up and moved Armando towards the water. Armando was quick to rinse himself off. Miguel smiled as Armando finally opened his eyes. Looking directly into Miguel's eyes, it was as if electricity struck them both. Miguel moved forward and began to wrap his arms around Armando. Reflexively, Armando put his hands up on Miguel's chest to hold him back. But the feeling of being held was overpowering, and Armando felt his resistance melt away. "I believe I love you Armando. I know you might not be ready, but I want you to give it a chance. I havent felt this good in so long and I dont want to give it up. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you with me." Armando felt the tears start to well up and fought to hold them back. It felt so good to be held, but he wasn't supposed to feel this way about a guy. "Think you could start by giving me a scrub down?" Armando felt his continual need to help others take over. It was something he always did, and despite his feeling of caution, he obliged. "Sure, we can start with your hair, but you need to get to your knees or something cause I wont be able to reach as easily." Miguel chuckled as he got down to his knees and held onto Armando's waist. Armando took his time as he massaged Miguel's scalp and his high and tight. This allowed him to feel all over Miguel's head and at his life lines. 'Healthy, passionate, take-charge, intuitive, disciplined. Everything a Marine needs to be.' Thought Armando as Miguel nuzzled his abs with his nose. It kind of tickled, but Armando's abs were tired from last night. Sighing, Armando bade Miguel stand. Seeing Miguel rise put into perspective just how tall he was. Armando was taller for a latino, but Miguel was just plain taller by all standards of a latin man. "How tall is he?" Armando accidently spoke out loud and Miguel chuckled. "Well, i'm 6'4, latino, 26, and all Marine. I have a 34 inch waist, and a 50 inch chest, my sign is Aries" Armando blushed as he continued to scrub all over Miguel. 'And i'm a virgo' Thought Armando reflectively. Methodical, and sensual, Armando massaged every part of Miguel's body and had him moaning and growling with pleasure. Armando had finished the upper body and hesitated when it came to Miguel's cock. Seeing it soft, it still looked too big to fit into anyone. 'That latin sausage was in me?' Thought Armando as he scrubbed around it. As he began working his way to actually touching it, he saw it get harder and harder as it rose. Armando was fascinated at seeing this. Without even realizing it, Armando had reached out and touched the head. Miguel sighed at the feeling and rested his back against the tile as he waited for Armando to do as he pleased. The mushroom head was nice and tanned golden brown, and looked inviting. Armando found himself stroking it, and leaning in closer to look at it more. 9 inches is fascinating to look at really no matter who you are, and Armando examined it from all angles. Well-muscled, with only one main vein showing, it jerked every minute or so when Armando squeezed it. Fascinated now, Armando let his other hand scrub Miguel's balls and inner thigh area just below his ass. Gently scrubbing Miguel's two pouches of love juice, he had Miguel groaning as he now stroked Miguel's cock in long strokes. "Oh yeah, fuck man that feels good, Oh Armando please dont stop, it feels so good." Armando finished soaping and cleaning Miguel and moved him over to the water by firmly holding Miguel's cock and guiding him over. Miguel chuckled at this, but didnt resist. Rinsing himself off, and making sure Armando was as well, he waited without saying anything as he looked down at Armando. Armando was conflicted and hesitating as he brought his lips closer and closer to Miguel's cock. Finally, he resolved the conflict and pulled away. Miguel felt a bit of disappointment, but relief as well. He didnt think he could prevent himself from coming right then and there if Armando had swallowed his cock. "Sorry bout that, I let my curiosity get the better of me." Armando said as he pulled away. "Its okay, i understand. Here, let me finish up rinsing off, I want to take you to Lunch." Miguel finished washing off and tried to relax his stiffening cock. It took some effort, and looking at Armando all sexy and shining with cleanliness didnt help, but at last Migue was able to relax. 'There will be plenty of time for that, I have to be patient.' thought Miguel as he toweled off Armando. He took his time to better see all that Armando had to offer. Perfection of form in any athlete, Armando was the culmination of this. His body was a meticulous work of careful work out and exercise. Not a single part of him was out of symmetry or disproportional. His chest was sculpted and while not as big as Miguel's, it was just right for Miguel to be able to grasp in his hands and sensually massage. His legs were muscular, firm, but the skin was tanned golden all over and soft. The light hair on his legs was soft and dark. His muscular and smooth ass was perfection. Relaxed, it was full, but perked. Flexed, it caved in to show that Armando didnt miss any portion of his body when exercising. When Miguel finished towel drying Armando off, he wrapped Armando in it and held him from behind. Kissing his exposed shoulder, he rocked Armando a little to show that he could be affectionate. Armando's body shivered with the feelings stirring and demanding to be released. He supressed them, but found it harder and harder to do so. Miguel placed one hand under Armando's chin and tilted his head back slowly and carefully. Armando didnt resist, but closed his eyes. 'If I look in his eyes, I wont be myself. He'll catch me. I have to resist.' Thought Armando as he felt Miguel kiss his ear softly. Then his neck, his cheek, his temple, nibbled on his ear. Armando tried not to, but a moan escaped his lips. wrapping one hand firmly around Armando's chest, Miguel brought his lips onto Armando's. It was as if Miguel's body was commanding Armando's to yield, and Armando was fast losing the battle. Miguel was partially lifting Armando as he had gone a bit weak in the knees. "Come, we should get you dressed and ready." Miguel released Armando and smiled down at his confused but relieved look. 'Dont think for a moment that i'm gonna stop there though. I'm gonna make sure you are mine completely. For now, i want your body to crave mine and only mine. My touch will be the only thing to make you desire release. My kiss will be all your lips ever taste. My body will be the only vessel that can claim yours. My love will make you love me without question.' Miguel thought to himself as he looked upon Armando. Armando raised an eyebrow in curiosity as Miguel stared at him hungrily. Armando hastily wrapped the towel around his waist and scooted away. Miguel grinned. It was so sexy to see Armando in nothing but a towel and trying to find his clothes. "My underwear is all wet." Armando said as he looked forlornly at them. Such a cute expression as he looked at them with a bit of a pouty sad look. "Dont worry, I brought an extra pair. Unless you want to go freelance?" Armando nervously sighed as he looked at Miguel. Those eyes were so hypnotic with a mixture of wisdom and innocense. "May I borrow the other pair?" Grinning, Miguel went to his duffel bag. Earlier that month, he had gone to his buddies in the medical field and found out Armando's waist size. Ordering a Dark Green G-String from his favorite Gay Online Store, he had brought them as a means of having some fun with Armando. Pulling them out and holding them in front of Armando, he wasnt dissapointed when Armando stared blankly at the skimpy piece of undergarment. "Here you go. I'll expect them back." Armando narrowed his eyes. "Is this a joke? That's just string and a pouch. I cant wear that." Miguel grinned mentally. Keeping a blank, non-chalant face he began to put them back in his bag. "Suit yourself, that's the only other pair i've got." Armando snorted in helplessnes. "All right, all right, just hand them over, i'll make do." Miguel grinned as he held them out. He teasingly kept them out of Armando's reach for a moment before finally handing them over. Armando looked at the G-String with dread as he began to put them on while still wearing the towel. "It's much harder to put them on with the towel on, go ahead and drop the towel." Armando glared at Miguel. "Thanks but no thanks, I dont need anyone at all, including you, seeing me wearing this thing." Miguel sighed. Armando had outwitted him by figuring out how to prevent Miguel from seeing them. Armando got them on and then put on his pants while still wearing the towel. Miguel grumbled at Armando spoiling his game. 'Ah well, There will be other ways to see it in time. I wont be deterred forever." Thought Miguel as he put on his clothes. "You wouldnt happen to have another shirt in there would you? Mine still smells like alcohol." Armando tentatively asked. "Yeah, here you go." Miguel said with a grin as he tossed Armando a Dark green Tank Top. Armando put it on and looked a bit uncomfortable. As well he should. Armando never wore a Tank or even a wife beater out in public. Always a T-Shirt or such and usually a baggy one. He just didnt like feeling self-conscious. This was going to prove a challenge since the tank top was snug and showed off every bit of Armando's hot latin features. From his powerful chest, down to how narrow his waist was. Armando looked delicious to the gay eye, and Miguel hungrily drank in the scene completely. It was so mesmerizing and satisfying to see Armando doing such a simple task like putting on his socks while looking as sexy as hell. Miguel quickly got dressed, but took his time putting on his cologne and body spray. Miguel smiled at seeing Armando sniff his own pits out of the corner of his eye to see if he was smelly. Apparently, he was not happy, but not complaining. "Okay, ready, lets get out of here. I'm thinking we should do lunch at Shimin-Da, and definetly do a bit of shopping." Armando looked at him suspiciously. "I dont need to go shopping with you just so you can pick out clothes." Miguel grinned. "Yes you do, since your style of clothing consists of just athletic gear. It looks great when you are working out, but fuck it if you are going to be seen out in town looking like that." Armando scowled, and Miguel grinned at how cute it looked despite it being directed at him.

Shimin-do was a very large chinese restaurant and served a mixture of buffet and prepared dishes. It was a restaurant that was quite used to seeing a ton of military members coming and going at all parts of the weekend. Clean though and well reputed, their food was never overly greasy, and was always tasty no matter the dish you chose. Playing a mix of traditional Chinese music, and a few pop tunes, the setting was pleasant and comfortable. Armando felt completely out of place. Dressed in the clothes he borrowed from Miguel, he felt as if all eyes were staring at him. Miguel was quite happy at seeing Armando squirm a bit. Always seeing him so calm and confidant and at ease was great, but Miguel liked seeing this side of Armando. A shy and very aware Armando. Placing their order for drinks, Miguel nodded to Armando to get up and grab some buffet food. Armando was definetly off his normal easy manner. His body felt awkward, and he had to do his best to try walking while having the g-string wedged between his ass. Everytime Armando felt uncomfortable, he'd tighten his ass muscles. This only proceeded to remind him of the previous night's physical activity and then he'd have to concentrate on not becoming aroused. Armando made it back to the table and sat with relief. He was still uncomfortable owing to the g-string, but at least he wasn't making a fool of himself walking awkwardly. Miguel happily came back with a full plate and dug in. Snorting, Armando made it a point to pray first. That was when he felt that mixed motion of both despair and abandonement. On the one hand, what he felt was not to be denied. Every part of him was craving for more. To feel this Marine take charge again, to feel him within, to be a part of him and surrender to him. The other part of him felt as if his whole world was mocking him and sentencing him to a life with no family to accept him. Armando had to blink back the tears that he was dying to release. 'Why couldnt he have found someone else's life to ruin?' Armando thought bitterly. Finishing his prayer, he didnt know even if God would forgive him for his transgression, he poked at his food. He was very hungry though, and finished his meal despite taking his time. Miguel observed him silently and Armando was grateful. He wanted to sort his thoughts, rationalize, create an order to what had happened. Miguel apparently always had a huge appetite, for he was on his 4ths when Armando was on his second helping. Finished, and fully relaxed, Miguel took the time to look at Armando. He could tell that Armando was trying to figure out how to deal with the situation, and Miguel was amused at how much it showed on Armando's face. The conflict, the emotions, all of it so real that Miguel wanted to reach over, grab Armando, sit him on his lap, and taste that hot mouth with his own. Dressed now as Armando was, Miguel admired the physique. Certainly not as powerfully muscled as Miguel, he nevertheless filled out the tank top perfectly. A perfect tan all over and that beautiful face. Miguel felt himself feeling a bit foolish for being so star-eyed over him. He couldnt help it. Other pretty boys and such that Miguel had fucked around with had been just that: a fuck and sometimes just a repeat or two. Miguel had not thought about them the moment they had left the room. To Miguel, every other guy had just been a trick. Armando could never be anything less than his perfect soulmate. Miguel would not allow anything less. He had found the one who made him feel complete, and he'd be damned if anything took it away from him. Ever a Marine mind, once the target was locked on, there was nothing that was going to stand in the way. Even Armando's doubts and protests were just minor obstacles in Miguel's mind. He was sure that he could make Armando love him as much as he already knew he loved this airman who even now couldnt look him in the eye. Miguel was amused. "Its okay to look at me, you have a table in between us so i'm not gonna do anything to you." Armando closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Lifting his head, he opened his eyes and faced Miguel. Miguel held his breath under that gaze. Intense, passionate, commanding, pleading, powerful, forgiving, it struck Miguel and threatened to overwhelm him. He'd faced a Marine Drill Sergeant, seasoned Platoon Sergeants, had learned to steel his own gaze to be able to stare down anyone and anything that dared challenge him. This though was no challenge. This was a man who wanted him, who needed him, yet wanted nothing to do with him. Two different thoughts, both wanting direction, a means to prove one over the other. Miguel knew which one he would choose. He'd choose it everytime. Nothing would prevent him from making Armando his and his alone.

Walking down the mall, Armando did appreciate the clear and sunny sky. The cool breeze was wonderful, and helped take the discomfort away from wearing what he did. Seeing his usual Sports Authority store, he began to walk towards it. Once again, and to Armando's frustration, Miguel steered him away. "I told you, your clothes need a bit of a change. You look like you are ready to go to a sports competition all the time. How is that gonna go down when I take you to a nice restaurant?" Armando scowled. Unable to look Miguel in the face was causing Armando to lose every protest he had on his tongue. He couldnt make a choice when he was unable to look this Marine, this man, in the eye. "Okay mister big shot, you know so damn much about fashion? Fine, you pick the store." Miguel grinned smugly. "Bout fuckin time you saw things my way. Dont worry sweets, you are gonna like this store." Miguel led Armando to American Eagle first by standing behind him and guiding him through holding his shoulders. Embarressed at Miguel's lack of behavior, Armando quickly walked into the store to make sure no one saw. This didnt work out that way. Instead of withdrawing from Armando, Miguel wrapped his arms around Armando's chest and clung to Armando. Being held from behind was new to Armando and the feelings of tenderness as Miguel caressed Armando was starting to have a pleasurable affect on him. When Miguel tipped Armando's head back and nibbled on his ear, Armando almost lost his ability to hold back the moan. "Hey Miyagi, bout time you came back to chat you big bitch!" Armando snapped out of it and nearly leapt out of Miguel's arms and try to dive for cover at having been caught. Miguel though had held him tight and gave him a warning by putting his teeth to Armando's ear to let him know not to do anything rash. "Lively one you got there aye? Boy you sure do know how to pick em though, he's adorable. Probably not used to such public displays of affection." Armando guiltily looked to the female voice that had scared him out of his wits. A rather busty blond female with a very pretty face was looking at him with one hand on her waist. "Say hello to the man of my dreams. This is my keeper for life. Armando, meet Sophie North. Sophie, this is Armando." Sophie stuck out her hand. "Howdy kiddo, you are one lucky little boy let me tell you. If this one had been straight, he'd have been wrapped around my finger in a heartbeat." Armando took her hand and felt rather fond of her blunt behavior. She was an honest but jovial individual. Someone Armando could identify with. Most of Armando's family was the same way. Smiling as he took her hand, he felt a bit better. "So hun, what can I do for you today? We have a great sale going on for cardholders, and of course we'll honor the military discount on top of it." Miguel disengaged from Armando and spun him around. "I want you to work your magic on this diamond in the rough. Let your skills as a dresser be the jewelcrafters' hand." Armando was surprised at how articulate this big jock Marine could be at times. 'He's not normal on any level. Which means its going to be that much harder to figure out a way to get out of this.' Armando huffed. Sophie though looked delighted. "Oh bless you Miguel you always know just what makes my day. Nothing gets me through a day than knowing that someone out there has been given a better appearance thanks to my special touch. Sophie chirped as she looked Armando up and down. "Hmm, great physique, much better than a models or an athletes, and with just the dimensions everywhere. What are your favorite colors hun?" Armando rather liked it when Sophie called him hun. Kinda motherly in that sense. "Green and brown are my preferred. Green mostly." Sophie nodded. "Earth tones, hmm, excellent, better for me since I get tired of handling just blue and black and white. Definetly need a few lighter colors though to bring out that cute face. Okay, lets start over here." Sophie moved over to a rack with tons of shirts in different colors and textures. Armando made to move over and help, but instead he was picked up by Miguel and placed in a large overstuffed leather couch. "You dont have to do anything for this, Sophie never fails at making the perfect choice every time."Miguel grinned and affectionately rubbed Armando's shoulder as Sophie went about the store making selections and saying out loud about such and such clothing and how it would go great with Armando's skin tone, or it would compliment the pants or shirt. Armando was a bit confused at that point. Except for the few occasions he needed to wear formal clothing, Armando had always worn mostly casual clothes. Never did he ever think about wearing clothes that complimented his form, preferring comfortable and somewhat baggy clothes. Sophie appraoched him with about a dozen shirts, shorts, jeans, cargo pants, and belts. "Okay, Miguel will show you which ones go with what, so go ahead and get into the changing room and lets see what works and what doesnt." Sophie winked at Miguel and he chuckled. Armando didnt even have a chance to refute this as Sophie was looking proud at her choices and Miguel was looking at him with a grin that spoke for his lust and his amusement.

Armando at first refused to have Miguel come into the changing room with him. "I think I can figure out what goes with what thank you." Armando was stiff with indignation. Miguel brushed it off. "Sophie is the boss, and if she says I will know what patterns to do, then I will and you wont. No arguments airman." Armando wanted to tell him off for using rank, but grumbled and felt his arguments deflate. It was hard to be mad at a guy who could make your body respond with a touch to any bare skin. Armando came up with a plan. Pretending confusion, Armando thought to have Miguel sort all the clothes so as he could send him out once he had. Not so. "Naw, I gotta see you in them to know which one goes with which. Dont worry, I'm good at this shit." Armando, defeated, grumbled his ire, but allowed Miguel to pick out the clothing. Armando was actually pretty impressed. He'd always figured Jarheads to be completely disinterested in fashion and such. "We might act crude and rude at times, but you see any one of us and we are always the sharpest dressed. When we want to show that we are clean and sharp for the hunnies, then we do make the effort." Armando rolled his eyes. To him, jarheads fit their name. Only they could talk about fucking some chick as an everyday conversation. Armando tried to distract Miguel by having him get the next outfit ready, but Miguel was having none of it. Armando felt as if his whole body was burning with embaressment at having Miguel see him in that ridiculous G-string. He felt the goosebumps all over and did his best to get into the new pair of pants as fast as possible. Miguel was grinning the whole time and looked quite pleased. Armando went through the various outfits and was impressed. He felt foolish looking at the mirror so much to see how well the outfits looked on him, but he couldn't help it. He didnt look overly preppy or anything, but the looks spoke volumes on class. Armando was a bit put-off by the outfits that were more form fitting since he was not used to them, but the fabric was so fine and comfortable, that he didnt feel a bit uncomfortable. Miguel just watched as his diamond in the rough became the most brilliant gem of the royal treasury. The unmistakable smile and powerful aura of love seemed to emanate just for Miguel from Armando. He breathed it in, he worshipped it, he felt a need to possess it completely. There was no one else for Miguel now. Armando was going to be his and his alone. No one else would ever be able to love him and be loved by him like Armando. Miguel's feelings must have showed on his face, the moment Armando looked into Miguel's eyes he froze and began to flush in embaressment. "You look perfect. I told you that Sophie knew what she was doing." Armando nodded and seemed to be caught in the moment. His eyes were locked with Miguel's and he couldnt move, could only breathe lightly as he felt this Marine dominate him with just his will. The powerful connection was making Armando feel disoriented and a bit light headed. Before Armando was even aware, Miguel had moved up and wrapped his hands around the back of his neck and waist. Bending down, Miguel moved his lips forward and brushed them against Armando's. "You are the only one for me. You and I have something that I will not fuck up ever. Just promise you will try to love me as much as I love you." Armando could feel the body holding him, the power, the energy, the overwhelming presence of this Marine who commanded a platoon with respect and awe. This Marine had reduced him to feeling as if time had stopped and all that existed was the hope that Miguel would take him, love him, and hold him. Armando felt those lips just touching his own and whispering his wishes, his confessions. Armando felt the warm breath, saw the powerful and tanned face, the definition of a man looking at him and asking only for Armando to love him back. 'Can anyone love a Marine?' Armando thought as he tried his best to answer. "You expect me to believe with your reputation that no one else has ever made you feel this way?" Armando knew what he was saying, knew that Miguel didnt want to hear it in that condescending tone, knew that it was going to get a reaction, but he said it anyway. Armando thought it better to try and break this before it had a chance to go further. 'I'm sorry Miguel, but this is for the best. I cant get hurt if I dont have this, even though this is going to hurt so much now. I think I was falling in love with you. That is why I cant be with you.' Armando closed his eyes and felt Miguel tense up. He felt the wall when Miguel pressed him to it. Felt the muscles in Miguel's body tighten as he became agitated. Felt Miguel's body physically and mentally as a volcano ready to erupt. Then it was gone. Nothing but Miguel's somewhat heavier breathing as he calmed himself down. Then a chuckle that surprised Armando enough to open his eyes. "You're good, oh yeah, almost had me react the way you wanted to get your way. Very clever. Too bad I'm far more experienced at the game than you. Almost had me explode like a fucking bomb so you could find a reason to get away hmm? Thought you could get me all pissed off and bring out the Marine that you could find all fucked up? Takes more than that." Armando glared as Miguel laughed. "I'm going to have to lose the subtlty with you then. Fine by me, fuck the smooth talking shit. What a Marine wants, a Marine gets for life. I know you think i'm just using you for sex or some joke." Armando now felt truly scared at Miguel now putting his face right in front of Armandos'. "Make no mistake mi amor. There will be no one else. You are all I want, all i need, and i'll fuck up anyone who tries to move in on what I love. Dont think to fuck with me and try to make me hate you. I wont be dissuaded. I wont be denied. I have waited too long for this, and I'll be damned if some shits going to deny me at all." Pressing himself fully now into Armando, Miguel wrapped his hands around Armando's waist and pressed his lips to Armandos. An explosion seemed to erupt in Armando's head. The kiss, the whispered words, the overwhelming presence holding him, it paralyzed Armando with emotions. He couldnt resist, hell, he could barely stand. The moment had left Armando feeling weak for the first time in his life. Armando tried to muster the resistance to place his hands on Miguel's shoulder and push him away. It was no good. Miguel's body commanded him to yield and Armando's body obeyed. "I think the clothes all look good, lets go ahead and purchase them and get on out of here." Armando was so thrown off when Miguel withdrew so suddenly, that Armando almost fell over. "Dont think this is over. You will love me, you will desire only me. Every day that you see me you will remember my words, you will remember how I make you feel." Armando glared at Miguel's big grinning face and tried to muster up some anger. It didnt come. Armando just glared and finally turned his back on Miguel and got dressed. Miguel's laugh and comment on how good Armando's ass looked in the g-string only made Armando furious and embaressed.

"Alright hun, looks like you nabbed a hotty with alot of fire up his ass." Sophie commented to Miguel as she got the register ready. Armando was still changing and was completely out of earshot. "Only fire in his ass is going to be me. Sophie, he's the one." Sophie looked intriqued. "You never said you'd find the one. None of the guys you brought have ever made it past just a few nights of working their ass over." Sophie was surprised at Miguel's excited emotions. Miguel had brought in plenty of his troops to the store, and business boomed for Sophie when he did. Her hot looks and good taste had the Marines always coming back and calling it their favorite store. Miguel got all the discounts, and she always told him about sales coming up. In return, Miguel gave her all the business she could want. Her manager had had to promote her after Miguel made it clear that he would take his business elsewhere if she didnt. A single college student, Sophie had dated a few military guys, and knew all the ones who were gay and straight. Remembering Miguel the first time he came in, he had been the only one Sophie had wished been straight. She had been Miguel's confidance when he would go through times of hardship. Had wished for him to find someone who could be everything that she couldnt have been for him. She'd seen every one of the guys that Miguel had fucked around with, and had searched their faces for a sign that they were a possible relationship material. She'd never seen it. She confirmed it each time when Miguel had shown no enthusiasm for them. Just politeness and a bit of charm for the fuck. This one though, Sophie had seen it, and Miguel had just confirmed it. She could see why though. His calm and kind eyes had melted Sophie easily. He clearly didnt go for being a drama queen, and wasnt insecure and bitchy. He didnt have the need to prove how manly he was, and his nervousness was charming and realistic the other guys who were usually opininated and conceited. Sophie had never seen Miguel so happy and so relaxed at the same time. He wasnt involuntarily flexing, and he couldnt keep a solemn face at all. His smile was infectious. His boyish enthusiasm made Sophie chuckle. Miguel, in short, was head over heels for this one. Sophie only prayed that he didnt get hurt. Sophie watched Armando as he approached the counter to pay. He had all his defenses up, but Sophie could tell as soon as Armando looked at Miguel, even fleetingly, that Armando was slowly coming to realize his own feelings for Miguel. Armando pulled out his wallet and was about to hand Sophie his credit card. "Um, how much?" Armando seemed resolute that he was going to get the clothes. Sophie chuckled mentally. Armando would thank her later when he got attention and more friends after wearing clothes that really showed off his great looks. His current outfit was obviously chosen by Miguel and looked great on him. "No need, I've got this one." Miguel said as he pulled out his own card and winked at Sophie. "I can pay for myself thank you very much." Armando said with a clear grumble. "Sadly, your money is no good here if Miguel says so hun." Sophie laughed as Armando looked a bit frustrated. "I dont like owing anyone anything. I pay for myself or I dont get the clothes then." Armando looked deadset. Sophie was amused by this impasse. 'Honorable and independant, not a moocher, pretty good kid. Unfortunately...' Sophies thoughts were interrupted on que. "As your superior in rank, you'd best accept the orders. I pay, you wear, end of discussion." Armando glared at Miguel for a flash of a moment. Armando looked away though and his aura of hostility disappeared. "Yes sir." Sophie had to do her best not to laugh. Miguel never bought anything for anyone. All of his former one-nighters could never get him to do so. Sophie was sure that Miguel would be damned if he allowed the first guy he loved to pay for clothes that Miguel had all but forced on him to try on. "I still get the double discount right?" Miguel said to her with a grin. 'One victory for you, but its going to be a challenge that's for sure.' Sophie grinned as she took Miguel's card. "Of course hun, you know you always got the discounts." Sophie rang it all up and bagged the clothes. "Take care, thanks for shopping and have a good day." Sophie said as she handed Armando the bags. Armando smiled innocently at her. "Thank you very much for your help, you were wonderful to find stuff for me." Armando said as he hefted the bags easily. 'And that is why Miguel is in love with you.' Thought Sophie. Those eyes and that loving and innocent look had melted Sophie with just the small eye-contact.

"You didnt have to buy them for me, I have saved up plenty of money." Armando grumbled as Miguel walked next to him looking as happy as if he'd been a child in a candy store. "Just say thank you and accept it as a gift. All boyfriends do that kind of stuff for each other." Miguel said as he guided them towards a few other stores. "Say, do you have a computer?" Armando looked startled at the question. "Um, no, not anymore, I gave my old computer to my sister since she needed a high performance one to do all her high school classes." Miguel nodded. "Nice for your sister, but i'd like to be able to email you and stuff during the week. I think we should get you one." Armando narrowed his brows, and took on a defiant stance. "I will get one when I want one. I dont need you to help me get one, i'm not helpless." Miguel laughed out loud. "I know you are not helpless, but I think it will be a nice investment for you, something that you can use for along time and they really are a great way to communicate anywhere." Armando looked skeptical. Miguel grinned as he looked into those eyes. So hypnotic, so lustful in its innocense. Miguel vividly saw himself throw Armando on the bench, strip him down, and have his way with him right there. Feeling that warm and smooth skin, see those eyes beg him for more, feel that body harden and relax under his thrust and touch. Armando must have picked up on Miguel's thoughts for he hastily took a step back and looked away. Then his attention was diverted. Miguel looked in the same direction and broke into a huge grin. Walking in their direction was Mathews and his boyfriend. They were discussing something in detail, and were laughing about it. "Hey, how about you meet a friend of mine? we can sorta double date?" Miguel excitedly dragged Armando along.

Sergeant Mathews was discussing some of the situations that were occuring in the medical fields avidly with his boyfriend. They'd had a wonderful evening prior, and had decided to go see a movie at the mall. They had had lunch at the food court in the mall and had done a bit of shopping for some items his boyfriend needed. As they walked, an all too-familiar figure came strutting up dragging along an equally familiar figure. Mathews grinned. 'So, looks like Miguel got what he wanted. Lets see if he can keep it though.' Mathews indicated to his boyfriend to look forward and they both smiled at seeing Miguel. "Hey you two, what up?" Mathews noticed how much more relaxed and extremely happy Miguel was. Hell, he was radiating fucking good vibrations all over the place. Standing next to him and looking a bit embarresed, shy, and rather nervous was the object of Miguel's affection and obsession. Mathews sized him up. He was definetly glowing from the aftermath of having lost his virginity forever. Conflicting emotions though were all over his face, but he seemed to be adjusting. 'I pray to god neither of them gets hurt, cause I can tell its going to be rough.' Mathews grinned at his boyfriend. "Oh nothing much, we were just out chillin as usual. Nice day and all, so we figured we'd hit up the movies and such. You guys interested?" Armando looked as if he was going to protest, and Mathews couldnt blame him. He was loaded down with bags of new clothes, and still trying to get himself situated. Miguel, sensing the distress from Armando, shook his head reluctantly. "Naw, we have other things to do. Hit you up later on though maybe next month." Mathews mentally high fived Miguel for his good deduction. "Coo, alright man, we gotta head out, but dont forget at work you gotta go over details." Miguel nodded and grinned back. 'By that look, i'd say Miguel you might have actually found the one for you. Good luck.' Mathews and his boyfriend walked off. "Wow, Miguel knows how to pick a really cute and hot guy doesnt he?" Mathews chuckled at his boyfriends' comment. "I'd say that's pretty accurate, but I think this time, Armando didnt even really have any say in the relationship. I think that'll change soon enough."

Armando was exhausted. All of the shopping and walking around and such was not something he normally did. Granted he had loved walking along the beach, it had helped him relax for a bit. Miguel's presence there also seemed to relax as well. He wasnt as nervous and hostile towards anyone who even looked at Armando. He was the equivalent of a bodyguard, but Armando felt a bit overwhelmed by it. And dammit why did he keep staring at Miguel. Admiring his form, and sneaking glances at that beautifully sculpted face. Armando didnt want to have feelings for this marine. Yet he couldnt completely deny them. The feelings had been making him worry the whole day, but on the beach at least he could forget them for a few moments. Getting back to the hotel afterwards was a relief for Armando. As soon as he put his bags in a corner, he plopped down on the bed. Moaning at the cool feeling of the bedspread and how comfortable the spring was, Armando felt as if his whole body was as heavy as iron. Half ready to sleep, his defenses immediately came up when he felt the body lay next to him and hold him. It felt so good, but at the same time, Armando knew he shouldnt let this happen. "You are wonderful you know. Who would have thought i'd fall in love with an Airman? Ah well, fuck it. You do know that we are going to dinner at 8 right? I picked out the place, and the food is hella good shit." Armando moaned at feeling the body spoon him into it. Felt his body warm and relax unwanted by the feeling of comfort this Marine was giving him. Shivers ran up and down his spine as Miguel nuzzled his neck, nibbled on his ear, kissed the back of his neck tenderly.

Next: Chapter 3

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