Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Feb 16, 2008


Miguel felt as if nothing else mattered. Here at this moment, holding Armando in his arms, felt as if his purpose was finally being fulfilled. He'd joined the Marines to protect others, and in the Marine Corp he had found comrades, brothers in arms, but they, like him, in their own way sought to protect something as well. Miguel never felt as if he was protecting the one thing that mattered to him the most. It didnt fulfill him. Miguel had trained himself, disciplined himself, and had become physically an impressive man. Mentally, he had always sought to improve, to use his focus to channel his frustrations and be the best. This was why. Being able to finally have something to protect, to cherish, to call his own. That was what holding Armando right now in his arms was all about. The steady rhythm of Armando's breathing as he relaxed, finally, in Miguel's arms made Miguel ache to be one with him again. That trust that Armando was giving him was what Miguel knew he'd been searching for. Miguel could feel the warmth and potential love radiating from Armando. Could smell the scents that were a heady mixture of cinnamon and passion from Armando's skin. Firmly, but not harshly, Miguel rubbed Armando's arms, abs, and legs. Armando's breathing got heavier at this new sensation. Squirming a bit, Armando wanted to say stop, but his body had already shut off any protests. This massive Marine, built to kill was the only way to describe him, had already killed any protests Armando might have tried to rally behind. "You are mine. I have wanted you ever since I saw you. I waited, and held back, and it was worth it. There is no one else who can compare to you." Armando snorted. "You say that to all the guys you have benefits with." Miguel chuckled, his deep voice so close to Armando's ears vibrated his senses and made him shiver with desire. "I will never have another friend with benefits, you are all the fun I need. You are all I wanted. I dont give a fuck about any of those guys anymore. I'm off the fuckin market now." Armando felt the emotions in him conflicted. The ones that reacted to Miguel's powerful and overwhelming touch, and the one that was getting harder to feel when it protested this whole sensation. "What if I dont think you are the one for me? What if you find someone else later on in life? What if you get deployed elsewhere? Am I supposed to be some little betty crocker wife or something for you?" Miguel's hands stopped rubbing Armando. His arms encircled Armando and held him firmly. A bit tense, Armando knew his questions had caused a reaction in Miguel. "You have to be the one for me. I dont want anyone else, dont even think of that fuckin shit. We have numerous ways to get stationed together, since we are in the same career field and in need of joint mission cooperations." Armando gasped when Miguel squeezed him. Holding him now firmly, Miguel whispered into Armando's ear. "I already know what you are capable of, and I know how big your heart is. If you know you are mine, you will never cheat on me, ever. You dont ever want to see someone feel my anger for trying to get between us." Armando's temper sparked. "I'm not your property. I have responsibilities and a life of my own." Miguel's muscles tensed, and then abruptly relaxed. "I know that, you are not my property, but I wont let some fuckin bastard try to take what I love without at least fuckin their shit up to remind them who your boyfriend is." Armando was surprised. "Did you just say boyfriend?" Miguel's arms squeezed, but less pressure this time. "Well, that is what I was going for. You and I, boyfriends, until you can accept my love completely. Then eventually we will be partners for life." Armando felt his thoughts go wild. "You really thought that far ahead?" Miguel chuckled as he nuzzled Armando's neck. "Hell yeah, I told you, you are the only one for me. I dont fuck around when I make a promise to myself or another." Armando pulled away. "How can you know that much? You and I only-" Armando felt himself get hot in the face. Remembering instantly how powerful the sex had been, how much his whole body had craved Miguel's, how he'd felt himself fulfilled in a way never imagined, it came back to him. Miguel was looking at him now with those same eyes. The lust, the passion, the focus, it was enough to give Armando a thrill and a fright at the same time. "You think I just decided this after sex? Fuck, you have alot to learn about me. I watched you the whole time you arrived. I found out everything I could about you. You think i'm that much of a fuckin jarhead or somethin?" Armando felt intimidated by this. "Well, how was I to know?" Armando lamely stated as Miguel pulled him into his body. "I know you're far smarter than this shit." Miguel's lips brushed across Armando's for only a moment. That moment alone, with Miguel touching and stroking Armando's chest as he looked into Armando's eyes and held him with his hypnotic stare, brought a feeling of shame and yet hope for Armando. Ashamed that he had never once thought to observe and find out about this Marine. This man, this wetdream fantasy of every twink, didnt just spontaneouly choose him, or consider him a trick. This latin hotthrob had all but labeled him property of a United States Marine, and was not playing around. Armando vaguely thought of the Marine's Motto: Semper Fi. 'Always faithful. But is it true?' Armando thought as he looked into Miguel's eyes. That was all Miguel needed. Satisfied with what he saw in the eye contact, He leaned in and pressed his lips to Armando's. His body moved and rested on top of Armando's. The sensation awakened the feelings in Armando, and before he could mentally defend himself from it, his inhibitions were gone. Miguel kissed and stroked Armando everywhere. Armando couldnt even keep himself from moaning and crying out with the need and desire he was feeling. Couldnt think about anything, didnt want to think about anything. All Armando wanted now was to feel this powerful connection with Miguel. The way Miguel firmly but lovingly held him to ensure Armando didnt squirm and go nuts, the powerful scent of Miguel's body, the rush that he brought when he touched a sensitive spot on Armando. With his tongue, with his hands, with his body, it didnt matter. Armando couldnt even remember when his clothes had come off. He had nothing on but his g-string. Miguel similarly was down to his skivvies. Armando felt the embaressment come to him now at remembering that tiny piece of cloth that covered practically nothing of his assets. Armando started to slip them off, but was stopped by Miguel. In a heartbeat, Miguel easily flipped Armando over and layed back down on him completely. "There was a reason why I had you wear that piece of underwear. Its time you found out why." Armando was now nervous as Miguel stroked his arms, his neck, his back, kissed a trail from his shoulders down to the small of his back. Armando wanted to tell Miguel to stop, but the sensations and the physical presence reminded him that he was helpless before this marine. Miguel had seen his target, and like all Marines, was locked and loaded. Rubbing Armando's back to help relax him, Miguel now observed the object of affection. If anything, it looked even better to him than ever before. This ass that had been cherry less than 24 hours ago, was the only place that Miguel wanted to be in. It smelled good, tasted better to Miguel's tongue, felt perfect when Miguel squeezed and kneaded it. His firm hands massaged Armando's ass and Armando groaned at how well Miguel could release the tension. The string in between Armando's ass cheeks looked so erotic to Miguel. Gently, Miguel used his teeth to grab the string. Pulling on it, he grinned like a wolf with its favorite bone. Armando had tensed up in anticipation, and Miguel didnt disappoint him. Releasing the string, he was satisfied when it snapped back into Armando's ass. Armando's ass immediately clamped down on it, and the sight was incredible. That beautiful latin ass, so golden brown and tanned perfectly, was now revealed in all its powerful glory. An ass you could bounce a quarter off of, hell could bounce a brick off of if Miguel wanted to. Miguel massaged Armando's ass until it relaxed again, then repeated the string snapping again. Miguel didnt tire of watching the same thing happen each time. He loved that Armando could be fooled into clamping his ass before Miguel released the string. Miguel would wait until he saw Armando flinch and then release the string. Armando was grunting by that point and started to turn over to have this blush inducing event stop. Miguel growled a warning and held Armando down. Pressing his body back onto Armando's, he kissed his ear before he held it in his teeth gently. Speaking softly, but in a firm tone through his teeth, he pressed Armando down into the bed. "The fun has only started. Trust me, I am not going to hurt you, but for damn sure you are going to feel what I can do for you." Armando licked his lips and waited. He couldnt understand why he couldnt even tell Miguel anything. He'd faced bullies, opponents, any number of events and people that challenged him and always before he could handle his own. Now, this Marine who had taken his virginity and left him craving more had only to say to trust him and Armando found himself doing so. "No more snapping the string." Armando managed to get out. "No more snapping the string for now, but I have something else I am going to do now." Miguel said as he hungrily pressed his hands on Armando's wrist to alert him not to move. sucking on Armando's broad back and then licking his way down, he felt his needs become more aggressive. Moving down finally to Armando's beautiful smooth latin ass, Miguel kissed each cheek. Licking and rubbing his nose in that firm set of muscled mounds, Miguel felt heady with how good it felt. Armando wasnt even aware he was flexing since the sensations had taken him into another state of mind. Having a guy touch your most intimate area with his most talented tongue and lips would do that to most. Miguel sucked on Armando's ass cheeks and even nibbled on them. Breathing hard, Miguel let the Marine in him get more aggressive. Sinking his teeth in enough to make Armando yelp with the stimulation, but not enough to cause real pain, Miguel held on and growled his approval. Armando squirmed at feeling his ass be given such an unknown sensation. On the one hand, it hadnt hurt, but the stimulation had certainly taken him by surprise. Miguel did this over and over, biting each cheek in various places only enough to leave a temporary mark. Miguel admired his handiwork. Seeing his mark on Armando's smooth and golden tanned ass was a huge turn on. Miguel hungrily released Armando's arms and grabbed those two ass muscles. Massaging them, and lightly slapping them, it didnt bore Miguel at all being able to just do this over and over again. Seeing Armando squeeze his ass when he thought he was going to get lightly swatted, the string in his ass crack being sucked in even further if possible into his love canal, it was too much to resist anymore. Blowing lightly on Armando's now reddened and pulsing ass, he grinned as it caused the right reaction. Armando was able to relax and take deeper breaths now. Easily pulling off his skivvies, Miguel layed back down and wedged his hardened latin meat between Armando's perfect muscled and smooth latin mounds. Grinding his cock along Armando's crack, he layed down on top of Armando and felt how warm Armando was. His scent was overpowering, and Miguel gently sucked on Armando's ear as he felt Armando's body relax under the comfort of Miguel's weight. 'Aye Papito, you might try to deny, but your body already knows mine. It relaxes when it knows I am going to enter you and mark you as my territory. Your heart will crave me as much as mine does for you.' Miguel ground his hips into Armando further to let him know that Miguel was in charge. Armando felt himself move his hips as well to the rhythm and it felt even better to do so. Miguel used a free hand to stroke Armando's lips lightly with his fingers. Armando didnt pull away, and mostly because he was intrigued by the notion. Miguel pressed two fingers further onto Armando's lips, and before Armando could think twice, he allowed those fingers to enter his mouth. The trust and intimacy of it was rather enjoyable and it allowed Armando to relax as he felt the fingers submit to his attention. Sucking on them slowly and hungrily, Armando wanted to keep them in his mouth forever. Tasting Miguel, suckling those fingers, licking them and kissing them felt right, felt empowering. Miguel for the most part was just as turned on. Using his other hand to grab the lube from its hiding place, he withdrew his fingers from Armando's warm and demanding lips. Armando gasped with protest and moaned while trying to look behind and ask what he'd done wrong. Miguel grinned as he replaced his fingers with his mouth on Armando's. Using his now saliva wet fingers, Miguel popped the cap and further lubed his fingers. Reaching down and massaging the lube into Armando's now warm and still tight hole, he felt victorious that Armando was now much easier to push into. His ass still clamped down hard if Miguel probed too fast, but at least he was learning the rhythm. "Yes Papito, give yourself to me, relax and enjoy this mi amor. You know I will always give you as much pleasure as I can. Relax and get ready for me, cause I cant hold back anymore." Miguel pulled out his fingers from Armando's tight hole and used them to lube up his own stiff cock. Giving his other fingers to Armando to suck on, Miguel positioned his swollen member. Rubbing it on the outside to let Armando know what was coming, he felt his whole body was stiff with the need. Taking deep breaths to calm down,and then telling Armando to do the same, Miguel finally pushed. His cock head made it in before Armando clamped down on it and held it there without mercy. Miguel moaned at the feeling. If not for the fact that Miguel was experienced, he would have exploded from that sensation alone. Patiently he waited and whispered to Armando to take deep breaths and relax. Armando did and set the rhythm for Miguel to push and then to wait. Halfway in, Miguel felt his needs become stronger. "Papito, I want you to take a deep breath and be ready, I cant hold out for long so i'm gonna have to push it all the way in. Just breathe and release completely, do not clamp up at all please. I have to be in you now, I cant hold out anymore." Armando whimpered, but nodded. In truth, he didnt know how much longer he could hold out either. Miguel waited until he felt Armando's ass loosen up fully, then plunged in and held Armando with all his might. Armando's body bucked at the sensation of being filled completely so fast. Feeling Miguel's full body weight on him helped him from bucking and hurting himself, but Armando was overwhelmed. Migue was everywhere at once inside of him, the pressure causing Armando to try to force it out at the same time. "Shhh papito, its okay, just relax, dont fight it. Its okay, just relax." Miguel's soothing words as he gently massaged Armando were helpful. It was all Miguel could do as he was aching from Armando's death grip on his cock. He was going to explode if Armando didnt relax. Armando's breath was harsh as he took deep breaths. Feeling Miguel's powerful body, Miguel's desperate kisses on his neck, and hearing him moan from being inside of him, Armando was finally able to relax enough. It didnt hurt, but it was alot of pressure that Armando had to mentally ignore. Miguel felt Armando relax and decided to distract him. Putting his fingers near Armando's lips again, he was grateful when Armando began to suck on them. The distraction allowed Armando to relax and Miguel finally felt his cock under control again. keeping it fully in, he ground his hips to better help Armando feel the pleasure. Armando moaned with Miguel's fingers in his mouth and sucked on them even faster. Miguel used his free hand to push Armando's ass cheek further open so he could press his leg between. Armando started to tense, but Miguel whispered for him to take deep breaths and relax and it worked. Miguel knew he couldnt last now, the sensation was too intense. "Papito, get ready. Dont hold back, dont think, just cum for me." Letting Armando nod to show he understood, Miguel drove his cock in and began to thrust and grind. Feeling this sensation, this powerful need as he entered Armando over and over numbed Miguel to all senses. All that mattered now was the mating with Armando. All that mattered was giving himself to Armando, releasing himself, and forcing his lover to know him, love him, need him. Armando was gasping with every thrust now. Miguel's hips were slamming his cock into Armando, and Armando felt his body crave more. His mind and body were numb with the pleasure, yet it made him crave it all the more. Feeling the spot inside of him get constantly tapped by Miguel's swollen latin meat was causing Armando to approach his limits too fast for him to control. Miguel also felt his control gone, as he felt the need and the build up become too much. "AYE PAPITO! AYE DIOS MIO! HOORAH!!" Miguel yelled as he slammed his meat all the way in and felt himself explode. Clinging to Armando, holding him tight, he came over and over again. His whole body released itself, as Miguel held Armando down and felt an almost overwhelming pressure on his latin cock from Armando orgasming as well. Cumming inside of Armando was the single most powerful form of love that Miguel could feel. It was everything he could ever want as he snuggled up to Armando and felt his body relax and his mind drift off to sleep. He managed to kiss Armando one last time before he could stay awake no more. His dreams were far better and soon he felt relaxed again.

Armando tried everything he could to avoid Miguel for the next week. He wanted to sort out his emotions for one thing, and two he figured that if he gave him a cold shoulder, Miguel would get the hint and find someone else. Armando had tried distracting himself by joking and talking with his fellow students and let himself be teased about his 21st birthday. He went out of his way to make sure that he went to the gym at a time when he didnt think Miguel would be around. Armando thought that all of this would allow him to get over the feeling of passion and ache he felt, but it did very little good. Every day the Marines passed by the Airman dorms on their way to classes and work. Every day at formation for the Airmen, A certain large and golden tanned latin Marine would be waiting until formation ended and then walk either next to or behind Armando. It became clear to those who had an interest in Armando that Miguel was claiming him as his boyfriend and they kept a distance. One does not try to usurp a Marine who can snap you in half with just two fingers. Armando found it annoying that he couldnt outright tell Miguel to go away, and it was hard to concentrate on walking when the sheer presence of Miguel hovered near. His scent when he was close was intoxicating to Armando. Armando did manage to keep conversations with Miguel to more casual things, but they also learned alot about each other. Armando was very good at reading between the lines of a conversation. The more though that Miguel walked with him to class, the more Armando came to admire and become attracted to him. Armando tried taking different routes, and even making sure to be in a group so that Miguel couldnt walk next to him. It didnt help all that much. Armando had to now race after class to his room or he would be caught by Miguel. It would be very suspicious if Armando tried running from Miguel every time he was around. Armando was exhausted by Thursday, and realizing that he was starting to lose this test of wills. Miguel seemed to be in a great mood and relished the challenge. To him, Armando was only trying to avoid the inevitable, and Miguel was more than patient at this game. Every day he woke up now feeling happy that he had found someone that would mean everything to him. Every day he had more inspiration, more hope, and a growing love for Armando. 'Try all you want to resist, cause this will only show me how much you will be determined to make it work once you are mine.' Miguel made it clear to the other guys that anyone who hit on Armando would be facing him. It also meant dealing with a few guys who couldnt understand why Miguel was no longer available for fun in their beds. None of them mattered anymore as far as Miguel was concerned. Even when one of the more insistent ones tried to cop a feel as a way to try and prove that Miguel could still be roused failed. Miguel just found the rest of the guys uninteresting now. At night, Miguel had only to think of Armando, and he could relax and feel his body release the tension that had built up for so long. Miguel's trusted gay friends found it amusing to see how much the two were reacting in regard to the relationship. One doing his best to avoid the relationship, the other doing his best to pursue relentlessly the other. Armando doing his best to avoid Miguel, and Miguel pursuing Armando as a cat who has spotted the mouse. Miguel also made it a point to let everyone know that Armando was not to have dinner guests at his table. Miguel always had Armando sit at his table each day for breakfast lunch and dinner. When Armando had tried to sit elsewhere, Miguel had cleverly come up to him and said to join him in the most cheerful manner. Knowing how embaressed Armando would have been to refuse, Miguel was pleased when Armando would reluctanlty accept. The small victories for Miguel were fun and gave him a chance to see what he could do to secure Armando in the relationship. He knew to give Armando space as well, and so didnt bother him in the evenings or in between classes.

Friday night was, as usual, a night for everyone to go out and have as much fun as possible. Armando had lucked out. One of the dorm guards had contracted Poison Ivy and was being put on quarters. Armando was assigned to replace him as a dorm guard. Armando had only to sit at a desk for the night and clear the male airmen into the dorms. This was fun as many of the Airmen would do everything and anything to have a female be allowed up to their dorm rooms. It was the policy that females were not allowed into the men's dorms and vice-versa. However, so long as nothing happened that would entail a late night visit from the Sergeants, male airmen were allowed to bring females into the break room. The break room was a large and comfortable section that the Dorm Guard alone had the key to. It had several huge plasma tvs and entertainment systems. Half a dozen large and very comfortable couches were strewn around the break room as well as a full-sized pool table. Often a few of the geeks would reserve the room to play either video games or their Dungeons and Dragons. Armando, after making sure that the female in question was sober and understood what the situation was, would allow the guys to take their girlfriends into the break room so long as they left the door open. Armando in return was treated by the guys to various treats that they offered as a means of thanking Armando. Armando thus could happily munch on peanut butter M&Ms and a nice bottle of Flavored water while reading a book on watch. OVerall, Armando was quite pleased. Tomorrow he'd be up to go to the beach with several of his classmates and have a nice relaxing day. Armando would be barbecuing and was looking forward to it. 6am came all too soon and Armando's relief came and released him. Armando went to his room and changed into some sweats and layed down on top of his covers. His room was at just the right temperature so he could just curl up and take a nice nap.

Armando felt as if he'd just closed his eyes when he received a knock on his door. Surprised and a bit puzzled, Armando got up and asked who was at the door. Armando's dorm guard relief responded. Armando was confused when the Airman said that there was someone here to see him. 'Its too soon for the guys to come get me for the beach.' "Tell them that we are supposed to go at 11 dude. Tell em I just got off shift." The dorm guard paused for a moment. "I think it would be best if you told him. He said he'd start breaking bones if you didnt come down." Armando was now thoroughly confused. Who the heck was it? "Alright, tell whoever i'll be down in a minute." Armando threw on some sandals, and made sure his clothes weren't wrinkled. Heading down the stairs, he waved to a couple of the airman who were wandering around and getting ready for the day. Armando froze as he heard the voice below of the dorm guard trying to tell the guy that Armando would be down soon. He sounded quite nervous. The reason why became clear when Armando saw the hulking figure standing at the entranceway. Miguel looked every bit as hot and intimidating as ever. His tight shirt and jeans hugged his powerful and cut form as he looked at the dorm guard with a very menacing glare. The dorm guard spotted Armando at the stairs and sighed in relief as he nodded to Miguel that Armando was here. Miguel turned and had a huge and silly grin on his face at seeing him. Armando raised an eyebrow at how quick he was to change his expressions. "So it was you who woke me up before I could even get a chance to sleep." Miguel looked amused. "My bad. No problem. We can head up and you can relax while I chill at your pad." Miguel started to walk up. He looked expectantly at the dorm guard to release the electronic lock. The dorm guard was now in a bind. Only if an airman gave permission could he have a guest, and it had to be a male. On the other hand, this Marine had clearly showed he was not one to mess with, and any danger possible was not to be allowed into the dorms. "I dont think so, I have to get a good bit of rest since i'm going to the beach today. A group of us are gonna have some fun and I dont have time to waste. Have a good day." Miguel's eyes took on a hungry and menacing quality. He didnt like what he heard one bit. Armando was not worried. He started to walk back up the stairs. Then he heard the click and buzz of the door and froze. Turning to the dorm guard he stared at him with panic rising. The dorm guard looked apologetic for just a moment, then Armando found himself picked up and thrown over Miguel's shoulder. Miguel easily walked up the stairs with Armando and didnt even hesitate to smack Armando's now available ass when Armando tried to squirm out of the hold. "What room?" Miguel asked calmly and with a hint of charm. "You can drop me off in the break room thank you very-OW!!!" Armando had felt the sting of that slap to his ass as Miguel once again asked him the question. Armando reluctantly told him and let his body droop at the defeat. Armando was out of his element in dealing with a guy like Miguel. At his door, Miguel made Armando give him his key and he carried him into his room. With no effort whatsoever, he closed the door and rotated Armando into his arms in one fluid motion. Armando was ready to start a tirade of what he thought of Miguel when he was laid on his bed, and his mouth covered by Miguel's. A combination of being tired, the sensation, and Miguel's presence prevented Armando from protesting at all. "We will take a nap together. We have plans today, and so you will just have to tell your group that something came up." Armando tried to protest, but Miguel wasnt listening. Flipping Armando onto his side, Miguel spooned him and layed down next to him. Nuzzling the nape of Armando's neck, Miguel breathed in the intoxicatingly refreshing scent of Armando's body. Miguel didnt think there was anything more wonderful at that moment. Armando had clearly taken a shower before going to rest, and his whole body was just right in temperature. Wrapping his arms around Armando, Miguel felt as if he was complete again. Armando tried squirming, but realizing that Miguel wasnt letting go and too tired to keep a stiff back, Armando relaxed and let exhaustion take him to the sandman's slumber.

Armando woke up feeling relaxed and comfortable. The extra warm and thick blanket covering him was producing a rhythmic pulse that Armando found wonderful to feel through his whole body. Armando wanted to pull the blanket over his entire body though, The blanket didnt feel right when he tried, it was both hard, but soft, and the part he grabbed to cover himself with seemed to be also moving in different ways. Armando opened his eyes jus as Miguel woke up and chuckled. "I'm glad you think of me as a comfortable object, but could you please stop pulling on my fingers?" Armando jolted and tried to sit up. Miguel, sensing the rise in tension, grabbed Armando and held him to prevent this. "What are you doing in my room? How'd you get in here?" Armando stopped struggling,and tried to turn his body away from Miguel. Miguel was tired of this though. Moving his body on top of Armando's, he wedged his legs between Armandos. "Enough of this shit. You're going to have to get used to waking up next to me, so quit with this disorientation." Armando managed to calm down, but part of him wanted to shove Miguel off. How could this Marine, a jarhead no less, cause so many emotions to go off in Armando's heart? Armando stopped struggling and glared at Miguel. "Do not look at me that way. We are past that by now. I dont want to see you giving me glares again. Its not nice to give your boyfriend an annoying look. Specially when your smile is much better to look at." Armando flushed, and turned his head away. Only to have it pulled back face to face with Miguel. "And dont look away ashamed at this anymore. My boyfriend is gonna be just as proud of me as I am of him."Armando was hypnotized by those eyes. Passionate, powerful, yet in them was something that Armando felt a strong attraction to. Before he knew it, Miguel had planted his lips on Armando's, and Armando found himself responding. Seeing that as a go ahead. Miguel wrapped his arms around Armando fully and laid fully on him. The weight on top of him, the physical contact, was perfect to Armando. Miguel kissed Armando all over his neck, his lips, his ears, and the stimulation was causing Armando to arch his back high. Miguel was in control and was going to show Armando how powerful their connection was. Without intending to, Armando began exploring Miguel's body. Hesitantly, he touched Miguel's shoulders. Miguel layed his head next to Armando's neck and moaned. Seeing that it was okay, Armando rubbed Miguels' shoulders and found it to be a wonderful sensation. Miguel began moaning and rubbing his body on Armando's in rhythm with Armando's massage. Curious now, Armando began to rub up and down on Miguel's shoulders. Those powerful shoulders were hard as rock, but the more attention Armando gave them with his expert hands, the more relaxed and compliant they became. The tight shirt made it somewhat harder to massage, but Armando was quick to adapt. Entering his zone, Armando began to knead all the knots in Miguel away. Miguel clung to Armando, amazed at this change. It felt so good to have his body touched and in such a peaceful intention. Without knowing why, Miguel allowed Armando to move out from under him. Armando directed Miguel to take off his shirt, and Miguel complied. He was excited, and happy on an extreme. A click of a plastic bottle, and then Armando's hands were now touching Miguel's back. The body warm liquid smoothly spread over Miguel's back and Miguel learned of Armando's greatest talent. Armando's intuition was superior. He could easily apply just the right pressure, find the knots that were in desperate need of being undone, and give Miguel a sense of overwhelming love. Miguel didnt know what triggered it, but the smooth and rhythmic relaxation of Armando's massage brought up his emotions. Miguel was on the verge of crying. The tension release was too much for him to be able to handle. For so long he'd been tense, been on edge, had guarded himself from everything, and hadnt ever let himself feel this powerful emotion, love. Now, there was only one person he wanted, needed, loved, and that person had broken through his most guarded defense. Miguel thought he would feel ashamed at this vulnerability, but the fact that Armando did not change his rhythm one bit and continued to massage him with care and expert hands said he knew and was not disgusted by it. Miguel was surprised that Armando had massaged not just his back, but his arms and even his hands. Miguel never realized the tension in his hands until Armando rubbed them. Miguel couldnt even hold back his moans and growls of pleasure. Armando had tugged on Miguel's belt, indicating that Miguel was to take off his pants. Miguel didnt even hesitate. Armando didnt comment on Miguel's sexy red jock strap, but continued to massage every part of Miguel's lower body. Miguel's ass was kneaded and almost worshipfully handled. Miguel was rather damn proud of his fine ass. Seemed all Marines had an ass that others would just find irresistable to touch. Hell, even among his fellow Marine brothers, there was no problem playing grab ass and commenting on another guy's ass. Miguel had never been fucked, but he did enjoy rimming if the guy was good at it. Several versatile guys Miguel had hooked up with had begged Miguel to let them fuck him, but Miguel had declined. Now, as Miguel could almost feel his body be released of the burdens of having to prove himself, always act tough, never show his emotions, he was sure that he would want Armando to bury himself in Miguel's ass someday soon. None of that mattered now. His body was Armando's to command, to control, to do as he wished. Armando reached Miguel's feet, and Miguel thought he'd stop there. He was wonderfully proven wrong when Armando massaged his feet, his ankle, his toes, everything. Indicating to Miguel to turn over, Armando sat on the bed facing away from Miguel as he continued to massage Miguel's foot. Miguel was moaning louder now, and having to restrain himself from reaching up, grabbing Armando, and making love to him as passionately as possible. Armando never seemed to tire of massage. Indeed, he loved to massage and had taken classes to learn. It was something he loved to do in his pasttime, and it brought a great pleasure to him whenever a customer had left with a huge smile on their face. Armando didnt know why he had wanted to massage Miguel, but he was glad he had. Miguels' body had been in desperate need of it. The tensions, the knots, the riggidness was unhealthy. Too many athletes had suffered alot because their bodies were too tense. Massage allowed a body to regain its calm and more relaxed state. This allowed much better flow of the system. Armando understood this, and when he massaged, he used this concept as a sort of mantra to focus his massage. 'Release the tension, relax the body, let their energies flow again.' Armando would repeat in his head as he massaged. In this way, he never tired of massage. His focus and technique were excellent as a result. The reaction to his massage from Miguel though had given Armando a wonderful idea. Finishing with Miguel's feet, which Armando had found to be well cared for which was unusual for a guy, Armando indicated Miguel was to turn over. Miguel did so, and Armando carefully began to massage his way up to Miguel's neck. Miguel, unaware of what this could entail, relaxed and enjoyed the attention. Armando massaged the back of Miguel's neck and was rewarded with just the reaction that he wanted. Miguel's moaning stopped and his breathing became heavier and longer. Slowly massaging Miguel in rhythm to his new breathing pattern, Armando expertly rubbed Miguel's head and behind his ears. All too soon, Armando could hear the tell tale sign that Miguel was about to fall asleep. Letting his hands become gentler, but still rhythmic to Miguel's breathing, he waited. Sure enough, before Miguel was aware of it, he fell asleep. He didnt even dream at all.

Armando, grinning at the victory, slowly moved off the bed and changed quickly into his beach shorts and shirt. Grabbing his beach gear and his key from the desk where Miguel had placed it, he grinned at Miguel, sleeping deeply in his bed. Thoughtfully, Miguel wrote a quick note on a pad of paper and left it where Miguel would see it easily. As he walked out the door, Armando smiled affectionately at the slumbering Marine in his bed.

Miguel dreamed that he and Armando were at the beach. A beach full of beautiful and barely dressed men. Each of them tanned to perfection, built like greek and latin gods. As they walked along the beach, Miguel looked down at Armando. Armando smiled up at him, and reached out to hold his hand. Miguel felt as if everything became brighter with this simple gesture. Numerous guys began to approach Armando though and try to entice him. Some posed for him to show they were stronger, some grabbed their pouches to show they were bigger, others flashed their jewelry and their bling to show they were richer. Each time Miguel tried to push them away, but he couldnt approach them. Armando tried insisting that he was not interested, but the more he protested, the more they came. Each of them wanted Armando to leave Miguel, but Armando wouldnt. Leaning up against Miguel's arm, and clinging to him, he told the others that Miguel was all he would ever need ever. Miguel reached out to hold Armando and never let go- When Miguel woke up abruptly. Miguel blinked at the dream. It had been a relief that Armando chose him even though Miguel couldnt stop the others, and Miguel stretched his body and fancied he could smell the scent of Armando on his bed. Breathing in deeply, Miguel felt no tension at all in his body. It felt good to relax, to just lay there and enjoy Armando's attention. Then Miguel realized though what was not quite right. Armando was not massaging him anymore. Curious, Miguel rolled over and looked towards the chair expecting Armando to be there. Armando was not. The room was darker than it had been this morning. Miguel started to sit up, but felt a piece of paper when he tried to. Grabbing the paper, Miguel opened it up and read the simple note: I WIN. Better LuCK NEXT TIME. Signed- Armando. Miguel crumbled the paper into his fist and growled. He'd been tricked. Armando had known what he was doing by massaging Miguel, and Miguel had fallen for it. Miguel though just couldnt stay tensed up with anger. Instead, he grinned. Seems Armando had caught on and was determined to have victories of his own 'If its a contest to see who will win, me or him, then he has only won one battle, and I am still on higher ground. Armando will learn the fun way that a Marine doesnt lose, EVER.' Miguel threw on his clothes and called up his friend. He was going to find Armando. He'd had plans for this weekend and he was going to make sure they were carried out. Even if he had to drag Armando there.

Armando felt great. He couldnt stop his smiling and he approached everything at the beach with a gusto. His small victory, while only one, was enough to prove that Armando wasnt always going to be vulnerable to Miguel's powerful presence. Armando's group were all enjoying their time at the beach with numerous activities. Armando and a Navy female from his sister class had taken over barbecuing and setting up the food respectively. Armando expertly timed his preparations, and made sure to add just the right amount of seasonings to the meats. Since everyone had pitched in, Armando had decided to make Pork Chops and Seasoned Tri Tip for sandwiches. Heads of corn had been buttered and wrapped in foil and placed on the barbecuer as well. Jose, one of Armando's classmates, had offered to take over for a bit so as Armando could go out and chill with the others, but after burning a whole pork chop, which the local cats at the beach were more than willing to consume, Armando decided to just handle the barbecue himself. The others in the group sat around and bitched and gossiped about various things going on in the squadron and individuals. Armando joked around when they brought up the topic of the unusual going ons between Armando and Miguel. "Its like he's fixated on you. I dont know what you did Armando, but I'd wager that he'd kick the shit out of anyone who tried to hit on you. Its like he is claiming you as his bitch or something." The others roared with laughter at the idea. Armando, built to be a powerful athlete, was not one to ever give the impression he was a bitch. Armando laughed with them, and thought about it a bit. Deep down, that was what Armando somewhat disliked. The idea that others would think of him as Miguel's bitch. His property, his lapdog, and to be discarded at any time. Armando sighed as he shrugged it off. It wasnt going to happen ever. Armando was no one's bitch, and he'd be damned if he let Miguel ever have the right to say that. The group was enjoying the meal and complimenting Armando and Jeanne, when Armando got a distince feeling. The ringing in his ear, an old wives tale that said when your ear rings someone is looking for you, might have proven true after all. Armando looked around, and all too soon saw a more than familiar figure walking up and down the beach with a determined look on his face. The fact that he was already so close to Armando's group was surprising. It was a large beach, but Miguel couldnt have started at one end and made his way this way. 'How does he do that?' Thought Armando as he lowered himself in his seat a bit. Armando's group, now relaxed and food settled after the great barbecue, were ready to go out and feel the waves. "I'll help clean up." Armando stated quickly. "Naw, as the chef, you get to go have fun, we got this." Said Jeanne as the other females got to work. Taylor brought out the frisbee and the guys ran out to toss it around. Armando sighed as he followed. It was his hope that Miguel might walk by before they went out to the sands, but no such luck. As Taylor threw the frisbee, it arced too high and landed right near Miguel. Miguel reached down and picked up the frisbee. He looked up at the group, saw Armando, and grinned in victory. Walking up to the guys, he smiled knowingly as he tossed the frisbee back to Taylor. "There you are dude, you're gonna be late. We gotta go." Armando was confused. Miguel didnt appear to be angry at all. Armando was puzzled as well. What was he talking about? Late for what? "Hey Armando, did you forget something hommes?" Jose asked as he stole the frisbee from Taylor. "I, uh, I didnt think I-" "Dang boy, no time for that, if we want to make it to the most awesome fuckin concert ever we gotta get going now!" Miguel said as he pretended to tackle Armando. Before Armando could protest, Miguel had picked Armando up again and had him laying over his shoulders. "Sorry guys, gotta kidnap this one. The concert starts tonight and we have to drive out to see it." The guys expressed their sympathy, though Pablo and Taylor looked at Miguel and Armando with a very questioning look. "Come on little guy, lets get this show on the road." Armando didnt see where he had much choice since he was being held up by Miguel in a position that he couldnt get out of easily. "Couldnt you at least give me the dignity of walking on my own?" Armando grumbled as he helplessly watched his friends wave to him and get started on their game. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Armando sighed loudly as he went limp to let Miguel know he wasnt going to try anything. Miguel, satisfied, walked up to the SUV that was waiting for him. Miguel had borrowed it from Mathew's boyfriend, and it was awesome. "Now I dont want to have to chase you so if I put you in the car are you going to make a run for it?" Miguel said sternly as he waited for Armando's answer. "I was thinking about it, but at the risk of looking ridiculous for running and having a jarhead chase me, i'll stay put." Armando said with as much dignity as he could muster. "Good enough." Miguel said as he opened the door and easily maneuvered Armando into the passenger seat. Armando moved into the seat and buckled up as Miguel went around and got into the driver's seat. "Now what concert are you talking about? Or was that just made up?" Armando said as he folded his arms and looked out the passenger window. Miguel grinned at how defiant Armando was trying to be. "Uncross your damn arms and stop acting all uptight. Aint no need to get bitchy with me just cause I won. I dont lie, we are going to a concert and we have to get ready. which means we need to get you back to your room so I can help you pick out what to wear." Armando felt the protest start to rise in his throat. "No buts about it. I dont want to hear it." Miguel said as turned the CD system on. Coldplay came on and Armando, intrigued, sat backand listened to the music.

Back at the base, Miguel parked the car in the parking lot next to the airman dorms. "Lets go, we only got time for dinner and then the concert starts." Armando broodingly got out and began to walk to his dorms. Miguel followed right next to him. "Pretty good trick you did back there. Only a very well trained masseus knows the proper techniques and timing to induce a sleep like that. Give yourself a point for that, that was something I didnt know you could do." Armando rolled his eyes, but felt good about the small victory. "Make no mistake though, I wont fall for that one again." Miguel said as he opened the Airman Main door and nodded for Armando to go in. Armando glared at Miguel, who was now grinning over his obvious victory.

"Go take a shower, you got sand all over you and we need you clean. I'll look at what you got and see what would be best." Armando didnt like being ordered, but it was a sound idea, and Armando sighed as he gathered up his toiletries, towel, and shower shoes. Leaving Miguel in his room, Armando hurried to the showers. He didnt like the idea ever of having a stranger in his room, especially one who had paid such close attention to him and was more than just interested in Armando as a friend. Armando ran into Diego who was just getting out. Diego was a classic puerto rican athlete. Almost as tall as Armando, he had a runners' very slim build. He grinned at Armando. With the towel wrapped around his waste, he looked pretty damn good. Model looks, he was considered a bit of a pretty boy, and he didnt mind since girls found him irresistible. Armando and Diego got along pretty well, and Diego nodded to Armando and joked with him a bit. Armando seemed distracted though, and Diego wondered about that. Diego and a few others had already seen that the ridiculously huge Marine had taken an interest in Armando and was a bit concerned. Armando was a bit naive and innocent of many of the more street smart ideas, and Diego hoped that Armando was not being taken advantage of.

Armando showered and thought about what he should do. part of him wanted to tell Miguel he wasnt going, but the more dominant side of him didnt want to hurt Miguel's feelings. The warm water felt good, but Armando knew he couldnt stay under the water forever. Scrubbing himself thoroughly, he finished and wrapped the towel around his waist. Putting on clean underwear from under the towel, Armando grabbed his toiletries and got to work. After shaving, brushing his teeth, and making sure his nails were cut, Armando walked out and to his room. Opening his door, he was surprised that his room was dark. Walking in, he closed the door and tried to see if anyone was in his room. The arms encircled him from behind before Armando even had a chance to figure it out. "Been wanting to do this all week. Holding you like this is worth the wait." Miguel had been behind the door and had walked up behind Armando. Armando started to pull away, but Miguel wouldnt let him. Nuzzling Armando's neck, and then nipping it gently, got the reaction he wanted out of Armando. Keeping one hand around Armando's waist, Miguel moved his other hand up to Armando's chest and lightly played with Armando's pecs. Armando involuntarily arched his back, the sensation having already stimulated him to a state of sexual need. "Would you stop me if I was to have you right here and now? Enter you and show you how powerful my need for you is?" Miguel asked in a hushed tone as he touched Armando's lips very lightly with his lips. Armando couldnt even move away as Miguel's warm breath, and words touched Armando to the core. Muscles tensed, being held and unable to move, afraid to even move, Armando felt helpless, but didnt care. "I asked you a question hommes. Qué es su respuesta?" Armando moaned as Miguel held him tighter, and actually sucked on his ear. Miguel moved his hand up to Armando's lips. Running his fingers over Armando's lips. "Quiero oír que la respuesta sale de esos labios. -I want to hear the answer come out of those lips." Miguel waited and felt his body reacting to Armando trying to resist. He wanted Armando to admit his need for Miguel as much as Miguel needed him. He needed to hear it, needed to feel it, and didnt want to be denied anymore. Miguel's body was aching to be in Armando, to hold him, to feel his body in the passion of sexual frenzy.

"Yo me puse quiero pararle jamás.- I dont ever want to stop you." Armando felt Miguel's body sigh heavily in relief. Miguel reluctantly released Armando. Losing the body contact brought an ache in Miguel, but he supressed it. There would be time for all of that later. Those words from Armando would be enough for now. Miguel grinned as he directed Armando to put on his clothes. Armando seemed to be relieved at the release from Miguel's sexual presence, a fact that Miguel found amusing. 'When he's hot, he doesnt want to stop, but when he is released, he is conscious of it. In other words, he's going to always be fun to mess with.' Thought Miguel with delight. All manner of possibilities were starting to form as Miguel watched Armando get dressed. There was no denying that even getting dressed, Armando was sexy to watch. Mainly cause it was as if you were peeking in on something. Armando just always seemed conscious of his body. 'I wonder if he's always been like that, and what caused it?' Thought Miguel. Miguel had always known he was a latin stud. There could be no denying considering how much he worked out. Armando finished dressing and raised an eyebrow at Miguel in question. "I'm dressed kinda like a thug or something." Armando said as he looked himself over. "That's the idea hommes. We are going to the Akon and Timbaland concert. Once in a lifetime event here and I'll be damn if we miss it. We got reservations at the restaurant though and we gotta go now." Miguel only gave Armando a chance to grab up his wallet and keys before all but dragging him out the door.

Miguel smiled at how good Armando looked. While it was true most of his clothes might look thuggish, it was paired well to give him a look of classy and sporty. Perfect for the restaurant they were at. Armando looked a bit nervous at being at the restaurant in plain sight of everyone. A number of couples and groups had greeted Miguel and after looking at Armando, either winked or greeted him as well. Miguel knew he was showing Armando off a little, but couldnt help it. Much like a child wanting to show his parents his Perfect A's report card, Miguel wanted everyone to see the love of his life. Throughout the meal, Miguel asked Armando alot of questions about numerous things he wanted to know. Armando seemed to relax after a bit, and started to answer a few questions, but kept looking around as if at any moment he would be caught. Miguel found it amusing at first, then it got tiring. "Look, there is no need to worry, did you think I would take you to a place where people would suspect? Quit thinking about being caught in public with me. Far as anyone who doesnt need to know further, you and I are just friends, and to those who need to know, you and I are more than friends." Armando glared at Miguel. "Easy for you to say, I have alot of things to worry about more than you. For one thing, fraternization is frowned upon alot more in my branch than yours. For another, now that you have all but reinforced the rumors among my classmates, it is more essential that I be more cautious now." Miguel thought about this with embaressment. It was true, Miguel's branch usually didnt give a shit as much about fraternization among the enlisted, but the Air Force considered it practically a sin. Thus why they were considered the more uptight branch. Miguel should have thought about this. Armando wasnt concerned about being seen with Miguel, but who was seeing them together. Miguel sighed deeply. "Well, you're right, but for now I think we can relax. Okay?" Armandolooked a bit startled by Miguel's resignation and admittance. 'Hmm, must have realized that there was a lot more to this than he originally planned.'Thought Armando as he took a deep breath and nodded.

The concert was loads of fun, and Armando was surprised by how much he enjoyed the music. He'd never been much of a fan of main stream rap and such. The music though had a powerful blend of dance and hip hop mixed for good measure. Armando allowed himself to relax for the first time in so long that he drained himself from the incredible sensation. Having had a good dinner outside of the Chow Hall, Armando didnt realize until the full effect hit him, that he was thoroughly tired. It felt good to release all his pent up energy and not worry about anything for once. Miguel for the most part seemed even happier than Armando. It was the first time he could hold Armando on a more intimate nature without anyone giving a shit or worrying about who saw. If he could have, Miguel might have contemplated kissing Armando in front of everyone, but knew that he had to practise restraint a bit. The music though fueled Miguel's desire and love for Armando. Feeling the rhythm in his soul, and feeling the rhythm to which Armando moved against him to, felt right to Miguel. The concert wound down all too soon it seemed, and Miguel realized that Armando was definetly sleepy. The fact that he allowed himself to lean against Miguel while walking was a thrill to Miguel. No one really paid attention seeing as how most everyone was drunk or on an energy high from the concert. Miguel was amused when not ten minutes into the drive, Armando fell asleep deeply. Miguel drove home, managed to dig out Armando's I.D. so as to get on base, and contemplated the best approach.

"Hey Miguel, what up? Which fool is this?" The guard that led into Miguel's dorms asked Miguel as he came in carrying Armando. "Eh, just an Airman I offered a ride to from the concert. Looks like he might have drank too much. He'll be fine with some rest and water." The guard looked intrigued. "Fuck man, wish I could have gone to that concert. Fuckin Dan managed to get the chief to switch our times man. Gonna give him a load of shit when he gets back." Miguel chuckled. "Here, managed to get an autographed CD. You can have and we just dont write in whom I had to take care of for the night." The dorm guard nodded as he caught the disc that Miguel tossed him. The guard, having known of Miguel's reputation as a bit of a man-whore, grinned. The guard, a very hot African American with hot features, was a bit of a player himself. His current girlfriend loved to ride his 8 inches of dick and enjoyed digging her nails into his back and chest. Who was he to get all bent out of shape when Miguel wanted to bring a guy into his room?

Next: Chapter 4

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