Dirty One Direction

By David James

Published on May 4, 2014


Disclaimer This is a fictitious story, in no way do I know the sexual desires of any of the celebrities included in this or any other stories I may write.

Please feel free to email me with any comments you have: tennistales@outlook.com

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Chapter 2:

Almost a month had passed since Niall's pleasure-filled night in Los Angeles, and the band were on the road again, touring South America. Currently they were in Peru, playing to massive audiences in arenas all over the country. None of the boys could believe just how popular they were. No matter where they went, they always seemed to be joined by thousands of screaming girls, whether they were in Peru or France or Australia. It was obviously flattering, but at times it could be incredibly draining.

After a concert one night in Lima, the guys quickly came off stage and were immediately whisked away to their hotel in five Land Rovers with blacked out windows, hoping to evade the screaming fans. Sure enough, when they reached the hotel, there were no screaming girls to be seen, no paparazzi hiding behind bushes, nothing. The guys hopped out of their chauffeur driven jeeps and hurriedly entered the hotel, together with one of their tour managers, Tom, who took care of their accommodation. Tom went up to the desk in the foyer, while the five band members sat on some of the many chairs dotted around the foyer. They talked about the show they had just put on, laughing at the number of pairs of girls underwear which had been thrown on stage, particularly when Harry was singing solo. Liam joked that Harry wasn't interested as the girls were only in their late teens, about twenty years too young for him. Niall, Louis and Zayn all laughed, whereas Harry shot Liam a disapproving look, mouthing, "Fuck up", however he too soon broke into a smile and laughed slightly at the joke. After a few minutes, Tom returned to the group. "OK guys, there's been a bit of a fuck up with the rooms." he said. "What?" they asked. "Well when we booked this hotel for you last week, we booked five en-suite rooms on the top floor and we were told that was fine, but now the hotel manager says they only have four. If you want, I'll try to find another hotel nearby or something." All five of the boys said that he didn't have to do that and that two of them would simply share a room, after all, they'd done it before. Tom breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great, guys." Anyway, I'm going to the bar for a quick drink before bed, I'll leave you to decide who has to share the room." With that, he strode off to the bar, which was surprisingly still open, despite the fact that it was past midnight and the hotel seemed to be deserted, except for a few members of staff sitting behind the foyer desk. "OK, who has to share the room?" Louis asked. Each boy in turn said "Not me" and they argued for several minutes, failing to reach a decision. As a result, Harry, ever the mature one, suggested that they have a race, with the last two boys to reach the top floor having to share the room. To make it fairer, they weren't allowed to use the elevators, only the stairs. Niall protested at this, having only had surgery on his knee less than two months ago, seriously doubting whether he could run up however many flights of stairs. "Ah, tough luck, Ni!" Louis said, before jumping up from his seat and sprinting to the stairs at the other side of the foyer, leaping up them 2 at a time. "Hey, fucker, that's cheating!" roared Harry, before he too leapt up and followed Louis up the stairs. Liam, Zayn and Niall quickly followed, however it soon became obvious that Niall was in no fit state to be running anywhere. After three flights of stairs, his knee began to hurt and he was slowed to a hobble, all of the other lads already way ahead of him. "Bastards" he muttered to himself, as he continued his slow progress up the stairs. When he eventually reached the top floor, he was greeted by the rest of the band, who started jeering. "Finally mate, we were about to send out a search party!" laughed Liam. "How about shut the fuck up?!" Niall retorted. "Oooh somebody's got his knickers in a twist!" snorted Zayn. Niall shot him a withering look. "Anyway, which of you bastards do I have to stay with tonight?" Niall asked. "Zayn", Louis chirped, smirking, "He tripped over his shoelace on the way up!" "Not the snorer!" Niall moaned, rolling his eyes. "Sorry mate," Zayn smirked, "I'll try to keep the snoring down!" "Enough of the chat, we've decided to head down to the bar for a drink or two," said Harry, "you coming, Ni?" "You're seriously telling me that I walked up like a thousand stairs only to go straight back down again?!" Niall said in mock anger. "Yeah, sorry buddy, we can take the elevator now though." Harry said, ruffling Niall's hair. "Alright then" Niall agreed, and all five headed for the elevator.

After over an hour of constant drinking with Tom, the guys were pretty drunk, particularly Zayn and Liam, who really couldn't handle their drink. "One last round!" Niall announced, waving the bartender over and ordering 6 tequilas. They each downed the shots and sucked on the lemon, Liam retching slightly at the strong taste. "Alright lads, time for bed!" Tom announced, and they all stood up and staggered towards the elevator. When they reached the top floor, they said their "good-nights" and parted ways, heading towards their own rooms, Niall and Zayn heading towards the one at the furthest end of the corridor, Zayn leaning slightly on Niall's shoulder. When they reached the doorway, Zayn dug around in his pocket for the key-card, and after several attempts he managed to insert it into the slot. They entered the room, with its large double bed the focal point. There were some generic paintings on the wall and a small fridge in the corner. Zayn staggered to the bed, throwing himself and giggling like a child. Niall shook his head slightly and thought to himself "Why am I stuck with him?!" He went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of beer, opening it and drinking it quickly. "Hey, give me one!" Zayn shouted over. "I think you've had enough mate!" Niall said, walking over and sitting on the end of the bed. Zayn laughed again, "I'm not even drunk!" he said, and promptly burst out laughing. Niall couldn't help but laugh too. "Go to bed, Zayn!" he said, getting up, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Niall got up and swayed to the bathroom, his head spinning a little, maybe he was more drunk than he thought! He locked the bathroom door and staggered to the sink, where there was a mirror. He stared at his reflection, his eyes were red and bloodshot and his face was blotchy, like it always was when he was drunk. "Shit" he said, he was probably going to have a hangover in the morning. He splashed some cold water over himself from the tap and brushed his teeth. He kicked off his shoes, removed his jeans and shirt, leaving on only his loose fitting boxers and left them in a pile before returning to the bedroom. Zayn had climbed under the covers and was drifting between being awake and sleeping. Every so often his eyes would droop closed only for them to flash open a few seconds later. Niall chuckled to himself. He switched off the light and climbed into the bed too, pulling some of the covers away from Zayn, who had been hogging them. "Hey!" Zayn mumbled in protest, but he was too drunk to do anything. "Night Zayn." Niall laughed. Zayn mumbled something incomprehensible in response. Niall closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, already hearing the light snores coming from the other side of the bed.

Niall woke up with a start. He squinted in the darkness, there was no sign of light so it must have still been night. He glanced at his watch, it had just gone half three. He had only been asleep for around an hour, he wondered what could have woken him. He heard Zayn's heavy rhythmic breathing . Niall looked slightly over towards Zayn, who was fast asleep. In between his deep breaths he was muttering something which Niall couldn't quite understand. He slid closer towards Zayn, trying to decipher what he was saying. He seemed to be moaning lightly. Niall thought he must be having a dream. He rolled back over to his side of the bed when he heard it. "Oh Niall, yes." His heart stopped. Did he just hear that? Did Zayn just moan his name in his dream? Niall began to panic. Zayn was straight, he was engaged to Perrie, so why the fuck was he moaning his name? He wanted to wake him up and ask him what was going on, but that wouldn't solve anything, it would just make things even more awkward than they were already going to be. Then he heard it again, "Oh Niall, yeah, just like that!" He turned to face Zayn, wondering if he was actually awake and just playing some sick joke. He squinted through the darkness but he couldn't see Zayn's face properly. He leaned closer. Zayn's eyes were tightly closed. He was definitely asleep. And what was more, when Niall looked down, he seen a bulge poking up through the blankets, right where Zayn's dick would be. His heart seemed to stop again. Niall's head was spinning. This wasn't happening. His best mate wasn't having a wet dream about him. But no matter how many times he said it to himself, it didn't stop it from being true. What disgusted Niall the most wasn't the fact that Zayn was having dreams about him, it was the fact that all Niall could think about was taking a look under the covers to see Zayn's bulge. Niall wasn't gay, he'd had sex with girls before, and he was fucking good at it. He loved tits and ass. And yet all he wanted to do now was look at his best friend's dick. He felt ashamed of himself. And yet he couldn't help it. He took a few deep breaths, weighing up what he was about to do. Then he couldn't resist any more. He ducked his head under the blankets, looking towards the area where Zayn'd bulge was, but it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. "Damn" he thought to himself. He pulled his head up over the blankets again. Zayn was continuing to moan and breath heavily. Suddenly, Niall grabbed the top of the blanket and threw it back, uncovering both himself and Zayn. He gasped. Zayn was completely naked. His dark skinned, smooth torso rising and falling to the rhythm of his deep breaths. Through the dim light, Niall's eyes travelled downward and he couldn't believe what he was looking at. He'd seen Zayn naked before as the band had spent so much time together over the years, but he'd only seen glimpses of his dick when it was soft, however now it was only feet away and hard as a rock. It looked to be similar in length to his own (around seven inches), but it was much thicker. It looked to be almost as thick as Niall's wrist. He looked at the dick, noticing the way it curved to the left. His pubes seemed to be untrimmed from what Niall could see in the darkness. He was staring intently when he heard Zayn stirring. He panicked and tried to throw the covers back over both Zayn and himself but before he could Zayn's eyes drifted open, squinting in the darkness. "Niall?" asked groggily. "What are you doing?" He was still drunk from the night of drinking. Niall's mouth was completely dry, his head went blank and he seemed to lose the ability to talk. He lay stupidly, staring into space. Zayn grabbed the blankets and pulled them over himself, his dick becoming softer by the second. "Ni," Zayn said again, "What were you doing?" "N-nothing" Niall stammered. "I-I-I'm not gay you know!" he said dumbly. "Nobody said you were," Zayn said, "but the fact that you were looking at my dick and the bulge in your boxers seems to give it away." Niall had been so absorbed in staring at Zayn as he slept that he didn't realise he was just as hard as Zayn, his dick tenting in his boxers. He had never been as ashamed in all his life. His cheeks were burning crimson and he was on the verge of tears. "I'm not gay!" he said again limply, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "Ni, it's OK, it's not a fucking crime!" Zayn said. Even though he was still hammered and didn't fully understand what the fuck was going on, he didn't like to see his friend upset. He reached out to rub his shoulder and Niall completely broke down in floods of tears, wailing that he was sorry. Zayn didn't quite know what to do so he continued to rub Niall's shoulder, trying to sooth him. "Ssh Ni, it's OK." he whispered. No matter what he said, he couldn't get Niall to stop crying. After what felt like an age, his sobs slowly died away. He looked across to Zayn, still feeling ashamed to have been caught looking at him. "I didn't mean to do it." he whispered, his voice catching in his throat as he spoke. "It's OK, Ni, don't worry!" Zayn smiled. Finally Niall admitted it, "I'm gay." he said, before bursting into tears again. He had tried to deny it for so long, tried to tell himself it was a phase. He had been with girls to try and cover it up, but he always knew, deep down, that it was all a lie. He had never openly said it before and that was why he broke down again. Zayn continued to do his best to sooth him. He reached out his hand and wiped away the tears from Niall's cheeks. Niall looked up at him and said, "Do you hate me now?" "Hate you? Ni how could I hate you?" Zayn smiled again. Niall returned the smile, feeling a huge sense of relief, when suddenly he remembered what had cause him to wake up in the first place- Zayn moaning his name. His smile quickly faded and he began to feel uncomfortable again. Zayn noticed this, "What is it?" he asked. "Nothing." Niall responded. "Come on Niall, just say whatever it is that's bothering you." he said reassuringly. Niall breathed deeply, he'd already told Zayn everything else, he may as well tell him this too, "OK, well it's kinda awkward but I woke up and heard you sort of umm talking in your sleep. You umm mentioned my name a few times." Now it was Zayn's turn to turn red with embarrassment. "Oh, right." Zayn said sheepishly. Niall recognised Zayn's discomfort and tried to diffuse the awkwardness. "I'm sure it was nothing." he said hurriedly. Zayn replied, "Actually, Ni, it was something. I wasn't ever going to say anything but since you told me all this stuff about you tonight, it would only be fair if I was honest with you too." "OK" Niall said, trying to look as reassuring as possible. Zayn breathed deeply, "Over this last year or so I've been getting feelings for people. Guys, I mean. At first it was just passing feelings like 'Oh that guy is quite hot' but they've got stronger as the time has went on. Don't get me wrong, I love Perrie, she's my world, but I can't help my feelings. I've never ever cheated on her but sometimes I get dreams where I'm "with" other people and sometimes these people are guys. I think I might be bi." Zayn admitted, looking nervously at Niall. "Well fucking hell, tonight's been a bit of a tell-all!" Niall laughed. Zayn couldn't help but laugh too. He was relieved that Niall had been so understanding and that he had been able to tell someone about his feelings. "I still have one more question." Niall said. "Sure" Zayn smiled. "You said you'd been having dreams about people and tonight you were saying my name in your sleep." Niall said, with a half smirk. "Yeah." Zayn said sheepishly, getting embarrassed yet again. "So what does that mean?" Niall asked, now smirking broadly. He was back to his old, joking self. "Shut up, Ni, you know what it means!" Zayn said. They both smiled at each other for a few seconds, allowing the revelations of the past half hour to sink in. Niall looked into Zayn's deep brown eyes and he felt comfortable and safe. He had never felt this way before with anyone. It was crazy, he had known Zayn for so long and he never felt this way about him before. It was as if his eyes had been closed for so long and now they had finally been opened. He lay his hand on the bed halfway between himself and Zayn. Zayn reached up his hand and touched Niall's. It was as if a bolt of electicity came between them. Their fingers intertwined, Zayn's long, slender dark fingers contrasting with Niall's which were shorter and lighter. They were still staring into each other's eyes. Niall leaned slightly forward towards Zayn, and Zayn responded with the same action. Their faces were now less than an inch apart. Niall could smell the alcohol on Zayn's breath. Their hearts were racing, thumping loudly. They both smiled at each other, before Niall leaned in and their lips connected. Niall pressed his tongue against Zayn's lips before they opened and allowed Nialls tongue to enter. Their tongues fought for control, Niall eventually winning out. Niall began to grow in confidence, stretching out his arm under the bed covers and running it over Zayn's chest, tweaking his nipples, causing Zayn to moan loudly into Niall's mouth. Zayn too began to stretch out his free hand and rub Niall's chest, his fingers running through the hairs. Both guys were now moaning heavily, and Niall could feel his dick growing again in his boxers. He broke free from the kiss. "How about we take this up a level or two?" he smiled. "You bet!" Zayn grinned back.

Sorry guys for the lack of "action" in this chapter, I felt it was important to establish Niall and Zayn's character's a bit rather than jump into full-on sex with no context or reasoning! Trust me, the next chapter will make up for it! Also, sorry for any typo's as there was no spell-check on the computer!

Again, any feedback and input would be more than welcome!

Email: tennistales@outlook.com

Next: Chapter 3

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