Dirty One Direction

By David James

Published on May 14, 2014


Disclaimer This is a fictitious story, in no way do I know the sexual desires of any of the celebrities included in this or any other stories I may write.

Email address: tennistales@outlook.com

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Chapter 5: All tied down

"You two took your time!" Liam exclaimed as Niall and Zayn entered the dining room of the hotel for breakfast. The other three band members already had almost cleared their plates, only a few rashers of bacon remained on Harry's plate. Niall shot Zayn a slightly nervous look, before Zayn calmly responded, "Yeah, my alarm didn't go off this morning and you know the way we both are- we always sleep in!" he said, casually punching Niall on the shoulder. Niall felt another jolt of electricity at Zayn's touch and shot him a nervous smile. The other boys seemed to accept the story willingly and returned to their conversation of what they were going to do for the day. Niall and Zayn quickly got some breakfast from the buffet and sat down next to each other. Zayn deliberately stretched out his legs so his left thigh was pressing against Niall's.

The other guys were working out their plans for the day. This was one of their rare days off and they wanted to enjoy it. Harry suggested going to the local water park, which was met with a combination of groans and "No ways!" "OK then, what suggestions do you have?" he asked indignantly. "There's a cinema at that big shopping mall we drove past last night on the way here," Louis suggested, "we could go and see a movie or something?" "Sounds good." the other band members replied, and the plans for the day were sorted. The guys quickly finished their breakfast, Niall and Zayn occasionally giving darting glances at each other before blushing and staring down T their plates. After a bit more chit-chat the boys all rose simultaneously from the table and headed to the foyer, where they got one of their entourage to ring for a driver to come and take them to the shopping mall. After only a short wait, the large black 7-seater arrived and all 5 boys climbed inside. When they reached the shopping mall they were glad to see it was virtually deserted, meaning they could enter without being mobbed by fans. A young girl and her mother did come up to them for a photo, which the guys were all happy to comply with. They huddled around the girl as her mother took the photo. Zayn stood next to Niall and placed his hand on Niall's ass almost casually, giving it a gentle squeeze. Niall shuddered slightly and mouthed, "Stop!" Zayn however refused and kept his hand where it was, as the girls mother continued to snap away as her child beamed gleefully at the camera. When they had managed to get enough photos to wallpaper a room, they thanked the boys repeatedly, the girl almost in tears. The boys were only too happy to oblige, and each gave the girl a hug before continuing on their way to the cinema, which was located in the east wing of the shopping mall. The boys were shocked at how empty the place was- all of the shops were completely devoid of customers. They reached the cinema and bought tickets for the latest superhero movie, before they entered the theatre, which was also almost empty. There were a few young boys in the front row and a few couples dotted throughout the theatre. Thankfully, the lights were already dimmed so nobody recognised the superstars. The boys took five adjacent seats around two thirds of the way up in the rows of seats. The movie started soon after, however the boys soon realised their mistake- the film was in Spanish! "Oh for fuck sake!" Liam said. "What stupid bastard decided we should go to a cinema in Peru and expect the film to be in English?!" The boys all began to grumble at Louis, who had made the suggestion, however he replied that he didn't realise that the film wouldn't be in English, asking why the other boys hadn't corrected him for his mistake. The truth was that none of them had realised their mistake either. After a few moments of heated discussion, the boys decided they would just take a walk around the shops instead of sitting through more than two hours of incomprehensible "Qué's" and "Cómo's". They quickly shuffled out of the theatre and began to wander around the variety of shops on offer. After barely 20 minutes Niall was incredibly bored- he despised shopping- even when he had to get clothes for himself he sent one of the entourage to go and buy them for him and just hoped they fitted him. He continued to drag his heels after the other boys for a little while longer, before deciding he was going to go back to the hotel. He said his goodbyes to the others before quickly making his way back to the car park where they had been dropped off only an hour previously. Thankfully the car was still parked outside, the driver reading a book. Niall got into the car and explained to the driver the reasons why he had left early, his story garnering laughs as he told him about the film being in Spanish. They continued with small talk as the driver drove speedily back to the hotel. When they reached their destination, Niall thanked the driver, who heartily waved goodbye to him before making his way back to the shopping mall to wait for the other boys to finish their shopping.

Niall entered the hotel, entered the lift and headed for his room, where he decided to relax for a bit, switching on the TV and flicking the channel until he saw the familiar comfort of "Friends". Thankfully it was in English and he was able to understand what the hell was being said, even though he had seen every episode so many times he could have understood the jokes anyway. He flicked through his phone, messaging a few of his friends from back home and played a football game he had downloaded recently. After quickly getting bored of the game he placed his phone on the locker beside the bed before sinking his head back on the pillow. He closed his eyes, breathing deeply and soon found himself drifting off to sleep.

"Ni!" Zayn called as he entered the bedroom. Niall jumped up in the bed, woken with a start by Zayn. "Yeah?" he called back as Zayn came into the room, laden with shopping bags filled with clothes. "Were you sleeping?" Zayn asked. "Yeah, since I didn't get the best night's sleep last night!" Niall responded. "Oh yeah, and why was that?" Zayn smiled knowingly. "Oh, there was this bastard who woke me up and wouldn't let me get back to sleep." Niall said, smirking. Both guys laughed, before Zayn placed the bags on the floor before leaning down to Niall on the bed, planting a swift kiss on his lips. "So what did you end up buying?" Niall asked. "Oh not much, just a few t-shirts and pairs of jeans," Zayn said, "Oh and I got something for you!" "Really, what?" Niall said, sitting up on the bed in surprise. "Yeah." Zayn said, rummaging in one of the bags for a few seconds before pulling out a small package and throwing it to Niall, who quickly undid the packaging, revealing another, brightly coloured package. Niall burst out laughing. "Seriously?" he laughed, gesturing the object to Zayn. "Don't you like it?" Zayn asked, furrowing his brow in mock disappointment. "No, I love it!" Niall joked. "Read out the description!" Zayn giggled. Niall read out loud, "Pink vibrating penis ring, to ensure your man gets the pleasure he deserves!" Niall and Zayn both began to laugh. Once they had gained some form of control, Zayn asked again, "Seriously, don't you like it?" "It's alright, I suppose, I just never thought about using something like that before! Anyway, how the fuck did you manage to get it?" "Well when we were shopping, we walked past a sex shop and when the other guys were getting a drink I pretended to go to the toilet and went back and got this!" Niall laughed again, "Aren't you worried someone would see you in there!" "Relax, the place was completely empty and the man in there was about 90, he had no idea who I was!" Zayn chuckled. "You're crazy!" Niall laughed. "I know. I got a little something else too." Zayn smiled. "What?!" Niall asked. Again Zayn reached into one of the bags, pulling out two pairs of hand cuffs. Niall raised his eyebrows, "And what were you planning on doing with those?" "Well, I thought we could have a little bit of fun!" Zayn exclaimed. "Oh really?" Niall asked, his dick beginning to stir in his underwear. "Yeah, I thought maybe I could play with you a little bit!" Zayn said, his dick too beginning to swell, adrenaline beginning to pump around his body. He leaned in to Niall again, kissing him deeply and lovingly. In between kisses Niall asked, "Do we have time before dinner?" "Yeah, sure baby!" Zayn soothed, before standing off and pulling off his vest over his head, revealing his hairy pits. Niall did the same with his t-shirt, both guys now shirtless. It didn't take long before their jeans were also discarded, leaving Niall in his Calvin klein boxers and Zayn in a pair of ridiculously tight purple briefs which were straining to hold his erection. Niall reached down to pull down his boxers, however Zayn stepped in, saying, "No, let me. I'm in control here!" Niall couldn't help but be turned on at Zayn's newfound dominance- even this morning, when Zayn was fucking him in the shower, Niall had felt that he was in control. He liked the fact that Zayn was becoming more assertive. "OK, I'm all yours!" Niall grinned widely, revealing his perfect teeth. Zayn reached down and tugged Niall's boxers down, his dick springing free, almost hitting Zayn in the face as he bent down to roll the boxers off Niall's feet. "I want you to lie down flat on the bed!" Zayn demanded. Niall did as he was told, lying on the middle of the double bed, his arms outstretched slightly. Zayn grabbed one of the pairs of handcuffs, trapping Niall's left hand in one of the cuffs and dragging it upwards so it was stretched out fully. He then proceeded to cuff Niall's left hand to the wooden pole at the top left hand corner of the bed. He repeated the process with Niall's right hand, pinning it against the pole at the right hand corner. Niall was now virtually helpless, unable to move his hands more than a few inches. He quite enjoyed his vulnerability and the fact that Zayn could do anything he wanted to him. Zayn reached into one of the bags again and pulled out a roll of what looked like a thin rope, which he unravelled and used to tie each of Niall's ankles to the bedposts at the bottom corners of the bed. "Holy fuck, Zayn! How much stuff did you buy in that sex shop?" Niall asked, his eyes wide. "That was all, Ni!" Zayn smiled. He looked down to admire the view which greeted him. Niall's naked body was completely exposed, his pale skin standing out against the black duvet underneath him. Zayn traced his fingers over Nialls chest, over his nipples, down over his stomach and over his thighs. Suddenly he remembered something from this morning- Niall had jumped when Zayn had touched his armpit- he was ticklish. A wicked smile spread across Zayn's lips, which Niall noticed. "What is it, Zayn?" he asked. Zayn didn't respond, instead he simply reached out both his hands stretching out his fingers as they approached Niall's hairy armpits. Niall realised what was about to happen and his eyes widened. "No, Zayn, please, no!" he begged, his arms straining against the handcuffs, but it was useless- he was unable to move. As soon as Zayn's fingertips made contact, Niall began to squirm and scream, begging Zayn to stop, but it was no use, he continued his assault on Niall's pits, running his fingers through the thick light-brown hair. Niall was still screaming, a mixture of laughter and agony, tears rolling down his cheeks. Zayn was loving this torture, as evidenced through the massive bulge in his underwear. Niall, despite his obvious discomfort, still had not lost his boner. Zayn decided Niall had endured enough tickle torment, finally removing his hands from Niall's armpits. Niall continued to shake and breathe heavily as he recovered- his usually pale face now flushed and a thin sheen of sweat covering his forehead and chest. Zayn raised his fingers to his nose, inhaling the scent of Niall's pits- a mixture of sweat and deodorant. He licked one of his fingers, enjoying the salty taste, not dissimilar to the taste of cum, he noted. Suddenly he remembered the cock ring he had bought. He scanned the room, finding it lying on the floor next to the bed. He pulled it from its packaging, revealing the bright pink, almost jelly-like device which had a small button on it. He pressed the button and it began to vibrate. He smiled again and switched it off. Niall looked slightly apprehensively at the toy, "I don't think that will be big enough." he said nervously, looking at the opening which was only a few centimetres in diameter. "Relax, it'll stretch!" Zayn said, proving his point by stretching it slightly. This seemed to calm Niall slightly, his face losing the frown which had developed. Zayn reached down and gave Niall's dick a quick tug, before placing the device over Niall's flaring head. He slowly began to roll it down Niall's dick, as he did so he caused the foreskin to retract, revealing Niall's deep pink helmet. When the device finally reached the base, Zayn pressed the button, switching it on. Immediately Niall began to moan at the sensations running through his dick. "Oh yeah, that feels so good!" Niall moaned, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Zayn said, glancing at his watch, "oh would you look at the time! It's time for dinner!" he said, standing up and pulling on his jeans over his straining bulge. Niall's eyes snapped forward and he raised his head, his eyes filled with confusion. "What? I thought you said we would have enough time!" Niall said, surprised at Zayn's comment. "I must have miscalculated." Zayn said innocently, smiling smugly to himself as he pulled on his vest. "OK then," Niall sighed, "I guess you better take these off then." he said, shaking his arms in the handcuffs. "Oh no, you stay here, Ni! You seem to be enjoying yourself anyway!" Niall couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Please tell me you're joking, Zayn!" he said. "Sorry Ni, we both know that you're the joker of the group, not me!" Zayn replied, pulling on his shoes. "Zayn, fuck up and take these things off right n-" Niall started, but Zayn cut him off, "See you later Ni. Oh and by the way, you better not have cum when I get back, I'm not done playing with you yet!" With that he turned around and walked straight out of the room. In his smugness, he forgot to take his keycard out of the door as he went. Niall was furious. "Fuck!" he roared as loud as he could, straining at the handcuffs on his wrists and the rope around his ankles, trying to free himself, however it was futile, there was no way he could get out of this by himself. He was breathing heavily and was so angry at Zayn, however the vibrating cock ring was causing his dick to throb in pleasure. He continued to curse Zayn loudly. Zayn, meanwhile, was chuckling as he made his way to the dining room. Harry, Liam and Louis were already there, sitting at the table with beers in hands, laughing about some joke or comment that Harry had made. When they saw Zayn, they all smiled in acknowledgement, saying "Hey." "Where's Ni at?" Liam asked. "Oh, he's in bed, he's got a bit of a sore head so he decided to go to bed." Zayn lied coolly. "Trust Niall to be in bed!" Louis remarked. "Yeah, I know," Zayn said, "you couldn't get him up if you tried!" All four band members laughed at the comments before a waiter came over to take their order. The meal seemed to pass quite quickly, the boys enjoying the food and the beer which they had to accompany it. Zayn had almost forgotten Niall, until Liam mentioned him just after they had ordered dessert. "Maybe someone should go on check on him to make sure he's OK?" Liam suggested, however Zayn batted down the idea saying that he was probably sleeping and if someone went up it would just make him grumpy. Liam nodded in agreement and Zayn smiled as he took another sip of beer.

Many floors above, Niall was squirming on the bed, moaning as the vibrating cock ring continued to massage the base of his cock. His body was drenched in sweat and a large amount of precum had pooled on the head of his dick. Due to the tightness of the cock ring, his dick had gone slightly purple with the restricted blood flow for the past hour or more since Zayn had put it on. Niall had been on the point of orgasm now for such a long time, however he couldn't quite climax as the pleasure was focused solely on the base of his cock. He desperately wanted to just rub the head of his dick a few times and then he would explode, he was sure of it. He had to hand it to Zayn, he really knew how to dominate someone, without even being in the room.

Back down in the dining room, Liam had just excused himself to go to the toilet. When he left the room, instead of turning right to go towards the toilet, he walked straight across the foyer to the elevators, deciding that, despite Zayn's comments, he would go and check on Niall. If he was sleeping, he wouldn't wake him and would leave again. It was only when he stepped out of the elevator that he realized he didn't have a key to get in to their room. He was just about to get back into the elevator when he thought he heard a shout. Immediately he got worried. He knew that it was only the five band members on this top floor, and the rest of the guys were downstairs so the shout had to be from Niall. Maybe he had hurt himself? Liam was the worrying type- he saw himself as the father of the group. He walked down the corridor towards Niall and Zayn's room. As he approached, he saw a keycard in the door (Zayn's which he forgot to take earlier). Again Liam's mind began to race- what if this was an intruder who had somehow forged a keycard? He was now at the door, his heart thumping loudly. He pressed his ear to the door, straining as he tried to hear any further noises. Sure enough, he could hear some kind of shouting. He faintly recognised Niall's thick Irish accent. "Oh God." Liam thought to himself- someone must have tried to break into their room when they were at dinner, only to discover Niall still in the room. They could be attacking him now. Liam had to do something. He breathed deeply, composing himself, before grabbing the door handle and swinging it open.

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