Dominated by Lil Bro

Published on Jan 15, 2004


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal toread materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, all descriptions, and names are also fictitious, any similarities are truly just that, purely similarities.

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"Dominated Up By Lil Bro" PT. 2

Jordan and Austin slapped hands yet again, as the senators younger son stood over me, his well developed legs spread wide, with his feet planted on each side of my head, and rubbing his basket. He lifted his left leg and pressed his bare foot on top of my face, pressing down on it hard, hurting my nose.

After rubbing his feet in my face one after the other, while he and my bro laughed their ass off, he demanded that I take his toes in my mouth and lick between them. "Hey Jord, wanna see how far your brother will go, just, to please me? I swear dude, he'll do anything, just so I'll let him blow me? Watch this, he's gonna lick my feet for me! Go ahead fag, lets show your little brother how far you'll go, just for permission to blow me, stick out your fag tongue and lick between my toes!"

My little bro standing there looking down at me, started laughing in hysterics, "Yeah right! Like he'll lick between your toes dude, he maybe a fag, but even fags don't do shit like that!"

Now it was Austin's turn to laugh, fuck man! You've got a lot to learn about fags, there isn't anything they wont do, if it will get them a taste of cock! Seriously dude, just watch....k?"

Now looking down at me with a scowl, Austin repeated his demand. "Go ahead faggot, you piece of shit, stick your queer tongue between my toes, lick em real good, then maybe I'll let you blow me!"

With my younger brother standing there listening, the words coming from Austin's mouth, were humiliating enough! Yet, obeying his best friends orders, by licking between his toes, would certainly add some major distance between my brother and me., and I'm sure that was the plan Austin had in mind!

I wasn't sure what to do, I figured if my little bro could beat me up, then certainly his best friend Austin, who was by far stronger than my brother, could really do a number on me, and being the frigging wimp that I am, another beating scared the hell out of me. While laying there pondering my situation, Austin became a bit impatient. "You seriously don't wanna piss me off dude, cause I swear, I'll fuckin stand on your face with all my weight, sending your nose to the other side of your head, now start licking, shove that queer tongue right between my toes, and clean them good! Go ahead you fuckin loser, you know I wont let you blow me, till you obey every order I give you!"

I was in a no win situation, so I had to weigh the pros and cons! I looked at it this way, I already gave my little bro a blow job, so there was no turning back now, and I was sure this little bully Austin was just crazy enough to hurt me, if he didn't get his way, so I gave in! Some how, some way, I would just have to prove to Jordan that I'm not the queer, his friend is making me out to be! That's all!

I stuck out the tip of my tongue, and pried Austin's toes apart! Then starting with his baby toe, I began licking in between this young, dominating, spoiled brats toes, one by one! I had to give Austin credit tho, for being a fowled mouth, aggressive little punk, he kept himself clean, there wasn't even a hint of toe jam, not that it lessened the tremendous humiliation I was feeling, but it helped my stomach!

I tried in vain to block out the voice of my brother, as he was quick to show his disgusts. "Eeeeeewwwww! Oh my God! He's doing it, he's really cleaning between your toes with his tongue! Eeeeeewwww! That is soooo disgusting! Wow dude, you gotta be the coolest jock in school, you can make ANYBODY do ANYTHING you say!"

Now grinning down at me, after having won even more respect from my lil bro, Austin was feeling quite the jock, while glowing with pride! "I'm tellin ya Jord, you haven't seen anything yet! Man! My two older brothers Cam and Case? They could make a faggot cum in his underwear, without even touching his dick, just by forcing the fag to worship them, and every part of their well muscled bodies! I wish you could have met them before they went off to college Jordan, they're my heros! My brother Shane is kinda cool two, but he used to be much cooler, somethin happened a couple of years ago, he's never been the same since! Which reminds me, after we break in your brother real good, I'll take ya to the ranch, and show you around. Maybe I'll make my brother Blake give you the best blow job you'll ever"

Listening to these words coming from Austin, I thought to myself, What a fucked up family! I knew Casey and Cameron from school, they're seniors, and they practically run the school, which makes the rumor that Blake is gay, so hard to believe! The funniest thing is, it's their little brother that's spreading that rumor! Telling everyone at school how he gets head from his brother Blake whenever he wants. BUT, there has to be hundreds of rumors not only about them and this little punk of a brother, but also about the older brothers! Some of the rumors were so far out there, you just had to be insane to believe them. I can tell you one thing tho, there isn't anyone stupid or brave enough to go up to either Bake or Shane Clayborne, and ask them if they're really queer! They're as mean as they are strong, both on the wrestling team, and the football team, no body but nobody dares to fuck with them.

Austin knowing very well how much I dislike him, was now grinning ear to ear, knowing that by forcing me to worship and obey him in front of my bro, would humiliate me far more so than any beating he could ever give me. He stood over me like the little punk he is, and dropped first his soccer shorts then his jockey briefs to the floor . Stepping out of them, he kicked his tight briefs onto my face. "Use your hands and rub the crotch of my underwear all over your face fag, get a good smell of the crotch area, and tell me how much you wanna sniff my balls."

I was beyond trying to fight this, he obviously was gonna have his way anyway! It was no secret now, that if I didn't do as he demanded, he'd just beat me up, and make me do it anyways! So I placed the crotch of his worn underwear to my nose, and inhaled the undisputable male scent, while both dudes stood over me laughing hysterically! Austin, was using his bare foot now, to rub his underwear under my nose. "Yeeeaah smells awesome huh? What I tell ya dude? He wants to blow me so bad, he'll do anything and everything just for a taste of this jock meat, get up on your knees for me, faggot!"

I wanted so bad to just blow him and get this whole nightmare over with, that I practically jumped to my knees, bringing loud laughter once again to the dynamic dual! Causing my bro, to add even a little more to my already extremely humiliating situation! "Holy shit Austin, did ya see how fast he got to his knees, he wants your dick so bad, he couldn't wait for you to give him permission to kneel in front of you, he musta been dying while waitin for those words!"

"Ya dude, you're right! Watch this!........ Ok faggot here's where the real fun begins!"

Then turning around with his back against me and his butt practically touching my face, he turned his head to me and smiled, "I know how much you wanna blow me pussy boy, but first you have to show your bro and me just how MUCH you wanna blow me, by kissing then licking my butt till I tell ya to stop. Then you can kiss and lick the sweat off my balls fag, and IF you do a good job, maybe, just maybe, I'll let you blow me. Now go ahead dude, show your bro just how much a freaking fag you really are!"

I hesitated, certainly not wanting to kiss or lick some dudes ass, particularly, and especially when that dude happens to be Austin! An outburst from my brother showed me he still wasn't as much of a mean bully as Austin. "Eeeeewwwww!! Ooooooh My God!.....That sounds too freaking gross, dude!.... you seriously think he'll do that? I mean that is soooo not cool!" This little outburst however, didn't discourage, or bother Austin in the slightest, as he snapped at my brother. "Shut the fuck up dude! I'm a Clayborne, I'm used to havin my ass kissed. Trust me Jordan, EVERYONE kisses my ass sooner or later."

Not very happy with me taking my time obeying his orders, Austin swung around with a dropkick to the side of my head, knocking me over onto my side.

He then stood over me with his naked body and a mean smile on his face. " Don't fuck with me dude, because I seriously would love to beat you up! Now let's try this once again, get BEHIND me, KISS my ass, then LICK it all over, till I tell you to stop......DO IT NOW!" It became apparently clear, that for some reason, Austin was determined to humiliate me to no limit, in front of Jordan. Trying, I suppose, to impress my little bro, proving to him just how dominating, and tough he can be, while taking total control of the mind, and body, of another dude!

Austin turned around with his back facing me once again, he swung his hand around to his back side, placed it on the back of my head and pushed my face into his butt. "there you go Joey, now show your bro how much of a faggot you are. KISS BOTH CHEEKS! Then stick your tongue in the crack of my butt and start licking!"

I gave a lot of thought to taking the beating rather than kissing and licking his ass, but then thought better. The way I looked at it, after beating me up, he would probably make me lick his butt twice as long just to prove a point, so why take the beating.

With my face buried in his butt, I kissed it a couple of times, then stuck out my tongue and licked his butt crack. I was doing my best to keep my self from vomiting, expecting his butt to be fowl. Yet I was pleasantly surprised that not only was it clean smelling, but it tasted clean as well.

Meanwhile, my little bro, along with Austin, were laughing their balls off. Austin wanting Jordan to get a close-up of me licking his ass, enthusiastically remarked to my brother, "Oooooh my GOD dude! Get in back of me and watch the fucking fag licking my ass! And MAKE SURE YOU GET THIS ON THE CAM, DUDE!"

Jordan showing his innocence, and wanting desperately to know how it felt, "WOW! That's fucking rad dude! HOW DOES IT FEEL, having someone licking your butt like that? Does it feel awesome? Come on dude, tell me!" Austin, moaning up a storm, could only shake his head, and smile from the incredible pleasure he was receiving. Finally uttering the words "It fucking rocks dude, you seriously gotta have him do this to you later!"

Jordan watching me intensely , while getting it all on film, wasted no time in telling me how he truly felt about me now! " FUCK MAN! I can't believe my big bro is such a fucking queer! You frigging make me sick dude, first you suck my cock, then you fucking eat my cum, now look at you, you're on your knees licking my best friends ass! What a fucking faggot, pervert, piece of shit you are!! Well all I can say dude, is I hope you're loving this, cause we have a whole summer of using your fag mouth every day, HOWEVER we want!"

I felt more humiliated by what my little brother was saying, than by licking Austin's ass, and trust me, licking this dudes ass was so totally humiliating!

Austin, now feeling that his butt got a good work-out, pulled away from my face, turned around and placed his hands on his hips. "start licking the sweat off my nuts now, if you do as good a job with my balls as you did with my ass, I'll reward you, by letting you blow me! HOW`S THAT?"

Not wasting my breath by answering such a stupid question, I nuzzled my nose under his huge dick, stuck out my tongue once again, and started licking his nut-sack. His balls actually didn't taste that bad, a little salty, but considering he hadn't showered yet, the masculine, unwashed boy odor, and the taste, really wasn't so bad, surprising me once again.

Suddenly he yanked my head away, "HEY QUEERBOY! You forgot to kiss them first, I mean I know how badly you wanna TASTE my balls, and all, but first thing's first here, duh!"

This obviously had my bro cracking up big time. "Austin? Man, you frigging rock.......are you this mean to the other fags at school, too? Austin, didn't even need a second to think about that question. "Hell ya! And not just the fags either, when I'm freaking horny, I don't care if the dude is a fag or not, if I beat him down, and I if I get off on doing it, even if the dude is straight, I use his mouth, I figure that's his punishment for being such a loser, ya know? Another thing dude, my brothers taught me, don't ever look at it as being mean to the fags, cause by having them Blow you, or whatever you have them do, you're really givin them what they want, they're just too shy to ask for it.......ya know?"

Wanting to get this over as quickly as possible, and with my little brother laughing his ass off with what Austin just said, I kissed his nuts a few times, holding my lips against them briefly before pulling my mouth away, then resumed licking his balls again, trying everything I could imagine to get this over quickly!

Austin, continuing his verbal assault on me started laughing and commenting to Jordan, "GEEZ he couldn't wait to start slurping on my nuts could he? Fuck! He's seriously going right to town on them....look at him, dude? You gettin all this on that cam? " With both of them laughing and making rude comments on how much of a fag I was, my humiliation grew with each passing second.

Austin, now feeling I spent enough time on his balls, grabbed my hair, and pulled me off , "Hell dude, you must love my balls, I didn't think you were ever gonna come up for air! K, I guess you earned it dude, go ahead, you can blow me now! Suck my dick like you just sucked your bro's! BUT you know you gotta kiss it's head first, right?"

With Jordan kneeling beside me with the digital camera, I kissed Austin's mushroom shaped cock-head, at this point, he had pre-cum oozing from it, and now my lips were coated with it, how fucking disgusting is that? Even my bro was disgusted. "Whooooaaaa! Dude? He's got your dick drool all over his frigging lips! That's sooo gross! Oooooh My God, look at it dude, it's like all over his lips, man!"

Both dudes laughing once again at the site of my lips smeared with Austin's cum, started in with the verbal abuse once again. Telling me how sick I was, and what a great summer was in store for them, having their own cocksucker at hand whenever either of them wanted head. My bro mentioning more than once, that he couldn't believe he'll never have to jack off again, and how soooo sweet, it's gonna be, getting a blow job in the morning, EVERY MORNING!

I took Austin's cock into my mouth and rolled my tongue over his cock-head several times, while he moaned like a bitch in heat. He then placed his hands on the back of my head and started forcing more and more of his cock into my mouth. "OOOOOOOH SHIT DUDE, TAKE IT, take my dick deep into your fag throat"

I couldn't believe, this younger dude, had a dick way bigger and thicker than my own, I guessed it to be around eight inches, or at least close to that, with my own being nearly six inches.

I started choking big time as his cock hit the passageway of my throat, with maybe half his cock in my mouth, I believed that was as much as I could take. I had no idea, how wrong I was.

Austin pulled out of my mouth, telling me, I had better ease my throat muscles, and find a way to take it all, or he'd choke me to death! "Listen asshole, I'm giving you some free advice, and you'd better listen real good. I intend to fuckin shove my whole cock down your faggot throat one way or another! So if you wanna live, you better relax your throat, and find a way to breathe, and if you puke, I'll make you eat it?"

He waited a few seconds, before slowly filling my mouth once again with his massive dick. I did as he said, and relaxed my throat as best I could, breathing through my nose! As he continued slowly pushing his thick cock deeper, till I finally had it all! It felt as though my head was going to explode, as I gagged and choked, and even cried! He then withdrew his dick almost completely, but only for a fraction of a second. Before thrusting hard and fast, as he plowed all the way in, forcing me to take it all, then holding my head tightly, causing me to choke and gag, till I thought I really WOULD die! I felt the tears rushing down my cheeks, I was choking so much, for so long, that I came close to passing out several times. I frantically tried to breathe through my nose, even tho it was buried in his pubes. I began pounding on his rock hard thighs, not expecting of course that this would hurt him, but hoping it would at least send a message to my lil bro, that I could die, if I didn't get some air real soon!

If I was going to choke to death on Austin's cock, it became clearly evident that I couldn't count on my lil bro to save me. "WOW Austin! ....He's got your whole cock in his mouth just like he did mine, and yours is so much bigger! ....... Sweeeeet!...... Man!....... This is sooooo fucking hot! His face is like purple dude, and I can clearly see the outline of your cock in his throat, he must be fucking loving this shit!"

Austin must have know exactly how long he could keep his cock buried in my throat, before smothering me to death, cause he started to withdraw slowly, till most of his cock was out of my mouth. Giving me a few moments to catch my breath. Then just as slowly, he buried it back into my throat all the way, holding it there once again, but not nearly as long this time.

He then started fucking my mouth in a some what steady rhythm, holding my head tightly, as he gyrated his hips. I felt his cock tense up, and even grow a little thicker, as I asked myself, how that was even remotely possible! It then began to throb, he withdrew immediately and jerked his cock, till it exploded with thick creamy gobs of white cum, all over my face!

He moaned loudly as he continued to shoot his thick goo, covering my face completely.

Jordan was in total awe, "OOOOOOH MY GOD! .....Austin? You're the friggin man dude! YOU'RE THE MAN! Wow! You fucking covered every inch of his face dude! This is sooooo fucking sweet man! Look at all that fucking jizz, he is so covered in it!"

Austin stopped moaning and looked down at me, "Whooooooaaaaa!!!!! Fuck dude! What happened to your face?"

As the two of them stood over me laughing their ass's off, I raised my hand to my face in an attempt to wipe his cum off.

But Austin quickly grabbed my hand and yelled at me, "NO FUCKING WAY FAG, I know you don't want to waste a good meal, here, let my cock-head feed it to you"

With his cock-head scooping up his thick cream from my face, he ordered me to suck it off his cock-head, "Uuuuuummmmmm faggot, doesn't it taste good ? You love eating another dudes cum don't you? You should be thanking me right now, I musta shot a fuckin quart of my precious cream onto your face! Jordan? Look at your bro, chowing down on my thick cum! Don't it make you hungry? So Joey baby, isn't it uuuummm, uuuuummmmm good? Don't ya just love the fuckin taste of another dudes warm jizz? Fuck man! Look at you gobbling it all down, maybe your bro would like a taste of my sweet cum!"

This quickly brought a loud response from my lil bro! "No fuckin way, I'm no faggot, no way will you ever get me to taste that shit!"

Austin continued scooping it off my face, with the head of his dick, till all that was remaining of his awesome load, was the aroma, I then was made to suck the head clean.

All the while Jordan trying to hold the camera steady as he and Austin laughed hysterically.

When all was done, I asked if I could now be excused, "K DUDES NOW THAT YOU TWO HAVE HAD YOUR FUN, can I please take a shower and go to my room?"

Jordan now standing over me grinning from ear to ear, shouted, "SURE BRO, BUT FIRST I WANNA FEEL HOW AWESOME IT IS HAVING MY BUTT KISSED AND LICKED, LIKE YOU DID TO AUSTIN!"

Next: Chapter 3

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