Dominated by Lil Bro

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. and is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for oneanother. This story is completely fiction, all descriptions, and names are also made up, any similarities are truly just that, purely similarities.

Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story

"Dominated by lil Bro" pt. 4

At this point Austin was ready for his blow job, he stood up, and removed his briefs. Then leaning down he grabbed a fistful of my hair before ordering me to lick his nut-sack. "K fagboy, it's time to feed you dinner. Start by lickin and suckin my nut-sack! .....No....... no..... wait a minute cumbreath, I have a better idea, I want you to wash my pubic hairs with your faggot mouth, you know...suck on em, and lick em clean. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get a couple of mouthfuls, before the main course, kinda like an know? I want you to eat whatever ends up in your queer mouth.....TOO!.......Doesn't that sound yummy?"

On my knees in front of Austin once again with my bro looking on, and laughing his ass off, "Ooooooh My God......that is sooo fucking sick...dude! ......Where do you come up with this disgusting shit, anyways?"

"I keep tellin ya dude, wait till you meet my bros, I've learned from the best teachers! When it comes to breaking in a new homo and turning him into a total faggot slave...... no body in this world can do IT like them.....they're the best in the world.....The only thing is....I'm gonna be waaaay more aggressive and meaner than any of them!.......So therefore..... YOU..... my friend...if you play your cards right....and don't pis me off.....will be learning from the `TOP DOG' The best of the litter ! THAT'S ME! "

My face was shoved into Austins pubes, with his hands holding my head tight. I stuck out my tongue and started licking the thin curly hairs above his dick. The smell from his pubes wasn't too bad, kind of that masculine jock odor, but the taste more than made up for the lack of body odor. I can't even begin to describe the taste and feeling of his pubes, as I licked at them, and took a small patch of them at a time into my mouth, and sucked them clean, leaving dozens of his little hairs inside my mouth gagging me, as I tried to swallow!

I tried pulling my head away countless times, but toughboy Austin was far too strong for me to budge even a little. While he held my head in place tightly, he laughed down at me though-out the entire ordeal! This may not have been the sickest or even the most humiliating thing they've done to me so far, but it was most definitely by far...... the most hardest.

While remaining busy trying to cope with a mouthful of loose pubic hair , and listening to Austin and my bro, talk shit about what a real fucking fag I was, and laughing so hard, my little bro, was actually crying from the comedy show his best bud Austin and I were putting on for him, I began to gag violently! Even hearing me gag uncontrollably, and watching my face turn purple, my bro continued laughing down at me. "What's the matter bro? You don't seem to be liking the appetizer my good friend Austin has so generously offered you! You're appearing more than a little ungrateful, if you ask me! Sure looks like I'm gonna have to give my ungrateful big brother a beating before leaving here tonight, teaching him some manners.

This appeared to be music to Austin's ears. "Hell yeah! Let him feel your fists tonight dude, that will keep his memory fresh as to how much power his little bro has over him. Tellin ya Jord, the more you beat on him with your fists, the less he's apt to forget which of you two is the real master of the house!!"

I hated this little shit Austin, this whole idea of my lil bro, constantly beating me up, and dominating me, was all his! There was just no way Jordan would have ever........ even bad mouthed me, never mind beat me up and bully me, the way he now does.

I somehow managed to swallow a few strands of Austin's pubes, but there was no way I was going to be able to swallow them all, as hard as I tried.

After forcing me to wash his pubes with my mouth, for what must have been at least fifteen minutes, Austin pulled my head away. "So faggot, how did you like the taste of my pubes, awesome ...huh? Now lick my nuts, then blow me, for the main course!"

All too soon, Austin had my face buried once again! With my mouth and nose pressed tightly against his balls and pubes. My breathing became difficult, I tried pulling my head away, but with both of his fists filled with clumps of my hair and pressing on my head tightly, there was no way of escaping the brutal force of this tough teenage punk! All I could do was to slap and jab his upper legs, and make moaning sounds, to let him know I was having trouble breathing. Yet he either felt that my moaning sounds were moans of pleasure or he simply didn't care that I was struggling for air. Still doing everything in his power to impress my lil bro, he made it clear how much control he and my little brother held over me. "WOW DUDE! Isn't it awesome having our own fuckin slave cocksucker, whenever we want head now, we don't have to worry about our girlfriends givin it to us, we can just come back here and have this little bitch give it to us, and just listen to the faggot moan while lickin my fuckin balls man! Isn't it awesome?"

Finally! Just when I felt I may be smothered to death, Austin pulled my face away from his balls. "K BITCH! Time for din din, kiss my cock, then beg me in front of your little brother to suck my dick you fuckin fag. Beg for it, and tell me in front of your bro why you love my cock so much!"

While there on my knees, facing Austin's balls and cock, with his thick mushroom shaped cockhead so close to my lips, I thought at first to just tackle him, get my face punched in, and be done with it! Yet I could not help but wonder, would I really and truly be done with it? OR would I continue to be used as a sex slave to these two young stud punks? I decided it wasn't worth the chance I'd be taking. So I remained on my knees, with the young tough bully standing over me, his muscled legs spread wide, waiting for me to start begging for his cock!

A rough yank on my hair, told me Austin was getting inpatient! "Don't keep me waiting bitch, me and your bro have things to do, places to go, cunts to fuck, so let's hear it NOW!"

I accepted the fact that I didn't have much of a choice, either I do as either of the two young punks demanded or I get a beating. So I decided hey? What's talking shit, compared to being beat up. So I hung my head and started telling Austin exactly what he wanted to hear. "Please Austin, please may I suck your cock? Will you please fuck my mouth with your way powerful tool, I'm begging you Austin, PLEASE let me brush my tongue over the length of your sweet tasting cock, please let me take it inside my mouth and blow you?"

Hearing these words coming from my mouth had my little brother laughing his nuts off, "Oooooooh my god! Listen to him dude, he's fuckin begging you man! Wait, ooooh my god wait dude! Let me get this on vid!"

As Jordan ran off to get the video camera, his best friend yanked my head backwards so I was looking up into his smiling evil face. "not bad fag! Of course we both know it's how you really feel, but I enjoy hearing you beg me for it anyway! So when your bro returns with the camera, just repeat it, and oooooh yeah, don't forget to tell me why you want my way awesome cock!" Austin now laughing, brushed his cockhead over and across my lips, smearing them with his pre-cum

When my bro returned with the camera, he ordered me to repeat the words I had uttered before. So I repeated my plea to his best friend just as I had done a few minutes ago.

With both dudes laughing hysterically, I hung my head once again in humiliation.

But Austin, clearly never satisfied with the amount of humiliation he subjected me to in front of my bro, wanted to hear more. "Yeeeeeeaaaaah fag! It's about time you start begging me to let you suck my cock! Now tell everyone out there in videoland why you wanna suck my huge cock so bad!"

My hatred for Austin grew by the minute, but to ignore his comands? Well that could prove quite unhealthy for me. I lifted my head and glared into his evil eyes. "I wanna suck your way awesome cock Austin, because it's a Clayborne cock, and I've always wanted to give one of the tough Clayborne boys an awesome blow-job, but also, since the first time I tasted your dick..... I've loved it so much! It's so beautiful, I wanna suck your cock Austin, cause it tastes so awesome, I wanna suck your cock because I love how it beats up my mouth, the way it thrusts in and out, but mostly I wanna suck your huge cock because your such a tough dude, and a hot stud! So please Austin, please let me suck on it for a little while before you go out tonight?"

Once again, my words had both dudes laughing their butts off. My brother having a hard time holding the camera steady, because he was laughing so hard, was the first to speak. " Ooooooh my god bro! I can't believe this, just yesterday, you were telling me how much you disliked my best bud, NOW listen to you, you get to suck on his cock once, and now, you're freakin beggin him to let you suck it more! ......oh my GOD..... Dude? ......You just told him that you love his fucking dick! Holy shit! ..........Bro? .....You are such a fucking queer fag!"

I looked up once again into Austin's eyes, and glared long and cold, as if to ask him if he was satisfied! He grinned down at me, as if he could read my thoughts, and nodded his head. He grabbed a tighter grip of my hair with his fists, and moved my head closer to his cock. "Yeah.......You fuckin faggot, since you did such a good job begging me, I think we'll start off this way every time you suck my dick! NOW go for it, but first lick the head.... lick my pre-cum, and hold it on your tongue....then stick your tongue out to show your bro, how much you love sucking up and tasting my cock-drool!"

I did as Austin demanded, wondering if the fucking humiliation would ever end. I placed the tip of my tongue on his huge cock-head, then licked the pre-cum off it, I stuck out my tongue to show my bro, little did I know, I was placing an idea into my bros already swollen head!

Austin now ready to have his cock sucked, "K fag boy..... open wide, you begged for it, you told me you love it, so here it is bitch........BLOW ME, YOU FUCKIN FAG!!"

I opened my mouth and felt Austin's hands guiding my head onto his semi hard-on, I sucked the thick head, swirling my tongue all over it, and with the sounds of pleasure coming from my brothers best bud, I figured it was safe to assume I was doing an awesome job. Austin however, didn't waste any time getting right into the face fucking.

He started slow, but only minutes later he started pumping my mouth long and hard. Then all too soon, he began to verbally abuse me as well. "So fag! Is my way awesome cock tasting as good as you remember it tasting? Get a real good taste of it fag, as it beats the fuck outta your mouth and throat! Oooooh yeeeeah! You fuckin little bitch, my cock is enjoying your warm pussy mouth, it soooooo wants to do a number on your tight pussy throat! OoooohYaaaa! It wants to stretch your skinny throat nice and wide!"

I did all I could to control my throat muscles so I wouldn't choke again on his thick cock. But I still gagged over and over again, each time he would thrust all the way in. On several occasions he would thrust all the way in, and leave it there for a minute or so, with my nose pressed tightly against his pubes, cutting off my air supply briefly.

With the corner of my eye, I noticed my bro, sitting beside me with the video camera up against his eye, and sporting a huge evil grin. I wondered what their asking price was going to be, for them turning the video clip over to me.

I felt Austin pick up his pace, he started pumping my mouth wicked hard and fast. I felt his cock become even thicker, I felt it tense up. I heard him moaning, and calling me fag names. Then I felt the heavy gush. His boy juice exploded into the hollow of my throat, as I tried desperately to swallow it all as fast as I could. He plunged all the way in, and left it there, smothering me yet again, with my nose pressed tightly in the jungle of his pubes and his thick young master cock, stretching the limits of my throat, while Sending his thick cream gushing into my belly.

He must have gave me his all this time, cause he seemed totally out of breath himself! Yet he wasn't so out of breath that he couldn't voice his feelings to me. "there you go you fucking pansy, how is my cum tasting tonight? You fuckin love it don't you? Yeeeaaah! You wish I had a freakin gallon of it for you, don't you? Eat it all fucking low-life!"

When Austin pulled out, he slapped me several times in the face with his cock. I assumed it was for the benefit of my bro!

I remained on my knees, my bro still sitting beside me, with the camera still running. "So ladies and gentlemen, that was another fine performance by Joey Corona , sucking his masters cock for the hundredth time since this morning! However, let me remind you ladies and gentlemen, he will be putting on one more show before we call it a day here! Yes ladies and gentlemen, in less than five minutes we will once again be brining you another live show of Joeys fine talent of sucking cock! His next show will have him sucking the cock of his second master, only with an added bonus, so don't go way!"

My lil bro handed the video camera to Austin, and stood over me with his legs slightly spread, wearing only his white CK briefs. "K cum-breath, your three minute break is over, time to suck the cum out of little bro. I know how impatient you get, when you have to go a minute without a cock in your mouth."

My bro grabbed the back of my head, and forced my face into the basket of his well packed briefs. He began humping the sides of my face as well as my mouth, till his cock became rock hard.

Still licking away at the outline of his cock through his tight briefs, my bro pulled my head away, and ordered me to remove his underwear for him. I placed my fingers inside the stretch band of his briefs, and gently tugged them down till they plopped on the floor. His hard cock-head now staring me in the eyes, as though it was demanding me to lean forward and kiss it.

I knew by now exactly what was expected of me, or so I thought!

I placed my hand around my little brothers hard cock, it felt real warm, and I could feel a couple of small veins running the length of it, giving it the impression that it was certainly a strong force to be dealt with.

I leaned forward and took the cock-head into my unwilling mouth and started to close my lips around it.

Suddenly and without any warning, my little bro pulled his cock from my mouth, and proceeded to slap and backhand my face several times, yelling at me while doing so.

"You fucking stupid faggot! We all know how desperate you are by now, to have a fucking cock in your pussy mouth! But my nuts come first, and don't you ever forget that again, or so help me, I will beat you up till every part of your body is painfully sore, do you understand that, you fucking cum-breath faggot?"

I rubbed both sides of my face, believing he certainly must have left his hand print on each side. The stinging sensation was still painful.

I was so in shock, not from the beating my face just took from my little brother, but by the words now coming out of his young mouth. I never knew till now, he was even capable of such hatred and aggressiveness.

I mean there has been signs since that first time he beat me up a few months ago, that he was progressively getting meaner, and more aggressive. It was easy for me to follow his progress along these lines, because as his now personal little slave, I spent time with him every day.

Like everything else pertaining to my little brothers new personality, I blamed this on Austin as well.

I leaned forward and planted several tender kisses on Jordan's balls, then stuck out my tongue, and placed it onto my little brothers nut-sack, and started licking. Taking in their salty taste, and slight aroma. Trying desperately now to ease the anger my little bro was feeling. Then taking his balls one at a time into my warm mouth, and sucking them ever so gently, I was rewarded with the first indication of pleasure. "YEEEEEAAAAH! That's a good little faggot, make your master happy, ooooh yeeeeaaah!"

It didn't take long for Jordan to start moaning softly, once I heard the soft music floating from his mouth, I knew he was past the anger and was now entering the first stages of ecstasy. I was in awe at the ability to offer my little brother such pleasure. Of course I know this whole thing is gross, and disgusting, I would give anything to have things the way they were before. I would sell my sole to have my little brother back, but that isn't even remotely possible, at least not for the time being. Yet I still love my brother, in spite of everything happening these last few months.

After spending several very long minutes sucking my lil bros nuts, he grabbed my hair, and pulled my head away. "K fag! kiss my cock-head, stick the tip of your faggot tongue into my piss-slit and clean it for me! Then suck my cock, till I shoot my thick cum down your faggot throat."

OK! So what if he's lost all respect for me, He loved using me, and that would have to do for now.

I kissed my little bros cock-head, then sticking the tip of my tongue into his piss-slit, his musical moans became far more frequent. "oooooh yeeeeaaah! Oooooooooh Yeeeeaaah! Eeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuu! Wow! That feels soooo freakin awesome, clean out my piss-slit you fuckin faggot! Oooooh yeeeaaah, k, cum-breath, get ready for a mean mouth fucking!"

Feeling Jordans hands on the back of my head, was a sign to me, that my little bro, was ready to start slamming his hard cock in and out of my throat now. Forcing his cock-head into my mouth, he made one finale demand on me before his dreaded face fucking would begin. "Don't forget to suck on my cock-head first, you fucking worthless fag."

Taking his cock-head into my mouth, I first ran my tongue all over it, swishing it around in my mouth, then I started sucking it gently. Bringing my little brother to the point of ecstasy if only for a moment.

All to soon, Jordan was pummeling the inside of my mouth and throat with his way hard cock. Showing no sympathy for his older bro, he slammed in and out of my throat fast and hard. To say I was gagging would be putting it mildly. I was trying so hard to adjust my throat passageway, to accommodate Jordans thick hard cock.

Suddenly he pulled out, and with a fistful of my hair, he guided me over to my bed, throwing me down on my belly, he straddled my back. He grabbed for a pillow, placing it under my groin, raising my butt up off the mattress, he then laid down on top of me.

A zillion thoughts were going through my head, as I cried out "Ooooooh No Bro! Please Bro! You can't do this to me! Oooooh my God Bro please? NOOOOOOOO!"

Hearing me screaming, brought Austin back into the room. Seeing what was about to take place, he himself became lost in the feeling of ecstasy! "Ooooooh fuck YEEEESSS! Dude? You are the fucking balls man! FUCK HIS BRAINS OUT DUDE! Ooooh yeah Jord, show him who the FUCK is in charge here dude!"

With my little brother now laying on top of my back. His cock slightly humping my butt. His thick muscled thighs on the outside of my legs, after prying my legs wide apart, and now pinning them down with his strong legs on top. His strong arms lifting mine up and locking his hands behind my head. Holding me now in a very super tight full nelson hold,. He spoke softly into my left ear. "This is the bonus I mentioned earlier! I figured it's time I get to feel what it's like fucking someone up their butt, and what better person to use as my guinea pig than my own fucking faggot slave, RIGHT?"

Austin continued to show his praise for my little brothers intention. "Yeeeah Jord! You're the frigging man dude! Fuck him hard, he's going to be screaming his fucking lungs out real soon now, once he feels your thick love muscle start to penetrate him! Ooooh fuck dude! You're gonna love hearing him yell, and scream , and beg for you to stop, but don't give in to him dude, DON'T EVEN THINK OF GIVEIN IN TO HIM!"

I was totally trapped beneath my little bros well muscled body, he was still humping the outside of my butt crack. Taking in every word his best bud was telling him.

I felt Jordan reposition himself on top of me, his hard cock now at the entrance of my hole. I started begging my little bro again! PLEASE Jordan.... Please don't do this,.....Ooooooh BRO please? I'm fucking begging you dude! I'll do anything for you, just name it, ANYTHING BRO! Anything at all! Just please don't do this?"

My little brother started pushing his hard cock into my hole, and immediately I felt uncomfortable, like I had to take a dump or something. "Oooooh My God Bro! Nooooooooo!.....I'm your brother.....I'm family.....ooooh my GOD! ........please Jordan....not this"

Placing his head down to the side of mine, "Keep begging you fucking faggot! You know how much I fucking love hearing you beg? Well now my little faggot slave, you've really got reason to beg, because I've never done this before, so I don't have a frigging clue what I'm doing, all I know is, I'm not fucking stopping till I shoot my cum deep inside of you! So lets hear you beg , you fucking homo!.....cause now....more than have a fucking reason to beg!"

Feeling Jordan enter my butt a little deeper, and listening to him talk, was scaring the hell out of me.

Austin seemed to know all about fucking someone up the butt, so he was guiding my little bro all the way.

"K dude, keep going in slowly, a little bit ata time, till you are all the way in, then let your cock adjust a little before pulling it out. Then repeat this several times before you start fucking him good!"

I didn't have a clue as to whether Austin knew what he was talking about or not, all I wanted was for my bro to stop and get the hell off me. "Please bro, you even admit you haven't a clue as to what you're doing, and Austin may not even know what he's talking about, so please stop, before one of us is hurt bad!"

Austin now getting totally pissed off at me, "Shut the fuck up fag, I know what I'm talkin about! You think your in pain now bitch? Wait till I fuck you! I'm gonna fuck you sooooo hard you'll be fucking crying and limping for a fuckin month!"

Hearing Austin use these words to threaten me, was turning my little bro on. "YOU SERIOUS DUDE? You gonna fuck him too? Oooooh yeeeaaah! Dude? I should have let you fuck him first huh? Then he'd be all broken in for me, RIGHT?"

Loving it when my little bro praises him, Austin was feeling kind of high! "HELL YEAH! I'm gonna fuck him dude, I was just waiting till you were ready! I figure it's only fair that you get to take his cherry, I mean he really belongs to you, so you should have first dibs on his cherry, ya know?"

Meanwhile my bro had to be at least halfway in, because the pain was getting worse by the second.

I was now pleading with both of them, "listen dudes, I swear I'll do what ever you want, I'll be your obedient slave for ever, just please not this?"

Suddenly I felt my bro pulling out, I couldn't thank him enough! " Ooooooh bro, thank you dude, thank you sooooo fucking much! I mean it bro, I w...AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Ooooooohhhhh Please! Oooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!"

While I was thanking my bro, thinking he was listening to my pleads, as he pulled out, he then just as quickly slammed into me all the way, with every ounce of his awesome strength, and held it there.

Needless to say, I was hurting big time, and my screams were loud, but I wasn't receiving any pity from my little bro! "Oooooh yeeeaah! I'm in you all the fucking way now, you fucking faggot, how's it feel huh? Hows it feel having your little bro, deep inside your queer little pussy?"

Austin was stunned, "wow dude, man that's what I call slamming a home run, now just relax a minute, then start fucking him, at whatever pace is good for you dude!"

Without even listening to his best bud, my bro, started pulling out slowly, then slammed back into me all the way, with as much force as the last time. I was screaming in pain, I was begging him to stop, I was sobbing loudly. "I can't take this pain bro, please dude? You're fucking killing me here!"

Then Jordan started fucking me, slowly at first, in and out, letting us know how much he was loving it.

"Oooooooh fuck! ..........Austin my man! ......This fucking rocks! I'm fucking his ass dude! Look! WATCH ME DUDE!"

I'm fucking slamming him now, listen to him fucking scream dude! Oooooh fucking AWESOME man! Fucking awesome! I frigging love this feeling dude!"

Jordan had picked up his pace, and was now fucking me pretty hard and steady. Funny thing is, the pain seemed to ease somewhat. I mean it still hurt, but it was more of a mixed feeling now! I hate to say it, but parts of it actually felt ok! Weird huh?

Every other thrust, his cock would touch something inside my butt, and whatever it was his dick was connecting with, felt frigging awesome, I even began looking forward to the next time he'd touch it. Also adding to this little wonderful sensation was the feeling of my little bro riding my back like he was, along with his pumping in and out of my butt, seemed to stir some kind of feeling deep inside of me, I even felt my self getting hard, a weird feeling in between love and hate!

Then all at once my bro started fucking me harder and faster, and with the two feelings of love and hate intensifying, I no longer knew if I wanted to scream or moan. I was aware of one thing tho, I had a massive hard-on.

My little bro was moaning in ecstasy, his music was like a symphony! Taking time out every other minute to inform me just how much he enjoys fucking my brains out! "HOW'S IT FEEL YOU FUCKING FAGGOT? Tell me how it feels having your little brother fucking your brains out! Yeeeaah get used to it my little fucking slave! Yep get used to it! Because I'm fucking loving this feeling, WOW! Austin, now it's kinda like having two pussies to fuck when ever we want!"

I had no clue why I was rock hard, but as Jordan continued thrusting in and out of me, the intense feeling I was experiencing only became more and more intense. What scared me was, feeling the weight of his muscled body on top of me and riding me like he was doing, was a feeling I started to enjoy!

The moans coming from my little bro, became more frequent, as he started fucking me even faster and harder than before. At the same time, my mixed feelings became so intense, I shot a huge load, almost at the same time, my little bro slammed into my butt screaming pretty damn loud himself. I could feel his juice entering my insides, I could feel his cock throbbing. He started pumping me slowly. Asking me how I enjoyed being his fucking pussy.

"SO TELL ME FAGGOT! Didn't you just love having your little bro shoot his load into your other hole? I can tell you this you little fucking slave, between me and Austin fucking both your pussy holes, you're going to be filled with our cum by the time school starts in the fall! YEAH! People are going to be able to hear it swishing around inside you tummy when you walk!"

Both my bro and Austin got a good chuckle out of that little remark.

Jordan climbed off my back, and slapped hands with Josh, with his bud congratulating him! "Way to go dude! I'm so fucking proud of you! Now thanks to you, we have two holes to dump our cum into"

Jordan feeling like he just won the fucking marathon or something, thanked his best friend, then said he was headed for the shower!

I started to get up, but then felt a hand pressed into my lower back. "Where the fuck do you think you're going fag-boy? I told you, I'm going to fuck your brains out, sooner or later, may as well do it now....then you'll get to feel the difference between a little boy fucking you....and a man fucking you!!"

Next: Chapter 5

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