Double the Trouble

By Iarwain

Published on Jul 20, 2006


This story is dedicated to Tim Mead and Mickey S for their friendship, interest and encouragement over the years.

Story Description: Peter, a sixteen year old Year Eleven student, finds his new High School very different to the one he left. The people are different and some of the happenings are very different.

A coaching session.

Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content definitely do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and genuine comments will be appreciated.

The author retains copyright (2006) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

This story is fiction.

Thank you Nifty for the opportunity to post this story.

Chapter 30.

Brent was dropping Matthew off so Peter went straight to Andy's place in the wagon. Their meal wasn't quite ready so the three of them raced over to tell Beth how the worrying competition had gone. She would have had to wait for ages without knowing otherwise, especially about Matthew. She made a big fuss about Andy for leading it all and then about Marty for the spectacular win, saying all her knights were now official champions. After their meal they managed to get through an hour's coaching, but as soon as that finished their built-up excitement erupted into half an hour of wrestling and mucking around. Because he was the champion of the day Peter and Andy, by unspoken assent, spent most of the time ganging up on Marty to try and give him the treatment. He was just too strong and it never worked, except once. They knew very well he'd let them, but once Andy had him in one of the restraining holds they went to town, with Andy directing Peter, in this rare opportunity, till he'd been red-chested, red-bellied, naugered, and stomach bounced. Peter even managed to pluck a few pubic hairs, under Andy's orders or it wouldn't have happened, but baulked at putting them in Marty's mouth. It was Andy's hope of a payback for the other time of course, but no way did Peter want to set himself up to be on the receiving end of that particular trick.

"You wimp Peter! When will we get a chance like this again?"

"Too bad Andy. I know what would happen to me if I did. Marty would be stuffing them in my mouth and you'd be helping or laughing."

"Well go and get the marker pen. There's one on my desk."

Peter stood up but Marty wasn't going to agree and with a titanic effort freed himself. By the time Peter was back with the marker the tables were turned and Andy was the helpless one.

"So brainless! What was the marker for?"

"Nothing Marty. You know me. It was just to stir."

"Ha! You've been telling me what you're going to do ever since the river. Grab him Peter and get him boned."

Peter looked to see Andy's reaction. All he got was a grin so he went ahead, then got stirred by both of them about how much he was enjoying himself.

"God, look at him work it Marty. A real pro."

"Yeah, it's all that practice with Matthew."

"I know, they did it seven times the night I caught them."

Peter shook his head as if to say they were idiots, then found out about the reinforced steel plates so his bed didn't collapse and a couple of other things he hadn't known about either.

"I think I'll colour a different part for every fib you tell. So far there's two finger nails left on your whole body."

"Twins Peter. That's what we'll be after that."

"Close your eyes Andy, and don't open them till Peter finishes."

Knowing full well the golden rule would apply, Peter took the top off the marker then used the reverse end, the same way they'd done last time, following the directions Marty was calling out. All the time Andy was laughing and telling Peter how much he'd had it for being a cheeky brat. He either didn't care one bit if he was being coloured or he knew it was faked. Peter couldn't tell and decided it was probably both.

"How's that Marty? Brilliant purple."

"Yeah, a purple jelly bean."

Andy opened his eyes and after one quick glance at himself sat up and dived for Peter. Strange how Marty released him at exactly the same moment? An arm around the neck, a nose stretched, flicked on his back and a couple of stomach crunches later, Peter listened for what his treatment might be.

"What do you reckon Marty? Double payback?"

"Nope, triple. One for me too."

There was a moment's hesitation and Andy's eyes lit up. Peter couldn't really see that because Andy was behind him still holding him in the headlock, but he could tell, he was sure of it.

"I know. One for every race he won."

"That's still three!"

"No it's not. It's five, because of the relays. You were in two relays Peter, so what do you call a five payback?"

Without thinking Peter answered.

"Um... A quintuple payback."

That set them off. Oh no!

"Hear that Andy? He said it himself. He wants a quintuple payback."

How come the English-language worked differently when Andy and Marty were round?

"Yeah, I heard. He's desperate for it. You're a randy bugger aren't you Peter?"

Oops, his fingers looked like they were intent on a nipple nauger.

"Yes! Yes, I am Andy!"

Andy's hand moved back to grip the big muscle between Peter's neck and shoulder and like a sacrificial lamb Peter lay there while Marty worked on his belly button. In thirty seconds flat he was boned.

"God Peter, what have you been doing?"

"Nothing, why?"

"I'm sure this thing's getting bigger. Don't you reckon Andy?"

"Bigger? Hey, it is too... Matthew's been stretching it for him."

"Crazies! Of course it's not."

This was too good an idea to leave though, and for a few minutes they laughed as they tried to outdo each other with the most ridiculous ideas they could imagine as to what Matthew had been doing.

"What happened in your butterfly race Marty?"

"I don't know. Everything just seemed to work properly like Matthew said it would. I thought he was just trying to make me feel good but he really meant it."

"He's unbelievable isn't he? Last year we came last or second last in the comps without him. He just wins everything. Do you reckon he swims flat out Peter?"

"I don't know. I don't think he does though because it's a bit weird how he wins every race by about the same amount."

"Jeez! You're right. He does too."

Andy moved away from Peter shoulders and started examining his boner.

"What's wrong? You're not pumping like you usually do? ...That's better. That's more like it."

More like it? God, Marty had made a couple of checks for hardness but with Andy, Peter's boner was like a science experiment as it was pulled, prodded, and squeezed.

"Does he reckon he's faster than he used to be last year?"

Peter didn't know the answer to that either and then Andy wanted to know what he and Matthew talked about all the time they were together.

"They don't talk Andy. They're too busy stretching Peters dick!"

That cracked them both up and Andy gave a few tugs then claimed he could see the difference already.

"Matthew told me he reckons Marty'll be faster than him once he's got his butterfly stroke right."

"Hey, are you serious?"

"That's what he said."

Marty looked totally amazed and had to be told exactly what Peter knew, so the topic changer worked perfectly, except Andy knew what Peter was doing and kept giving more of the pumping checks.

"Who was that black haired bloke who had it in for Matthew so much?"

"He's one of the worst ones. Matthew said he's their second best swimmer and he hates getting beaten by anyone."

"God, that's for sure! He really lost it when you beat him in the first race. Flaming woman! Coach would make him miss a few races if he was on our team."

"He used to get into trouble with their coach last year."

"Second-best? He was the best Peter!"

"There's another guy who wasn't there today. Matthew wonders if he's left the team or something."

That was big news and put a different light on their win. Matthew was going to get a real quizzing tomorrow at school.

"Hey, Marty, it's your turn again. Keep him going."

Marty thought that was funny.

"Is this the payback? Are you going to try it for an hour like Matthew did?"

"Hey, good idea. How long before you're going home Peter?"

Peter's reply that he had to go soon because he had stuff to do was too obvious and just got nods of agreement and knowing grins while Marty set to with the marker. The reverse end thank goodness, stroking and tickling with it while they were talking.

"That was their coach who came into the change room wearing the pink flag wasn't it? I saw him talking with our coach."

"Yes, Matthew likes him. He was always good last year."

"Coach must have told him what we were doing and that's why he wore the flag."

They talked about different guys on the Hillston team, how they'd swum, which ones had said what and which ones had been friendly at the end. Andy said it was two or three guys probably stirring up all the rest and Peter and Marty both agreed with him. Peter because that was Matthew's theory and Marty because he usually went along with Andy's ideas anyway. Andy took over from Marty for the fourth section of the payback and was back to the hands-on approach which by now was very hard to cope with.

"Hey, I wish you were coming with us on Friday Peter! That's twice you've deserted us."

Peter felt bad about this himself and had thought about it quite a lot.

"You should ask Brent to go with you Andy. He loved it with us all last Saturday."

"Brent? He wouldn't want to go anywhere with me and Marty. He likes you and Matthew."

"Are you crazy? He thinks you're a hero."

"I'm crazy? You're the one who's crazy Peter. He's been stirring me like for ever."

"He does that to try and impress you."

"No way!"

"He does too! That's what he told me and I believe him."

"He told you?"

"Yes, Matthew and I are his first real friends and he tells us stacks of things. He's wanted to impress you ever since you've been on the team together."

"That's mad. He's smarter than me and he's better at swimming. What's to impress?"

"I bet if you asked him tomorrow he'd go with you."

"No he wouldn't. He works on Saturdays so he couldn't anyhow."

"Bet your balls he would!"

Andy and Marty gaped at him then laughed and did a high five.

"It's a bet! And your balls are in serious trouble. Hey, Brent would say yes just to help you win, so you're not allowed to say anything."

That was fair enough. Peter thought Andy was right about Brent helping him, so he promised to keep quiet. At the same time he pushed the busy marker away from his boner.

"What you doing?"

"You're making me too randy."

"There's still another payback to go."

They did leave him alone for a few minutes while they talked about the weekend and what they'd do with Brent if he actually ended up going.

"Hey Marty, what'll you do? He's pretty good-looking. Amy'll get the hots for him and forget you all weekend."

Peter had another moment of rest while Andy got a whack on the arm that looked quite painful. He just laughed and said truth hurts, which got him whacked again. Peter jumped up, went to grab his clothes and couldn't get past Andy.

"You can't go yet! Not till after your last payback!"

Peter didn't want another one. He doubted he'd be able to get through it and tried to bargain his way out.

"You can do it another time Andy. I've got study to do and mum will still want to know stacks about today!"

Surprisingly there were no arguments, and then it felt great when Andy and Marty walked across the road, to see him home. Andy wandered along with one arm draped over Peter's shoulder telling him he'd done great for the day.

"Everyone did Andy! You did best though! You know that don't you?"


Andy gave a final squeeze to Peter's neck muscle and in the street light Peter could see he was pleased. They said their good nights and headed off. Peter didn't go straight in, just stood on his doorstep watching as they walked to the wagon, then gave a wave as they drove past on the way to Marty's place. He ended up talking with his mum for ages. Rob and Matthew, thinking she'd be wondering all night, had rung to let her know what happened. Evidently Rob was now a total Andy convert and thought the sun, moon and stars shone out of him. He'd already liked him from the weekend up the river, which was the only time they'd really met, but now he'd decided Andy was a man in a million when Matthew came home happy from the afternoon he'd been dreading. Beth wanted all the details.

"Pink flags? Andy persuaded fifteen boys to wear pink flags in public?"

"Both the coaches did too mum. I think the flags were Justin's idea and everyone loved it. By the time we got into the changing room they all knew about the comments and that Matthew had been shoved, and they were mad enough to do anything Andy told them."

Beth swapped from laughter to amazement at the way Andy had handled everything, and Peter couldn't help laughing himself as he recounted how they'd all hugged and kissed in front of the Hillston team.

"And what did you do? Hug or kiss?"

"Um, I had Kenny for my partner so it went a lot further than that. He grabbed hold of me and I acted like I loved it."

Beth thought about that.

"Didn't that worry you?"

"It's just mucking around mum. Guys get pretty rude in the changing room sometimes."

"It certainly sounds that way, but I'm surprised it didn't worry you!"

"Andy and Marty have got me used to it."

"Do you think this Kenny is attracted to you? Physically I mean?"

"Yes, but it's not a problem if that's what you mean. He's a really nice guy mum."

"Did your coach say anything about it all?"

"He didn't have to. He wore the flag. But he did say we've got the best spirit of any team he's ever had."

"Good. I want you to talk to Andrew tomorrow Peter. He rang not long after you dropped in. I told him everything went well but I'd like him to understand how much this was Andy's doing."

That was no problem. Peter thought Mr Crossman didn't teach after morning recess on Thursdays because they'd spoken together at that time twice already.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

That was a strange question. He'd be with Matthew. He always was on Thursday evenings.

"Matthew's coming. We've got maths and physics stuff."

"No he's not. And you won't be doing any maths or physics. Rob's decided we're all going out for the evening."

"'Cause it's your last day?"

"He's impossible Peter. He's taking us for a meal and then to a live show. He wants Andy and Marty to go too, so I couldn't say no."

That made Peter laugh. As if she'd say no to another meal out, let alone a show. He gave her a hug and headed for the phone since Andy would probably still be at Marty's. He was, but they didn't believe him till Beth got on the phone and then it was a done deal.

"What did they say?"

"Mostly they were worried about what to wear. When you see them tomorrow tell them leather jackets are the latest style."

--- Mr Crossman had a small office and Peter and Matthew ended up staying for nearly twenty minutes explaining what had happened. He was quite amazed about it all and said he was totally impressed with Andy and Marty and really pleased with the way the rest of the team had supported them too. He didn't say much more except to go over some details about when and where he'd pick them up after school the next day, then with a laugh, say he hoped they were fit enough.

At lunchtime Andy and Marty dragged them down to the cow paddock and proceeded to mangle Peter for being a total brat. Evidently Brent had some kind of arrangement with another casual from his work who would swap shifts anytime, and when Brent realised Andy wasn't stirring he'd been really eager about going.

"So, brat! What's going to happen on Monday?"

"Monday? I don't know."

"You fluked it and won the bet didn't you?"

"Oh that! Yes, Kenny's going to shave you after training."

"Kenny! God! I'll probably bleed to death. Hey, don't forget you've still got two paybacks coming."

Peter stops struggling to stare at him.

"Two? Did Marty whack your head again? It's one. Remember."

"No, there's a new one for being a super brat and winning this dumb bet."

Matthew reckoned it was a good bet when it was explained to him and Marty agreed as well, so with three onto one it became Andy's

turn to get a bit of treatment.

"What's the big deal tonight Peter?"

"Well, you know its mum's last day at Gordon and Porters, but it's to say thank you for you and Andy helping Matthew so much too."

"Serious? Beth didn't say that last night."

Matthew was nodding emphatically.

"It's all Rob and Matthew's idea Andy. Mum doesn't even know where we're going yet. She says you're meant to wear jackets though."


"Yes, Matthew's wearing my Jag, and I'm wearing my leather one."

"God, we'll look like a pack of bikies! So? Where are we going Matthew?"

The food was to be at the same place as last time because Beth had liked it so much, but he wouldn't say what the show was. Andy kept stirring Marty about going to a posh place, saying how clueless he'd be, but that was unlikely since Marty's family was really well off. Brent turned up looking all pleased. He'd used the payphone in the library entrance and his shift was now rearranged so that he worked two days on the following weekend instead. Andy organised to pick him up the next morning so they could leave straight from school, and then they were talking about what to take and what they'd probably be doing.

"You won't need anything Brent. Andy always goes to the beach with the cave and makes you follow his rules."

"His rules? What are they?"

"River rules!"

Peter got squished for saying this, but he could tell by Andy's grin that he must have been right.

"My rules? Well who started it off when we were all there last time ?"

Oops, he remembered.

"Only because I knew you'd make me anyway."

"Is there really a cave?"

"Yeah, and you have to climb down a cliff with a rope to get there."

Brent looked at the others for confirmation in case Andy was putting one over, then listened while everyone gave their own impressions of what the rope climbing bit was like. Andy and Marty wanted to leave at midday again but Brent was worried about missing his afternoon subjects, especially physics. Matthews solved that by saying they could go over the physics together on Monday evening. Training was terrific. Most of the team was there, which was unusual for a Thursday afternoon, and everyone was laughing and excited. Coach had given the team a fantastic rap to the whole school over the PA system in home period and Mr Gunn had backed him up with his own comments. Marty was the new hero and there was a general call for him to do a demo lap. By the time they talked him into it, it was changed to a race against Matthew and everyone gathered to watch. Matthew was kind of like a legend to the whole team, but Marty had done so well that no one knew what would happen. Matthew won. Only just though, and when he caught his breath he clapped Marty on the shoulder and looked excited. Peter arrived as they were climbing from the pool and heard Matthew giving Marty a challenge.

"Next Thursday Marty. We're racing again, and each Thursday after that till you beat me."

"As if Matthew!"

"I'll kick your butt if you don't!"

Wow! The guys around all stared. Matthew was actually saying he expected Marty to get better than him. They went back to normal training then and Peter nearly died when Matthew set him doing hundred percenters with a reduced recovery time between each lap. Andy and Marty left early to organise stuff for their trip and by the time Matthew let Peter finish, everyone else had gone. Oh my God! There were seven in the change room and only one of the showers was going. There were hoots of laughter, and everyone was gathered round Kenny and Justin. The grabbing game was on and Kenny was losing as usual. Peter and Matthew headed for the showers but that didn't work and they were quickly roped in by Paul and Brad, who said it was full on. Kenny lost and then the call was for Paul and Matthew. Matthew's practise paid off, though he hadn't done it for a while, and then Brent stepped forward.

"Big D.! Come on! Big match!"

Big mistake! Peter said he was wrecked from Matthew pushing him so hard. There were laughs and grins all round. Justin held him, took him under the shower till his hair was drenched, then started rubbing with the soap. Oh no! Not this! How could he have been so stupid? The last thing he saw before he had to close his eyes was Matthew shaking his head with a grin on his face. Away from the shower, the soap built in his hair, on his chest, his stomach, and then his groin. Holy hell! Maximum boner and dimly heard cheers. One by one the hands changed, the first few fairly short and tentative, then gradually more definite. Were they going to stop? It felt like there were more changes than he remembered guys in the room. Someone changed places with Justin and went straight for his boner. Kenny! Help! Peter knew it was Kenny. It just felt like him. He went to open his eyes but all the suds precluded that. It was Kenny alright. He heard the laugh as the hands went on and on. It was too much. Peter's mind flashed to the day Matthew had lost the grabbing game against Brent. This was exactly how Matthew must have felt. There was a great flurry of movement then everything stopped. He was released and guided under the shower then left to wash himself clean. His first clear sight was a stack of faces all looking at him. Well, looking at his boner really, which was absolutely monumental.

"Hey, Peter! Want to complain again? Kenny can't wait."

"You started it Justin. Not me."

"Yeah Kenny, and if we didn't stop you you would have finished it."

That was it. After the final laugh there were lots of grins and comments about the show, but it was just part of general showering and getting dressed. They squeezed in the front of Brent's car, as they mostly did so Brent didn't feel like a chauffeur, and Matthew started tickling him in the side. Brent was carrying on and they pretty much laughed all the way to Matthew's, and then again all the way the Peter's. They were surprised that Beth was home. She was meant to meet them at the restaurant, but she'd finished early and was pleased at the chance to relax, and get ready as she called it.

They travelled in the wagon because Brent was with them and it was more spacious for six people, with Beth in the back between Marty and Brent. At the restaurant they all had the buffet meal since there was no waiting involved, and a bit over an hour later the two cars left for the ten minute drive to the theatre. The show was a first for Peter. Apart from school concerts and a yearly drama put on by the small theatre group where he'd lived, he hadn't seen any live shows and this had everything, an orchestra (in the pit), so close he was watching the different people as they played, amazing lighting and stage effects, and professional actors. The show itself was a comedy with stacks of dancing and lively music and they nearly laughed their heads off. Beth went in Rob's car on the way home and left the boys to themselves.

The end of chapter 28.

Author's Note.

I hope you're gaining some enjoyment from this story. Any comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated. My email address is

Should you be interested, my other stories can be found by looking under 'Iarwain' in the authors section on Nifty.

Contact me if you'd like to read the stories in their original Word format.


Next: Chapter 31

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