Double the Trouble

By Iarwain

Published on Apr 7, 2006


This story is dedicated to Tim Mead and Mickey S for their friendship, interest and encouragement over the years.

Story Description: Peter, a sixteen year old Year Eleven student, finds his new High School very different to the one he left. The people are different and some of the happenings are very different. Peter starts his swimming training.

Usual Disclaimer: If you are not 18 years old yet do not read. If you are offended by male to male sexual content definitely do not read. If the laws in your state or county forbid this type of material, do not read. Otherwise enjoy the story and genuine comments will be appreciated.

The author retains copyright (2006) to this story. Reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright.

This story is fiction.

Thank you Nifty for the opportunity to post this story.

Chapter 4.

"Are you coming in?"

"No! Not now Marty! It's nearly nine. I'd better get the brat home or his mum'll kill me and he's got all that maths he's dying to do."

He traced his finger in a circle in the air then touched it to his temple.

"Hey! He can't do that today! He has to wait."

Peter nodded.

"I'll have to get up early then, because it's due tomorrow."

"Get up early on a Monday? Did you hear that Marty? We've just wasted a whole weekend on him."

"It was a good weekend!"

Peter dodged the whack at his chest and watched Marty head up his driveway with his rucksack over one shoulder. Andy came in when they reached Peter's place so he could collect Marty's spare rucksack once all the gear was unpacked, and they sat talking with his mum about the things they'd done. The highlight for Peter had been going behind the waterfall and he got quite excited telling about it.

"I wish you could see it mum! It's like being in another world."

"You'll have to show me sometime."

She looked at Andy.

"As long as Andy doesn't mind of course. He mightn't want an adult invading his special place."

Andy looked rather startled then shook his head.

"No! I mean, no of course I don't mind. It's fairly hard to get to though."

Peter's mum gave one of her special laughs.

"I'm an old crock am I? If I take a walking stick do you think I might make it."

Peter loved it. Andy was embarrassed, and then even more when his hair was ruffled.

"Peter! You look tired! And so does Andy! Why don't you go and organise the rucksack and have a shower. If we have some supper in half an hour you can both have an early night."

Peter saw Andy's eyebrows rise but he didn't say anything till they reached the bedroom.

"Was your mum stirring me or being serious?"

"Both! She does it all the time. She was digging you for calling her old but she knows we're tired anyhow."

"Would she really go to the waterfall or was that stirring too?"

"No! She's serious. She likes doing things. We went for walks in the bush together at our old town and she likes surfing too."

"She can surf?"

"Well she uses a boogie board, but she loves it."

They sorted Peter's stuff from the rucksack and Peter started to head for the bathroom.

"Hey! Not yet! You said the speedos didn't fit and you're meant to be wearing them tomorrow."

"They sort of fit."

"Show me!"

Peter fetched the speedos, stripped and put them on.

"Peter! They're a perfect fit! I thought they would be. They're mine from two years ago."

"They make me look too big!"

"No they don't! You are too big! Try putting your dick on one side."

Peter adjusted himself and Andy whistled.

"Wow! That does make you look big. Save that for when we want to impress everyone."


"Don't worry about it. It's one of the games they play. Let me have a look at your dick again."

Peter hesitated and Andy laughed.

"I'm not going to yank it. I just want to see how green it is still."

Peter pulled the speedos down and felt embarrassed. Being inspected closely was different to just wandering around in the nude.

"Hmm! We'll skip having a shower at the pool tomorrow afternoon. It still looks pretty weird."

When Peter reached the kitchen, all fresh in a T-shirt and shorts, there was a lovely smell of tomato and cheese on toast and his mum was listening to Andy describe the way they managed to get through the chute. She had a happy look and somehow Peter could tell that Andy was now completely accepted as far as she was concerned.

"Peter! Andy's been telling me terrible things about you."

She didn't look very worried and Peter waited to hear what she'd been told.

"Drinking, swearing and smoking! I think I'll ground you for a month."

"Mum! That was nothing. They're evil! You know what else they made me do?"

Andy was staring at him now, wondering what he was about to reveal. Good! Peter held it for a couple of seconds to let him wonder even more.

"I had to pack my novel away and promise not to read it."

His mum laughed and Andy gave one of his I'll get you looks.

"Andy! I'm not going to ask how you managed that. I don't think there's been a day in Peter's life when he hasn't read something. And what about the next time he goes out with you? Is he going to be drinking and swearing again?"

Peter could have mentioned that it was a one-off happening but decided to twist the screws instead.

"They made me drink four can's mum. I have to have six next time and they're teaching me swear words I've never even heard before. Ow! ..... What did you kick me for Andy? Wasn't I meant to say that?"

"He's a brat Mrs Hall. That's what I call him when he says stuff like that."

Peter's mum looked around in bewilderment.

"Who's he talking to Peter? Doesn't he know I'm called Beth?"

Andy didn't know, but that was soon sorted out. The supper disappeared rapidly and after Andy was gone Peter talked with his mum for half an hour. It took him another hour before he could get to sleep. There were so many things on his mind.

The clock alarm rang and Peter wished it hadn't. It would be so good to roll over for another hour, but that wouldn't get the maths done, and besides getting a ten percent penalty for handing it in late, he'd feel guilty, which was even worse. After a big stretch he rolled out of bed, stripped off his sleep boxers and examined his morning boner. The color was disappearing more quickly than he expected and he picked up his boxers to look for signs of any green smudging. Stretching his skin had set him going and he dashed for the bathroom. What a nuisance! He'd have to take care of things quickly if he was going to get his maths done. The day went quickly, with interesting happenings. The first was a half-hour meeting of his home group for the year. He thought most of the group were fairly okay, though it was hard to tell of course, but the good thing was the teacher in charge. It was his maths teacher who Peter already liked. All his teachers were okay. The English one was a bit stuffy and bossy, but that didn't matter. He'd had three like that at his last school and if you didn't muck around they usually left you alone. Mr Crossman, who took him for maths, was friendly but made you work. He was the only teacher so far who'd had a chat with Peter about his subjects and how he was finding the new school. The weekly timetable was handed out, and as well as his six subjects it was interesting to see that he had a study period each day. At lunchtime Peter spent half an hour with Andy and Marty, then, despite their stirring, went to the library. There were a couple of books his literature teacher suggested reading and he also wanted to check around. The librarian already had two of the titles he was looking for set aside, which was neat, so Peter headed for the general fiction section. A quiet guy named Matthew from his hard maths class was reading a novel in one of the easy chairs and Peter was curious to see the title, as well as being intrigued at someone reading instead of hanging outside. Oh wow! It was one of the IllEarth books by Stephen Donaldson. He'd read the series himself at the end of last year and seen that no-one else at the school had even borrowed it, so now he was quite impressed and couldn't resist making a comment. The comment ended up taking twenty minutes when they found they'd read stacks of the same books and Peter was quite excited when Matthew said he'd bring him a copy of Enders Game the next day. As the end of his last class approached Peter's nerves build more and more. When the bell rang he rushed to the pool so he could change before many of the team members arrived, only to be confronted with a room bulging with a whole class of guys from some junior class. Too bad! Leaving his shirt dangling he slipped into the speedos, gathered his gear and went out to the pool. Andy arrived a few minutes later and Marty a few minutes after that. Andy grinned when he saw Peter was already in the water and dived in and grabbed his legs and tipped him over.

"You were in quick Peter!"

He knew very well why.

"You were quick too."

There was another five minutes before the starting time and more guys wearing the team's light purple speedos appeared. Peter was just building himself up to climb out of the water when he noticed Matthew sitting on a bench at the other end of the pool. He was wearing blue speedos and Peter wondered why. Mostly it was only the team guys who wore speedos at all. Maybe he was here to swim in the two lanes not reserved for the team. He pointed him out and asked Andy if he knew him.

"No! He's new this year and he's not in any of my classes. Someone said he's a bit of a dork. A computer geek or something."

"I like him! We were talking at lunchtime and he's loaning me a grouse book."

"Grouse? Peter! No one says grouse and if he reads books like you then he must be a dork."

The coach appeared and everyone went to the side benches where he started checking through their names. As each person was called they stood up briefly then sat down again, mostly after the coach had made some kind of comment or welcome. Matthew's name was called about halfway through and then almost at the end, Peter's. Oh God! Peter nearly died because as soon as he stood up Marty clapped and Andy whistled loudly. So much for melding into the background. Now every single eye was focused on him. Of course his face turned red as, and he had to keep standing till the coach finished his own welcome. After a short talk the coach set everyone going on various activities. In ones, twos and threes the group dwindled till Peter and Matthew were the only ones left.

"Right! I left you two till last on purpose. I've been thinking about your style Peter and I want you to work with Matthew. Do you know each other yet? Good! Matthew! I'm really pleased you joined our team and I'm hoping you'll be our number one sprinter."

Matthew nodded.

"I'll do what I can coach but I have to tell you that I need to lift my academics this year and I'm limiting my swimming to an hour a day."

An hour a day? Peter was expecting to swim maybe three or four hours for the whole week. The coach laughed.

"That will be more than anyone else if I know this lot. Now! Could you spend the week with Peter? He's never learnt to swim properly but he's got potential as a sprinter."

Matthew's face lit up.

"Great! I'd love to coach. Peter's the only person who's been friendly to me so far. It'll take more than a week though if he's new."

"Whatever you think! Matthew, I'd like to talk to you at the end of the session?"

The coach left with Peter wondering what he'd gotten into. Was Matthew some kind of super swimmer? It sounded like it.

They smiled at each other and the curiosity and interest that Peter felt in the library returned. What a fluke that they were working together.

"How come you're in the team if you've never learnt swimming Peter?"

"Um! My friend Andy talked me into it when he found out I like surfing."

"Surfing? I've never done that."

"Well! Body-surfing really and you have to swim a lot for that."

"Body-surfing? I've never done that either. Are you okay with the coach putting us together?"

Peter smiled and nodded.

"I hope it's not boring for you Matthew. It sounds like you're really good if he wants you to be number one when he hasn't even seen you swim."

"I've never really taught anyone else so it won't be boring. It'll be interesting. Let's get going."

Peter swam one lap then spent nearly ten minutes in waist deep water while Matthew showed him a whole stack of things. Most of them were the same as the coach had been saying but Matthew was much more exact with his explanations. They stood in the water and when Peter didn't quite do something correctly Matthew would hold his arm or hand or whatever, and position it exactly, then make him practice it enough times to get it right.

"Lift your elbow slightly Peter, then move your arm through the water at an angle like this."

He was standing close behind, holding Peter's arm and guiding it in the path it was meant to go. With a shock Peter realised he was feeling the same tingly feeling he had when Andy held him and for a moment he lost all his concentration.

"What happened? It was nearly right and then you lost it."

"Um! Sorry! I didn't think properly."

"Oh! It might be my fault, giving you too much to remember at once. We'll start practising with what I've shown you so far."

They did a few laps with stops at the end of each where Matthew would make corrections or emphasise what to do next.

"Slow down Peter! No speed at all until you're doing things right without having to concentrate on them. Think! Think! Think! The speed will come later."

Another lap.

"Breathe the way we worked out. You're forgetting!"

The time passed so quickly that Peter was shocked when the coach blew the finishing whistle. Matthew told him he was doing terrifically and said he agreed with the coach about Peter's potential then asked if Peter could manage to work together again tomorrow.

"Um! I'm meant to be practising with Andy and Marty!"

"Oh! Sure! I didn't mean to take over your time."

Peter felt awkward now and didn't want Matthew to feel like he was being pushed aside.

"No! I really want to! They'll be practising hard and I can't keep up with them anyway. It'll be all right. I'll tell them how much you're showing me."

Andy was beckoning from the side.

"I'll see you tomorrow Matthew! Andy's waiting for me. Hey! Can you come over and have a look at my books?"

"Me? Do you mean now?"

"Um! How about tomorrow after swimming? I'm going to Andy's today."

Matthew's face lit up the way it did when the coach asked him to work with Peter and Peter was pleased he'd followed his sudden impulse. Boy! Things were different at this school. He never would have asked anyone at the last one.

"Who is that kid?"

Peter was squeezed between Andy and Marty in the wagon and was getting the third degree.

"Kid? He's in our year Andy, so he'd be at least the same age as me."

He should have expected the comeback.

"So! Like I said! Who is that kid? Why did coach put you with him? You didn't do much."

"Yes we did! He's helping me swim better. I think he's really good."

"Him? He doesn't look strong enough."

"You don't have to be musclebound to be a good swimmer. Coach wants him to be the number one sprinter."

"As if! Phillips has been sprinter for the last two years. He'd walk all over him."

"Well that's what the coach said and you can see for yourself because he's helping me again tomorrow after school."

"What? Aren't you swimming with us?"

"Um! I'm not allowed to go fast until I've got the strokes right, so I'd hold you up too much."

"What? Is that what the kid says? He sounds crazy!"

"Well! Coach put him in charge so I should do what he says."

Marty agreed with Andy that the best way to get faster was to go fast and get stronger, and since they were helping Peter themselves they decided they'd set Matthew right about his funny ideas. The wagon arrived at Marty's place and instead of dropping him off, the three of them went in. Marty raided the cupboard for a packet of biscuits and after that it wasn't long before they were mucking around in the pool. For a while the stirring was about Peter's weak effort at training while they, of course, had worked their butts off, but when they got lazy and went in to change, the topic swung to Peter's wearing of speedos for the first time. The consensus was that it had all gone well but was too easy.

"Yeah! No one said anything!"

"Well they will when the coach isn't there. Especially in the changing room. Hey Marty! You should see this! Peter! Shove your dick over to the side like you tried last night."

Oh no! They were both grinning and Peter knew he was in for another session of stirring.

"Do I have to?"

One look told him there was no choice, and rather awkwardly he did the rearranging.

"Jeez! He better not do that at the pool or they'll really go to town."

"He'll have to if he gets boned though."

"I suppose so."

What were they talking about? No way was Peter going to be having any boners at the pool. He'd die. Andy must've understood what Peter was thinking.

"You will Peter! They'll stir you and when they find out you're a grower they'll always be trying to set you off."

"They can't do that!"

"It's just mucking around. But they will."

"Yeah! Don't worry about it though. It's good when they do Peter. It means they think you're a proper part of the team when they do stuff like that."

"What will they do?"

Andy's hand shot out and Peter jumped a mile when it groped his balls.

"Get 'em Marty!"

For the next couple of minutes Peter dodged to keep away from the groping hands. Mostly he managed, but not always, since there were two of them, and each successful grab built the sensations which soon had him growing. Andy and Marty stopped and were looking with interest at the way Peter was bulging to the left in his speedos.

"See! It doesn't take much. Especially when you're a grower."

Peter couldn't help asking.

"Do they ever do it to you? Marty called you a grower."

Marty laughed and Andy answered.

"Sometimes! Marty's usually the one who starts it though."

Peter thought that was rather amazing.

"Marty does? In front of the others. Don't you get annoyed with him?"

"Annoyed? What for? It gives me a good excuse to get him back."

Excuse? Peter thought that was funny. He'd never noticed them needing excuses to start anything with each other so far.

"Don't you get embarrassed?"

"What's to get embarrassed about? I've got a good boner and Marty likes looking at it. That's why he starts it."

"Pig's ass!"

"It's not as good as yours though! We both like looking at that."

Peter nearly fell over till he realised this was part of a stirring.

"Yeah! Let's have a look at it! Grab him Andy!"

In a couple of seconds flat Peter was held and de-speedoed.

"Hey! He's only horizontal! It looks like more than that in the Speedo's. Bellybutton him Marty! Till he's pumping!"

The first touch of Marty's finger in his bellybutton was all it needed and once again Peter was showing everything. It didn't stop at one touch though and Peter squirmed with the continued mixture of tickling and arousal till a couple of squeezes from Andy's checking signalled his freedom.

"Look! The green's almost worn off."

This started more stirring about how much effort he'd put into getting rid of the color. Peter went for his clothes but Andy grabbed his boxers and tossed them to Marty. It was hopeless. Andy held the boxers out, taunting Peter with them, then the instant he reached for them they'd be whisked away, either behind his back or tossed to Marty who started pretending to be a bullfighter, holding them to one side with both hands.

"Marty! Watch out for his horn! It looks pretty dangerous. Hey! He sharpens it every night."

This cracked them both up and Peter, seeing he had no hope of getting his boxers, put his shorts on without bothering about them. This got more stirring, but at least he got the boxers back and could dress properly. Andy and Marty didn't bother, they just stayed in their speedos. Marty had a big rumpus room and they decided to teach Peter how to play pool. Everyone should know how to do that of course, and then they were surprised when he picked it up really well.

"God! What a brat! He did the same with the computer game at my place Marty."

Andy won though and started telling Marty how useless he was and a major wrestling match took place. Peter watched their bodies straining and rolling on the soft carpet. No wonder they could toss him round like a leaf. Marty won, he always did, and kept Andy in one of those holds they both seemed to know.

"Come on Peter! I need both hands to hold him."

This was the exact same pattern that Andy used all the time. Whenever there was a contest like this, the loser got some sort of treatment. Peter wondered about Marty. He always won, so did that mean nothing ever happened to him? It was sort of scary, but fun as well, to see Andy helpless and yelling how he was going to kill them both if they touched him.

"Look at his chest Peter! He's got about three hairs there and he's always carrying on about them."

That was for sure. Peter and Marty were both quite smooth and Andy stirred them about it, saying they might mature in the next few years.

"Go on! Pull them out!"

Oh my God! He really meant it. There were more than three but Peter decided that would be enough. One! Two! Three! They needed a sharp tug and Peter could tell it was stinging. This was going to come back at him for sure, and when on the third tug he pulled more than one at the same time by mistake and heard a yelp from Andy, he knew his fate was sealed.

"Sorry Andy!"

"You're dead!"

He was grinning though and Marty was laughing.

"Get him Peter! He can't do anything while I'm holding him."

Great! He'd as much as said that as soon as he let go something would happen to Peter.

"Tickle him Peter! It's his turn! He's done it about ten times to you."

"Yeah! And there'll be another ten times if he does."

"And it will be both of us if he doesn't!"

So! Peter went ahead, following Marty's directions, like the time at the river while Andy wriggled, laughed and tried in vain to escape.

"Into his bellybutton Peter! It's payback time for him, except he loves it. Look!"

Peter couldn't help seeing. Andy's speedos were stretching as he reacted to his treatment.

"Arrange him sideways. He's got a thing about it."

Peter couldn't believe the careless way they had towards touching each other and it took an effort of will to quickly do what Marty was telling him.

"Careful Peter! It might bite!"

They were both grinning at his nervousness now and Peter felt like he was the one getting the treatment rather than Andy.

"Wrong side Peter! Try him the other way!"

It didn't work. Andy was getting stiffer, pressing against the material which made moving him difficult and Peter found he had to use both hands, one to stretch the speedos and the other to try and manoeuvre him. His hesitant approach was getting nowhere and when he realised it he shoved harder. Andy popped right out and Peter sat back.

"Jeez! It escaped! Well! Check to see how much green's left."


"Pull them down to his knees!"

The looks they were both giving him helped him overcome his reluctance and for the second time Peter was looking at Andy in his boned-up state. There was hardly a sign of any green left and now it was Andy who copped the same jibes he'd earlier given to Peter about how much he must have been rubbing to get himself so clean.

When they were driving home Peter asked his question about whether Marty ever got any of the treatments.

"No! He's too strong! But don't you worry! I get him different ways."

Peter walked home from Andy's, after all it was only across the road and a couple of doors away, then after a hug from his mum had a quick shower and returned to the kitchen.

"You've asked someone over?"

"Yes! He reads the same books I do and he's loaning me one I've been looking for."

This meant another hug from his mum, a stronger one this time because she was so pleased.

"Will he have a meal with us? We could have something nice."

"I don't know mum. I just asked him when we were leaving the pool."

"He trains with you too?"

"Yes! It was a real fluke after I was talking to him at lunchtime and then coach put him in charge of me."

"What does Andy think of him?"

"He calls him a geek. He doesn't really know though because Matthew's new like me."

"A geek?"

"It means you like learning things. I'm one too because I like reading and I'm good at my subjects."

"What was your training like?"

"It was great! Matthew's really helpful."

"I meant about the speedos. Andy told me he was making you wear his."

"Um! It was all right. No one said anything, but he says they will."

"Is he embarrassing you? He told me about the green marker-pen."

Peter was kind of surprised, but he knew how good his mum was at getting things out of people. It must have been last night while he was having his shower.

"All the time! I can't believe the things they do, but I know it's friendly and they do the same things to each other. They embarrassed me so often at the river I couldn't help getting used to it. Did he tell you I had to use the marker pen on him?"

"He didn't mention that. Has anyone been nasty at school?"

"I think Marty would punch them up if they did."

"Marty? Don't you mean Andy?"

"Andy would too but Marty's the strongest."

"Stronger than Andy? When am I going to meet him? We don't want fighting Peter."

"I'll tell him he has to come round for tea on Wednesday. We'll have some of your meatballs."

"Again? He liked them on the weekend?"

"He said they looked like horse-droppings."

Their meal took longer than usual to prepare because there was so much to talk about and then Peter studied for the rest of the night.

Next morning he got to first class early and dumped some of his books on the next seat so it would look like it was taken, then watched the door. Matthew headed for his normal seat when he came in, but when he saw Peter tapping the desk beside him he stopped in his tracks and flashed a quick smile. As he approached Peter moved the bag and without a word being said they became seating partners for all their shared classes.



Now Peter wasn't sure what to say and there was an awkward silence for a moment till Matthew passed across the Ender's Game novel.

"Wow! Thanks! Is it as good as it's meant to be?"

"Yes! It made me feel like I was him when I was reading it."

Peter nodded because he knew exactly what Matthew meant.

"Can you still come over after swimming?"

"Are you sure it's all right?"

"Sure! Um! There won't be much time though, so how about having a meal with us?"

Matthew looked surprised but then quickly nodded.

"I'll have to let my dad know, but he'll be happy."

There was a lot more to say but Mr Crossman arrived and it was full on concentration for their Tuesday double period of maths. At the end of that there was a ten minute break and Matthew had to go to his Indonesian class while Peter had one of his study periods. All their subjects were the same, except that Matthew did a language instead of chemistry. Peter headed for the library. It was meant to be a study period, but he couldn't wait to get started on the novel and he'd make up the time later.

"What are you doing?"

"It's the novel Matthew gave me this morning."

It was meal break and Peter was sitting on the bench under the shade tree near the canteen where Andy and Marty usually met to eat their lunches, and he was reading a bit extra while he waited for them. Not now! He was pulled backwards and being held off-balance by Andy, who'd sneaked up behind him.

"Oh my God! Wait till I tell Marty. You can't read books here."

"Why not?"

"Haven't you noticed people looking at you?"

The book had sucked Peter in, right from the first page, and that normally meant a kind of oblivion to the world around him.


Andy pushed him right down now, till he collapsed, lying with his back on the grass and his legs on the bench.

"They're looking at me now!"

They kept looking too, since it was only thirty metres to the canteen and Andy didn't let him up straight away. Marty arrived and was straight away informed about the situation.

"He's giving us a reputation! Look at this Marty! He only got it today and see how much he's read already."

"You're kidding? Today? What's it about Peter?"

"It's about a clever kid who gets picked on by other kids who are stronger than him."

"Brat! Stop stirring! It's got spaceships on the cover."

Peter riffled through the pages to the section near the start of the book where the main character was being bullied and read a couple of lines to prove his point. Andy grabbed it from him to check for himself.

"It is too! I thought you were making it up for a stir. I mean you're an egghead and we do have to keep you in line. Let's go down to the cow paddock!"

It wasn't a paddock for cows, just a grassy open area with a couple of trees on one side. No one seemed to know how it got its name but it was a favourite spot for hanging out at this time of the year.

"Um! In a little while! I'm waiting for Matthew to turn up. He's eating his lunch with me."

"What? Are you deserting us?"

Peter got worried at this and wasn't sure if Andy was telling him to choose who he was going to be with.

"No Andy! I just want to be friendly to him. He can come with us can't he?"

For the second time Peter was tackled from behind and dumped on his back.

"I don't know! It might be catching! What you reckon Marty? Will we risk getting geeked?"

Being dumped on your back and told your new friend has geek disease was Andy's way of letting Peter get the message that he'd picked up on his worry and was telling him he was being silly.

"Two at once? Hell! That's pretty dangerous, but I suppose we can sit on them if they get out of hand."

"Hey! Looks like we'll be geek control for the school. Where is he anyway? Are we going to be waiting all day for geek number two?"

"He'll be here soon. He had to ring his dad to see if he could stay for a meal with me and mum."

"Ha! Special treatment! How come he gets invited to a meal when we don't?"

Andy had had supper and other snacks a few times and was just stirring, but Peter had the perfect comeback anyhow.

"He doesn't! You're coming tomorrow night."

"We are?"

"Yes! Mum wants to talk to Marty. She hasn't even seen him yet."

"Me? How come?"

"Well! I told her what you made me do with the marker pen."

"Sh...! You told her that?"

"Yeah! She didn't mind, but then I told her how I had to pull Andy speedos off and she thinks you're obsessed with sex."

Marty was looking at Peter as if he was crazy. Andy helped things along.

"I told you Marty! He talks to her about everything and she knows what you're thinking. It's spooky. Remember what I said about swearing, how she knew what I'd do before I even did it?"

Marty was nodding in remembrance.

"She wants to talk to me? What will I say?"

"Don't worry about it Marty."

"I think I'm busy tomorrow night!"

"Marty! You can't say no! You have to tell me whether you want roast lamb or steaks."

Matthew appeared at this stage and as he approached Andy grabbed the novel.



"Is this your book? Peter says it is!"

Matthew nodded.

"And you like reading this stuff?"

Matthew nodded again.

"God! You are the same as Peter. And do you like studying?"

"Not all that much. But I have to do well this year. English and Lit are okay. Maths is the hard one."

"Don't tell me about it. Do you swear?"

"Not much!"

Matthew was looking puzzled by this third degree.

"They reckon we're geeks Matthew. Andy's just getting information for his geek patrol."

"Geek patrol? What happens if I don't answer the questions properly?"

"They murder you! Like they murder me! Andy threw me on the ground just for reading your book in public."

"Boy! I hate reading then and school sucks. And I swear all the time too."

"God Marty! He really does sound like Peter. A real smart-ass!"

Andy was smiling though and obviously liked the way Matthew responded.

"That's good then! There'll be three of us to murder Peter, and you can show us how when we get to the cow paddock."

They moved and found a good spot to sit and it was Andy and Marty who did most of the talking, asking stacks more questions. The talk changed to the adventure on the weekend and then Marty talked about some of his trip overseas with his parents. Peter thought it sounded like a dream to be able to visit other places. Matthew didn't say a lot, apart from answering, and then he left to make another try at contacting his dad.

"What d'you reckon Marty? He seems okay to me!"

"Yeah! He must be stronger than he looks if he can swim that far. D'you reckon he really does?"

They'd been asking Matthew about his swimming and it came out that he was used to swimming a lot more laps than either of them.

"I don't think he'd make it up, but we'll find out anyway when we're training this afternoon."

They didn't find out about the laps though because Matthew spent the whole time working with Peter, very carefully showing him new things and making him practice everything till he had it right. By the time the hour was over Peter was wrecked from the number of laps he'd done, each one concentrating on some particular point, breathing, arm positions, kicking or whatever, and each time Matthew had swum next to him. The rule about going slowly was stronger than ever today, and when Peter asked about it Matthew said he thought it would be at least a week before they tried any speed swimming.

"I'm really serious Peter. You know how much I've had to show you, and if you're not concentrating on it you'll go back to your old ways."

"Andy and Marty said they were going to talk to you about it. They reckon it's a crazy way to train. "

Matthew grinned at that.

"Well they might be right, but it doesn't matter what they think. It's what you think that counts."

Peter thought that everything Matthew was showing him made sense, and in fact was totally impressed.

"I think you're the one who's right."

Matthew's face lit up with that smile and he looked directly at Peter.

"I know you do. And we'll prove it to them won't we?"

As if on cue, Andy and Marty stopped next to them.

"Hey snails! We're about to finish. Anyone want to race a lap?"

Peter and Matthew exchanged grins. This was the challenge that Andy would use to make his point.

"Okay! But not Peter."

They climbed out, walked to the shallow end, claimed three lanes and stood on the starting blocks. To look at them it didn't appear as if Matthew had a hope. He was almost identical in height to Peter and just as slim, while Andy and Marty both way out-matched him in height, size, and muscular development. Peter set them going, then watched in amazement. Andy and Marty were both powering through the water, their bodies unleashing their strength as they churned down the pool at top speed, while next to them Matthew looked like he was gliding over the surface with a lazy style that somehow kept the same pace. Peter rushed along the side watching, Marty slightly behind, Andy and Matthew neck and neck the whole way, till with a sudden spurt in the last few metres Matthew took a short lead.

The three of them clung to the end of the pool to get their breath and pulled themselves out. Andy was looking at Matthew like he didn't believe it.

"Jeez! That nearly killed me. I thought I had you all the way till right at the end. Have you done much racing?"

"A bit!"

"Well! I'll beat you next time then! I wonder what time we clocked?"

He suddenly started grinning.

"He's too good for us Marty. Come on! Its time for a shower."

He was grinning at Peter now, making Peter wonder why. Was it because he'd just been beaten, or because he knew he'd just set Peter's nerves going. They gathered their gear and went to the changing room. Oh no! They'd picked a busy time and Peter recognised at least five or six guys from the team. There were five showers with only two free. Andy and Marty rushed to claim them leaving Peter and Matthew waiting till a couple more were available. Peter started soaping himself but then got a dirty look from Andy. Oh well! It was time! And hoping there'd be as little reaction as there was to his wearing the speedos yesterday, Peter skinned the speedos down his legs, stepped out of them, rinsed them under the shower then tossed them to the bench. There was a great whistle and Peter felt like committing murder, except that he was busy trying to cope with the mega-blush when every eye in the room swung to see what Andy was whistling at. It got worse then, because they all started grinning when Andy asked him if he used a wheelbarrow to cart it around. God! What was he going to say? He knew he was meant to be crude in return but his mind had gone blank from the embarrassment. There was a sudden yell and all attention swung to Matthew, who'd just jumped from the shower which now had steam pouring off it.

"Hell! These taps turn the wrong way. I nearly cooked myself."

By the time this diversion, somehow Peter knew that's what it was, was over Peter had recovered his mental balance and was ready for any more comments from Andy. Well, kind of ready! He gave himself a giant mental kick for not expecting something to happen, especially after the grin Andy'd given on the way in. Andy and Marty turned their showers off and started drying themselves without saying anything else so Peter started soaping his hair. By the time he finished they'd pulled their shorts on and were walking out the door. What? How come they weren't waiting? Andy turned around with an evil grin and waved a towel at him. Peter's towel! What now? How was he meant to dry himself? Peter turned his shower off and was halfway to the bench when he saw that all his things were gone. Everything? Surely they must have left something? The grins from the remaining guys told him otherwise and now Matthew was beside him, looking for more clothes that weren't there.

"What are we going to do?"

"What's the worry Peter? They always do stuff like this to new people. We'll just wait! They'll send our clothes back eventually."

They wandered round the room with Peter feeling very naked, then sat on the bench and talked. Matthew was quite unconcerned but seemed to sense that Peter was uneasy and gave him several measuring glances.

"What's wrong? It's just a joke!"

"I know! I'll tell you later."

Three grinning guys came in and looked around.

"Where's the nudist colony we've heard about?"

As if that wasn't obvious. He started waving a towel at them.

"Which one of you's got the biggest dick? Andy said to tell you the rest of your gear's near the diving board."

Peter stood up to collect the towel and felt the three pairs of eyes check him out.

"God! He was right! You sure can't miss that. It's not really down past your knees though."

Trying to look nonchalant about it, Peter wrapped himself in the towel then headed for the door.

"I'll be back in a moment Matthew."

It wasn't too bad walking out with a towel and he soon had all their clothes back in the changing room.

"They'll be waiting at the station wagon, laughing their heads off."

That weren't laughing but they sure had big grins.

"Hi Peter! How'd it go? Did anyone notice your dick?"

"Very funny! Every single one of them did. And you told them it came down past my knees."

"Well they all laughed about it didn't they? We told you we'd stir you the most. And fancy losing your clothes like that? You're nearly as bad as Marty."

"He's done that to me a couple of times Peter. I had to wait half an hour once. I just stayed in the shower though."

The end of Chapter 4.

Author's Note. Any comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated. My email address is

Should you be interested, my other stories can be found by looking under 'Iarwain' in the authors section on Nifty.

Contact me if you'd like to read the stories in their original Word format.


Next: Chapter 5

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