Dougie and Alex

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Nov 23, 2005


Disclaimer: this is a work fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives of the celebrities mentioned in this work. And any mention of concerts is purely to help the story along. Dougie & Alex - 003

And Dougie disapeared almost in a cloud of smoke out of the room. Alex still naked and now only lightly covered in sweat picke up his mobile phoen and phoned Zoe.

"Hey girl been spending all your money?"

"You bastard you've had sex"

"Oh yes, and have i got a story to tell you!"

Alex pulled the door to Dougie's room shut. For a brief moment he stopped and thought deeply to himself, how could this be happening to him? This wonderful, mindblowing, exciting thing, how did it end up being him, and he gave his response out loud.

"Who cares!"

He strode almost like a Male lion in all his glory down the hotel corridor. Passers by in the hotel probably thought he was a bit off his head, but he knew he was just over the moon, and so damn horny thinking about tonight. Alex's grin was so wide you'd need a suspension bridge to get from one side to the other. Almost skipping across the Hotel lobby his phone vibrated in his pocket. It was ringing.


"Hey sexy!"

"Dougie? But how did you get my number?"

"I got it from your phone this afternoon. Thakfully without you noticing."

"I enjoyed myself this afternoon."

"Oh i think that was pretty obvious, listen i can't talk now, i have to go, the guys are calling me back. can't wait to see you later on."

"I look forward to it."

"I Love you" Before Alex had chance to repsond, Dougie hung up.

"He loves me?" Alex slowed to a more thoughtful but none the less excitable walk. Within a few minutes he was waiting outside of KFC for Zoe and Karen.

"There is he is look, Mr lover lover!" Said zoe with a huge smile across her face.

"Firstly, we didn't actually shag, but my god do i want to. and so does he, and I AM SO excited about tonight, it's gonna be fab, and i'm staying here in Plymouth the night."

"Slow down darlin' firstly you didn't shag? so what it was blow-jobs all the way was it?"

"Zoe!" Karen looked on shocked.

"It's what he's like you know. So?"

"Yes correct, blow-jobs all the way - it was UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!"

Karen chimed in with the next question. "Who was it then? Anybody famous?" Karen asked this although she never really expected the deadly serious answer.

"Yeah it was actually"

Zoe and Karen looked at Alex, now these two girls know exactly when Alex is lying and they could tell he was serious.

"Dare i ask who?" Zoe said it with trepidation, not really knowing if she actually wanted to hear the answer.

"You'll never believe me. But i tell you what, i'll tell you both who it is, and then later i'll prove it to you"

"Deal" the girls chirped in unison.

"Dougie, from McFly"

The silence was deafening; no words needed to be spoken, they went into KFC to grab some food for the evening.

***********AT THE PAVILIONS, IN A DRESSING ROOM, Dougie and Harry are alone.

"So why are you so pleased with yourself?"

"Danny and Tom haven't blurted it out then?"

"They haven't said anything." Harry looked very questioningly at Dougie.

"What? it's nothing bad."

"You've found yourself a bloke, haven't you"

"Yeah, and he's the business, he's the reason i was late earlier"

"And here's me thinking you might be up for a little one on one with me tonight?"

"Sorry mate, i sort of told him i love him too!"

"How long as this been going on?"

"I met him in the pub at four o'clock."

Harry smiled, and just hugged Dougie. Dougie has hatched a plan so Alex and his two mates, Zoe and Karen could come backstage and meet him and the rest of the guys. They are going to put numbers on each of the seats. Then during the concert the numbers will be called. On three particular tickets Dougie wrote the numbers 10, 100 & 1000. And he sneaked out into the auditorium and placed them on seats B1 B2 & B3.

Now filling up with people. The auditorium was full of noise and chattering. Alex mobile was ringing again, his face lit up when he saw the display read Dougie.


"Listen we're on in about ten minutes. I just wanted to say i meant what i said earlier. Also, I want you to meet the guys."

"I'd love to meet them."

The phone call ended, Alex, Zoe and Karen sat back to enjoy the concert. As always the boys were spell-binding, so athletic, nobody could help but get caught up in the excitement of the singing. And Alex's eyes nearly popped out of his head when the four lads walked on stgae in just their boxers. Alex looked at Dougie and realised that they'd picked up the wrong underwear this afternoon, Dougie was wearing Alex's tight white CK's and Alex was wearing Dougies TU boxers from Sainsbury's. Ok so it wasn't an accident, but it was fun to think it.

"Are they not your CK's that Dougie is wearing?" said Zoe with a mischievous grin.

"Zo, how do you know what his underwear is like?" Karen sounding a bit confused.

"I go shopping with him love, Everybody knows that gay guys are the bees knees when it comes to shopping with the girls."

The song was energetic for all the boys. Harry, Tom and Danny had all been sensible and worn loose fitting silk boxers, but wearing tighty-whities showed things off somewhat, so Dougie was receivng all the attention, and why not, he is the most impressive.

During breaks in songs Alex explained to the girls about the meet and greet that is up for grabs. All three of them were genuinely surprised when their three numbers were called out. The boys dripping with sweat finished the concert, they returned for an encore, and disappeared off stage for good. Alex, Zoe & Karen were instructed to wait for the rest of the Audience to leave, and then surprisingly the boys appeared from a side door. Alex was desperately trying to keep his excitedness under control. The guys greeted Karen and Zoe, and posed for photos with them. Then it was time for them to leave.

"Ring me when you get home tomorrow"

"I will babe no worries. See ya Karen"

Zoe and Karen walked towards the exit, they turned and Zoe shouted across the auditorium, "Have fun, don't do anything i wouldn't do."

"Not a lot then" Shouted Alex back.

"Cheeky sod, come on Karen lets get back to Exeter"

With the girls gone, Alex turned to face the four McFly boys, who were all stood trying to look threatening with their arms folded.

"You can't fool me. I aint scared" Said Alex almost immediately breaking in to laughter.

Dougue stepped forward and took Alex's hand in his own. "Guys, this is Alex, i think i may have mentioned him earlier.

"Yeah, just once or a few hundred times." Retorted Danny. He extended a hand to Alex and they shook. Harry and Tom also greeted Alex.

Dougie was now trying to hurry the meet along. "Ok guys perhaps we could arrnage to all meet up again another day. They nodded in agreement, and left for their hotel. Dougie told Alex to wait out by the coach pick up point. Whilst stood there waiting Alex was playing over the days events in his head. He was still shocked and amazed by everything. Out of the Blue these hands grabbed his bum.

"I am rock hard you know, wearing your CK's was heaven, my bollocks are like ice buckets, ready to blow at any minute."

"Did i say you had an amzing body?"

"Yeah, come on lets walk to the hotel."

In the hotel lobby, Dougie grabbed his keycard from recpetion, as Alex pressed for a lift. Once in the lift on their own, Alex pinned DOugie against the side, and thrust a hand into his CK's. Dougie really was rock hard, so there in the lift Alex was jacking Dougie off. There wasn't enough time to finish before the lift reached Dougies floor. Alex quickly released his hand from Dougie's cock, and they ran down the corridor. One swipe from the card and they were in Dougie's room. Alex decided to take control firstly. The door shut and Alex masterfully pinned Dougie upagainst the wall. Then he dropped to his knees, took Dougie's monster cock from it's cage and took it all in his mouthin one go with no gagging. Dougie was in seventh heaven, not having had chance to relax or anything, his body was now being subjected to the most fantastic pleasurable feeling he'd ever known. His body felt as if it could explode at any second. Now his body didn't but his orgasm did explode; shooting load after load of his young teen cum down Alex's throat, Dougie was on cloud nine. So much so that he didn't even feel hius knees buckling under the immense pressure, and he collapsed in a post-orgasmic heap ontop of Alex.

"No need for you to fall at my feet Dougie!"

"You ready? Your turn."


Firstly a special thanks to a certain lad from Plymouth who seems to appreciate my work for whatever mad reason - Cheers Scratch! As with before it would be good to know everyone elses thoughts, thanks to the guys who responded with positive comments, much appreciated.




Next: Chapter 4

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