Dougie and Alex

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Dec 5, 2005



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives of the celebrities mentioned in this work. And any mention of concerts is purely to help the story along.

All train times mentioned in this story are completely made up for the story.

Here is a very much sooner than i expected installment for Dougie & Alex, I couldn't resist the urge to write for Dougie & Alex again, so here is "Episode 6"

    • FOR MICHAEL, who just got outr of hospital - hope all's well mate! * - AND for MARTIN!

Dougie & Alex 006 - Visiting Exeter Alex, Zoe and Karen

You are invited to attend the April 13th McFly conceret at the Royal Albert Hall London, as guests of honour of Mr D Poynter, Mr D Jones, Mr T Fletcher and Mr H Judd. You will be given Access All Areas passes and be invited to attend dinner with the above mentioned before the concert performance. Hey Alex i had to type it all formally well it didn't last long, hope i'll see you there.

Yours Dougie x

Alex sat up in the staff canteen at breakfast before he starts at 8:30, not being able to resist the urge to read the letter again. It had been two and a half months since Alex had spent that event filled evening in Plymouth, going to a McFly concert with Zoe and Karen, and getting well and truly laid by none other than Dougie Poynter himself. Alex hadn't had any contact from Dougie other than a steamy text on his brithday, never did Alex believe that a text message could get him so hot and bothered, but Dougie just had that effect.

"Boo, may we join you lover boy?" Zoe breezes in with her beautifully starightened hair, resting on her shoulders.

"If i say no?"

"I tell you to go jump"

"How are you babe anyway?" Zoe herself excited by the prospect of seeing McFly in ten days time. And excited by the fact that Alex and Dougie would be together again.

"You know Zo, i am fantastic, and i mean that, works going well, touch wood, and everything else seems to fall into place nicely.

Zoe scrunched her beautiful face up tightly as if she had something undesireable to say to Alex.

"Out with it!"

"I've been asked to do a stint on checkouts this afternoon."

"You have, why? And why are you telling me?"

"Because i said only if you go on for an hour too."

"You bitch!"

"Steve has Okayed it!"

"I'll kill him, ok love, we on for what 13:30 - 14:30?"

"Yeah for sure."

Zoe jumped up from her seat and went up to the canteen serving area, to grab some hot food. Karen walked in, and went over to Zoe, she whispered something in her ear and then, they both turned looked over at Alex and grinned broadly at him.

Now Alex is suspicious but didn't say anything then a call fro Zoe over the tannoy.

"Colleague announcement would Zoe..."


A black cab pulls up and out steps a well disguised Dougie, dark glasses and a back to frotn baseball cap. He had a holdall with him and nothing else. He walked into the stationcarrying his bag slung over his right shoulder. He walked across the concourse to WHSmiths, he brought a paper and then stood leant against a pillar keeping an eye on the departure screens. His train is listed but no departure platform has been assigned. He looked again and smiled. He saw his new favourite words on the screen appear "Exeter St David's" - he glanced away and glanced up again, platform 10. Then an anounncement was made of the PA system

"The 08:35 First Great Western Adlante service to Exeter St David's is now boarding on platform 10, this train will call at Reading, Theale, Thatcham, Newbury, Hungerford, Pewsey, Westbury, Castle Cary, Taunton..."

Dougie joined in with the final two stations.

"...Tiverton Parkway, and Exeter St David's, due to arrive into Exeter at 11:13!"

The grin on Dougie face widened, he couldn't believe that he'd put his foot down with the lads and said that he need a few days off, to relax, before the London leg of the tour starts rehearshing. Little did they realise that relaxing meant visiting Exeter. And did Dougie have a clue where he was going when he got to Exeter? no, in the least, doesn't even now how to find where Alex works, even though Zoe has been trying to tell him over the phone. He walks down platform 10 along the five carriage train to first class, stepping sinside the train he stowes his bag on the overhead rack, it's small enough to do so. His seat is at a two-person table, nobody else joins him as the train departs.

Back in Exeter, Zoe comes across to Alex who is currently looking at some sotck count highlights for the Homeshop department.

"You got a minute Alex?"

"Yeah, in the cage?"

Zoe and Alex go out to the homeshop cage, and all pretense of anything to do with work is gone.

"So have you heard anthing from Dougie about the concert on the 13th?"

"No, nothing yet, he must be busy though, i guess rehearsals must start soon."

"I suppose they do yeah. I'm so excited for you though. Can you tell?"

"Not hand't noticed at all. Of course I've noticed you daft cow! So what were you and Karen talking about at Breakfast this morning?"


"Zoe Lee, that is complete bollocks, something's going on. and i wanna know what!"

"My lips are sealed can't tell you it's a secret."

"Fuck me, must the first time you've kept a secret in your entire life."

Slightly ahead of time at 11:10 Dougie train pulls into platform 6 at Exeter St David's, as the door slids open Dougie takes a deep breath and steps out onto the platform. Following the Way Out signs he climbs the stairs of the footbridge which takes him right across the station, and down to Platform 1 and the exit, he walks through the Booking Hall and out to the station forcourt. He sees a sign for the City Centre, which is in the direction of a steep hill.

"Bollocks to that!"

Just then a bus turns into the station and drwas up alongside him. Dougie decides that asking the bus driver is his best bet.

"Excuse us mate, i need to get Sainsbury's at Pinhoe, any ideas?"

"Well you could get a taxi, or if you jump on here, i can take you up to the CIty Centre and then you'll need to change to the K or T bus."

"Ok cheers, city centre single then please."

Dougie puts his bag in the luggage space provided and sits keeping an eye on it. The bus pulls off and makes it's five/ten minute journey upto the high street.

"Here you go mate this is you, you need to walk to the first bus stop on this side, and wait for a K or T."

"How long does it take to get out there?"

"About twenty minutes max."

"Ok cheers for that."

Dougie steps off the bus and walks back to find the bus stop, making sure he knows where the needs to be. Knowing that he can't be visiting Sainsbury's until one thirty Dougie starts to wonder, thinking he should get Alex something, he suddenly smiles and walks back to Marks & Spencer which he just passed on the bus. He decides to get Alex a new shirt and something else. Whilst searching the rails, his mobiles rings. He walks over to large and vast rail that surrounds the escaltor.


"Hey it's Karen, where are ya Doug?"

"In Marks & Spencer getting him a new shirt."

"Nice one i like it, you know how you're getting here?"

"Yeah i'll be on the bus soon."

"He knows somthing is up..."

"...Usually is up with him."

"Dirty git! He has no idea you're here though!"

"Good good, see you in a bit"

Dougie rang off and put his phone back in his pocket. He continued looking around the rails on the menswear, and found a gorgeous dark purple shirt. Dougie smiled to himself as he imagined unbuttoning it and taking it off of Alex. Not finding anything else he wanted he paid for the shirt and walked out of Marks & Spencer. as he crossed the road and walk back towards the bus stops, he saw an A-frame board advertising a shop called Clayhanger in Gandy Streeet, for no other reason than the fact that he liked to name he found Clayhanger and was amazed at all the novelty gifts and rude gifts in the shop. After browsing the shelves, filled with Choclate knobs and boobs, he settled on a candy thong; put simply it's little hard candy sweets strung together to make a thong, he thought that would be a quirky and novelty thing for him to wear and Alex to eat off later. He smiled to himself again, imagining Alex eating his way through this candy thong to his prize posession. After paying he made his way back to the bus stops and waited for the bus.

Back up at Sainsbury's, Alex and Zoe are now both sat on their checkouts, not really serving many customers. Zoe looked at her watch it just changed to exactly 13:45, and although they wouldn't both know it, this is the exact time Dougie set foot from the bus. The K bus pulled away and Dougie stood looking across the busy road towards the large Sainsbury's store. He crossed at the traffic lights, he made his way around the path that lead to the store. he stopped and pulled a tiny mirror out of his bag, he made sure that his hat was disguising him sufficiently. He took a deep breath and walked inside, passing the cigarette kiosk to his right. Dougie made eye contact with Karen, they gently nodded to eachother. Dougie made his way around the store, picking up a few things like alcohol and some crisps. He could see Alex sat on chekcout 26 so he went and joined and joined the line at till 25, which was opposite. Alex would be able to see him. Dougie's shopping was being scanned through the till. This is the first time that Alex spots him. He finishes serving his current cutomer and then realises that a now closed sign has been placed on his conveyer belt. He grabs Zoe's attention and points Dougie out.

"Alex i know love, Karen and I arranged it for Dougie to be here"

"You did? the two of you? for me? i mean for us?"

"Yeah, and you're allowed off work now too"

Alex made his way made out from his checkout, across to Dougie who was just finishing up.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Oh nice welcome"

"Sorry I! I'm weak at the knees. Look at me i'm shaking!" Alex was over the moon, really emotional to see Dougie again.

"Apparently you're off now?"

"Yeah i'll just run upstairs and grab my stuff, and see you just out in the foyer."

Stood in the foyer Dougie could see right the way down to the back wall and the fish counter, he saw Alex almost walking on air around the corner, and down the shop. They walked around to the staff car park where Alex parks his car.

"Nice car. What is it?"

"A Ford Puma!"

"Very sexy! A sexy car for a sexy guy hey!"

"If you say so."

They put some stuff in the boot, and both go in. That was it Alex grabbed Dougie's face and pulled him close for the steamiest kiss you can imagine. Their hands were roaming everywhere, until finally Alex had to make the tough decision to stop before somebody saw.

"Oh Dougie i've missed you."

"You've got Zoe's keys?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We can go back to hers for the afternoon, there's nobody there until she gets home just after seven. She said the spare bed has been made up."

"You've all planned it all?"

"Yeah, now just you drive."

Alex and Dougie set off for Zoe's house. Alex parked the car outside of Zoe's place, he turned and just looked into Dougies eyes.

"What did i ever do to deserve to be with you?"

"You were a sexy guy who caught my attention, you were just yourself."

"Easy, words liable like that are liabel to enagage the tears"

"It's the truth. You know it works both ways, you could have just as easily said up yours and walked away from me. So what was it about me?"

"You are the most flirtatious, sexy, passionate, kind and gentle person i know. So wise beyond your years. You made me feel so wanted, and it was just the sexiest feeling i've ever known. Plus you have a killer ass!"

Dougie was staring back into Alex's deep brown eyes.

"Dougie Poynter that's not tears i see forming in your eyes is it?"

"No, of course not, just got something in them."

Alex took Dougie's right hand between both of his, and brought it up to his lips to kiss. Dougie's eyes closed almost as if Alex and pressed a button, his head went back against the headrest of the car.

"Oooh, Alex let's go inside, i have some things for you."

Alex and Dougie get out, retrieve the stiff out of the boot and go inside. Once inside all the bag are dropped on the floor and Alex pins Dougie up against the front door. Their tongues explore each others mouths and their hands explore each others bodies. Eventually they break the kiss and make their way into the lounge.

"Here let me give you what i bought you, this first, to replace the one we ruined during our heated encounter."

Alex plunged his hand into the bag and pulled out the gorgeous purple shirt Dougie had bought for him, he immediately stood up whipped off his Sainsbury's shirt exposing briefly his torso to Dougie, who looked as though his eyes would pop out of his head. buttoning up the shirt, it fitted perfectly. Dougie had another thought of unbuttoning it and kissing his way down.

"Doug, what you thinking?"

"I'm thinking how the fuck have i managed to sit here and keep my hands off your body."

"I was thinking the same about you."

"Oh, the seconfd gift is just for fun, plus it's a bit rude."

"Rude? never, surely not from you."

"But first i need the loo."

"Top of the stairs dead ahead."

Dougie grabbed the bag with the thong in it and bounded up the stairs. dropping his trousers and boxers and showing of his ass, if anybody were to walk up the stairs noe they'd get a wonderful view of two perfectly formed fleshy globes of young McFly ASS! Then the scene changed somewhat as Dougie pulled on the candy thong, to wear downstairs for Alex. He pulled his trousers back up over it and put his boxers in the bag. He made his way back downstairs.

"So you've another gift to give me?"

"Oh yes, why don't you unzip my fly and see for yourself."

"Oh such a precious gift."

"It's not what you think, but it's a bit of fun."

Alex moved over to the sofa, he and Dougie started kissing again, and as Dougie's head back back against the back of the sofa, Alex slid off and knelt on the floor between Dougie's legs. Massaging Dougie's crotch with his right hand, Alex was a bit conufsed as it felt like little lumps under the trousers, and as we all know Dougie doesn't have little lumps. Slightly apprehensive Alex popped the button at the wiastline of Dougie's trouser then he pulled the zip down with his teeth, laughing hysterically when he saw the candy thong. Alex looked up at Dougie who burst out laughing too.

"Thought you could have that for starters"

"As long as i don't get full up before my main course." Alex looked up innocently at Dougie.

Without any warning Dougie grabbed Alex by the arms and ulled him up onto the sofa, and they began their game of tonsil tennis again.

"What's up?" Alex says as Dougie pulls away.

"We've both been completely fahtful to eachother since we first met."

"Unless you count my right hand as being unfaithful then yeah, i've been faithful. Why?"

"Because i want to make love to you in the most natural way, without any barriers, but i have to be sure that it's going to be safe for us both."

"It's safe, i promise."

Then the talking stopped and the action began, Taking Dougie's hands Alex pullled him to his feet, they were trying to keep kissing as much as possible whilst undressing eachother. Dougie started fulfilling his recent fantasy, by slowly unbuttoning Alex's shirt, and kissing his way down his chest as he went. Alex by now was quite interested to see Dougie dressed in just this candy thong. After a few more minutes of heavy kissing Dougie was stood in just the candy thong, his erection sticking way out over the top of it. Alex was stood in just his boxers.

"Doug, lay down on the sofa. face down."

Dougie did as he was asked, his cock still straining against the thong. Alex knelt on the sofa witha kness each side of Dougies' legs, the view of Dougie's perfect ass with the thin string of candy sweets was amazing. Dougie didn't really know what was going to happen. Alex bent down and licked the inside of each of Dougie thighs. Dougie's whole body quivered vigorously, Alex bit into one of the sweets of the thong and eat it, then he bit throught the string with his teeth, he pulled the rest of the thong from under Dougie and threw it to the floor, then he started kissing each of Dougie's beautiful ass cheeks, each time he kissed a bit nearer to Dougie's waiting hole. Alex spread Dougie's cheeks to reveal his goal, he gently blew across the skin of Dougie's ass causing goose bumps to form. Then without giving Dougie any warning, gently presswed his tongue against Dougie's hole. This caused Dougie to draw in an enormous amount of breath it almost winded him.

"Sorry Doug"

"Don't be, it felt spectacular"

Alex went back for more, this time he licked from his hole towards his cock and balls, Dougie gripped the sofa and took another enormous intake of breath, sweat was now gathering all over Dougie's body, and dripping from his forehead. Alex gently motioned Dougie so he was knelt on all fours. Then he returned to his assault on Dougie's ass, whilst gently wanking Dougie's cock at the same time, Dougie was waving his arms around desperately trying to grab onto any part of Alex's body, but he wasn't having much luck.

"Alex i want to fuck you now!"

"I love it when you talk dirty."

"Yeah! Well get on all fours and face your ass towards me you dirty bitch"

"Ooh Dougie so masterful and fierce."

"It's not really me, i just aint a dirty talked like that."

"Let me try, see what you think."

"Go on then."

"I hope that cock is real hard, because you're gonna plunge it deep into my waiting aching ass, and you're gonna pound and pound away until you can't take any more, and then you'll blow your thick white load right up my ass. Whilst sucking my dick until i cum bucket loads"

"God i nearly came just listening to you"

"Better stick it in quick then."

The amount of pre-cum leaking from Dougie's cock, was plenty to lube Alex's ass and Dougie's large cock. When this was done, Dougie positioned himself behind Alex and slid his cock, with relative ease right into Alex's ass. Then he started with gentle thrusts gradually getting faster and faster, now it was Dougie making Alex pant like he was not able to breath, Alex was trying to balance himself with one hand whilst wanking his own cock with the other. Dougie's pace and breathing rhythm changed, he was near, and he blew a thick load right deep inside Alex's ass. The sound Dougie made when he climaxed was almost a howl! He deposited another six or seven big thick shots of cum deep into Alex. Who was still desperately wanking his own cock.


Dougie jumped from behind Alex and went round to the front, he encapsulated Alex's cock with his mouthm and managed to have foour or five sucks before Alex's breathing almost stopped and he blew an absolutely phenomenal load straight down Dougie's throat, it hardly touched the sides. Their bodies are thick with sweat; Their balls are thick with plenty more cum; Alex tried to stand but his legs were too wobbly, he was way to unsteady.

"Dougie hold me! I need you with me! I wanna be with you forever!"

Dougie took Alex in his arms, and the pair embraced. Still entangled in each others naked bodies stretched out on the sofa, the pair fell asleep, and when Zoe arrived home from work at quarter past seven Alex and Dougie were still on the sofa naked and asleep. She stood in the doorway and smiled, she got a sheet from the cupboard under the stairs and placed it over them. She gave them both a kiss one the cheek and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Now there's the perfect couple if ever i saw one!"


as ever drop me line to let me know you think, hopefully chapter 6 hasn't taken away from the impact of the otehrs, i don't think it has but you never know what people will think.

Next: Chapter 7

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