Dreams of an Angel

By goldenknight

Published on Nov 17, 2003


Hey y'all. I'm baaaaaack :) And guess what? I PASSED MY EXAMS!!! WOO-HOO!!! Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at a fully a fully qualified doctor now AHEM!!! AIN'T LIFE GREAT???!! I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!!!! Okay, okay. Lemme calm down a moment. Anyway, to celebrate, here's the next part of Dreams of an Angel.

Hope you all enjoy it! Any comments or suggestions, well, you know how to contact me. My Yahoo ID is Goldenknightuk if you wish to send me an instant message. Sorry for any bad grammars boys and girl. C'mon! Nobody's perfect!! :)

Before the show, onwards to the boring part! Legal matters! Hehehe. You can press 'fast-forward' now.

Well, first of all, this story, as you will certainly find out soon, is TOTALLY fictional. So! If any of you truly believe in it... dude, I'm worried about you. Secondly! None of the guys in the Backstreet Boys are gay! (No matter how hard I wished it :P). But nobody say we couldn't dream it, heh heh. Thirdly, Warren Worthington is actually a character from Marvel Comics, X-men known as Angel or recently Archangel. Okay fine, I admit it. I'm bored and I am making a pathetic attempt to make life a lil' bit interesting. Its not like I'm gonna publish it or something. What else to talk about hmm? Oh, there may be some adult gay scenes in this story. Unlike my brother, I don't mind writing naughty stuff ;) so! If you're underage, naughty, naughty! I can only ask you to go away, but I cannot do anything else to stop you from reading on anyway. Hell! I've been sneaking into the internet to watch gay porns since I was 13! So, if your parents or whoever responsible for you catch you, don't say I didn't warned you. However, if you're homophobic... well maybe I can seduce you enough to turn you around heh heh. I do so love a challenge ;)

Anyway, enough talk. Any comments or boos or suggestion or whatever, just sent it to the same address as in NNTs, goldenknightuk@yahoo.co.uk . Yeah, we shared the same address. Don't ask. Long story.

Okay then! On to the show. Now, don't be shy now. If you got any comments or suggestions, just drop me a note. You do the request, and I'll do the show.


Part 45: 'When the Sun Goes Down (Part II)'

Four hours later, Nick found himself staring into the mirror, fully dressed for his dinner appointment with Lance. And dressed he did, carefully selecting his best dress for the occasion, tight black T-shirt, covered loosely by a striking looking silk shirt, left unbuttoned and hanging loose at the front. Black slack. Nice dark leather belt and a dark brown leather jacket. His golden chain contrasts sharply against the black T-shirt. He is a celebrity after all. Looking fabulous is part of his job. Lance sounded like he wanted to go to someplace expensive tonight, so he better dressed appropriately. Plus, with him planning to launch his new solo album and all... a little bit more publicity is a good thing right now. After all, Johnny did say to him again and again: more publicity is a definite 'yes-yes' but bad fashion sense is an absolute 'no-no'.

'But if you decide to take me out to a simple Taco Bell, Lancey-boy, I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to have sex for a year or two.' Nick thought quietly as he styled his hair carefully.

Looking back at his image in the mirror, he smiled unconsciously. Talk about a good look! He really outdo himself tonight once again. Smiling, he spins around once before smirking back at his image on the mirror, giggling softly after that at his swelling ego.

'Y'shouldn't be too selfish of your looks, non?' Remy's words echoed again and again in his mind.

He cursed vilely again when the phone ring. Can't people leave him in peace for an hour or two?? Wait a minute... it could be Warren!!

Leaping towards the phone, he snatches it up.

"Nick's Whorehouse. Pleasure me baby."

"Nick!! I got you at last!!"

"Brian!!!!" Nick cried happily. "Oh my God! It's been so long!! How have ya been, short-stuff?"

Geez, did Brian actually growled? An image of a shorter Wolverine certainly comes into mind... and Logan is short enough as it is...

"Where the Hell have you been?!" Brian immediately went for the jugular. "I've been calling your mobile for days but you never answer."

"Oh Gosh, I'm sorry, B. I lost my mobile and I hasn't been able to buy a new one just yet." Said Nick. "So what's up? Where are you now?"

"Ugh. At my in-laws' house." Brian grimaced as Nick laughed. "But don't worry. I'll be home tomorrow, so there's still hope for survival just yet."

"Well, you were the one who wanted to get married so early." Nick snickered. "So quit complaining."

"Somehow I know you're going to say that." Brian smiled. His voice becomes serious after that. "But seriously Nick, this is not really a social call."

"What's up? Sounds bad." Nick frowned at the seriousness of Brian's voice.

"Nick, have you been in touch with AJ or Howie lately?"

The last name brought shiver down his spine and his mind immediately became alert.

"AJ and Howie? No. Why?"

"I just got a call from Kevin." Brian answered gravely. "He got a frantic call from AJ's parents. According to them, something happened at AJ's house a couple of days ago... some attack or another. AJ went missing after that. The police found his car in a ditch somewhere outside Orlando but there was no sign of him."

"What?" Nick exclaimed in shock.

"Police think he was kidnapped, Nick." Brian continued in a scared voice. "I tried to contact Howie to see if he know anything about this, but there was no answer or sign of him too."

"Oh my God..." Nick whispered softly.

"So I want to see if you know anything. I tried to call you for the past couple of days and I was getting panic when you didn't answer your calls. I thought something happened to you too..." Brian's voice was rising in panic.

"Whoa there, buddy. Calm down!" Nick replied soothingly. "Calm down. I'm all right. I'm sorry if I got you worried. I told you, I lost my mobile phone a couple of days ago and I haven't been feeling too well at the same time to get out and buy a new one. I'm sorry. But I'm all right. See? I'm all right."

"If you say so." Brian spoke softly.

"What did the police found out so far?" asked Nick worriedly.

"Not much." Said Brian. "AJ's house were broken into from all side, so it was obvious he was attacked at his house. But somehow, he escaped in his car. There were witnesses claiming that they saw AJ's car racing through the freeway with several dark vans chasing him. Whatever went on that day, somehow, AJ's car ended up in a ditch and he is gone."

"Oh God, I hope he's all right." Nick whispered worriedly. "Who could have attacked him?"

'Could it be The Right? What could The Right wants with AJ?' Nick thought uneasily. 'Howie is quite a big shot amongst those people in 'The Right'... could this connected to AJ's disappearance somehow? But why now, after all these time? What happened?'

"I don't know!" Brian answered in frustration. "I don't like this at all, Nick! And right now, everything is in chaos. Johnny is frantic and so is Kevin. It was all they could do from letting the press know about this. AJ and Howie's parents are going mad with worries and grief. And I was on the verge of panicking when I couldn't get in touch with you!"

"What about Howie? Was he attacked as well?" asked Nick.

"No. But he simply disappeared. No one could contact him. No one saw any sign of him." Said Brian.

Nick sighed as he sat on the bed, his mind filled with worry. He doesn't like this news at all.

'Maybe Warren can help.' Nick thought to himself. 'Maybe the X-men can help finding him. God! I must do something!! Geez, I hope they were able to revive Professor Xavier. Cerebro would be very handy right now.'

"Nick, are you there?" asked Brian.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm just... thinking..." Nick answered hastily. "Listen, I know some people who may be able to help finding AJ and Howie."

"Who?" asked Brian.

"Some people Warren knows." Nick answered carefully. "They are quite good at these stuff."

"You means the mutants Warren supports?" Brian replied uneasily after a while. "I don't know if that is a good idea, Nick... Nick, I hope you haven't been involving yourself with mutants. With AJ and Howie suddenly went missing and all... getting mutants involve in this whole thing will only make the situation worst."

"Well..." Nick chose his words carefully. "Listen Brian, I have something to tell you, but I don't want to do it on the phone. You'll be having your barbeque party next weekend right?"

"Well, that was the plan." Brian replied curiously. "But with all these things going on, I doubt a party'll be appropriate. Johnny has stepped in anyway. He asked everyone, even the 'Nsync guys to gather so that he can explain the situation properly. So you'll have to come over anyway. Same place. My house, next weekend. But the others already knew what happened anyway by now."

"Great. I have something to tell all of you as well." Said Nick. Looking at the clock, he realized it's nearly 6:30 pm. "Listen, Brian. I gotta go. I'm having dinner with Lance at 7. I'll see you this weekend okay?"

"Alright. Nick... take care okay? I don't want you to end up like AJ or Howie." Said Brian. "I have this uneasy feeling there's some lunatic out there trying to get us."

"Will do. You do the same okay." Nick spoke expressionlessly as he touched the bandaged wound on his side. There is a lunatic out there trying to get him.

He hangs up the phone and leaned against the wall in silence. He couldn't help worrying about AJ. His parents must be frantic...

"The X-men can help finding him. I'm sure they can." Nick whispered softly at last and he stretches his hand out again to reach for the phone.

But as soon as he touches the phone, the phone rings again.


"Hey baby. Miss me?" Warren cheerful voice greeted him.

"Warren! Thank God! I was about to call you." Nick replied gravely.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Warren asked immediately when he sensed the worry in Nick's voice.

"Brian just called and... Warren, something bad happened to AJ and Howie..." Nick explained before proceeding to relate everything to Warren. Warren listened to him carefully in silence.

"Warren, I... I don't know what to do but... but I got to do something!" Nick pleaded at last. "AJ is my friend. Do you think... do you think Scott and the others can help in tracing him down?"

Warren remained silent for a brief moment before answering.

"I suppose so." He answered slowly. "I'll contact them immediately and tell them what happened but..."

"But what?" Nick asked worriedly. Suppose the X-men refuse to help?

Warren sighed.

"I contacted the mansion just now, Nick, to see how things are faring with the professor." He replied worriedly. "At the moment, Hank is the only one present at the mansion, looking after the professor. The others haven't returned from their mission just yet. According to Hank, they ran into some troubles at Genosha and... and there's no telling when they'll be back. I'm sure they'll be willing to help you out, baby, but you have to wait until they return. I'm sorry."

"I understand." Nick replied sadly. "I forgot they were going off on another mission."

"Baby, don't worry." Warren said soothingly. "I'll call Hank and have him use the mansion's computer to find out anything related to AJ's disappearance. At least, we'll be able to get all the details ready by the time they return. With luck, we learn something useful as well."

"That'll be great." Nick smiled gratefully. "Thanks Warren. I know you wouldn't disappoint me. What about your business over there? Is everything okay?"

"The stock market hasn't been that good but we can compensate that." Warren sighed worriedly. "But as for my missing board member..."

"That bad, huh?" asked Nick quietly.

"I found out that he left the country... I think The Right knows about me, Nick..." Warren spoke softly.

Nick gasped.

"Oh my God... what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know." Warren replied quietly. "At best... I may be forced to come out to the public myself rather than letting them outing me and cause more damage to the Company... I think I can anticipate and handle the resulting consequences, and execute the proper contingency plans to minimize the damage. Better come out and face the music myself at my own terms rather than letting them force me to do so."

"But at worst, there is always a possibility of an attack. I know The Right too well to know what they dare and capable of doing. They've attacked mutants openly before... and I'm sure they dare doing it again if they have to."

"Geez... Warren, are you sure about this?" Nick asked worriedly. Once Warren Worthington the Third, the famous multi-billionaire and sole owner of the famous Worthington Industries reveals that he is a mutant... God, he could only imagine how the public gonna react... "How did this leak out?"

"As I said, Daniel Hawthorne, that missing board member I told you about, is a mutant hater. I think he may be revealed it to the members of The Right before he ran off."

"Gosh this is bad." Said Nick. "Baby, is there anything I can do?"

Warren smiled and Nick could feel the wave of gratitude flowing through the link into his mind.

"You're already doing it, baby, by being there for me." Warren replied as he smiled.

"We'll face this together, Warren." Nick said determinedly. "Whatever happens, we'll get through this."

Warren chuckled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Nick.

"You know, when I face this type of problem in the past, I'd normally fly off somewhere quiet and brood for several days..." Warren replied before laughing.

"Nu-uh. No way. Bobby told me about that bad habit of yours. No brooding session in my presence, Bird-Boy." Nick replied smugly. "And don't think I won't know you're doing it all the way over there in New York. This link is far more precise than you think, no matter where you are. I'll be watching you, baby."

"Hell-LO. Earth to Nick... Ever heard of this truly radical concept known as 'Privacy'?" Warren laughed softly.

"Yeah, but after sleeping together for a couple of weeks and seeing each other naked and all, I decided to throw that annoying concept out of the window." Nick grins. "From now onwards, you're gonna sit down and deal with your problems head on. No more running away and brooding alone and snapping at anyone who comes near you."

"Talk about a pushy boyfriend." Warren remarked mildly.

"It comes with the package." Nick smirked. "It's an all or nothing offer. Take it or leave it."

"Well I suppose I'll just have to tolerate it."

"I suppose so. But then, I don't see you complaining about the rest of the package." Nick chuckles softly.

"Oh yeah. The rest of the package is good." Warren cooed alluringly, making Nick laughed harder. "Top quality. First-class merchandise. It's all goooood."

"Yeah, so you better appreciate it well, Romeo." Nick kept taunting. "You ain't gettin' a better deal than this."

"You know, if I'm there right now, that'd be my cue to kiss you till you're blue in your face." Warren grins and quickly interrupts when Nick opened his mouth to reply the so obvious blue-face-related comment. "NOT a word, buster. I got that from Bobby so often, I just know what's about to come out of your lips right now."

Nick immediately burst out laughing, followed by Warren and the laughter continues for several moments before they fell silent.

"I miss you, Warren." Nick sighed softly.

"I know, baby." Warren smiled. "I feel the same way. What are you gonna do tonight?"

"I got a hot date with Lance." Nick grinned.

"Geez! I turn my back for one night and you got yourself a date already? You sure work fast, baby." Warren smirked.

"You got that right, Birdie." Nick replied cheerfully. "I may not be the famous international playboy, but I'm no joke."

"I'm jealous already." Warren smiled widely.

"Well, come back here then." Nick replied seductively. "You got those wings, so what's stoppin' you?"

"Don't tempt me, baby. New York and Florida is not that far to me." Warren spoke softly and Nick grins in amusement as he felt the frustration in Warren's mind. Frustration and...

"Whoa, baby, you're horny." Nick laughed out aloud.

"Aaaargh!!! Why must you be an empath?!!" Warren cried out in frustration as he blushed. "Git out of my head. Git! Git! Git!"

"Oh man! You're VERY horny." Nick laughed on as he reaches out through the link fully into Warren's mind. "You must be really hard!"

"I can't help it if you turn me on all the time, okay!!" Warren growled softly, grunting slightly as he did.

"OH MY GOD! Warren, are you stroking yourself??!" Nick laughed so hard; tears began to leak out of his eyes.

"I gotta do somethin'!" Warren grunted in reply. "Some... (hiss!)... urges... cannot be... (oh God!!)... ignored... UUNNHHH... OH FUCK... UUNNNNHHHH!!!"

"Oh!!!" Nick closed his eyes blissfully, smiling stupidly as the waves of pure pleasure crashes through the link into his own mind. "Oh fuck..."

Silence fell as they both slumped weakly following the blissful moment.

"Damn baby, I hope you didn't make a mess." Nick grinned stupidly after a while.

"Mmmmmm..." Warren replied back.

Nick laughed hard as he imagined Warren's satiated face, smiling stupidly like a fool.

"When did this phone call mutated into a horny phone-sex session?" Nick laughed on.

"Don't know and don't care." Warren drawled lazily.

"Too bad I'm not there to do the cleaning up."


"Quite a conversation we're having here." Nick grinned.


"Miss Bo-Peep just called. She said she just lost her sheep."


"I'm gonna have a nice hot sex with Lance tonight in a Jacuzzi."

"Luv you too, baby..." Warren mumbled lazily.


"Huh? Oh hey Nick. Sorry. Got a bit high for a moment just now, heh heh." Warren chuckled hastily.

"I bet." Nick smiled.

"Oh God! Look at all this mess!! And I got a board meeting in less than 10 minutes!!" Warren yelped in panic while Nick laughed hard once again.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep on laughing, you jerk." Warren wailed despairingly as he wipe the mess hastily with a bunch of tissue papers.

"I'm not the one who started all this, Mr. Let's-Do-A-Spontaneous-Phone-Sex-Session." Nick replied as he laughed. "Anyway, what do you mean you have a board meeting right now? It's nearly 7 in the evening!"

"We have lots of planning to do for any complications that might arise once I come out to the public, Nick." Said Warren. "We have to be prepared for every eventualities, device contingency plans, set aside reserve sources... etc. It's gonna be a long night, but it must be done. Once I come out, it's gonna be worst than hell around here."

"Poor baby. I'll let you go off then." Said Nick. "I'm late for my dinner date with Lance anyway."

"I'll see you tomorrow evening, baby." Warren smiled. "Remember our date when I come back. I'll remind you again tomorrow."

"Oooh. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl." Nick answered playfully.

"I'm planning something special, baby. Wait for me by the pool at your place at 8. Oh, and wear a tuxedo. Bye." Warren winked and hangs up quickly before Nick could say anything.

"Tuxedo? What are you planning to do? Warren?? Warren!!" Nick asked in frustration before he realized Warren has hung up the phone. Judging from the amused emotion from Warren's mind, Nick somehow knew he is laughing. "Goddamit, he's teasing me!!"

Next Friday, Part 46: 'Candlelight Dinner, Moonlight Walk... & Sad Memories'

Next: Chapter 47

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