Dreams of an Angel

By goldenknight

Published on Jan 5, 2005


Hey y'all. I'M BACK IN BUSINESS!! See? I told you I'll be back. Okay, okay, I'm a year late. I should have been fired from this Nifty writing business. And yea, I received loads and loads and loads of emails from y'all asking what happened to the story. And I replied to you all the same thing: I'm so very busy. I WAS very busy!! Started work at seven and TECHNICALLY, I was supposed to finish at 5 everyday but unfortunately, being just a lowly intern (the very bottom of doctor's grand hierarchy), I was naturally stuck with all the donkey works and I don't usually finish work till 10pm and that means I usually get back home at 11... enough time to have a quick so-called, pathetic excuse of a dinner and then collapse into bed and wake up again (grumpy and grouchy) at 5 to prepare myself for the next miserable day. And on weekend, I just know that I have to get out of the house and dance and get drunk just to forget work for a while. See? But hey! I finished my internship now, and embarked on a 6 months holiday. So here I am, slaving away for your culinary delights. Poor boo-hoo me. Oh by the way, Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year. To those of you whom I didn't reply your email, sorry guys or gals. It just that I had too many emails to reply. And to those of you who think that this story is dead in the sea, nope, it is not! And to those of you who has been waiting oh-so very patiently for the updates, I hug y'all... and kiss you... and tear your clothes off and pushes you back onto the bed... AHEM!! Lets not get carried away here.

Anyway, lets get on with the show. Hope you all enjoy it! Any comments or suggestions, well, you know how to contact me. My Yahoo ID is Goldenknightuk if you wish to send me an instant message. Sorry for any bad grammars boys and girl. C'mon! Nobody's perfect!! :)

Before the show, onwards to the boring part! Legal matters! Hehehe. You can press 'fast-forward' now.

Well, first of all, this story, as you will certainly find out soon, is TOTALLY fictional. So! If any of you truly believe in it... dude, I'm worried about you. Secondly! None of the guys in the Backstreet Boys are gay! (No matter how hard I wished it :P). But nobody say we couldn't dream it, heh heh. Thirdly, Warren Worthington is actually a character from Marvel Comics, X-men known as Angel or recently Archangel. Okay fine, I admit it. I'm bored and I am making a pathetic attempt to make life a lil' bit interesting. Its not like I'm gonna publish it or something. What else to talk about hmm? Oh, there may be some adult gay scenes in this story. Unlike my brother, I don't mind writing naughty stuff ;) so! If you're underage, naughty, naughty! I can only ask you to go away, but I cannot do anything else to stop you from reading on anyway. Hell! I've been sneaking into the internet to watch gay porns since I was 13! So, if your parents or whoever responsible for you catch you, don't say I didn't warned you. However, if you're homophobic... well maybe I can seduce you enough to turn you around heh heh. I do so love a challenge ;)

Anyway, enough talk. Any comments or boos or suggestion or whatever, just sent it to the same address as in NNTs, goldenknightuk@yahoo.co.uk . Yeah, we shared the same address. Don't ask. Long story.

Okay then! On to the show. Now, don't be shy now. If you got any comments or suggestions, just drop me a note. You do the request, and I'll do the show.


Hidden in the shadows of the fading sunlight, the tall figure gazed silently at the now empty recording studio before him, sniffing the air slightly before grinning. The scent is quite fresh here. He had been here alright. Not too long ago - couple of hours at most.

Jumping off from the top of one of the surrounding buildings, he landed gracefully onto the ground without sound. Agile as a cat, he moved steadily within the shadow, heading slowly towards the recoding studio, his claws making slight clicks as he moves.

Avoiding the security cameras is never a problem, and the front guard, even less. This is not the first time he broke into a building. He has broken into more heavily guarded places than this, and got out of it before anyone even aware that he was there. When it comes to sneaking, he is amongst the best; others would probably be Remy or Logan. But when it comes to hunting a prey, he is the best. The Morlocks learned that first hand, at the cost of their very lives.

Sniffing the air lightly, he followed the trail easily. The kid is supposedly an easy prey. Weak as a kitten and his mental power? Puny. But he has powerful allies on his side. That's the big snag. Anyone who underestimated the X-men deserves to have his ass kicked big time. The previous Marauders learnt that too late. Those new clones will learn that lesson soon enough.

His trail eventually led him into a... what looks like a recording room or some sort. Cracking open the door a little, he peers quietly and saw a man working away within, whistling a tune softly as he fiddles with the recording equipments before him. One of Nick's songs is currently being played and recorded. He watched the man quietly from within the shadow where he hid. What a perfect source of information. This man surely knows where his prey lives.

The door opened wider. Even from this distance, his predatory sense could make him feel the man's heartbeat. He could almost hear the blood gushing through the man's carotids, and such feelings always drives him into an animalistic frenzy. Blood always give him sweet pleasures beyond belief. And this man will give him both the information he needs and that pleasure before he dies.

The man bustled on with his work, whistling on happy, completely unaware of the door opening up silently behind him. Weak and pathetic. That's what all humans are. Magneto was right. Mutants should dominate to world. The strong should live, and the weak perish. He shall drive that point into this pathetic human's skull while he whimpers and begs before he dies.

The man stopped his annoying whistling as he finally became aware that he is not alone in the room. Suddenly he felt nervous, the hairs at the back of his neck stirred - his instinct suddenly caught this strange feeling of impending doom that is about to descent upon him.

The man finally turns around to look behind him and his eyes widened as saw the beast-like figure leaping towards him, it's face snarling in an animalistic glee. He opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out as one of the clawed hands gripped his neck while the other slashed his gut wide open. Blood gushes and splattered everywhere - on the recording equipments, computer panels, the glasses, even the ceiling. The only sound came from the stifled whimper and the flailing hands against the blood drenched recording board as the man struggled blindly through his pain and panic.

It wasn't long before the mutant is back on the streets, running like a wild beast towards the destination his latest victim has so kindly provided, amidst his whimpering and begging to spare his life. He laughed as he ran, and when he reaches the top of one of the buildings, he let out a bestial roar that put the fear of God into everyone who hears him.

He ran on, leaping from one building to another. The hunt is back on, and this time, his prey won't escape him, the X-men be damned. They can't protect the kid forever.

When it comes to hunting, Sabretooth is the best...

At one of the streets, Justin Timberlake walks towards his car, humming a tune and carrying his grocery bags. He stares contemplatively at the nearby porn shop for a brief moment before shaking his head and continues on walking. Watching people having sex on TV never brings the same pleasure as the real thing. And he has no problem in having the real thing. After all, he is Justin Timberlake!

He smiled at the thought as he opened the back door of his car and proceeds to dump his grocery bags into it. He said it before and he's gonna say it again. Grocery shopping SUCKS! If it weren't for the fact that he is starving and his fridge is empty and he is not in the mood for eating out tonight, he would have abandoned the entire notion of grocery shopping altogether. But hey! His mom used to say 'Humility can serve you well in a long run'... whatever that means.

A blast of bestial roar burst out from the top of one of the buildings, causing one of his grocery bags to drop to the ground from his startled hands. Fear coarse through his body as he staggered backwards and fell, face white and his eyes wide with fear.

Shaken out of his wits, he could only stare in horror at the beast-like figure standing at the top of one of the buildings. All around him, people gasped and pointed at the figure as well, fear and panic painted clearly in their eyes and faces.

"Holy Mother of Mercy, who or what is that??!" Justin breathed out shakily.

Even as he watched, the beast makes one powerful and unnatural leap and landed at the top of another building before running on. A new, cold slice of fear coarse through his back once again as he watched. A mutant! That must be one of those mutants all those freaking news were talking about. He has just seen a real mutant.

'Fuck!' He thought to himself as he watched the disappearing beast. 'Fuck!!'

('You Can Still Be Free' by Savage Garden)

Cool breeze and autumn leaves Slow motion daylight A lone pair of watchful eyes Oversee the living Feel the presence all around A tortured soul A wound unhealing No regrets or promises The past is gone But you can still be free If time will set you free

He stares at his image in the mirror in silence, frowning as he tries to think of anything else that he has missed. Tonight, he wants to be perfect in every single way. Somehow, he knew tonight is going to be a special night. Maybe it's his instinct. Or maybe it's the massive flows of love that comes from Warren's mind through the link... so massive that it drowns every other feeling in his mind. How much can a man love someone?

Time now to spread your wings To take to flight The life endeavor Aim for the burning sun You're trapped inside But you can still be free If time will set you free But it's a long, long way to go

He turned sideway without breaking his gaze from the image in the mirror. Every strand of hair nicely styled and in place, every stubble of beard shaved... The smell of his cologne wafts to his nose time and again... an expensive cologne this time. Tonight is a special night after all. He looks at his tuxedo, freshly pressed and comfortable. It's a good thing he took it to the dry cleaner yesterday. He can't remember when was the last time he wore it.

He glances at his watch and swore softly when he realized that it's five past eight. Glancing at the mirror one last time to make sure that everything is perfect, he rushed out of his room and down the stairs breathlessly. His heart is pounding in excitement and anticipation. He is going to see his angel once again!

Keep moving way up high You see the light It shines forever Sail through the crimson skies The purest light The light that sets you free If time will set you free

Down the stairs he races, nearly tripping over his own legs in his haste, and on into the living room. Sliding open the side door, he stepped out and halted. Before him, within the dim light of the evening twilight, sitting cross-legged by the pool facing away from him, sat his angel, leaning forward as he twiddles the water idly with his fingers. His lips pursed slightly as he whistled a tune nonchalantly and his wings sways slightly against the evening breeze.

"Warren?" Nick called out softly in awe at the beautiful sight. How much more beautiful can this man be? Damn him! The very sight of him in the fading sunlight is enough to make his knees weak and his bowel turning into water.

The winged mutant turned his head around in surprise and Nick's heart pounded even faster as his angel smiled widely at him. Warren will have to forgive him if he faint. That smile alone could make any women and gay men in the world (and perhaps straight men as well) swallow their tongue, abandon dignity and kneel in worship.

"There you are!" Warren's smiled turned into a grin. "I was beginning to wonder how long does it take for a guy to prepare himself for a simple date..."

The rest of his words were lost in laughter when Nick rushed and threw himself at him, hugging him tightly, right before their lips met and they kissed and kissed and kissed like there is no tomorrow.

Sail through the wind and rain tonight You're free to fly tonight And you can still be free If time will set you free And going higher than mountaintops And go high the wind don't stop And go high Free to fly tonight Free to fly tonight...

Warren gazed at him in silence after they parted at last and smiled.

"You actually flew all the way from New York?" Nick asked at last.

"Baby, I'm willing to fly across the entire world if it means being with you again." Warren smiled, leaning his forehead against Nick's as the other man laughed. "You look good."

"This comes from an angel dropped from heaven? I'm flattered." Nick smiled happily and Warren laughed. "God, I missed you."

"I know. I missed you too." Warren murmured as he smiled before lifting Nick's chin up to gaze into his eyes. Handsome, beautiful... perfect... He dropped his voice into a seductive whisper as he spoke again, "Guess what?"


"I have a promise to make."

"And what's that?"

"Tonight is gonna be special."

"Oh really?" Nick purred softly as Warren stroke his cheek. "What do you have in store? A night in heaven?"

"Careful what you wish for." Warren smirked before laughing at Nick's startled eyes. "But it wouldn't be fun to spoil the surprise. I'm afraid; you have to find that out for yourself. C'mon. You wanna take the car or do you wanna fly?"

Nick's eyes lit up at that.

"You have to ask??" He cried out happily as Warren laughed harder.

"Buckle your seatbelt please and no smoking." Warren grinned as he wrapped his arms around Nick, his wings unfurling slowly and steadily. "Warren Airline is clear for take off."

"I love you, Warren." Nick spoke softly against the rushing wind as they finally took off. The world below them grew smaller and smaller at every powerful stroke of those wings.

"I know, baby." Warren murmured as he smiled. "I love you too. And you have no idea how much I miss having you in my arms again."

"Oh I think I have some idea alright." Nick smiled, tapping his head meaningfully as he did. "And you know what? The more I felt you missing me, the more I want to be with you."

About half an hour later...

JC gave up on knocking on the front door. Frustrated, he tried calling Nick's mobile phone one last time before giving up. Looking around helplessly, he absently checks his pocket for the audiotape he obtained from AJ.

X-Gene Neutralization...

When he first listened to AJ's revelation in the audiotape, he simply couldn't believe it. Everyone knew Howie despises mutants to the point of pure hatred. But for him to go far enough to involve himself in this... this... project!!... It's unthinkable!! Fine, he may not know much about genes and genetics and whatever. But even he knew enough that this is wrong. It got to be stopped. It must!!

Looking back at the door, he sighed. Obviously Nick is not home. Where the Hell could that he be??

In the audiotape, AJ appears to be addressing everything to someone named Warren, whoever he is, and apparently Nick knew this guy. But where the Hell is Nick??

He dares not reveal this whole madness to Brian or Kevin. They have their wives and families to think of. Obviously 'The Right' were involved in AJ's disappearance. AJ's final frantic phonecall to him and this audiotape erased any doubt of that. So letting Brian or Kevin into this means putting their families in danger as well and that simply will not do... who knows how far The Right will go in order to protect their secret?

Looking around nervously, JC sighed helplessly. Even now, he suspected that he is being watched. After his encounters with that strange cop at AJ's house, he couldn't get it out of his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he is convinced that the guy is not a real cop. The mere thought that he was actually talking to a disguised agent from The Right caused him to shiver. He could have easily ended up like AJ that day. Damn the guy for dragging him into this mess!!

"Fuck!!" He shouted in frustration while glaring balefully at the door. Pacing back and fourth, he finally made his decision. Maybe he'll come back another time.

Still staring at the front door, he slowly drew out the audiotape and shifted his gaze to it thoughtfully. Perhaps he should just leave it here in his mailbox? After all, nobody knows about it...


"Huh?!" JC whirled around in alarm at the sound of a branch cracking somewhere nearby and backed himself against the door, gripping the audiotape as he looked around wildly.

Full darkness has fallen in the area by now and time and again, the trees sway gently against the weak evening breeze. Nobody is around which is of course, to be expected. Sensible people would be indoors by now, eating dinner or watching TV. On the other hand, those people don't have mutant-hating madmen stalking them.

Gathering his strength, he moved slowly down the lawn towards his car, turning his head fearfully here and there as he watched the surrounding carefully. His heart thumped wildly against his chest and sweat began to appear on his forehead. The feeling of being watched intensified ten-fold.

A scuttling sound somewhere near the edge of the garden, amidst the trees and shadow stopped him in his track and he studied his surroundings again more carefully. Something is definitely out there.

"Who's there?" He called out, struggling hard to make his voice steady. It is probably a mouse or a cat or something but he's not taking any chances. His hand is already drawing out his mobile phone to call 911 if necessary. "Is anyone there?"

Fear and panic began to swell in his head and he never even realized that he is backing himself slowly into the night.

It happened so fast he barely knew what happen. The shadow behind him stirred. The rustling of the leaves was his only warning. Whirling around, he opened his mouth to shout but the shadow lashes out first.

"Mmmmphh....!!!" JC cried out in panic against the hand that covered his mouth before he was dragged into the darkness filled trees. His struggles ceased when a pair of blue eyes, stern, cold and commanding, gazed back at him.

"Be very quiet." A wary whisper finally came out of the darkness.

Next: Chapter 53

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