Dukes Dream

By Kenneth Leahy

Published on Feb 12, 1999


Usual warnings apply. Don't read this if you don't want to etc. I welcome all responces and will write more if the responce is good. Thanks for reading.

The sound of running water made Joe sigh with relief. He had been walking all day, and had finished his water about three hours before. Since then the heat of the summer day had not let up a bit, and his parched throat felt like it was on fire. He practaclly ran toward the sound.

After running off the road and into the trees for a few minutes he came across a clearing. The sight of it took his breath away and he stopped to admire the view. To his right there was a small rock cliff that went all the way down into the ravien in the middle of the clearing. Falling off the rock face was a beautiful array of white water. Stepping closer, Joe could see the pool at the bottom of the ravien. It looked remarkably shallow from above, and seemed to have an extreamly smooth floor. Beyond the pool there was another, smaller waterfall into a narrow stream. The slope of the ravien seemed to be very graduale and so he started down.

Once at the bottom he stopped once again to admire the extraordinary beauty of the entire place. From where he was standing he could see a large flat rock, bathed in sunlight, and from there, was a small trail leading to the pool. He immeadatly ran over rock, shed his clothes and left them there. Following the trail he walked to the pool and stepped in. The water was cool, but not too cold. He walked to the falls and saw that there was a small indent behind the water. Looking up he could see that the ledge the water was falling from was out a ways from the accual face of the cliff.

Standing in the falling water, he used a rock to scrub the dirt from the road off of his weary body. As the water washed him, it also relaxed his aching muscles.

Suddenly a harsh voice yanked him out of his semi-trance.

"Hey! You there! What are you doing here?"

Joe looked up to see a young man about his age, surrounded by three older men. All the older men were wearing armor that looked more like they cost more money then Joe had ever seen in his life. The young man was also richly dressed. He was wearing a deep purple cloak over a white tunic that looked to be made from velvet. The breeches he was wearing were of the finest leather, and dyed black. He had on some comfortable traveling shoes that had diamonds inlaid in an intricate mannor. The man was beautiful, in every way a man could be. He wasn't fat, like most nobles. In fact, he had the body of a working pesant, and the face of a greek god. His eyes where the clearest sky blue imaginable, a stark contrast to his jet black hair.

Joe then turned and looked at the closest guard, the one who had spoken.

"Pardon, My Leige, I was simply-"

"Trespassing on young Duke Xander's property. Get out of here before we arrest you."

"Yes sir." Joe mumbled as he stepped out of the spray and started for the rock which heald his clothes. There were whispers from the men on the bank, then the guard spoke up again.

"Stay right where you are. We, the private guard of Duke Xander, are taking you into custody." With that, the two other men came forward and pulled his arms roughly behind his back. Joe felt iron bands placed around his wrists. When the men let go of his arms he found that the bands were connected by a short chain. The guards pulled him forward out of the water. They pulled him up to the head guard, who pulled his dagger and slammed the hilt into the back of Joe's head.

Stephan Xander walked into his study immeadatly after he got back from the ravien. He closed the door and lounged on the couch, determined to find out exactly what it was about his new prisioner that intruiged him so much. The boy was obviously not a local. Everyone for miles around knew about the Duke's Private Falls, and no one went there without an expressed invitation. They usually had to be brought in by the guards even then. And almost always came kicking and screaming.

The waterfall was the most feared place in the Dukedom.

Stephan let his mind wander to the boy he had found there today. He was a normal peasant. He was pretty well built, probabily from working in the fields, He had nice dark brown eyes that seemed to go deep into his soul. He also had short brown hair that looked so soft. Stephan found himself wanting to run his fingers through it. Usually if someone was stupid enough to show up uninvited, Stephan made sure that they never forgot it. But today was different somehow. He had not wanted to harm the boy that he had found there Accually he still didn't know what he wanted done with the boy. Right now Master Culvich should be locking the intruder in Stephan's private dungeons. But Stephan knew that he could only keep the boy there for a while. Soon, something would have to be done. He sighed and decided that he had at least a day to decide what he wanted to do with his prisioner.

A knock was a welcome distraction from his thoughts so he quickly stepped behind his desk and sat down.

"Enter." He called out. Master Culvich, his head body guard hurried through the door. He set a small bundle on the desk and looked up at the Duke.

"The boy?"

"He's safe, locked in the dungeon. I have posted a round the clock watch on him."

"What's this?" Stephan indicated the bundle in front of him.

"His clothes, My Lord." At this Stephan raised his eye brow and looked skeptically at his head guard.

"You locked him in my dungeon, naked? What will you do if one of my less trustworthy guards decided that the prisioners face is a shade too pretty. What will you do then?"

"Master, I will take full responsibility for my men's actions. Should one of them lay a finger on the boy, they will answer to me, and I will immeadatly answer to you."

"Are you prepaired to answer to me for treason?"

"Yes, your grace."

"Excellent. See to it that no one touches my prisioner. I will decide what I wish to do with him in the morning."

"Yes, My Lord."

"Oh, and Colvich-"


"You will come to me this evening. And see that I am, settled in bed?"

"Yes, My Lord"

Master Culvich looked around before slipping into the Duke's chambers. It was mostly dark inside and as his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the sitting room he scanned for his young employer. The room appeared to be empty so he started toward the door that lead into the Duke's sleeping chambers.

"Were you told that you could move away from the door?" The Duke's voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Culvich didn't answer right away and he felt a sting against his naked right forearm. "I asked you a question."

"No, Master, you did not-" Another lash fell against his arm, on the exact place the first one hit.

"You know the rules. Speak only when I ask you a question. And then, only answer yes or no, Master. Is that clear?"

"Yes Master."

"Good. Now I want you to move over to the center of the room. stand on the block that is sitting there. Put your arms up in the air." Culvich moved to where the box was and stood up on it. He felt something happening at his feet, two leather straps were drawn across his feet and tightened. Then he felt leather straps being pulled tight around his wrists. Then there was nothing. For several seconds Culvich wondered what was next, then he found out. The damper on a lanturn hung in the room was opened, and light flooded around him. He could see His master, standing there wearing only his leather pants, holding a knife in his hand.

Stephan moved forward and with expert strokes slicked the knife back and forth across Culvich's chest and legs. Soon the clothes hung from Culvich's body in tatters, and there wasn't a scratch from the knife anywhere on him. Stephan made a few more passes with the knife and the clothing fell to the floor.

Culvich, who hadn't said a word throughout, looked up at Stephan. There was fear in the older man's face as he watched his young master. Stephan put the knife into his waist band and walked over to the bullwhip which was laying on the floor.

"You want to be whipped, don't you?"

"Yes Master"

Stephan brought the whip up, and lashed out with it. The tip slapped right on Culvich's right nipple, bringing it at once to full attention. The whip struck out again and hit Culvich on the left nipple. Culvich bit his tounge to keep from moaning at the intense pleasure he was feeling. Next the whip struck the tip of his cock, which had been straining for the last several minutes. This time Culvich did moan in pleasure, as the whip sent a burning sensation down the length of his cock.

"Did I hear something?"

"Yes, Master"

Stephan moved around behind Culvich and brought the whip down sharply across his back several times. As the welts began to rise he returned to face his slave. "Did you like that?"

"No, Master."

"Good. That was meant to be a punishment. If you don't want to be punished again, then you will behave like the good little dog that you are."

"Yes, Master."

Stephan continued his work, working for almost an hour. Teasing the poor man that hung from his ceiling. Finially with a few quick whips he sent the slave over the edge. As Culvich's cock spasmed and spewed forth it's seed, Stephan removed his pats, and freed the cock which had been constantly hard since Culvich walked through the door. He walked behind Culvich and untied his hands. He pushed the older man over so that his hands were touching his toes, leaving his asshole exposed. Stephan quickly rammed his aching cock into the opening and started to fuck furously.

Culvich was moaning in pure extacy, but Stephan didn't care anymore.

"Yes Master, YES! Fuck me hard! Please, Harder, Harder! Faster!" Culvich suddenly yell. The encouragement sent Stephan over the edge and he filled Culvich's ass with his cum.

Joe awoke in a small dark dungeon. He was still naked, but seemed to be otherwise completly unharmed. He groaned as he tried to stand, and found that he was chained to the wall. He could stand, but not much else. His arms were streached out to his sides and his feet were chained to the floor.

Suddenly the door burst open and a guard walked in. Joe winced when he saw the look on the guards face. It was pure Lust. Joe winced again when he saw the man's face. He was so horridly ugly and looked increadibly fat.

"Good morning sunshine!" The guard yelled. Joe just groaned and closed his eyes. The guard closed the door and studied the man before him. "Listen to me you little shit. I want you. I want you bad, and no one, I mean no one is going to tell me that I can't have you. Do you understand?" Without another word the guard dropped to his knees and pulled the boy's cock into his mouth.

"No, Please no!" Joe moaned. "I don't-"

A slap across his face stopped his protest. "Shut up you! I said that I was going to have you. And nothing keeps me from what I want." With that the guard pushed joe to his knees and shoved his cock into the boy's mouth. "Suck it!"

Joe unwillingly sucked the small invador in his mouth. Suddenly without warning, he bit down HARD. The guard screamed and hauled Joe to his feet. Then proceeded to punch Joe in the stomach repeatedly. After a few punches to the gut, the guard slapped him across the face couple times. Then he knocked Joe to the floor and managed to work his way between Joe's legs. With out any lubrication the guard shoved his dick up Joe's ass. Joe screamed with pain and almost passed out.

"You let what happen to him?" Stephan roared. "I warned you what would happen to you if you let anything happen to him. Yet you have the balls to come in here and tell me that you TRUSTED guard, raped, and beat MY prisioner! If I were you I would have headed for the hills." Before Culvich could move Stephan had a whip in his hand and was letting loose a volley of hard lashes. Culvich stood there and took the whipping like a man. When Stephan had lost the edge of his anger he looked up at Culvich.

"Find him and bring him to me. I will deal with him myself. As for you, I will deal with you later too."

If this gets a good response I will write part two. If that goes well, who knows? I plan to have more romance and less S&M in part two.

Next: Chapter 2

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