Dukes Dream

By Kenneth Leahy

Published on Feb 15, 2000


All laws apply, yadda yadda yadda.

Culvich tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "It's nothing master, an accident with one of my partners. He got a little too excited." The dryness of Culvich's was making his voice hoarse. He swallowed a couple more times and then looked down at the Duke.

"Why are you lying to me. I thought that you were a trusted guard, and now you stand there lying to me. I would think that you would have more brains then that, since you are quite helpless, and I am hold your most dear possession in my hands. Why don't you tell me the truth, who did this to you and why?"

Culvich swallowed again and looked down at Stephan. "I told you-" His voice cut off, as Stephan sqeezed the sore place on the larger man's cock.

"I know what you told me, I want to know the truth."

Culvich sighed, then looked away. "It was a partner, but he wasn't excited, he was unwilling. I didn't know that he was unwilling, I thought that he was just reluctant. Then he bit me, and I stopped. It stopped right then and there, I swear."

"There there, now, was that so hard. I expect the truth from all my servents. You are to find this unwilling partner, and bring him to me. He will get compensation for your carelessness. And that compensation will come from your pocket. As for the rest of your punishment, you are not to relieve yourself at all before I give you permission." He squeezed the sore dick again. "Is that clear?"

Joe sat in the middle of the plush room and looked around. The carpet was a rich blue, so long thick and soft that when he was standing in it, he sank to his ankles. The bed had a dark curtain that would keep out even the most presistant of sunlight, and it matched the carpet. Joe was afraid to sit in the chairs and on the couch, they looked so delicate, and at the same time he knew that they would swallow him whole. This was the most comfortable funiture Joe had ever seen, and he could not believe that the Duke wanted him to live here.

Joe blinked his eyes twice and then pinched himself. It had to be a dream, as much as the two days before had been nightmares, this was a dream. When he opened his eyes, the room was still there and when he pinched himself, it hurt. He wasn't dreaming, he couldn't believe his luck.

A knock at the door startled him out of his elation, and he opened it to a man who was wearing gaurds clothing. He started in half recignition, before he realized that the only resemblence this young guard had to his assailent was the clothing.

"May I help you?"

"Duke Xander wishes your presence immeadately."

"Very well, are you to escort me to him?"

At the gaurd's nod, Joe closed the door and followed him. The guard lead him through several hallways, confusing the poor country boy out of his mind. Joe still had no idea how big the Dukes Estate accually was, and he didn't think he would ever have a chance to find out.

Finally the guard turned a corner, and Joe sighed with relief, he recignized this streah of hallway. Just after he sighed, he jerked to a halt and stared at the man approaching them.

Culvich was fuming when he came out of Xander's room. The young man, 'Boy' he thought with contempt, had done it again. Humiliated, and punished, for having his fun. The boy in the prision had been asking for what he got. If that boy hadn't been flawting his beauty, and laying around the prision naked then Culvich wouldn't have had to do what he did.

He saw some people approaching him from the other direction, and was about to yell at them for being in his way, when he say who it was. They young gaurd who had tried to refuse him the other night, and the boy. Culvich smiled.

When the gaurd with him noticed that Joe was trembling he looked around for the cause. It wasn't hard to spot, Culvich was walking toward them. The young gaurd knew Culvich better then he wanted to, and also knew first hand that the rumors about Culvich's violence were true. His back still ached with the leather lashings that had been inflicted apon him the night before.

Before the gaurd could do anything Culvich charged them. He knocked the guard flat, and scooped up the boy, who started screaming immeaditally. Xander burst out of his study as Culvich disappeared around the corner with the boy.

Stephan ran to the side of the fallen gaurd and started to help him up, but the gaurd was resisting.

"Stop Culvich!" The young man yelled. "He doesn't like that boy. He'll hurt him if you don't stop him!"

Stephan took all of about a fourth of a second to put everything together, and started yelling for more gaurds.

Culvich was long gone before Duke Xander even thought of calling for help. He knew the Duke's manor better then anyone else, and he used that knowledge to make his escape. One swift punch in the face had silenced the boy from screaming, and now he clung to Culvich for his life as he swiftly ran through hallways.

The tears streaming down the boy's face were turning Culvich on to no end. He needed to get where he was going, and get there fast, as he wouldn't survive much longer without plowing this young man's ass.

Stephan Questioned the young gaurd one more time. He could see that the man was near the breaking point, where questions would be of no use, but he had to find out everything that he could. Before long the guard just burst into tears.

At this sight, Stephan relaxed his questioning, and went to the young man's side.

"There there now, It's OK. You are safe here. Culvich wouldn't think of comming in here now. He knows it's too dangerous." That seemed to make the gaurd feel better, and he relaxed into Stephan's arms.

Stephan cuddled the guard for a while, enjoying the feeling of a man in his arms, without the 'Master/Slave' relationship. The young gaurd looked up and almost wispered "Duke Xander, I-"

"Shhh," was the Duke's reply, and then they were kissing. Stephan hadn't put much on, after his exercise with Culvich, so all the gaurd had to do was pull Stephan's robe open and there before him was the Duke's Erect cock.

He moaned at the sight, and pulled the entire length into his mouth, deep throating it, sucking furiously. Stephan moaned at the sensation, and pulled the man over him on the bed. With a few quick movements the gaurd's pants were untied and pushed down to his knees. Stephan inhaled the scent of the other man's crotch, before pulling the dick before him into his mouth.

They lay on the bed, sucking eachother off for several minutes, before Stephan pulled off the other man's cock. "I want you to fuck me!"

The gaurd moaned, and they repositioned themselves, and before too long, the young gaurd was burried to his pubic hair in Stephan's ass. All too soon it was over, as the gaurd made a few grunting noises, and filled the Duke's ass with his seed. Before long the Duke, who had been jaking himself off, sprayed their chests with his cum.

Sorry that this keeps comming in short sections. Stay tuned for Part 4.

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