Dylan's Vacation Back Home

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 27, 2015




by Donny Mumford

There's going to be a premature end to my Marietta experience. Today's my last day working for Ryan and I plan on doing whatever I can to leave on good terms with him. This morning Ryan had a meeting with Josh Day concerning Josh's overestimating of the time and manpower required to complete this project. Now he's scrambling to remedy that situation by offering six days severance pay to any two members of our crew who agrees to break our contract with Lockheed-Martin as of today. I'm the only one who accepted the offer. Ryan appeared reluctant to tell me about it, and then we were both kind of solemn when I nodded my head, mumbling, "I should probably take Josh up on his offer, Albert." He didn't try to talk me out of it... so that's it. I've been in a bit of a fog since talking with him, just going through the motions of working while waiting to be called to Josh's office. When the word gets out I'm leaving the other guys on the crew, one by one, come over to say goodbye and wish me luck. We all pretend we'll meet again someday, somehow. Now, just before afternoon break, Ryan tells me Josh wants to see me. We look at each other for a second realizing when I see Josh it'll be final, then Ryan murmurs, "Go ahead, Danny, he's waiting for you."

Ryan pats me on the shoulder, I take a deep breath, and go up to the third floor. With mixed emotions I make my way through the maze of corridors to Josh's office. He's at his desk when I knock on the door jam. "Come in, Danny." I walk in and without looking up, he mumbles, "Have a seat." He's looking at paperwork on his desk as I sit in one of the guest armchairs. Looking up, Josh frowns, "No, it's Dylan, not Danny, right? Is Danny your nickname?" I mutter, "Um, what?" and he adds, "When Albert reported your request for early termination he referred to you as, Danny." Request for termination? That's a crude way off putting it. Yeah, but then asshole, Josh, is a gruff person without a lot of personality, so I mumble, "Danny's my nickname, yeah." Apparently that's enough chit-chat for him as he gives me an insincere smile, saying, "Well, okay then." He shuffles some papers, muttering, "I was sure two of you boys would jump at my generous offer, but you're the only one who did. It seems y'all like working for Albert." I say, "Uh huh, but I'm from Massachusetts and miss my family or I probably would think twice...." He's not interested in my reason for accepting his offer, as he goes, "Yeah, sure. If you'll just sign here on all three pages..." Well, fuck you, Josh! Now I'm not going to tell you the other reason I accepted this offer. The one about Ryan not giving me enough side-sex lately. Yeah, and then when he does fuck me he fucks me so good I put up with him ignoring me the rest of the week waiting for my turn again. I could also mention my rapidly declining interest in having side-sex with Timmy and his two inch dick. I could tell him about all that, but I won't.

While signing three separate sheets of computer-filled words, without reading any of them, Josh explains, "You understand that this is a mutually agreed breaking of the contract between Lockheed-Martin and yourself in consideration of severance pay." Yeah, I already knew that, asshole. Done with the paper work he hands me both this week's paycheck, and next week's. He stands, so I do too and we shake hands, "Great having you in the Lockheed-Martin family this summer, Danny, um, Dylan." I thank him and walk back to the unit. When I'm back in the unit guys come up to say goodbye a second time which makes me feel good. They say, "It won't be the same without you, Danny," and other nice thoughts like that. Sweet! Ryan looks sad. He gives me a few forlorn grins as the day comes to a close. The bell sounds and it's over for me. I feel lost at first, like what do I do now? Ryan tells me, "I'll only be a couple of minutes."

In the parking lot I light a cigarette trying to wrap my head around this abrupt end to my time in Georgia. It happened so fast. Then, startling me, D'george comes up from behind and gives me another hug. I turn around doing the sideways hand clasp with him while returning his one arm hug. He looks serious, saying, "Man, without you, Danny boy, the job ain't gonna be as much mothafuck'n fun. And I'll miss seeing your pretty face every day too." I'm a little choked up as I mumble, "Yeah, mothafucka, I'm gonna miss you too." " He grins, saying, " And this was gonna be the Saturday for my haircut. Of all the mothafuckin' bad luck. Life sucks." I'm nodding my head grinning back at him, "You my mothafucka, dawg, Dog" He laughs, and says, "Y'all's the best gay white mothafucka I ever met, dude. You rock with the best of 'em!" He smirks at me, then kisses me on the lips, a damn nice kiss too. Oh my god, his lips! I'm like in shock as he says, "Maybe I'll visit y'all in Framingham, mothafucka," and he walk away. Well I'll be goddamned! I touch my lips thinking what might have been. The kiss was so unexpected it's almost like it never happened. I watch him get in his car, then he turns with a big grin on his face and give me the finger. Last time I'll probably ever see him and now he's blowing me a kiss driving out of the parking lot. Huh! Ya know, maybe I need to reevaluate my hard and fast rule about never instigating first time sex. In special circumstances I mean, like with D'george. Or even with Freckles, who may have yearned to be asked to try some gay sex, or experiment with it one time at least. Who knows? Maybe I shouldn't be such a stickler about needing to be asked first. Man, I'd hate to think I blew it with D'george. He's sexy and hot! What if I'd come on to him a little. Damn!

Interrupting my musings I see Ryan come through the door talking with Josh. They stop to finish whatever they're saying, then Josh walks off without so much as a nod of his head at me. Ryan comes over shrugging, muttering, "This is so fucked! It's gonna feels weird without you here." My turn to shrug, mumbling, "Yeah, I guess." We get in the Mini and Ryan puts the top down, looks at me, then goes, "I blew it, didn't I?" I'm like, "Whaddaya mean?" Driving across the parking lot, he says, "I didn't treat you the way you deserved to be treated, and I've ignored having sex with you since meeting Mike. But still, I kept my dominant bossy-ass ways like we agreed on." No sense splitting hairs about that now, so I say, "Yeah, most of the time you did that dominant stuff pretty good. But to tell ya the truth, I probably would have accepted Josh's offer even if you were fucking me three times day. Hell, even if Josh hadn't made the offer I was probably leaving early. You don't need my help now at home or at work, so I'm sorry, but that weekend with my homies made me monumentally homesick." He nods his head, "I knew that was a bad idea." I go, "You've treated me very well for the most part, but I need to go home. Anyway, you do have a boyfriend now.. um, and I think that's great." He goes, "Yeah, ironically because of you I got involved with my peers this summer and connected with Mike as a result. I finally have my first real boyfriend." I nod and he adds, "Yeah, I've called you my boyfriend but you've always been Robby's boyfriend no matter how hard I tried to fool myself into thinking you were mine." There's nothing I need to say to that.

A minute of silence as we drive past the guard house and now I'm off Lockheed-Martin property, probably forever. I look at Ryan's profile thinking he still seems sexy to me. I give his shoulder a squeeze, "Ya know I've always thought you where sexy as hell, right? Being around you without us getting it on sexually proved to be a bit stressful. That's not your fault though, you can't help it if I feel like that." He murmurs, "That's very complimentary, Dylan, but then you've always made me feel special." Stopped at a red light, he wistfully says, "No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get you to budge off Rob." Getting back on a positive note, I smile, saying, "Yeah, but like I said, you're still sexy as hell and the best side-sex buddy on the fuckin' planet." He snorts, "So you say. Other than Mike you're the only one who's ever thought that." I say, "No, there's Jeff too!" He nods his head trying not to grin, then mumbles, "Yeah, and Jeff too. Hey, maybe my status has finally elevated to a level where I'm now one-tenth as sexy, cool, and popular as you." I don't know how to take that. It sounded sarcastic, or maybe bitter, so I ignore it.

There's really not much more to say, so we don't say anything until we get to the house. As usual after work we grab Coke's and walk to the gazebo for a smoke. Sitting and silently lighting cigarettes, then drinking some Coke, he finally mumbles, "My parents will be surprised you're leaving. I'll bet they'll be disappointed too." I shrug, "I don't know, maybe," and he yells, "Fuck! I hate this!" I'm really not sure what mood he's in, or what he's hating on. Is he pissed-off at me, mad at himself, mad at Josh, happy for me, or what? I mutter a noncommittal, "Yeah, it's weird." Taking a drag off his cigarette he scratches his head, asking, "Even if Josh hadn't make that offer, you're telling me you wouldn't have come back after this weekend at home?" I shake my head, "No, I don't think I would have, and I told you why a few minutes ago. I'm homesick! Um, and you know, it's like I'm a third wheel now that it's you and Mike."

He drags off his cigarette like he's angry, then looking over at me, he asks, "Okay! It's about me not doing enough side-sex with you, right? That's the sticking point." Shrugging, I look straight ahead, saying, "Yeah, that too, but I wanna go home. Ya know, Ryan, side-sex with you is so hot... um, you've got all the moves that I find hard to resist. Oh man, I already told you it's my problem, not yours." He goes, "Why didn't you say something earlier? Now that I know how you feel we can definitely do it together more often. I can give Josh a call and tell him..." I'm shaking my head, looking at him, "No, it's best this way. Josh's offer had nothing to do with it." We drink our Cokes and smoke our cigarettes, then Ryan says, "So Josh's offer is like a bonus, right?" I go , "Well yeah, I guess. I didn't know he'd do that. How could I?" Ryan shakes his head, "You always come out on top, don't you?" I murmur, "That's so unfair of you." He mumbles, "I'm sorry. Just the thought that you're not going to be here though, it makes me feel shaky, um, and nervous, and not as sure of myself. You've been such an important part of my life-changing summer. I'm going to miss you, probably more that I even realize," and he hugs across my shoulders. I put my arm across his shoulders too, "We were a damn good team, Ryan. I'll miss you too."

The sides of our heads come together as we do this odd sideways hug, then he faces me and kisses me on the lips. We look into each other's eyes for a second, then I pull my head away and take a drag off my cigarette. More silence for a minute or so, then he goes, "You're plane reservations are for seven o'clock Friday night. What will you do all day tomorrow?" I say, "I'm gonna change the reservation to an early morning flight obviously. I'll take a cab to the airport." He says, "Fuck that! I'll drive you. So what if I miss some work tomorrow morning." I'm like, "Nah, don't do that, Ryan. Go to work. I'm not too good at airport goodbyes." He says, "Well, no matter what you say I'm canceling tonight's date with Mike. I wanna be with you tonight." I do a little head shake, "Maybe you better not. I'm not in the mood for a pity-fuck." He say, "Pity fuck? Don't be ridiculous! Having sex with you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. You said we're world class side-sex buddies, remember? Lets end with some hot sex together." The back of my hand is against my nose. I know he's right about that; we're a hot sexy pair if there ever was one. He squeezes my shoulder, grinning and mumbling, "In cased you missed it, I just asked you for sex this time." I chuckle, "Yeah, sort of, but you'll need to ask me about a million more times to catch up with all the times I've asked you." He goes, "Yeah, that's always made me feel great too." Turning to him I run my fingers through his hair, asking, "You gonna go to one of these butcher barbers in town for your next haircut?" He shakes his head, "Nope, I'm saving my hair for my personal barber at Merrimack." I mutter, "You better! I like cutting your hair."

From the look in his eyes I can see it coming. I could kick myself in the ass for even mentioning the word 'haircut'. Fuck! And sure enough, he asks with a grin, "I picked up on your subliminal suggestion that you'd like me to give you your going away haircut. Well sure, you're due for your next one tomorrow anyway." Shaking my head 'no', he ignores that, mumbling, "Yeah, I've given you haircuts on Fridays the last two weeks, so today's Thursday and close enough." I'm like, "I swear to God I wasn't suggesting that." and he goes, "No, I'm serious! You promised to cooperate with me about this before we left college." I go, "What? You can't hold me to that promise now. We've had an early termination of our agreement." He says, "You and Lockheed-Martin had an early termination of your contract. Your's and mine is still in effect until you leave town. So I hate to hold you to it, but you're going to get the haircut. We're going to finish what we started, meaning in this case that you get weekly haircuts of my choosing." He's serious, so I look at him like I can't believe it, and he murmurs, "As a favor to me, okay?" Balls! With a big sigh, I nod my head, mumbling, "Okay, since you put it that way." He gets his arm around the back of my neck, again pulling the side of my head to his, saying, "Officially I'd feel better about it if you'd agreed that I'm right about this. Maybe you should even ask me for the haircut." His fucking confidence is off the charts, but I want to leave as friends, so....

And that's so like him too! I give in to him because he knows how to push all my buttons, and also because in this case he's technically right as well, but that's not enough for him... he wants me to embrace the idea. That kind of confident/dominant move tickles my submissive side and I'm feeling the beginnings of a submissive mist drifting over me. It's impossible to describe, but it makes my dick tighten-up. So okay, one last time, what the fuck! I go, "Okay, sure, I'll do it your way as usual." He's looking at me expectantly, so I roll my eyes, going, "Um, Albert, will you give me your specialty haircut before I leave?" Another tight hug around the back of my neck, as he says, "Like we both agreed to back at Merrimack," and I mutter, "Uh huh, like we agreed to back at Merrimack." He rubs my head, "Sure, I'll do it for you right now. That wasn't so hard was it?" I'm smelling the back of my hand looking at him as my cock comes to attention. I can't help but do a little grin, shrugging and feeling like a little kid again. Another rub of my head, and he adds, "See, in your heart you're still my boy, Danny." I almost laugh at his ballsiness. Still, I'm glad to feel this docile submissive sense one last time. Who knows what frame of mind we'll both be in by the middle of September when we meet again? Our relationship will surely be a different one now that Ryan's given up trying to get me to dump Robby, plus he has his own boyfriend. So, I guess it's gonna be one more sub/dom night with sexy Ryan.

He's apparently determined to maintain his in-charge bossiness right up to the end and why not, he always follows through on everything. Handing me his smoldering cigarette butt, he says, "Here, get rid of this, and then set up the barbershop. I need to call Mike at the deli." I can't help but smile at him, "Yes, Albert," putting emphasis on the name, 'Albert', and then I do what I'm told. Walking around to the garage smiling to myself because I'm sure as shit not going to get this kind of submissive sensation from anyone in Framingham, except maybe Sonny and there won't be any hair on my head for him to cut. Ha ha, he's gonna be pissed too! Ah, fuck you, Sonny. You're too young for me anyway. After getting out the clippers and setting the barber stuff up in the garage the way Ryan likes it, I take my shirt off and sit on the stool waiting for him. I'm thinking I'll leave these barber tools for Ryan to use for Jeff's and Tim's haircuts, and bring the new ones I bought at the drugstore home with me. After a minute or so sitting here alone in the garage I get a stronger sensation of being a kid sitting here waiting for daddy to give me a home haircut. Taking a deep breath I'm all squirmy as I grope myself loving this sensation and feeling it continue to grow stronger. Once something like this gets in my head it's hard to shake it, mostly because I don't want to. Oh man, so weird, but enticing too. Smelling the back of my wrist now I slump on the stool glancing around this big four-car garage. Huh, only Ryan's motor bike and his Mini. Neither of his parent's cars are here, then I think, 'Balls, I'll need to say goodbye to them too'. That'll probably be awkward. I hate awkward!

A couple of minutes later Ryan walks into the garage all smiles knowing I'd do what I'm told right up till the end. Staring at him I get a funny electric shock in my nuts. He says, "Okay then, that's my good boy! You've got things set up for me the way I want them." Again he rubs my head, this time sternly adding, "Sit up straight! How many fucking times do I need to tell you that?" I'm sitting-up straight up now, and stiff as a board feeling my cock tighten-up further. He turns on the clippers and roughly pushes my head to the side. The sound of buzzing clippers causes a familiar scary-nervous feeling in my groin. I always sense that when I'm about to get a haircut. Holding my hand up, I whine, "Wait, um, could you please go easy on me this time, Albert?" He has my head pushed over so far my left ear is on my shoulder, as he mutters, "No talking, Danny," and runs the bare buzzing clipper up the side of my head. The sound of hairs being clipped off is all I hear. In a way I admire his resoluteness to do it his way, and that goes for my haircuts as well as his overall in-charge persona. I've admitted to myself a number of time this summer that Ryan's followed through on everything he and I agreed upon before leaving school. Back then we took side-sex as a given without thinking to put frequency in the equation. Ryan's been doing very little of it with me the past two weeks, but that didn't break our agreement. I rationalized it broke the 'spirit' of our agreement, mostly because I was jealous about being ignored sexually.

The clippers never stop the buzzing sound as he's finishing the right side of my head. I'm fully into it by now as my haircut fetish joins forces with my submissive fetish and I quietly take a couple of short gasping inhales. Ryan stops and looks at me. I sit-up straighter, motionless and blushing about the aroused gasping I'm doing. My cock throbs as he lets out an annoyed sigh, saying, "Sit still," and he whacks the side of my ass, then continues roughly and too quickly pushing the clippers up the back of my head. The continuous sound of the clippers cutting hairs makes me push my hand down against my hardening cock. Ryan's pushed my head forward so far my chin's against my chest and he's holding my head there with his left hand. It's uncomfortable but at least he hasn't used the bare clippers on top, so in one way my hopes soar, but in another way I hope he does everything like last time. That thought makes me grope my stiff cock again, squeezing it. Ryan says, "Stop that! Sit still!" Pushing my head to the right now he runs the clippers on the left side of my head as I make myself be still. The urge to grope myself is strong, but I hold my breath resisting the urge.

For five minutes there's been a constant shower of little hair clippings drifting in the air around me before floating to my shoulders, lap, and floor. Finished doing the sides and back of my head, without a seconds hesitation he runs the bare clippers over the crown of my head, pressing down. I hold my breath again adsorbing a rush of fetish induced sexual pleasure that makes me shudder and moan, "Ahhhh, oooh, umm," feeling weak. Then a second pass on top of my head near the middle and I moan, "Ummm," thinking I'm going to cum as my groin tightens and another moan, "Ooooh." He's doing the same wicked short haircut as last time when he told me, 'I got you good this time,' and then he pushed my head roughly, adding, 'You're done, boy'. It could be considered a mean streak in Ryan, but in actuality he's just acting out the dominant in-charge persona we agreed upon. He's just doing his job, in other words. And it works because I'm feeling as docile and submissive as ever, it's impossible for me not to grovel in the dreaminess of it all. My rock hard boner's throbbing in my pants and I try rationalizing the way I'm feeling now being worth getting this ridiculous haircut. In fact I wish Ryan could start all over and do it again, or continue running the bare clippers all over my head. Later, when the sensations fade away I'll be pissed at myself for giving in to Ryan's haircutting, but while he's doing it I get almost a sick intense buzzing in my belly and groin and it feels so awesome it's all I can think about. Ryan's using the trimmer clippers now to take the hair down to my scalp halfway up the sides and back as a squirt of precum drools out of my cock and I moan quietly, "Mmmm, ooh." My submissive haircut fetish is firmly in charge of my consciousness.

He puts an eighth of an inch guide on the clippers and runs them back from my forehead hairline a number of times getting all the hairs equally short. Almost finished the haircut now Ryan again uses the clippers without a guide, this time blending the varying degrees of shortness doing what's called in the trade a 'fade' haircut. Fade haircuts are popular in some circles so it's not like I'm the only one with a haircut similar to this one. Finally done, he rubs my head vigorously with both hands dislodging random little clipping and leaving my scalp tingling. I didn't shoot off in my pants this time, but there's a wet precum spot at my lap with a few hair clippings sticking to it. I'm very sexually aroused wishing the haircut could continue. It feels like my skin's vibrating as I sit perfectly straight and still on the stool. Ryan says, "There, another masterpiece of an extreme fade haircut!" He's inspecting his work, then turns the clippers on again, holds my chin with his left hand so I don't move my head, as he does minuscule adjustments to the fade aspect of the haircut. Done that, the clippers are turned off again and he holds the mirror in front of me.

In a haze I peer at my reflection. I'm again amazed at Ryan's skill level. I couldn't replicate the precision of a 'fade' haircut like he can, but then I'd never give anyone a haircut this short so it doesn't matter that I can't do it. He's grinning, "Oh, come on! That's an awesome haircut, Dylan. You look like a cute bad-ass ." I'm taking fast little breaths enjoying this submissive sense silently. Ryan says in a very friendly voice, "I only see a small wet spot on your pants. Didn't you shoot off?" I shake my head, and mumble, "No, not this time," then my fingers move up the back of my head. It's smooth skin until halfway up and then it's feels like sandpaper. As always I feel scalped, embarrassed, a little humiliated and very much put in my place, my submissive place. My fingers rub through the eight inch hair from my forehead hairline back and my shoulders shudder, but still no orgasm. Ryan moves his face right in front of me and smiles, "It looks good, don't ya think." I take a deep breath, slowly rejoining reality. I give him half a grin, saying, "It's a very professional job of a fade haircut. I admit I loved when you were doing it, but I don't care for a fade haircut. Sorry." He hugs my shoulders rocking me a little, chuckling and saying, "I'm sorry you hate it, but it's part of the best summer of my life and I'll never forget it."

Taking another deep breath, I slide off the stool. Ryan grabs my arm and pulls me to the first garage bay. I'm still feeling submissive to him so I go with him easily without questioning it. He says, "Just stand there," then he looks at the open garage door of the fourth bay, mumbling, "No one can see us here unless they walk into the garage, and no one's going to do that." He unbuttons my khakis, then pulls them and my underwear down to my ankles. Looking up at me, I know he wants me to step out of them, so I do that. Not sure exactly what he has in mind, but I'm all for whatever it is. As he's bending over taking his pants down to his knees, my fingers ruffle through his nice hair. Straightening up, Ryan takes my hand and holds it a second grinning at me. My eyes go to his long fat flaccid cock hanging there between his legs. Then, with Ryan still holding my hand I drop slowly to my knees and take his cock in my fingers. Letting go of my hand he turns around and his cock stretches out eight inches before slipping from my fingers.

I gaze at his bare ass that he's sticking out at me. Wrapping my arms around his waist and putting my face against his ass with my tongue way out, I begin licking behind his scrotum and up his ass crack going slowly over his asshole. In between licking and sucking on his anus I inhale Ryan's sexy scent. That's another thing I can't describe. My haircut fetish got my cock boned-up hard and sticking up tightly against my belly with precum wetting the head. Rimming Ryan's ass brings back a deep submissive dreamy state of mind with his asshole becoming the center of my world. His scent combined with my tongue rimming his asshole gets my boner harder and harder until it moves away from my belly to stick straight out from my body like a wooden pole. I moan and shudder, hug his waist tighter, and suck on his asshole with my eyes closed. A deep submissiveness caresses my brain like a luxurious massage. It's the way my brain's wired and there doesn't appear to be anything I can do about it.

I hear quiet moans coming from Ryan as his body seems to be in motion without actually moving. After a couple minutes of deep rimming he gasps and steps away from me. When he turns around I see his cock is hard and lifting away from his body a little. That's amazing considering the length and weight of it. He steps in front of me with his hands on his hips and in a hypnotic delicious trance I take his cock in my fingers and hungrily slide it on my tongue into my mouth and slurp on it, drinking his precum. He's making quiet grunting sounds rubbing my head as his feet move in place. I've got over three inches of his sex organ in my mouth, the head bumping the gag reflex area at the back of my throat. Ryan lifts up on his toes and comes down pushing the head of his cock past the gag area and the shaft slides tightly down my throat, the head bulging out my Adam's apple. My body gets as stiff as a board, my hips thrust forward once, then again and a long stream of cum shoots out from my wooden boner. The cum streaks between Ryan's legs with stars bursting behind my eyes. Then another tightening of every muscle in my body as more cum steaks out, then again with my body shaking. Ryan's pubic hairs surround my nose and mouth as he grinds his hips, then pulls his cock up and begins a frantic fucking of my throat. I'm limp, barely able to hold my head up so Ryan's holding it between his hands. His boner slides very tightly but smoothly down my throat once, twice, three times, then three more times fast before his body stiffens and he goes, "Ahhh, oooh fuck..." His hips buck with a creamy stream of cum shooting down my throat. He pulls it back until his boner's on my tongue spewing out a mouthful of spunk that coats my mouth. He lets go of my head and his fingers dig into my shoulders now as his head goes back and a few more spurts of cum splatter into my mouth with cum drooling out both sides of my lips now. "Oooh," from Ryan, then he's gasping while stepping back stiff legged, pulling his cock from my mouth.

He staggers back a few steps stroking his slimy cock as it's losing it hardness. I'm sitting back on my ass with my arms out behind me, the palms of my hands on the garage floor. Mostly I'm sucking in all the oxygen I can get in my lungs. I was without oxygen for almost a minute with his cock in my throat most of the time. Three minutes or so is all the time it took for both of us to climax. Well, there was some sexual activity before he deep throated me, so it wasn't just the deep throating. It's like a reproduction of our sexy time at the waterfalls last Sunday and the Sunday before that. Two hot sexy Sundays. Letting go of his cock, Ryan holds a hand down to help me up and when I'm standing we hug each other. Awesome sex! Nobody does sub/dom sex like Ryan. We're both still doing deep breathing, and when he lets go of me, he says, "I'm sleeping with you tonight, Danny?" This afternoon he's been going back and forth calling me Danny and Dylan. Maybe I've been switching off names with him too, I'm not sure and he probably doesn't realize he's doing it any more than I do. I say, "Yeah, I'd like that, Ryan. Um, I suppose you knew your parents weren't going to all of a sudden activate the garage door and see us in compromising positions, right?" He goes, "Oh yeah, they're both at one of mother's charity events to raise money for the homeless."

After that sex with Ryan, and knowing we're sleeping together my last night in steamy Georgia I feel better about things in general. As I said, it's important to me that Ryan and I part as friends. I can't help but hang on him a bit now because I'm still feeling his dominance after the haircut and deep throating. I lean against him rubbing my hand on his chest, he nods and pats my shoulder knowing what I'm feeling from his own submissive behavior in days gone by. Not submissive behavior with me, but with those perverts. I'm kinda staring at him as he pulls up his pants, and says, "That was good, wasn't it?" I feel like kissing him or sucking his cock again. He smirks, rubbing my head, saying, "We've got an hour and a half before baseball practice. Plenty of time to grab something to eat for dinner. Or, would you rather skip practice?" I shake my head, "Nah, lets not skip practice. I want to say goodbye to Freckles and Jeff." He says, "Sure. Um, put you pants on, babe." I do that as he gestures towards the barber stool, saying, "You need to sweep up the hair clipping and put everything away." While I do that he lights a cigarette and watches me while sitting on the stool smoking. I find myself glancing at him as I sweep up. He looks so sexy and calm and confident, but a little sad too. A sad little Napoleon.

Done the clean-up, I ask for his approval. "Is this okay, Albert?" He says, "It'll do, but put the toiletry kit behind that box." I do that and he nods, then slides off the stool motioning for me to come with him. I walk beside him to the house and hit the back of my hand against his, he looks over and I blush, "For old time sake, Albert?" He grins and holds my hand until we get to the house. Holding the door open for me, he says, "It's such a waste that you can't see what a perfect match we are, Dylan. We really are." I bite my lip and look down. Inside he probably wants to lighten the mood by saying, "I've meant to ask you, doesn't Logan mind you calling him Freckles? I mean, we didn't got off on the right foot with Logan from the start." I go, "No, he doesn't mind because we've gotten pretty tight." Ryan holds my hand again as we go upstairs. It feels good. In Ryan's bedroom he's changing out of his work clothes, asking me, "Any chance Logan's bisexual? I know he sort of has a girlfriend, or at least that's what Jeff told me." I shrug, "I don't know. I think he's hot though, and I'm curious to see if his dick has freckles." Ryan laughs, "Jeez, do you really think he's hot? I don't see it." His khakis and underwear are off as he walks to the bureau for a clean pair of boxer shorts. I stare at his cock, missing it already. Actually I don't know why I'm watching him change, ha ha. It's not like I haven't seen him naked a hundred times. Glancing around the room I'm thinking that after tomorrow morning I'll never see this place again. It's a hell of a bedroom! When he has shorts and a t-shirt on we go up the secret staircase to my bedroom where he watches me change. I need clean underwear too because I drooled precum in mine during the haircut. Also we got sweaty working all day, and today we were out in the heat of the loading dock too.

I get the sense we're both feeling a lot better about things after our sex. I mean, after all sex is what brought us together in the first place. Sure, technically it was Robby who got Ryan and I together insisting we have that lunch to bury the hatchet, but it's been mostly the sex that's kept us together since then. It probably will continue to do so in some fashion when we're back at college. The Mike-factor is sure to change our relationship in unforeseen ways, but sex is sex and we're sexual animals in the extreme.

First place we drive to is the bank down town. Inside I talk with a bank representative. When I leave the bank I have a bank check for all my savings, plus the two weekly pay checks Josh gave me earlier today. Of the $3400.00 I made so far this summer, I have almost $3100.00 left because I've hardly spend any money since being here. With that taken care of we eat dinner at Wendy's for a change. I like Wendy's burgers better than the other fast food burgers. Most guys don't agree with me about that, but what do they know?! In between eating and talking I get on my iPhone and reschedule my flight home. Now I'll be taking off at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, meaning I'll need to be up at five. Ryan insists on driving me to the airport and he won't take 'no' for an answer. I think that's sweet of him. We're fairly chatty now, no more silent periods. We're mostly reliving the good times this summer while leaving out the contentious ones that'll fade away anyway. Mostly it's the good times in life that are remembered and embellished as time goes by.

At baseball practice we discover the skipper isn't at practice tonight, so it's a loose free-lance kind of practice. Mostly I talk with Freckles in the outfield as we field fly balls from the guys in the batting cage. Logan appears to be sincerely sorry I'm leaving, but there's no hint of any last minute sexual experimentation between him and me. We've kidded each other about sex a lot this summer without it ever turning into anything. Still, I don't know what would have happened if I stayed another month. Too bad too because I've grown attached to Logan and would have enjoyed sharing some minor or major sex with him. Him and his hot freckled body. After practice, four players join Ryan and me for ice cream and some goofing around at the Dairy Queen. Mostly the other guys flirt with some girls who are hanging out hoping guys would flirt with them. About nine-thirty Ryan tells me, "Let's go!" I say a last goodbye to the guys and then Ryan drives us home where we find his parents having cocktails in the library. We go in to tell them the news. They don't seem too broken up that I'm leaving. Ryan makes both of us a vodka and cranberry juice cocktail while his parents quiz us on what's been happening. Ryan does most of the talking sticking with the topic of work mostly. He throws in an antidote or two about the baseball team and last Wednesday night's Bible study, so it's not an awkward time for me thanks to Ryan.

His parents turn in about ten-thirty wishing me good luck. Mrs. W. tells me it's been a pleasure having me with them this summer and I thank both of them for about the tenth time. She hugs me and gives my cheek a peck and Mr. W. pats my shoulder, then they head upstairs to bed. That's about it for the goodbyes. It was warmer than the 'hellos', but not by a lot. There was no acknowledgement of the difference I've made in Ryan's social life, especially compared to last summer. But then I guess they assumed Ryan was socially active last summer too. Obviously they didn't know he was some degenerate's sexual slave boy. So, all in all, my original analysis of Ryan's parents as not being as concerned or involved in Ryan's life as they should be, still holds true. They aren't all that concerned. They also aren't as horrible as I thought they were before meeting them. Ryan's gonna be fine. I'm still very curious to know if I'm correct about Ryan being adopted although I'd never ask him.

We have one more drink and then go upstairs to Ryan's bedroom so we can shower together. We do it without acting like lovers in the shower, because we're not lovers. We're awesomely close, extremely hot side-sex buddies. After drying ourselves we both put on a pair of Ryan's boxes shorts. He locks his bedroom door and comes up the secret staircase with me, saying, "Set your alarm before we do anything." I've been out of my submissiveness for a few hours by now, so I mutter a sarcastic, "Yes, boss," and he grins, saying, "You're gonna get a spanking if you don't watch that smart mouth of yours." I'm kinda excited about having some regular anal sex with Ryan, and I wouldn't say 'no' to a spanking either. Bending over to set the alarm on my computer, Ryan comes up behind me humping his crotch against my ass. As I straighten up he gets his arms around me pulling my back against his chest while moving his hips up and down, pressing and sliding his long cock in my ass crack. It feels like it's outside the fly of his boxer shorts. I blow out some air, puffing out my cheeks, feeling his penis getting hard. Neither of us says anything and the harder his cock feels, the harder mine gets. Now the head of my hard cock is pressing up against the top of my boxer's waistband. Not a problem though because Ryan pulls my shorts down past my buttocks and I feel the wet head of his hard cock at my asshole. Then, "SMACK!SMACK!" on my ass and a quiet, "Ow," from me as I reach back to rub my stinging smacked ass.

We're motionless for a few seconds, me gasping with anticipation as my sexual arousal grows and then with one hard thrust his boner goes up my ass about three inches. I go, "Ah!" as my back arches. Ryan pulls me flat against his chest again with his bicep muscles bulging. The back of my head rest lightly on his shoulder, his curly sparse beard tickling the side of my forehead. Ryan's dominant approach to this sex has me slipping deliciously back into a submissive frame of mind. He does dominant sex perfectly for me. He can feel my body becoming docile for him like he expects it will. It's no surprise to him. The last five inches of his long fat boner gets pushed up my ass inch by inch. I can picture in my head his boner severely stretching the rim of my anus as it slowly disappears up my ass. The fatness of his boner plus the visual in my head of it disappearing up my ass, makes me moan, "Mmmmm, oooh." Closing my eyes I'm now visualizing the walls of my rectum being expanded by the head of his hard cock. It hurts but at the same time it feels good too. Ryan uses the palm of his hand on my forehead to roughly pulls my head back tightly against his shoulder, saying, "Keep your head back, goddammit." His other hand slaps the side of my butt cheek again, "SLAP! SLAP!" A couple of stinging smacks gets me to lay back against him completely now, feeling docilely submissive to him. Another, "SMACK!" on my ass and my cock feels so good I squirm against his chest, my forehead rubbing his whiskers. What a dom!

His familiar sexy scent makes my cock tightens up some more. By now my rectum feels so awesomely full and tight, I moan quietly, "Mmm, oooh." Then the last of the shaft goes inside me and Ryan's pubic hairs tickle my butt cheeks for a second before one last hard hump flattens his crotch against my ass with him lifting his hips and me going up on my toes moaning, "Aahhhh," feeling I'm going to cum. His arm comes around the front of my neck pulling my head back further and a trickle of claustrophobia skitters around my brain and then he sets me back flatfooted grinding his hips arching his back and choking me a little with me moaning, "Oooh, mmm, oooh, Ryan," and that gets me another, "SMACK!" on my ass as he grunts, "I'm still Albert to you, boy!" I gasp pushing my buttocks against his crotch moving his boner on my prostate a little, causing me to moan again, "Mmmm." It's impossible to describe how good it feels being dominantly fucked up the ass like this. Ryan does a steady withdrawal as I shudder and when he's pushing it steadily back up my ass I let out another pleasure moan, "Ahhh, mmmm," and oh my God it feels so good. I get chills as the side of my face rubs against his. His personal sexy scent is becoming more pronounced now so I move my head to the side so my nose is against the side of his chin.

Another steady withdrawal of his engorged cock and then he pushes it right back up my ass. My shoulders shudder again, then it's a hard and fast fucking creating the sounds I love hearing, "Slapslsapslapslap!" ringing in my ears. Right off the bat it's hard and fast with me trying to arch my back but Ryan's got an arm across my chest now and one across my stomach. He's strong, so I can't move. His hips are moving though, fast, hard, and with a steady rhythm. I hear him grunting softly in my ear from the effort. My rectum loves every second, sizzling and sparkling with pleasure flying off every nerve ending simultaneously. I'm writhing in his arm, moaning at the sexual pleasure that's spreading from my rectum outwards. Sweat forms between my back and his chest and I slide in it an inch or so with every hard thrust of his big awesome boner. My cock has moved straight out from me pulsating with the need to cum. It doesn't last long. A mere three or four minutes of Ryan's constantly pounding boner in my ass and I squeal struggling in his arms, cum streaking straight out five feet from my pulsating boner. A long string of creamy spunk, then a shorter streak followed by a few six inch little spurts leaving me gasping at the intense sexual pleasure of it all. I'd sit down on the floor right now and absorb all the fantastic sensations of orgasm except Ryan's holding me up thrusting his cock back and forth in my ass.

It's only another fifteen seconds of thrusting before he pushes the back of my head hard, so I bend forward with my hands hitting on the bed supporting me. He grabs my hips and pounds his big hard sex organ back and forth in my ass with me bumping forward with each thrust. My head drops to the bed as his thrusts become so hard each one lifts me up on my toes again as I moan, totally dominated and floating in submissiveness. He only lasts another thirty seconds and then one last thrust and he's whining while humping desperately against my buttocks, then makes a long hissing sound, his body stiff, as I feel his orgasm spiking against the walls of my bowels. More humping while he makes a moaning sound pouring more of his semen inside me. Everything is still for a second before he pulls his cock out of me and yanks my head around. Dropping to my knees, I fist his sloppy boner, then suck it inside my mouth to lick it clean. When the top half is clean, I take it out and lick from his balls up the shaft, and all around it until his entire cock is clean and shiny with my spit. Lifting under my arms, Ryan helps me up on my feet, then pulls my boxer shorts up patting my ass so the material sticks to his cum that's drooling out of my ass and down the back of my legs.

He takes my upper arm and pulls me to the bed. We get under the covers, cum squishing in my shorts. Ryan's still breathing hard. Hell, I'm still not back to a normal breathing pattern yet myself. What a rush that was! Holy shit, what a quick but thrilling climax! My body still feels like electricity is buzzing through me. I didn't expect him to do any of that so soon after we got to my bedroom. Looking over at him for a second before shimmying my body next to his. He nods his head and puts his arm under the back of my neck pulling me tight against him. Grinning at me confidently, he asks, "How was that?" I grin back, nodding my head real fast like a goof, "Good, that was really good, Albert." He smirks, "Just wanted to remind you of what you'll be missing." I don't respond, not wanting to start an argument, but the fact is I've already been missing it for most of the past two weeks. I say, "This is our thing, Ryan, great buddy sex on the side. You being dominant to me and me being submissive to you." He shrugs, "Yeah, but when I think what could have been: you being mine for the rest of my life, then buddy sex seems a distant second choice. You're making a big mistake, but I'm done trying to get you to realize that fact." Purposely ignoring that, I ask, "How are those contact lenses working out for you?" He laughs, muttering, "No comment to my last statement, huh?"

With Ryan's arm behind my neck and me half turned and partly laying on his hot body, we talk about us for almost two hours revisiting our early days together. Like how we got into some mild BDSM there for a while in the early going, and maybe it wasn't all that 'mild' now that I think about it. So friggin' sexually hot! We talk quietly about that and everything else we've experienced together from then till now. Great memories and when I start yawning around two o'clock in the morning, Ryan goes, "No sleep yet, Danny." He takes his arm from behind my neck and situates me flat on my back, then gets between my legs, throwing the covers back. He pushes my legs up and I get my arms around both of them holding them against my side with my feet in the air. Ryan fucks me hard for ten minutes before we have our third climaxes since leaving work. We're gasping for air and then hugging before a kiss goodnight. Cum drools out of my ass all night.

Less then three hours after our last sex the alarm goes off. We take a quick shower in my smaller shower stall ending up hugging for two minutes under the flow of water without saying a word, or kissing even once. Drying in silence, then Ryan gets dressed for work, and I get dressed for a plane ride in shorts and a Polo shirt. He helps me pack, saying, "When I do the laundry, Dylan, I'll mail your stuff to you." I say, "Thanks, and those boxer shorts you lent me; they're mine now. Send those too. Maybe some remnants of your cum from last night will remain and I'll get a boner every time I put them on." He chuckles and rubs my head reminding me of yesterday's haircut. I'm glad I went along with that. It meant a lot to Ryan and I got to experience my haircut fetish again. Who knows when or if that'll ever happen at home.

On the way to the airport we stop for take-out coffees. Our conversation consists mostly of Ryan commenting how light the traffic is at this time of the morning. He parks at the airport and comes in with me carrying my duffle bag full of stuff. I've got a carry-on satchel over my shoulder that I hope fits in the plane's overhead compartments. Then Ryan tells me to check-in both pieces of luggage, saying, "You've got to wait for one anyway so check them both." I smile to myself, enjoying that Ryan's still being bossy with me right up till the end. Glancing at him, I think he look good so I squeeze the back of his neck. He gives me a grin, then we hug again. It's a hour before take off and I've already done a self check-in at one of those machines, so we wander to a coffee stand. Ryan buys us breakfast sandwiches and coffees. Sitting on a bench side by side with our coffees, we're eating our sandwiches of fried egg, cheese, and Canadian bacon while exchanging quick little smiles. I do have love for him, but I don't think it's possible to love another the way I love Robby. That's just the way it is. We wash up in the lavatory after our breakfasts then he walks me to security where a line is beginning to form.

I don't get in the line yet. We're standing looking at each other, both of us sensing a little bit of an awkward moment, then he says, "Thanks for all you've done for me this summer, Dylan," and I say, "Thanks for your great hospitality. This has be quite an experience for me." He takes off the Merrimack baseball team cap he's wearing and puts it on my head, mumbling, "Something to remember me by." As I adjust his hat on my head, I'm saying, "I have a million things to remember you by, Ryan, but thanks for your baseball cap. I like wearing your stuff." We're nodding at each other, not sure what to do next, then a fucking tears rolls out of my eye and down my cheek. Next thing I know we're in each other arms for a tight thirty-second hug. We break apart and I mumble, "See you soon, Ryan." He nods, looking down, and it's probably his contact lenses that are causing tearing in his eyes too. We hug again, then a quick kiss on the lips. Ryan mutter, "Bye, Dylan," and turns around walking back the way we came. I watch him all the way and just before going out of sight he turns and waves. I wave back knowing I'll miss him. When I turn around there are two young kids, a brother and sister, staring at me. Ya know, two guys hugging and kissing is probably something new to them. I give them a smile and wait my turn to go through security.

After minimum hassle, I'm sitting at the gate for my flight trying not to think about anything. Then, like a light switching-on in my head, I think: Hey, I've got the rest of the summer, so be happy! No one at home expects me to fly in today and no one expects me to stay after the weekend. I haven't told anyone. I wanted to immediately tell Chubby, but made myself stop. I'll surprise him, Robby, my mom and everyone else. Wouldn't it be a big surprise to me though if everyone was blasé about it. Like, 'Oh, you're not going back, huh? Well whaddaya going to do for the next month?' Like that, ha ha! No, they'll be happy I'm staying home. I think they're all are gonna be happy to have me home but I'm probably going to be the happiest of everybody. I'm very excited, but with some mixed emotions. Ryan was so sweet yesterday and this morning. He was pretty fucking sweet most of the summer actually. Just that blip when Mike came into the picture. Ha ha, I'll bet Mike's happy I'm staying home too, happy I'm gone. Oh shit, I never said goodbye to Timmy and his two inch dick. That wasn't nice of me. I type him a nice email as I wait to board the plane, telling him he's one hot stud! Oh man, Timmy.

I said goodbye to Jeff at baseball practice and he seemed really disappointed I'm leaving. Probably because he wanted to get back at Ryan for ignoring him, much like Ryan ignored me. Get even by fucking my ass. I wouldn't have minded that at all. I don't mean the part about getting back at Ryan, but the part about getting fucked up the ass by Jeff. Ya know, I left unfinished business back there. With a few words of encouragement I think Logan and I could have had a good sexy time together. Same for D'george. I wouldn't need words of encouragement for Jeff, we just ran out of time. Who else? Hmmm, then the row of the plane I'm sitting in is called to board.

I've got an aisle seat watching people coming down the aisle hoping for a cute guy to take the seat next to mine. Fat chance! Two women, young women in their middle twenties probably, squeeze in past me to take the middle and window seats. They nod pleasantly at me and then never stop talking... ever! Inane conversation with them giggling at the stupidest things. If I had my carry-on luggage I'd get my headphones out of the satchel. Damn! Then one of the cabin attendant, an outwardly gay middle aged man, is selling disposable headphones. I buy the piece of shit headphone, plug it into a music channel and turn it up. I'm not real crazy about the music selections, but it drowns out the banal conversation from my traveling companions. The plane roars down the runway and lifts off with my ears popping. The last thing I remember is saying, "No, thank you," to the woman cabin attendant offering me a tiny bag of pretzels and a beverage. The bumping when we land wakes me. I slept the entire flight and that's not all that surprising considering I had only three hours sleep last night.

At the gate there's the usual hubbub in the aisle, everyone trying to get their stuff from the overhead compartments. Then we're all standing in the aisle with some people bending over standing in front of a seat waiting their turn to deplane. The girl next to me smiles at me, pulls the brim of Ryan's baseball cap down on my forehead, saying, "Joyce and I enjoyed watching you sleep. We think you're ridiculously good looking." A dark blush makes my face hot as I smile, muttering, "Oh wow, thank you, that's... um," and it's our turn to walk up the aisle. Getting clear of the crowd coming out of then tunnel, I walk over to look out the window at Logan airport. I'm in Boston and almost home. It makes me tear-up again. Rubbing my nose with the back of my hand, I leave the tears on my cheeks and walk down towards the escalators for baggage claim smiling to myself and thinking I did okay in Georgia. Now I'm really anxious to see everyone at home...

to be continued... Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com donnymumford@outlook.com


Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are under ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford


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