Dylan's Vacation Back Home

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 7, 2016



Chapter 3

By Donny Mumford

An unexpected whirlwind couple of hours with Sonny and it's like? here we go again! Good to be home because the gay boys in Georgia, for the most part, weren't all that excited about me. Framingham gay boys, for the most part, continue to have an interest, so I gotta go with the local gay guys. Sure, there were a couple of Southern guys I got it on with, but they were more the exception than the rule. Like at that gay cook-out affair. Of the thirty gay guys that were there only my blind date, George'tu, paid any attention to me. The first Sunday in Marietta there was Bradford showing some fleeting interest, but he turned his attention rather quickly to that older guy, what's-his-name, Ollie. Timmy and his two inch dick was a semi-steady side-sex partner, but c'mon... a two inch dick!? Jeff was interested, but only when Ryan turned to Mike. And anyway, Jeff and I never connected again after that drunken night at the gay club. Then there were the Marietta cock teasers, who don't really count. Of course Ryan was his stellar sexy-self for the five weeks before he met Mike. After that it was once a week for him and me, although the one night a week was better than all the other side-sex I experienced in Georgia put together. If I exclude sex with Ryan, the couple of hours spent with my random randy side-sex buddy, Sonny, surpassed most of the side-sex I've had previously this entire summer. That's probably an exaggeration, but not by much. Suffice to say I'm happy to be home.

I've been happily in Framingham three hours now and I still haven't seen any of the most important people in my life. I can only imagine how happy I'm going to be reuniting with my mom, Tris, Chubby, and my true lover, Robby. I'll be seeing them soon and that makes me feel so fucking good I could hug myself. Instead of doing that, I put the barber stuff back in the toiletry kit and take it upstairs to my bedroom. Unpacking my duffle bag I'm thinking about the haircut I gave Sonny and the irony of him wanting approximately the same haircut Ryan's been forcing me to get the last four months or so. Life can often be stranger than fiction. I mean, Sonny's never met Ryan so it's a ginormous coincidence he'd want that haircut. Whatever the reason, its really not important. More to my point, I had good sex with Sonny less then two hours after returning home. So screw Marietta, Georgia. Plus, there's always some sub/dom aspects to Sonny's sex. It's probably the only way he knows how to fuck, not that I'm complaining. That being said, what I'm really looking forward to is a true lover's sex-a-thon with Robby. I can smell his scent in my head right now.

After putting my clothes away and stowing the duffle bag and satchel in the closet, I lay on my bed continuing to savor the fact I'm home. That's not to say I feel it was a total waste of time in Georgia because there were a couple of good things that resulted from me being there. For example, I proved to myself that if I absolutely had to be on my own I can handle myself pretty well. At the same time, the experience also made me realize how good I have it here at home and how special my love affair with Robby is. Also, while I managed okay without my brother having my back, I missed him tremendously and never want to be anywhere again without Chubby being close by. We've been so tight for so long it seemed everyday I was away there was something missing in my life. It was an intangible 'something' that I wondered about, but now it seems obvious to me. The sense of comfort and safety I have knowing Chubby's within immediate reach is something I too often took for granted, that is... until it wasn't there.

Of course I've always known Chubby was a vital part of my life, but being away reinforced that fact. Nothing is as important to me as the unconditional approval, love, and support Chubby's gives me. And I missed the way his face lights-up every time he sees me too. That always made my heart glow warmly. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about what a blessing Chubby is to me and always has been. A brother's love and friendship like Chubby's can't be planned for or fabricated; it's there or it isn't. We grew up under a rare set of circumstances and Chubby's the rare individual capable of making everything work wonders no matter how bizarre the situation. I've witnessed first hand the many times Chubby's used his smile, brains, and clever banter to get us out of sticky jams. Then if nothing else worked neither of us ever backed down from a fight. And the hell with fighting fair too; whatever we could get our hands on we'd use to win the fight. We weren't interested in style points. Fighting is stupid though and happened mostly in our early to middle teen years. For the longest time I assumed all brothers were pretty much like Chubby, but the longer I lived the more I realized Chubby does what most brothers can't or won't do. Chubby's always been my hero while he's always made me think I was his.

Maudlin thoughts to be having along side my happiness at being home perhaps, but I'm feeling grateful to be in the life I'm in. My life compared to Ryan's, for example, is a privileged one. Not the privilege of growing up in a wealthy family like him, or Willie, but privileged to grow up with a brother like Chubby and to have our moms who allowed and trusted us to do things our way. We always did things as close to the right way as circumstances allowed. Chubby's foremost in my thoughts because I'm in this nostalgic frame of mind counting my blessings, and he's blessing number one. My time in Georgia wasn't awful though, it just can't compare in any way with my life here at home. Overall, that's probably the most valuable lesson I've learned from being away. I need to appreciate my life more. Then, when I think of the lives some of my friends like Connor, Seth, and Cory have lived, my life by comparison seems like an embarrassment of riches. And I'm not speaking of financial riches obviously.

Oh fuck, I gotta get it together or I'll be too mushy and emotional when seeing the moms, Robby, and Chubby. They'll think I cracked-up or had a meltdown or something. I need to be happily normal and sane without overdoing it. Maybe I should practice what I'll say and do. Ya know, I'll be excited and happy to see everyone, but not go overboard with some dramatic blubbering greeting. I don't want to act like I was just freed from cruel and unusual punishment as a prisoner of war. I should be like, 'Oh, it's great to see you guys. How ya doing? I missed you,' something like that. Plus a hug and a kiss obviously. Something appropriate for a person who's been away from home for a mere two months. 'Hey, it's good to be home'. That sort of thing. I don't want them rolling their eyes at each other like, 'What the fuck's up with Dylan?'

Now that that's settled I'm going to take a shower and continue practicing my reunions. After a nice twenty minute shower, I put on what I think are cool casual clothes like my sleeveless t-shirt with a message on the front: I just found out I'm AWESOME! Then in small letters: You might want to get yourself tested. I chose this sleeveless t-shirt to show off my tattoo and my guns, ha ha. Next a pair of cargo shorts of course, sandals, my cross necklace, sport watch, leather bracelet, Robby's friendship ring, and my regular little hoop earrings. No sense brushing my hair, but I do brush my teeth. Now all I can do is wait for Chubby to come home, and later use the Jeep to drive over and surprise Robby. Hey, I just got an idea! Chubby and I can't afford another car and expensive auto insurance, but we probably can afford a used motorbike. Then both of us would have wheels. We could switch off. That's an idea I got from Marietta. If Ryan hadn't had the motorbike I'd have been stuck in the house the entire last two weeks I was there, like I'm stuck in the house here.

Then my cellphone rings. It's mom! At first she's just excited to hear I'm home and then she does a 'mom' thing by saying, "It's awful of me not being there when you got home. Tris and I never should have volunteered to cover Rita's and Deb's eleven-to-four lunch shift. I feel so bad about that, honey." I'm trying to interrupt and explain my early arrival was a last minute decision on my part, it's my fault I didn't tell anyone. Not her fault. She doesn't fully understand the situation but she can't wait to see me tomorrow morning. I know she's working, so I keep the conversation short. Don't want mom to get in trouble at work. Gee, it was nice talking to her even with the misunderstanding. I didn't tell her I'm home for good, but I'll fully explain everything tomorrow before she leaves for work.

Sitting on the balcony smoking a cigarette I'm waiting for five o'clock. That's when Chubby should be in the locker room at work and I'll text him then. I know Robby won't be done work until he has his end of the week supervisor's meeting. My mind drifts back to my life in Marietta. Naturally after spending almost two months with Ryan he'd still be on my mind. The weirdness of Sonny's haircut choice and his boner's similarity to Ryan's is still freaking me out a little. I'm getting a foreboding feeling thinking about those coincidences. Does it mean anything though, and what could be foreboding about it? Ryan and I parted as friends so there's nothing foreboding about that, and Sonny's harmless enough. Seeing Ryan at college in the fall shouldn't be awkward because we'll be keeping in touch texting. I'll hear about the likely progress in his and Mike's relationship. Actually that couldn't have happened at a better time. It nudged me into this early departure from Georgia. Yeah, it's all good? fuck foreboding!!

Then I think how Robby and Chubby are gonna be happy they won't need to drive to Logan airport eleven-thirty tonight like we planned. Maybe the three of us should have dinner together. Yeah, that's a great idea and I'll mention it to Chubby when I see him. After doing more musings about my Marietta experience with Ryan and the boys, I check my watch and see it's time to text Chubby. 'Hey, Chubby, done work for the week yet?" He texts right back, 'Yep, bro, you too? Ready for a real weekend back home?' I text, 'Absolutely, Chub, but I'm getting an early start.' He wants to know, 'An earlier flight? What's ur ETA?' I go, 'Around ten this morning. I'm home!' He's like, 'What? Home in the condo?' I text, 'Yes, see you soon!' I'm smiling, feeling excited, as he texts, 'Don't fuckin' move! See you in 15.' I go, 'Roger that, bro.'

Ooooh, it's such an awesome feeling when someone is excited to see me, especially when that someone is Chubby. I feel funny... funny odd, not funny ha ha. Then I have another negative though: it's like I disrupted the lives of people I love the most for the selfish reason that I wanted to do something different this summer. Wait, it wasn't just for myself because I was able to help Ryan become popular in Marietta. I feel good about that and I really need to stop thinking backwards and concentrate on looking forward.

Standing at the balcony's railing now with the back of my hand to my nose, I'm watching for Chubby to drive up in our Jeep. He should be here any second now. Then I think he'll probably park in front at the curb below our condos. Jogging through the apartment to look out the front window I'm just in time to see Chubby zip by without parking. Okay, I was right the first time he's going to park behind the condos at the garage, so back through the condo I go. Out on the balcony again I watch him driving down garage alley. Oh good, no dents in the Jeep. That's nice to see. Chubby parks and gets out, looking up with his big special smile, the one he uses for me, "Hi, Dylan, I knew you'd be on the balcony." I'm smiling back, "Hi Chubby! I was at the front window watching you drive by at about sixty miles an hour." He shrugs, "I'm anxious to see my favorite face, bro. Be right up," and then he's under the balcony keying in the code. The garage door goes up and he goes in through the basement door while I go to the door leading down to the basement. When he comes through the door we do a tight two arm hug, cheek to cheek. He smells good even after working all day in the sun.

We kiss, then back off looking at each other. He looks the same as he did three weeks ago. Grinning, we hug again, then another brotherly kiss. We mumble at the same time, "Love you, brother," and laugh because we said it together. Chubby rubs my head grinning, then walks to the kitchen while talking over his shoulder, "This is an excellent surprise, bro!" He takes two bottles from the refrigerator handing me a lemonade Snapple, "So tell me, Dylan, how'd ya manage to get off work today?" Leaning against the kitchen bar, I tell him about it. Chubby's like, "No shit? Basically you quit?" I go, "No, I didn't get a chance to quick, although I was going to. It's more like I accepted their offer to buy out my contract. Ya know, for six days severance pay." He gulps some cold lemonade, then goes, "That's the most awesome fucking thing I've ever heard," and we do another hug. Chubby says, "I guess you'll be doing the Sunday brunches for the rest of the summer." I go, "Hey!" and he kisses my cheek leaving it wet with lemonade, "Nah, just kidding, Dylan, we'll do them together like always. Does your mom know you're home for good?" I shake my head, "No, but I texted her I'm here. She's mad at herself for accepting the extra shift today, but I tried telling her it's not her fault. She didn't know I was coming home. I wanted to surprise her."

If Chubby hadn't visited me in Georgia we'd probably be having a more emotional reunion, so I'm grateful they came to see me when they did. Sort of broke-up the force of our reunion into two parts. And that's a damn good thing too because I'm feeling pretty fuckin' emotional right now even though I saw Chubby three weeks ago. I'm working at trying to react like a twenty-one year old guy. After all I'll be twenty-one in a few weeks although I'd like to act more like a fifteen year old when it comes to a reunion with Chubby. He sees me staring at him as I'm sort of chewing on my bottom lip, my eyes wet. He smiles and murmurs, "Me too, Dylan," and we do another hug with him saying, "Please don't ever do this to me again, okay? No more summers away, ever!" I nod my head, wiping my eyes with the heels of my hands.

Chubby nods towards the balcony so we go out there for a smoke. After lighting a cigarette and taking a drag, Chubby passes me the smoke, saying, "Tell me why you were going to quit even before you knew about the severance pay." When it's just the two of us we smoke a Marlboro cigarette like most guys smoke a joint, passing it back and forth. Drinking my Snapple and sharing Chubby's cigarette I tell him everything that happened since I last saw him, only alluding vaguely to Ryan's and my sex life. Chubby says, "Yeah, you told me about Ryan having a boyfriend, but you didn't mention that he was ignoring you." I shrug, "He wasn't totally ignoring me. We had golf lessons together, baseball team's practices, and the games. It was mostly after dinner that he left me so he could see Mike mostly, but Jeff occasionally too." Chubby's shaking his head, reading between the lines, so I add, "He was always willing to let me use his car when he went off to see Mike, although mostly I didn't have any place to go." Chubby's like, "Yeah, well it wasn't right of him to do that to you. You were his guest and his friend so he shouldn't have left you in the awkward situation of being there in his house with his parents." I shrug, mumbling, "Yeah, but it was a major factor in making up my mind to come home early." Chubby grins, "Yeah, there's that, but I still might need to rearrange Ryan's facial features when I see him." I say, "Don't do that, Chubby. He didn't need to baby-sit me, I could have gone out if I wanted to. And anyway, like I said, that helped me make a firm decision to stay home after this weekend, and then Josh made it even easier." Chubby smiles, "Glad you're here, Dylan, I really missed you. Missed you for real, bro! I'm not going to get sappy about it, but it just isn't the same without you. It's blows when I don't see you every day." Sweet!

Fearing I'll get all emotional again if we pursue this line of thinking any further, I change the subject asking him about what's new with him and he tells me about a party he was at with a girl he met two Saturday mornings ago at the dentist. They went to the party together that same night. A party where Chubby knew no one except this girl, and he'd just met her. I couldn't imagine doing that with a guy I just met. Anyway, at the party Chubby had a group of eight or ten people playing the truth game an hour after he got there. Everybody knew him when he left? basically he was the life of the party. That's one of the big differences between Chubby and me. When I think back to our early teen years it was always Chubby and me on our own, but occasionally Chubby would initiated interaction between us and other kids when he felt like it. Like getting us into pick-up basketball and baseball games, or on the beach in handball and volley ball games. He'd know everyone within a half hour, introducing me as he went along. That sort of thing comes naturally to Chubby. Plus he's always anxious to go along with anything I suggest. Like my idea of buying a used motorbike. Chubby acted like I'm a genius for thinking up the idea. "Dylan! That's it! The perfect solution." Well, it's won't be perfect in cold snowy winter weather, but it's a perfect partial solution since we can't afford the expenses of a second car. We discuss our finances and decide we can afford a modestly priced motorbike. We're going to check out previously owned motorbikes tomorrow, so that'll be cool.

Finally I bring up the idea of the three of us eating out tonight. Again it's like I'm a genius coming up with the perfect way to celebrate my first night home. He goes, "Awesome idea! Is Robby meeting us here or at the restaurant?" Uh oh! He assumes I've already informed Robby I'm home. I go, "Oh fuck," and get my cellphone out to text Robby, 'Robby, where are you?" He text, 'Hi, Dylan! Just got home. C ya @ Logan. Love ya!' I tell him I'm home and that I'll explain when he gets here, and then add that the three of us are eating out tonight. He texts, 'I'm so excited I just peed my pants! After I shower I'll meet U @ ur place!' We laugh that Robby peed his pants, then Chubby goes, "My lovable airhead brother. You forgot to tell your boyfriend you're home." I go, "I was kinda wrapped-up with my lovable brother, and time slipped away." After another sweet hug, Chubby goes to his condo for a shower and I stay on the balcony expecting great things later tonight. I'm very anxious to feel Robby's lips on mine, and what comes after that too. Inside, checking myself in the mirror, I get this intense feeling of love for Robby, almost a scary feeling. Should I be worried my time in Georgia may have altered Robby's and my love in some subtle way? The weekend visit we had three weeks ago had almost a desperate feel to it. We shared the same bed, but that whole weekend was a bit frantic. When we're alone tonight, here at home among familiar surroundings, I'll notice if anything's different, and that's where the scary part comes in.

The doorbell rings. Chubby wouldn't ring the doorbell, he simply comes in like he does at his house, so it's probably Robby. Opening the door and there he is. My cutely handsome boyfriend with a somewhat shy smile on his lips. Wow, he cleans-up good! I sort of gulp, "Robby, you're, um," and his arms are magically around me. I can't explain why our hugging is different from hugging with anyone else, but it is. Our bodies fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, our arms fit perfectly around each other, the sides of our faces snugly together. Maybe it's because we've hugged a hundred thousand times and we've perfected the ideal hug for us. His scent drifting into my head is bringing with it a million memories of love and sex. In Robby's arms the sense of being home safely and happily slides deliciously over my brain like a cozy comforter. We don't hug roughly like Chubby and I hug. Brother hugs are more raucous signaling how happy we are to see each other and how much we love each other. Robby's and my hugging is full of love too, but it's a different love that's somehow warmer with deeper meaning because it includes the sharing of our bodies during sex. Our lover's hugs have exactly the right amount of tightness, more a caressing comforting hug indicating we belong in each other's arms. And yes, it brings tears of joy and relief that we're together again, and this time for good.

We hug without speaking, just soaking in the rightness of being together. Next, as if we practiced the timing of it we have a sweet tender loving kiss on the lips, then we pull our heads back a little without letting go of one another so we can stare into each other's identical blue eyes. Eyes conveying our true love, one for the other. And, as if choreographed, the eyes of love are followed by another hug, tighter this time, swaying a little as if we're celebrating that everything's as it should be and planet earth can now go back to rotating the way it needs to. Nothing to see here, folks, just two young men in love. Another silent lover's kiss and then Robby murmurs, "Welcome home, Dylan."

We're still standing just in the front doorway so Robby takes my hand and leads me inside. He closes the door and we do another kiss, a passionate kiss this time, one that turns my penis into granite. After the kiss I gasp as Robby rubs my head grinning at me without mentioning Ryan's specialty haircut. Instead he looks me in the eyes again, murmuring, "I love you and only wish I were a poet so I could put into words how much my love for you means to me." I nod my head gulping again, "Me too, Robby." He chuckles while wiping my tears off my cheeks with his fingers, quietly saying, "I'm so happy you're here, Dylan. And, um, I'm sorry to be like this but I simply can't let you go back. I was going to have this conversation later, but now's as good a time as any. You're staying here with me. You're not going back to, um, Georgia." I nod my head, looking serious as I murmur, "Okay, Rob," and he goes, "No, I'm not kidding! I'm not joking around? you're not going back for your last three weeks. I couldn't bear it." Grinning now, I say, "Okay, Rob, I won't go back to Georgia," and Chubby comes barging in with a six pack of Rolling Rock beer, saying, "Hope I'm not interrupting anything." Robby and I let go of each other as Robby says, "No problem, Jeff. I just told Dylan he isn't going back for the last three weeks of his job in? what town is it, Dylan?" I mutter, "Marietta." Chubby, with a cute mischievous expression, says, "Oh, you won't let him go back, huh?" Robby's shaking his head, "That's right, and I'm dead serious about it. I won't let him." Chubby's nodding his head, smiling, "Oh? Well I'm with you, Rob. How 'bout it, Dylan?" Robby looks at me, saying to Chubby, "It doesn't matter what Dylan thinks, he's not going back." Chubby and I grin at each other. Chubby would no more think of telling Robby I already decided I wasn't going back than he'd think of doing a swan dive off the balcony. That's my news, not Chubby's. There's a million little unspoken things understood between Chubby and me that makes us the closest best friends and brothers the world has ever seen, and that was merely one of the million. Chubby and I understand that sort of thing.

Robby's very serious as he gets his arm around the back of my neck and the three of us walk out onto the balcony. Pulling my head over against the side of his, Robby whispers, "I'm sorry to be such an asshole about this, but this is serious, Dylan. I'll call Ryan myself and tell him it's my fault you're not returning." I quietly say, "That's not necessary, Rob, I already told him I'm staying here." While we smoke and drink the Rolling Rock beer I tell Robby the whole story. He's beaming, giving me a one arm shoulder hug. This couldn't have worked out any better. Robby got to demonstrate his 'head of the household' demeanor, which I absolutely loved, and then I got to show Robby how much I want to be here with him by already having made the decision not to return to Georgia. Wow, I feel such a loving closeness to Robby right now as we stand together, his arm possessively across my shoulders. It didn't take long being with him for me to know my time in Georgia hasn't hurt our love affair; if anything it's strengthened it.

Soon the three of us are laughing and breaking each other's balls about little things or telling self-deprecating stories about some dumb shit things we did this summer. I can't ever remember being this happy or feeling so warmly loved by my brother and my boyfriend. They're the two mainstays in my life now and forever. Robby thinks to call 'Dino's Italian Cuisine' for reservations. That's the name of the restaurant, the one Robby and I adopted as our official restaurant for important dinner dates. Tonight it's a homecoming important dinner date with an added star in attendance, my brother, Chubby.

The earliest reservation available is eight-thirty so we drink the six pack of beer, smoke a couple of cigarettes, and talk about our jobs. They tell me about funny incidences from this year's landscaping job and I tell them about my experiences at Lockheed-Martin and the boys I worked with there. It's easy conversation and time seems to fly by. A little after eight o'clock Robby drives us to the restaurant with me sitting in between the two guys I love most in the world, love most in the world by a margin as big as the Grand Canyon. That's never been more obvious to me then it is tonight. With these two boys, young men actually, as part of my life I'll always feel safe and always know happiness. What a wonderful feeling. I check myself and decide I'm not overstating the case: for me it doesn't get any better than this, and doesn't need to either.

At the restaurant we get seated after only waiting a minute or two. A cute tough-looking busboy pours water for each of us, then in contrast to his tough bad-ass looks he gives us the cutest smile imaginable, saying, "Your waiter will be with you momentarily," and turns to walk away with his cute bubble-butt ass tightly filling out his black slacks. Robby and I raise eyebrows at each other recognizing the busboy's cute boyish grin and hot ass. Chubby's nudging my shoulder, mumbling, "Check out the rack on that redhead two tables over. Some surgery assisted in the making of those boobs. Nature would never be that outlandish." That makes me laugh out loud. Chubby thinks I'm laughing at his comment, and I am a little, but mostly I find it funny the differences between what he noticed as compared to what Robby and I noticed.

Tony's our server again, and he actually remembers me this time, saying, "You know the drill, Danny." Ha! Tony almost got my name right too, and the name 'Danny' makes me smile to myself as well. 'The drill' consists of us all showing Tony something from our wallets so he can say he checked our ID. I show him a picture of me and Robby outside our college apartment. He grins, nodding his head, then passing the picture back to me saying under his breath, "Cute ID." We order Manhattans because Robby claims, while they're strong and kinda gross, they're on the sweeter side. He feels martinis are just gross without any redeeming qualities. Chubby says we could have gone with whiskey sours and I chirp in saying, "The easiest liquor to get down is vodka and grapefruit juice." Actually it's all about the high we get from booze, not the taste. We don't do other drugs so we feel entitled to get a little drunk once in a while for our high. The trick is not getting too drunk, which is why we only have the one drink to balance out the two beers we each had on the balcony.

Robby and I decide we should order wine with dinners when eating at restaurants. As Tony waits with a half grin on his face, Robby studies the wine list frowning and nodding his head slightly pretending he knows what he's doing. Then he chooses a bottle from the wine list, going mostly by price rather than having any kind of familiarity with the wine he's ordering. We're all having red meat for dinner and Robby knows red wine usually goes with meat, but not always. Being ignorant of the 'not always' part we stick with red. Unable to pronounce the wine he's chosen, he says, "A bottle of number 68," and Tony says, "An excellent choice." Robby beams, but what he doesn't realize is Tony would say the same thing if Robby ordered a bottle of pink champagne.

The cocktails arrive as Chubby's telling us, "Just so ya know, boys, the human body is home to one hundred trillion microbes. That's trillions with a 'T', not billions. In fact, bacterial cells in the human body outnumber human cells ten to one." I mumble, "Just wondering, bro, why you're telling us this rather gross factoid at dinner?" Chubby says, "I'm getting to that. A ten second kiss transfers millions of bacteria from one mouth to the other and the more two people kiss each other the more alike their microbial communities are." Robby goes, "And is this a good thing?" Chubby shrugs, "I didn't get that far in my research yet, but you can Google the facts I've come up with so far and you'll see I'm accurate to the last trillionth." I go, "Huh! Will you get back to us when your research is completed?" Chubby chuckles and says, "If I have time, of course I will."

Back on the subject of Robby's landscaping crew, Chubby says to Robby, "That knucklehead, Biff, isn't working out, boss. I'm kinda sick of him." Robby shakes his head, "Yeah, what a fuck-up. He couldn't pour piss out of a shoe if the instructions were written on the heel." I ask, "Who's Biff?" and they explain that a guy named, Sidney Biffiron, was transferred from another landscaping crew to replace Danny Monday and Biff's not worked out well at all. Robby goes, "Biff was dumped on me from Stan Arnold's crew as a 'favor' to me. Some fucked-up favor. Now though, with my dear friend, Dylan, unexpectedly home for good it changes the picture. I'll do the paperwork this weekend sending Biff back to Arnold. That opens a spot for you, Dylan." I go, "You mean I can start working on your crew this Monday?" Robby says, "Yep, it would help me out for the rest of the month, but then Seth will be going back to supply and maintenance so I'll still need a replacement for the last month of the season."

Huh, I was kinda looking forward to doing nothing next week. Chubby asks, "Rob, what are you going to do three weeks from now when Dylan and I are on our Wildwood vacation?" Robby says, "I'll work it out with the other crews somehow. We'll manage for one week." Our dinners arrive and we mostly talk about the food as we eat. Then while having desserts and coffees we decide we'll have a swim in Robby's backyard pool. Robby's only had his landscape crew over for a swim and a cook-out one time this summer. Last year our crew had a number of cook-out there. I'm kinda looking forward to seeing the pool and the pool house again. Both places have many memories for me. I've enjoyed quite a lot of sex in and around the pool and pool house. Hell, many moons ago Dodger fucked me in the pool unexpectedly. It was our first time and shocked the hell out of me. Man, I miss Dodger!

As we're walking to the car I almost tell the guys about Ryan and me skinny dipping at the waterfalls pond, but come to my senses just in time and keep that little story to myself. Instead, as we drive to Chubby's and my condos, I tell them about the water park we went to and how it couldn't compare to the Wildwood water park. Chubby and I get bathing suits, then at Robby's house we find his parents and a neighborhood couple having drinks outside on the patio twenty feet from the pool. That puts a damper on things so we say 'Hi' to Robby's 'rents and the neighbors, then grab beers and hang out in the pool house. Drinking beers and smoking cigarettes we discuss whether we still want a swim with the old folks looking on. Then, after our second beer the little cocktail party on the patio breaks-up and we have the back yard to ourselves. Changing into our boardie swim suits we jump in the pool for a swim. Mosquitoes would normally be a problem on a summer night like this except the Dickers have three propane-run mosquito killers which keep the back yard mostly free of those vicious insects. I don't know how the propane tanks work, but they do.

The Dicker's back yard has flood lights of course but Robby turns most of them off and there's something cool about swimming under the stars on a hot muggy summer night. It's refreshing and relaxing, but mostly for me it's a treat to be with Robby and Chubby no matter what we're doing. We dive, swim, drink beers and break each other's balls for an hour or so, then huddle in the pool house for one last cigarette before calling it a night. I've been up since five o'clock this morning, then slept for two hours on the plane. Robby and Chubby got up around six o'clock to be at work by seven-thirty, so we're all tired. Dried-off, we put our clothes back on and Robby drives us back to the condo where Chubby and I have a hug saying goodnight, and as Robby and I watch Chubby going up to his condo, Robby asks, "Can I sleep over, Dylan?" That brings a big smile to my face. "Sure, Rob," and we go inside hand in hand. It's a little after midnight and mom won't be home until one or two. I leave a note saying Robby's sleeping over and we go into my bedroom where Robby texts his mom telling her he's at my place.

Robby goes, "How about a quick shower to get the smell of chlorine off of us." I nod my head and then for some reason we're both quiet as we get undressed. Standing naked in my bedroom we're looking at one another with a little grin on our lips. We've been naked together so many times in so many circumstances we're completely comfortable being naked together. Into the bathroom we go and I turn on the water with both of us still silent. While we wait for the water to come up to temperature we have a dreamy lover's kiss with our arms around one another and our hips humping lightly. We get under the flow of water still in each other's arms, the sides of our faces together. We're exactly the same height with approximately the same bodies and like I said, we fit together perfectly. After a minute or so Robby pulls his head back, rubs noses against mine, then murmurs, "I need a shave." His new baby mustache of light blond hairs on his upper lip is wet and flat, barely visible, but he doesn't mean that kind of shave anyway.

Soaking wet I get out of the shower to get shaving cream and a disposable razor from the medicine chest over the sink, then get back in the shower. Shaking the can of shaving gel and squirting some on my fingers I massage it into his pubic hairs; then, holding his dick with my left hand keeping it out of harms way, I carefully shave his blond pubic hairs and watch them slide down the drain along with the constant flow of water. Finished, I rub my fingers all around his groin area that's now smooth and hairless. It looks sexy so I take his semi-hard cock in my mouth and suck on it until it's very, very hard. Still not talking, all we hear is the sound of water flowing from the shower head, some slurping sounds from me sucking his cock, and quiet moans from Robby. His cock is sticking straight out from his body when I stand to put the shaving gel and razor on a shelf. Robby's eyelids are half closed as he puts a hand behind my head pulling my face to his. Our arms automatically go around each other as we kiss with Robby's tongue in my mouth. His perfect tongue that I lick and suck on until my cock's as hard as his.

The lover's kiss gets a little steamier, then hot and hotter still as sexual desire builds. Our teeth scrape together and I taste a little blood from a small cut on my lip. Robby almost picks me up turning me around. I bend forward, my hands against the tile wall and Robby thrust his boner into my ass past my sphincter muscle, and we both moan, "Mmmmm, ooh." Another hump of Robby's hips push his cock two more inches up my ass. His boner is as fat or maybe a little fatter than Ryan's so there's some pain from my stretched anus making me arch my back and grunt, "Ow, humph, ooh." Robby's arms come around my waist, his chest on my back, as he humps his hips hard fully impaling me with four hard inches of cock, a cock that I feel getting fatter inside my ass. He leans against my back, his arms pulling my buttocks tight against his newly shaved crotch, then tighter still as he grinds his hips. "Ooooh," it feels so good I'm sucking on my lips whining quietly. My right hand comes off the wall to hug his wrist as my head goes back so the side is against the side of his. He murmurs, "I love you, Dylan," and his hips start moving, just his hips, as he starts a fast hard fucking under the water flow creating louder than normal sounds of one male being fucked up the ass by another, "Slap, slap, slap, slap," wet sounds join my grunts of sexual pleasure, "Ah, ah, umm, umm, ah, Rob, ah!" The initial pain totally forgotten.

Time loses meaning as pleasure sensations flood my rectum from my anus to my prostate from his fast moving fat boner sliding back and forth inside me, "Slap, slap, slap, slap." "Oh, oh, oh, oh," as in my head I'm picturing Robby's cock plowing my ass rhythmically with sensations of sexual pleasure sizzling off his cock. I picture Robby's lips tightly together as he's puffing out short burst of air and grunting quietly from the effort of fucking me. It's pure sexual pleasure for both of us. Nobody's cock, no matter how large or small, feels as good fucking my ass as Robby's. My body gets stiff as my orgasm roars to climax and then whining sounds from me before a loud squeal that echoes in my ears as my hips hump and cum shoots straight out from my rock-hard cock, the cum splattering against the tile wall, then another scintillating stream of spunk travels at the speed of sound up the six inches of my boner with my body shaking as it exits in a creamy stream. Sexy zipping nerve endings sparkle around my groin and then there's a second of additional warmth inside me with Robby's doing his own whining sounds humping against my buttocks shooting his load of semen into my bowels while squeezing me so hard around my waist he lifts me up on my toes still humping against my ass as his chin's bumping my shoulder. His cock's sliding back and forth easily now in his own creamy-spunk lubricant. Thirty seconds of post climax thrusting goes slower and slower until he stops completely, gasps and shudders, then slides his softening cock from my ass leaving my anus wide open.

Robby helps pull me up straight and I turn around to hug his wet body, hungrily sucking on his mouth looking into his sleepy eyes. He has half a grin on his lips, looking happily contended as I'm kissing all over his face, quick little kisses of love and devotion. My face goes against the side of his head as I murmur in his ear, "Oh, Robby, I love when you fuck me. I love every single thing about you." He's taking deep breaths nodding his head slightly, "Me too, Dylan." My heart is still beating fast, my hands rubbing Robby's back and ass as I'm clinging to him. He's so awesome... and he's mine. One last deep breath from Robby, then he chuckles, and says, "Wow, that was something! I've been missing sex with you something terribly." He holds my face between his hands and kisses my lips, then says, "You shampoo and wash me first, then I'll do you," and that's what we do.

I shampoo Robby slowly, my fingers in his hair. He's such a sexy lover my forehead drops down against his and I rub noses with him before kissing his rosy lips again. When the shampoo is rinsed out I wash his body using my hands as the washcloth sliding over his face and playing with his ears before rubbing my soapy bath gel hands over every inch of his hot body. Both hands encircle his legs sliding from the top of his thighs to his ankles. On my knees I wash his feet while sucking on his cock again. It's gets really hard as I'm washing his balls and ass, then stoke his cock with a slippery fist. Robby pushes my head down stepping over me as I drop forward onto my hands and knees. Gripping my hip, my ass held up for him, he gasps as he mounts me again and gives me another hard fucking that last longer then the first time. I'm in sexual ecstasy moaning and shaking with pleasure until it ends with gooey hot second orgasms for us both that leaves us limp. Even after our climaxes Robby continues fucking me for three or four minutes. When he pulls out I get on my knees, turn around getting my arms around his buttocks and suck his cock again until it's firm. Looking up at him, he grins shaking his head, "I can't go a third time this soon." I stand and we do a hug and a kiss, then he baths me the same way I bathed him.

Out of the shower, drying ourselves, Robby's smiling at me, then says, "In the morning, baby, I'll need some of that great body worshipping from you, and then some slow lovers sex that goes on forever." I go, "Exactly what I had in mind, lover's sex like only you can do it. You and me," He hugs my clean, dry, naked body saying in my ear, "Whenever I hear you say the words, 'you and me,' it gives me awesome shivers down my spine." In bed, under the covers and in each other's arms we both sigh contentedly before quickly falling asleep. Sleeping with Robby brings back all the pleasures I took for granted sleeping with him every night through our freshman and sophomore years. Again there's bliss ...

To be continued? Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com


======================================================== Hoping some readers may be interested, there are books of mine published and available on Amazon.com. Anyone who has Kindle can download them for next to nothing. The books are under ten dollars. They are about a 19 year old gay boy (Oliver) who has a far different life than Dylan's. And there is a new book, 'Mike, his Bike and Me'. Please at least check them out by typing my name on Amazon.com. Information about the story in the books can be found in some detail there. Thank you.

Donny Mumford ============================================ Please consider a tax deductible donation of any size to nonprofit Nifty to help with the expense of maintaining this ginormous free story site. Thank you very much. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 4

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