Earth Reborn: Love and Greed

By Gay Writer

Published on Aug 28, 2006


The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story contains erotic homosexual situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Chapter 12 The Trials

"Schedule change." I smiled at Bransen while my eyes returned to their more natural icy blue color. "I had Doc make the announcement that trials will begin in the morning."

Bransen walked over to the couch while I scooted over for him to have a seat. "I thought you were going to wait two more weeks." He questioned as he sat down beside me.

"I don't think we can put it off any longer. Everyone should continue with their training, but I don't want to risk an unknown spy coming aboard the ship." I felt the heat from Bransen's body warming my side.

A crease appeared in his forehead as his eyebrows tried to pinch together. It was the same look that twisted his face when his mind was working too hard on something.

"You're going to be scanning their minds then?" The worry was reflected in his eyes.

"Yes." I gave a short nod.

Bransen's pale blue eyes seemed to darken. I could see the tension stretch out across his body as he shifted his weight. "I don't like this Khore. Not one fucking bit!" His voice sounded short and angry as the images played across his mind behind his eyes.

"Twist and Rift will accompany you for protection." He said resolutely.

"Actually, I was hoping you could all come with me." I stood and started pulling my shirt off as I walked toward the bed. "TK, please wake me at 3am. GENTLY!" I tugged the laces at the waste of my pants.

"3am?!? What is going on Khore?" he walked toward the bed

"I don't know." I said removing my pants letting them drop to the floor. I crawled into bed as he just stood there staring at me.

"I'm sorry Bransen, I know I should have talked to your first, but we are out of time. When I folded Doc and Chris to the complex I felt something. It was like a darkness slithering up my spine." The memory made me shiver. "Something is coming and we have to get them out of there now and we can't afford to bring in any spies. Please trust me on this."

"I do trust you." He said taking off his shirt exposing his muscled chest and abs. He unfastened his pants at the hip and slid the fabric down his legs. Pulling back the covers he climbed into bed. "So what's the plan?"

We worked out the details before Bransen spoke.

"COM. Shipwide. Attention all team members. You will transport to Cargo Bay 15 at 0400 hours. I repeat, All team members are to be geared up and ready in Cargo Bay 15 at 0400 hours."

"TK, Please wake everyone at 0300 hours, GENTLY" Bransen said as he situated the covers around himself.

"TK, lights" I commanded as we leaned for a kiss. I turned on my side and pulled Bransen's arm around me. It was going to be a busy morning.

It seemed I had barely closed my eyes when a loud voice shattered my dreams. "Get your asses up! Wake up!"

White light flooded the room as pain shot through my eyes. Bransen made a little grunt as his arm gave me a gentle squeeze.

"Are you bitches getting up?" TK's voice blasted at us again.

"YES TK! We're getting up!" I snapped back . Throwing off my covers I begrudgingly slid out of Bransen's embrace and stood on shaky tired legs. My body hadn't quite come to life yet and was resisting me.

Bransen had gotten up and trudged to the food dispenser.

"TK, Coffee" was all he said leaning against the wall.

The red flash peaked through the edged of the panel before it opened. The smell of coffee lured my body over to Bransen. Grabbing the mug from the tray I brought it to my lips to give it a quick puff of air. I needed the caffeine and blew again deciding the pain from the molten liquid wasn't quite worth the result.

I took a quick sip letting the bitter liquid fire bite against my tongue. It had been my morning ritual since arriving at the complex. After enough pains, numbness would set in and I would be able to swallow my coffee in doses that would rouse my mind.

As the caffeine took hold of my nervous system my eyes began to appreciate the view. We stood naked nursing our mugs side by side.

"TK, 2 more coffee's please." I kissed Bransen's cheek seeing some life return to his eyes.

"Morning hon." I slurred with my sleep tinged voice. "TK, replace the bath with a four person shower."

We watched as the black and white marbled texture rippled to a silver color and reform creating the new floor and walls. The liquid metal surged into its new shape and solidified to a black and white marble d^Âcor.

"I need to shower. Care to join me?" My eyes lingered on the pale blue grey flecks of his eyes before roaming down his muscled body. "If only we had more time..." I thought. I felt a slight pulse in my balls and brought my eyes back to Bransen's smiling face.

Pulling Bransen by the hand we entered the shower that had once been our Jacuzzi style bathtub. The hot jets of water blasted off the previous days sweat and twenty minutes later we were out of the shower, dried, and dressed. Showers always seemed so much faster. Albeit soothing, a shower just wasn't the same comfort as lounging in a nice hot bath.

I sped myself around the room cleaning up yesterday's tray our coffee cups and placed them in the food dispenser return slot. Nervous energy pushed me through the room picking up our clothes and tidying up before I was soon left with nothing to do. I stood picking at my fingernails staring at the floor trying not to think about the work ahead of us.

"Why don't you come over here and take a break before we go?" Bransen patted the cushion beside him on the couch.

We had fifteen minutes before it would be 0400 hours and I couldn't think of any place I'd rather be as I sat leaning into him. I could still smell the slight perfume of soap on his flesh as I nuzzled into his neck. His arm slid down from the lip of the couch and squeezed my shoulder causing me to jump. My head snapped up into his jaw causing his teeth to click.

"Ow!" Bransen piped rubbing his jaw. "A little nervous?"

"I'm sorry hon, yeah... I'm scared." Leaning over, I kissed where my head had jacked his jaw.

"Good, you're supposed to be. Relax..." he said noting the worry in my eyes. "It'll be okay."

His words comforted me because he believed them. I don't know where someone finds that confidence, but I need to find some and soon. This nervousness was not going to be productive. I glanced over to the clock next to the bed. We had five more minutes.

"Well... let's do this." I said pushing myself up from the couch.

Bransen stood beside me. "TK, transport Khore and me to Cargo Bay 15"

The white flash of light deposited us in the cargo bay before the rest of the team. They were all dressed, awake and waiting.

I let the silence of the room surround me as I pulled in the energy around and through me. My eyes blazed icy blue as an indigo and white fire erupted along my skin.

Bransen pulled Twist and Rift explaining their duties. I folded Doc and Chris to their bed here aboard ship.

"COM, Doc and Chris. Go to med level 5 and remain on stand by. We may have casualties." I noticed all eyes were now on me. This had gotten their attention as much as the strange fire that rode across my body.

Bransen gave me a nod and said "They know what to do."

I folded Twist and Rift to the bowels of the complex to complete their work.

Bransen explained. "Khore will be folding people ten at a time to this bay. He is going to scan their minds checking for possible spies. Once cleared TK will transport them to individual living units where they will remain confined. TK will be orienting them to the ship and encoding them with PDD's as we work."

"What the hell is going on Bransen" Neek shifted his weight sounding a bit too aggitated. "We don't get any weapons?"

"TK, Knife. Eight inches long with a five inch handle." The knife emerged from the floor as if it had given birth to it.

Instantly I took hold of it with my mind sending it in a speeding blur stopping an inch from Neek's left eye. . I let it twist and turn causing the light to play along the shiny blade poised to strike into his brain

"You'd give spies something to use against you?" I asked before letting it fall to the floor. "TK, take the knife." It sank into the floor like a rock in quicksand.

"I see your point." Need answered.

My voice sounded hollow as blue energy pulsed around me. "No guns, no weapons. Use the air around you and your minds. Use your abilities now to create a barrier around yourselves. Envision it like a force field nothing can penetrate. This 'should' cushion the blow of an attack."

Bransen continued "We are going to form an arch formation. Khore and I will be in the center. Sweed and Raven I want you on our right. Dusty and Neek on our left. Khore is going to bring them in about ten meters ahead of us in a row of ten. Most of the complex's personnel should be asleep except for a few guards so this will be to our advantage." Bransen paused. "Take your position."

I watched as they gathered around us in a half moon formation.

"TK, increase the cloak to maximum strength. I want all available power diverted to the cloak at the first sign of trouble. Oh, and don't be incinerating anyone

"Yes Khore." TK replied. I was thankful for the lack of harassment.

"Lets begin." I said as ten sleeping bodies appeared on the floor ahead of us. I searched their dreaming minds as they roused from their sleep. I drifted along their memories like the waves of a storm catching glimpses of their lives.

"Clear" I spoke and TK transported them to their new living units.

We continued this for the next two hours without incident. Many were apparently fond of sleeping nude. I whisked them along their way to their new beds to minimize their embarrassment. We had all relaxed from the lack of problems when I pulled in one of the final groups of ten. It was a mix of three standing security personnel and seven sleeping men.

I began searching their minds like I had the last two hundred and some but was blocked. It was too late. The surprise shown in their expression as their eyes erupted with light like my own.

Instantly, three buffets of blue energy traveled from them to us throwing Sweed and Raven to the ground with a sickening crunch. I folded the remaining seven waking bodies to the infirmary. "Hold them!" I thought to Doc.

Another series of energy waves exploded from them sending Bransen, Neek and Dusty flying backwards. The scream I heard from Bransen tore at my heart. He was hurt.

My anger flared with light. I was the only one who remained standing. They had hurt Bransen but I could feel him alive behind me against the cold floor.

I screamed as the rage took hold sending out a blast throwing them backwards. The light nearly burned from my flesh as I advanced. They crawled away with broken bodies while sending buffets of energy against me.

I focused on the guard to the right sending his body into an internal blaze of fire burning like a dried leaf floating into the air. The wall of red and orange crept across his skin as inhuman shrieks of anguish pierced the silence.

I reached out my arm to focus the energy lifting the two left into the air. Their eyes widened as I delved into their minds like a thousand spears.

"You will tell me." I yelled as I raped their thoughts without remorse. Like scraping ice from a window I shaved the memories from them as they screamed in torment. I tore what they knew from their minds as trails of blood trickled from their eyes and nose. Their screams bounced from the walls in the bay as I clutched their brains and spinal cords and crushed them letting them fall to the floor like so much dead meat.

We were out of time. The Thorens were arriving at the complex and I folded the last forty two of it's occupants to the bay. There was a fourth spy and I folded him before me letting him hover above the floor. I knew from the memories I had stolen, that he was the last. His eyes burst like cracked eggs as I tore through his mind. He was the one that was supposed to kill Bransen. Cold crept across my skin as I ripped his mind to shreds. He writhed making frightening strangled sounds. I twisted him like a wash cloth and tore his body in half sending it in opposite directions splattering to the floor.

I swept across the on looker's minds a little too harshly watching the sea or horror gaze back at me.

"Clear" I said in a hollow voice and TK transported them to their new living units.

I folded the four piles of gore to the entrance of the complex for the Thorens to find. An explosion erupted in the bowels of the complex. They could have the useless pile of twisted metal and dead computer system. Twist and Rift had done their job well.

"TK, Transport all team members to Med Level 5."

"Yes Khore" the computer replied as they were whisked away instantaneously.

I remained standing in place.

"TK!" I snapped... "I said all!"

"I... I cannot transport you in your current state." TK stammered.

I let the energy roll off of me in layers as the blue fire that danced across my skin faded to nothing. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Every muscle in my body ached as though stretched too tight only now being able to relax.

"TK. Med level 5 please" I asked. A white flash of light changed the scenery as I appeared in the medical facility. Doc and Chris were busy working to see that everyone was ok.

"How are they Doc?" I asked.

Everyone stopped staring back at me. They all looked to be fine from what I could see. Bransen, Twist, Rift, Raven, Sweed, Dusty, Neek. They were all healthy and accounted for.

"What's wrong?!" I asked.

Bransen brought over a damp wash cloth and dabbed at my face removing bits of dried blood and gore.

"What was that Khore?" Bransen dabbed the wet cloth against my neck. "What did you do to them? What the hell was that!?!"

"I killed them." I didn't understand what he was asking me.

He continued to move the cloth against my skin working down to a large gash on my arm. I hissed at the pain as he brushed against it. He jerked back watching the wound heal with a blue glow before it closed then continued to wipe away the mess.

"A bullet to the head kills someone. I can't even describe what I saw you do. What the hell was that?" he asked again.

"Oh..." I paused. "I raped their minds and destroyed their bodies. The last one was supposed to kill you. That won't happen now."

The tone of my voice was even and sure. It was almost like I was hearing someone else speak the words. There was no regret and no remorse. I had done what needed done.

"But, you were so... brutal." A shudder passed through Bransen's body.

"What would you have had me do Bransen? The Thorens were knocking on the front door of the complex and we were out of time. I couldn't take the chance that they might hurt us again. I couldn't let them transmit our location to the Thorens. What was I supposed to do? Kill them slowly?" I was quickly losing my composure feeling the anger boil up inside me. Why was he asking me this?

I could sense the Doc moving up behind me. He had a syringe in his hands.

"Don't do it Doc. No drugs." I said coldly as I ripped the needle from his hand sending it exploding into the wall across the room. I started backing away from them.

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!" I yelled. I could feel the blaze returning to my eyes.

"Back off everyone. Calm down!" Bransen commanded. "I'm worried about you Khore."

"Well don't be. I'm fine." I yelled pulling back the glow.

"Hell hath no fury like a parent protecting their child." TK's voice interrupted.

The sharp intake of breath made it sound as though the entire room had just inhaled. They stared at me in stunned silence.

"You're pregnant?" Bransen asked wide eyed.

"Yes. And so are you Bransen." TK answered for me.

Doc feinted.

"Well for shit sake! We're pregnant and he passes out." I smirked.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Bransen demanded.

"Would you have agreed to my plan if you had known?" I asked.

"No." Bransen said looking defeated.

"Well then... now you know." I answered.

Okay... the last two chapters have been a bit short. Yes I know many of you are reading to get off so I'm sorry for the disappointment. Sex is coming so please be patient. I'm not going to turn this into some cum fest so you can rest before tomorrow's work. I've received very little feed back lately so I have to assume I have either bored you, or you're too busy to type. I've enjoyed writing this and hope to hear from you soon. Please submit suggestions and complaints to

Take care!

Next: Chapter 13

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