Earth Reborn: Love and Greed

By Gay Writer

Published on Sep 8, 2006


The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story contains erotic homosexual situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Chapter 17 Emergence

I don't know how long it had been that I swam in my frozen prison. They had left me alone after devouring the previous planet. It seemed the promise of the next planet, my planet, had their complete attention.

In my attempts to divert the swarm of Kotan, I had been punished several times. Each attempt only weakened me and I was getting no where. I did learn some things as I delved into their consciousness however. They were like a colony of intergalactic bees but with no queen. They shared the safety of their number and a single minded purpose. FEED.

Their sense for finding food was much like a shark's but on a much grander scale. While a shark might smell a drop of blood in twenty five gallons of water, the Kotan could discern energy over a distance of light years. Much like a shark, they would sense the energy and follow the strongest source that met their taste. They would pick out a particular strong source of that energy and store it within themselves. Unfortunately, that had been me.

Otherwise I suppose they would move between energy sources with the off chance of never finding a specific destination if they sensed another yet more powerful source while in transit. Nature had a way of working things out and it did not surprise me that it had done its work for these creatures as well.

I decided on another tactic. I had said my goodbyes to Bransen, but I was not giving up. They had left me alone all along in reality. It was only my struggles that caused any pain. Time passed and I found myself regaining my strength quicker than I had expected.

I sensed them begin to feed again and knew it was Earth that they had landed on. I had to escape now or it was going to be too late. I focused my mind and thinking of my sons and Bransen let forth a burst of energy that could have flattened a mountain. A concussion reverted back into me that all but destroyed my mind and spat me out.

There was nothing but a void of darkness surrounding me. It was no longer cold as I lingered trying to collect my obliterated thoughts. I didn't know where I was, but I knew I was no longer linked to my Kotan captor. I feared there was nothing left of my body to return to or more possibly not enough of my ravaged mind. Had I died? Worse, what has happened to our unborn children and Bransen?

I was suddenly pulled as if by slingshot into myself. I was back in my body and it was still frozen, but quickly thawing. I felt the heat growing within me. I don't know how... but my son had fanned the flames of life within me. It had been gentle at first but was quickly turning into a raging inferno.

My eyes opened as the white blue fire swept across my body.

"I take it that we aren't winning." My voice was a bit horse but the sound of it seemed to give Bransen a heart attack.

"I KNEW they couldn't beat you Khore!" Bransen yelled as he hugged me nearly ripping me from the bed.

"Actually hon, it killed me. Bransen Jr. on the other hand seems to want to keep me around." I said smiling back at him. It felt so good to have him in my arms. I wanted to melt into him and stay like this forever.

At that moment a twinkling of blue light emerged from my pouch. I had only seen this once before, and that was when Kelay had passed on. The thought filled me with horror at what might happen next. Kelay had burst into a thousand stars. I couldn't bare the thought of living only long enough to watch the passing of my child and world around me.

The small blue light danced about as Bransen and I separated. It zipped around the room like a firefly. It passed through my forehead and I was instantly revived. It started swirling around Bransen. It looked like it was playing with him. It darted around Bransen like some pesky insect that wouldn't be shooed away. It had been racing around his abdomen passing through him several times before a second twinkling blue light burst from Bransen. Now there were two and there was no doubt in my mind these were our children.

I had seen many amazing things in my time, but nothing like this. The lights flared against each other growing in size and intensity. They had centered on me spinning. A thought came to me. "LEAD" I knew what I had to do.

"Three minutes until containment failure of fifth dimensional material. We are soooo fucked." Announced TK.

"Welcome back Khore... You have front row seats for the big boom. Nice timing bitch." TK snapped.

I gave Bransen a quick but tight hug and hopped off the bed. I folded myself high into the sky only moments before our children flashed next to me. The blue lights began to spin around me in a blur now looking like a single ring of bright blue light. We had to pull the Kotan from the planet. They didn't have my mind as their fix any longer and we had to give them a better target.

I focused and calmed my mind. The blue light of the souls of our children were building a sphere of power around us. For my children, my Bransen, and our world I pulled within myself and erupted pure power feeding their sphere. I funneled power from the earth and sun and even the Kotan themselves building the sphere. The sphere continued to grow as the Kotan had swarmed to its surface in a feeding frenzy.

My body couldn't be seen more than what appeared to be a star blazing white hot in the sky. We built the sphere pushing them back as they fed from the energy that drew each of them to the growing surface. The speed at which they absorbed the power and multiplied was amazing.

It was now or never. I sent the thought to my sons' light. "NOW".

The blazing white lights of them merged with me and I pulled in the sphere upon us. The Kotan were quickly approaching. Almost reaching us, we released the energy like a supernova. A blast of blinding white light erupted outward. As the intense light exploded outward it seemed to completely shatter the Kotan like a mosquito slapped as it gorges on your blood. The Kotan shattered like glass as the white hot nova continued outward against and through the entire planet before dissipating somewhere too far away to see. The Kotan could feed quickly, but not fast enough. We had filled them beyond their limit to feed and had destroyed them.

Tired and knowing the world was safe... I folded myself back aboard ship and to the bed in the medical bay along with our children. They lingered a little like drunken pilots before meandering their way back inside us. I can only imagine they were as weakened by the intensity of it all as I was. I let my eyes close and drifted into my dreams.

I woke in my own bed with Bransen's protective arm draped across me. I pulled his arm in tighter. I didn't want to leave this safe place. It comforted me. Everything had been happening so fast.

"Good morning hon" I heard Bransen say giving me a tight squeeze.

"Morning" my voice struggled out. "It feels so good to be back in our own bed and your arms again."

"I suppose we should get back to our world." I said smiling to myself. Nothing loomed in the future, and by now the Thorens and Humans aboard the remaining sphere would know what we had done.

"Not to alarm you hon... ", Bransen interrupted

"Oh for fuck sake now what." I interrupted.

"Nothing major hon. It's just, well... you don't look exactly like you used too. I think it's quite attractive." He answered with a kiss.

"Huh?!" I sat up too quickly nearly dislocating Bransen's arm. I hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "What NOW?! I have two heads?" I thought.

Finally in the bathroom part of me didn't want to look. I glanced up at my reflection to see my same old face, but... Now all my hair was the purest white. SON OF A BITCH! The streak had given me a little dignity, this.... I didn't know if I liked this at all. It was so drastic! The more I looked in the mirror, the more it grew on me. It was the least of battle scars, and I accepted it. This one I think I could wear with pride. It wasn't all bad, and if nothing else, it did make my eyes stand out even more than they had before. That vain part of me that remained was thankful the color hadn't aged my appearance. I suppose I should be beyond that, but well... I wasn't.

"I guess I could dye it." I said aloud.

"No way! It looks like snow! You better not!" Bransen yelled across the room now sitting up in the bed.

"It'll definitely make me stand out." I laughed looking more now at the reflection of Bransen in the mirror than myself.

I was happy, and we had been so very lucky. For once after my world had been torn to shreds there was something left. This time it was the things I cherished most. These last weeks had been so surreal.

"Oh I can't WAIT until those heathen boys of yours are in their teens!" TK interrupted.

"What's the matter TK, afraid you can't keep up?" I asked.

"Ohhh.... I see many trips to the sewage tank for those two if they bring me even half the trouble you two have." TK replied.

The thought brought Bransen and me to hysterics laughing so long my damn face hurt. Thank the gods the first 100 years or so would pass in a blur.

I turned and made my way toward Bransen. "Well Bransen, I suppose we should see what the hell is going on with our new world."

"We didn't lose many. Almost all of the remaining spheres that survived the assassination and coup of Keelon still live. Another few moments and we would have been done for." Bransen answered.

"Another three minutes, and you would have all been dust." TK blurted.

"Well then... I guess this bitch had good timing after all TK." I answered.

The next sound I heard was a raspberry, but for a change it had come from Bransen.

I nearly fell to the floor with laughter.

"How RUDE!!" came TK's reply which made me laugh even harder.

I have to admit. Any soul that could survive the roller coaster of fate and laugh at the end had done its work well.

"We have some work to do, and some details to sort out." I said beaming at my joy as he smiled back at me.

"You two make me want to puke" came TK's reply.

"Shall we?" I asked looking into Bransen's eyes.

He smiled at me and we showered and dressed. It was time to begin again and form our new world. The possibilities were endless.

TK had been directing the recovery of the liquid metal that had fallen to earth during the assault. The remaining spheres and we were nearly whole again.

The redundant systems of the Cystos had saved the members of our ship. The Sphere Major had similar systems in place that had protected most of those aboard during our conflict. Computer links determined there were 2,392,174 of us remaining counting Thorens and Humans.

We washed, dressed and prepared for our debut of sorts.

"Are you ready hon?" I asked looking at Bransen. His golden hair slipped over the black shimmering fabric of his half sleeve skin tight shirt that tapered expertly to his waste. TK had created this special for us and had done well. The pants billowed only slightly making Bransen's thigh look even more powerful than they were. We were in matching clothing. The white of my hair nearly looked out of place against the black, but ultimately accented the ridges and lines of the fabric.

"All Team members report to Command Level 1" Bransen announced.

It was nearly noon the following day after our battle with the Kotan. We all appeared in the command station including Bransen and myself in the center of it. The team just stared at me and I didn't understand for a moment until I remembered my now pure white hair. It made me grin.

"Begin the transmission." Bransen commanded nodding to Chris. Chris remained staring and jumped hearing Bransen clear his throat.

"You're on Khore." Bransen said to me with a small smile.

"Good afternoon. We are battered and bruised in the wake of all that has happened. Still through all of this we have survived. The energy wave that my children and I thrust out has renewed the planet as much as it has you. Your ships' computers will verify you are no longer Human or Thoren, but a mix of both. You will all live forever if you choose."

"There is no longer a 'Ruler' over us as a people. Keelon botched that, and while I'm sure there are good candidates, I won't be a party to it. I would suggest we govern ourselves by majority and with a single law. 'Do No Harm' We also need to determine a path for our people. We are all free to do as we please so long as it does not break this law. You may leave this world if you please, but not until I know from every individual that they choose to go. Anyone attempting to leave without following this process will be destroyed. I will NOT allow the subjugation of any individual for the convenience of another."

"There will be no more slaves and body guards. We are all equal in our standing from this point forward. You may choose a life of service in either area, but you will no longer be required. You will all however be required to board this ship and will have the opportunity at that time to choose a different life. You may stay, or even choose a different sphere on which to reside. There will be no reprimand for your decision. No one will punish you if you choose to stay or leave. This is how it will be. It is the only way to ensure that you are not being coerced or forced into doing something you do not wish." I took a deep breath and paused.

"In light of the past few thousand years, I cannot trust you to break a millennia of habit by my word. We will perform this sorting of all people every year as a celebration of our new freedom."

"Tomorrow, at 1600 hours your presence is required aboard this ship for a celebration and feast. You will then make your decision. Everyone is to attend, there will be no exceptions. Do not force me to collect you."

"Enjoy your new found freedom, and one last warning... Be careful in your love. You are more fertile now than ever before. The affects should diminish after a few months. I guess the boys wanted someone to play with. Take this time to think on your future."

"Does anyone have a problem following these orders?" I asked.

I knew there were still some that existed that wanted to keep their human sex toys and slaves. They had become used to their self importance and it was going to destroy their ill gotten world. Not my problem.

"TK, You will monitor all the remaining spheres. If any of them attempt to leave, warm them to stay. If they continue to leave, destroy them before they leave this atmosphere. Continue a sensor scan of all the spheres and notify me if even one individual is harmed or dies."

"End Transmission". I nodded to Chris.

"Damn Whitie!" Twist yelled. "It's great to see you!"

They all laughed between well wishes and smiles.

"Khore, we have a runner, Sphere 27." TK shouted.

The fire leapt across my body almost instantly. I focused my mind on the ship. I had become more in tune with the people my wave had touched. I was somehow linked to their minds on some subconscious level. The fire flared and I folded all of the people from the sphere to cargo bays 14 and 15. "FIRE"

"Do not let them leave the cargo bays TK" I thought.

The power rippled across the ships surface sending out the powerful beam of light destroying the ship a split second later.

"Open a signal Chris!" I was seething with anger. DAMNIT!

"You are no match for this ship. I will NOT allow any of you to take away any Humans without their opportunity to choose to leave you. I'd rather they all be dead than in your service. Consider it an act of mercy. Is this CLEAR?!"

I stood staring at the screen in front of me waiting for any reply. The fire was riding across my body and my eyes were a blazing blue.

"I will take your silence as agreement. End transmission." I commanded.

"We'll catch up later guys. I have some people to chat with." I said letting the power roll around me.

"Who?" Bransen asked.

"The people I folded into the cargo bay before we blew up that ship." I answered smiling. "We've had enough death already don't you think?"

He pulled me tight and we kissed. The fire started working down his skin and the feelings were intensifying. I pulled back with a smile glancing at his crotch knowing what I'd find.

"Later." I thought to Bransen.

"I always knew Bransen had a thing for old guys. Nice moves there Grampa!" Twist chided.

Now I know he didn't just call me a grandpa. I smiled wide staring straight at Twist as the rest of the team seemed to lean back. I folded him to the sewage tank and back again. He was shiny with fluids and debris that made me shudder to think about. He was wide eyed and arching his arms and legs as if trying to get away from himself.

"If I happen to hear any of you call me Grampa ever again... I'll make that your new home." I said with a wide grin. I folded Twist to his quarters

"OOOOoooo BITCH! I think I like you!" Came TK's voice. The rest of the room burst into nervous laughter.

"Well TK, I learned if from the best." I chuckled.

"Wait a minute... Did you just call me a bitch?" TK asked.

"Never." I answered as we laughed even louder.

"OK you guys... you have the rest of the afternoon and night off by Bransen's orders. Careful though... You're quite fertile." I said with a grin turning my still blazing eyes at Bransen.

"You and I however, don't have to worry about getting pregnant." I leered at Bransen. "I can do this on my own, but I wouldn't mind some company. I've missed you."

"Works for me." Bransen smiled back at me.

"Okay then... let's get to it. Have fun folks." I paused. "TK, Transport Bransen and me outside of cargo bay 14."

In moments we were standing in the hallway before the access arch of the bay. I leaned in and gave Bransen a quick kiss.

"Okay. Let's get this done quick." I smiled at him.

"Agreed." Bransen answered.

"Okay... reach out with your mind. Touch across their thoughts. Be gentle. There are twelve of them. They stand out like a beacon with their fear." I instructed.

Bransen closed his eyes and his own fire lit his flesh. The third wave had moved him to a new level of power. The relief I felt from this was immense. He would most surely now be able to defend against four to five Thorens. Well, he could after some training.

"I see them." Bransen said in wonder.

"Okay... now open your eyes and maintain the power. Let it flow through you." I continued.

Bransen opened his eye and the power flared a moment when he realized it was his own. He brought it back under control with little effort.

"You could have warned me you know." He said with a little edge to his voice..

"Yes, but if this little surprise could completely break your concentration, I couldn't let you go in there. Now I'm sure you're safe." I told him softly.

"The Thorens that are responsible for this are expecting us to transport in. I will fold us in and isolate the twelve. I'll need you to help me hold them there as we enter. Maintain the barrier around you like a shield, but help me to keep them in place against the wall. Just don't squash them. Build a barrier around them that will not let them move. Do not push against them or you'll crush them by accident." I instructed.

"Got it." Bransen answered.

"TK, transport and confine the remaining people that are not against the wall to individual rooms." I commanded.

"Yes Khore." Came the reply.

"Ready when you are." Bransen announced.

I opened the arch and we walked through as I seized the individuals that had tried to leave the planet. I sent them flying through the air into the far wall. They were resisting but Bransen's focus was helping. TK transported the remaining people into separate rooms.

We walked the mile length of the bay until we stood before them. I plunged my mind into theirs like a dagger. I folded seven of them instantly to a position not far from the moon. No... they were not going to survive. Five of them remained. I had sensed a change in them. They were willing to adapt to a new world... maybe.

"You did not have to run. You could have left of your own free will after tomorrow." I announced.

A rather frail Thoren in the center of the five spoke. His voice quivered with the strain of his resistance and his fear. "Where did the others go?" He asked.

"They are dead." I answered. "They did not have to be, but I could see in their minds, that they would subjugate another race even if they left with no humans from this planet. They made their decision. Now you have a decision to make. Think it over carefully."

I could see the light of their eyes waning. They had chosen life. I didn't know for sure about the longevity of the situation, but I would watch them. Moments passed.

"TK, transport and confine them to individual rooms." I commanded.

Bransen and I stood in the empty bay like two blue candles.

"One bay down, one to go." I gave Bransen a light elbow. "TK, Transport us to cargo bay 15."

I stretched my mind into the next room. What I found I didn't like. There was a few more this time. There were thirty one of them. I folded eighteen of them to space before we entered. Thirteen remained. We entered as before and we delved into their minds. I could feel Bransen's mind brushing against mine as we searched their thoughts. He nodded to me and I nodded back in agreement.

"TK, assign them rooms and confine them." I ordered only seconds before they were whisked away in flashes of white.

"So... Where were we?" I asked leaning into Bransen feeling the fire feed between us.

I am guilty of being lazy and letting this cliff hanger sit too long. I suppose that is the evil in me. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and I hope that this one gives you hope. It is your feedback that keeps me writing so I hope to hear from you all soon. Please send comments and criticisms to . Take care!

Next: Chapter 18

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