Emperors Son

By moc.loa@agiasustetnna

Published on Oct 31, 2010


Ok first off I want to say that I have written many stories before and mostly they were fanfictions based on characters from movies and games. I have always loved gay erotica since I can remember. I know it's weird for a girl but I do. I thought I would give it a try with you guys. I will warn you that my grammar is not perfect but I have seen worse.

WARNING: This story contains sexual activities between men. If this offends you or if it is illegal in your area then LEAVE now. You must be 18 or older to read this story! All Character in this story are purely fictional and made up. Some things are based on events in the past but the characters are my own. The historical facts are not accurate nor is the language communication. Sorry but I will do the best I can... please read with an open mind and any help with the story is most welcome.

OVERVIEW: This story is not historically correct even though it is inspired by real events. The Characters are fictional and made up along with the story. Also I think I should go ahead and point out that the time line of ancient times in this story are mixed up. Please forgive me of this. This 1st chapter is only for an introduction to events.

To see the inspiration for Kuang to the link below. It is a Princess outfit but Kuang is very feminine and loves wearing them.


Send Reviews to AnnTetsusaiga at aol dot com

The Emperors' Son Ch. 1

That morning, the palace was very busy and was utter chaos. The Mongols were fighting just outside the castle walls. Soon if all did not go well, they would break their way into the city. Kuang stood in the castle garden in his beautiful robes and head dress and watched with his blue eyes as everyone was running around the palace in a frenzy.

His mother the empress came running up to her youngest son. "Kuang we must flee, Come" She took him by the hand.

He lifted up his robes and ran with his mother. His robes glided along the floor but it was hard for them both to run in their outfits. His mother wore a beautiful long dress the color of the sea and long flowing sleeves; Her head dress made of gold. Kuang Wore a white robe that looked almost feminine with flowing sleeves that dragged the ground. He too wore a head dress. They ran for the throne room. It had a secret exit for emergencies. Their running had been in vain for the Mongols had broken through the gates and no sooner was the throne room invaded.

The leader of the barbaric tribes was not a man to be trifled with. He is very tall and very muscular with a strong face and eyes that pierced through you like steel.

Kuang put his hand to his stomach for it had felt as though it had butterflies in it. The leader was now standing next to his father, the emperor of the forbidden kingdom of China.

"I am Barton the great and leader of Mongols and soon the world" He said laughing.

"Please, take what you want and leave my kingdom!" The Emperor demanded.

Barton looked angry. " You are in no position to give demands!"

Kuang then saw that his father looked very frightened as Bartan walked up to the emperor and grabbed his neck. There were no guards to stop this for they were all were either killed or being guarded by Barton's men.

As the two leaders conversed, his mother whispered to Kuang. " Do not worry my son. I have heard of these barbarians. They will take what they need and leave. We will be safe." She gently squeezed his hand. "I will never let anything happen to us."

He looked into her eyes. They were like his own. He nodded. "I do hope so mother."

Kuang then looked up and saw that the Mongol leader Barton was looking right at him. Everyone was looking at Kuang now, including Kuang's 4 older brothers. His heart fell to his stomach and he blushed with embarrassment. They had missed the conversation they had because they were whispering.

He could not speak for it felt as though his own voice had betrayed him.

Barton began to walk towards Kuang. He wanted to back away but his legs would not move. He stood there frozen until Barton had made his way over to the smaller man.

"And is this your daughter?" Asked as he took a bit of the long flowing black hair into his fingers. It felt soft yet fine.

"HE is my son!" The mother told him. "We have no daughters."

Barton's faced looked confused. "Really? He is quite beautiful for a male." He stated, looking Kuang up and down.

Kuang swallowed hard. He did not like the way he was being looked at.

Barton looked back at the Emperor and smirked. "I will take the boy, and the tribute."

Kuang was utterly shocked. His mother was not happy with this at all.

"My youngest? No!! You cannot have him!" His mother yelled.

Barton looked at the empress. "I will or your kingdom will feel my wrath! I will kill all your people! The streets will be lined with fat from the burning bodies of your people! I promise you that!!" He paused. "I will get what I want!"

This was true. Barton could be a very cruel man. The Empress and Emperor had heard of Barton's conquests. They knew of the terrible deeds of this man.

Kuang's mother began to cry and beg. "Please... I beg of you, do not take my precious son!" She had fallen to the ground on her belly touching Barton's feet with her fingers.

He said nothing as he backed away from her hands. "I will have him, or do you want to be the cause for the fall of your kingdom and of your husband's demise?"

She stood up, still crying. She knew she could not go against his wishes.

The Emperor stepped forward. "If I give you Kuang and your tribute, you'll leave us in peace?" he asked.

Barton looked at the emperor and nodded.

The Empress stepped forward. "Please! Take me too! I want to be with my son!"

Barton looked at the woman confused. "You would rather stay with your son? No, I cannot."

The emperor looked at his wife and shook his head. She then hung hers in shame and sorrow. Kuang looked at his Father who then looked away from him and so did his brothers. He understood then, that they were going to just hand him over to this man.

Kuang looked at this man in front of him. He was very intimidating indeed and just looking at him made him want to cower and run away. It would do no good though he knew. He would be risking lives if he ran. He looked away.

"What is your name boy and how old are you?" Barton asked the boy, gently cupping the small boy's chin making him look at him.

"Ku..Ku..Kuang sir and I am 18." He said in a shaky voice. He was practically trembling.

His Father spoke up. "Take him and the tribute and be gone."

Barton looked at the Emperor. It was a rude things to say but he let it go and smirked. "Very well then." He waved his hand to his men, but then he heard a small voice speak.

He looked over to Kuang, confused. "Did you speak boy?"

Kuang nodded. "Y..Y..Yes"

"Well, out with it!" He demanded.

"please." He said softly.

"Please? Please what?" He looked irritated. "Speak up!"

Kuang was frightened as he spoke. "P..Please sir.... May I at least brings some of my things?"

Barton laughed. "I am taking you away from your family and all of this and all you want is your things?" He asked smiling, waving to the palace.

Kuang shook his head and spoke softly. " I I will not dishonor my family and...... I have no other choice." He hung his head and shed a tear.

It heart him deeply that his family would not fight to keep him but what choice did they have.

Barton watched the boy. He saw that he was crying. His beauty was absolutely captivating. His long flowing hair and beautiful robes and those eyes... he had never seen anything so beautiful.

Barton then cleared his throat. "ah-hem Very well, you may...bring your clothes and belongings... as... as well as your servants..." He then pointed to some of his men to escort the prince to retrieve his things.

"May I help him please?" His mother asked.

They all looked to see what Barton would say. He only nodded. They went to Kuang's room and retrieved his clothes and head dresses. They only let him bring two trunks full of stuff and his carriage but it was sufficient. They had gotten their tribute and were at the gates to leave. Kuang sat in his carriage pulled by oxen the Barton allowed after arguing with Kuang's mother about it.

His mother then gave him a kiss on the forehead and a hug and the Mongolian army left, with Kuang and their tribute. As they left the gates, Kuang cried. He knew in his heart he would never see his mother or father again. He was to live a new life now. What would happen to him now that he belonged to this man?

Well Sorry if that was bad... please help me if it was! Proof reading is welcome as well. I have now idea if I did well on this 1st chapter or not. You may send reviews to AnnTetsusaiga@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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