Emperors Son

By moc.loa@agiasustetnna

Published on Jan 9, 2011


WARNING: This story contains sexual activities between men. If this offends you or if it is illegal in your area then LEAVE now. You must be 18 or older to read this story! All Character in this story are purely fictional and made up. Some things are based on events in the past but the characters are my own. The historical facts are not accurate nor is the language communication. Sorry but I will do the best I can... please read with an open mind and any help with the story is most welcome.

The Emperor's Son Ch. 2

As Kuang sat crying in his carriage he peeked out the window and saw to his

surprise that Barton was riding a horse next to the carriage. He also noticed all the soldiers. There were so many, that he now understood why his father had cowered before this man. He was very afraid, he did not know what would happen to him now.

He sat looking out the window for a while and at one point, Barton noticed him looking out the window and gave a smirk, for the boy had a look of awe on his face. Barton figured the boy had never been outside the palace walls his whole life. Kuang quickly ducked away from the window, making Barton laugh.

As he sat there, he started to think about the events that had taken place.

He couldn't believe this was happening. He then decided to think about his

things he had brought with him. The one thing that stands out the most is his dance outfit his mother had given him. It's a light blue in beads, embroidery and ribbons with a ver elaborate head dress.


The Empress was dancing before her family in privacy. Kuang watched his mother danced so gracefully and sang a beautiful Chinese song... Kuang played on

his Zheng instrument. He had learned how to play by his mom when he was five and now was nine. He had been learning how to play many instruments. He played quite well at such a young age.

After his mother had finished her dance, Kuang went to his mother as she sat in her favorite garden alone as his farther attended to matter's of the country. Kuang sat next to her on a bench next to a pond.

"Mama.." He said to her.

"Yes dear? You wish to ask me something?" His mother asked with a smile.

Kuang blushed. "yes... would you please teach me to dance like you?"

She let out a sigh. "I knew you would ask me one day."

She smiled and looked at him. "You are very much like me in so many ways."

She nodded. "Yes my Dear sweet Kuang, I will teach you, but we must do so in secret. Your father would be displeased if he knew."

Kuang smiled and nodded. "I promise!"

So she had taught him to dance and he was a natural at it and learned quickly. However when he turned 15 he went to his mother again and asked to wear

one of her dance costumes. It sort of shocked her but she said yes... the dance costume fit him well. His feminine features made him look like a girl as he dance. He was beautiful. He loved wearing his mother's costumes so much but his favorite of hers was the 1st one he ever wore... the light blue one. Then on his 17th birthday, his mom gave it to him as a gift, so it was very special.


Then Kuang had a sudden thought... maybe he could please Barton by dancing for him. His servants knew how to play instruments and he had brought a few with him that his mother had given him. This thought made him nervous, scared and excited. He had never danced for anyone outside the palace walls before.

He then sat back and thought about his relationship with his father and siblings. His father hardly talked to him so he really did not know him well and his brothers all made fun of him. It was because of the outfits he had chosen to where... they were all feminine. They called him names like sissy boy or little girl. His father was not keen on the idea either and his parents had fought about it... and his mother always won the arguments because she was very good at logic for a woman, even though his father did not like it, he put up with it but never really had anything to do with Kuang, so his father had become a stranger to him. He missed his mother deeply.

He began to cry. He cried for a long time. They traveled for hours and eventually Kuang had fallen asleep from all the crying. He awoke suddenly when they had stopped. He peered out the window of his little carriage and could see it was beginning to get dark now and there were soldiers running everywhere. They were setting up camp for the night.

The door suddenly opened, giving Kuang a fright. It was Barton. He stepped into the carriage and then sat in the seat across from him. Kuang watched him with his grey eyes with some fear behind them.

"Do not be frightened of me. I will not harm you nor will my men. I have had many beautiful women before and have never myself on them, it will be the

same for you... I will never force you do anything." He said with little expression.

Kuang hung his head and said nothing.

Barton gently cupped Kuang's chin and gently lifted his head to look at him. "You are beautiful as well. It would please me if you would sit by my side at the celebration feast tonight."

Kuang's eyes got wide. This was his chance. "I... I.. If it pleases you I.... "

Barton's expression changed and he removed his hand. He looked interested.

"If it pleases you, I could do a dance in your honor." Kuang said hopefully.

He didn't like being in this situation but seeing as he had no choice he had resolved to survive and please this man.

Barton rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Dance?"

Kuang nodded. "Yes... my mother taught me how to dance since I was very young and I am very good. My servants can play the instruments I brought with me."

Barton smiled. He was surprised the boy showed such eagerness to please him. He nodded. "Yes it would please me very much. I will be back to fetch you

when our tent is ready. I am sure you are stiff from the long ride."

Kuang smiled. "Yes thank you, you are too kind." He then bowed.

Barton left the carriage. After Baton left and was out of sight he called his servants to him and discussed the events of the night to them and what piece to play when the time was right. He really didn't like the idea of his new life but was determined to make the best of it. He had the perfect dance for the feast, The beauty dance, his favorite dance of all.

Ok I know it has yet to get to any sex parts but they will come soon enough

I promise! I hope you enjoyed it and please send me a review! My email is AnnTetsusaiga@aol.com (mailto:AnnTetsusaiga@aol.com) and the more reviews I get the more likely I will update! Thanks!

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