End of Innocence

By Mirage and Rowan Taranthia

Published on Sep 30, 2000


Disclaimer: Yes. We know Britney is "dating" Justin and Reese and Ryan are "married" but let us have fun! Right? RIGHT! Okay. We donno these people. Although, it would be loads of fun to have them read this. Muahah. I would fear for Britney's chest though. Rowan! Put that needle down!

Hey! Cow and Whore here! Back early! YAY! hehe. Now what do you suppose we've got planned for this chapter? So enjoy and knock yourself out (not literally, we really can't afford a law suit right now). hops from one foot to the other go read go read go reeeaadddd

Rowan - Look! She constipated! Mirage - glares at Rowan Rowan - laughs at Mirage Mirage - excuse me while I pound him. Enjoy!

To the fans who've e-mailed us: THANK YOU! We've got some phenominal responses. I think our favorite is "I don't know why I like your story, but I do. Please keep writing." That HAS to be the best one. hehe. See, even the little things you gotta appreciate. But we love all the responses we get. Even the ones that hate our story except we haven't gotten one of those yet. Anyone wanna be the first? giggles I'm joking!

To the fans who haven't e-mailed us: Remember, we STILL love you. It's okay if you're e-mail challenged. :) But if you haven't e-mailed us, we would REALLY appreciate it if you did. I mean, we've spent HOURS upon HOURS on this story. We just want to make sure we're doing our job in entertaining you. We don't want you to feel GUILTY or anything. We just want to know that our work is appreciated grins WE LOVE YOU!

yougottaloveus@loveable.com <--- Our e-mail address. Use it. sweet grin

End Of Innocence Written By : Mirage Taranthia (Cow) and Rowan Taranthia (Whore)

Chapter 6

"Where does it go? Top or bottom?" Brian asked as he eyed the two holes.

"There's only one hole that it'll fit in!" Cesar said, shaking his head. "I do wish you'd hurry up!"

"Well, I didn't know that there was only one hole it'd fit in!" Brian exclaimed. All the while trying to put it in the bottom hole.

"Ow! Wait, that's the wrong hole, Dork." Cesar sighed and shook his head. "Here, let me guide you." Cesar reached around and grasped the rather small object. "There. Now it goes there! Ooh, see? Easy. Now push it all the way in. Ahh, that's it. A little farther, ahh, there you go. Now turn."

Brian laughed and shook his head.

"Why should I turn it? Isn't it one of those..." Cesar laughed and cut him off.

"No, just turn it and then pull it out."

"Well, okay."


"Flight 524 from Albany, New York to Orlando, Florida is now boarding First Class passengers," the fuzzy voice came over the intercom.

"You are sure you wanna do this, right?" Ryan asked, concern showing for his lover.

"I'm sure, Angel." Justin said softly, looking into his lover's clear blue eyes.

"All right then," they grabbed their carryon luggage and boarded the plane. Both had baseball caps and sunglasses on covering their real identity. 'I do hope he's ready.' Ryan thought to himself. 'I really do.'


"Now, you're definitely sure?" Ryan asked again as they sat down in their seats. Justin took Ryan's hands in his and stared deeply into his blue eyes.

"Angel," He assured, "I'm positive."

Ryan nodded as the plane began to take off, a small bead of sweat fell from his forehead.


The sun was blazing when the plane landed in Sunny Florida. The back door of the plane flew open and the hot, humid air filled the cabin. Slowly, the two grabbed their overhead luggage and made their way out to Luggage Claim.

The two young men grabbed their luggage and while trying to be inconspicuous, left for car rental.

"I can't believe we're going through with this," Ryan muttered, hoping his sweet Juju didn't hear him. Justin laughed as he signed the papers and took the car keys.

"Calm down. Mom's gonna love you. I promise!" Ryan sighed and nodded, still hoping that his caring Juju didn't sense the anxiety in his voice.

"If you say so." He whispered.

"I know so. Now, come on." Justin urged, grabbing Ryan's hand and pulling him to the car.


Ryan sat in the passenger side of the convertible as they raced down the long Florida street. 'I can't believe we're doing this,' he thought. 'This is insane. Yeah, I wanted him to be open with his parents but bringing me, unannounced, to Thanksgiving? How are they going to take it?'

"Angel?" Justin said softly.

"Yeah, Juju?" Ryan turned to look at his lover.

"Everything is going to be fine."

"How'd you kn-"

"Angel, I know." Ryan grinned and squeezed Justin's hand. "There it is," Justin nodded toward a large white house with blue shutters. Ryan swallowed around the lump in his throat. It looked like the model home. The home with a white picket fence and the collie waiting to guard the perfect family. A blonde mother, a tall, dark haired father with a cocky smile, the perfect little boy and girl.

"If you wanna sleep in separate rooms while we're here, I understand."

"Angel, shut up," Justin laughed. "I'm gonna tell mom before tonight is over. I swear." Ryan nodded as they pulled into the driveway. The door opened and a petite women with blonde wavy hair burst out of the house.

"Justin! Sweetheart!" Justin got out and hugged Lynn.

"Hi, Mom. This is Ryan," Lynn bustled around to the other side of the car and hugged him.

"It's nice to see you again Ryan. I'm sorry about the way I acted on the phone the other day."

"I should be the one apologizing Mrs. -"

"None of that Mrs. stuff. Call me Lynn."

"Well, I should be the one to apologize, Lynn. I acted completely-"

"Enough apologizing," Justin interrupted. "Let's go inside! We have lots to talk about, Mom." They grabbed their bags and followed Lynn inside. Justin brushed his hand across Ryan's and smiled at him.

Chris impatiently paced back and forth in the living room. Christina sat on the couch a few feet away from him and watched him wear away the rug.

"What are you waiting for?" Christina asked.

"Mom is supposed to be bringing Busta home. He was staying with her for our promotional tour last month." Chris said, bouncing with happiness at each word.

"Ooh. Cool!" she grinned and stood up, she waved to him and was soon on her way to find a pint of chubby hubby in the freezer for Reese's cravings.

"Come on, Mom!" Chris hopped from one foot to the other as he peered out of the window.

"That so doesn't sound right," Joey laughed as he entered the living room and walking toward the mantle. Chris glared at him but still started laughing.

"You're sick."

"I'm so glad you two are going to be able to join us for Thanksgiving," Lynn gushed as they sat at the kitchen table, each had a cup of coffee in front of them. Justin dropped his hand onto Ryan's thigh and rubbed absently.

"Yeah, I couldn't stay away," Justin smiled running his fingers along Ryan's flesh.

"So, Ryan, it's good to see you again. It's been a very long time. Almost two years." Lynn said, her smile was warm and affectionate.

"Yeah, I've been pretty busy with work." Ryan squeaked out his answer as the caressing of his thigh aroused him.

"I don't mean to be rude but why exactly are you here?" Lynn asked. Ryan looked at Justin and could tell that he was not ready to tell his mother.

"Well, I wanted to apologize in person and I was going to visit my parents anyway." Ryan smiled his award-winning smile and won over Justin's mother.

"Oh, that's lovely," Lynn beamed.

"Yeah they only live a few miles from here so I thought, why not kill two birds with one stone and since they're going to be out of town until Wednesday, Justin offered to let me stay here, that is, if that's okay with you." Ryan trailed off.

"Of course! Any friend of Justin's is a friend of mine," she smiled and patted Ryan's hand across the table.

'Friend isn't exactly how I'd put it,' Ryan thought as he smiled at Lynn.

"Ryan and I are gonna go make up a room for him, okay, Mom?"

"Sure, honey. Why don't you set him up in Josh's old room?" Lynn suggested.

"All right, come on Ry." Justin pulled Ryan up by the arm and rushed him out of the room.

"Thanks for letting me stay!" Ryan called as Justin pulled him up the stairs. "What is up with you?" he asked once they were out of earshot and settled. Justin pinned Ryan against the wall and went to press his lips against Ryan's own. But was rather surprised to kiss a wall. He opened his eyes and found Ryan next to him.

"What the?"

"I'm not comfortable with this Juju." Ryan looked down at his shoes.

"With what? Me not telling my mom?"

"No! Kissing you in your mother's house. I feel like there are a thousand eyes looking at us," Ryan shuddered. Justin circled his arms around Ryan's neck and looked into his eyes.

"Just one kiss?" He asked, pouting. Ryan could never resist that pout, not even know, faced with the prospect that his lover's mother could walk by any moment. He shut the thoughts out of his mind and leaned forward, touching his lips lightly with Justin's. Light, but rather quickly. "What was that?" Justin asked.

"You know what they say, don't you? Kiss me sweet and quick. Now show me where Josh's old room is," Ryan instructed. Justin sighed dramatically and guided him to the end of the hallway.

"Right here," he opened the door and grinned. "I'm across the hall."

Ryan dropped his bag onto the bed and sat down. He felt the comforter beneath his fingertips. Sleeping without Justin, now there was a concept he hadn't thought of. Maybe he shouldn't have come. Maybe he shouldn't have overreacted like that and pushed Justin into telling his parents...maybe a lot of things. He knew Justin wasn't ready. And one week before Thanksgiving? He groaned and fell face first into the mattress.

"I'm such a dick," he mumbled, forgetting Justin was there.

"Angel?" Ryan looked up at his sweet, Juju. 'God,' He thought. 'I love him so much. Don't let me lose him.'

Justin positioned himself to where he was leaning against the doorframe.

"Yeah?" he whispered.

"I promise, before we leave." Justin's gazed into his lover's eyes. "I'll tell her."

"No pressure, sweetie," Ryan said softly as Justin walked out of the room. "No pressure," he whispered again and fell back against the mattress.


Reese scuffled down the stairs, trying not to trip over her feet. Cesar caught her as she almost lost her footing.

"I think we should move you down to the guestroom, Sweetie." he told her, helping her to the couch.

"But the bed isn't big enough for all three of us," she pouted, hoping he'd change his mind.

"I'm sure they'd rather you not kill yourself on the stairs." Cesar pointed out. Reese sighed and nodded.

"You're right. Help me move some of my clothes?" She asked looking her cousin the eye. Cesar nodded and scratched the back of his head.

"You should only need a few outfits, the baby has to come out sometime. It can't be that comfortable in your stuffy old belly." He said the last three words in a baby voice and he pretended to tickle Reese's tummy. He blushed when Christina came through and looked at him strangely. He stood up, straightened himself, and kissed his cousin on the cheek.

"Greeeatt. Thanks," she retorted sarcastically and rolled her eyes.


DING. DONG. The doorbell rang. Chris raced to the door practically knocking the hall table over. He threw open the door and smiled brightly.

"BUSTA!" he exclaimed only to find the mailman with a package. Chris frowned. "Yes?"

"I've got a package here for a...Miss Aguilera." The older mailman said, obviously disturbed by Chris' behavior.

"CHRISSY!" Chris yelled up the stairs. The mailman grimaced at the loud noise.

"What?" Christina called back. 'Interesting household.' The mailman thought as he poked in and saw two men cuddle on the couch.

"DOOR!" Chris replied, then turned at the mailman who jerked back into standing straight.

Christina came tromping down the stairs happily. "Yes?" She asked.

"I've got a package for you," The mailman smiled a star-struck grin. "Just sign here," he handed her the package and clipboard. She signed her name with little hearts as dots for the "I's."

"Thanks, bye." She closed the door in his face and turned toward the stairs.

"What is it?" Chris asked peering over her shoulder, nosy bastard.

"Britney's Christmas present," she grinned and skipped up the stairs. Chris groaned, shook his head and went back to pacing around in the living room.


Ryan looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, a white towel wrapped around his naked waist. He felt uptight; he was so worried about saying the wrong thing. He hated to pretend that he was marrying Reese. He sighed. It felt worse than lying to the newspapers. Newspapers were one thing, it was people he didn't know. People he didn't have to see everyday and converse with. People who didn't ask him how he was and listen to his favorite CD with him. But now, now he was lying to Justin's family. He felt like he was betraying them, somehow. He leaned against the counter and sighed before turning on the showerhead and letting the steam fill the room.

He pulled off the towel and stepped into the warm spray. He sighed and let the water relax him. He closed his eyes and smiled as it ran between his eyebrows, down the bridge of his nose, over his lips to his neck until it spread toward the rest of his body. He ran his hands through his hair before reaching for the shampoo. He turned away from the spray and nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Justin," he hissed. "What are you doing in here?" he asked the curly blond. Justin didn't answer, he just wrapped his arms around Ryan's neck and stared into his soft blue eyes.

"Visiting my Angel," he said softly and grinned. He growled seductively before pressing his lips against Ryan's. The older blond nearly melted into a puddle and slipped down the drain, he had missed kissing his Juju.

Justin rested his forehead against Ryan's and let his hand linger on the back of his head and caressing his soft hair. "And there are no prying eyes in the shower," he whispered.

"But what's your mom gonna think when we both come out of the bathroom soaking wet?"

"Mom went to the store with Jonathan. We have the entire house to ourselves," Justin winked at him before kneeling down in front of Ryan. He stroked his Angel's waist and gently blew into his belly button. Ryan shuddered at the ecstasy that flowed through that one simple act.

"No," he whimpered and pulled Justin up the best that he could. "We can't do this."

"Yes we can." Justin said resting his hands on his lover's ass.

"No, we can't."

"Yes, we can."

"No. We. Can't." Ryan said as he pulled back.

"Fine," Justin grumbled and stepped out of the shower. Ryan peered around the curtain and stopped Justin.

"Please don't be upset," he pleaded as he watched Justin's naked form. He was so beautiful in Ryan's eyes.

"I'm not upset. Just because I wanted to share something intimate with you."

"The shower isn't intimate."

"Whatever," Justin muttered and slammed the bathroom door. Ryan leaned against the wall as the water once again cascaded down his body.

"So much for a relaxing shower," he sighed and slid down the wall, hugging his knees at the bottom.


DING. DONG. Chris, once again, ran to the door and threw it open. His mother stood with the tiny pug in her arms.

"BUSTA!" Chris exclaimed, wrapping his arms around both the dog and his mother.

"Glad to see you too honey," she laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Come in. Come in," Chris ushered them into the house. Busta jumped onto the floor and began familiarizing himself with the house once again. It was obvious he missed it. "MOM AND BUSTA ARE HERE!" he called. A loud clatter of footsteps came pounding down the stairs as Mrs. Kirkpatrick was bombarded with hugs and welcoming kisses. All were present, save JC, who was locked upstairs in the guestroom.

"Where's Josh?" She whispered to her son as they sat down on the couch. Chris' face fell and he looked at the floor.

"Things aren't going very smoothly," he whispered, and a lone tear slid down her cheek and hit the carpet.

"Aw Christopher," she wrapped her arms around her son as he silently sobbed in her shoulder. 'They need to get back together.' She thought. 'They're in love. They have to!' She gripped her fist in a silent plea to God. 'Please.' She cried softly. 'Please.'


Justin grumbled and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a sprite. He slammed the fridge do and unscrewed the cap to the soda. Silently, and slowly, he took a long gulp. It stung the back of his throat but refreshed him none the less. He fell onto the sofa and flipped on the TV. Maybe this hadn't been such a keen idea. He should've come by himself.

"Justin?" he turned and found Ryan standing at the foot of the stairs, his bag hanging over his shoulder.

"Where are you going?" Justin started to panic.

"I think it would be best if I stayed at my parents." Ryan looked down at his feet and sighed.

"B-bu..." Justin started to protest.

"No. It'll be better. I can't stay in the same house with you and deny who I am. I love you Justin, I really do. If you don't tell your parents this week, that's fine. We can go back to New York like nothing happened but I can't stay in Florida and deny myself. I can't stay in this house and deny myself." He said flatly. Justin's mouth hit the floor and a small squeak came out. "I've already called a cab," he stated as the honk came from outside.

"Ryan please don't go!" Justin pleaded as silent tears slid down his cheeks.

"I have to." Ryan said as he knelt down, face level with his boyfriend. "I love you," he kissed Justin's cheek and left the house quickly. Justin didn't see the tears streaming down Ryan's red cheeks.

"Matthew Ryan Philleppe don..." Justin said as he ran to the door but the taxi was already speeding down the street.


Justin leaned against the side panel near the front door, his mouth hung open. He felt completely abandoned. Ryan left him when he needed him the most. He felt numb. It had to be a dream. He pinched his arm, hard.

"Ouch!" Nope. It wasn't a dream. The flow of tears quickened.


Ryan sunk low in the backseat of the cab, the fresh smell of leather surround him. He silently sobbed, feeling incredibly guilty. He felt his insides twisting and convulsing. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle this separation.

"That'll be $7.50, Mack." The cabdriver said as Ryan left the cab and made his way to the window. Ryan handed him a ten and stumbled out of the car. Bag slung over his shoulder, he started up the walkway and rang the bell.


Justin was still standing in the doorway when Lynn and Jonathan pulled up into the driveway.

"Justy, honey, are you okay?" Lynn asked. Justin stared at her blankly.

"Yeah. Fine. Let me help with the groceries," he offered and took the bag Jonathan was struggling with. The tears still slid down his face, but his mother took no notice.

"Thanks honey. Where's Ryan?" Lynn asked as she made her way through the living room toward the kitchen.

"Oh. His parents came back early. He wanted to stay and wait to thank you for letting him stay but he was so eager to see them that I told him to go."

"Okay," Lynn smiled. "Bring him by again sometime. He's awfully pleasant to have around."

"Yeah," Justin sighed. "He is."


"Oh Britty!" Christina gasped as she fell back onto the bed after the amazing orgasm that had erupted from her body. Britney smiled at her and wrapped herself around her trembling lover.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too." Christina whispered back between gasps. Britney grabbed the blanket and pulled it around them.

"I miss Reese," she admitted as if she was guilty for their love fest without her.

"I do too," she turned and faced Britney. "You wanna go sleep downstairs with her?" Britney nodded sheepishly and blushed. Christina smiled, kissed her on the nose and pulled back the covers. "Come on," she pulled Britney from the bed and bounced down the stairs. Britney hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Come on," Reese's muffled voice came through the oak. They pushed open the door, their hands still clasped.

"Reese," Christina whimpered.

"Can we sleep with you?" Britney finished. Reese laughed they saw tears shimmering in her eyes. She pulled back the comforter.

"Of course." They smiled and crawled in next to her. Each had an arm around someone else.

"I love you," they smiled in unison before falling into a blissful state of sleep.


Christina and Britney snuck into Cesar's bedroom. He was fast asleep, arms wrapped around Brian. They nodded toward each other and went to work. Silently thanking God that both men were heavy sleepers.


Lance paced back and forth in the bedroom. Joey was curled around a pillow. His insides ached. He felt like he would crack every single time he looked into Joey's beautiful, brown eyes. JC was just a fling. He was sure of it. He knew he didn't love JC like he did Joey. But then why was he doing this? Sure, Joey wasn't that into sex. Lance had an extremely large sex drive. JC was able to satisfy him when Joey wasn't in the mood. He collapsed into a chair next to the window.

"I'm sorry, Joey," he whispered as he buried his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry."


Britney and Christina sat at the dining room table. The paper split up between them, coffee cups set on the table. The gentle click of the guestroom door alerted them both.

"Hi," Reese groaned, flopping into a chair.

"Morning baby. How do you feel?" Britney asked.

"Like an elephant," she frowned.

"I'll get you some juice," Christina offered, getting up and disappearing into the kitchen.

"Can't I have coffee?" she whined pitifully.

"Nope. It's not good for the baby," Britney told her. Reese sighed and sipped the juice Christina set in front of her.

"Thank y-"

"OH MY GOD!" Cesar's voice echoed through the house. Christina and Britney giggled as Cesar appeared. Reese soon joined in as they snapped pictures. "You two are SO dead!" he hollered.

"Consider it pay back," they grinned, watching the Polaroids develop. Cesar growled.

"What's going on?" Lance asked before seeing Cesar dressed in a tight red dress, hair bleached practically white and make-up made him look like a trashy hooker.

"Laugh and I'll make sure you never have sex ever again," Cesar threatened. Lance went white. Did Cesar know?

"Lance? You okay?" Britney asked. Lance swallowed hard and nodded.

"I'm fine," he squeaked out.

"Somehow you're not to convincing," Britney responded. "Come on. You're going back to bed." she ushered him toward his bedroom.


"Busy," Justin groaned. Ryan's cell phone had been busy for the last five hours. He didn't know if he could go through this week without him. He took a deep breath. 'Tomorrow,' he thought. 'I'll tell her tomorrow.'


Christina shut the door to the attic silently. She tiptoed over to the far corner, strategically skipping over the boards that would squeak. With miming fingers, she took a paper bag from her pocket and dumped out its contents. A syringe, spoon, and sandwich bag of white powder toppled to the attic floor. Soon followed by the lighter that she fetched from her pocket.

Taking a deep breath, she followed the same procedure she had so many times before. Filling the spoon with the sleek powder, watching it melt before her eyes as she held the lighter beneath it, licking her lips as the syringe sucked the hot liquid up its tunnel, waiting for her to decide what to do with it.

Swallowing hard, and with lustful eyes, Christina pulled the sock from her foot and steadied the needle. Finding the desired vein, she felt the fluid fill her veins. She leaned against the wall and let out a sigh. So beautiful it was. It invoked her body and brought a release to her body. She had no regrets. She had no guilt. Only sweet lust for such a beautiful experience.


The sun shone that day. Birds sang their happy song and children laughed and played in the street. Yards away, a stream giggled and jumped over rocks that lay in its path. Frogs croaked and basked in the warm breeze.

Justin paced back and forth in his bedroom. His heart was beating a thousand times a minute. He would tell his mother. He would. He wo-

"Justin," she knocked on the door. "Are you all right?"

'Here goes nothing,' he thought. "Hey mom," he opened the door. "Can we talk?"

"Of course honey!" Lynn breezed in on a cloud and sat down on her son's bed. Justin kept pacing.

"Now, I know this is really probably gonna freak you out."

"Is everything okay?"

"Mom," he stopped and turned toward Lynn. There was so much love in her eyes. She looked at her son with complete understanding. Justin felt tears coming in the corner of his eyes. He was about to shatter every dream she'd ever had for him. "I'm gay." But he had to do it.

He watched as her face turned from a beautiful sunrise to that of a dark cloud. Frown lines overtook her features. Justin bit his lip as he waited.

"Get out," she growled. He took his already packed back and slung it over his shoulder and left the house. He climbed into the rental car and drove away. After a twenty-minute ride, his cell phone rang in his pocket.


"Justin?" It was Ryan.

"About time."

"Are you okay?"


"Where are you?"


"Do you need me?"

"I needed you yesterday. I needed you five minutes ago. I needed you when my mother kicked me out. Do I need you now? I'm not so sure."

"Justin, don't act like this."

"Act like what? Like my boyfriend abandoned me? Oh heaven forbid I should feel any kind of emotional turmoil."


"Don't 'Juju' me Matthew! I needed you and for you, I told my mom today. And guess what? As far as my mother is concerned, she has no son." Justin pulled over angrily.

"Come over here."


"Justin Randall Timberlake, get over here."


"Don't make me come and drive around looking for you."

"Be my guest."


The connection was lost. Justin kept driving. He didn't know where to go. He didn't have anywhere to go. Well. There was Ryan's house but did he really want to go there? Yes. He did. With a defeated sigh, Justin turned around and headed in the direction of Ryan's parents. They knew. They understood.


Christina fell into an euphoric dream world, still in the attic. The cold hadn't seeped through the old rafters as she lay.

She found herself in a hospital. A delivery room, no less. She felt a horrible pain shoot through her left arm and looked down to find it clasped in Reese's. Reese was in labor. Britney stood at her other side coaching her. Making sure she breathed as horrible screams escaped Reese's lips.

"I love you," Christina whispered in her ear and stroked her hair, as Reese had often done for her in her time of need. A sigh of relief came from the room as the screaming and crying of a child was heard. Reese lay back against the pillow. Both Christina and Britney stroked her head and kissed her. Christina walked around to look at the baby. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked upon it. A little girl, with Cesar's head. It looked right at her.

"You shouldn't be doing this," it said, in Cesar's voice. She screamed.

Cesar shook Christina as she tossed and turned, moaning and groaning. Giving up, he gave her a slight smack on the cheek. Her eyes opened and locked with his. The scream filled the entire, empty house. Cesar cocked his head and looked down at himself.

"What? Do I look that bad?" he asked. Christina cracked a smile as her heart rate slowed down. Out of the corner of Cesar's eye, he spotted a white bag. "What's that?" he asked, pointing to it. Christina's face went pale and gathered up her things and shoved them back in the bag.

"It's nothing."


"Nothing." Cesar snatched the bag from her. "Please, Cesar. Give it back." He opened it and dumped the contents onto the ground.

"Christina Maria Aguilera," Cesar whispered. "This...I..." His lips were pursed in a thin line as he exited the room. Christina listened as his footsteps were heavy on the stairs.

"Please don't tell." She whispered to the dusty attic air.


Justin pulled up in front of the Phillippe household. He swallowed around the lump in his throat and got out of the car. As he slammed the door, Ryan ran from the house and picked Justin up as though he were a damsel in a romance. As odd as it felt to Justin, he knew this is where he was supposed to be. He wrapped his arms around Ryan's neck and sobbed.

"Shh. It's okay, baby. It's okay," he cooed as he carried Justin inside and shut the door.

"She rejected me, Ryan. She did the one thing I was most afraid of," he cried as Ryan laid him in his bed. He stroked his curls and kissed his forehead.

"I know sweetie. But it's gonna be okay. She just needs to cool down." Justin looked at him with pleading eyes.

"What if she doesn't?"

"She will," Ryan said and crawled into the bed next to Justin and held him. "She loves you, Juju. You'll always be her son and she knows that. She's just in shock."

"I hope your right," Justin sniffled. They lay in silence until Ryan heard Justin's breath level out and a light snore come from his body. He kissed the top of his head and held him closer.

"I love you. I love you so much. I wish I could marry you," he whispered.


Cesar paced back and forth in the kitchen. What was he going to do? He had to tell everyone. Especially Britney and Reese. Poor Reese. He bit his lip. Brow furrowed. He hadn't heard Christina follow him so he was pretty sure she was still upstairs. What would drive her to this, this shit.

Cesar sighed, he'd made up his mind. He had to tell someone. He had to!

With obvious distaste, he opened the door to the guest bedroom and leaned against the door. The large figure on the bed put the book away and looked at Cesar.

"Cesar." The figure said softly. "What's wrong?"

"Christina," Cesar said, holding back the tears. "She's..." Cesar sniffled, trying his hardest not to break down right there. "She's doing..." he tossed the bag of white powder on the bed.

A gasp, a sniffle, a cry, and a wail all followed.

"I can't believe she..." And the figure ran past, tears running down their face.

Don't you just HATE us? I thought so :). Well, e-mail us and let us know what you think . :) waves Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

'Til Next Time. yougottaloveus@loveable.com

End Of Innocence Written by: Mirage Taranthia (Cow) and Rowan Taranthia (Whore)

Next: Chapter 6

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