Everything I Said

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Jul 30, 2000


This is a work of fiction. I am in no way implying or stating anything about the real life sexuality of the member of 'N Sync. This story involves homosexuality, and male/male romance. If you are offended by this type of material please leave now. Also if you are under the age of 18, or this type of material is illegal in your state or country, please leave too. All comments and suggestions can be sent to levanelle@yahoo.com as I love to hear EVERYTHING from my readers. Check out my SlashPage for more information about me and my stories at: http://www.angelfire.com/celeb/DLeVanelle/index.html

Also you can try and catch me online. My AIM name is DLeVanelle. I'm always up to chatting with my fans. Hope you enjoy. Later!

-Darren ***********************************************************************


  • Chapter 5 - Written by Darren LeVanelle

My eyes fluttered open and I looked down. I was still lying on the bunk bed of one Lance Bass, a member of 'N Sync, and feeling quite surprised at the sight I was witnessing. Lance's head was bobbing up and down near my crotch. I silently thought to myself 'Please don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing?' The sensation of receiving a blowjob quickly registered in my nerves and I knew it was happening. I thought I told him no funny business. Looks like his hormones had other plans.

But what about my hormones? Shouldn't I be trying to stop him at the very least? Or ask him what the HELL he's doing? I didn't. Instead I continued to try and feign being asleep while he worked on my cock. But that didn't last for long. Lance popped up off of me for a moment and then looked at me with a mischievous grin on his face, staring directly into my eyes, and then went back down on my stiff prick. Well. It had been a while since I had any type of sexual contact, let alone someone giving me head, so I just reveled in the feeling of his warm mouth on me. God it felt good.

He continued working me up and down, letting his tongue slide up the length of my shaft, then darting it back down again quickly, engulfing me entirely. Now that was a feat! Only one guy could ever do that to me. My hand started to wander downwards and ruffle through his short and spiky blond hair. Damn he was good.

I felt myself getting closer and closer. Lance seemed to know, doing all the right tricks to bring me to a climax. I silently muttered inward, not vocalizing that I was right about to cum, almost wanting to punish him for fooling around with me while I was sleeping. Instead he took all of me in his mouth and swallowed every last drop, smiling as he took his mouth of off my dick and he leaned up towards my face. His eyes looked hungry, lust-filled, and yearning for more. He lowered his head near mine, his lips parting, as our mouths met.

I awoke abruptly to find myself almost sweating, but thank god it was only a light sweat. Lance was still nestled up by my side but his hand was resting very close to the area his mouth had been in my dream. And I felt this poking at my side. DAMN! He was pretty hung. And that was the poking I felt. He had a major woody, pressing up against my side as he lay there with this innocent smile on his face. Damn dreams. Now I'm dreaming about boy-band guys. What next?

Am I gonna audition for that 'Making The Band' show?

I felt that all too distinct feeling in my bladder and thought I should get up and go to the bathroom. I slid out as gently as I could from Lance's embrace and started to put my pants and shirt back on. I had no clue what time it was considering there were no windows in the bunking area. As I started to rise from the bed I heard Lance's soft and deep voice echo out from the bunk.

"Please. Don't leave." I turned over and saw his face looking flushed over again. He was pretty vulnerable right then.

"Don't worry. I'll be back soon. I need to go to the bathroom and get something to drink." I smiled at him and brushed his hair a little, letting the bleached strands fall through my fingertips. It felt kind of odd, being so affectionate with this guy who had just 'came out' not even a day ago.

"Ok." He replied to me with a slight look of disappointment on his face. "Promise you'll be back?" And he was very dependent right then too.

"Promise." I leaned forward and gave him a small kiss on his forehead. A smile formed on his tired face as he started to doze back off.

Well this bus wasn't that much different from the one I usually rode in. The layout was almost the same so I had zero difficulty in finding the bathroom. I felt dehydrated and thought that I saw a fridge in the game room and thought it would be good to find a soda or something to get rid of this damn dry-mouth. I was shocked when I entered through the door into the once brightly lit room.

Through the windows I could see nothing put almost pitch-darkness except for the occasional flicker of lights from a car on the freeway. Then I noticed Justin sitting on the couch opposite the laptop I saw him open up before I headed off for my nap. He was still awake and still on his computer. He took notice of me shortly after I entered the room.

"Hey Jeremy." He was actually talking to me in a civil tone of voice. More surprises. Damn, this place had more foreshadowing and plot lead-ins than an episode of Popular!

"Hey Justin." I mumbled out, still feeling a little groggy. I may have been sticking up for Lance just hours earlier, but I wasn't about to let Justin think I was a major bitch all the time. "You been to sleep yet?" I asked as I headed to the fridge and quickly found a can of Mountain Dew. Someone here shared my taste in soda.

"Nope." His voice had no zing to it, or any indication that this was the same Justin I talked to hours earlier, or at any point in time for that matter.

"How long have we been sleeping?" Ah. Mountain Dew sure can quench your thirst. Fuck Sprite!

"It's been about 5 hours or so. Don't really know." He was speaking in a monotone voice, not really friendly but it wasn't hostile. Good. Maybe I knocked some sense into that thick head of his.

"What time is it by the way?" I took a seat opposite of him, across the room on an almost identical couch.

"Almost eleven." Damn. We had been out for quite some time. Justin looked...I dunno, distracted in a way while I was talking to him. It was like I wasn't even there. His eyes stayed glued to the monitor on his computer as he typed away and clicked every now and then.

"Oh. So what you doing?" Hey. I was trying to be nice and break the tension and get him to at least say something meaningful. I swear, this almost felt like bar conversation.

"Just checking my e-mail and sending some off." Oh. He was an on-liner too. That just made all sorts of wheels in my head start spinning. Could he be the guy I've been chatting with on-line? Crazy notion, I know it. But I'm a crazy kind of guy.

"So you guys have a wireless connection in here?"


"We have one on the other bus too."

"Yeah. I know. I was the one who suggested that they install them in our busses since there always seems to be someone who wants to get online and do something." Well, that was a small guest appearance of the Smug Bitch I loathe and despise. But I took it from his tone that he was just trying to explain so I wasn't about to read into it too much.

"You get online often?" Yeah. I know it was a shot in the dark but I figured what's the worst thing that can happen?

"At least every day. Sometimes I can't cause of our schedules." That he'd say something to get those wheels working again!

"Do you ever chat or anything?" There's no way he's say...

"Yeah. But I really only use AOL Instant Messenger and talk to my friends every once and a while." Strike two. This wasn't helping any. Nah! No way could it be any of them. I must be going insane.

"Anyways." I tried to change the subject since I did have something on my mind. "Listen. About earlier Justin. I just wanted to say..."

"I don't want to talk about it ok?" His eyes finally came from the monitor towards me and that creeped me out. "You can have your opinion and I can have mine. I don't want to discuss it anymore." His eyes went back to the lit screen he was so intently looking at. "And I promise you won't be hearing any more snide comments outta me."

"But Justin I just wanted to ask..."

"LISTEN!" His eyes shot back at me, a whole lot less friendlier than before and his voice raised up about 40 decibels or so. "I'm trying not to be a dick so can you please just drop it. It's my problem to deal with." And his eyes once again dropped to the computer. "Not yours."

So I left him with that. A little more adult-like that I ever expected out of him. O'well. I headed up towards the front of the bus so that I could get my laptop out and check my e-mail too. When I finally found the case and returned to the room about five minutes later, Justin was already gone. He was giving me the creeps. You know, that 'feeling' that you sometimes just get and it drives you crazy. Well I hooked up my network card to the Ethernet port on the wall and booted my system up. Did I mention that I really, REALLY want to get another system cause this Compaq is pissing me off?

As soon as my system was ready to go I opened up Netscape and went to the Yahoo! Site. Yes I use web based e-mail cause it is so much easier than having to worry about if my system settings are correct. And it's easier on my poor head too. Entered in my ID and password and was instantly in business. They must have had a higher wireless connection on this bus. Never this fast a connection on the other.

To my surprise I only had one e-mail. Guess nobody loved me anymore. I clicked on the inbox and then had to take a double-take at what I saw. I had received an e-mail from a Jay earlier that day. Prolly about two hours ago from the time index. Well I figured I should check it and see what he had to say.

From: jaybjay@yahoo.com Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 21:36:20 MDT Subject: Hey there Hal!!!! To: jhollis78@yahoo.com

Hello Hal,

I was looking for you just a few minutes ago and I couldn't find you anywhere. So I figured I should send you an e-mail. I must be pretty smart cause I just did a little online searching and I found your address in the Yahoo! Listings. :) Aren't I good? Anyways I was hoping to find you but like I said I wasn't too successful. Just hoping I didn't scare you off with what I was telling you. Cause if I did just tell me. Don't want to hold out on some pipe dream.

Today was a pretty bad day. Two of my younger brothers got in a big fight. Turns out that the older of the two of them is gay. My dad took it really bad. And because of it I felt pretty bad too. How can I have the courage to tell my family about me too? It's not exactly great around here right now and I'm worried about him. But I admire his convictions. I just know that I'm not as strong as he is. Sigh Well on to more happy stuff.

I'm probably not online cause I'm logging off when I send this, but I just wanted to tell you that I miss talking to you already and that I was thinking about you. Well, I was thinking about the only thing I can picture of you. But I'm not saying what it is. Hope the job went alright today and maybe I'll catch you around again sometime.

I miss you, Jay

A smile crossed my face and I decided I should mail him back. But I still had this nagging in my head putting two and two together and ending up with a Justin. Still, I decided not to be imaginative. Only time would tell me who this guy was if, and when, I ever meet him.

From: jhollis78@yahoo.com Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 23:12:37 MDT Subject: Re: Hey there Hal!!!! To: jaybjay@yahoo.com

Dear Jay,

Sorry that you missed me today. You guessed it...work. I'm not too down about it but I'm a little sad that I missed the opportunity to chat with you. We'll have another time to do it. I might be around tomorrow so try looking for me then. Thanks for being so 'private detective' and finding my e-mail address. You pretty much made my day.

Sorry about your brothers and how it made you feel. I can understand where you're coming from. A similar experience happened to me earlier although it involved my co-workers. It was a big shock and it was very hard to deal with. Just hang in tight. It can't be all that bad.

After tomorrow I'll be pretty busy for two days but I'll definitely have more on-line time after Friday of next week. If you can hold out that long! I look forward to talking to you again too. And yes, I must admit, I miss you too and I've been thinking about you. Don't give up on me just yet. We'll have time. I should get going but I'll look for you later ok? Hope you're doing ok.

Sincerely, Hal

I closed the connection and quickly put my laptop away and crawled back towards the bunk-beads. I was still tired I just had to check things out and see if I missed any important details. Yeah right! When I arrived back at Lance's bunk I took of my shirt and pants, getting prepared to go back to sleep by Lance's side. I pulled the curtain back and gasped.

Justin was sitting there and hugging the half-naked Lance.

*********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED???

Ok. You just have to give me props for always ending these chapters in a cliffhanger kind of way. If not, I'm sorry. I just guess I'm not doing a good enough job. I'd like to take the time to say 'Thank You' to all of my fans and readers who have been sending me e-mails and praising my writing and work on this story. They all mean a lot to me. So even if you've sent in an e-mail before, send another one in if you like, no matter what you want to say. I enjoy your opinions. So keep sending them in! There will be another chapter tomorrow since I get off work early and hopefully it will be a longer one. Expect the chapters to be around the 20k area for the next few days but that will probably drop off shortly thereafter. I'm trying to continue at this speed but I think my cats are getting mad at me for not giving them any attention after work! Anyways, thanks again and read on! ***********************************************************************

Next: Chapter 6

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