Everything I Said

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Aug 2, 2000


Hey there everyone! And welcome to week 2 of 'Everything I Said'. Now first I have to give 'two thumbs up' to John for letting me know that the URL to my SlashPage was misspelled last chapter. A corrected story has been sent in so it should be fixed now. Thank you John! I would also like to add him on to my 'Thank You' list for the anniversary edition since he is, by far, my most consistent e-mailer and I appreciate the support.

This is a work of fiction. I am in no way implying or stating anything about the real life sexuality of the member of 'N Sync. This story involves homosexuality, and male/male romance. If this type of material offends you please leave now. Also if you are under the age of 18, or this type of material is illegal in your state or country, please leave too. You can check out my SlashPage at: http://www.angelfire.com/celeb/DLeVanelle/index.html

Or e-mail me with your thoughts and opinions at: levanelle@yahoo.com

Or you can try and catch me online through AIM. My name is DLeVanelle. I'm always up to chatting with my fans. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series as it continues to develop. Later! And Godspeed.

-Darren ***********************************************************************


  • Chapter 8 - Written by Darren LeVanelle

LAST CHAPTER ********************

"What are you doing here like this Lance?"

"I was wondering," he spoke out softly as he put his arms around me, being very cautious with his actions to see if I'd act negatively, "Since you're like me and all if you wouldn't..." His voice trailed off for a moment and then he asked. "Are you a virgin?"

"No. But what does that have to do with this?" I said while throwing my hands towards his naked body. I kept my gaze off of him, even though part of me wanted to see.

"Because I want you." He said bluntly. "And I want you to have me any why you want me..."

CHAPTER 8 ***********************

Lance started to get too friendly with me. His hand was behind my back, rubbing my ass, the other hand caressing my back. Oh boy! This was not something that I thought possible. It was also something I wished wasn't happening.

I swiftly moved my own hands around his form and slowly removed his hands from my form. "Lance. Please..." I almost begged out. "Don't."

With that he slowly backed away from me. His body started to shudder and I could tell he was heart-broken. "D...d...don't. Why?" I could start to see the swelling in his eyes. "Don't you like me? I thought you..." His voice sort of trailed off as he thought about things himself. I knew he was piecing it together at that very moment. Justin's words decided to piece themselves together in my head at that very moment and it reminded me of one thing that I told Lance that, for all intents and purposes, was a promise.

I was his shoulder if he ever needed it. And right now, he did.

"Lance, of course I like you but that's pretty much it." I saw his eyes tearing then, like each word I said was a knife going through his fragile heart. "I mean you're a great guy, and you're nice and you are pretty good looking." But I managed to slowly mend the wounds with my words so that he knew where I was coming from. "But because of how this whole thing started and how it's going I think of you like a little brother. I want to coddle and protect you, not have you. And it's nothing personal. I think of you like a friend, and that little brother of mine needs support from me, not just a quick roll in the hay." He giggled a bit, hesitantly, but a giggle nonetheless.

"So you don't hate me then?" Lance asked in a boyish tone.

"How could I hate someone as adorable as you?" Ok. It was cheesy but I was trying to be gentle here. This was worse than walking on eggshells. I needed him to understand that just cause I was the first guy he met that was gay didn't mean I was gonna be the first! Oh hell no. Virgins are the worst! Well. Forget I said that. Now I sound stupid. "But can you do me a favor?"


"Please put at least your boxers back on." Lance looked down as he sat there, completely nude, and started to turn those infamous three shades of red again. This was becoming habitual. "And stop blushing so much. You have nothing, and I mean NOTHING, to be ashamed of." I actually had to keep myself from looking at his, ahem, member. "It's pretty damn impressive." More blushing. This was becoming too much. "But I can't have you sleeping with me in the nude. I mean what will the guys say about us?" He let out a small laugh, hopefully from my witty commentary and slid his boxers back on.

"You mean yur still gonna stay the night here?" He questioned me.

"Nah. I just said that to get your clothes back on." His face twitched as I spoke the sentence out. "Of course I am. I told you I would already right?"

"Well...yeah." He still looked kind of lost.

"Just so you know here is my motto. A promise is a promise after all. I'm a man of my word."

"I'm glad you are." He finally had a smile on his face.

We got under the blankets and tried to get comfortable in the small bed. I couldn't wait till we got to San Diego. The thought of actually having a real bed to sleep in was already starting to make me wish I stayed in Houston. Lance snuggled up close to me after he turned out the lights. Good. He was back to his old self.

A few minutes passed and I still couldn't fall asleep. That bugged me. I sort of tossed and turned a bit. And each time I did so I could feel Lance readjusting himself to better fit with my new position on the bed. This was so weird. I knew he had a crush on me now. The thing was half of me liked him too, but the other half thought of him just like the little brother I was describing to him. These thoughts rolled on and on in my head, distracting me from sleep. I turned on my side so that, I assume since it was dark, I was facing Lance. I closed my eyes and tried to doze off. Nope. Not working in any way, shape or form. This is getting annoying. I tried not to think about it but it wasn't helping any.

Then there was a sense of movement around me. I thought I felt Lance tossing around a bit himself. Thought nothing of it and continued to lay there. How wrong I was about Lance being a shy guy. First him coming on to me and now...this.

I felt his hand wrap around the back of my head, a light tugging sensation running through my body. I was being pulled lightly physically, and roughly emotionally. Why did he have to like me so damn much? Next I felt his lips come in to contact with mine. He was being so soft and sensual. Oh damnit. I was resisting though and I didn't kiss back. He let his lips run over mine tenderly, placing soft pecks on them. He did this for a few moments before I could feel him pulling away a bit.

"Lance." I softly spoke out, about stuttering myself. "Please. I can't handle you trying to seduce me like this. I don't want to break your heart." Yep. That's me. The sensitive guy being so nice and sweet as usual. But that seemed to be changing and so, it seemed, was my devotion of keeping Lance at bay.

"Then don't." His words crept out like honey, coating the hidden meaning in his lips. He brushed his lips against the side of my skin and then continued his thoughts. "I don't want sex from you Jeremy. I just want this moment. That's what I'm expecting." He sounded almost like he was pleading to me. But somehow I got the impression that he wasn't. Strange huh? "I just want one kiss. Is that too much to ask for?"

"No Lance." I felt my faith waiver right then. One kiss. What's the worst thing that could happen? I relented and waited for him to make the next move. I wouldn't resist this time.

"Ok then. And please..." He ran his fingers through my hair affectionately. "Call me James. You've earned that." Then it happened.

He pressed himself into my body and our lips met. Lance, er James, took his time making sure I was certain about this. He was gentle at first and then became a little more passionate. My arms wrapped around his body, an instinct that never went away. I did it with every guy I'd ever really 'kissed'. But as our lips melted so did my resolve in that James was just a little brother. Instead I was reveling in the kiss we were sharing. And James showed no signs of stopping.

My hand came up upon the back of his head, pressing him into my lips more. God this felt great. Wait. Did I just say that? Our bodies rocked together a bit. He bit on my lower lip, eliciting a small moan from me that just drove him wild. We continued on for a little bit longer. Just as I got to the point that we were either gonna do something or stop he slowly backed off of me. There was a sense of disappointment and also relief at the same time. Damn I was becoming so confused.

I heard James breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath as I did the same.

"Y'know what?" I could almost SEE him looking over at me. "You are one helluva good kisser James." He kissed me again then.

"Really? You mean that?"

"Yep." I thought if I should tell him how excited he had made me.

"Well I kinda thought that when I felt you poking at my side." Damn. He did move pretty fast. "And you have nothing to be ashamed of either big guy." I could of sworn I heard his eyelashes batting, like he just winked over in my direction.

"You did have me pretty worked up. I almost wanted to jump you." I couldn't believe I was being this blunt. This was a first.

"I know. Me too. But I'd rather keep you as a friend than lose you due to hormone-induced sex." I smiled inward at the words he spoke.

"Truer words were never spoken James." Then we both settled down into more comfortable positions. We snuggled, and cuddled, and I even felt him running his fingers through my hair again. I loved the attention, even if James here wasn't on my list of possible boyfriends. Which reminds me.

I wonder how 'Jay' will feel when I tell him this?

*********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED???

Ok. Ok. Ok. I'm sorry that this one is SO damn short but I ran into writing block and I'm surprised I even made it this long. So. A little on the steamy side this time, but still no fire. :( O'well. There are several more chapters. Anyways, like I said, sorry for the shortness but I'm running low on sleep and I have to perform an emergency hair bleaching. But I promise to make it up to you all next chapter!

-Darren ***********************************************************************

Next: Chapter 9

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