Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on May 20, 2011


Expedition to Mesopotamia 12 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com

The next day the German camp and the Prince of Wales vanished. They left in the night and I didn't hear a noise from them. I had to be back to the main camp. The equinox approached and I had to be there for the sheik and the necessary ceremonies. The Spring Equinox was particularly important. I told the local headman I needed to return. He told me he was invited to the ceremonies along with other local worthies. This had never happened before and the tribe was greatly honored. They would escort me.

The sheik was a thoughtful man. In a tribal or clan, oriented society the focus was on the clan to the exclusion of outsiders. By including other tribal leaders, the sheik solidified his control and their allegiance. Outright cash payments were the normal way to insure faithfulness. The invitation to the important ceremonies was rare and more meaningful.

I wasn't entirely sure what my role would be, although I knew it would be sexual. This was the most important event of the year, with larger attendance. I didn't know if I was to be available to a select list, or to the general populace. I wouldn't say I was worried about this, but I was curious.

I had been surprised at my ability and willingness to accommodate many men before. Not only had I accommodated many, I had enjoyed them all. This skill marked me as a special person and the representative of the god. There might be an upper limit, but I hadn't reached it yet.

At the camp, I found Otto was firmly in control. The political and Nazi part of the expedition was somewhere in the desert with the Prince of Wales, I assumed. Otto was an aggressive man and would fill in any power vacuum. Otto and Rolf were glad to see me. They had much that needed to be translated.

We had an unexpected visit by the local British man. I told him about my encounter with the Prince of Wales.

"Damn, I will need to get the code books out again," he said. "What a bother! By the way, I have been getting top-secret messages to anticipate the king's death. He is sinking. A Dutch colleague told me the King was shocked at Prince's current paramour and would never approve a marriage. The Dutch foreign office is betting on the Duke of York and Princess Elizabeth after a short and unhappy reign for Edward."

"The Duke of York is so ordinary," I said.

"Well, the Prince of Wales could be a Hollywood actor, playing the Prince. He looks that part, but that is all."

"He certainly has poor taste in friends," I remarked, "rather dangerous friends too. It is difficult to imagine the Duke and Duchess of York hob knobbing with minor Nazi officials."

The equinox was at hand and I went to see the Sheik. This was the great festival of the year and I knew he had plans for me. I also knew he rarely told me his complete plans. This aggravated me to some extent, but in reality, I was accommodating and agreeable. While I was an important part of the festival, I was in no position to complain.

I am afraid I had enjoyed the previous events so much the Sheik would simply laugh at my worries. My role in the festival was entirely passive and while I was used, I certainly wasn't abused. I wondered if my position was similar to a sultan's favorite wife. While I was a sex toy, I was a greatly enjoyed and beloved sex toy.

Rolf and Otto were invited as my friends and attendants. While the Nazi portion of the expedition had begun by treating the locals as dirt, these relations had deteriorated to the point that the Nazi were barely tolerated. Rolf and Otto continually improved their relations with the sheik and the Arabs in general. These were sensible and generous men. These treated the Sheik with respect, but also were fair in their dealings with the ordinary Arab diggers and laborers.

The day before the equinox, our little trio went to the sheik's palace in the late afternoon. I was surprised to see it surrounded by little tent encampments. These consisted of a large, quite elaborate tent next to five or six smaller tents. The sheik's own palace was bustling with activity, but was not over crowded. The Sheik's brother Ali, greeted us and took us took us to the Sheik's own private bath to clean up. This bath was small but most luxurious. Several attractive young men attended to our needs.

We had several drinks, one seemed to contain a laxative that cleaned our systems and the other was mildly alcoholic and perhaps a contained an aphrodisiac. I had had similar drinks before, but these seemed stronger. The attendants were helpful, but not sexual.

As we prepared to leave, a group of men I didn't know arrived. They immediately stripped and joined us. Most Arab men were most reticent in this situation, but these men seemed outgoing and rather hearty. They joined in the drinking and it was clear we were to stay with them.

They didn't speak English or German, so we communicated in Arabic, with some difficulty. Fortunately, erect cocks are understood in any language and our meeting became overtly sexual. They were attractive, very masculine men. At first, I thought they had average endowments, but as they became more interested, they were clearly well above average.

Omar, their leader, told me they were to open my sphincter and massage my rectum so I would be prepared for the festivals. Apparently, they were to do that without leaving a deposit.

"I'd be glad to help you with your deposits!" Otto said. Omar smiled. He looked at Rolf. Rolf smiled too. We understood each other. A minute or two later I was on my back sucking two of Omar's companions while Omar's cock explored me ass. Unexpectedly, Omar and his companions were lovers not just fuckers.

Omar in particular must have made a study of ways to fuck a man; he tried them all with great success. Rolf and Otto were frolicking with the men and periodically taking a load from Omar when he got too close. I assumed the men were related. All had large cock heads on long, thin shafts. I felt the knob almost as a disembodied object probing my ass.

While this was all deeply pleasurable, I was dissatisfied. While the constant genial stimulation was good, I missed the excitement of my partner's orgasm. It seemed as if the experience was incomplete. This may have been due to my earlier relations. The giving and receiving of sperm was at the core of their ceremonies. I thought of their sperm as a gift. Without it, it seemed to be a bit flat.

As Omar and his friends played with me, I hadn't noticed the sun had set. I forgot that the ceremonial equinox started at sunset. The bath was quite dark now. Suddenly Omar pulled out and a much larger cock took its place. I opened my eyes and it was the Sheik himself. He was to make the first deposit of manly seed on the holy day.

The sheik's cock was an old friend, a large old friend. He pumped for a while and shot off a huge load. I could feel the hot man juice spurting into my ass. Ali, his brother was next in line. I knew the equinox was proceeded by two weeks of abstention from any sexual activity. The sheik and his friends were fully loaded and ready.

Eventually they loaded me on a litter and carried me to the main baths were most of the celebrants waited. I noticed there were well over a hundred men there, but I didn't care. The potions I had taken earlier had taken effect and I was mellow. Whatever they might do to me, the last thing they would do was hurt me.

It seemed to me the room was divided into individual little parties of ten or twelve men. There seemed to be representatives of the major clans and guilds. I saw the men in the Blacksmiths Guild and the gold workers. The Sheik's men carried my litter from group to group. The men would surround me, and soon a cock would slip into my ass.

This sounds as if it was a mechanical exercise, but each group seemed to have it own rules for precedence and sexual tastes. The men were all in a festive mood and the events was joyful in the extreme. I admit I lost track of who was doing what to me when, but this didn't bother me.

The first group I visited was ten to twelve men. There were three elders, and the rest were younger. The younger men were all excited and stroking this cocks vigorously. When they approached an orgasm then came to me a placed his cock head through my sphincter, but stopped at that point. The men ejaculated, and then pulled out. Six or seven of the men did this. They were very excited and it only took a few minutes. When the last man pulled out, the senior elder came forward and eased his impressive organ into my cum filled ass.

He hadn't seemed that hard, compared to the younger men. His huge knob plowed the other men's cum deep into my ass. The older man got very hard, but he fucked me tenderly for a few minutes. He pulled out and another elder too his place. He was most vigorous, and shot off quickly. The next man was the senior elder's son-in law. He had a long, thin cock that went deep. I grabbed it with my sphincter and he shot off, then the senior elder returned.

"You will feel the seed that made your grandchildren," the son-in law said. The elder was very hard now, and he shot off after a dozen or more thrusts. I was carried off to the next cluster of men.

The next group had obviously sought out the best-endowed members of the clan. They were well lubricated and slid in easily, leaving me slightly winded. The other men fed either fed me their cocks or sprayed me with their seed when they climaxed. There were three big men who took turns in my ass and perhaps a dozen men shooting their load on me. I was carried off to a third group before I realized the big men had shot off in my ass.

The third group was my village, and all were friends. Most of them men who had nursed me back to heath were there and took a turn in my ass. The headman and the Imam were the last in line. It was with the fourth group that man-seed began to spurt out of my ass when a cock entered. This seemed to add to everyone's enjoyment.

There were twelve groups and I was in a sexually induced haze as I progressed from group to group. This may sound odd, but I was relaxed and almost sleepy as the night progressed. Strangely, was I was mentally relaxed, but body remained receptive and responsive. Everyone was both excited and enthusiastic. Curiously, while there was no way my seed filled ass could resist a rock hard cock, my ass responded to each penetration. My sphincter caressed each cock and my rectum embraced each organ.

There were a large number of men who wanted to connect with men and limited time. Many popped their bloated cock head into my ass seconds before their climax. It seemed to me that when my sphincter clamped on the knob, they released their load. Other fed me their seed in my mouth, but my ass never failed to respond to a penetration.

The elders typically pushed deep and fucked me deep and hard. This was good too, especially as they were plowing many men's sperm deeper into my rectum. Sperm acted as ball bearings, and it was lovely.

It was lovely, but not neat. I was coated men man seed from head to toe. My beard was soaked in opalescent semen. Rolf told me I looked like a sperm glazed Father Christmas. This didn't bother anyone. When an elder pulled his sperm coated cock form my ass, after his orgasm, younger men greedily lick the man seed from his cock.

Otto was in the bath observing. He told me later that the sperm that had been in my rectum was regarded as particularly lucky and beneficial. The creator god accepted the offering at the time of the orgasm. If it drooled out of my ass, or coated an elder's cock it was blessed. The god had accepted it and it was available for other to share in the blessing.

After several hours, I finished the rounds and returned to the Sheik and he fucked me with Ali, his brother and his oldest son. Up until this time, all contact with me had been purely sexual. Only cocks had penetrated me. There was no other physical contact other than low hanging balls slapping against my ass as I was fucked. I was coated in sperm on both the outside and inside of my body.

I had never met the son, Rashid, before although I had met several of his brothers. Rashid was slim and handsome. He was quite tall, but not as beefy as his father was. He did inherit his father's massive organ. It looked out of place on the handsome man's slender body. Rashid and Ali embraced me and covered themselves in man seed. Rashid kissed me and licked sperm from my beard. Ali slipped in my ass. A few moments later, Rashid's cock entered my ass. It hadn't occurred to be that bother organs could fit. My ass must have stretched as a result of the night's festivities.

Ali was perfectly still, but Rashid was pumping his cock, rubbing it against his uncle's cock. Ali began to moan and twitch as he released his load. Given the pints of not quarts of sperm in my ass, could feel Ali's ejaculations. Ali pulled out. Rashid went to my rear and re entered my ass.

It was the sheik's turn to enter my ass. He too fit. This time Rashid was still as his father pumped. I tighten my ass to hold the two cocks closer. Rashid moaned. He was gasping for breath as he ejaculated. The room became quiet, and then several men began to chant.

I wasn't positive, but I suspected there was a new heir, and that the good fortune of the current generation had been passed on to the next. Later Otto explained what had happened. For all practical purposes, it had designated the heir apparent, but I had also designated a new Pope, Ali. His orgasm marked him as the new leader of the tribal cult. He didn't replace the Islamic Imams. He led to ancient tribal cult that was thousands of years older than Islam.

The chanting continued, but now that the cult ceremonies were observed, the men could relax and a pleasant old-fashioned orgy could end the night on a festive note. From my point of view, the night had been festive enough. The ceremonies had focused on me as the receptacle of seed offering to the god. That was over now and all was good.

It was now acceptable to enjoy your friends. By enjoy, I mean have sex. The sheik pulled out of men and went to greet his guests. Otto and Rolf came over to me.

"How are you doing?" Rolf asked. "It had been quite a night"

"Actually, I am better than I expected," I replied. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do now."

"As far as I can tell, your duty here is over, not just for tonight but for the foreseeable future." Otto said. ""They haven't had this ceremony for several generations. They think the difficult times of their more recent history are due to the failure to honor the ancient god. Today you have blessed the current and future rulers, and thus the future looks good. This is a once in a lifetime event."

"I think doing this on a weekly schedule would be a trial," I said.

Rolf laughed. "They were worried. The receptacle doesn't always survive the ceremony," he explained. "That would have been very bad. You are a trooper!" He lifted my legs and shoved his cock in my ass. "Do you mind? I assume one more will be acceptable." I nodded and closed my eyes.

I woke up an hour later feeling good. I needed a nap.

The room was quiet and dark. Undulating men covered the floor. Many were moaning softly. Otto was next to me.

"It has calmed down some," he said. "Things were wild for a while, but everyone has shot off at least once more and is more relaxed now."

"Does that include you?" I asked.

Otto laughed softly. "It certainly does. I have discovered younger Arab men admire older authority figures and many have never encountered a willing European," He whispered. ""I typically top, but tonight I have been most accommodating. I was mounting a beautiful young man, when another handsome man filled me ass in a lovely fashion. Eventually six of seven men did the same."

"I have never been serially fucked before, but they were all perfect gentlemen," he continued. "I loved it."

"Who cleaned me up?" I asked. I had just noticed I was no longer coated in man seed.

"A half dozen elders came to you and licked you clean. They didn't want to waste any of the man seed. You were in a deep sleep. One of them fucked you and they licked his member clean after every penetration. I think they got much of the accumulated seed from your ass." Otto said.

Next: Chapter 13

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