Expedition to Mesopotamia

Published on Oct 10, 2010


Expedition to Mesopotamia, 1934 5

By Bald Hairy Man

Email, bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com. This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. This is 100% fantasy, so no effort at safe sex is suggested.

My first sexual experiences were at Oxford with men who were as inexperienced as I was. The combination of sexual drive and ignorance was a poor one. I was unsure, uneasy and inept. When I shot off, I was afraid I had done something wrong. I was shocked when my partner did the same. I was afraid of the man juices that drool and spurt from the cock.

Once I assumed I was the only man in the world to like man sex. When I found playmates I was greatly relieved. None of them became good friends, but they were better than nothing. Sex was more like a sideshow to my life than a main attraction.

On the expedition, I finally acknowledged my genitals were a part of my body and sex became a real part of my life, not a freak show at a carnival. Rolf was at ease with himself, and saw sex as a nice way to spend time with a pal. By contrast, sex was at the center of creation for our tribal neighbors. Sex made the earth go round and they celebrated it as the creative force of life.

When I joined our explorers trekking across the Mesopotamian desert, I encountered a new approach or vision of sex. It wasn't new to the world; it was only new to me. For my companions in the desert sex was power and domination. It established status. While lust and release played a role, pleasure did not. At least, it wasn't pleasure as far as I could tell.

Guttman and Donnat wanted to dominate and possess. We were a small group and the desire to dominate caused friction. Kurt Kruger, Johann Fisher and Richard, the geologist, were available to Guttman and Donnat. Frederick von Wittenburg was a domineering man himself. They didn't know what to think of me.

After the festival my sex life diminished, but my role as a spy grew. My initial assumptions were only partially true. They indeed were looking for oil and for places that had the potential for oil. One of their other tasks was to reestablish the connection to the Imperial German spies of the Great War period. Germany and the Ottoman empire were allies. Germany had an extensive spy network in the declining Ottoman Empire.

With the collapse of both the German and Ottoman empires, the need for spies diminished. With the prospect of a reborn German Reich, it was desirable to reawaken the old network. As we traveled through the deserts, we encountered former German and Turkish spies and agents. Guttman sent no telegrams, letters or even phone calls to Germany. All the information was in their minds. There was no way for British intelligence to intercept or overhear the information. I was the only one who had access.

There was another more immediate threat. Donnat was looking for potential assassination victims. The plan was to kill local Sheiks and leaders to undermine the British protectorate. Kurt and Johann were assassins, but they weren't to do the actual killing. They were to scout out the locations and then plan out future assassins. They also were to recruit future killers.

There were many rivalries and disputes between tribes and clans that could be exploited, but Donnat and Guttman were not that sophisticated. I assumed they would have been fine in the sleazy underworld of Berlin, but they knew nothing of complex relations of Mesopotamia. This was further complicated by their suspicions that Arabs were ethnically related to Jews. They certainly had no friends among the Arabs protecting us.

Once we were away from the dig, we would visit some settled areas, but always camped out of sight. Soon individuals would appear and talk to Donnat. Guttman was officially the head of the expedition, but Donnat had other ideas. They fought over everything, especially over Kurt, Richard and Johann's asses.

Von Witttenburg and Wolf were apart from that unhappy quintet. They were from a more elevated social class. Wolf liked younger men. I was in my thirties and too old for him, although I would do in a pinch. We had no chemistry. Fortunately, my ass had its attraction for him, although his cock did nothing for my ass.

Wolf recognized this and always politely asked if I'd be willing to help him out when he felt the urge. I always said yes and he was happy. He saw a young Arab he liked and asked me to see if he was available. The youth was one of Shorty's brothers, Amir. He was thin, and a little above five feet tall. He looked younger than he was. I had sucked him dry while I was fucking his father at the Festival. I spoke with him and he was willing to have some fun. I told him to act young. He thought that was amusing. He told me his balls were full and wanted to know if Wolf wanted it in his mouth or ass. I wasn't sure.

Wittenburg had a problem. He was every inch a Prussian Nobleman and status conscious. He always topped and never sucked. He thought showing any sign of emotion during sexual relations was a sign of weakness.

He did need sexual release and I was the best man to serve his immediate needs. It would have been better if I were a Count or a Duke, but a knight would do in a pinch. As I sucked him one evening, my finger strayed and touched his asshole. He never produced pre cum, but suddenly it flooded into my mouth. I'm not sure Wittenburg knew what happened.

It took no time for my finger to reach his prostate and to squeeze the tender gland. He could hardly breathe. After a little more testing of his prostate gland, Frederic fed me his high-powered aristocratic seed. It tasted the same as Arab or non-aristocratic sperm. He got very embarrassed after the orgasm and left.

In the desert, our camp consisted of the German compound and the "native quarter." Guttman wouldn't associate with the Arabs. My tent was in the Arab section of the camp. Guttman and Donnat liked me there so I could give the Arabs instructions. It also kept me from observing their own activities. Occasionally, they remembered I was English but most of the time they seemed to forget. I found the Arabs more congenial company.

I thought von Wittenburg would not be back, but I grossly underestimated the strength of his sex drive. He pretended he had conquered his animalistic sexual drive. I knew there was a great difference between conquering and suppressing. Wittenburg re appeared the next night. His hole was exceptionally tight. He claimed to be a virgin and I believed him. He was a rough fucker and I should have given him some lessons in that, but I couldn't. I am not that sort of person. I took my time and opened him up slowly. I had the first cock to penetrate the dark and warm side of his sphincter, and was the first to bathe his rectum in man seed.

I had promised not to do that. He was afraid of sperm. I thought he wouldn't know, but my spurting sperm tickled his rectum and he knew. He complained bitterly while he had a hands' free orgasm. I didn't take him seriously.

Again, he stayed away from my tent, but returned three days later. On his return I had him suck me to an orgasm. He took every drop. We waited a half hour and I fucked him. Again he felt my seed tickling his ass. He had another hands free orgasm. Wittenburg was a strapping fellow. He was shocked that a few spurts of semen in just the right place could so completely un-man him. He was so strong and powerful, it didn't seem right to him.

I kept records of the men who visited the camp. My memory for men is not good, but I simply transliterated their names into cuneiform script and it was entirely undecipherable.

One of our visitors was an Italian archaeologist named Romeo DeMenti. Hitler and Mussolini were similar characters and the Nazi's accepted him as a friend. He was effusive and cheerful. He stayed with me in my tent, since I could speak Italian better than he could speak German. While he said he was an archaeologist, he seemed to know a lot about oil too.

I was complaining to him about the heat. "You long for the chill rains of Midlothian?" he asked.

"It's hard for me to admit it, but I do indeed long for the chill rains of Midlothian," I replied. Romeo had worked with Alistair and my brother Angus during the Great War. Italy was our ally then. His mother was English and he was anti-fascist. I gave him my information. For me it was a random collection of names. Romeo knew the names and saw a pattern. He didn't explain it to me. "You will be safer of you don't know. You are playing with some bad boys and it is best to be ignorant," he said.

Romeo and I became good friends for the two weeks he was with us on the expedition. Romeo was perhaps fifty, slightly over-weight, hairy like a gorilla and with the sex drive of a bull elephant. He thought like an Englishman, but looked Italian. In short, he was a near perfect companion. He got along with Wolf and Richard. They had worked on an Italian expedition in Libya. While the Nazi weren't going to trust an mere Italian, they weren't concerned about Romeo at all.

My tent became a popular place of refuge. The rivalry between Guttman and Donnat got stronger and violence was always possible. They could let their hair down when they were alone in the camp and didn't mind if Wolf and Wittenburg were elsewhere. It was better if there were no witnesses to their brutality. I would have felt sorry for Richard, Kurt and Johann, but I suspected they enjoyed the abuse.

Wolf visited often. He tried connecting with Amir at his own tent, but Donnat objected. Wolf asked me if they could meet at my tent. He had several sexual interludes with other men in our cabin on the ship, so he didn't mind if I was there. He was afraid Amir would have a problem. I knew he would not object. Wolf liked to top. Amir liked oral and the bottom, but wanted to top too. His cock was thin and not impressive when he was soft. It was nearly eight inches when he was hard and it drooped.

Somehow Amir got Wolf to open up for him. I watched Wolf as Amir's anal probe slid deep into his ass. I could tell from Wolf's expression that he hit some virgin spots. An hour and a half later, Amir was still in Wolf's ass. Amir had stamina. He never lost his erection or enthusiasm. Amir finally shot off and then rolled him over and impaled himself on Wolf's cock. Wolf immediately had a massive orgasm. His whole body shook, bouncing Amir's small body on the cock. That was good for both.

Romeo was friendly and sexually generous. He had a thick, but not particularly long cock that had a pronounced hook. It must have been designed to hit the prostate. Actually, it must have been designed to hit my prostate. His balls were huge and he was self-lubricating. He liked me and he got along well with the Arabs. He spoke Arabic and soon made a sexual connection with them.

Wittenburg liked sex on the sly. He thought no one knew of his passions. He joined us unwillingly but soon adapted. Romeo was an energetic and enthusiastic man. I fucked Wittenburg while Romeo fed him his cock. Romeo had an unexpectedly short fuse an Wittenburg got a mouthful of Italian cock juice. That generated another hands free orgasm in our playmate. Apparently sperm caused Wittenburg's reaction. All in all, it was a good couple of weeks.

Two weeks with Guttman and Donnat wandering the desert were enough for me. Otto wanted me to decipher newly discovered inscriptions. Donnat found a German who could translate Arabic, and they set off on another trek. The translator, Herr Oberst, was as narrow minded as Donnat and positively disliked Arabs. Wolf stayed with us at the dig. Otto needed photographic documentation.

I tried to tell Guttman Oberst's attitude could be a problem, but he was convinced German will and German technology would keep the native Arabs cowed. I was unsure. Five days after the left, Richard returned. Donnat beat Amir. As a result, all the Sheik's guards left. A day later, a marauding band of bandits took them captive. Richard was apart from the main group at the time of the attack and had escaped.

We should have gone to the British Authorities to get them back, but we didn't. If the British got to meet that particular group of men they almost certainly would have been arrested as spies. We needed to maintain the protective guards at the dig, so we were between a rock and a hard place. Rolf and I went to the Sheik to see what could be done. While the insult to Amir was grave, the Sheik regarded the bandits' foray into his territory as an attack on his person. It was unwise to have it be known bandits could attack people in your district and get away with it.

The Sheik asked his brother Ali to lead a group to capture the bandits and rescue their captives. The Sheik asked Rolf it was necessary to save all of the captives. Much to my surprise Rolf said Herr Donnat was a difficult man. Since Donnat had beat Amir, that was acceptable to the Sheik.

As we returned to the camp Rolf explained the situation. "The sheik can wipe us off the earth any time he wants. We needed to indicate we understood the gravity of the offense to his clan's honor. Donnat is both the offender and the least useful man on the expedition."

"I understand completely," I replied. "I would have picked the same man."

Returning to the camp we told Otto about the Sheik's promised aid. We didn't mention the sacrifice of Donnat's life. Rolf wanted to go with the Arab's, but I volunteered. With bandits on the prowl it we needed Rolf's leadership at the camp. I got along well with the Sheik's men and could translate as necessary.

We left just before sunset. There was a full moon and it was cooler to travel at night. There were about twenty men on camels in our group. I had never been on a camel before. The animal was a trial. The men were amused at my discomfort, but solicitous and several gave me helpful hints on how to be at least moderatly comfortable.

We reached the camp where our men were attacked in the morning. Ali and his head men knew exactly who the bandits were. They had been afraid it was a rival clan, but the perpetrators were genuine, old-fashioned bandits. We rested until dawn and then resumed our search. There was no wind so it was easy to follow the trail. I felt vaguely like a scout in a Cowboy and Indian movie from America. I had a knack for tracking. After years of looking a small wedges in clay, the clear camel tracks were easy to follow. I noticed several camels had unusual markings on their hoofs and could differentiate them from others.

Ali had a hunch about the Bandits' lair. The markings led in the direction he expected. Mid day we came to a small town. It was of another clan, but Ali spoke to the Town leader. He presented him with gifts and we rested there until the next morning. We carried our own food with us and invited the Town elders to join us in a late afternoon meal. We could easily have overpowered the men, but Ali was courteous and generous.

Apparently, the bandits had not been so courteous. After some pleasantries, the elders told us all about the bandits. There were twelve of them, but three were young, almost children. "The hostages were tied up and several were beaten," the Headman explained. "We gave them water. One did not react, but we made him drink. The bandits objected, but we did it anyway. They were guests; it was required. They thought the captives were looking for oil. The oil company will pay to get them back,"

Ali praised the village's hospitality and their piety. "And where were these bandits going?" he asked.

The Headmen replied. "They were going to their camp in the mountains."

"These men do not work for an oil company; they are scholars," Ali explained. "They have little value."

"Why do you seek them?"

"They were my guests," Ali said. "They are strangers in a strange land. It is unseemly to molest them." The village elders nodded in approval. Ali looked at me and said whispered. "These men know more than they are saying, can you help me? I have a plan."

"Of course," I replied, "but I want no violence. This is a poor town; they need no more misfortune."

"I am planning to give them a gift. You can help," Ali said then he turned to the headman, "Sir William is a scholar and is my guest, He has employed many of my people and paid well. He has honored me greatly. He has even participated in our festivals. Sir William was the receptacle and the conduit." He gave the headman a knowing look.

"Our village is poor. We have had bad luck," the Headman said. "It is not the right time for a festival, is it?"

"That is true," Ali said, "but it is always a good time to make an offering. Is it not? Have you ever encountered, or even seen a man who was so close to the creator? Perhaps we could meet at the hamam at dusk tonight."

The headman and the elders left. I was shocked that Ali put me into this position. However, Ali was not a man to be trifled with, so I said nothing. We went the town's Hamam, or Turkish bath, and cleaned up. It was more elaborate than I expected for a small town. The main room was a domed space with a central pool. It was quite ancient, but in good condition. We ate and drank and waited for the Elders to reappear. I thought they might be worried about the date problem, but that apparently was a technicality that was easily discarded when a man of Ali's rank gave his personal approval.

The Headman, Elders as well as several younger men returned and joined us in the pool. They had a few drinks and Ali removed his towel. Everyone followed suit. I was feeling unexpectedly good about my situation. There must have been something slightly alcoholic in the drink. It seemed to have aphrodisiacal properties too. Ali was a big, hairy muscular man and he was fully erect. He was comfortable nude and erect and the men responded with enthusiasm. Some looked uneasy when they first entered. Now they were smiling.

Unlike the Sheik's festival our men didn't know those in the Village so the two groups of men looked each other over. No one hid their interest in other men's genitals. Many of the men had never met a person outside their clan, so there was curiosity. Ali had much broader experience and we went to the Headman and complimented him on his handsome and manly men. The Headman dropped to his knees and kissed Ali's cock head. Ali stroked his cock and produced a bead of pre cum. Headman stuck out his tongue and Ali placed his seed slit against the tongue. Ari motioned for the headman to rise and he went to the floor. After kissing the Headman's knob, Ali sampled the precum and then swallowed the entire cock. It was almost s if they were tasting the wine before the accepted the bottle. The men watching this murmured in approval. All was well.

By now, all the younger men were erect and the older men were close behind. The two groups of men merged as they explored each other's genitals. Ali and the Headman whispered together and embraced. Ali called me over.

"Sir William, these men are inexperienced, no one here has had the honor of joining in the Festival ever before. It is a great honor," he explained. "Please accept my apologies if they are crude or inept. This village is on the edge of our lands; they may well join with us. The Sheik would be very happy with you for your help."

"I thought he was happy with me already?" I said. One of Ali's attendants began to lubricate my ass.

"The Sheik could not be happier. You are a wonder. When his organ touched your hole you welcomed him in. There was no resistance, no hesitation, yet you were tight. Your ass lips gripped his organ and played with it. It was heavenly, beautiful," Ali replied.

"Every man who entered you had the same feeling. Even later, after you had taken so many men, you were just as welcoming to each man. You remained firm with the man seed of thirty churning in you. Seed is precious. We filled your mouth and ass with it; it dripped from your beard and over your body. That is the way we visualized the creator," Ali continued.

He got behind me and eased his member in to my ass. A rush of sensations swept over me. He was hung like his brother the Sheik, but as he slowly filled me, the sensations seemed to be more intense. As before Ali was soon on his back and I was sitting on his member. This gave the men a good view of the penetration.

I bent forward to kiss Ali and his cock popped out of my ass. The town's Headman's member filled the void. His member was thicker and a lot longer than I guessed. He was not in a rush. The men murmured in approval as the Headman pumped his cock into my ass. After ten minutes of this, he stopped and shot his load into the deepest recess of me ass.

Before I could get Ali's organ in my ass again another man slid into me. He didn't last long, but had an almost violent orgasm. This time Ali got in me again. This went on for almost an hour. Other men from the town joined us and Ali's men had a turn too.

I was the only European in the bath and I had no worried anyone would think less of me for my actions. I just lay back and enjoyed the procession of men. Everyone was happy and indeed overjoyed. A few of the first men were cautious, but soon everyone relaxed. I could have written an article for the Encyclopedia Britannica about the variety of men's fucking techniques and male genital endowment. I seemed to like them all, and accepted them all.

I enjoyed it, but I suspected that for many of the men, this was the best orgasms thye ever experienced. As they shot off in my ass or spurted into my mouth, I felt the joy. Ali and the men closest to him took care of me.

If they were afraid I was getting tired, Ali or his friends would mount me, and let me rest. They filled my hole, but they didn't pump. As I relaxed, they could penetrate deeper. I loved that. Ali was more of a lover than a fucker, but all were good.

We spent the night in the haman, bathing, sucking and fucking. I got to sleep too. I woke at dawn with Ali's best friend, Omar in my ass. He had fallen asleep, but his cock was long enough to remain in my ass, clenched by my sphincter.

The town leader gave Ali a secret way to get to the bandits camp and catch them unawares and gave of three men to act as scouts.

Next: Chapter 6

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