Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Jan 21, 2004


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, it's not my rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

This is going to be a multi-chapter story, there will be no sex for the first couple of chapters, sorry to disappoint.

This is a sequel to Finally Home, which can also be found in the Beginnings section. Many parts of this story will not make sense unless you read Finally Home. This is Brian's story, you will first meet him in Finally Home.

If you are the fan formerly known as Dogscratcher or something like that and you want to remain on my mailing list please email me an updated address because I keep getting yours back. Thanks

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you

Mason Please email me if you want to be on my mailing list.

Chapter 2

James and I got even closer after the 'attack of the gang banger.' My wrist was sprained and I wore a brace for two weeks, but other then that there were no ill effects. James was my protector while my wrist was still hurting, not letting me do anything at the center with my hand at all. Carrying boxes, chairs, tables, whatever work I was doing at the center, he was there to insist on doing it for me.

He also asked me right after the incident for help on his math. Since I love numbers I was more then happy to help. What started out as a one time thing became weekly, so every Friday night James and I would sit in the study room at the teen center and do math. Sometimes I wondered why he needed me, he didn't seem to have any trouble, but he kept asking me to come back the next week, so I agreed. I must admit that I enjoyed these times more then any other time of my week. James and I would sit alone, side by side, in the small study room, converted from a broom closet. We would always sit close, our legs pressed together as we hovered over his books. We were so close I could smell him. It was a mixture of old spice and the subtle smell of his sweat, I found it intoxication and I kept losing my place in my explanations if I breathed to deeply. Close up he's even more beautiful. I must have been a stuttering mess most of the time, I kept losing my place from his smell and I'd forget what I was saying altogether if I looked at him for too long. It was like his dark eyes could see right down to my soul. But somehow we got through his work.

It was about two months after we had started our tutoring sessions that I fucked up. I mean royally fucked up. That was the day I officially became a child molester.

We started out as usual and were almost done with the assignments when James asked me out of the blue, "Brian, are you dating anyone?"

"Nope." I answered, without looking at him.

"Why not?" I glanced up and met his dark gaze, his eyes probing into me. I couldn't seem to look away.

"I'm interested in someone, but there are complications." I said before I could talk myself out of it.

"What complications?" There was a new spark in his eyes, a hopeful look.

"Age differences." I said, thinking ... in for a dime, in for a dollar.

"He's to old for you?" James asked quietly.

"No, he's too young, I would hold him back." I felt like I was drowning in the deep dark pools of his eyes.

"Love is love, age shouldn't matter." His voice was deep and seductive. He moved closer to me, leaning closer and closer as he held me motionless with his eyes.

I felt his lips touch mine gently before my foggy brain realized what was happening. His lips were soft and warm, and so gentle. I stiffened at the sensation and took in a shaky breath as he pulled away just slightly. Then his eyes closed and he kissed me again. This time I kissed back. Losing myself in the feeling of his luscious lips moving gently against mine. His tongue snaked out and licked my bottom lip gently, I opened my mouth, allowing him access, and moaned at the feeling of his tongue caressing mine. I felt like electricity was running between us. Never had a kiss felt so good to me. I felt complete, at home. James's hand was on my cheek, caressing me when I suddenly realized what was happening. I pulled back quickly.

"What's wrong?" James asked, confusion clouding his beautiful eyes.

I jumped up from the table to put space between us. Stated the obvious. "This is wrong."

"Bullshit." James said quietly, looking up at me intensely. "You want this and so do I Brian." He sounded so calm.

"But it's wrong, you're only 17."

"Who gives a shit? I've seen more life then most guys twice my age. I know what I want Brian." He looked at me evenly.

"No." I said more firmly. "You've got to graduate and go away to college and fuck frat boys, there's a whole world out there James."

"I've seen that world, I don't live in a bubble Brian, I know what I want." He said it again, and I almost gave in, thrilled at the thought that he wanted me. But it was wrong, he would go to college and discover he wanted different things, that he wanted to party and have lots of casual sex, and he would leave me behind. And losing him after having him was something I didn't think I could live through, I didn't want to try.

"No, you just think you do." I moved for the door, he stood and grabbed my arm gently to stop me.

"Why can't you give us a chance?" He asked, and I saw desperation and pleading in his eyes.

"I'm sorry James, I can't, it's wrong." I pulled away and didn't stop until I was halfway out the door, I turned around just enough to say, "I think you should find a new tutor."

Then I left, and with every step I felt my heart breaking more and more.

Next: Chapter 13: Growing Up 3

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