Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Feb 14, 2003


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

This is going to be a multi-chapter story, there will be no sex for the first couple of chapters, sorry to disappoint.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you.

*** Happy valentines day. Just wanted to clear up a typo from chapter three, Nanna Cleavland referred to to her mother-in-law as Mrs. Franklin during her conversation with the twins. That was a mistake on my part, sorry. Her mother-in-law- was obviously Mrs. Cleavland, and she is not relation to the twins. Sorry also for any other typos, grammer and spelling have never been my strong suit. :)


Finally Home

Chapter 4

I managed to put my grandmother's romantic predictions out of my mind. I filed them away in my subconscious right next to all the other romantic thoughts I was having about one of the Franklin brothers. I was still in denial, not even letting my mind say the name of the brother I was falling for. Refusing to let myself imagine his well-muscled chest or twinkling eyes when I jacked off. Despite the fact that we had that pesky 'no hanky-panky' rule, my most recent relationship was not very healthy at all, and had ended very painfully, both emotionally and physically. I was still in therapy trying to recover, and deal with why I tended to fall for ass holes. So I had several reasons not to think about romance, and I had managed to put the whole issue on the back burner.

I'm not sure why, but one Saturday, about two weeks after the boys first met my grandmother, we decided that we would stay in for the evening. This didn't preclude drinking however, and we soon had a nasty game of quarters going. Michael and Brian were doing shots of Stoli, but they let me do shots of Amaretto sour, since I don't usually drink, although as punishment for it they had decided to call me 'light weight' for the evening. We were all quite buzzed, approaching oblivion, Michael was taking his shot when Brian suddenly started laughing.

Michael missed his shot, downed the vodka, and then turned to Brian crossly. "What's your problem? You made me miss my shot."

"I was just remembering that kid, remember? The one who brought over that bottle of Stoli, that day mom and the girls were off delivering twins." He searched for the name and then suddenly his eyes lit up. "ANTON! Remember?"

Michael broke into a grin and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I remember. He was so nervous his hands were shaking." Michael laughed.

Brian turned to me, still snickering. "See Toby, this kid Anton, from our block, he was after both of us, he practically drooled when we walked by, you know what I mean? The little shit, he was playing us both, he just didn't figure we were out to each other, so he thought he could mess around with both of us and we'd be none the wiser. Well he was wrong; we had him figured out from day one. But neither of us were in love with him, we were just horny, so we kept up the charade. But soon we figured out that Anton's goal was to have us both, together, like in a threesome. Found out he was bragging about it to a couple of other gay kids in the neighborhood, making out like we were all over him, totally in love with him and shit. But we had this rule, still do, we don't mess around with each other, no incest for us. So this one Saturday he shows up with this bottle of Stoli, right, thinking if he can get us both drunk enough he might get his wish. But the problem was he was smaller then us, and we were going shot for shot, so he was gone way before us. So when he passed out..." Brian stopped, giggling too hard to continue.

"So when he passed out, we took all his cloths off." Michael continued where Brian left off. "And then Brian goes into the bathroom and jerks off, and he catches his jizz in a cup right?" Michael paused to catch his breath and calm his laughter. "And we put him in Brian's bed, and smeared the cum all over his chest, so he thinks he's had sex, he smells like it and it gets all dry and crusty, and we mess up the bed too, and we leave him there."

"He wakes up about two hours later with no memory of what happened. And we laid it on thick, kissing him and letting him know how amazing it was. But we tell him that now that we've found out about each other, we don't need him anymore. You should have seen the look on his face, he was crushed." Brian started laughing again.

"He was so depressed. We let him mope for about a week before we felt bad enough to tell him the truth. He was so embarrassed that we had him figured out that he wasn't even mad at us. We still felt bad though, we finally set him up with a buddy of ours, you know, to make up for it, they hit it off, and they were together for years." Michael finished.

When I recovered, and stopped crying from laughter I asked, "Was he you guys first?"


"Uh huh."

"He had the best mouth." Brian said with a faraway smile.

"Oh yeah, no gag reflex at all." Michael smiled, Brian shivered.

"Damn, we should look him up, you suppose he still lives in the old neighborhood?" Brian asked, looking totally serious. Michael and I laughed.

"Who was your first, Toby?" Michael asked.

"Miguel Ruiz."

"I've seen that name on the Valedictorian plaque at the Academy. Same guy?" Michael asked.

"Yup, I was 16, a junior, and he was 17, a senior. My father was working in London off and on that year, traveling a lot, so he decided to board us at the school, that was back when Cleveland still used that old dorm. You know, the one that's condemned now on the north side of the campus?" Michael nodded "Anyway, it wasn't a big deal to me, my father pulled some strings and got Nanny Francis hired as the dorm mother for my little brother's wing, so I saw her and my brother Micah all the time. Anyway, I got assigned to room with Miguel. Now that was back when I still thought that maybe I could please my father. I figured that I could find some boyfriend who's family was as rich as mine and still be a lawyer and still take over the family business, so I was still looking down on people. And Miguel was at Cleveland on a full scholarship and Latino to boot, so I looked down on him. And I ignored the fact that he turned me on more then any other person I had ever met."

"So what happened?" Brian asked, wide eyed.

"Well, Miguel was brilliant, smartest fucking guy I ever met, so he had me figured out right away. Knew exactly what I wanted. And he wanted me too. So he started walking around without a shirt on all the time, he'd sleep naked, just so he could walk around naked in the mornings. I was a basket case. By the time he ended his little game I would have done anything just to touch him, I wanted him so bad."

"So what happened, did you go for it?" Brian prompted.

"Nope, I came back from dinner one day and he was waiting inside the door with a bunch of candles burning and the lights low and all that. No sooner am I in the door then he has my back pinned against the wall and he is kissing me. Then he ripped my cloths off, literally, and he took me."

"I knew it." Brian grinned triumphantly.

"Knew what?" I asked.

"You're a bottom. I knew it."

"Oh yeah, I'm a bottom. Got a problem with that?" I challenged.

"No, just a speculation. Whatever floats your boat."

"You're such a top." I teased in mock discussed.

"And proud of it." Brian grinned like a manic.

"Have you ever even tried it?" I asked.

"Yeah actually I tried it in college a couple of times." Brian said proudly.

"Whatever floats your boat." I teased him.

"Smart ass."

"What about you Michael? Top or bottom?" I asked boldly. He looked mildly surprised.

"Well I've done both, but if we're being honest I prefer to top." And then he was looking at me with that look in his eyes that makes me feel like the room has suddenly gotten 10 degrees hotter.

"I've got a question for you Toby." Brian spoke from what seemed to be far away. "Who's the best you ever had? Was it your 'Latin lover'?"

I tore my eyes away from Michael before I answered. "No, the best sex I ever had was with this guy named Jake. I rented a room in his house right after my father kicked me out, there were 4 other gay guys living there besides me, it was like a constant orgy. But Jake was the best. He was bigger built then even you guys, and taller too. This guy's a giant. But it wasn't his size that made him so good it was his stamina. The guy could go on forever."

"Like the energized bunny." Brian laughed.

"What about you guys, who were your best ever?"

"Anton." They both answered at the same time. I laughed.

"I'm tellin' you dude, he could do some amazing things with his mouth." Brian said.

"I've got a good one." Brian spoke up again. "What was the worst relationship you've ever been in?"

I cursed myself, downed a shot and decided to stall. "You guys first."

"Mine was that drag queen. Your remember her Michael?" Brian turned to him.

"Oh god, how could I forget?" Michael said shaking his head.

"I thought it would be fun, she was really good in the sack and all, but I got tired of it real quick, she was too much like a girl. So I dumped her and she went stalker on me."

"You could say that, called 25 times in one evening." Michael grumbled.

Brian laughed. "I finally had to get a restraining order. And she finally got the point."

"What about you Michael?"

Michael took another shot. "That club kid, what was his name Brian?"

"Jeremy." Brian supplied immediately.

"I hooked up with this kid at some rave Brian drug me too. He was hot and all, nothing to write home about. Saw him a couple of times, we were out one night and he got really drunk, so I brought him here, 'cause it was closer, and we crashed out. I wake up to a yelp in the middle of the night. This kid had woken up, gone into the bathroom, shot up some heroin he just happened to have with him, and then got confused and crawled into bed with Brian, tried to get frisky." Michael chuckled.

"Scared the shit out of me." Brian grumbled.

"What about you Toby? Worst relationship." Michael asked.

I hesitated. "I don't think you want to hear it, it's not very funny, guys."

"So tell us anyway, we're interested." Brian encouraged.

I took a deep breath and decided that I would make my therapist proud. "Ok, I met this guy, Richard, a year and a half ago. Ten years older then me, a wall-street type. I don't usually go for older guys, but this guy took good care of himself. He was cute, well built, and really strong. I liked that. He was the perfect gentleman at first. Took me out to the best restaurants, introduced me to his friends as his 'boyfriend' all that stuff. Sent me flowers after every date. Respected my two month rule, didn't push."

"What's your two month rule?" Brian asked.

"Oh, I don't sleep with anybody I'm dating until we've been dating for at least two months."

"So, what went wrong?" Michael asked quietly.

"We'd been together about three months. The sex was good, he was sweet, I was happy. Anyway, I'm cooking him dinner one night at his place, and I spilled the cooking wine, accidentally. Well he goes nuts. Backhands me across the face. I was more shocked then hurt. And of course the next day I get flowers and he calls saying how sorry he is. So we get together and talk and he's blubbering, saying he loves me and he'll never do it again. All the usual stuff."

"So you gave him another chance?" Brian said in a small voice.

"Yep." I shook my head, remembering my own stupidity. "But I told my roommate about it. She had gone with this guy in high school who smacked her around, so she started in on me, talking about abusive men and filling me with information that I tried to ignore. Anyway Richard was a prince for another month or so, and then one morning he gave me a bloody lip for dribbling toothpaste in the sink. Finally all the shit my roommate had been saying sunk in."

"So you left?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, but it wasn't over."

"What happened?" Michael asked gently.

"Well, that morning I was in such a hurry to get away from him that I left a bunch of my stuff there. And it was important stuff, like my favorite sweatshirt, the one I wear when I'm writing under a deadline, you know, a comfort zone sweatshirt. And I had left a couple of my favorite poetry books that were out of print, one was signed by the author. So Richard is doing the 'I'm so sorry' thing again, flowers and all, even sent me a ring. And I figure that I can go over in the pretense of talking and get my stuff, and take him the stuff he'd left at my place, and then run. I almost made it too. I dumped his stuff, and got mine together, he's following me around begging me to give him another chance. I made it to the hallway before he realized that I was really leaving him. Two cracked ribs, a broken jaw and one hell of a black eye later and I was free."

Michael and Brian both looked at me in amazement.

"So there's my worst relationship. I've been in therapy ever since. I had nightmares for months, my roommate used to let me sleep with her, that's the only way I could get a full nights sleep for a long time."

"Dude, I am so sorry." Brian reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Thanks Bri." I smiled at him. I looked over to see Michael wiping tears out of his eyes.

"Did you press charges?" Brian asked.

"No, I did something even better." I smiled broadly now.


"I told Nana." I grinned evilly.

"She didn't have him killed did she?" Brian asked in a whisper. I laughed.

"No she had her security firm investigate him and found out he was doing a bunch of insider trading or some white collar crime like that. So now he's in prison for like 15 years or something."

"For real?" Michael asked.

"Yep." I laughed and their shocked expressions.

"Dude, that is so cool." Brian said. And he led a toast in nana's honor.

The party wound down pretty soon after that. I downed a couple of extra shots, hoping that the alcohol would help prevent the nightmare I usually have after talking about Richard. It didn't work. My dream was the same old one, being chased down an endless alley by Richard screaming at me. Not a very original nightmare, but enough to bring me awake and terrified two hours after I had fallen asleep. I decided to try a stronger drink, so, still in my boxers I went searching the kitchen for Brian and Michael's vodka. I thought I was being quiet, so Michael's voice behind me scared me half to death.

"Are you OK?" He asked quietly. I whirled around clutching my chest. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

He padded across the room towards me. He was wearing white jockeys that seemed to glow blue in light of the street lamp. It was the first time I had seen his bare chest, and I was surprised to see he was even more built then his brother. I refused to let myself look any closer at his package, even though I was incredibly curious.

"I had a nightmare." I said, forcing myself to look at his face and stop dreaming about licking his nipples.

"Are you ok?" He asked again, his voice was soft and gentle, fulling of genuine concern. I shook my head.

"Where's the Stoli? It may help me sleep."

"We finished it." He whispered.


"Do you want to sleep with me?" He asked looking directly at me. I was stunned, by the question or the look in his eyes; I'm not sure which.


"You know, like you used to do with your roommate. You said it helped."

"Oh, yeah. Thanks Michael, that would be great." I answered before could talk myself out of it.

I tried not to stare at his ass too much as he led me to his bedroom.

Next: Chapter 5

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