First Impression

By Clive

Published on Mar 3, 2000


Comments:- Wow... thanks all of you for your replies about my story, and I do want to assure you that I am still working on Grand Encounter :) And finally once again I would appreciate any comments (good or bad) to: Thanks and hope you enjoy the story :)

Disclaimer:- This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the group * Nsync or any other person involved in full or in part. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.


"I'm going to get that basted off our floor again... he creeps me out" was all Justin said moving to the phone. JC was quick to his feet and was at the phone before Justin even knew that JC had joined him.... "JC what's your problem?" was all Justin said... but his caused JC to react in a manner that nobody had seen before. "What's the fucking matter... did you ever consider that the guy that you had thrown of OUR floor may be staying here also... because he is you jack ass... and on top of use humiliating the guy he's over there in his room all black and blue from what looks like a small beating session from the security... so you ask me what the matter is and I say YOU Justin you're the fucking matter... Christ what a great way to make a first impression"

First Impression

Chapter Two: Introduction to Fame

By Clive

Michael awoke from his slumber feeling refreshed and ready for all that the day could through at him... After laying still for 20 minutes, almost in a dream state, and for once complete with him self and his life, Michael made direction towards taking on the day. He firstly moved his right arm stretching high above his shoulder, feeling a general discomfort emanating from his upper arm, on reflection he came to the conclusion that the saying that you should never judge a book by its cover was so right... The bruising that was apparent on his arm hadn't come from the large bulshy security officer but instead from the small framed female officer that had also caused his lip to be cut open.

Again Michael began to move but this time is was by swinging his legs clear of the bed, landing his feet firm on the ground and unlike the previous night he felt little or no pain at all from his leg.

'At least one thing had improved' he thought to himself as he gently brushed the back of his hand tentatively across his soar and greatly swollen lip. As he stood upright, stretching to reach for the sky a succession of pops were heard coming from Michael's back, a feeling that he had enjoyed ever since he had taken a trip to Mombassa and had the most erotic massage even if it was from the hands of a fairly heavy African woman! As he came down from his high he began to loosen up his body by stretching and he could definitely feel the effects of his small beating session from the night before. Half way through his second repetition of curl ups Michael was brought upright by a forceful beating on his main door to the suit. He debated for some time whether to get up or to continue his set, after all it was most probably going to be the management coming to apologise and grovel for his forgiveness, and that is something that he most definitely didn't need today... so he continued on with his set.

Again the banging... bringing Michael almost to his boiling point, who ever was at the door would pay for being just there, but the banging continued.

"Hold on for Christ's sake..." Michael muttered under his breath holding back the urge to scream that exact phrase to the man, woman or persons that stood behind his only barrier to the crewel world that was situated behind it.

Michael still only dressed in his night shorts (a pair of silk boxers that he only wore to bed) looked around his room searching for something half decent to clad himself with. He looked around for a minute before coming upon some tracksuit bottoms and a new white Nike t-shirt that he had purchased before he left his homeland now nearly 24 hours ago. Now dressed even if it did look like he was going to go out for his mid morning run, Michael made his way from the bedroom, through the lounge area to the main door, which was still being attacked almost in a fashion that made his wonder how the door manage to stay on its hinges.

Moving forward to unlatch the door he felt his arm spasm in slight pain but he continued his course to open the door to his morning visitor.

Joey, Josh, Lance, Justin and Chris all sat listening tentatively as the night manager explained to them the situation that had occurred the night before. As the elderly man continued to explain the situation there was a noticeable shift in the youngest man's sitting position. Instead of being the confident and vibrant young celebrity that he was Justin was shifting from side to side looking more and more uncomfortable with the information that he was being forced to take in. Justin was most definitely not taking the information well and his face betrayed his guilt and his sorrow not only for what he had done to the other guest on the floor but for the way that he had made JC feel towards him... how could he make up to JC... Justin started to drift off into his own thoughts when he was literally shaken back to his senses. "Justin you better be listening or JC's going to kick your ass..." Lance had reached over and positioned himself directly in Justin's line of sight. Luckily for both of them JC was in front of both of them and wasn't privy to what was happening behind him. "What's up with him any way Lance?" Justin questioned wanting to know why Josh had reacted this way towards him even if what he had done wasn't the wisest thing he had ever done! "Dun no and don't think now is the time to discuss it either." Was Lance's replied to Justin before re-adjusting his self into his seat to again pick up the conversation that was taking place before him between JC and the manager. Eventually the elderly man stood extended his had to all five other members present in the room before excusing himself to head of home to bed. For the last 20 minutes there had been constant noise coming from one of the members of the room discussing the situation at hand and then all of a sudden there was absolute blissful silence. "So what we going to do to rectify Justin's little fuck up?" JC posed the question to all the other members of the band looking at each and every one in turn to gauge their reaction, finally resting his eyes on Justin who by the looks of it was about to start to well up and cry right in front of the others. But JC new better, Justin would never let those sort of emotions out in public, even if it was to some of his long-term friends and fell band mates. "Why don't we start off by just apologising to him?" Chris being the wises or at least the eldest thought out aloud but stated it more in a questioning tone that in a suggestive manner. "I tried that last night" JC bluntly replied feeling dejected as he thought about how the other youth had simply shut the door in his face even as he spoke... "Why don't we get management to apologise for us..." Joey started to explain to the group his idea of how they would make up to the 'youth' (not that he was probably any younger than JC, well maybe slightly but he definitely looked older than Justin) As the discussion went on between Chris, Joe, Lance and JC none of them noticed as Justin slipped off into the background. He had an idea of his own, he was going to go and see this 'person' that had forced JC and him so far apart in such a small amount of time. With that in mind Justin left the main lounge area and headed out of their room. Now on this floor there were only two other rooms so he had to be in one of them... right so Justin just walked up to the first door that he had come across and decided to go ahead and get it over with.

Michael slowly opened pulled the security chain from the door and then proceeded to open the Chubb lock... only at this point did he consider looking through the eye hole and as he lent forward to look into it the door was pushed forward, not in an aggressive manner but none the less it still forced him to stumble backwards as his head made contact with the door...

"Shit what are you trying to do give me brain damage?" was all Michael could spit out as he shook his head whilst scrunching his eyes shut, still not looking at what or whom had caused his head to meet with the door.

"I'm.... I'm sorry..." there was a long pause in which time Michael had looked up to see who had spoken to him. His gaze first meet with the legs of the 'man' that stood in front of him, slowly moving up the body Michael could now see that it was one of the five from the night before but before he lost his temper and gave the 'attacker' (and in his mind he was, he had, or one of the group, had cause him to be beaten and now here he was adding salt to the wounds by slamming a door into him face on...) a piece of his mind he noticed that the younger individual was sobbing silently and shaking his head from side to side.

Michael closed his eyes and he also shook his head once as the began to speak to the other, "I suppose since your hear and at my door I should invite you in." As Michael finished he opened his eyes to see the other youth standing, not shaking his head anymore, but still slightly sobbing with his head hung low in a submissive pose.

"Thanks... I... I'm really... sorry." Was all Justin could get out and again he hung his head low but this time started to move forward in to his 'hosts' suite.

Justin followed Michael into the main suit and as Michael sat down in the large Chester seat Justin still remained standing with his head still hung low.

"You know I'm not going to bite... you can sit down you know" Michael said looking on at the younger male and only then did the realisation of how attractive this male specimen was. This though causing him to smile slightly and slowly his thoughts of rage against the individual moved from his thoughts.

Justin for the first time since he entered the room looked up at the person that he had caused pain to now twice in two days. His eyes met with the other man's gaze and again Justin shook his head again slightly from side to side, but this time not from fear or from self wallowing pity but from amazement at the other. Only a short time ago he had felt ashamed to be in the room, almost as if he shouldn't be in there but he too like Michael felt more and more comfortable just looking on at the other. Justin looked around and sat facing to the side of Michael in the Chester couch, not relaxing back but placing his elbows on his legs debating how to explain the situation to the quite Michael.

Michael sat still just absorbing in the looks of the other and felt the need to say something but he could tell that it wasn't going to be him who was to open up dialog so he just sat back and waited, and waited, eventually Justin spoke.

"I don't know how to say this with out sounding an ass, so I am just going to say it..." Justin paused for a breath and still looked up to the other and noticed that his gaze hadn't shifted since they had both seated. "What happened yesterday... well... it was all because of me, and for that I am really, really sorry..." Again Justin paused thinking that the other might interject at some point, but he didn't. "Ok... well now that is said I guess I should ask you how you feel about it... and all." Looking up Justin could see Michael smiling broadly... "What... do I have something on my face?"

At this point Michael came back to reality and knew he had to respond to the others questioning. "Nope... just didn't think that I would ever meet you that is all, and don't worry you are forgiven even if you are an arse!" Michael had to laugh inwardly to the fact that he had just told Justin Timberlake that he was an arse, especially the way he had said it with such a British accent.

Justin took a few minutes to take in the fact that he had just been called an ass and then seeing the smile beaming from the other he knew that it was just a harmless poke at what he had already called himself. It was also then that he took in the fact that Michael knew who he was but hadn't shown it until now. "You knew who I am then you must have know JC right?"

"Yep... just wasn't in the mood to talk to him last night though!" was all Michael offered as am excuse to Justin...

"Ooh ok... well as you know who I... we are then maybe it would be... you know nice to know who you are..." As Justin said this he sounded hesitant but yet still inquisitive.

"What you mean you don't know?" Michael said in mock anger...

"I'm sorry but I don't... I mean should I?" was all Justin could stutter out.

"Don't worry... I ain't as famous as somebody else in the room... as for who I am.... My name is Michael, Michael Dean" as he said this he stood up and extended his hand towards Justin. Justin in turn stood and meet Michael's hand and they both held with firm grips shaking.

"Shit... where is he... he better not have gone and done something fucked up again..." JC hissed as he frantically looked around the suite checking for a second time that Justin wasn't present. "How 'bout we just call him..." Lance suggested with a level head to which JC was about to respond when they heard Justin laughing out in the corridor. 'I'm going to kill him... Christ what's he trying to do to me' JC thought to himself but knew better than to say it aloud. Justin open the door and in walked in closely followed by his new found friend, but the reaction that they received when they both walked in was kind of startling. Neither Justin nor Michael stopped talking as they walked past Lance then Joey then Chris but they didn't make it past JC who had planted his feet solidly on the ground in the path of the two. "Hey JC..." Michael said before turning is attention back to Justin, this little dialog sent JC right of track and he lost all understanding of the situation still confused as to what had happened to make Michael even recognise his existence compared to last nights efforts at communication. "Mind explaining to the rest of us what you been up to Just?" JC interrogated Justin but still looked on in awe at the other man accompanying him still in a state of confusion. "I just went over and had a chat with Michael here and asked him if he wanted to come and meet ya'll" Justin replied as he laughed at the way that he had drawled the last part of the couple of words. As Justin mentioned Michael's name, Michael (as he had done with Justin) stretched his arm forward in a gesturing motion for JC to shake hands with him. JC responded but no like Justin his grip was loose and affectionate almost as if not wanting to break Michaels hand, as the two of the connect Michael took in a sharp intake of breath and then slowly let it out. 'what was that' both JC and Michael simultaneously thought to themselves as they continued their contact neither one pulling away. It was only when Justin coughed that JC was dragged screaming back to reality and slowly released his hold but still keeping eye contact with Michael. "Well Michael... nice to finally meet you, I can only apologise for myself about yesterday but I hope that..." JC began to apologise to Michael about the situation but was cut short by Michael himself... "Josh don't worry... I am more pissed with the hotel than with you and meeting all of you has made up far more than any apology can..." as Michael finished off he couldn't contain the laughter any longer. This was meet by 5 people watching on in almost horror and bewilderment as they watched this Michael change from a almost shy person into an uncontrollable laughing machine... "Mind sharing what's so funny?" Lance asked Michael. "It's just that before I came over here I told my friends that I was going on a trip to discover myself and to introduce some British fame over here and now... now I have, and at the same time met people even more famous than my humble little self it just feels weird that is all." Michael forced out in-between fits of laughter... "What do you mean you were going to introduce us to British fame?" Lance questioned again... 'he did say he wasn't as famous as us... but maybe he is famous back home...' Justin pondered now completely confused with everything that had happened. TBC

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