First Impression

By Clive

Published on Apr 17, 2000


Comments:- What can I say I don't want to make this section long so I am just going to put some name up to say thanks for reading and writing me on not just story but Grand Encounter also... Radu, Ricky, Kyle, Britain, Billy, Billy_Burrew(different one to Billy!), Mike, Tonny, Yuli, Frank, Phantom (thanks for the B'day pressie), Shaun, Scott, Kevin, Patrick, Si, kewlboy, James, Gr8oneMikeH, Lulu, Tam and all those others that have written to me about First Impression. THANKYOU. Finally once again I would appreciate any comments (good or bad) to: Thanks and hope you enjoy the story :)

Disclaimer:- This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the group * Nsync or any other person involved in full or in part. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.


Michael's eyes drew in quizzically and then he realised that he had even with all he efforts let slip about the loss of that someone that he was fond of. "I know that we all feel sorry for our behaviour and I am sure that I speak for the others also when I ask you to come and be our VIP at our concert tonight. And I know Josh there wants you to come." Justin said this with total and utter composure but the rest of the guys just burst into laughter at what Justin had said. JC shot that same look in Justin's direction but only receive the finger and then looked back to wards Michael who by now had shed his sad and low face in place for a small but definate smile and glimmer in his eye. "I would be delighted to accept your invitation" Michael returned Justin's proposed suggestion but never broke eye contact with Josh.

First Impression

Chapter Four: Feelings

By Clive

It wasn't a long trip to the Arena from the hotel, but still Justin had assured Michael that it was most definitely necessary to take the car from the hotel. All six of the young men rode down the elevator towards the basement level and all the while Michael kept asking himself what were these feeling he was having for Josh...

The Elevator reached the garage level and the doors slowly opened to expose the dimly lit underground car park. Slowly one by one the five members of Nsync left the elevator followed closely behind by Michael (not knowing where the car that was going to pick them up was he thought it best to take back point). Chris lead up front with only JC, Lance and Joey directly behind him because by now Justin had fallen into step with Michael to keep him company.

Michael keep close to the group in front and didn't even acknowledge Justin's appearance beside him, not that he was being rude but simply that he was too deep in concentration trying to figure out where his life was leading him... after all over the last few months his life had a taken a complete u-turn and he was heading in a direction on a path that he had never planned on taking... as he stayed deep in mind numbing thought Justin looked over and as Michael had done earlier and he attempted to read where Michael was coming from... why was he so distant one moment and then open the next. Both Michael and Justin where jolted out of their though when they came colliding into contact with Joey and Lance, and only just missing JC slender form by a short distance.

"Watch it you two freaks..." Joey barked at the two stragglers

Neither of them looked like they were going to air an apology so Joey just turned and made a b-line for the waiting car. As Joey almost stormed off Michael shifted his weight so that he was now looking Justin directly face on.

"What pissed him off so much... I mean we only bumped into him and he goes all awol... I mean what's up with that?" Michael questioned Justin who simply shrugged it off and explained that if he wanted to get any info on or about Joey he was going to have to ask Chris... the two of them were water tight... like a ducks arse!

Michael and Justin joined the others in the group just as the reached a heavy looking dark tinted windowed Jeep. Michael had thought to himself that he would have been taking a trip in one of the limos that he always thought that VIP's always travelled around in, but obviously not these guys... but then that was kinda cool in its own way. As JC had promised the ride over to the Arena was uneventful... in fact it took hardly any time at all, but as they arrived at the entrance to the staff side of the arena Michael suddenly realised why they had insisted in taking the vehicle instead of walking. It was like a zoo at feeding time, there were teenage girls and the odd young male standing idly around but as soon as the Jeep started to pull up the hoards of teenagers turned in to a wild pack of animals, beating at the windows and in an almost hysterical manner trying to get the attention of the occupants. As Michael watched on he couldn't help wondering if it was possible for the people outside the Jeep to see in. Justin glanced over towards Michaels direction to see if he was handling the situation alright, after all it could become over powering some times knowing that there are crazed driven, screaming adolescents battling to make their way to where you are and all that divided them from crowds was a thin door... Justin's thoughts were again cut short as he saw what he thought was the beginning of... yes the beginning of laughter emanating from Michael. Curiosity got the better of Justin and he had to know what Michael found so, so, funny.

Michael proceeded to explain to the group the reason for his inquisitive bash of laughter and then to ease their concern with regards to his sanity... although it took quite some convincing with Chris... The show was spectacular to say the least, Michael found himself captivated through out the whole show, but mostly he found his gaze held on one member in particular. Justin noticed this "wandering eye" that Michael had developed for one of his band mates and couldn't help feel something that he had never felt before. In fact Justin found himself so lost for the third time that day in thought that he almost missed his entrance to a verse but it was seemingly unapparent to the crowd of fans. The show ended in a dramatic set of fireworks way above the arena... and again Michael began to remember the sight of the lights and the overall effort put in to the production, he was to say a word, speechless and in awe to the skill involved in mounting this sort of a performance, night after night after night.

As the teens and crowds started to dissipate from the arena Michael started to make his way over to the security station to eventually make his way to the guys dressing rooms. Surprisingly he met little effort to stop him from getting backstage and when he made it to the green room he could hear a heated discussion-taking place behind the thin plywood door. "Fuck Just... you almost missed your verse for Christ sake... what were you thinking?" Michael was attempting to make out the voice of the accuser but was having his hearing impaired by the door in his way. "Lay off him... we all make mistakes and I don't that the people that were paying to listen to us noticed, so sit back, kick it and relax!" This time Michael knew that it was Lance who was being the intimidator... after all his low voice would have been impossible to confuse with say Chris'. At this point Michael decided to make his presence known and lightly rapped on the door and before waiting for a reply pushed the door ajar and titled his head in. It was apparent now that it was JC that had judged Justin and he could see that Justin held his head low in defeat. "Well I thought you sang angelically my friend," Michael began to speak and as the words finished forming all the room had turned round to see Michael beaming his smile into the room, "and on top of that I didn't notice you make a mistake... although Chris was out by a sixth in Sailing... and Joey was off pitch, but only slightly in Digital GetDown." And as Michael was speaking he made mental note to explain to Chris and Joey that he was only doing this to ease the pressure on poor Justin... but he was right and he knew it. "I was not off thank you very much," Joey looked around the room and now all the others, including Chris were beaming just like Michael was, "O.K so I might have been a incy wincy bit off... but no one could have heard it" and as he said that Justin burst in to laughter but he wasn't alone. The rest of the room slowly followed suit when the realisation that in fact at least one person had heard the 'slight' off key mistakes. "You care to fill us in how you know so much about music my boy?" JC said try to put on his best fatherly tone. "Well to cut a long story short I studied it back home. Any waz I guess I will see you guys later I should let you do your thang." Michael finished off with a twang to his voice, which again sent Justin in hysterics... 'God that boy cracks up at anything' Michael thought to himself as he raised an eyebrow and shook his head at the same time. "No stay..." JC cut in forcing the room to silence, "I mean... you don't have to go, you can ride back with us... we... weren't not going to be long and I was kinda wondering," "We..." Chris was the one that cut in this time. "We..." JC said emphasising it this time, "were wondering if you wanted to come out for a meal after the show, I mean well now. That is if you want" Michaels' smile grew wider thinking about how nervous JC seemed and yet how eager he was to get him to come to dinner. And he liked it; maybe Michael wasn't the only one who was having these 'feelings'.

As with the concert, dinner went by almost perfectly... almost. Michael did feel like he was put on the spot at one point of the evening when they all decided to team up on him and try to find out why he was in the States... after all he had admitted earlier that he may stay for some time, maybe he was working on something over here, but he wouldn't spill. As the evening closed to an end Michael reflected back on the what had transpired over the last 24 hours and found himself almost as a non-believer, he had to admit it that if he were to tell some of his friends back home that he had meet up with one of the most talented boy bands (not that many people would know who they were in the UK) they would probably put it off as one of his fancy wild imagination trips. But it was all true, wasn't it? He had to question himself, in all honesty he wouldn't believe it if one of his friends had told him. But then saying that he didn't have many friends left not since the day he found out about...

"Dip shit, you going to get a move on" Joey jovially rebutted.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist!" Michael responded sending the group into a fit of hysterics, after all the look on Joey's face was almost priceless. Especially when he explained that he didn't get it, he didn't wear knickers!

And as the evening drew to an end, the six young men made their way back to the hotel and soon found their rooms one by one. Michael stepped up to his door and as he began to open it he was shocked from behind by someone placing their hand on his shoulder. Michael spun round on his heal to face the person that had near shocked him.

"Christ JC..." Michael began in a state sounding out of breath, in fact it sounded like he had just run a marathon.

"Mike... erm Michael, I was wondering if we could talk," JC stood waiting for an answer gazing in to the deep pools that were Michaels eyes hoping to see something there that he knew he felt. "I suppose you don't feel like talking." This time JC seemed disheartened and broken.

Michael snapped out of his trance as JC shifted his gaze away and the contact with those blue idyllic eyes was lost. It was only now that Michael noticed that he had spaced out and that JC seemed... some what dishevelled and almost rejected... "I'm sorry Josh, what did you say?" Michael asked in a caring and enduring tone

"I... don't worry... we can talk some other time." Was all JC said as he started to skulk off towards the end door where the rest of the guys were staying.

"Josh, please." was all Michael need say. As the words reached JC they were almost hypnotic, JC's feed felt heavy and he felt the need to turn and move close towards the other... but how could he, they were so different. Weren't they?

JC didn't turn he just felt his heart fall and he slowly broke down quietly feeling the need to be held, to hold, and to be loved. Of course he couldn't let anyone in the group see him like this so he turned with slow deliberate gate to his stance not looking up to the eyes of the man in front of him he moved forward once again. As he reached to Michael he slowly lifted his eyes to meet those pools of pure affection again.

"Josh..." was all Michael said before he was silenced by JC's lips.

Finally Contact info :) You can reach me by mail: ICQ me: #56762367 Visit my webpage:

Next: Chapter 5

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