Friends with Benefits

By Archers Curve

Published on Apr 6, 2020


Fiends with Benefits Chapter 4

By Archers Curve (

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Friends with Benefits

Chapter 4

Leo and I have been on the road for about 12 hours we had just crossed the Tennessee border. Made 2 pit spots for gas and piss break. It was almost noon; we were kind of hungry we had only brought fruit and water with us. The time had gone by fast we were talking and joking most of the way.

We stopped at this little barbecue place, both of us like pulled pork. No pun intended...ha-ha. There was only one waitress and she sat us was your typical sassy type. She knew right away we were northerners, but was also kind of flirty.

She commented how she liked my ski hat and how sexy she thought it was in the way I kept pulling it over my ears. I blushed which got to her even more and she brought us 2 complimentary huge sweet teas.

We ordered 2 pulled pork sandwiches and while we were waiting she came and sat across from in the booth next to Leo. We were the only people in the place and she said it didn't get busy till later on. She was making small talk etc. Leo told her why we were traveling and then asking us about our wives, gf's meanwhile looking right at me.

Leo started laughing and said "No offense Ethylene, but you don't have what he likes, actually what we like ".

Ethylene chuckled deeply and replied "You can't blame a girl for trying, but I do have someone I would like you to meet ". She then calls "James come out here a second"

From the kitchen appears this boy-man he looked about 35-40, but had a youthful look about him. Ethylene introduced us to her son. She suggested he should show me the kitchen on how they made pulled pork.

I am a sucker for southern drawls on men and women. James was very attentive and friendly. Ethylene suggested that James and I eat out back at a picnic table she said she would keep Tony company and it was before their rush and everything was under control. I usually wouldn't do this to a friend but I figured shit he deserved it for being an asshole.

James and I exchanged numbers, and talked about him coming up north or me taking another trip down. We had a quick kiss good-bye and I had to leave.

We had at least an hour or so till we would get to Derrick.

We got to near about 1:30pm. Everything you see and hear on the news is true, some areas are decimated and others are perfect.

The street Derrick lived on had about 20 houses, I would say only 3 were untouched basically I'm assuming because they were brick. The only damage for him was his car was totaled under a great oak. He was happy to see us. To the point of tears, he introduced us to his neighbors which were a young couple with 3 kids.

We had shopped the day before and brought pampers and some canned stuff that Derrick said he knew they ate. Plus Derrick gave them most of what he had.

Leo went to sleep we were going to leave about 9pm. We packed the car which were basically clothes and a few personal things.

When we were alone he told me he was never so scared in all his life. He lived through blizzards in Connecticut and went through at least 4 hurricanes while living in Florida But nothing like what he went through on Monday would compare to it. They had about 20 minute warning from when the sirens went off and it hit. The thunder was unreal and it does sound like a huge huge train going through your house. we spooned and soon fell asleep. Before it was time to leave, I was glad to be going home.

We made good time and now everyone was getting concerned with the Corona Virus as we approached New Jersey and New York. Leo stopped for gas right before we entered Jersey knowing we wouldn't have to stop till we got home

Unfortunately we couldn't stop to at James' place, but I texted him and explained why. It took a little longer to get home and made it with no problems. I could never thank Leo enough for doing this. Good thing he enjoys driving.

He's been here almost 3 weeks and it is like we were never apart. There is only one bed and there is plenty of spooning and sex.

But this time something is different, he seems to be not needy but a fear I can't put into words. Then he said something while we were lying in bed that put everything in perspective.

He said how he thought this was fate. I said explain. He went on to say how he had been in Nashville a month and enjoyed the night life, couldn't find a niche there yet. And here I was basically seeing 2 guys for a couple of months and out of blue I ended it both of them, and then a week later I come down and rescue him and bring him home. Like a knight in a shiny Volvo.

I laughed so hard, that we almost fell out of bed. My reply was that yes I was always the relationship minded one, but if you hadn't noticed the past 4-5 years I get bored with everything every couple of months. I also said there were other reasons why I wiped my dating life clean.

If I was still seeing these guys they would have to accept you were staying with me, but of course you would be sleeping on the couch.

I then told him how Leo and I discussed the black cloud he had over him at times. He moved to Florida and they had 2 huge hurricanes the first year he was there and has had a few more since. So it makes sense he moves someplace new and they have tornadoes. And now we haven't had that much snow this winter and here we are getting snow on March 23.

It snowed for most of the day, he loved it was like a kid. We walked for 2 hours in it. An yes we did find a secluded spot for a quickie. Ha-ha.

We had gotten a routine down; we got up walked 5 miles, went to the gym every day. He loves to cook and now he has someone to cook for.

Now the gyms and non-essential stores are closed, cabin fever really hasn't set in yet. I do miss going out to eat seeing friends and going to the movies. We still walk everyday try to do more now that we are not working out.

We have been looking at houses for him. He has figured out what area he wants to stay in. He still plans on going south for at least 4 months out of the year. He liked seeing the snow, but the cold mornings are wearing on him.

We saw 4 houses today. He made the young realtor nervous and I think a little excited. The guy asked if we were going to be living together or was this a business venture, seeing that I was asking most of the questions. I was going to answer I'm from here he is from the south and is clueless as far as the seasons go and what to look for.

Derrick turns around and a start rubbing the center of my back and moving down to my ass says to the guy, he was hoping to make an honest guy out of me and live here together. He has a touch that always gets me hard. The guy didn't know what to do but smiled. I said don't pay attention to him, he's an ass were close friends. Then Derrick whispered to me that guy did check my boner out. I said I saw.

The day before we were in Sam's Club, just to do some normal shopping. There are some benefits to being 60. We had one carriage and the woman at the door handing out wipes says Guys social distancing and Derrick turns to her cups my ass and says we are together. Everyone around us laughed and I whispered asshole not only for that but his touch always gets me hard. He whispers in my ear, what if I kiss you and I punched him and moved away not wanting him to see I was almost at full staff.


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Next: Chapter 5

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