Friends with Benefits

By Archers Curve

Published on Sep 2, 2020


Friends with Benefits Chapter 8

By Archer [ ]

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Chapter 8

It is Sept.2, 2020 it has been a few months since I last updated anyone. Derrick moved out the weekend of July 24th. The house was ready most of the furniture had been delivered. The summer has seemed to fly by. Derrick was smart enough to order a pool as soon as he put a deposit on the house. We have had 40 days this summer above 90. I swam there almost every day.

Derrick and I had been together 138 days from the day we picked him up till he spent his first night alone in his new house. I have to admit it was strange sleeping alone on that first night. We actually had gone 3 days with only talking to each other. By the fourth day he asked me to stay a few days, saying he needed help getting settled. I said no problem in a way I actually missed the guy. So now I actually am staying there 3- 4 nights a week. I have gotten spoiled having someone to cook for me, etc. And yes I am a dog I did miss the sex.

It basically looks like he will spending the winter here, we have not been able to get down south to look at property. Tennessee and Virginia numbers do not seem to go down enough for us to travel. We have gotten use to just being with our small group of friends and family. We haven't been out to eat or the movies since March. We all take turns entertaining at home outside keeping socially distant, I'm sure that will slow down once the winter comes.

Thankfully everyone has been healthy. Leo still flirts with danger with his young boy-toys, he has the attitude if he is going to catch it, and he might as well enjoy it. But even he isn't crazy enough to go back to the gym we all are working out at home. Leo has told me more than once, even if I decide to move in with Derrick, DO NOT SELL MY HOUSE. Leo was always the most practical or logical one. Leo and I have also busted Derrick's balls that he is the kiss of death. The year 2020 has been unbelievable, we brought him home to Connecticut and we had snow and cold weather till almost May, there have been tornadoes, hurricanes, wild fires, etc. all over the country. Ourselves we have had a dry hot summer, with a few good storms and a couple of tornadoes plus everyone being socially thwarted because of the pandemic. Leo said the only good thing that happened was that Derrick put in a great pool earlier than anyone else.

James and I don't talk or zoom as often as we did. He wasn't happy that Derrick was staying with me. He got kind of possessive and I couldn't understand that. We met and talked for a little over an hour once, and had facetime sex a lot but it hasn't been feasible for me to go down which he finally understood. Only after the fact that in July when his gym opened up three weeks later they closed it because 225 people came down with corona. Luckily he tested negative, so he has started seeing someone closer to him. I'm happy for him. He still wants me to come down and spend some time when it is feasible.

My youngest brother has separated from his wife and is now living with me. He is 14 years younger than me, his kids are teenagers. But I guess being quarantined had really put a strain on his marriage. He works from home and I enjoy having him here. The first thing out of Leo's mouth was "where is he sleeping?" I answered without hesitation "when I am home with me and when I am at Derrick's by himself." Leo then cocked his eyebrows as if to imply incest. I laughed and said "Old Man I practically raised him, he was by side ever since he could walk. I fed, changed, and put him to bed. He is more like a son than a brother."

So that is where we are at. I spend at 4 nights at Derrick's, I will probably move in once I know what is up with my brother; he can stay at my house indefinitely. I don't think it would be good for him to be alone that much right now. As far as Derrick and me, honestly I don't know, I just don't know. I can't say we are going to ride off into the sunset together, we are compatible always have been through the good and the bad. He has kept me sane through this pandemic and I know he feels the same. Ask me when the world gets back to normal and there is a vaccine.

The End.


I want to thank everyone for their letters and comments over the past few months. It has always been welcomed and appreciated.

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