Group Dynamics

By Gaias Druid (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 21, 2003


This is a work of fiction. It will eventually contain sexual acts between consenting men. If gay sex is illegal in your area, or you're under the age of consent in your area, or you just flat out don't like queer sex (what the hell would you be at this site for?) then go away. Comments, questions, and ideas welcome and appreciated, and will be responded to. Please put 'Nifty' in the subject line so I know it's not spam. Thanx, and enjoy. Chris Email to

Group Dynamics-Chapter 2

I stood there in my doorway, frozen. The only thing I could think was `SHIT!' The one thing I didn't want to happen, didn't want brought out, didn't want known had come out, literally. What the hell was I supposed to do? This isn't the way I had wanted to start my college career, labeled a fag. Granted, I was gay, but I wasn't out, to anyone. No one knew; not family or friends, or even casual strangers. I hadn't even acted on these feelings. I just knew I had them, and thanks to the magazines that Ryan was so engrossed in studying, I knew the mechanics of what to do about them.

Wait. Ryan is studying them?!?! Why? Shouldn't he have thrown them down in disgust and ran out to tell Jude that they were gonna be rooming with a queer? But he didn't run out, he didn't throw the magazines away from him in horror. In fact, he was so intent on what he was seeing that he hadn't even realized I was standing in the doorway, watching him in a state of near panic.

Now, I needed to decide what to do. Should I clear my throat, letting him know I was there? Should I start yelling at him for getting into my personal things? No, I couldn't do that. I had asked for his help in unpacking. How was he to know he wasn't supposed to open that box? I had completely forgotten about it until I saw him looking through it. I had to leave, act like I hadn't seen him, and hope he just respects my privacy, or is too embarrassed to admit he found them, and doesn't say anything.

I turned to walk back into the common room, quietly to avoid detection. It didn't work. As I turned I heard Ryan call out softly, "Luke?"

Steeling myself, I turned back around to face him.

"Yeah? What?" I asked through clenched teeth, mentally bracing myself for the expected slurs and insults.

Ryan looked at me, a thoughtful expression on his face. He seemed to be debating something. Finally, he stood up and dropped the magazines and videos back into their box. He grabbed it up and held it out to me.

"Sorry, bud, I didn't mean to go through your stuff," he said. "I wasn't trying to be nosey or anything. I was just unpacking things when I found them, and it threw me for a loop. I guess I let my curiosity get the best of me."

He paused for a moment and said, "It doesn't bother me, dude. I think it'll be cool to have a gay guy in the house. Opens up new avenues of thought, ya know?"

As he walked past me to go into the common room, he put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper into my ear.

"Don't sweat it, Luke. No one is gonna think it's a big deal. It's 2003, for cryin' out loud! Being queer is old news." Another pause and then, "But I won't tell anyone, if you don't want me to. This is your life and your business to tell. But you can come talk to me if you need to, ya know, since I already know."

I could only nod, struck dumb by the situation. Ryan walked on past me, and I heard him yell for Jude to quit strokin' off in the room and go with him to the dining commons. I shut my door, walked over to my bed, and sat there, shaking. `Oh FUCK! Now what?'

Now what was actually easier than I thought it would be. Now what entailed nothing at all. I quickly put the box in my closet, and was going to lay down and panic myself to sleep, when Ryan stuck his head in the door and said "Luke, get your lazy ass off your bed and come on. We're going to the dining commons to eat."

I mumbled a noncommittal reply, and next thing I knew Ryan and Jude were pulling me off of my bed and out of the door. Jude talked a mile a minute, about anything and everything that came to his mind. And a LOT came to his mind. Jude had a way of looking at things that was both humorous and thought provoking. Ryan matched him, word for word almost. Sparring verbally was something these two seemed to enjoy. I walked mutely beside them, listening to the banter. Jude didn't seem to notice, but Ryan did. His attempts to draw me into the conversation were very obvious, but I was grateful that he was trying to show me it really was OK with him that I was gay.

Lunch was delicious, everything one would expect from an expensive educational facility. Roast beef, chicken, ribs, beer-battered shrimp and fish, vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh baked bread, pies, pastries, all served by cheerful, smiling waiters. It was like eating at a five-star restaurant at every meal. One simply sat at the desired table, and gave your order to the student waiter, and enjoyed your meal. They were spoiling us, giving us a taste of what success would bring us in later life. It served as an incentive to many students to graduate with high honors. The students who ran and worked the dining commons were actually studying the restaurant business. This was curriculum for their major.

We sat at a table, ordered our food, and began to really get to know one another. The conversation was going well, until Jude asked a much-feared question.

"So, Luke, you got a girlfriend?" he asked me.

"Um, ah, n-no, I don't have a girlfriend." I stuttered.

"Why not? A great looking guy like you outta have several chicks banging at your door."

Ryan and I stared at him, our eyes bugging out at his words. He looked back at us with a look of exasperation.

"Oh, come on! Please tell me you guys aren't so small-minded that you can't acknowledge good looks on another guy?!" he said with surprise. "This is college, for cryin out loud! We're supposed to be open minded!

I can see Luke is handsome, just like I can see you are too, Ryan. You cannot possibly tell me that I'm the first person to ever tell you two that you're hot as fuck."

"No, I've been told that I'm cute, and all, but never from a guy," I answered. Ryan looked at me briefly before he nodded his agreement.

"Yeah, you just surprised us, that's all," he told Jude. "I mean, I love the glowing endorsement, but it was a shocker coming from another guy. Though, now that I think of it, it makes it mean more, seeing as how a guy would risk being called a faggot to give a compliment to me. Makes the compliment seem more real. So thanks, Jude. By the way, you look pretty good yourself. I'd kill to have your skin color and be as buff as you."

"And I'd kill to have your eyes," he said back with a grin.

"Amen to that," I put in, "Dude, your eyes are breathtaking!"

"Awww, does little Lukey have a thing for blue eyes?" teased Jude.

"Only the cobalt blue ones that Ryan has, other wise I'd be after your green ones." I smiled, getting more and more relaxed. This wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey, your gray ones aren't so bad, either, Luke," Ryan said, "They're so fuckin' shiny, they're almost silver."

"They are silver, jackass," said Jude, "Look close at them. They glitter like metal."

Ryan leaned in close to my face and gazed intently into my eyes. I was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable in the vicinity of my crotch, jeans being the restrictive material that they are. His cobalt eyes burned into my silver ones, sending shivers of something running down my spine. He must have noticed the slight tremor pass through me, because he pulled back with a slight smile.

"Ya know, Jude, I think you're right. They are silver."

"Told ya."

Just then, we heard a loud voice calling for attention. We looked around towards the door and saw a group of older students standing there. One, most likely the one calling for attention, stepped forward with a commanding air about him. He looked around at the slightly crowded dining commons and spoke out in a loud, arrogant voice.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Tony Manning. The guys behind me are Jeff Powell, David Parent, Kerry Burr, Nathan Glass, and Billy Jackson. We are your dorm resident advisors. We're all seniors, most of us having been here on campus all three years of our college careers. We are here to help settle you in, give you some of the ground rules for dorm living, and to make sure you understand what is expected of you.

"This is one of the most prestigious schools in the country, and certainly one of the best on-campus living arrangements you will find in the world. We have a reputation for being the best, as students and as residents. That reputation is inviolate. Anything that jeopardizes that reputation is dealt with swiftly, and efficiently. Everyone should have received a resident life handbook, outlining the rules, responsibilities, and rights of all the residents. Those of you who are second-semester freshman will receive your handbook at this evening's orientation.

"Rule breaking is handled in the following manner: first offense is a verbal warning; second offense is a written warning; third offense is expulsion from the dorms. Not from the school, just from the dorms. We expect everyone will, at one time or another, receive a verbal warning for some minor infraction. I hope no one needs to go beyond that.

"The orientation will be at 7 PM in the third floor meeting room in Maple dorm. All the dorms are co-ed except Ash Dorm, which is all girls. Oak dorm has been given over to the basketball and football teams, while Rowan Dorm is mostly swim and track teams. The other dorms, Maple, Cypress, and Pine are general students, though the science majors tend to end up in Pine, for some odd reason.

"Each dorm has one advisor living on-premises. RA rooms are always room 101, first floor, first by the door. Our doors are always open, so feel free to come by and talk with us whenever you have a problem, though Nathan has asked me to remind you that if it's not really important, please be polite and don't bother us after nine PM. We need to sleep and study too."

His last comment elicited a chuckle from the student body. With a final admonition for us new freshman to not miss our orientation, the RA's broke and went around the room, welcoming returning students and getting to know the new ones.

One of them walked up to our table, introduced himself as David, and welcomed us to the campus. He was abrupt, and not very convincing in his welcome.

"How you doin'? My name's David. I believe I'm your RA. You live in Pine, right?" We snickered a bit.

"Um, no, kind sir, we reside in Rowan," said Ryan.

"Yeah, we be `doin' just fine there." I added, elbowing Ryan.

David's eyes narrowed and he looked intently at us. After a few seconds, he said, "Oh, then Jeff is your RA." With that, he abruptly left without another glance.

"This is an example of the `fine education' we're gonna ge?" snickered Ryan.

"'How YOU doin'?", said Jude, changing his voice slightly to sound like Joey from the TV sitcom Friends, "can he be anymore hick?"

"Thank God he isn't our RA. I couldn't study with that kind of ignorance floating around in my dorm. It might be contagious" I said.

Just then, we heard someone clearing his throat. Our heads snapped around and locked onto the person standing next to our table. It was Jeff, our new RA.

"I seriously think you guys should watch what you say about the RA's. We tend to stick up for each other. So, watch what the hell you say about David." Jeff snapped.

We mumbled our apologies, and he walked away in a huff.

"Great," said Jude, "just our luck. Our RA has a fuckin' stick up his ass. Not even one day and already I'm on somebody's shit list."

"Fuck em!" I said.

"Yeah, fuck em," agreed Ryan.

Lunch was done, so we left to go back to our room and relax until the orientation. As I keyed us through the door, we saw another huge pile of boxes just inside the foyer. Looks like one or both of our remaining roomies had arrived.

Walking into the main living area, we looked around trying to spot the new arrivals. We saw movement coming from the center room. We walked over and peeked in the door.

There were two guys in there. Apparently they had decided to room together (looks like I am the lucky one with the single). One was in dire need of a tan. He was fishing out swimming trunks from his suitcase, so I figured he was on the swim team like Jude and me. The other guy was in the process of putting away his tighty-whities in dresser drawer. He was wearing tight shorts and a very loose wife-beater, showing off muscular legs and a sharply cut, well defined chest. My mouth must have been hanging open slightly, because Ryan, who was standing behind me, gave me a gentle nudge to let me know I was obviously staring. I thanked him silently and turned back to the two guys unpacking.

"Hey." I said, getting their attention. Two heads looked up in our direction. We all smiled at one another in greeting.

"Hey, yourself," replied the muscular stud as he shut his dresser drawer.

I stepped forward, hand outstretched in greeting.

"My name is Lukas Gavril, you guys can call me Luke. This is Judas Krykos, or Jude if ya wanna be informal, and Ryan Benvolio."

The muscular guy grabbed my hand and shook it firmly.

Yummy. I get to live with four studs.' I thought How will I ever keep my hands to myself?'

"Name's Mathew Howe," he said. "Y'all can call me Matt."

"My name's Joshua Morgan," spoke up the other guy, "but unless you're mad at me, just call me Josh."

The others exchanged handshakes and greetings, and we offered our assistance in helping them unpack. They politely declined, saying that it was mostly finished. We each decided to retire to our rooms and rest up for this evening's orientation. I for one needed some serious `alone' time with my dick. There were way too many good-looking guys in this suite. I'm gonna NEED to do some self-relieving so I don't make a snafu around them.

I walked into my room and shut the door. I grabbed a random video from the box hidden in my closet and popped into the VCR. I stripped down and laid down on my bed, suddenly grateful that I had scored the single room.

`I pity the other guys now. If they wanna wank, they have to hide in the bathroom, and not stretched out on a bed like me.' I thought as I pushed play on the remote. Adjusting the volume to a low setting so the other four wouldn't be disturbed, I settled back to get some serious play time.

The video was one of my favorites, probably why it was near the top of the box. It was an older video called Pleasure Beach. Lots of bareback sex, facial cumshots, and post-orgasm sucking. It was hot as fuck, and it didn't take long for my 7 and a half-inch dick to stand straight up in happy anticipation. I reached over to my nightstand and pulled the lube out of the drawer. I let a generous amount drip into my hand and rubbed my hands together, lubricating both of my palms.

The first contact between my hand and my dick sent shivers up my back, God, but I loved to jack off. As my right hand curled around my hard dick, my left went below to tug at my nuts. One finger slipped lower and circled my hairless asshole, massaging and gently probing the ring of muscle, seeking entry. When my middle finger sank into my tight ass all the way to the first knuckle, I let out a loud groan and a small spurt of pre-cum popped out of the head of my dick. I dipped my finger into it and brought to my lips for a taste. Fucking hot!

On the screen, one guy was getting fucked bareback by another, while another couple traded rimjobs. The guy on the bottom let out a moan and creamed all over his stomach. The guy on top lapped up his cream and used his tongue to push the slippery liquid into the bottom guy's asshole. Thus lubed, he rolled over on top of the guy, lifted his legs and shoved his dripping cock into the guy's wet ass.

The sight of the rimming got me hotter, and then the penetration just put me over the edge. With a muffled groan, I shoved a second finger into my tight hole with the first and shot blast after blast of my hot cream over my chest and stomach. Just as I was nearing the end of my intense orgasm, my door opened and Matt walked in.

"Hey Luke, we're gonna go get some...oh, shit! I'm sorry, man! I thought you were...ah fuck!" With that, he ran out the room and slammed the door behind him. TBC

Next: Chapter 4

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