Harry and the Hidden Castle

By Ben Meova

Published on Aug 7, 2008


Harry and the Hidden Castle

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling.

The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities who played the movie characters or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country.

If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere. Author's Note: This story is the continuation of my first two stories on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets" and 'Harry and the Politics of Romance". If you haven't read these yet, you may want to read them first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's third year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

1st year


2nd year:


Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

The first two chapters won't win awards for uber-eroticism but as you may recall in my other two stories the first few chapters are pretty much the set-up for the story as a whole. No worries...part two will be steamier!


Harry and the Hidden Castle

Part One

Prologue- The Send Off

Summer seemed to pass too quickly and before Harry knew it the heat of late August began to give way to cooler air from the north. It had been truly a relaxing summer with Neville and another, tempoary addition to the family.

Teddy Lupin came to stay with Harry and Neville in mid-summer after his grandparents, Nymphadora Tonks parents, decided to go on an extended holiday. Harry readily jumped at the chance to spend time with his godson and was especially greatful that he was able to celebrate the young boy's tenth birthday.

All in all it had been a summer of joy; well deserved after the horrors both he and Neville had faced in their first two years as teachers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. But like most things that are pleasing and good all good things must come to an end and this summer the ending involved a departure.

The hulking figure of JT Sharp, the American exchange teacher that took over the Potions class the previous year, towered over Harry and Neville even though they were all in a sitting position. While the three adults discussed a variety of topics Teddy Lupin and Matt Mateo, JT's "nephew", busied themselves with the Muggle machine called a computer that Harry had bought Teddy over the break.

"They sure are fascinated with that machine," commented Harry noticing that the room the boys were in was quiet, almost too quiet for a ten-year-old and a thirteen-year-old.

"They must be using that Goggle thing to search for something," added Neville, "Teddy has spent hours searching on there for a variety of topics."

Harry laughed and smiled, "That's G-O-O-G-L-E ...Google, Neville. And yes it is amazing how much you can find on there. A bit more archiac than our way of seeking information but still I think it is a good learning tool. At least it encourages them to read!"

JT nodded and smiled as well but then his face became serious looking as his voice lowered.

"You two are absolutely sure that you don't mind looking after Matt this school year?"

"Of course not JT," said Harry getting to his feet, "we understand how important his friends, that he made last year, are to him. Given his past and the situation that may lie ahead of him if he goes back to America we of course do not mind at all."

As summer began, so ended JT's teaching assignment at Hogwarts. After a considerable amount of begging from Matt, JT agreed to stay in London for the rest of the summer. As the day of JT's inevitable return to the states, and his home school, grew nearer he had noticed Matt shutting down in a sense. He had become withdrawn and quiet; the usual boisterous boy had become almost a silent fixture around the Sharp flat.

Finally JT confronted the boy and he came clean. Sure enough he was feeling depressed about leaving for America in a week's time and leaving the friends he had made at Hogwarts. Matt explained that this was the first time in his life that he really felt connected to others, especially boys his age and the thought of leaving them behind and being a continent away was saddening him beyond belief.

Not knowing what to do JT visited Harry and Neville the next day and explained what was going on with Matt. It was Neville who suggested that Matt stay on at Hogwarts, under their gaurdianship, for the coming school year. The decision to accept the offer was heart-wrenching for JT. He loved the boy as if he were his own and certainly there would be a big void in his life if he allowed him to stay. But selfish need for the boy's companionship was overpowered by the love and concern for his well-being. JT agreed to let the boy stay at Hogwarts for another year.

When JT told Matt, the young man nearly choked JT to death as he hugged him tightly around the neck.

"This is all that is important", thought JT at the time, "the boy is happy. Knowing that will help me get by any loss I will feel!"

JT smiled warmly and another round of lager was poured. JT hated leaving Matt behind, but as he kept reminding himself he had no choice in the matter and things are the way they are in Matt's best interest and that was all that was really important to him.

"Alright," smiled JT, "I just want to make absolutely sure that you aren't taking on more than you can deal with." "Nonesense!" piped in Neville, "we couldn't watch the boy's whole life, a life that he has finally come to love, ripped out away from him by circumstance. It will be our honor to look after him for you."

"Thanks for that," smiled JT again, "Too bad you couldn't do the exchange program and come with me this year Harry."

"Yes, it is but there is always next year!"

Harry had considered, at the end of the last school year, going to teach in America for a year but the changes that needed to be made at Hogwarts this year were more of a priority. With the help of Headmistress Hooch, Harry hoped to effect a lot of positive chaneg at Hogwarts in the coming year.

Harry was about to suggest checking on the boys when he heard a knock at the door.

"Ah, looks like your surprise is here JT". grinned Harry as he headed for the foyer.

In walked the, now of age, students who graduated the year before and were here to send off JT Sharp. Harry had them pause in th foyer while Neville did his part.

"OK JT close those eyes," grinned Neville as JT complied shutting his eyelids tightly.

When he was told he could open them he beamed as he looked at Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, and Earl Craig- his former 7th year students at Hogwarts and senior member's of last year's group that they called "Ollie's Boys".

"I must say this is a surprise boys, good to see you three"

"Well when Professor Potter told us that you were heading back to America we jumped at the chance to give you a special going away surprise", smiled Thomas reaching out to shake JT's hand

After everyone got settled and discussed what they had been doing with their summer vacations thus far. Andrew asked JT where Matt was. JT told him that he was hanging out with Harry's godson Teddy Lupin in the other room and let all three of the teens know that Matt would be staying on at Hogwarts!

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Andrew, "I bet he is happy about that!"

"Indeed he is, although I am going to miss him. As a matter of fact I am going to miss all of you," said JT somberly

"Well you can always come visit on holiday, Professor," added Earl

"I just may do that seeing as how I can travel the wizard way since I don't have Matt along with me," smiled JT

"Do you mind if I go say hi to Matt?" asked Andrew

"Sure, he is in Teddy's room...it's the second door on the left" advised Harry

Andrew left the others in the lounge and headed down the short hallway. The door to Teddy's room was cracked open a bit but it seemed to be dark inside. Andrew wondered whether or not the boys may have gone to sleep for the night; he didn't want to wake them if that was the case.

He slowly opened the door a bit more, as quietly as he could, and saw that there was some light coming from a boxey looking thing. On the box was a picture of two men- the larger man was blowing the smaller one.

Andrew then noticed a loveseat in front of where the box sat and the back of two heads peeking over it. It became obvious that no one was sleeping. Andrew creeped into the room, amazed that the two on the couch hadn't noticed anyone opening the door and entering into the room.

Andrew peered over the loveseat and was surprised to see Matt and the younger Teddy jerking each others stiff dicks. Andrew held his breath so as not to make a sound as he grabbed hold of his lengthening cock.

He watched as Teddy playfully ran his fingers through the now bushy growth of brown pubes Matt was sporting. Seeing them, and especially the fact that he was witnessing this and they still had not noticed his prescence made Andrew as horny as hell. His hard cock peaked out of the right side of his shorts and he grabbed a hold of it as he silently watched the two boys on the loveseat.

Meanwhile, in the other room...

"Odd," said Harry simply

"What's odd?" asked JT and Neville nearly at the same time.

"It's still awfully quiet in Teddy's room. You would think Matt would be up and jumping all about knowing that his mates from last school year are here to visit. Let's go see what is going on in there."

The whole group got up and followed Harry.

"Shh!!" whispered Harry leading the way, "follow me"

He led them all into he and Neville's bedroom and then into the walk in closet.

"That one way mirror came in handy in my quarters at Hogwarts, so when we got Teddy for the summer we installed one here. He sometimes has nightmares and its helped us keep an eye on him at night."

Harry waved his wand and the reflection of the five in the closet transformed into a view into Teddy's room. All stood opened mouthed as they viewed Matt and Teddy lost in mutual masturbation and Andrew, seemingly un-noticed behind them with his stiff cock in his hand.

"Obviously they figured out how to find porn on the computer," said Neville quietly

"Yes" said Harry frowning, " well you all stay here and watch...this is bound to be funny when I barge in!" Harry quickly left the closet and headed for Teddy's room.

Indeed it was funny; Harry silently swept into the room and waved his wand at the same time to turn on the lights. The sight of Andrew standing there, frozen and wide-eyed with a precum dripping cock in his hand, on top of the two boys, also wide-eyed and caught in the act was priceless.

All that were in the closet failed to contain their laughter. Harry tried the best he could to hold back laughs himself. Before he could say anything Andrew started explaining that they were already doing something when he came in.

Next it was Matt's turn to explain. With a red face, standing up to face Harry he explained that they had typed in "Hog's Head" into the Google search and along with pictures of actual hog's heads were pictures of people giving head.

"We just got horny after seeing that, Professor, honest"

JT joined Harry and looked down at the quivering Matt.

"That's all well and good Matt but I think we need to talk about a few things. Like boundaries and who is just too young to...."

Teddy cut him off...

"I am not too young to like what we were doing and if you must know I am the one that convinced Matt to help me!"

All were taken aback by this and were at a loss for words.

"Well be that as it may, I didn't get the computer so you could sit there all night and look at people having sex. I got it so it would help you in the Muggle school next year Teddy," said Harry firmly, "Imagine if your grandparents caught you instead of us! You can't do this thing with it when I send it home with you Teddy. They will blame me and Neville. You don't want that because they will say you can't visit anymore. We will talk about this before you go back home tomorrow. Meanwhile, I guess, no harm is done. Get your kit back on and come see who else is here."

"That goes for you too Matt," smirked JT, "Oh and you might want to make sure everything is...tucked in..."

Matt turned red again as he looked in the mirror and noticed his left nut hanging out of his shorts. In a hurry he had pulled them up a bit to high it seemed. Everyone had another laugh, including Matt, and then prepared to go back out to the lounge.

Matt was genuinely surprised to see his graduated classmates and soon the computer incident was forgotten by all.

When it came time for JT to leave it was an emotional scene. Many hugs and tears were given by all.

When the company had left Harry and Neville made sure Teddy and Matt went to sleep before the settled into their bed. The earlier scene in Teddy's room made sleep impossible for Harry and Neville. So they both took advantage of the quiet and made love, enjoying the last night they would have, in the same bed in their own flat, since the school year started again in the morning.

The next day they would pack up and go back to Hogwarts to prepare for the arrival of the students and the start of their third year as staff at the school.

After the eventual cleanup and a kiss good night both feel deep into sleep; both thinking to themseleves, as they drifted off, that this may just be another interesting school year.


Chapter One- A Suprise Start

One secret that the students of Hogwarts were never privy too was the pre-opening day party that the staff had enjoyed since the school opened a thousand years ago. It was a chance for the faculty and staff to catch up on what they did over the summer and have one last day of letting their hair down without students in the castle.

"We better get going," said Harry to Neville, "we should have been at the school an hour ago!"

Things had taken a bit longer than Harry had expected. Before he and Neville headed to Hogwarts they had to drop off Teddy at his grandparent's house. Matt joined them and stayed as well as an overnight guest since they lived fairly close to where he would need to catch the Hogwarts Express in the morning.

They brought along the Muggle computer for Teddy; like his classmates in Muggle school he needed it for his schoolwork. What took time was explaining to the Tonks what exactly the funny Muggle machine was and how to operate it. Harry pulled Teddy aside before they left and cautioned him to not be as careless as he and Matt were the night before if he happened to Google something "interesting".

Teddy was bright for his age and he understood immediately and swore to be real careful.

After a round of goodbye hugs Harry and Neville set off for the school. They had already sent their possesions ahead, the day before, so they could easily use the Floo Network to arrive at the school.

Harry brushed the soot off his trousers as he waited for Neville to appear. He surveyed his quarters and was happy to see that everything was as he left it. That old familiar feeling of security engulfed him as he looked around. Ever since he was eleven, no matter where else he lived, he always felt like Hogwarts was home.

When Neville arrived, shrouded in green light and a considerable amount of soot, they both hurried towards the Great Hall and the staff party. As they entered the Great Hall Harry immediately noticed a hulking figure sitting amongst the teachers and staff. Picking up his pace he headed towards the man.

"Hagrid, you're back!" beamed Harry reaching out for a handshake

"Yes, now that my work with the giants is complete I decided to come back to Hogwarts...good to see you Harry"

Harry was taken aback; he expected Hagrid to make a big deal out of seeing him again like he used to. Instead his response was cordial but restrained.

"Everything alright, Hagrid?" asked Harry

"Oh right...ya...just got a lot on my mind these days" replied Hagrid who seemed to be avoiding eye contact with Harry.

"Right then, we better find a seat...looks like the Headmistress is about to start the announcements."

Harry and Neville continued up towards the front. Neville took a seat by Professor Grubbly-Plank and Harry joined Madame Hooch near the podium.

"Got held up Harry?" asked Hooch with a smile

"Yeah, we had to drop off Teddy and Matt and it took longer than I expected...sorry about that!"

"No matter, you are here now mister Deputy Headmaster!" replied Hooch squeezing Harry's arm

It had yet to sink in that he was indeed, not just the Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher but the Deputy Headmaster as well. As he took his seat Hooch called for quiet in the room.

"Welcome staff and teachers! I hope you all had a restful summer and I would like to start by saying that it is an honor to be back at Hogwarts as your Headmistress at this fine school..."

A hearty round of applause interupted her. She then announced that Harry was her Deputy and another round of applause filled the Great Hall. When it subsided Hooch continued.

"Besides the administrative changes this year, I am happy to welcome back our old friend Hagrid. Since Mister Filch finally agreed to retire, Hagrid will be taklng over his duties as school caretaker. As per his request, he will be sharing the duties of Care of Magical Creatures teaching with Professor Grubbly-Plank. Another new addition this year is a personal friend of mine whose work with potions is legendary! I would like you all to warmly welcome Professor Matilda Wicks!"

Another round of loud applause. It was true, Wicks was well known in the wizarding world as the leading potion maker, creating a variety of potions, all from natural herbs, that had benefited many witches and wizards over the years. So it was indeed an honor to have her on staff.

"And now the last change in staffing is somewhat bittersweet, but beyond the saddness it should be a pleasant surprise especially for Harry!" continued Hooch

Harry paid closer attention when he heard his name. He was concentrating more on Hagrid than on what Hooch was saying.

Harry couldn't put his finger on it but there was something different about Hagrid. Maybe he was imagining it; after all it had been well over two years since he had seen him. Harry straightened up in his chair and gave Hooch his full attention.

"As you all know... this past summer brought with it a sad loss. I am sure you all read that Professor Flitwick passed away from natural causes in July so that sadly has left a vacancy here at Hogwarts. The Board of Governors have unananimously agreed to rename the 'Great Hall' as 'Flitwick Hall', in his honor, since he spent so much time, during the holidays making this hall beautiful for all here at the school!"

Hooch waved her wand and a giant engraved, wooden sign appeared over the staff table displaying the new name for the Great Hall.

"So with his passing a need for a Charms teacher arose. I am pleased to announce that a former Hogwarts student has agreed, just for this year as of now, to take over the post until a suitable replacement is found. It is my pleasure to welcome one of Hogwarts most brilliant students, please welcome our new Charms teacher, Miss Hermione Granger-Weasley!"

Harry's mouth nearly hit the floor as Hermione entered into the Hall from the door behind the staff tables. He joined in with the loud applause as she took her seat amongst the rest of the teachers and staff.

"The rest of what I have to say can wait until the students arrive tomorrow," continued Hooch when the applause died down," I would like to invite Harry to say a few words if he doesn't mind."

Another shocker for Harry; he hadn't prepared a speech. He got up and took his place at the podium.

"I just want to thank Madame Hooch for giving me this opportunity to serve this school. As you know the past two years have been trying for me and a lot of others. My hope is that this year will be a smooth year at Hogwarts. Both Headmistress Hooch and I are committed to making this year a turning point year here at Hogwarts. Our goal is to finally make this an institution of learning where all can comfortably live and learn without fear or descrimination."

Another round of applause; Harry again noticed that, the usual boisterous Hagrid was just politely clapping. He certainly wasn't his usual self.

After Harry finsihed Hooch announced that the business meeting was over and that it was time for all to have probably the last bit of adult fun they would have before the kids arrived in the morning.

Once the party was underway Harry and Neville managed to grab a few private moments with Hermione as the walked on the Great Lawn outside.

"I can't believe you are going to be here with us this year!" exclaimed Harry, "this is just like old times, but what about Ron? Didn't he get a bit put off when you took the job here at Hogwarts?"

"Harry," said Hermione in a serious tone, "things have not been good with us and I know I can trust you two to keep it quiet. Now the story we have told everyone, except for Madame Hooch...she knows the truth...is that Ron took the kids back to his parents house. With Molly suffering with the start of that awful Muggle disease Alzheimer's he went to help his dad with taking care of her. In some respects that is true and not a lie. But what we didn't tell people is that we are seperated...we are having a cooling off period if you will."

"Cooling off?" questioned Harry, "I thought things were going well with you two?"

"Well they were until Ron's accident."

"Accident?", said a suprised Harry stopping in his tracks, "how come you didn't write or tell me about an accident? No word from either of you all summer...I wondered about that."

"I am sorry Harry, I wanted to but Ron insisted that we didn't bother you with more drama. After what you and Neville went through last year with Malfoy he thought you needed a stres free summer. He is alright now so don't worry about him."

"Too late for that Hermione, what happened to him."

"Well we were on holiday and he got bitten by a tangle of Bitter's Root."

"What is that?" asked Harry totally lost

"It's a nasty plant Harry, " piped in Neville, the resident Herbologist, "the leafy bits are benign but if the root comes in contact with bare skin it ejects little needles...sort of a defense mechanism...and renders the person paralyzed from the waist down."

"But how can a root touch the skin? Wouldn't the root be underground?" asked Harry totally confused now.

"No," smiled Neville, "Bitter's Root lives above and below the ground. The trouble is that the roots themselves are transparent, nearly invisible if you don't know what you are looking for so it happens when a barefoot person unknowing steps on them. The paralysis is temporary if the person gets medical help immediately, and I assume you got Ron to St. Mungos right away?"

"Yes, Neville...lucky for that. He just experienced muscle weakness in the legs days after since the Healer said the exposure was minimal."

"So this is why you two broke up? Because he was a git and walked into an invisible root?" asked Harry still trying to make sense of everything

"No," said Hermione with a sigh, "after he was released from St. Mungos he had to see a Healer two times a week for strengthening therapy. Normally, according to what I read, only a couple of weeks of sessions are needed for a minimal exposure to Bitter's Root like Ron had. But these session went beyond that. He seemed fine at home but he still insisted he had to keep seeing the Healer. Well one day I thought I would surprise him and meet him after his session...I had an extra day off from the Minsitry so I thought we would do lunch in Diagon Alley"

Hermione paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

"When I arrived the reception area was empty. In fact it looked as if the office itself was closed and indeed it was. The Healer, as I later learned, takes Wednesdays off so no appointments or staff are there. I became curious of course and I started looking into the different rooms. When I came to a door marked 'Exam 2" I heard sounds coming from behind it...they were familiar sounds...the same sound I hear when Ron and I make love."

"Hang on, is this a male or female Healer?"

"Male, " said Hermione obviously trying to hold back tears, " well of course I wanted to see exactly what sort of examinations were going on in that room so I flung the door open and there was Ron with the young Healer on his knees. I later learned that the extra therapy wasn't therapy at all...just sex. After that I laid down the law if you will. I understand that Ron has always been bi-curious but I cannot live in a marriage where my husband fantasizes about another man while making love to me. So I sent him to his mom's to really think about what he wants while I took the post here. Ginny is helping take care of the kids and for that I am greatful."

"Hermione you should have sent an owl or something, you should have let us be there for you...", offered Harry

"I know, but the important thing is you two are here for me now...all year in fact...so let's not talk about this anymore and concentrate on the good things that will hopefully come this year. I assure you Harry, I am alright now. This teaching assignemnt will give me time to think and sort out things as well so its all for the best."

One thing both Harry and Neville learned a long time ago was when Hermione said drop something she meant it. So Harry and Neville let it go and they continued their walk talking about the adventures Neville and he had over the summer.

After some time they rejoined the party and after it seemed to die down they were ready to go to their quarters and get a good night's sleep before the students arrived.

Neville went to check on the Greenhouses and his quarters while Harry returned to his. He made quick work of the unpacking and in no time at all the quarters looked homey again...as if he had never left for the summer.

Harry wasn't surprised when he heard a light tapping on his door. Neville came back and of course, since there was no students around the castle, they would dare to have one more night of love making and sleep together.

After a clean up and a final kiss goodnight Neville cuddled Harry in his arms.

"So did you get everything straightened away in your quarters...everything fine in the Greenhouses?" asked Harry sleepily

"Yes, got all unpaccked and everything seens like I left it although I could have sworn that I had left the Arphrdise Apple Shrub in the lockup. It is a controlled plant, you know."

"Maybe you just forgot...we did leave out in the midst of a lot of drama last June!'

"Perhaps, but you know me Harry," said Neville seriously, "I am...what is it you say...oh yeah, 'anal retentive' when it comes to the plants. I guess I could have left it out by mistake but there is something else. It looks like someone was digging around in it."

"You worry too much baby," said Harry caressing Neville's hair, "if you forgot to put it in the lockup a mouse or some other creature probably decided it was a good place hang out for the summer. Stop worrying! You have it in the lockup now I assume?"

"Yes I locked it up straight away"

"Well then, all is good, " smiled Harry kissing Neville on the lips, "let's get some rest...the first day is always the longest!"

Neville smiled and kissed Harry back and soon they both drifted off to sleep anticipating the excitement of the next day and dreaming about a future that just had to be brighter than the recent past.





1st year: Andy Anderson, Brandon Welsh, Timothy Spencer 2nd year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh 3rd year: Matt Mateo, Christopher Pike 4rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey 5th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn 6th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang, Stevie Millsack 7th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

graduated: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig

Next: Chapter 2

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