Harry and the Hidden Castle

By Ben Meova

Published on Aug 15, 2008


Harry and the Hidden Castle

A fantasy tribute by Ben Meova

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling.

The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities who played the movie characters or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country.

If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere. Author's Note: This story is the continuation of my first two stories on Nifty- "Harry and the Closet of Secrets" and 'Harry and the Politics of Romance". If you haven't read these yet, you may want to read them first. Otherwise many of the situations in this, Harry's third year as a Hogwarts teacher, may not make sense.

1st year


2nd year:


Comments and whatever else you want to send can be mailed to: 1hungyungun@gmail.com

Author's Note-


CORRECTION: In the last part I had Harry saying he hadn't seen Hagrid in two years...that was a typo I failed to catch. IN the previous story Hagrid had returned to Hogwarts. It had been two months since Harry saw him. In my mind, Hagrid had been away for the summer, doing more work with the Giant community so he didn't have the usual contact with Harry over this past summer's break. Sorry...I will try to catch these things before I send the chapters to be posted...also...OMG I didn't realize that I had as many typos as I did in the last part...sorry about that...once again I will try to do better in the future at double checking the text before I send it in! :/


Harry and the Hidden Castle

Part Two


Chapter Two- The Struggle Within

The first week of classes seemed to go well for Harry and the extra added bonus, of having Hermione working at the school, certainly helped. Harry had missed the long, philosophical discussions they used to have when they were kids. In some ways it reminded him of the old days when he, Hermione and Ron were an inseperable team. That was the positive. The negative aspect of the week for Harry, that all teachers dread, was the tedious task of reviewing the homework assignments he had set for his various classes.

For the students, the school day ended shortly before supper in Flitwick Hall. But for Harry, and the other teachers, their days rarely ended before nine at night. Tonight was no different; he had spent the last hour and a half reading the essays he set for his fifth year class on recognizing the behaviors of someone under the Imperious Curse. Lost in thought and yet another longer than needed essay, Harry was startled when an unknown owl flew in his window and landed on his desk.

When he realized what it was he took the parchment from the owl and gave the creature a pat on the head and an owl treat. Hedwig The Second hooted in protest so Harry walked over and gave her a treat as well. After appeasing her he unfurled the parchment and read it; it was from Minister of Magic Weasley.


Greetings Harry,

Hope all is going well this school year. First the personal...Molly is doing fine, although it seems this disease gets worse every day. She is forgetting a lot of things now and recently she actually forgot who Ginny was. But then there are periods of good days, like we had in the past week, where she seems like her old self. The Healers at St. Mungos are in contact with Muggle doctors and there still seems to be no cure for Alzheimers on their end. The St. Mungos Institute For Cures and Causes is feverishly working to come up with a cure for this disease. Keep hoping that they will suceed; Molly is too young to be going through this although the Muggle doctors have reported that sometimes people as young as mid-forties can sometimes develope the early symptoms.

Now on to business...

I wanted to give you a heads up, as the American's say, before the Quibbler ran the story tomorrow. Malfoy's sentencing will be in one week and I need you to appear before the Wizengamot to give the sentencing statement. I am sure Headmistress Hooch will give you the time off as a favor to me. I am sorry to have to drag you back into the painful past but we really do need your statement to make sure he is sentenced appropriately. I, for one, want him to rot in Azkaban for the rest of his life.

Best wishes for a continued good year at Hogwarts. Please give my regards to Neville and please do respond back if you can attend the sentencing.


Minister Arthur Weasley


Harry rubbed his eyes and reached for a blank piece of parchment. His knee-jerk reaction was to say hell yes, I will be there with bells on to make sure that evil git gets locked away forever. But as he stared at the blank parchment thoughts filled his head. His angel Adrian had a bad habit of ruining any off the cuff decisions by making Harry think about both sides of situations.

Yes Malfoy deserved, under the law, to be punished. He assumed someone else's identity and committed a number of other offenses. But did the crime justify life in prison? Would Malfoy have been so diabolicle if he had been allowed to be himself like the "Ollie's Boys" that were currently at the school? Would he have been so bitter if he had been given the chance to really be who he wanted to be? Would he have acted as if he had hated Harry and nearly everything else, when they were teens, if he wasn't raised by a man like Lucious Malfoy?

When Harry, again thanks to his angel's prompting, considered all the facts, clearly the fault didn't lie with Malfoy alone. The fault was his parents and the world around him that made people like him, Harry, Neville and now Ron dirty little secrets. The world made what he felt and who he loved a shameful affair so no wonder, on top of the purebred nonesense his family conditioned him to believe, he acted as he did. Punishment was rightfully due but life without parole? Harry just couldn't rationalize that given all he knew.

Putting pen to parchment he wished Arthur well and offered to make a donation to the St. Mungos Institute For Cures and Causes to aide in their search for a cure. He simply told the Minister that he would appear at the sentencing and left it at that. He wasn't certain what he would say yet...it would require a good think. But not this evening...getting up from his desk he rolled up the parchment. No point in sending Hedwig out now, he thought as he locked his door, the morning will do.

After shutting off the lights, in the outer study, he retired to his bedroom for a restless night's sleep.

"Dad, you should have a look at this, " said Ginny Weasley as she passed the morning edition of The Quibbler to her father

Arthur perused the front page and then put the paper down, "Ah yes, I am well aware of that. Finally justice will be served; as far as I am concerned he can die in Azkaban for all he did to Harry!"

"Dad, i hope you don't mind me saying this, " said Ginney sheepishly, " but are you taking such a harsh stance because you truly believe that Draco's crimes deserves that or is it because you still have resentments against his father? I know he did horrible things, but wasn't he the victim of adults who twisted his mind to begin with?"

Arthur looked thoughtfully at his daughter. At first her questioning disturbed him but as he thought about things he had to admit she had a point. He smiled at Ginny, a sincere smile that could only come from a proud father, and promised her he would consider the points she had just made.

"Where is Ron?" asked Arthur changing the subject, "he usually is the first one down for breakfast!"

"Oh he said he had an early medical appointment this morning so he left out already."

"Well his loss, one thing is for sure, that damn disease hasn't affected your mum's cooking!"

It was a deep, passionate kiss and the day old stubble felt good on Ron Weasley's lips. Holding him in a tight embrace was Healer Tom Tomkins, a strikingly handsome man in his late twenties, with jet black hair and light blue piercing eyes. Ron laid on the examination table as the man slowly worked his way down his chest. Ever so slowly the man licked and teased what seemed like every inch of Ron's upper torso...sending ripples of chills from his head to his feet.

Precum leaked out of Ron's extremely rigid cock, dripping slowly on to the bush of red pubes. Then the man went lower and nuzzled Ron's full balls until he found his pink hole surrounded by sparse growths of reddish hair. Ron's head swirled as the man's tongue darted in and out of his quivering hole.

Ron Weasley was in heaven.

After a little while Ron returned the favor and copied what the Healer had just done to him. Seeing the beautiful man lying there, in a totally submissive position turned Ron on even more. He reached for the lubricant and a condom and soon he was thrusting in and out of the man's ass at record speed. It had been five days since he had a really good orgasm so it didn't take long for Ron to explode. Tom went first as Ron fucked the cum out of him, splashing cum all over his chest and Ron's chin. Tom's orgasm urged Ron on as he felt the man's ass clench his fat cock tightly. Ron exploded with a howl of shear joy and blasted a thick load into the condom.

After they cleaned up, they noticed the time so they hurried to straighten the exam room. It was nearly 9am and Healer Tomkins staff would soon be in. To keep up appearances Ron took a seat in the waiting room. When the nurse arrived she was pleased to see the the Healer's first "official" appointment of the day was actually there on time. She advised him to patiently wait as she and the Healer got settled in.

Ron grabbed a copy of Quidditch Weekly and pretended to be interested in an article. His mind was too occupied to actually read. The trouble was that the old feeling of guilt and shame was creeping up on him again. He loved his wife, Hermione and yes sex was good with her but in the time they have been married he never felt the same with her as he did when he was with another man.

It was really hard to explain...it was just a wholly different feeling, Nothing seemed forced or uncomfortable when he was with Tom. But with Hermione he had to imagine her being Harry or some other man in order to reach an orgasm. It wasn't funny, Ron knew, but seriously Harry was responsible for his first child. When Ron was fucking Hermione, that night, his mind wasn't on her. He was remembering the first time he saw Harry fully naked, back when they were 12 and at the Burrow. He had thought that Harry had finished up in the shower because the light was off in the loo. Only the daylight seemed to be seeping in through the small window.

As he peered into the door he saw the back of Harry in one of the mirrors; his firm butt winking at Ron and making his own cock stir in his pants. Harry didn't seem to notice that the door was ajar and that his best friend was spying on him. In the Weasley family bathroom there were mirrors on either side of the wall. Harry was by the mirror behind the door so he obviously could not see Ron.

But Ron had a clear view of Harry in the other mirror. Ron's cock lengthened to full erectness as he watched his best friend study himself in the mirror. Harry was giving his youthful body a good perusal, particulary the sparse, circular growth of pubes that accompanied his half hard cock. Ron reached down into his trackie bottoms and adjusted his hard cock. As Hary played with his pubes Ron did the same with his, taking note that he had sprouted a bigger bush then harry thus far. Soon it looked as if Harry was done so Ron hurried back to his bedroom and locked the door.

He threw himself down on his bed and then with one tug removed his pants and underwear. With a passion he pulled on his cock, urging the orgasm to come quickly. Just as he was shooting his load on his tight tummy Harry knocked at the door and asked Ron what he was doing and why the door was locked. Ron jumped up and found an old teeshirt lying on the floor and quickly wiped up the sticky mess. He pulled up his pants and then hurriedly tossed the teeshirt on the floor as he raced to unlock the door.

"Why did you lock the door?" asked Harry

"I dunno...accident I suppose," replied Ron still red in the face from the orgasm

"Something smells odd yet familiar," said Harry giving the room a good sniff

"I don't smell anything..." said Ron sheepishly

Then horror of horrors Harry went straight for the teeshirt Ron had just used as a clean up towel.

"NO!!" screamed Ron ripping the shirt out of Harry's hand, "you don't want to wear that one it's dirty.."

"Nonesense, your mum just washed it yesterday; probably still smells fresh as spring," said Harry grabbing the shirt back and putting it to his nose

Seconds seemed like hours to Ron and when Harry's brow furrowed he knew he had discovered just why the teeshirt was now dirty.

"Merlin's beard, Ron!" said Harry throwing his arms in the air, "you were having a wank, that's why the door was locked,... and you used my favorite shirt as a cleanup rag? That's disgusting, Ron!"

"Sorry Harry," replied Ron even more red faced, "I just reached for the first thing I could find when you knocked..."

"Well next time reach for something that belongs to you, " said Harry pursing his lips and tossing the cum-stained shirt at Ron, "here you can have it now!"

From that day on, despite the embarrassing bits, Ron had many wank sessions thinking about Harry. And it just wasn't Harry...wank fantasy sessions included other boys in his Hogwarts class as well...especially Seamus and Dean Thomas. By the time Ron turned thirteen he pretty much knew that he was at least 80% more attracted to the same sex instead of the opposite.

The trouble was he had to hide it, he had to fight it....especially after he came of age and entered the adult world. Before he married Hermione, who he truly did love, only his brother Bill had produced grandchildren for his parents. From the time his first pubic hair sprouted his parents talked about what "beautiful children", and subsequently grand children, Ron and a pretty wife would make. After the marriage, huis mum especially, hinted around more and soon after they announced that hermione was expecting their first child.

After that he became less interested in sex with Hermione and obviously she noticed. Like a fool...perhaps to smooth things over...he reluctantly agreed, a few months ago, to adopt an orphaned 11 year old, whose parents were tragically killed in a house fire. The boy, thus far retained his parents last name, because the official adoption had yet to be completed. With this decision he had dug himself a bigger hole.

When he looked deep inside his soul he knew, in some ways, that he had pretended to live the straight life just to please his mum and dad. The problem, in the present, was two fold. He was tired of pleasing everyone but himself and he was, slowly but surely, starting to fall in love with Tom Tomkins. And therein was the conflict he was facing now. Torn between the genuine love for Hermione and the kids and the yearning to be truly what and who he was, had begun to tear him apart inside.

"Healer Tomkins will see you now, Mister Weasley!" smiled the receptionist jarring Ron from his inner thoughts

"Oh right...thank you," he said as he got up and hurried past her hoping that she wouldn't notice the half hard he had in his pants.


Chapter Three- The Homophobe Patrol

Saturdays were normally days in which the students had unlimited free time, but today the group of boys, that were called "Ollie's Boys" in the previous school year, were gathered together for a formal meeting with Harry, Neville and Oliver Wood. Initially the plan was to hold the meeting in the locker room but because of the need for secrecy, given what Harry was going to propose, he told everyone to meet in the Room of Requirement.

Harry was pleased, as he entered the room, to see that everyone had arrived at the time he had specified. As he surveyed the boys two things became immediately obvious to him. The first was the abscence of Sam Chang. After all that had happened the past two years, according to Cho in her last letter, Sam's parents had decided to remove him from Hogwarts. Older and conservative they took Sam to their summer home in France and from there enrolled him in Beauxbaxton's. Cho reported that Sam was coping but he was sad these days, really sad because he was torn away from his friends despite his protests to his parents.

The other thing Harry noticed was the prescence of a graduated student. Sitting in between Oliver Wood and Neville was none other than Thomas Greer. Harry headed towards the three and said a cordial hello to all and then asked Oliver if he could speak to him privately outside of the room.

When they both were back in the hallway Harry looked around to make sure there was no one around and then turned to face Oliver.

"Why is Greer here Ollie? Dis you invite him to the school," asked harry totally perplexed

"Ah that..." said Oliver clearing his throat, "well he just arrived. Hooch agreed to let me take on an assistant teaching aide since the class load seems to nearly be back to normal."

"I see, but I am sensing that here is more to the story than just that, Oliver, "replied Harry folding his arms, "why bring in a person that just graduated and not an experienced student teacher?"

Oliver gave Harry a cheeky grin and the sighed, "Well sorry, I guess I should have told you straight away when the school year started. After graduation, when Thomas was of age really, we started dating. We are sort of a couple now and the ruse about needing an assistant ensured that he would be here with me."

"Isn't he a bit young for you to actually date?" asked Harry

"Age is just a number, Harry. It's how you feel on the inside and quite frankly Thomas has told me that he prefers men in their twenties over guys his age...so it wasn't as if I coerced him, or worse yet, am keeping him like a boy whore. We genuinely have feelings for each other and the age difference doesn't bother either of us."

Harry paused for a moment and then sighed, "Well far be it from me to stand in the way of true love...but Oliver...be careful...don't let this love for each other cause you two to be careless and let the cat out of the bag. remember the key to making sure the boys have time together in a safe and free environment is the belief everyone has that you will fuck anything that has breasts...so be careful, ok?"

"I promise we will, Harry!" assured Oliver patting Harry on his back

They both smiled at each other and turned to go back into the Room of Requirement.

"OK gentlemen, let's settile down...it's time to get underway," shouted Oliver over the din of conversations

When everyone was settled and quiet Harry stood up from his chair and started to address the assembled students and staff.

"I trust you all had a good summer boys and I hope it was relaxing as mine was. This year, as you know, there are going to be a lot of changes with Headmistress Hooch and I in charge. One of the main things we discussed, before the school year started, was creating a sort of patrol to look out for any student gay bashing another."

"Sort of a homophobe patrol, Professor?" blurted out Patrick Donnelly.

"Yes, exactly Patrick, " smiled Harry, "Years ago when I was a sixth year student, you may recall hearing about how the Minister of Magic, at the time, was in denial about the return of Lord Voldemort. In order to supress me and my allies, he sent in a horrid woman named Dolores Umbridge. This evil woman eventually got rid of Headmaster Dumbledore and took over control of the school. She recruited a group of students...most all Slytherins to spy on us. They would keep their beedy little eyes open for any sign of me and my mates getting together for any reason at all. Finally they caught us...we named ourselves Dumbledore's Army...we were not being taught to defend ourselves so I was recruited to teach everyone...my first unofficial, yet unpaid teaching position by the way..."

Laughter filled the room with Neville laughing the loudest. When it died down Harry continued.

"While the idea of what she did still enrages me I have to give the old git credit for one thing. She gave me the idea to use you guys as...sort of watchdogs...for other students that may be harrassed or tormented for either being gay or appearing to be. Now, of course, this will be a totally voluntary thing. It is up to you boys whether you want to take on this task. So why don't you all talk amongst yourselves and then we will have a vote!"

All agreed and went into a caucus. Harry, meanwhile greeted Thomas Greer.

Leaning over he whispered, "Why didn't you tell me about you and Oliver when you visited my flat?"

"Didn't think you would approve, sir," whispered Thomas back, "some people get all wierd if there is a teen dating someone older. As for me I don't mind...believe me Professor Potter, Oliver can keep up with any teen that is for sure!"

"Well I don't have a problem with it...just be careful not to make things too obvious...Oliver will explain..."

Harry was interupted as Patick called out that they were ready to vote. As Harry expected the vote to join was unanimous and soon after the official meeting was adjourned. Before the boys got up to leave Harry added a priviso.

"Keep in mind, while you are being asked to watch out for any occurances of homophobia in your fellow students, you are not...under any circumstances...to take matters into your own hands unless you have to defend yourselves. You are to summon me, Professor Longbottom, Coach Wood or the Headmistress immediately and let us deal will the situation. Agreed?"

All pledged to follow Harry's instructions and then got up to leave.

As they made their way out of the Room Of Requirement Ian Isley pulled Patrick Dinnelly aside and whispered in his ear.

"Is the stuff almost ready?"

"Yeah...about two more weeks and then we are all set," winked Patrick as they headed down the hallway.


After dinner, fifth year student, Lonnie Livingston had found a quiet spot near the lake under a particularly leafy shade tree. There he sat with his face buried in his hands. The salt from tears brushed his lips as he sat thinking about what was. He didn't take much notice to a boy approaching him until the boy put his hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright, mate?" asked first year student Brandon Welsh

Startled Lonnie jumped to his feet, "Oh yeah...allergy...you scared me out of a year's growth boy!"

"Sorry about that," said the boy lowering his head

"That's ok...I should have been more aware...just been sitting here thinking"

"About what, " asked Brandon innocently

"Just stuff...miss my best mate...he isn't at Hogwarts any more..."

"Why is that?"

Damn, thought Lonnie, this kid is full of questions. He knew who the boy was; they were in the same house. He wa a foreigner...a new student whose parents moved from the United States to Wales over the summer. His parents were both British but Brandon had been born in America...New York City in fact, so he had a distinct Brooklyn accent that Lonnie found funny and intriquing at the same time. The boy was burly for his age, taller than most and already sporting a semi-deeper voice and a puberty mustache.

"Well his parents didn't like him coming here anymore...said it wasn't a good environment for him from what I heard."

"Sounds like the same bullshit my parents told me. They said they wanted to bring me here, away from America and the insanity their government is creating because it is more conservative...more of a proper place to be educated. I didn't believe them though...I knew there was another reason...." explained Brandon letting his voice trail off

This time it was Lonnie's turn to ask the questions.

"Another reason...what do you think the real reason was then?"

" I am not sure that I wanna tell ya that," said Brandon blushing a bit

"Oh come on...tell ya what I will tell you my sad story if you tell me yours...deal?"

Brandon studied Lonnie for a moment. He felt at ease with the older boy and something...something he couldn't put his finger on at the moment, was telling him to trust the boy three years his senior.

"Ok but you have to swear you tell no one..."

"Agreed," said Lonnie shaking the younger boys hand, "OK tell me...you have me curious now.

By the time Brandon finished explaining, Lonnie's moutgh was dry from it hanging open! Brandon had explained that a few months ago he had started getting more interested in sex since he had started he is puberty early. He said that he tried to get into looking at females, like many of his friends, but the problem was that was getting hornier looking at his friends...his male friends...more than girls.

One day, after school, he brought one of his friends home from the Muggle school he was attending. Both his parents worked so normally he, being the only child, would have at least a good three hours of privacy at home. The after school date, as he called it, started out innocently enough. He and his friend got on teh computer...he had to explain to Lonnie exactly what a computer was...and they came upon an adult webiste...again he had to pause and explain the term website.

His friend insisted they look at some of the things the site previewed so Brandon had agreed. He explained that the way they were sittin and especially the fact that his friend had his gym shorts on...it had been a hot May day in New York City...it became apparent that his friend was enjoying what was on the computer screen. His friend was a good looking boy, as far as Lonnie could gather from Brandon's description. Blond and two years older than Brandon at the time.

"You must have felt really uncomfortable at that point," interjected Lonnie still not sure where the story was going

"A bit but probably not for the reasons you are thinking, " winked Brandon as he continued

He had been uncomfortable because he was still in his long pants, that were getting a bit too tight. Although, as he said a bit red-faced, he was quite as big as his friend the boner he had was annoying him. It was in an odd position in the pants and he didn't want to adjust in front of his friend. All the time he was making like he didn't really notice the swelling in his friend's shorts or the small pre-cum stain on them. Finally he said that he had to go to the bathroon and bid a hasty retreat, grabbing his own pair of shorts on the way out.

He hurriedly changed clothes, tried to have a pee to will his stiff cock down to no avail. When he re-entered his bedroom he was shocked to see his friend with his shorts pulled down, brazingly stroking the thick shaft that was surrounded by a bush of light blond pubes. His friend just smiled at him..

"Sorry...couldn't help it...thought you would take longer there..."

Brandon said he just stood there for a moment and without a word sat back down in his chair and stared at his friend's exposed cock and balls. After a few minutes his friend told hiom to either take his shorts off and join him or leave the room and stop staring.

"Makes my nervous and lose my bone if someone just stares."

From there Brandon was introduced to mutual masturbation and blow jobs. In the middle of sixty-nining in walk his mother.

"She creeps around like a mouse, you see, " explained Brandon, "she has this thing about no shoes on the rugs so she always takes hers off when she comes home. We were sop into it I didn't here her. Anyhow he was thrown out of the house...the dude didn't even get his shorts on all the way. They took my computer away, locked me in my room...well not really locked up but it felt like that, and hired a god damn babysitter until school finished. In the summer, without even telling me, they made plans to come here. One morning I woke up and they said start packing...five days later here we were."

Brandon paused to take a breath. Lonnie still had that open-mouthed, amazed look on his face.

"I hope you don't hate me now that you know I am a faggot," said Brandon catiously

Lonnie feigned a look of disguts on his face and then reached out and grabbed the boy. Brandon was expecting to get slugged...instead Lonnie's lips met his. When he figured out what was happening Brandon returned the kiss. After a few minutes their lips finally unlocked.

"Just my way of letting you know you are not alone, mate!" smiled Lonnie squeezing the obvious erection between the new boy's legs

Lonnie went on to explain his relationship with Sam and all that had happened, in a nut shell, the past two years. He also clued him in about "Ollie's Boys" and promised he would recomend him gfor membership. After each one knew the other truth they both scurried into the wooods to consumate the newfound friendship. All the talk about sex made both horny beyond belief. They made quick work of it; they were due in for curfew in a half hour. Lonnie promised that the next time would be better and longer and Brandon had absolutely no problem with that!

As they walked through the common room they passed the Isley twins. After greeting them they both headed towards their dorm rooms.

"Looks like they got aquainted in a special way," said Ian winking at his brother

"How so?" replied Issac

"The grass and leaves on their backs, of course!"

Both broke out into a fit of laughter.

In their haste to get back before curfew both Lonnie and Brandon had failed to brush the debris from the from the forest lawn off their backs, leaving the tell-tale sign of what had gone on beteween them.


Chapter Four- The Forbidden Fruit

Harry was happy. Over a month into the school year and everything seemed to be running smoothly. There were just a couple of minor reports, from the H-Patrol, of homophobic remarks being made by students. Other than that there had been no drama at all and for that Harry was greatful.

Another thing that pleased him was that his last class of the day was the seventh years. The class was an elective, designed for final year students who were looking to go into either some sort of community policing profession or the Ministry's revamped Auror program. Even though Voldemort and his followers were long gone, remnants, well more like copycats, that attempted to delve into the darker side of magic. So the Auror Department was surely still needed in the wizarding world.

So having a more casual, small class of 12 students at the end of the day was a nice way to end the day in Harry's opinion.

"Alright class, we are nearly out of time," announced Harry, "by Friday I want at least one role of Parchment on how to recoginize Muggles under the four prohibited Mischief curses. See you all tomorrow...dimissed."

The twelve got up and gathered their things. As the students filed out of the classroom Rafael Ortega pulled Patrick Donnelly aside and whispred in his ear.

"Is eveything ready?"

"Sure is," whispered Paterick back, "the twins have it and it's set for sunset down by the lake."

"Brilliant!" exclaimed Rafael as they headed down the hall and back to their iondividual houses.


After dinner Hermione asked Harry and Neville to stop by her quarters; she had something to show them.

When they arrived she picked up an unfurled parchment and pursed her lips.

"A letter from Ron," she said simply

"Does he want to reconcile?" asked Harry hopefully

"No idea...he wants to have a lunch date Saturday to talk. But I am not sure I am ready to talk about anything. He has a way of manipulating me if it's one on one. Could one or both of you come with me...as sort of mediators?"

"Well sure," said Harry, "but do you think he wants us there?"

"I don't care...he either except the meeting on my terms or it doesn't happen at all."

"Right, well let me know, before Friday so Neville and I can keep the schedule free, if you will meet up with him."

Hermione thanked them again and after a while longer the visit was over. Sitting in her own thoughts, she re-read the letter again. In a fury she crumpled up the parchment and threw it at the wall.

"Not his time, Ronald...not this time!" she screamed to the air and then buried her now tearful face in her hands.


"Are we allowed to go way down here?", asked Artie McMannus

"Sure we come down here all the time," smiled Issac Isley as he and his twin led the two fourth year boys towards the lake and the hideen shack they had affectionately named the "love shack" the year before.

"I don't get what the rush was?" said the other boy, Robert Collins, frowning, " I barely finished eating when you guys told me to come quickly and out of Flitwick Hall!"

"Yeah...same here...I barely got the pork chop in my mouth when you two said we had to go quickly to see something cool..so ya...hungry is an understatement!"

Ian winked at his brother and then reached into his bag and produced a piece of odd looking fruit.

"Sorry about that...you two are still hungry then?"

"Well duh...yeah...I just told you, I barely started eating...are you going to tell us what was so damn important that you took me away from dinner?"

"Sure in a little bit...here have you ever tried the Golden Apple?"

"Umm...no...is it good? And it don't really look liker an apple...looks more like a pear," murmured Robert taking the fruit from Ian

"Oh yes, its an apple alright, " piped in Issac with a big smile, "probably the sweetest fruit you will ever taste."

The boy tentatively bit at the fruit. After he determined that it was indeed delicious her took a bigger bite.

"Good, eh?" asked Ian

"Oh...yeah...real good" replied Robert as in between chews

Ian handed another to Artie who also wolfed down the fruit.

It was an apple alright... but it wasn't just a benign piece of fruit.

At the start of the school year Patrick Donnelly had gone to the greenhouse to find Neville. When he arrived there didn't seem to be anyone around. An odd looking plant with amber colored leaves caught his attention. He was surprised that ity was sitting there out in the open. The plant was very rare and Patrick new that's its fruit was actually a Ministry controlled substance.

The Aphrodise Apple had been outlawed, years ago, because it had been used in several, well publicized date rape cases. Something in the fruit affected the part of the brain that signals strong sexual desire and urges. After it gets in the system...usually about 20 minutes after it is eating the consumer of the fruit finds him or herself inexplicably horny beyond belief.

The reason for this excursion was payback.

The previous year, these two boys were some of the main homophobes that harrased the younger boys in the "Ollie's Boys" group. They had never done anything that justified teacher getting involved...just snide remarks and anti-gay names and comments hurled at anyone and everyone that even suspected being gay.

Oddly enough they never really picked on the Isley twins. It might have been because of their size, especially this year. At sixteen they both were at least six feet tall and burly...no fat but well built for their age. So naturally, when it came time for payback, the Isley twins were the natural choice to carry out the plan.

When they arrived by the lakeside the brought the two unsuspecting boys near the water.

"So what is it?, " asked Robert getting a bit annoyed, "what did we 'just have to come and see'?"

Ian pointed towards the bend in the lake where it curved around the cliff edge.

"Look way in the distance against the cliffs," instructed Ian, "this is my sixth year at Hogwarts and this is the first time I have seen light in that tower-looking thing. I always thought it was just part of the rock formations but it looks like someone lives there!"

Robert and Artie spooted the light, that was just barely visible in the semi-dark dusk.

"That's cool!", replied Artie, "I wonder who lives there and I wonder how you can get to it?"

"Boat I guess..." answered Issac who looked at his brother and winked again.

Both Issac and Ian had noticed that while they were talking both Robert and Artie were unconsciously starting to squeeze around the front of their pants. The fruit was starting to work and it was time for phasetwo of the plan.

"Hey mates, we will be back in a minute. My brother and I need to have a pee...too much pumpkin juice, you know...keep an eye on that tower and see if you see anyone moving about"

"Alright," murmured Robert only half paying attention.

No one had to really pee. Ian and Issac snuck back around and climbed into a huge willow tree that was near the two boys...who were obviously now feeling the full efects of the "forbidden fruit". The twins had borrowed a nifty Muggle device from Matt Meteo called a digital camera. Not only did it take pictures but it also recorded movies. Ian pulled out the camera and set it to video record.

Meanwhile down on the ground, Artie turned to Robert and plaintively said, "I don't know what is wrong...I am really, really horny now...my cock is hard as a a rock!"

"Same here," said Robert squeezing his

"Think we should?"

"I dunno...where did the twins go? I don't see them...if we get caught..."

"I think they left...don't see them either...probably thought that leaving us down here would be funny."

Phase three sprung into action...in the distance closer to the castle Robert and Artie heard a loud voice saying, "Hey Ian, heading back to the castle?"

"Yeah, see the went back to the castle to pee..." said Robert who was reaching down in his pants now

"Ok come on...under that tree..." said Artie leading the way

When they got under the tree Ian, as quietly as he could, started filming. Both Artie and Robert sat side by side with their pants pulled down to their knees and were stroking their own cocks slowly. Both were pretty big for their age and both sported a healthy bushes of pubes.

"Want to do the 'help a buddy' thing again?" asked Artie breathing heavily

"OK, no one is around so..." replied Robert as he took hold of his friend's pre-cum dripping uncut cock

"I'm not gay..." blurted out Artie

"I know," said Robert not missing a stroke and enjoying Artie's fist on his own dick, "neither am I...this is just...just best friends helping each other out.

A few minutes more of the mtual stroking went on aand then Artie spoke again.

"I'm not gay..."

" I know that...you said that...and not so loud...," said Robert in a harsh tone

"Soory...it's just that I am getting a big urge to try something different and I don't know why," said Artie giving Robert his best puppy dog eyes

"To tell you the truth I am too," said Robert blushing a bit

"I wanna suck you, " blurted out Artie

"Me too," grinned Robert

The affects of the fruit were really taking hold now. The main reason fruit had been made a controlled substance was because, for some reason, it had the ability to make the person who ingested it do things...sexual things...that they would never dare to do under normal, not under the influence circumstances.

So as Ian filmed, Issac groped his own cock and his brothers, up in the tree, as they watched the plan unfold brilliantly.

Robert and Artie had moved around to a sixty-nine position and were both slobbering up and down on each others erections. Heads bobbed and balls slapped chins as Ian filmed the whole scenerio. They intensity of the sucking increased and finally Artie announced he was going to cum. Robert indicated he was ready as well. Both grabbed hold of their own cocks and soon each was shooting copious loads of cum on each other's lips and and into their mouths.

After the cum they both lay silently, each tasting and savoring the flavor of each other's sweet teen cum. After a few more minutes hey found some big leaves and attempted to have a quick clean-up. Both of the twins sat ever so quiet in the tree above. It was cleasr that the affects of the fruit were wearing off based on the conversation they heard below.

"I can't believe we just did that!" exclaimed Artie not looking Robert in the face

"Yeah, I mean I liked it but I don't know why I did. You know me I like girls"

"And you know I am not a gay puff like them Ollie Boys..." added Artie

"Swear to tell no one?" asked Robert

"I swear and if you do I will whip you," promised Artie

With that the boys hurried, at almost a run, back to the castle. When it was safe the twins came down from the tree. They reviewed the video and despite the fact that it was dusk you could still visibly see who the "stars" were. Watching the replay got the both boys erect again so before they went back to the castle the ambled over to the "love shack". They laughed on the way there, parrotting what the two victims said...they were off to do the "help a buddy" thing.

"You mean, in our case, help a brother thing," smiled Ian kissing his brother on the cheek

"Yes, and a good help it will be, " replied Issac as they entered the shack.

The next morning before breakfast Harry had gone up to the rarely used third corridor to fetch some supplies he needed for his fourth year class later in the day. The corridor was not really usef because here lived the majority of ghosts that haung out ion the castle, including Moaning Myrtle and her bathroom. As Harry, still not fully awake sauntered down the hall he was startled by the shrill voice of Moaning Myrtle.

"Hiya Harry," she said in her sing-songy voice, "have you come to watch the moddie?"

"Moodie? What are you talking aboput Myrtle?" asked Harry in a semi-annoyeed tone

"You know, Harry, the moving pictures Muggles like to watch"

"And where is this movie, Myrtle...it's M-O-V-I-E...movie...not moodie"

"In there..." she said simply pointing at the door to one of the long forgotten classrooms

"Thanks, Myrtle", said Harry turning to go to the room.

When he opened the door he had to do a double take. On the screen were two fourth year students he knew sucking each others dicks in a sixty-nine position. As the film played one of the Isley twins...he recognized the voice but couldn't tell which one...was giving the play by play commentary to the nearly full room of students.

"...soon the affect of the apple got intense these two that were calling many last year 'faggots' really got down to proving how faggoty they are.."

Harry had seen enough; with a wave of his wand he illuminated the room.

Heads spun around towards the door in unison as Harry yellwed, "SOMEONE HAS A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO!"


Hermione and first year student Timothy Spencer were walking at a brisk pace down the second fllor corridor. Both were in a hurry to get to their first classes.

"Timothy, you have your homeowrk for Professor Potter in your bag, right?" asked Hermione

"Yes, mum!! You worry too much," he said leaving her with a kiss as he headed down the opposite hall

"Mum?" asked Neville who had come up behind them un-noticed

"Well..." shepishly said Hermione, "I guess I just let another cat out of the bag"





1st year: Andy Anderson, Brandon Welsh, Timothy Spencer 2nd year: Nicky Lang , Mark Mungo-Marsh 3rd year: Matt Mateo, Christopher Pike 4rd year: Michael O'Toole, Martin Mackey 5th year: Lonnie Livingston, Marcus Long, Eric Lynn 6th year: Ian and Issac Isley, Sam Chang (no longer at Hogwarts), Stevie Millsack 7th year: Alan Keyes, Patrick Donnelly, Rafael Ortega

graduated: Thomas Greer, Andrew Kelley, Earl Craig

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