Harry Potter Hogwarts Hijinks

By CyberBowl

Published on Sep 6, 2020



The following text is copyrighted by the author, and may not be re-posted nor used for any purpose without express written permission. The text includes instances of sexual encounters between boys of similar ages. If that subject material is illegal or inappropriate for you to be reading, please find something else to read.

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Dearest Reader...

This story is set in the world of Harry Potter and was written before the book series was completed, so please ignore any inconsistencies with later-established canon. I do not own these characters.

This was my first attempt at fanfic of any kind. I wrote it on a dare. The other pieces in this series vary in the amount of romance vs. sex, story, vs. smut, and short vs. long. Each will have a foreword like this one, so you can know what to expect. Enjoy!


TAGS:; Fluff, Humor, One-shot, Explicit language, Sexual content (m/m, similar age range) TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of incest

The Christmas break was upon us, and all of the Gryffindors had left Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to spend the vacation with their families—all except Harry Potter and his best friend, Ron Weasley.

Harry was in no great hurry to return to Number Four Privet Drive, the home of his cruel aunt and uncle, the Dursleys—not to mention his vicious little cousin, Dudley. Spending the holiday at Hogwarts would be Christmas present enough.

Ron, on the other hand, was a bit disappointed that his parents had gone off to visit his older brother, Charlie, who was busy working with dragons in Russia. But Ron had a kind heart, and was happy that he'd be spending Christmas with his new best friend. He didn't want Harry to be alone for the holidays.

They had the entire dormitory to themselves. Two of Ron's older brothers, the twins, Fred and George, were also staying at Hogwarts for Christmas, but, of course, they wouldn't deign to set foot in the dorm of the first year students. That was okay by Ron, as their incessant ribbing was something Ron could easily do without.

It was a few days before Christmas, and the grounds at Hogwarts were covered in a blanket of the purest snow. Ron awoke, climbed out of his four-poster bed, and scuttled to the window. The marble floor was cold against his bare feet, but Ron didn't mind. He was too excited by what he glimpsed outside.

"Harry! Wake up!" Ron shouted. "It's snowing! It's snowing!"

Harry opened one eye, and mumbled, "I'm coming. I'm coming." He dragged himself out of bed, and joined Ron at the window. It was a bit too early to match Ron's enthusiasm, but the snow made Harry happy just the same.

"Let's get out there!" Ron pleaded, making for the door.

"Um, Ron?" Harry asked. "Wouldn't you like to at least put on some socks?"

Ron looked down at the two bare feet poking out of the trouser legs of his slightly tattered hand-me-down pajamas, and giggled. "I'm an arse," he admitted.

The boys dressed in their warmest clothes, and headed out. The snow was falling steadily, but the cold was not bitter. They ran around the grounds, lobbing snowballs at each other, neither one aiming too seriously at the other. "Oi, Harry," Ron exclaimed, "Let's make a snowman!"

"I have a better idea," Harry grinned. Half an hour later, they stood inspecting their work, a huge, but not quite life-sized, replica of Hagrid, the giant gamekeeper at Hogwarts.

"Wicked," commented Ron. "Ye think he'll like it?"

"If not, I'm sure we'll hear about it," Harry replied.

They tossed around some more snowballs, made a chain of snow angels that stretched across the Quidditch field, and tossed a few more snowballs. Ron then noticed that Harry's teeth were chattering.

"Harry," he said, "You're as cold as Malfoy's heart! Let's go in and warm up."

"G-G-Good id-d-d-ea," Harry chattered.

They ran inside, up the moving staircase to the Gryffindor first-year dormitory. "Bloody 'ell, Harry! You're freezing! I'll go draw you a bath. You get out of those wet clothes!" Ron threw his coat and boots in front of the fire and went to draw the bath.

Harry shed his clothes, laying them much more neatly by the fire than Ron had, and padded naked into the baths. Ron was warming his hands by the fire underneath the large black cauldron that served as a bathtub.

"Oi, Harry," Ron grinned. "Your willy's all shriveled up from the cold. You'd better get in the tub."

Harry looked down at himself. Sure enough, beneath the small stripe of new hair, his penis looked like a frightened turtle. He smirked, slightly embarrassed, and climbed up into the tub. The water was already warm, and it felt heavenly against his shivering body. He closed his eyes and sank to a sitting position with an audible "Aaahhhh."

He enjoyed luxuriating for a moment, and then opened his eyes. Ron was standing there, smiling, despite the shivers.

"Ron, I think you'd better get in here. It wouldn't do to have Professor Dumbledore discover your frozen corpse upon his return from holiday!"

"Right," Ron agreed. He shucked off his clothes, and Harry noticed that Ron's willy was just as shriveled as his own. The only difference being Ron's was situated under a tiny tuft of orange curls. Ron climbed into the tub, but lost his handhold and plunged headfirst into the water. He came up coughing.

Harry laughed. "All right there, Ron?" he giggled.

"Oh, sure," Ron said, smiling awkwardly. "I meant to do that."

They sat in the tub for a while, playfully kicking and splashing each other. They leaned back against the walls of the tub and were quiet for a time. Finally, Harry spoke.

"Ron, you're the best friend I've ever had."

Ron smiled. "Thanks, Harry. I feel the same way about you." He put his hand on Harry's knee. "Y'know, I've got a gaggle of brothers, but somehow, I feel closer to you than any of them."

Harry put his hand over Ron's. "That means a lot, Ron." Harry was speaking the truth. He had never had friends before coming to Hogwarts, and to find one as kind and loyal as Ron made Harry feel very fortunate, indeed. He leaned over and gave Ron a very tight hug, which Ron returned in earnest. Suddenly, Harry pulled away and sat back against the wall of the cauldron.

"What is it, Harry?" Ron asked, confused.

"Nothing, Ron. I—"

"What? You can tell me."

"It's just that—"


"Well, when I hugged you—"


"M-My willy got hard." Harry was red-faced.

"Oh," grinned Ron. "Is that all? Not to worry. It happens all the time. Look. Mine's hard, too." Ron stood up. His penis was indeed hard, its head poking out from inside the foreskin. Harry couldn't help but look. He knew, of course, that willies got hard. His had been doing it unexpectedly for some time now. But he had no clue as to the reason. It wasn't something he could discuss with his Uncle Vernon, and he sure as hell wasn't about to ask Cousin Dudley.

"What does it mean?" he asked.

"Why, it just means that we really like each other. Haven't you ever played with your willy before?"

"Played with it?"

"Of course. It's brilliant. My brothers do it all the time. Sometimes we do it together. But don't feel embarrassed about not knowing. They only showed me a few months ago. Stand up."

Harry stood, tentatively. His instinct was to cover himself, but he resisted. The boys were now standing face-to-face, their stiffies not three inches from each other. Both boys were getting even harder, their willies pulsing with their now increasing heartbeats.

Ron reached out and put his hand around Harry's willy. Harry let out a slight gasp. "Like this, Harry. You just stroke it slowly, up and down. Up and down." Harry watched the head of his willy disappear into the foreskin and pop out again and again.

Harry swallowed. The feeling he was getting traveled from his crotch all the way to his brain. He liked it. "Oh, Ron," he breathed, "That feels great."

"Yeah, dinnit though? Oi, you do me, too. It isn't gonna wank itself! Not even here at Hogwarts!"

Harry reached out and took hold of Ron, letting his fingers brush against the orange hair, which was much curlier than his own darker hair. "Yeah. That's it," Ron sighed. They stroked each other for a while, and gradually leaned in closer to each other. Ron put his face to Harry's and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Harry felt the genuine love coming from his friend, and gave him a kiss back. This time, though, Ron used his tongue to part Harry's lips, and they began to kiss each other deeply. Harry's heart began to beat faster, and he felt his willy getting even harder. He didn't think that was possible.

Suddenly, he felt a tightening in his groin. He pulled back from Ron a bit, and exclaimed, "Ron, something's happening." Ron recognized the stiffening in Harry's penis and smiled.

"You're coming, Harry. Just feel it. Let it happen." With that, Ron began stroking Harry even faster, and Harry began to gasp.

"Ron, I—Oh! Ohhhh!" Silvery jets began to spurt from Harry's penis. Harry's eyes were closed and his head was tipped back. Ron continued to stroke for a short while after Harry stopped coming.

Ron played with the sticky fluid on his fingers as Harry sank into a sitting position. "Well," he smirked, "What did you think of that?"

Harry was still catching his breath. "That was amazing! Was it magic?"

Ron laughed out loud. "No, you git! Even Muggles can do that! But, hey," he said, pointing to his own stiffy, "What about me? It's my turn."

"Oh, of course," said Harry. He stood up and took Ron's willy in his hand, slowly moving the foreskin back and forth. Ron soon began to moan softly.

"Oi, that's it, Harry. Yeah. That's right. That feels great." Ron closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss Harry again. Their tongues played with each other as Harry's hand played with Ron's willy and balls. Soon, Harry felt Ron get stiffer.

Ron pulled his face away from Harry's and let out a little, high-pitched yelp as he came. The milky liquid shot far, hitting Harry's chest right between the nipples. Harry noticed that the fluid between his fingers was making them slippery, so he used it to stroke Ron even harder and faster. Ron let loose with a few more spurts, and then the lower half of his body began to twitch with the spasms of orgasm. Ron finally plopped down with a loud splash. Harry sat down, too.

"Oi, Harry, that was fucking wicked! That felt better than when Fred and George gave me a blowjob!"

"What's a blowjob?" asked Harry.

Ron smiled. "Something that even feels better than a wank, Harry. Do you think you can get your willy up again?" he asked.

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Harry said. He stood up. He was already hard.

"Brilliant," said Ron, licking his lips. "Wait 'til you get a load of this!"


Next: Chapter 2: Harry Potter and the Secret Scroll 1

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